College and Research Libraries 338 I College & Research Libraries • July 1972 the National Libraries of the U.S.S.R., La- tin America, Africa" (p.291-93) appear as an Appendix; they would obviously be of greater utility placed with the respective articles. The index (p.295-307) appears to be more than adequate as far as entries under countries and names of specific institutions go, although there are a few problems- e.g., entries under both Egypt and United Arab Republic, but not references to the same pages. The policy on entry for cities seems somewhat inconsistent, but the great- est drawback, at least in this reader's view, lies in the topical entries. The heading for national libraries does not even record the pages for two of the three articles in the volume (granted that they also deal with bibliographies), nor does the cross refer- ence "Special libraries. . . . See also Li- brary and libraries; National libraries; Uni- versity libraries" seem helpful. Moreover in a volume on librarianship one wonders what purpose the phrase "Library and li- braries" serves. Random check of entries failed to disclose any blind references. The volume is well printed; this reviewer noted very few typographical errors, even in citations to foreign language publications. There were, however, a few minor incon- sistencies of bibliographical style, probably due to slips in making entries submitted by twelve authors conform to house style. We are indebted to the compiler and publisher for making available a group of interesting essays-all of them worth read- ing. And perhaps that is the best way to judge such a volume, for the difficulties in securing overall unity and comprehensive- ness are almost insurmountable.-WiZliam Vernon Jackson, George Peabody College for Teachet·s and Vanderbilt University OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS AUen, Robert L. English Grammars and English Grammar. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. 253p. $8.95. (74- 182808). Angle, Paul A., ed. The Collected Poetry of Abraham Lincoln. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. 14p. $5.00. (76-142288). Arboleda-Sepulveda, and Galrao, Maria Jose. Directorio De Siglas En Ciencias Agricolas. Turrialba, Costa Rica: IICA- CIDIA, 1971. 189p. $3.00. Baird, Violet M., ed. Texas Medical History in the Library of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Dallas, TX.: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1972. 91p. $10.00 (76- 187337). Basler, Roy P., comp. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Translation. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1972. 32p. $1.25. (78-39311). (ISBN 0-8444-0018- 1). Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc. Organi- zation and Staffing of the Libraries of Columbia University: A Summary of the Case Study. Washington, D.C.: As- sociation of Research Libraries, 1972. 27p. $3.00. The Carnegie Commission on Higher Edu- cation. Institutional Aid; Federal Sup- port to Colleges and Universities. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972. 290p. $4.95. Covey, Alma A. Reviewing of Reference Books. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 142p. $5.00. (70- 182831). (ISBN 0-8108-0456-5). Dick Aliki Lafkidou. A Student's Guide to' British Literature. Littleton, Col.: Li- braries Unlimited, Inc., 1972. 285p. $9.50. (77-189255). (ISBN 0-87287- 044-8). EL-HI Textbooks in :Print. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1972. 423p. (70-105104). (ISBN 0-8352-0513-4). Eyre, John, and Tonks, Peter. Computers & Systems: An Introduction for Librar- ies. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1971. 127p. $5.75. (0-208-01073-4). Fielder, G., ed. Geology and Physics of the Moon: A Study of Some Funda- mental Problems. New York: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1971. 159p. $25.00. (70-151736). (ISBN 0-444- 40924-6). From Now On . ... An Environmental Bib- liography. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis University, 1972. 82p. 1 J l Frosch, John, and Ross, Nathaniel, eds. The Annual Survey of Psychoanalysis. New York: International Universities Press, Inc., 1971. 429p. $15.00. (52- 12082). (ISBN 0-8236-0350-4). Fuhlrott, Von Rolf. Informationsbedarf und Informationsgewahnheiten Von In- genieruwissenshaftlern. Greven Verlag Koln, 1971. 89p. (ISBN 3-7743-05382). Gilbert, John. New Code, Old Pmblems. London: North East London Polytech- nic Library, 1971. 29p. Grannis, Chandler B., ed. Heritage of the Graphic Arts. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1972. 291p. $17.50. ( 69- 19312). (ISBN 0-8352-0213-5). Graubard, Allen. New Schools: A Na- tional Directory to Alternative Schools. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge Institute, 1971. 