College and Research Libraries which destroyed the first and largest li- brary of the early days-the Harvard con- flagration of 1764, and the two devastat- ing holocausts which literally wiped out the Library of Congress in 1814 and deci- mated it in 1851. Somehow-and it cannot all be blamed on Sherman-the South suf- fered book losses to a greater extent than the North. The library of the College of William and Mary burned in 1705, 1859, and 1862. · It is remarkable that Mr. Jennings has been able to salvage so much history from the ashes which destroyed both books and the records of them. Of the first collection but a single volume, Paolo Sarpi' s History of the Council of Trent, has survived. However, there is a manuscript list of the substantial nucleus of that collection, the 158 works given the college in 1698 by Governor Francis Nicholson. From the ti- tles cited (one wishes the list had been printed in full in an appendix), the choice seerris to have been in scope, size, and contents as theologically Anglican (with a sprinkling of books on history, travel, sci- ence, and literature) as the collections sent at the same time to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia by Dr. Thomas Bray. William and Mary also received a shipment from the book-dispensing Bray, but what those works were we do not know. Growth after the fire of 1705 seems to have been slow. Books were begged for in England, bought in London by John Ran- dolph with money from the Brafferton fund, and supplied after 1734 by grants from the General Assembly from liquor import duties-an unusually advanced form of subsidy. Gifts and bequests , nota- bly that of President James Blair, added to the college's store. A few volumes and a few titles mentioned in documents and letters are the tantalizingly scanty indica- tions of what the library may have con- tained. One visible tip of the iceberg is the inventory of scientific works purchased from the estate of the Rev. James Hor- rocks in 1772. During 1781 the academic book resources suffered a loss when the college buildings were occupied by Brit- ish, French and American troops at differ- ent times during the Yorktown campaign. Recent Publications I 59 It is curious that the only record of the li- brary's size at this time-3,000 volumes- comes from the recollections of a Revolu- tionary soldier. With the addition of a gift from Louis XVI, similar no doubt to that given at the same time to the University of Pennsylvania, the Library of the College of William and Mary at the end of a hun- dred years of existence is estimated by Mr. Jennings to have consisted of 4,000 volumes. The library historian will find this ac- count of the struggles to build a collection of books for an academic institution strangely modern in tone. There were pe- riods of academic dedication which result- ed in gifts and governmental support. There was unforeseen loss through fire. There were major windfalls of money and books. There were periods of relaxation, which in libraries amounts to retrogres- sion. Yet basically Mr. Jennings' chronicle . is one of bookmen trying to convince non- bookmen of the importance of books, with good to moderate success. Alas, we learn more about the tree than the fruit. The records of the books are lacking. Mr. J en- nings cannot be faulted. He has written everything that can be written about the first hundred years of the Library of the College of William and Mary.-Edwin Wolf 2nd, Library Company of Philadel- phia. •• BOOKS RECEIVED NoTE: The titles listed represent books re- ceived at the editorial office that may be of interest to academic librarians. Akers, Susan Grey. Simple Library Cata- loging. 5th ed. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 345p. Bekker, Nielsen Hans, ed. Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Stu.dies 1968. Copen- hagen: Munksgaard, 1969. 95p. 30 Da- nish Kr. Brunn, Alice L. How to Find Out in Phar- macy. A Guide to Sources of Pharma- ceutical Information. London: Pergamon Press, 1969. 130p. $4.75/hd, $3.00/ flexi- cover. (Commonwealth & International Library of Science Technology Engineer- ing & Liberal Studies.) Crowley, Edward L., et al., eds. Party and 60 I College & Research Libraries • January 1970 Government Officials of the Soviet Union, 1917-1967. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scare- crow Press, 1969. 214p. $7.50. Crum, Margaret, ed. First-Line Index of English Poetry, 1500-1800, in Manu- scripts of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 2 vols. New York: Modern Language As- sociation, 1969. $27. Emerging Universities and National Con- cerns Conference Proceedings. Principal Addresses Summary Report. Feb. 7-8, 1968. Muncie, Indiana: Ball State Uni- versity, 1969. 81p. Evans, Glyn T., and Franz, Donald R. New Philsom Documentation. St. Louis: Washington University School of Medi- cine, 1969. 122p. Fink, Lawrence A. Honors Teaching in American History. New York: Teachers College Press, 1969. 65p. $4.25. Frank, Nathalie D. Data Sources for Busi- ness and Market Analysis. 2nd ed. Me- tuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 361p. Fussier, Herman H.; and Simon, Julian L. Patterns in the Use of Books in Large Re- search Libraries. Rev. ed. of the 1961 report. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1969. 210p. $10. Green, Edward J., and O'Connell, Joan A. An Annotated Bibliography of Visual Dis- crimination Learning. New York: Teach- ers' College Press, 1969. 171p. Hagger, Jean, ed. Librarianship for Tomor- row's World. Melbourne, Australia: Or- mond Book & Educational Supplies Pty., Ltd., 1969. 114p. Harrod, Leonard Montague. Library W ark with Children. London: Andre Deutsch, Ltd., 1969. 