College and Research Libraries ACRL Microcard Series- Abstracts of Titles THE' ACRL MICROCARD SERIES is published for ACRL by the University of Rochester Press under the editorship of Mrs. Margaret K. Toth. Titles are available directly from the Press. Recently published titles include: DAvisoN, RuTH MARILYN. No. 146 The Library services act in Indiana, 1955- 1963. v, 1551. map. 28cm. (Thesis: M.A. in L.S., Indiana University, 1964.) Bib- liography: l. 146-149. Vita. $2.00. The purpose of this work was to bring together the available primary source mate- rial into a chronological review of the sev- eral attempts made to encourage acceptance of Library Services Act funds for use in Indiana, to present the opposing view- points objectively, and to outline the various types of plans either in progress or being readied for demonstration. The first five chapters discuss the unsuccessful attempts, interim activities, and the initial projects be- gun upon acceptance of LSA funds. The remaining chapter is divided into sections outlining each of eighteen current projects approved for demonstration. DAVILA, NANCY RoBERTSON. No. 147 Library needs of Indiana University re- gional campuses. vi, 901. 28 em. (Thesis: M.A. in L.S., Indiana University, 1963.) Bibliography: l. 74-77. Vita. $2.00. The functions and standards for lower division college libraries are reviewed and the condition of Indiana University's re- gional campus libraries is investigated. Holdings of titles in a preselected list were checked at each regional campus library. Part of the ALA Score Card ( 1949) for non-degree-conferring institutions covering collections, st:ili and services, and physical plant was sent to similar midwest lower di- vision libraries and was completed for the regional campus libraries. Results of an- 410/ swers for the two groups of libraries were compared showing need for growth of re- gional campus libraries of Indiana Univer- sity. WHELCHEL, LAURA KATE. No. 148 A revision of the fine arts section of the Waples check-list. v, 1171. 28cm. (Thesis: M.A., Emory University, 1963.) Bibliog- raphy: l. [116]-117. $1.50. Note: Micro- fiche available for this title $1.50. The purpose of this study was to revise and bring up to date a portion of the fine arts section of the reading interest checklist devised by Douglas Waples and Ralph W. Tyler .published in 1931. Such a revision, if feasible, would provide a needed instru- ment to determine the interests of like groups of adults in current nonfiction topics. In accordance with Waples' method, the 1959 volume of the Readers' Guide to :Peri- odical Literature was examined closely for subjects relating to the fine arts. A random sample of 1140 articles indexed under these subjects was chosen to be read. Of these, 839 articles related to the subject matter in- cluded in the topics under revision. After reducing the substance of each of these ar- ticles to a brief question or phrase, the ar- ticles were classified under the appropriate topics. From these phrases, five were select- ed as subtopics for each of the three topics~ A preliminary trial of the checklist re- vealed that the subtopics dealt with such detailed aspects of the topics that no true estimate of reading interests in the field of fine arts could be determined from the in- terest or lack of interest which readers: might express in the subtopics. Therefore, the subtopics were revised to represent more general aspects of the topics. Forty students in the division of librarian- ship at Emory University participated in a. second trial of the checklist. They were in- < Continued on page 441) -· American bibliographer in Southern Illi- nois University library, Carbondale. HERBERT C . WRIGHT became librarian of the classics library, University of Cincin- nati, on September I. MRs. ELsA Wu is catalog librarian in the Scarritt College division of Joint Universi- ty libraries, Nashville. DouGLAS ZwEIZIG is librarian of the English and speech graduate library of Ohio State University. VALERIE A. ZAPOTA joined the North- western University libraries as assistant sci- ence librarian, and will devote most of her time to the mathematics library. RETIREMENTS IRENE BARQUIST retired on June 23 after nearly twenty years of service to the Stan- ford University libraries, since 1959 as head of the exchange department. CLARA MAE BRowN, head reference li- brarian in Joint University libraries, Nash- ville, since 1946, retired on June I. MRs. EsTHER EuLER retired, after some twenty-nine ·years of service to the UCLA libraries, on July 31. EMMA FRANK, a member of Oberlin Col- lege library staff since 1924, retired as li- brarian of the Oberlin graduate school of theology on August 31. Doms HIGGINS, head of the cataloging department at University of California li- braries, Berkeley, retired in July. RUTH H. HooKER retired last February 12, after thirty-nine years in government service, thirty-five as a librarian, and thirty- two as librarian of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. MRs. DoROTHY VETTER retired on August 6 after eighteen years on the cataloging staff of the general library, University of California, Berkeley. WILMA WAITE, head of the loan depart- ment at University of California's general library, Berkeley, retired in July. NECROLOGY MINNIE ELMER, member of the music li- brary staff of University of California, Berkeley, for about ten years, and Library of Congress music cataloger, died on April 25. RoBERT R. HERTEL, director of libraries at Illinois State University, Normal, since 1959, died June 7. Personnel I 441 LoUis ScHREIBER, director of library ser- vice at Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. , since 1948, died in an automobile accident on July 17. HELEN LoUISE SEARS, since 1958 head librarian at Wells College, Aurora, N.Y., died on June 2. LENA L. TucKER, for many years a mem- ber of the University of Washington library staff, died on February 25. • • Microcard Abstracts (Continued from page 410) structed to rate the subtopics as very in- teresting, not interesting, or only slightly in- teresting. Group scores for the topics and subtopics indicated that two of the topics should be divided into two or more sepa- rate topics. Although every effort had been made to word the subtopics objectively, this analysis indicated that the subjectivity of certain subtopics may have affected their rating. In was concluded that the cumbersome- ness of the method and the resultant difficul- ty in keeping such a checklist up to date make it an impractical tool for determining group reading interests. Therefore, the re- vision of the entire checklist was not recom- mended. •• ACRL Membership Total, Aug. 27, 1964 Total, Aug. 27, 1965 8,497 9,209 The Aug. 27 count of section memberships is as follows: Subject Specialists . . . . . . . . 1,818 Junior College Libraries . . . 771 University Libraries ....... 3,489 College Libraries . . . . . . . . . 2,836 Rare Books ............... 1,020 Please note that many members do not select memberships in sec- tions.