76p. $1.50. Grinstein, Alexander. The Index of J?sy- choanalytic Writings. New York: Inter- national Universities Press, 1971. (59- 8932). (ISBN 0-8236-2570-2). Halls, W. D. International Equivalences in Access to Higher Education. New York: UNIPUB, Inc., 1971. 137p. $4.50. Harding, Thomas S. College Literary So- cieties: Their Contribution to Higher Education in the United States, 1815- 1876. New York: Pageant Press Inter- national Corp., 1971. 537p. $18.95. (74- 127929). Hays, William, ed. Twentieth Century Views of Music History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. 471p. $12.50. (75-37193). (ISBN 684-12709- 1). Heath, Dwight D. Historical Dictionary of Bolivia. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 324p. $9.00. (73- 172476). (ISBN 0-8108-0451-4). Hoffman, Marjorie M., and Claudel, Alice M. The New Laurel Review. Penning- ton, N.J.: The Pennington School, Fall 1971. 75p. $1.50. Hoffman, Miriam, and Samuels, Eva. Au- thors and Illustrators of Children's Books; Writings on Their Lives and Works. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1972. 471p. $12.95. (76-38607). (ISBN 0-8352-0523-1) . Houghton, Bernard. Technical Information Sources. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1972. 119p. $5.50. (ISBN 0-208-01074-2). Recent Publications I 339 Hubbell, Jay B. Who Are the Major Amer- ican Writers? A Study of the Changing Literary Canon. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1972. 344p. $11.75. (72-17202). (ISBN 0-8223-0289-6). International Association of Universities. Methods of Establishing Equivalences Between Degrees and Diplomas. New York: UNIPUB, Inc., 1970. 143p. $4.00. Jensen, Pennfield, ed. Clear Creek. San Francisco: Clear Creek Associates, Feb- ruary 1972. 72p. $.75. Johnson, Janice, and Schick, Frank L., eds. The Bowker Annual of Library & Book Trade Information. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1972. 605p. $18.50. (55- 12434) . (ISBN 0-8352-0530-7) . Juris, Gail; Krash, Margaret; and Krash, Ronald. Survey of Bibliographical Ac- tivities of U.S. Colleges and Universi- ties on Black Studies. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis University, 1972. 60p. Krash, Ronald; Juris, Gail; and Dennis, Duke. Black America: A Research Bib- liography. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis Uni- versity, 1972. 113p. Krash, Ronald. St. Louis Statistical Ab- stract. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis Univer- sity, 1971. 211p. Lehnus, Donald J. How To D etermine Author and Title Entries According to AACR. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oce- ana Publications, Inc., 1971. 195p. (70- 165999). (ISBN 0-379-00058-X). Lenher, John K. Flowcharting: An In- troductory Text and Workbook. Prince- ton, N.J.: AUERBACH Publishers Inc., 1972. 160p. $4.00. (ISBN 0-87769-110- 0). Lopez, Manuel D., comp. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in New Y ark State. Tallahassee, Fla.: Journal of Li- brary History, 1971. 140p. Medling, Margaret, comp. The Eagle and the Dove; Selected Titles on War and Peace. St. Louis University, 1971. 41p. Mukherjee, A. K. Reference Work and Its Tools. Calcutta: The World Press Private LTD., 1971. 393p. $8.50. Mukherji, S. P.; Sharma, H. D.; and Singh, L. M. P. Indian Reference Sources. Jul- lundur: Indian Bibliographic Centre, 1972. 313p. $10.00. Neal, J. A., ed. Audiovisual Market Place: A Multime.dia Guide. New York: R. R. 340 I College & Research Libraries • July 1972 Bowker Company, 1972. 293p. $17.50. (69-18201) (ISBN 0-·8352-04839). Orlans, Harold. The Non-profit Research In- stitute; Its Origins, Operation, Problems, and Prospects. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972. 243p. $6.95. (70- 37532). (ISBN 0-07-010040-3). Orton, Robert M. Catalog of Reprints In Series. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 562p. $15.00. (ISBN 0-8108-0513-8). Patrinostro, Frank S., comp., Sanders, Nan- cy P ., ed. A Survey of Automated Ac- tivities in the Libraries of Great Britian and the Commonwealth Countries. Tem- pe, Arizona: The LARC Assn., Inc., 1971. $15.00. Pelissier, Roger. Les Bibliotheques En Chine. Paris: Mouton & Company, 1971. 366p. (79-165776). Report of the Committee on Library Re- sources. London: University of London, 1971. 226p. Schein, Edgar H. Professional Education; Some New Directions. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company, 1972. 163p. $5.95. (76-38954). (ISBN 0-07-010042- X). Schulz, Heinrich E.; Urban, Paul K.; and Lebed, Andrew 1., eds. Who Was Who in the USSR. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 677p. $40.00. (LC 70-161563). (ISBN 0-8108- 0441-7). Sedgwick, John P. Rhythms of Western Art. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 334p. $11.00. (73- 170648). (ISBN 0-8108-0449-2). Sloan, Linda; Shocklee, David; Leone, Donna; Welge, Mark; and Krash, Ron- ald. Index to Doctoral Dissertations St. Louis University. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Lou- is University, 1971. Smith, Murray F. A Selected Bibliography of German Literature in English Trans- lation, 1956-1960. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 403p. $11.00. (76-157727). (ISBN 0-8108- 0411-5). Szweda, Ralph A. Information Processing Management. Princeton, N.J.: AUER- BACH Publishers Inc., 1972. 632p. (71- 171055). (ISBN 0-87769-102-9). UNESCO. International Guide to Educa- tional Documentation. New York: UNI- PUB, Inc., 1971. 575p. $25.00. UNESCO. Statistical Yearbook, 1970. New York: UNIPUB, Inc., 1971. 786p. $35.00. UNISIST: lrntergovernmental Conference for the Establishment of a World Science Information System. Paris: UNESCO, December, 1971. 60p. Weinbrot, Howard D., ed. New Aspects of Lexicography; Literary, Criticism, Intel- lectual History, and Social Change. Car- bondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois Uni- versity Press, 1972. 205p. $8.50. ( 73- 156780). (ISBN 0-8093-0515-1). Weller, Richard H. Verbal Communica- tion in Instructional Supervision. New York: Teachers College Press, 1972. 203p. $8.50. (70-161300). Whaley, Sara S., ed. Women Studies Ab- stracts. V.1, no.l. New York: Women Studies Abstracts, 1972. Williams, Ethel L., and Brown, Clifton L., comps. Afro-American Religious Studies. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 454p. $12.50. (78-166072). (ISBN 0-8108-0439-5). Williamson, William L., ed. Assistance to Libraries in Developing Nations: Papers on Comparative Studies; Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Wisconsin Center, Madison, Wisconsin, May 14, 1971. Madison, Wis.: 1971. 68p. $3.00. Zalums, Elmar, comp. Western Australian Government Publications 1829-1959. Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1971. 95p. $4.00. (ISBN 0-642-98977-X). Zeman, J., ed. Time in Science and Philos- ophy. New York: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1971. 305p. $17.75. (74- 135500). (ISBN 0-444-40840-1). ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources In- formation Center (ERIC/CLIS), American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, DC 20036. Documents with an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, LEASCO Information Products, Inc., P.O. Drawer 0, Bethesda, MD 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format desired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment must accom- pany orders totaling less than $10.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax exemption certificates. Documents available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22151 have NTIS number and price following the citation. Phase I Final Report on Study of Aca- demic Library Consortia. By Diana D. DeLanoy and Carlos A. Cuadra. Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. October 1971. 27p. (ED 057 825, MF-$0.65 RC-$3.29) Phase I involves two questionnaire sur- veys aimed at identifying all academic li- brary consortia in higher education and, within this universe, providing a list of par- ticipating libraries and services. The major product of this phase is a "Directory of Academic Library Consortia." The descrip- tions of the individual tasks outlined in this Phase I report are: ( 1) initial plan- ning, ( 2) developing the survey plan, ( 3) developing the survey instruments, ( 4) making other survey preparations, ( 5) mailing of questionnaire 1, ( 6) follow- up of questionnaire 1, (7) mailing of ques- tionnaire 2, ( 8) follow-up of questionnaire 2, ( 9) inspection and preparation for anal- ysis, ( 10) analysis, ( 11) confirming direc- tory content and form and ( 12) prepara- tion of directory. Final Report on Phase II; Study of Aca- demic Library Consortia. By Carlos A. Cuadra, and others. Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. Novem- ber 15, 1971. 53p. (ED 057 826, MF- $0.65 RC-$3.29) Phase II involves a case-study analysis of fifteen selected consortia to help deter- mine the usefulness and effectiveness of academic library consortia. The two major products resulting from the project are the "Directory of Academic Library Consortia" and the "Guidelines for the Development of Academic Library Consortia." This Phase II report presents the summary for both the Phase I and Phase II activities and findings, the survey findings , and the dis- semination of the findings. A Theory of Indexing: Indexing Theory as a Model for Information Storage and Retrieval. By Bertrand Clovis Landry. Na- tional Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Office of Science Information Ser- vice. December 1971. 