216p. $6.95. Hayashi, Tetsumaro. Arthur Miller Criti- cism, 1930-1967. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 149p. Hoppe, William A., ed. ~olicies and Prac- tices in Evening Colleges, 1969. Me- tuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 253p. $7.50. Johnson, A. F. A Programmed Course in Cataloguing and Classification. London: Andre Deutsch Ltd., 1969. 132p. $4.95. Johnson, Robert Owen. An Index to Litera- ture in The New Yorke1·, Volumes I-XV, 1925-1940. Metuchen; N.J.: The Scare- crow Press, 1969. 543p. Kelly, Rob Roy. American Wood Type, 1828-1900; notes on the evolution of decorated and large types and comments on related trades of the period. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1969. 350p. $22.50. Lock, C. B. Muriel. Modern Maps and Atlases. An outline guide to twentieth century production. Hamden, Conn.: The Shoe String Press, 1969. 619p. $15. Mary C. Richardson Lectures, 1958-1967. Geneseo Studies in Library and Informa- tion Science, no. 1. Geneseo, N.Y.: School of Library Science, State University Col- lege of Arts & Science, 1969. 126p. $4.50. Orlin, Louis L. Ancient Near Eastern Lit- erature. A Bibliography of One Thousand Items on the Cuneiform Literatures of the Ancient World. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Campus Publishers, 1969. 113p. $5. Rouse, Richard H. Serial Bibliographies for Medieval Studies. Berkeley, Calif.: U. of California Press, 1969. 150p. ' Salem, James M. Drury's Guide to Best Plays. 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 512p. Strean, Herbert S. The Casework Digest. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1969. 207p. Targ, William, ed. Bibliophile in the Nursery; a Bookman's Treasury of Col- lectors' Lore on Old and Rare Children's Books. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Reprint Corporation, 1969 ( c1957) . 503p. Tunevalt, Casta, ed. Periodicals Relevant to Microbiology and Immunology-A World List-1968. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1969. 73p. $11. Van Doren, Mark. Carl Sa11dburg. Wash- ington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1969. 83p. $0.50. Whyte, Lancelot Law; Wilson, Albert G.; and Wilson, Donna. Hierarchical Struc- tures. New York, American Elsevier Pub- lishing Co. , 1969. 322p. $12.50. • • ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources Infor- mation Center (ERIC/CLIS), University of Minnesota~ 2122 Riverside Ave- nue~ Minneapolis~ Minnesota 55404. Documents with an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, National Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format de- sired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment must accompany orders 'totaling less than $5.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax ex- emption certificates. Documents available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151 have CFSTI number and price following the citation. Information Systems in Universities. By Robert M. Siegmann. Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology, School of In- formation Sciences, 1969. 89p. (ED 032 098, ME-$0.50 HC-$4.55). This report considers universities as in- formation. systems because their effective operation is based on the storage, process- ing, and communication of various types of information. Three basic types of informa- tion systems (administrator-, teacher-, and researcher-oriented) are discussed in an attempt to understand each system's oper- ation from the point of view of its basic objectives and the information processing necessary to achieve these objectives. The use of computers to aid this processing is also discussed. The report views the uni- versity as a totality of many diverse in- formation systems which are interdepend- ent and interrelated, a concept which leads to the proposal that a single cen- tralized information system be established using a computerized data base with re- mote access by the various users. The pos- sible uses of such a system are discussed. A bibliography of 102 items related to the three basic types of information systems is attached. Telefacsimile Services between Libraries witk the Xerox Magnavox Telecopier. By H. G. Morehouse. Reno: Nevada Uni- versity Library, 1966. 57p. (ED 032 075, MF-$0.25 HC-$2.95). A 30-day test of the Xerox Magnavox Telecopier was conducted in order to eval- uate its feasibility as a means of trans- mitting printed pages between libraries primarily as a faster alternative to the usu- al method of mailing a Xerox copy of a journal article from one library to another in response to a mailed request. The test was carried on between the Reno and Las Vegas campuses of the University of Ne- vada and the Davis campus of the U ni- versity of California, using early produc- tion models of the machines. Results of the experiment indicate that the system is feasible and convenient for routine inter- library use provided that improved reli- ability and consistency of copy quality is attained in later production models. Trans- ceiving time for an average 10-page re- quest is about one hour. An average total elapsed time of four hours for completion of requests can readily be achieved. Qual- ity of copy is adequate for most library materials when the machines are function- ing properly, a condition which occurred less than two-thirds of the time with the early production models used in this test. Total operating costs for the system aver- age about $9.85 per 10-page transmission. Appendices include technical aspects of the system, costs, and examples of tele- copied rna terials. I 61 62 I College & Research Libraries • January 1970 Methods and Procedures for Measuring Patron Use and Cost of Patron Services for the Detroit Metropolitan Library Project. New York: Nelson Associates, Inc., 1967. 