College and Research Libraries ment of extensive videocassette collections on the basis of their research. Many of the chapters appear to have been written in 1972. While a two to three year publication .lag is not uncommon, it is most unfortunate that it should occur with a work in a rapidly changing field. There is an emphasis on history and state of the art as of 1972 with little projection of trends. Forecasting is never safe, but it's important where one is investing thousands of dollars per institution in equipment and materials. The organization of the book into non- print formats supports the traditional, per- haps dubious, concept of the uniqueness of each format and the "problems" associated with it. There is also considerable repeti- tion as each author covers the same basic areas of selection, classification and catalog- ing, equipment, and varieties of users. Be- cause of space limitations, each treatment tends to be superficial. As with any such compilation the quality of each chapter varies enormously. A discussion of the alternatives of cen- tralizing nonprint resources and services in a separate department or dispersing them throughout a multidepartmental library sys- tem would · have greatly enhanced this guide. The common practice of reformat- ting to avoid proliferation of equipment types is not discussed, neither from a ser- vice standpoint or in the light of copyright restrictions. In discussing the area of selection and acquisition of filmstrips, Fields and Schulze- tenberg repeat the old myth that the retro- spective and current evaluative tools for nonprint materials are nonexistent. They go on to commiserate with the poor librarian who is "forced . then to utilize individual se- lection methodology rather than relying on good selection tools." The unfortunate fact is that Messrs. Fields and Schulzetenberg' s information is inaccurate and out of date. The oft-repeated statement that there is chaos in the bibliographic control of non- print materials is simply not accurate. The current journals are becoming more com- prehensive, critical in their stance, and broader in their scope of coverage. For ex- ample, the Booklisf s excellent non print re- viewing service evaluated and recommend- ed 815 individual filmstrips from September Recent Publications I 431 1973 to August 1974. The newly reorga- nized Media Review Digest (formerly Multi Media Review Index~ 1970- ) is an ex- cellent tool for finding reviews of specific titles, for keeping up with discongraphies and filmographies, and for keeping abreast of awards and citations. In the retrospec- tive area, the NICEM Index to 35 mm Ed- ucational Filmstrips (5th edition, 1975) provides comprehensive subject and title access to commercially produced education- al filmstrips. Those academic librarians who are spe- cialists in nonprint materials should read this guide as well as all other literature in the field, but others might best rely on the recent journal literature.-Richard W. Boss, Librarian, Princeton University, and Anne W. LeClercq, N onprint Librarian, U nive?·- sity of Tennessee at Knoxville. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1973. Ed. by David H. Kraus. Columbus, Ohio: Pre- pared at the Library of Congress for the American Association for the Advance- ment of Slavic Studies, 1975. 226p. $8.00. American Reference Books Annual 1975. Ed. by Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 904p. $25.00. (75-120328) (ISBN 0-87287- 114-2) American Theological Library Association. Proceedings, 28th Annual Conference, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colo., June 17-21, 1974. Philadelphia: Amer- ican Theological Library Association, 197 4. 156p. $4.00, postpaid. Anatomy of an International Year; Book Year, 1972. (Reports and Papers on Mass Communication, no. 71) Paris: UNESCO, 1974. 37p. $2.00. (ISBN 92-3-101186- 3) Asheim, Lester, and Fenwick, Sara I., eds. Differentiating the Media. (University of Chicago Studies in Library Science Se- ries) Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 432 I College & Research Libraries • September 1975 1974. 74p. $5.95. (74-28809) (ISBN 0- 226-02964-6) Berkowitz, Freda P. Popular Titles and Subtitles of Musical .Compositions. 2d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 217p. $8.00. (75-4751) (ISBN 0-8108-0806- 4) . Booth, Marcella. A Catalogue of the Louis Zukofsky Manuscript Collection. Austin: Univ. of Texas, Humanities Researc·h Center, 1975. 248p. $18.50. (70-38572) Core Media Collection for Secondary Schools. Ed. by Lucy C. Brown. New York: Bowker, 1975. 221p. $16.95. (75- 8792) (ISBN 0 .. 8352-0643-2) Davidson, James R; A Dictionary · of Protes- tant Church Music. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 349p. $12.50. (74- 30101) (ISBN 0-8108-0788-2) Ehresmann, Donald L. Fine Arts: A Bib- liographic Guide to Basic Reference Works, Histories, and Handbooks. Little- ton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 288p. $16.00 . . (74-32452) (ISBN 0- 87287-070-7) Enser, A. G. S. Eilmed Books and Plays; A List of Books and Plays from Which Films Have Been Made; 1928-197 4. New York: Academic Pr., 1975. 