282p. (ED 057 843, MF-$0.65 RC-$9.87) Present day shortcomings in information retrieval are the results of a failure to properly contend with the problem of data representation. The index provides the nec- essary linkage between a multiplicity of sources and a single receiver. Whether considering the source/ document-space in- terface or the query I index interface, the elements of the underlying communication phenomena are the same: sets of docu- ments, sets of attributes, and sets of rela- tions expressing a connection between doc- uments and attributes. The essential opera- tion of the indexing system is the creation of a representation of the document space. The analysis-document transformations and the final index-query transformations are shown to be, respectively, a prerequisite to, and function of, the document space representation. The operating characteris- tics of the indexing system are modeled by means of the index space. From a dif- I 341 342 I College & Research Libraries • July 1972 ferent point of view, the concept of error, organization, information and search are introduced through a consideration of the indexing process as a thermodynamic sys- tem. Thus, indexing is viewed as an order- increasing operation that identifies com- mon data elements and relations between data elements present in the input docu- ment stream. Copyright Prog1•am Information. National Center for Education Communication (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C. 1971. 14p. (ED 057 845, MF-$0.65 HC- $3.29) The purpose of this publication is to pro- vide information about the U.S. Office of Education (USOE) Copyright Program. It is the July 1971 revision of the "Copyright Program Information" April 1971 edition (ED 051 855). It is a supplement to the "Copyright Guidelines" published in the Federal Register on May 9, 1970 (ED 051 854) and effective June 8, 1970. The in- formation is provided primarily for those institutions and organizations which are developing educational materials under USOE contracts and project grants and which desire to obtain commercial dissem- ination, under copyright, for those materi- als. Library Job Descriptions; Prepared by the Participants in the HEW Funded In- stitute "Utilization of Library Man- power," November 29-December 10, 1971. Graduate School of Librarianship, University of Denver. Office of Education (DREW) , Washington, D.C. 1971. 32p. (ED 057 827, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29) The twenty-four job descriptions in this report represent a consensus of all the par- ticipants. The participants feel that the full capabilities of the incumbent of a job are not utilized. The job descriptions il- lustrate the increased standards of per- formance of professional categories and provide for the assignment of nonprofes- sional duties to other job classifications. De- scriptions are provided for the following oc- cupational titles: ( 1) community aide (four descriptions) , ( 2) library technical assistant (three descriptions) , ( 3) library associate (three descriptions), ( 4) catalog- ing assistant, ( 5) librar~an-.fifth year ( sev- en descriptions) , ( 6) personnel and budg- et officer, (7) media librarian or media specialist, ( 8) librarian-sixth year librar- ian/ specialist, ( 9) sixth year-assistant di- rector of libraries, ( 10) director of libraries (senior librarian-large public library), and ( 11) library specialist-Chicano studies li- brarian. Library Environmental Design: Physical Facilities and Equipment. By Edward G. Evans and others. Department of the Army, Washington, D.C. Dec. 31, 1971. 264p. (ED 058 906, MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87) This state of the art report summarizes current practice and accepted standards in library physical facility d esign. It is in- tended to serve as an interim planning guide for Army technical libraries until the completion of the Guided Inquiry Sys- tem in the second phase of this study. Recommendations made in the report are based on a thorough review of the litera- ture on library planning and design, an analysis of the present Army procedures for obtaining library facilities, interviews with librarians, building consultants and architects, and site visits to a number of different types of military and non-military libraries. The report concludes that a ge- neric base exists from which to plan all libraries and makes specific recommenda- tions to improve the procedures for pro- viding Army technical libraries. Recommen- dations include ( 1) using a planning team approach throughout the building project; ( 2) using a written, fully documented building program; ( 3) the team explore all options for a new facility; ( 4) the team should use a proximity chart to analyze library activity relationships until the Guid- ed Inquiry System is developed; ( 5) the team should use the interim generic evalua- tion method described in this report in the evaluation process until the method is fully developed. The Williams & Wilkins Company v. the United States; Report of Commissioner to the Court. Court of Claims, Wash- ington, D.C. Feb. 16, 1972. 