106p. (ED 032 084, MF- $0.50 HC-$5.40). This report is a part of Phase I of the Detroit Metropolitan Library Project and contains suggestions for methods and pro- cedures for Phases II and III of the Proj- ect, in which patron use and costs of pa- tron services at the Main Library are to be measured. The report includes recommen- dations for new instruments for measur- ing patron use and appropriate changes in financial record keeping which should fa- cilitate the determination of true costs of patron services. The recommendations are made in light of the Project's overall ob- jective to study means of bringing the ref- erence and research resources of the De- troit Public Library to all citizens of the six-county metropolitan area and to pro- vide a realistic and equitable basis of fi- nancial support to the library so that it can effectively accomplish this goal. Meth- ods for the development of a formula for determining cost of patron services appear in Appendix A. Appendix B presents a method for determining place of residence by county of current registrants of the De- troit Public Library. Research and Development of On-the-Job Training Courses for Library Person- nel. Final Report. By Everett M. Wallace and Robert V. Katter. Santa Monica, Calif.: System Development Corporation, 1969. 84p. (ED 032 085, MF-$0.50 HC -$4.30). This report describes the results of a project to conduct research on and to de- velop instructional materials for use in on- · the-job training of professional and non- professional library personnel in scientific and technical libraries. The project began on June 28, 1967 and was completed on May 15, 1969. This report reviews previ- ous research, design, and development ac- tivities but concentrates on the effort fol- lowing Octo her 31, 1968, which involved field testing the developed instruction, an- alyzing the test results, and making final modifications to the packages before turn- ing them over to the U.S. Office of Edu- cation. Three instructional packages were developed. One, directed to professional librarians, provided an introduction to sys- tem analysis, with particular emphasis on its relevance to library operations. The other two instructional packages, designed for nonprofessional library personnel, con- sist of workshop materials on reference tools and services and Russian-to-English transliteration. Each of the three packages was tested in the field in libraries of dif- ferent sizes and with junior college stu- dents. It is concluded that the developed instruction meets its design objectives and provides effective means to enhancing skills in the three areas concerned. The Georgia Child's Access to Materials Pertaining to American Negroes, Pro- ceedings of the Conference (Atlanta, November 10-11, 1967). By Annette Hoage Phinazee, ed. Atlanta: Atlanta University, School of Library Services, 1968. 91p. (ED 032 087, MF-$0.50 HC _:_$4.65). The topics covered in this collection of papers include ( 1) educational materials pertaining to Negro Americans; (2) in- formation pertaining to Negro Americans in. textbooks in Georgia; ( 3) information pertaining to Negro Americans in "Georgia Library Lists"; ( 4) significant factors in selecting and rejecting materials; ( 5) topics and types of materials needed; and ( 6) methods of increasing the accessibility of materials in the schools, in libraries, and in the home. A summary of the pro- ceedings, a list of publishers who sent ma- terials to be displayed at the conference, and some suggested questions for discus- sion are appended. A Look at Technologies Vis-a-vis Infor- mation Handling Techniques. By Row- ena W. Swanson. Arlington, Va.: Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1969. 22p. (Available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical In- formation, Springfield, Va. 22151, as AD 688 558, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.00). The paper examines several ideas for information handling implemented with new technologies that suggest directions for future development. These are grouped under the topic headings: Han- dling Large Data Banks, Providing Per- sonalized Information Packages, Providing Information Specialist Services, and Ex- panding Man-Machine Interaction. Guides in planning information handling systems are discussed. A brief bibliography of readings is appended. The author suggests that systems be designed and modified from the point of view of making them interactive with other systems where pos- sible to most fully exploit the investment required in money, manpower, and time. A Survey of the Library of Brigham Young University. By Robert B. Downs. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Library, 1969. 169p. (ED 032 096, also available from the Director's Office, 324 JRCL, Brigham Young University Li- brary, Provo, Utah 84601, $2.00). Findings of this comprehensive study of the Brigham Young University Library are based upon interviews held with university administrators, faculty, and students and extensive documentation provided by the library director and staff. Recommenda- tions for constructive action are made in each section of the survey report. These suggestions include: ( 1) the establishment of the position of assistant director for the supervision of library technical service de- partments, ( 2) an increase in financial support and a change in ratio between book funds and salaries, ( 3) a major ad- dition to the present library building, ( 4) engaging in cooperative acquisition proj- ects and faculty participation in book se- lection, ( 5) undertaking measures to stim- ulate student reading, ( 6) analyzing the ratio of professional to nonprofessional li- brary personnel, (7) continuing to engage in cooperative activities, ( 8) accelerating the acquisition rate and undertaking a program to develop retrospective collec- tions, and ( 9) giving consideration to fac- ulty and student criticism and recommen- dations. Abstracts I 63 Development of a Computer Processing Center for the New England State Uni- versity Libraries. Final Report. Cam- bridge: Inforonics, Inc., 1967. 