549p. $24.00. (ISBN 0-233-96676-5) Erickson, Keith V. Aristotle's Rhetoric: Five Centuries of Philological Research. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 195p. $7.50. (75-5639) (ISBN 0-8108-0809- 9) The Federal Role in Postsecondary Educa- tion; Unfinished Business, 1975-1980. A Report by the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Hass , 1975. 97p. $4.95. ( 75-4482) (ISBN 0-87589-259-0) Gailey, Harry A. · Historical Dictionary of the Gambia. ( Mrican Historical Diction- aries, No. 4). Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1975. 180p. $7.00. (75-5882) (ISBN 0-8108-0810..2) . Goell, Yohai, comp. Bibliography of Mod- ern Hebrew Literature in Translation. Tel Aviv: Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, 1975. 117p. Government Publications Guide: 1974. (Book Guide Series) Boston: G. K. Hall, 1975. 2v. $90.00. (74-24807) (ISBN 0- 8161-6805-9) A Guide to Theses and Dissertations; An :Annotated, International Bibliography of Bibliographies. Ed. by Michael M. Rey- nolds. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 599p. · $35.00. (74-11184) (ISBN 0-8103-0976-9) Havlice,. Patricia Pate. Index to Literary Biography. Metuchen; N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 2v. $39.50 .. (74-8315) (ISBN 0- 8108-0745-9) Hillard, James M. Where to Find What: A Handbook to Reference Service. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 280p. $10.00. (75-6723) (ISBN 0-8108-0813- 7) How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work. (Copyright. Office, Circular No. 22). Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Off., 1975. 7p. Free on request. Hu, Teh-Wei; Booms, B. H., and Kaltrei- der, Lynne W. A Benefit Cost Analysis ·of Alternative Library Delivery Systems. (Contributions in Librarianship and In- formation Science, N d. 13). ·Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1975. 286p. $12.50. · ( 7 4-5989) (ISBN 0-8371-7528-3) International Index to Multi-Media Infor- mation 1970- 1972. New York: Bowker, 1975. 465p. $30.00. (75-960) (ISBN 0- 8352-0808-7) Mabbs, A. W. The Organization ·of Inter- mediate Records Storage. (Documenta- tion, Libraries and Archives: Studies and Research, No. 5) Paris: UNESCO, 1974. 74p. $3.30. (ISBN 92-3-101152.:9) More Than Survival; Prospects for Higher Education in a Period of Uncertainty. A Commentary· with Recommendations by the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- vancement of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass~ 1975. 166p. . $6.95. (75- 4481) (ISBN 0-87589-258-2) 1973 Provisional World List of . Periodicals Dealing with Science and Technology Policies; Paris, May, 1974. (Science Pol~ icy Studies and Documents, · No. 33) . Paris: UNESCO, 197 4. 112p. $4.95. (ISBN 92-3-101189-8) Pan, Elizabeth. Automated Serials Control System. Albany: The University of the State of New York, The State Education .Department, 1975. 116p •. $1.50. (Order from: New York State Library, -Gift and Exchange Section, Albany, NY 12234) Petersen, Carl. Each in its Ordered Place: A Faulkner Collector~ s ' Notebook. Ann Arbor: ARDIS Publishers, 1975. 311p. $16.95. (0-88233-096-9) Printing for Pleasure; An Exhibit Spon- sored by the Friends of Morris Library. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ., n.d. 29p. Reference and Subscription Books Reviews 1972-1974. Prepared by the American Library Association Reference and Sub- scription Books Review Committee. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1975. 404p. $8.50 pa. (73-159565) (ISBN 0- 8389-0194-8) Rehrauer, George. The Short Film; An Evaluative Selection of 500 Fams. New York: Macmillan, 1975. 199p. $12.50. (74-31408) (ISBN 0-02-469530-0) Science and Technology Policies Informa- tion Exchange System (SPINES); Feasi- bility Study. (Science Policy Studies and Documents, No. 33 ( 1) ) . Paris: UNESCO, 1974. 115p. $4.95. (ISBN 92- 3-101185-5 ) Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1923- 1973. Ed. by H. W. Hall. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 438p. $45.00. (74-29085) (ISBN 0-8103-1054-6) Stewart John, comp. Filmarama. (The Formidable Years, 1893-1919, v.,1). Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 401p. $15.00. (75-2440) (ISBN 0-8108-0802- 1) Stoffer, Janet Y., ed. Science Fair Project Index 1960-1972. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 734p. $25.00. (7 4- 30269) (ISBN 0-8108-0783-1) Sumar, Suseela. The Changing Concepts of Reference Service. Delhi: Vikas Pub- lishing House, 1974. 327p. Rs 40. (ISBN 0-7069-0302-1) Virginia Union List of Biomedical Serials. 5th ed. Charlottesville: University of Vir- ginia, School of Medicine, 1975. 322p. Ward, Patricia L. Introductory Guide to Research in Library and Information Studies in the U.K. (Library Association Pamphlet, No. 37). London: The Li- brary Association, 1975. BOp. £2.00 (ISBN 0-85365-058-6) . W-ellisch, Hans (Hanan). Transcription and Transliteration. Silver Spring, Md.: Institute of Modern Language, 1975. 