College and Research Libraries 162 I College & Research Libraries • March 1975 neither to authors or their publishers. This is a book that should have been left to the journals; they wear their vast confused beauty much more becomingly.-Norman Hoyle, School of Library and Information Science, State University of New York at Albany. Kennedy, James R., Jr. Library Research Guide to Religion and Theology: Illus- trated Search Strategy and Sources. ( Li- brary Research Guides Series, no.1) Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Pr., 1~7 4. 53p. Cloth $7.50 Paper $3.50. A well-planned, delightfully written guide to research strategy in the field of re- ligion and theology. One might question whether the student who has reached his junior or senior year in college without feeling the need to acquire many of the ba- sic library skills will suddenly be impelled to exert himself to study such a complete manual in order to write one term paper. However, hope springs eternal in the breast of every reference librarian, and Pierian Press is to be congratulated on instituting such a potentially helpful series of research guides. Since many graduate students are woefully lacking in library skills, this guide should serve as a valuable tool for them as well. Mr. Kennedy's easy style is appropriate for the level of library maturity which he anticipates in his readers, and at the same time he approaches his task with serious in- tent and obvious competence. The guide is well organized, and individual chapters such as those on the card catalog and on evaluating books would be equally useful applied to other disciplines. The summary diagram on search strategy is eye-catching and thoughtfully designed. - The appendixes are valuable inclusions, though one might wonder whether Appen- dix 1 (the catalog pretest) would serve well if placed at the beginning of the book, since the preface recommends its early use. The excellent bibliography is strengthened by the use of symbols indicating sources which are mentioned in the text and titles recognized as predominantly Roman Catho- lic or evangelical! conservative in view- point. The paperbound copy which was used by this reviewer is attractive as to size and type, but the first few pages are already cracking away from the spine. It is to be hoped that the guide will hold up through repeated use, since it is questionable wheth- er a student would pay more than twice as much for a hardbound copy.-Margaret Umberger, Head Reference Librarian, ]ames M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, New York. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Aiyepeku, Wilson 0. Geographical Litera- ture on Nigeria, 1901-1970; An Anno- tated Bibliography. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1974. 214p. $19.50. (74-8589). (ISBN 0-8161-1145-6). Aldous, Joan, and Dahl, Nancy. Interna- tional Bibliography of Research in Mar- riage and the Family. Vol. 2, 1965-1972. Minneapolis: University of Minn. Pr., 1974. 1,530p. $35.00. (67-630.14). (ISBN 0-8166-0726-5). The Almanac of World Military Power. 3d ed. New York: Bowker, 1975. 400p. $25.00. (ISBN 0-8352-0730-7). Baron, Herman. A Concordance to the Poems of Stephen Crane. Ed. by Joseph Katz. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 311p. $18.00. (74-22083). (ISBN 0-8161- 1130-8). Bishop, Selma A., comp. Isaac Watt's Hymns and Spiritual Songs (1707); A Publishing History and a Bibliography. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1974. 479p. $19.95. (73-78316). (ISBN 0-87650- 033-5). Bleznick, Donald W. A Sourcebook for His- panic Literature and Language; A Select- ed, Annotated Guide to Spanish and Spanish American Bibliography, Litera- ture, Linguistics, Journals, and Other Source Materials. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Pr., 1974. 183p. $15.00. (74- 7777 6). (ISBN 0-87722-036-0) . Chapman, Dorothy H. Index to Black Po- etro. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 541p. $25.00. (74-8838). (ISBN 0-8161-1143- X). Choral Music in Print. 