College and Research Libraries ploration of the matching of bibliographic records representing materials in 221 li- braries for the purpose of correlating their bibliographic identity. In the process of this activity the project has shed new light on possibilities of computer-aided recognition of identification of bibliographic items. It has also elaborated a new, powerful, and ingeniously simple method of this recogni- tion, the "fingerprint," which may open up a far-reaching potential for the manage- ment of bibliographic records in national and international context. The project has contributed new knowl- edge about bibliographic data also in other areas. There is much in the pages of the LOC Report pointing in the direction of a sophisticated simplicity inherent in biblio- graphic data as contrasted with our current- ly prevailing and unquestioned reliance on systematically exhaustive accumulation of interpreted bibliographic data as a basis for future direction of computerized manage- ment of bibliographic records. Implicit in some of the principal observations in the LOC Report is the potential for a powerful alternative to the present-day bibliographic management anchored in a cataloging code coupled with a large measure of interpreta- tion for compatibility. The LOC Report is rich in detailed data; it summarizes the results with clarity and is oriented within a perspective of practical- ity. The success of the work owes much to the distinguished group of experts who par- ticipated in the definition of the project and to the competent and devoted work of the project team working against a full measure of difficulties caused by a computer not in- tended for textual data processing. The di- rector of the project was John W. Jolliffe, keeper of catalogues of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, a library automation pioneer re- nowned for his insight, research discipline, and professional standards. The report will take its place among the select group of classics in library automation literature, and its observations and tabulated data are likely to inspire reevaluation of many a cur- rent practice. For the automation-oriented rare books bibliographer in particular the LOC Report offers the challenge of radical- ly new horizons.-Ritvars Bregzis, Univer- sity of Toronto Library. Recent Publications/ 245 OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Abajian, James de T. Blacks and Their Con- tributions to the American West; A Bib- liography and Union List of Holdings Through 1970. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974. 487p. $29.50. (74-8695). (ISBN 0-8161- 1139-1). Abramowitz, Molly, comp. Elie Wiesel: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1974. 206p. $6.50. (74-17166). ISBN 0-8108-1731-9). Adams, Laura, comp. Norman Mailer; A Comprehensive Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 151p. $6.00. (74- 17163). (ISBN 0-8108-0771-8). The Almanac of World Military Power. 3d ed. Ed. by Trevor N. Dupuy and others. New York: Bowker, 1975. 400p. $25.00. (74-7578). (ISBN 0-8352-0730-7). American Association of School Librarians ALA, and Association for Educationai Communications and Technology. Media Programs, District and School. Chicago: American Library Assn., and Washing- ton, D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1975. 136p. $2.95. (74-32316). (ISBN 0- 8389-3159-6). Armitage, Andrew D., and Tudor, Dean. Annual Index to Popular Music Record Reviews, 1973. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1974. 681p. $20.00. (73-8909). (ISBN 0-8108-0774-2). Atkinson, Jennifer McCabe. Eugene O'Neill; A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Pr., 1974. 440p. $27.50. (73-13312). (ISBN 0-8229-3279-2). Baker, Alfred W.; Boots, Frederick; and Pultz, Donald. Automation at the Fair- fax County Virginia Library System. (Computerized Cataloging Systems Se- ries, vol. 1, issue 2) Tempe, Ariz.: LARC Association, 1975. Bederman, Sanford H. Africa: A Bibliogra- phy of Geography and Related Disci- plines. Atlanta, Ga.: School of Business Administration, Georgia State University, 1974. 334p. $6.95 (74-22175). (ISBN 0-88406-089-6) . Bell, S. Peter. Dissertations on British His- tory: 1815-1914: An Index to British 246 / College & Research L ibraries • May 1975 and American Theses. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 244p. $7.50. (74- 16104). (ISBN 0-8108-0733-5). Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Au- thors. Washington, D.C.: . American Chemical Society, 1974. 