133p. (74-77274) (ISBN 0-88499-149- 0) Recent Publications I 433 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford Univer- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either micrafiche (MF) or pa- per copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arling- ton, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desire.d, and include payment for document and postage. Postage charges are $.18 for up to 60 mkrofiche or for the first 60 pages of paper copy; $.08 for each additional 60 fiche or each addi- tional 60 pages of paper copy. Further information on ordering docu- ments may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education (formerly Re- search in Education). The Library-College Cmu!ept: For the Want of a Horse Shoe Nail. By Florence E. De Hart. Graduate Library ~chool, Kansas State Teachers Coli., Emporia. 1974. 55p. (ED 098 995, MF-$0.75, HC-$3.15). The library-college concept is a teaching method which differs from traditional meth- ods in that librarians and faculty work more closely together in carrying out course ob- jectives and tend toward a convergence in role or a symbiotic relationship. In the spring of 1967 an upperclass course in li- brary materials was taught using this meth- od at a small university. The course plan included brief lectures, assignment of a re- search project, talks by library staff mem- bers, conferences with librarians, presenta- tion of class reports, and open-book tests. Small difficulties and inconveniences, most- ly arising from the lack of time and other resources, threatened the successful imple- mentation of the library-college concept, but the concept was found to be promising with respect to increasing student involve- ment and enthusiasm. It was concluded that librarians will begin to play their role in implementing the library-college concept when they become aware of the efforts on the part of the faculty in this regard, and 434 I College & Research Libraries • September 1975 that implementation of the concept will re- veal so much basic worth that its eventual theoretical development will pose no prob- lem. A Mathematical Model of the Illinois In- terlibrary Loan Network. Project Report Number One. By William B. Rouse and others. Coordinated Science Lab., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 1975. 59p. (ED 101 667, MF.-$0.76, HC-$3.32). Progress on the development of a mathe- matical model and associated computer pro- grams for use by the Illinois State Library in evaluation and planning of the interli- brary loan (ILL) network is summarized. Pertinent published literature on ILL net- works is reviewed in terms of network structure, operations, satisfaction of re- quests, and cost. A flow chart model of the Illinois ILL network is outlined, and then alternate approaches are considered for the mathematical modeling of an ILL network. Network flow theory and simulation are dis- carded in favor of a hierarchical queueing network which will be analyzed using ap- proximations that will be validated with simulation. An initial version of this model, named ILLINET, has been programmed into an on-line interactive package where the user can input alternative network oper- ating policies and test the effect upon aver- age delay in satisfying a request, probabil- ity of satisfying a request, total network operating costs, and unit costs. Six possible hardware applications of computer and communications technology are discussed, ranging from simple telephone and W ATS line to the possible use of a computer to control the whole network. A Comparative Study of Organizational Characteristics Used in Learning Re- sources Centers and TraditionaUy Or- ganized Library and Audio-Visual Ser- vice Facilities in Four Minnesota and Wisconsin Senior Colleges. By Dwight Francis Burlingame. 197 4. 135p. (ED 101 1686, MF-$0.76, HC-$6.97). An investigation was made of the organi- zational characteristics of two college learning resource centers as compared with two traditionally organized college libraries with separate audiovisual units in order to determine the advantages of each organi- zational type. Interviews, observation, and examination of relevant documents were used to determine organizational character- istics, types and qualities of resources, fa- cilities, staffing, and services at each institu- tion. The author concluded that the services provided by the two types of organizations are not necessarily different, and that the attitudes of director and staff have the most important influence on the success of the service. The University Library: A Study of Ser- vices Offered the Blind. By Derral Par- kin. Graduate Dept. of Library and In- formation Science, Brigham Y(j)ung Univ., Provo, Utah. 1974. 