College and Research Libraries 498 I College & Research Libraries • November 1972 ject terms (in German), corporations, and locations. For the research library this bibliography is a must because of its foreign coverage of the topic. The patron who reads only En- glish will encounter difficulty in using this listing, but with patience he can sort out the 347 English titles. Since the cost is high and since the book would be supplementary rather than basic to many library collec- tions, librarians will want to consider their particular situation carefully before order- ing this bibliography.-Margaret Eide, So- cial Sciences Librarian, Eastern Michigan University Library. Arellanes, Audrey Spencer. Bookplates. A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Periodical Literature. Gale Research, 1971. 474p. illus. $15.00. The bibliography covers English lan- guage periodicals (United States, Canada, Great Britain, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand) from 1822 to August 1969. It is organized "alphabetically by journal and chronologically under each journal. . . . When known, both the title and the author of the article are given, followed by the number of illustrations in parenthesis, vol- ume, and/ or issue number, page, and date." (Introduction) Previously published English language bibliographies are listed preceding the 414 indexed periodicals. These vary from gener- al: Harper, Time Magazine; to specialized professional: Dental Research, Journal of Production Managers; and hobby maga- zines: Handicraft, Heraldic Journal. Art, history, and library periodicals are, of course, heavily represented. The largest number of citations, 1938 titles, out of the total of 5,445, come from the Journal of the Ex Libris Society. The brief annotations which follow each title are informative, crisp, and often in- clude direct quotations. A 1920 quote un- der the entry "Danish Bookplates" tells us that the "Plates are almost always sincere, very rarely extravagant, and hardly ever in bad taste." The illustrations, although contemporary and primarily from members of the Ameri- can Societ of Bookplate Collectors and Designers (note sequence), represent all major styles. The plate of Clare Ryan Tal- bot, author of the enthusiastic preface, shows the earliest extant bookplate of a fifteenth century German monk in its cen- ter. Norman Strouse, the well-known book collector is represented with a Rococo style plate, and Rockwell Kent designed a brooding landscape for Earl H. Gibson. Already a quick glance at this bibliogra- phy reveals that the scope of this subject goes beyond the interest in bookplate col- lections. Anybody studying symbolism and allegory, or the development of taste in Western Civilization, will find a wealth of material. The index entries include: Baskin and Durer; Darwin and Einstein; Chemis- try and Zoology, as well as practical sub- jects like repairing, buying, and selling of bookplates. References under Celebrated Women, Cultured Women, Colonial Dames, DAR, Ladies Bookplates and Wom- en, include interesting references for those interested in Women's Liberation. The custom of identifying books with printed labels or Ex Libris (a term intro- duced in seventeenth century France) de- veloped in Germany shortly after the intro- duction of printing. Beginning with simple woodcuts, the engraving and etching of elaborate subjects soon became a popular art. How bookplates can be used for ideo- logical purposes is signified by the action in 1966 of the Cultural Council of the Ger- man Democratic Republic. Artists were in- vited to participate in a competition for Ex Libris design, and public libraries were asked to enhance their books with these creative plates. Ex libris, in the words of the council were given, "a new, significant function. Books available to the public must have the same identification as those of wealthy collectors, we must avoid the threat of a dead end street of art for collec- tors only." This book then, is much more than a bib- liography for collectors. It is a well edited and compact source book in cultural and. social history. In view of its merits the im- perfections are so insignificant that I hesi- tate to give examples. There are some mis- spellings and-as usual-in foreign words: Volkswagen appears also as Volkswagon, Willibald Prickheimer is called Billibald. The reference under "Packet of Sherlockian Bookplates" might be included under \ c'Holmes, Sherlock." The title page subtitle reads "Selective Bibliography," the subtitle on the cover "Selected Bibliography." In the opinion of this reviewer, this vol- ume should be in the reference collection of all academic, art, and historical libraries, as well as in public and school libraries who can afford the purchase.-Ant.;e B. Lemke, School of Library Science, Syracuse Uni- versity. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS AECT, Information Science Committee. Standards for Cataloging Nonprint Ma- terials. Washington, D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1972. 61p. (72-75937). Burke, John Gordon. Print, I mage and Sound: Essays on Media. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1972. 181p. $6.95. (70-39010). (ISBN 0-8389- 0122-0). Barbee, David E. A Systems Approach to Community College Education. Phila- delphia, Pa.: Auerbach Publishers Inc., 1972. 184p. $9.95. (73-189534). (ISBN 0-87769-124-X). Checklist of British Parliamentary Papers 1801-1899. Shannon, Ireland: Irish Uni- versity Press, 1972. 218p. $15.50. (ISBN 0-7165-0059-6) . Chisholm, Margaret E. Media Indexes and Review Sources. College Park, Maryland: School of Library and Information Ser- vices, University of Maryland, 1972. 84p. Available from: Student Supply Store. $4. 75. ( 72-89575). Chomsky, Noam, and Zinn, Howard. The Pentagon Papers: Critical Essays. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1972. 341p. $12.50. (75-178049). (ISBN 0-8070-0522-3 Hardcover 0-8070-0523-1 Paperback). Dimmick, Mary Laverne. The Rolling Stones: An Annotated Bibliography. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh, 1972. 73p. Available from: The Univer- sity of Pittsburgh Book Center, Pitts- burgh, Pa. $3.00. Dover, P. A. Massey University Library User Survey: Volume !-Analysis and Recent Publications I 499 Interpretation of Survey Findings. Pal- merston North, New Zealand: Massey University, 1972. 63p. Dover, P. A. Massey University Library User Survey: Volume II-Tables of Find- ings. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University, 1972. 113p. Doyle, Paul A. Liam O'Flaherty: An Anno- tated Bibliography. Troy, New York: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1972. 68p. $7.50. (71-161085). (ISBN 0-87875-017-7). Duyn, J. Van. Documentation Manual. Phil- adelphia, Pa.: Auerbach Publishers Inc., 1972. 158p. $6.00. (76-189532). (ISBN 0-87769-117-7). Floyd, Mary K. Abortion Bibliography for 1970. Troy, New York: The Whitston Publishing Company. 125p. $7 .50. ( 72- 78877). (ISBN 0-87875-024-X). Goode, Stephen H. Venereal Disease Bibli- ography: 1966-1970. Troy, New York: The Whitston Publishing Co., 1972. 613p. $22.50. (71-189843). (ISBN 0-87875-023-1). Irregular Serials and Annuals. New York: R. R. Bowker Co. 1972. 3382p. $38.50. ( 67-25026). (ISBN 0-8352-0423-5). Kraus, David H.; Zunde, Pranas; and Sla- mecka, Vladimir. National Science In- formation Systems: A Guide to Science Information Systems in Bulgaria, Czecho- slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Cambridge, Mass.: Halli- day Lithograph Corp., 1972. 325p. $12.50. (79-39164). (ISBN 0-262- 11046-6). Ling, T. 0. A Dictionary of Buddhism: A Guide to Thought and Tradition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. 277p. $7.95. (72-37231). (ISBN 684- 12763-6). Lowrie, Jean E. School Libraries: Inter- national Developments. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 247p. $7.00. (72-3440). (ISBN 0-8108-0505- 7). Maleady, Antoinette 0. Record and Tape Reviews Index-1971. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 234p. (72-3355). (ISBN 0-8108-0522-7). Mauritz, Marilyn, ed. Library and Informa- tional Resources in the Twin City Area. St. Paul, Minnesota: James J. Hill Ref- erence Library, 1972. 403p. $4.75.