61p. (ED 028 799, MF-$0.50 HC-$3.15). This report describes the system design of a regional computer center for the li- braries of New England state universities. The function of this center is to provide library technical processing service to the participating libraries. These services will include: ( 1) catalog data file creation and maintenance, (2) catalog data file search and retrieval, ( 3) production of catalog card sets, ( 4) production of book labels, ( 5) production of book pockets, and ( 6) acquisitions control. The computer will be used as a tool to provide processing ser- vices and will be a conduit for current cataloging information in machine form produced by the Library of Congress Ma- chine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) proj- ect. Three tasks were defined which com- prise the work required to implement the system: Task 1, Catalog data file creation; Task 2, Catalog data file searching; and Task 3, Acquisitions processing. The pro- grams for these tasks and the machine con- figurations to run them, both in demon- stration and in regional center operation, are discussed in this repo~t. Guidelines for Audio-Visual Services in Academic Libraries. Chicago: Associa- tion of College and Research Libraries, 1968. 31p. (ED 028 796, MF-$0.25 HC-$1.65). The purpose of these guidelines, pre- pared by the Audio-Visual Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries, is to supply basic assistance to those academic libraries that will assume all or a major portion of an audiovisual program. They attempt to assist librarians to recognize and develop their audiovisual responsibilities and to incorporate the new- er media within the traditional concepts of library service, and should not be consid- ered an accrediting measurement. They contain no quantitative standards, since these will vary with each institution, de- pending on the extent of that institution's 64 I College & Research Libraries • January 1970 involvement in an audiovisual program. Topics covered in the guidelines include: planning, types of materials, equipment, budget, personnel, facilities, selection, ac- quisition and cataloging, collection organ- ization and maintenance, and service. A bibliography of 115 items is appended. Masfile-1 Pilot Project. Final Report. Syracuse: Five Associated University Li- braries, 1969. 35p. (ED 028 801, MF- $0.25 HC-$1.85). The objectives of the MASFILE-I Pilot Project were ( 1) to test the utility and cost of compiling a manipulative data base from remote card files; ( 2) to test the util- ity of the Administrative Terminal System ( ATS) for inputing bibliographic data into computer files from catalog card copy at a central location; ( 3) to test the adequacy of a modified MARC tagging scheme for labeling, inputing, and retrieving formated bibliographic d ata elements; ( 4) to deter- mine overlap of items in the file; ( 5) to aid the Five Associated University Librar- ies (FA UL) in designing a compatible worksheet for transferring the intellectual product of local catalogers into various on- line and off-line machines; ( 6) to de- velop recommendations for building a bib- liographic data base. A sequential sample of shelflist catalog cards was selected from each FA UL library in the Library of Con- gress Classification for the Book Trade and Library Science (Z116-Zl000.5), manual- ly merged, converted to machine readable form by the IBM ATS system at SUNY- Buffalo in a modified MARC-I format. Aft- er editing, a list of 1,827 items was pub- lished containing full citations, holdings statements, and indexes by main entry, LC card number, and LC class number. A draft cataloger's worksheet was designed and is undergoing testing. Overlap studies were made, and time and cost figures com- piled. Recommendations for continuation of the project (MAS FILE-II) are also included. Automated Acquisition, Cataloging, and Circulation in a Large Research Li- brary. Merle N. Boylan, and others. Liv- ermore, Calif.: Lawrence Radiation Lab- oratory, 1968. 94p. ( CFSTI UCRL 50406, MF -$0.65 HC-$3.00). This report describes automated proce- dures now in use for book acquisition, and book and document cataloging and circu- lation, in the library at Lawrence Radia- tion Laboratory, Livermore. The purpose of the automation is to increase frequency and accuracy of record updating, decrease the time required to maintain records, im- prove the formats of the records, and pro- vide multiple copies of records when they are needed. A broad view of the automa- tion is given in the first section of the re- port, where system concepts and master data files are discussed. Subsequent sec- tions fill in the details, describing the in- dividual operations in terms of flow charts, tape records, and input-output formats. System features include: charge out and discharge, maintenance of reserve lists, provisions for statistics and inventory con- trol, and the production of availability notices, recall notices, purchase orders and claims, sorted printouts of acquisition data, announcement bulletins, and sepa- rate printed catalogs for books and docu- ments. Printed catalogs for books permit access by author, corporate author, title, subject, contract number, report number, and accession number. • •