362p. (74- 14777). (ISBN 8412-0203-6). Bischof, Phyllis. Ethnic Studies: A Selected Guide to Reference Materials at Berke- le·y. (Occasional publications, no.1) Berkeley: University of California, 197 4. 5~p. $3.00. Bloomberg, Marty, and Evans, G. Edward. Introduction to Technical Services for Library Technicians. 2d ed. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 197 4. 253p. $8.50. (74-82181). (ISBN 0-87287-103- 7). British Books in Print 1974. New York: Bowker, 1975. 2 vol. $46.50. (ISBN 0- 85021-07 5-5) . Brown, Robert E. ]oetta Community Li- brary, A Simulation Exercise in Library Administration. (Occasional paper, no. 118, Feb. 1975) Champaign, Ill.: Uni- versity of Illinois, Graduate School of Li- brary Science, 1975. 78p. $1.00. Burgess, Thomas K.; Druschel, Joselyn A.; and Kunkel, Douglas F. LOLA II: Li- brary On-Line Acquisition System at Washington State University. ( Compu- terized Acquisitions Systems Series, vol. 1, issue 3) Tempe, Ariz.: LARC Assn., 1974. Cameron, Colin, comp. Alcoholism and W ark; Bibliography and References, with Selected Annotations on Problem Drink- ing, with Specific Treatment Solutions in the Industrial and Business Settings. Madison, Wis.: Current Trends Retriev- al, 1974. 148p. $14.00. Campbell, Malcolm J. Business Informa- tion Service s; Some Aspects of Structure Organization and Problems. London: Clive Bingley, 1974. 173p. £3.50. (0- 85157 -17 4-3). Clark, DavidS. Index to Maps of the Amer- ican Revolution in Books and Periodicals; Illustrating the Revolutionary War and Other Events of the :Period 1763-1789. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 197 4. 301p. $15.00. (74-7543). (ISBN 0-8371- 7582-8). Computing and the Decision Makers; Where Does Computing Fit in Institu- tional Priorities? Proceedings of the EDUCOM Spring Conference. April 17- 18, 1974. Princeton, N.J.: EDUCOM, 1974. 372p. $6.00. (74-84809). Crisler, Jesse E., and McElrath, Joseph R. Frank Norris: A Reference Guide. Bos- ton: G. K. Hall, 1974. 131p. $12.50. (74- 14956). (ISBN 0-8161-1097-2). Davis, Charles H . Illustrative Computer Programming for Libraries; Selected Ex- amples for Information Specialists. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1974. 112p. $7.95. (74-22). (ISBN 0-8371-7354-X). Dilbert, Sheila. Subject Index to Feature Articles and Special Reports of Six M a- jar Encyclopedia Yearbooks 1965-1974. Woodmere, N.Y.: Sheila Dilbert, 1974. 19p. $3.00. (Order from Sheila Dilbert, 1594 Union Ave., Hewlett, NY) Encyclopedia of Associations. 9th ed. De- troit: Gale, 1975. 3 vol. (74-22265). (ISBN 0-8103-0126-1). European Financial Almanac 1974-75. New York: Bowker, 1975. 755p. $50.00. (74-22290). (ISBN 0-7161-0215-3). Facts and Futures; What's Happening Now in Computing for Higher Education. Pro- ceedings of the EDUCOM Fall Confer- ence Oct. 9, 10, 11, 1973. Princeton, N.J.: EDUCOM, 1974. 365p. $5.00. (74-79222). al Fariiqi, Isma'il Ragi, ed. Historical At- las of the Religions of the W orl.d. New York: Macmillan, 1974. 346p. $12.50. ( 73-16583). (ISBN 0-02-336400-9). Fine Print; A Newsletter for the Arts of the Book. 1975- . $8.00 a year. (Order from Fine Print, Box 77 41, San Francis- co, CA 94120.) Flanagan, John T. Edgar Lee Masters: The Spoon River Poet and His Critics. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 183p. $6.00. (74-20530). (ISBN 0-8108-0741- 6). Grieb, Lyndal. The Operas of Gian Carlo Menotti, 1937-1972: A Selective Bibli- ography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 193p. $6.50. (74-16310). (ISBN 0-8108-07 43-2) . Harris, Michael H. The Role of the Public Library in American Life: A Speculative Essay. (Occasional paper, no.117, Jan. 1975) Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois , Graduate School of Library Sci- ence, 1975. 42p. $1.00. Henderson, Thomas W., and Tomlin, Ron- ald E. Guide to Official Records in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Jackson, Miss.: Department of Archives and History, 1975. 115p. $3.00. ( 7 4-620092) . Herman, Linda, and Stiel, Beth. Corpus Delicti of Mystery Fiction: A Guide to the Body of the Case. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 188p. $6.50. (74- 16319). (ISBN 0-8108-0770-X). Hope, A. Guy, and Hope, Janet Barker. Symbols of the Nations. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Pr., 1973. 348p. $10.00. (73-82015). Hunter, Eric J. Cataloguing; A Guidebook; Being a Revision and Rearrangement of Patrick Quigg's "Theory of Cataloguing." Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, Shoe String, 1974. 184p. $9.00. (74-13599). (ISBN 0-208-01362-8). Inglehart, Babette F., and Mangione, An- thony R. The Image of Pluralism in American Literature; An Annotated Bib- liography on the American Experience of European Ethnic Groups. New York: Institute on Pluralism and Group Iden- tity of the American Jewish Committee, 1974. 73p. $1.50. International Literary Marketplace 1975- 1976 Edition. New York: Bowker, 1974. 280p. $18.50. (65-28326). (ISBN 0- 8352-07 43-9). Jenkins, F. H. Journal of a Voyage to San Francisco, 1849. Northridge, Calif.: Cal- ifornia State University, 1975. 91p. Kari, James M. A Navajo Reading Bibliog- raphy. (Sources, no.2) Albuquerque, N.Mex.: University of New Mexico, 1974. 40p. $1.50. (74-76955). (ISBN 0-913630-02-2). Kutscher, Austin H., and Kutscher, Martin, comps. A Bibliography of Books on Death, Bereavement, Loss and Grief, 1968-1972. Supplement I. New York: Health Sciences Publishing Corp., 1974. 62p. $4.95. (74-94240). (ISBN 0-88238- 521-6). Lathem, Edward C., ed. Chronological Ta- bles of American Newspapers 1690- 1820; Being a Tabular Guide to Holdings of Newspapers Published in America Through the Year 1820. Barre, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society and Barre Publishers, 1972. 131p. $32.50. (70- Recent Publications/ 247 185613). (ISBN 0-8271-7204-4). Library Automation at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, ed. by Hwa- Wei Lee and Stephen W. Massil. (LARC report, vol. 7, issue 3) Tempe, Ariz. : LARC Assn., 1974. 36p. Library Security Newsletter. New York: Haworth Press, 1975- . $25.00 a year. Mass Communications Media: Analysis of Problems and Proposals for Decentral- ized Communications Systems (Includ- ing a Communication System Design for the Princeton University Community), ed. by M. Slaby. (Seminar Research Re- port prepared by students in Engineer- ing 314.) Princeton, N.J.: School of En- gineering and Applied Science, Prince- ton University, 1974. 228p. $3.75. Mathis, Ray, ed. College Life in the Recon- struction South; Walter B. Hill's Student Correspondence, University of Georgia, 1869-1871. Athens, Ga.: The University of Georgia Libraries, 1974. 265p. $7.00. (ISBN 0-915246-00-7) . Mathis, Ray, · ed. "Uncle Tom" Reed's Memoir of the University of Georgia. Athens, Ga.: The University of Georgia Libraries, 1974. 214p. $10.00. (ISBN 0- 915246-01-5). Medical Information Network for Ontario; Determination of Need. London, On- tario: School of Library and Information Science, University of Western Ontario, 1973. 382p. Mosmann, Charles. Statewide Computing Systems; Coordina#ng Academic Com- puter Planning. New York: Marcel Dek- ker, 1974. 201p. $14.75. (74-24337). (ISBN 0-8247-6253-3). Nakata, Yuri, and Strange, Michele. Classi- fication Scheme for . Illinois State Publica- tions as Applied to the Documents Col- lection at the Library. (Occasional paper, no.116, Dec. 1974) Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library Science, 197 4. 39p. $1.00. National Faculty Directory 1975. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 2 vol. (76-114404). (ISBN 0-8103-0652-2). A National Policy for Private Higher Edu- cation; The Report of a Task Force of the National Council of Independent Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges, 248/ College & Research Libraries • May 1975 1974. 80p. $.50. (Conclusions and Rec- ommendations, for the above. 8p. Free.) Olson, Nancy B. Mankato State College Media System. (Computerized Serials Systems Series, vol. 1, issue 5) Tempe, Ariz.: LARC Assn., 1974. Parish, James R., and Pitts, Michael R. Film Directors; A Guide to Their Amer- ican Films. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 443p. $15.00. (74-17398). (ISBN 0-8108-0752-1). Partridge, Eric. The Macmillan Dictionary of Historical Slang. Abridged by Jacque- line Simpson. New York: Macmillan, 1975. 1,065p. $25.00. (74-10318). Peck, Theodore, ed. Occupational Safety and Health: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale, 1974. 26lp. $14.50. (74-7199). (ISBN 0-8103-0828- 2). Powers, Anne, comp. Blacks in American Movies: A Selected Bibliography. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 167p. $6.00. (74-19125). (ISBN 0-8108-0753- X). Prentice, Ann E. Suicide: A Selective Bibli- ography of Over 2,200 Items. