College and Research Libraries 64 I College & Research Libraries • January 1969 Muller, Associate Director at Michigan, and Mr. Burkhalter may soon also reveal to us some costs of the physical side of processing. The statement above certainly indicates, albeit indirectly, that they have been contemplating this area. In conclusion, this short volume could be the start of a management literature that will meet an unfilled and obvious need of library administrative staffs and library sci- ence professors and their students. It is al- so right now a useful book to show to those important laymen (presidents, trus- tees, foundation directors , government offi- cials, legislators, etc .) who so often tell us they cannot understand why libraries cost so much. This volume shows in a convinc- ing and somewhat frightening way where and how fast the library money goes.-John H. Moriarty, Purdue University. Organization and Handling of Biblio- graphic Records by Computer. Ed. by Nigel S. M. Cox and Michael W. Grose. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1967. xvi, 192p. $12.00 (67-30792). Because of scarce resources and their typi- cal astuteness, the British are straightfor- wardly laying their own preconditions for successful computerization. This volume is a report of activities associated with a leading "center of excellence." It extends on a less abstract plane the instructive primer by Cox, Dews, and Dolby of 1966. It is also a summary of several U.K. ad- vances since the plans announced at the Brasenose Conference at Oxford the same year. In conh·ast to our own relative abun- dance, the biggest danger to the British effort appears to b e a waning of financial momentum. As Professor E. S. Page re- marks in a keynote address, "it must be understood by those with the resources to sponsor research that full scale operation of a computer system on bibliographic problems is necessary for further advance and may demand their support however routine the operation may appear at a cas- ual glance." In technical quality of design work, the British are at pains to avoid a major illness to which their American op- posite numbers have frequently been sub- ject: half-bakedness. This collection of papers was presented at a seminar held at the University of New- castle upon Tyne in July 1967. The pro- ceedings comprise seven sections organized around four themes. Half of the sixteen contributions deal with the Newcastle computer file handling sys- tem and a number of projects to which it is being applied. A remarkable thing about the Newcastle group is that they are both researchers and developers, compared to most similar U.S. activities. As Cox and Dews point out in the lead paper, they wished to create an experimental, flexible string manipulation and analysis system, comprised of generalized routines and ap- plicable to a wide class of data forms , large files, and highly-structured non-nu- meric information handling problems. As have American workers, they found that manufacturer supplied software was in- adequate, and so they undertook to write their own. The panoply of character-han- dling and list processing problems to which their system is addressed is a model sum- mary of requirements for computer spe- cialists new to the library application. A second paper by Dews describes the computer editing and printing of a union list of periodicals which was the first tested use of the Newcastle package. Duncan dis- cusses the upgrading of the output pres- entation capability of the computer in processing language data. He suggests that graphic arts quality intermediate output products will be the wave of the future, derived ultimately from wholly digital stores . Reviewing hardware capabilities and economics, he concludes that compu- ter-produced book catalogs will be simi- lar to newspaper production when volume justifies it. In other applications, Hunt outlines one of the first uses this reviewer has seen of machine records for the preparation of catalogs of older books as a true "bibliog- rapher's tool" complete with an augment- ed descriptive format. Russell presents re- sults on a documentation and dissemina- tion system for literature of interest to the staff of the Newcastle group itself. Of wider interest is the work reported by Grose and Jones on an acquisition system in the Newcastle University Library, al- though no mention is rpade of extension of the system to automated bibliographic checking other than of receipts not item- requested through the order subsystem. A paper by Coates and Nicholson on automa- tion in the production of the British Tech- nology Index is very germane, in particu- lar the progress on an inversion algorithm for auto-generation of cross references to composite subject entries. Lastly, a report by Millar gives an example of use of the Newcastle system in statistical analysis of data collected in a maternity survey, with implications in terms of techniques for li- brary management. The second theme revolves around gener- al issues of the library as an environment for computer innovation. Vickery stresses perspectives on economic realities vs. user satisfaction and the functions of machine records. Jolliffe, Line, and Robinson dis- cuss standardization of library systems and bibliographic records, concluding that nu- merous constraints militate against ex- change of library program packages above a limited subroutine level. They assert that "compatibility without rigidity" in records is necessary to a carefully planned library data interchange concept. Haw- good completes the section with a prospec- tus for a quantitative study intended to derive a "single benefit index" to guide al- location of hypothetical added funds for library resource development. A section on the MARC idea in Great Britain yields what may be the best think- ing yet in print on the nature of national and local catalog services based on cen- tralized machine record distribution. Cow- ard outlines the U.K. MARC Project status at the British National Bibliography, em- phasizing requirements beyond those of detailed format of the machine record. Bregzis relates patterns of experience and future extensions of MARC data in per- haps the most advanced local pilot project among the sixteen North American librar- ies participating in the LC MARC experi- ment. The remarks by Brown in a further seminar session reveal some thoughtful Recent Publications I 65 consideration of the organization and use of national machine-readable data banks of bibliographic information. The melding of developments in national union catalogs, shared cataloging, and automation recw·- ring in these discussions give the impres- sion of vastly more synergism occurring in this group than in comparable American technical meetings. Two separate contributions by Barraclough on file structures for experimental MEDLARS tape searching and by Lannon on the IBM System/ 360 version of the Document Processing System developed for generalized textual searching at the U.S. Food and Drug Adminish·ation were included as a counterpoint to the more traditionally-oriented presentations. Both papers are food for thought for librarians who have been able to accept MARC but are skeptical about so-called information retrieval applications. This is, in sum, a remarkable and level- headed survey of some current British work in library automation, well organized into a body of materials whose factual and pertinent observations are a valuable ad- dition to the handful of titles on the "must" list. The publishers are to be commended for making it available on this side of the "Atlantic river."-Jay L. Cunningham, Uni- v e?'sity of Califo1'nia, Berkeley. Telefacsimile in Libraries. By William D. Schieber and Ralph M. Shoffner. Berke- ley: Institute of Library Research, 1968. 137p . Recent months have seen considerable pio- neering in new media by libraries. Com- puter use and instantaneous transmission of library materials are at hand. Several experiments in facsimile transmission have taken place in various states. Among these have been projects by M.I.T., New York State Library, Houston Research Institute, University of Nevada, and University of California. The last one mentioned is the subject of this review. The California experiment, carefully mon- itored, proposed: ( 1) to develop a set of procedures; ( 2) to analyze three elements,