College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS (Abstracts given below are selected from those prepared for publication in Research in Education by the ERIC Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences at the University of Minnesota. Unless otherwise noted, copies of the following documents are available, by purchase, in microfiche or hard copy format, from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, National Cash Register Co. , 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. Orders must include ED or LI number.) Catalog Data File Creation for the N ew England Regional Library Technical Processing Center. Nelinet, New Eng- land Library Information Network . Fi- nal Report of CLR-374. By James E . Agenbroad and others. Cambridge, Mass.: Inforonics, Inc. , 1968. 64p. (ED 026 077, MF-$0.50 HC-$3.30). This final report covers January, 1967, through September 15, 1967, the period of Task One of the New England Library Information Network (NELINET). The primary objective of Task One was to set up procedures and programs to build a catalog data file for the center. The secondary task was to set up procedures to selectively ex- tract bibliographic data from the catalog data file and output this data in the form of catalog cards, book spine labels , and book pocket labels. The system is de- signed to be compatible with the Machine- Readable Cataloging (MARC) system. The report contains descriptions and flow charts of programs written for Task One. Systems Design and Pilot Op eration of a Regional Center for Technical Processing for the Libraries of the N ew England State Universities. Nelinet, New Eng- land Library Information Network. Prog- ress Report, July 1, 1967- Marc.h 30, 1968. Vol. 1. By James E. Agenbroad and others. Cambridge, Mass.: Inforonics, Inc. , 1968. 41p. (ED 026 078, MF- $0.25 HC-$2.15). The New England Library Information Network (NELINET) entered the pilot project stage late in 1967 when the Uni- versity of New Hampshire became the first member of the network to be connected to the processing center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The :five other New Eng- land state university libraries were ready to be connected at the time of this report. The report focuses on ( 1) the systems analysis and program planning for the project, and ( 2) the services available un- der the pilot operation. Section One is an introduction and summary. Section Two covers initial work with catalog data file searching. Section Three deals with acqui- sitions processing. Section Four is a demon- stration of services carried out in connec- tion with the pilot operation. Volume 2 ( LI 000 980) contains appendices giving much of the technical detail of project ac- tivities. Systems Design and Pilot Operation of a Regional Center for Technical Process- ing for the Libraries of the N ew Eng- land State Univ ersities. Nelinet, New England Library Information Network. Progress Report, July 1, 1967-March 30, 1968. Vol. 2. Appendices. By James E. Agenbroad and · others. Cambridge, Mass.: Inforonics, Inc., 1968. 169p. (ED 026 079, MF~$0.75 HC-$8.55). Included in this volume of appendices to LI 000 979 are acquisitions flow charts; a current operations questionnaire; an al- gorithm for splitting the Library of Con- gress call number; analysis of the Machine- Readable Cataloging (MARC II) format; production problems and decisions; operat- ing procedures for information transmittal in the New England Library Information Network; compression word coding tech- niques (transition distance coding, alpha- check, recursive decomposition, and Soun- dex); and sample cards and labels. What University Librarians Are Thinking, Saying, and Doing about Automation; Annotated Bibliography Drawn Chiefly from Annual Reports of University Li- brarians. By William H. Carlson. Corval- lis: Oregon State System of Higher Ed- ucation, 1967. 14p. (ED 026 073 , MF- $0.25 HC-$0.80). I 385 386 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969 Prepared for librarians of the Oregon State System of Higher Education, this bibliography consists of entries taken main- ly from annual reports of university librar- ians in the United States and Canada and also from other library publications andre- ports of library conferences and seminars. Each entry includes excerpts or brief sum- maries describing current and planned projects for automating library processes. Most of the projects mentioned involve li- brary acquisitions , cataloging, serials, cir- culation, or facsimile transmission. A Cost Analysis and Utilization Study of the Stanford University Library System, Prepared for Stanford University . . . Memorandum Report. By Glen Dens- more and Charles Bourne. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Research Institute, 1965. 38p. (ED 026 080, MF-$0.25 HC- $2.00). This study was conducted to determine what fraction of the total cost of the Stan- ford University library system can properly be charged to each of the four major groups of users: undergraduate students, gradu- ate students, faculty and staff, and non- Stanford users. Eight separate cost ele- ments were developed for each of the li- .brary's cost centers or service facilities from actual cost data provided by the University Controller's Office. These cost elements were: salaries and benefits, books, periodicals, binding, supplies and expenses, operating and maintenance, building and equipment depreciation, and university ad- ministration. Statistics covering circulation by user groups and campus population dis- tribution by user groups were collected for each by the individual facilities, and these circulation and population statistics were then used to make a preliminary allocation of the specified cost elements to the four user groups . Following this preliminary