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 233p. $8.00. (74- 19231). (ISBN 0-8108-0773-4). Quintana, Helena. A Current Bibliography on Chicanos 1960-1973, Selected and Annotated. (Sources, no.3) Albuquer- que: University of New Mexico, 1974. 50p. $1.50. (74-76956). (ISBN 0- 913630-03-9) . Scanlan, James P. The American Bibliogra- phy of Slavic and East European Studies for 1970, 1971, and 1972. Columbus, Ohio: American Association for the Ad- vancement of Slavic Studies, 1974. 306p. (74-14339). . Schnapper, M. B. American Symbols; The Seals and Flags of the Fifty States. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Pr., 1974. 128p. (74-76281). (ISBN 818-3- 128). Simsova, S., and Mackee, M. A Handbook of Comparative Librarian-ship. 2d ed. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, Shoe String, 1975. 548p. (74-14856). (ISBN 0-208-01355-5). Smith, Dwight L. Indians of the U.S. and Canada: A Bibliography. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO Press, 1974. 453p. $40.00. (73-87156). (ISBN 0-87436- 124-9). Sprug, Joseph W. Index to American Ref- erence Books Annual 1970- 1974: A Cumulative Index to Subjects, Authors, and Titles. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1974. 364p. $18.50. (75- 120328). (ISBN 0-87287-101-0). Stapleton, Margaret L. Sir john Betjeman; A Bibliography of Writings By and About Him. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 149p. $6.00. (74-14641). (ISBN 0-8108-0758-0). Stappenbeck, Herb, comp. A Catalogue to the Joseph Hergesheimer Collection at the University of Texas. Austin: Human- ities Research Center, University of Tex- as at Austin, 1974. 260p. (78-169267). Strugnell, Cecile. Adjustment to Widow- hood and Some Related Problems. New York: Health Sciences Publishing Corp., 1974. 201p. $6.50. (73-5781). (ISBN 0-88238-520-8) . Subject Collections. 4th ed. Ed. by Lee Ash. New York: Bowker, 1975. 908p. $38.50. ( 67-27563). (ISBN 0-8352- 0435-9). Sukhwal, B. L. South Asia: A Systematic Geographic Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 849p. $27.50. (74-10852). (ISBN 0-8108-0761-0). Tassin, Anthony G. Automation of Acquisi- tions at the Earl K. Long Library U ni- versity of New Orleans. (Computerized Acquisitions Systems Series, vol. 1, issue 4) Tempe, Ariz.: LARC Assn., 1974. Teare, Robert F. Automated Technical Op- erations Unified Ordering Cataloging Systems at the Libraries of the Clare- mont Colleges. (Computerized Catalog- ing Systems Series, vol. 1, issue 3) Tempe; Ariz.: LARC Assn., 1975. (ISBN 0-88257-117-6, hardback; 0-88257-116-8, paperback). Thompson, Virginia, and Adloff, Richard. Histor-ical Dictionary of the People's Re- public of the Congo (Congo-Brazza- ville). Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 147p. $6.00. (74-14975). (ISBN 0- 8108-0762-9). Tudor, Dean. Wine, Beer and Spirits. (Spare Time Guides, no.6) Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 196p. $11.50. (74-80964). (ISBN 0-87287- 081-2). University of California Berkeley Serials Key Word Index 1974; Incorporates the Serials Held at University of California, San Francisco. Berkeley: University of California, 1973. 10 vol. (73-645730). Wiener, Joel, ed. Great Britain; The Lion at Home, a Documentary History of Do- mestic Policy 1689-1973. New York: Chelsea House, 1974. 4 vol. $135.00. Winick, Steven D. Rhythm: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1974. 163p. $6.00. (74-14582). (ISBN 0-8108-0767-X). Willis, Jean L. Historical Dictionary of Uruguay. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 283p. $9.00. (74-14630). (ISBN 0-8108-0766-1). Woodress, James, ed. American Fiction, 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale, 197 4. 260p. $18.00. (73-17501). (ISBN 0-8103- 1201-8). Zelkind, Irving, and Sprug, Joseph. Time Research: 1172 Studies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 253p. $8.50. (74- 14970). (ISBN 0-8108-0768-8). 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Particularly valuable is the review of Frost's essays and recorded talks on the nature of poetry-many available only in obscure journals. $14.95 HENRY JAMES, SENIOR: A Selection of His Writings Edited and with an Introduction by GILES GUNN Collected here for the first time are representative excerpts from the work of this important intellectual figure. y'He was among the most masterful prose writers of nineteenth-century America ... he remains one of the eight or ten genuine religious geniuses America has produced."-William A. Clebsch. "Each page here will inform and delight a new generation of readers."-Martin E. Marty. $14.95