2 vols.: Vol. 1, Sa- cred Choral Music; Vol. 2, Secular Cho- ral Music. Ed. by Thomas R. Nardone, James H. Nye, and Mark Resnick. Phila- delphia: Musicdata, 1974. $64.00. (73- 87918). (ISBN 0-88478-002-3). Colloquium on Education for Librarian- ship. Western Australian Institute of Technology, Perth, August 28-30, 1973. Curriculum Design in Librarianship: An InternatioruJl Approach. Ed. by E. A. Parr and E. J. Wainwright. Perth, Aus- tralia: WAIT Aid ltd., 197 4. 162p. $9.00. (ISBN 0-909848-09-2). Coplan, Kate. Effective Library Exhibits; How to Prepare and Promote Good Dis- plays. 2d ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 197 4. 176p. ( 7 4-4428). (ISBN 0-379- 00265-5). Cotnam, Jacques. Bibliographie Chrono- logique de l'Oeuvre cf Andre Gide ( 1889- 1973) Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 604p. $25.00. (74-20957). (ISBN 0-8161- 1025-5). Czarnecki, Jan. The Soviet Union, 1917- 1967; An Annotated Bibliography of So- viet Semicentennial Publications in the Collection of the University of Miami Li- brary at Coral Gables, Florida. Coral Gables: Univ. of Miami Pr., 1974. 157p. $10.00. (74-14893). (ISBN 0-87024- 273-3). Dillon, Bert. A Chaucer DictioruJry; Proper Names and Allusions; Excluding Place Names. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 266p. (74-2442). (ISBN 0-8161-1112-X). Educational Media Year book 197 4. New York: Bowker, 1974. 524p. $19.95. (73- 4891). (ISBN 0-8352-0739-0). Froelich, Robert E. Film Reviews in Psy- chiatry, Psychology an.d Mental Health; A Descriptive and Evaluative Listing of Educational and Instructional Films. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1974. 142p. $9.95. (73-78294). (ISBN 0-87650-037-8). Hamilton, Malcolm C. Directory of Educa- tional Statistics; A Guide to Sources. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1974. 7lp. $6.95. (74-14673). (ISBN 0-87650-054-8). Hyneman, Esther. Edgar Allan Poe: An An- notated Bibliography of Books and Ar- ticles in English, 1827-1973. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 335p. $19.50. (74- 16359). (ISBN 0-8161-1104-9). Katz, Bill, and Cargal, Berry. Magazines for Libraries; For the General Reader, and School, Junior College, College, and Public Libraries. 2d ed. supplement. Recent Publications I 163 New York: Bowker, 1974. 328p. $16.50. (72-6607). (ISBN 0-8352-0761-7 sup pl.). Kumar, Girja, and Machwe, V. Documen- tation on Asia. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1974. 635p. $25.00. (ISBN 0- 7069-0314-5). Leaders in Education. 5th ed. New York: Bowker, 1974. 1,309p. $49.50. (32- 10194). (ISBN 0-8352-0699-8). Limbacher, James L., ed. The Song List; A Guide to Contemporary Music from Classical Sources. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1973. 229p. $7.95. (73-78293). (ISBN 0-87650-041-6). N orthouse, Cameron, and Walsh, Thomas P. John Osborne: A Reference Boston: G. K. Hall, 197 4. 158p. $9.50. (74-14966). (ISBN 0-8161-1152-9). N orthouse, Cameron, and Walsh, Thomas P. Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton: A Ref- erence Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 143p. $9.50. (74-14965). (ISBN 0- 8161-1146-4). .Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin; Cumulative Author Index 1965-1969. Comp. by C. Edward Wall. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1973. 490p. $39.95. (70- 143238). (ISBN 0-87650-014-9). The Readers Adviser; A Layman's Guide to Literature. Ed. by Sarah L. Prakken. 12th ed. New York: Bowker, 1974. 808p. $23.50. ( 57-13277). (ISBN 0-8352- 0781-1). The Right to Read and__, the Nat ion's Li- braries. Ed. by the Right to Read Com- mittees of the American Association of School Librarians, Children's Services Di- vision, and Public Library Association. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1974. 116p. $5.50. (74-12075). (ISBN 0-8389- 0193-X). Scientific and Technical Books in Print 1974. 3d ed. New York: Bowker, 1974. 1,823p. $38.50. (71-37614). (ISBN 0- 8352-07 47-1). Tourville, Elsie A., comp. Alaska, A Bibli- ography 1570-1970, with Subject Index . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 738p. (74- 8468). {ISBN 0-8161-1063-8). Van Egmond, Peter. The Critical Reception of Robert Frost. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 319p. (74-8210). (ISBN 0-8161- 1105-7).