al- location, the manner for allocating the cost elements to user groups was outlined. In order to aid the allocation of cost elements, five special studies were made which cov- ered: circulation, population distribution, the cataloging and acquisition divisions, salaries and benefits, and space utilization. The final task performed was the alloca- tion of cost elements for each facility or cost center to the appropriate user group or groups. Development Trends in Federal Library and Information Center Automation. Guides for Administrative and Technical Interviews. Bethesda, Md.: Information Dynamics Corp., n.d. 90p. (LI 001 277, MF-$0.50 HC-$4.90). These two guides for interviews on trends in library automation in federal li- braries and information centers cover ad- ministrative and technical interviews. The guide for adminish·ative interviews is divid- ed into five steps: ( 1) determining the de- tails of the agency's mission and organiza- tional structure; ( 2) establishing the ad- ministrative relationships of the agency; ( 3) determining the responsibilities the agency has for information activities; ( 4) characterizing agency planning processes and their effect on information activities; and ( 5) identifying future plans. The tech- nical interview consists of six steps: ( 1) characterizing internal library organization, staffing, and budgeting; ( 2) determining present and past relationships of the library with management, computer personnel, and users; ( 3) describing the library's present operations and collection; ( 4) characteriz- ing operational problems, the planning process, and system development; (5) identifying future plans; and ( 6) eliciting general remarks and comments on library automation. Bibliographic Citations as Unobtrusive Measures of Scientific Communication. By Edwin B. Parker and others. Stan- ford, Calif.: Institute for Communication Research , 1967. 128p. (LI 000 875, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Infor- mation, as PB 177 073 , MF-$0.65 HC- $3.00). An examination of five hundred citations in seventeen behavioral science journals was made for four time periods: 1950, 1955, 1960, and 1965. Fewer journals were examined in the earlier periods because some of the journals began after 1950, 1955, or 1960. The citations were exam- ined to find out what sources were cited by which journals in which proportions. Comparisons were made across journals and across time periods to discover sources of citations, time trends in citation sources, age of cited material, trends in authorship and acknowledgement, cluster analysis of journal-to-journal citations, and other meas- ures of journal interconnections. This study is also an attempt to evaluate the method of analysis of citation data. The collected data appear in thirty-seven appended ta- bles. Library Service for Kansas State College: Planning for the Next D ecade by "A1 eans of a College-Wide Series of Question- naires. By Norman Tanis. Pittsburg: Kan- sas State College, 1968. 86p. (ED 026 104, MF-$0.50 HC-$4.40). A four-part questionnaire was construct- ed and administered to the users of the Kansas State College Library to aid the library staff in planning for effective li- brary service and in developing a book acquisition policy for the next ten years. The four surveys conducted were: ( 1) de- partmental, in which academic depart- ments were asked to indicate the depth of the library collections required for the spe- ci£c subject areas in their disciplines; ( 2) faculty, in which the instructional staff an- swered questions on faculty use, instruc- tional and student use of libraries, instruc- tional and resource planning, resources, ser- vices, and library personnel; ( 3) graduate students, which consisted of questions on libraries used, research projects and theses topics, library services and regulations, li- brary instruction, and suggestions for im- provement in specific areas; and ( 4) un- dergraduate students, which included ques- tions on libraries used, difficulties experi- enced with the library, library personnel, and possible facility improvements. This Abstracts I 387 report consists of the survey questionnaires and results, with the questionnaires used for the faculty, graduate student, and un- dergraduate student surveys based to a considerable degree upon forms used by Columbia University. Library Cost Models: Owning vs. Borrow- ing Serial Publications. By Gordon Wil- liams and others. Washington, D.C.: NSF, 1968. 169p. (ED 026 106, MF- $0.75 HC-$·8.55). The costs of providing access to serial literature in four university research li- braries were examined in this study, and a methodology was developed for compar- ing borrowing costs with the costs of ac- quisition, cataloging, maintenance, and cir- culation. Mathematical models are provid- ed by which any library can determine at what frequency of use of a serial title it becomes less expensive to acquire a photo- copy of an article from another library when needed than to subscribe to and maintain a Rle of the title. Cost data from the four libraries, when inserted into the models, indicate a strong case for borrow- ing low demand serial items. Study find- ings must be qualified because the four li- braries are not a random sample of all re- search libraries, and no value was placed on having a collection available for brows- ing or on the shortened access time in- volved with local ownership. It is conclud- ed that in order to give the research li- brary a choice between borrowing and owning little used serials a national lend- ing library system for serial literature needs to be developed. Appendixes include: de- tails on the library surveys, mathematical analyses performed for the study, sugges- tions for a lending library system, and cost models for a specific serial title. • •