63p. (ED 058 921, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29) In this copyright infringment suit, the plaintiff (Williams & Wilkins Company) '-------------------------------~- - --- - alleges that the defendant (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) through its agencies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Library of Medicine ( NLM) has infringed plain- tiff's copyrights in medical journals by making unauthorized photocopies of ar- ticles from such journals. The Commis- sioner to the Court holds that the defend- ant had infringed the plaintiff's copyrights and that the plaintiff is entitled to recover "reasonable and entire compensation." For convenience and orderly discussion of the many complex problems raised by this case, the opinion is divided into three parts. Part I is a synopsis of the material facts, most of which are not in dispute. Detailed facts are set out in the findings of fact. Part II deals with the copyright law as it applies to resolution of the case. Part III deals with some ancillary matters. Automation and the Federal Library Community. By Barbara Evans Markuson and others. Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. July 1971. 241p. (ED 058 917, MF-$0.65 HC- $3.29) The third phase of a four-phase program developed by the Federal Library Com- mittee Task Force on Library Automation in conjunction with its overall objective of reviewing and reporting upon the status of automation in Federal libraries is reported. The first phase of the overall program ap- praised the current activities in library au- tomation and identified major trends. The second phase involved a series of studies reporting on the history and development of selected Federal library automation proj- ects. The third phase, reported here, had three goals: ( 1) study and define library operations susceptible to automation; (2) survey and describe in meaningful terms, the current techniques of automation which are potentially useful in library applica- tion; and ( 3) establish criteria for making determinations as to feasibility, functions to be automated, types of hardware and software to be used, internal and external services, and extent of involvement with other systems. The three major tasks of this phase were: ( 1) a survey of the Feder- al library community; ( 2) preparation of a Recent Publications I 343 handbook to guide Federal librarians in automation feasibility and planning; and ( 3) preparation of a report summarizing the survey results, and automation findings, and presenting recommendations for phase four. An Evaluation of the Colorado Statewide Reference Network. By Mary Sypert. Colorado State Library, Denver. April 1971. 259p. (ED 058 888, MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87) Lack of adequate administration is con- cluded to be the main cause of Network inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Some of the recommendations for improvement of Network administration are: (I) The Colorado State Library ( CSL) should re- main the central agency for administration of the Statewide Reference Network (SRN). CSL should accept responsibility for the planning and design of the Network; it should delegate role responsibilities and spe- cialtie~; and it should be responsible for implementing operations and continuous evaluation; ( 2) CSL should identify a po- sition within the organizational structure at the appropriate level for an administrator of the SRN; ( 3) A governing committee other than the Colorado Council on Li- brary Development should be established to work closely with the administrator of SRN in the guidance and direction of the Network's development; and ( 4) Objectives of the SRN should be established. Wayne State University Libraries Opera- tions, a Description of Staff Employ- ment. By Vern M. Pings and Lothar Spang. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. December 1971. 6lp. (ED 058 887, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29) The study has produced a description of the Library System that can be stated in quantitative statements with an assur- ance of accuracy not possible previously. The data provide a means of reformulating value statements into factual statements di- rectly or provide a base line from which to determine what additional data are needed to make factual statements which can be tested empirically. Planning for im- provement can be undertaken because the data demonstrates, although in a very sim- 344 I College & Research Libraries • July 1972 plified manner, the interrelatedness of li- br-ary functions. The data reported are a description of the Library System as of the Fall of 1971; as changes are instituted, these data may serve as a check in the future as to the actual results in staff de- ployment and cost allocations. The study will enable the library staff to assess the relevancy or the inadequacy of services at present and as changes occur. I j J