82p. (ED 102 972, MF-$0.76, HC-$4.43). A survey based on the ALA "Standards for Library Services for the Blind and Vis- ually Handicapped" ( 1966) was sent to sixty-four four-year universities in the states of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, and Arizona. Li- braries were asked how many blind patrons they had and what services and facilities were available to them. A second survey was administered to blind students attend- ing Brigham Young University during the spring of 1974. Eleven stu·dents answered questions on the frequency with which they used the library and which facilities and media they preferred. Students rated exist- ing services and suggested improvements and additions to service. An analysis of both surveys showed that full potential ser- vice to the blind is not offered by univer- sities in the intermountain West. Sugges- tions for improvement are provided. A Study Guide for Use with the Law Books of Love Library, San Diego State University. By Kathleen L. Coleman. Malcolm A. Love Library, San Diego State Univ., San Diego, Calif. 197 4. 54p. (ED 102 988, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32). Intended for the neophyte user of the law collection of Love Library at San Diego State University, this guide introduces the major reference books which enable users to work with statutory and case law. Each of the law reference tools in the library col- lection is described in terms of basic con- tent and format, plus call number. Instruc- tions are given for using the work and sup- plementary resources. Section one of the guide covers statutory and administrative laws of the U.S. government, the state of California, and local ordinances. Section two describes the reference tools to be used in studying case law, including official law reports of the federal government and Cali- fornia, unofficial case reports, digests, and digest tables. Other legal reference tools, such as dictionaries, periodical indexes, di- rectories, and research handbooks, are also described. A title index and table of stan- dard legal abbreviations are provided. Collection Evaluation in the CoUege Li- brary. By Douglas M. Abrams. Graduate Dept. of Library and Information Sci- ence, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. 1974. 68p. (ED 102 994, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32). To find out to what extent the evaluation methods described in the professional lit- erature are actually utilized by practicing librarians, a study was conducted of the collection evaluation practices in Ill li- braries supporting four-year colleges. Three assumptions were tested: that collection evaluation in the population would be more heavily weighted toward the quantitative techniques; 'that evaluations would tend to be limited in scope rather than comprehen- sive; that evaluation activity would not be formalized by written final reports and rec- ommendations. Data collected from ques- tionnaires supported only the last two as- sumptions, which led to the conclusion that collection evaluation activities were more widespread in the population than had been expected, but that much of such ac- tivity was ineffective· because of a failure to conceive of evaluation as a process. How to Use the Library. By Kathleen Cole- man and Charles Dintrone. Malcolm A. Love Library, San Diego State Univ., San Diego, Calif. 1974. 93p. (ED 102 995, MF-$0.76, HC_:_$4.43). For the benefit of students at San Diego State University, a guide lists basic types of information sources, showing how to re- search both familiar and unfamiliar sub- jects, and helps locate needed materials ef- ficiently. Explanations are included of the card catalog, periodical indexes, newspaper indexes, general reference sources, book re- Recent Publications I 435 views, government publications, and micro- forms and other nonbook materials. A phys- ical description of the library is included. A final section explains how to prepare an annotated bibliography. A Cost Analysis of the Automated Systems Control Group, the Acquisitions Depart- ment, and the Catalog Department of the Central Technical Services. By Owais Bayunus. Univ. Libraries, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. 1975. 102p. (ED 102 996, MF-$0.76, HC-$5.70). A time and cost study and a work sampling study were conducted during the period of June 1974 to November 1974 in the Central Technical Services department of the Cornell University Library System. This department renders acquisitions and cataloging services to all the endowed col- lege and departmen'tal libraries in the sys- tem except the Hotel Administration and Law Libraries. The Automated Systems Control Group, the Acquisitions Depart- ment, and the Catalog Department were studied to provide information and recom- mendations for the improvement of the Centnil Technical Services operations. Spe- cific recommendations resulting from those studies are provided together with estimates of the costs and the time requirements of various operations. Price Trends Affecting Academic Library Budgets. By Miriam A. Drake. Univ. Li- braries and Audio-Visual Center, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. 1975. 23p. (ED 103 020, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58). Price trends for the major operating ex- penditures of the Purdue University Li- braries are examined. Four years of price data on books and serials purchased for various academic disciplines are presented. Price trend data are also presented for oth- er library expenditures including salaries, wages, equipment, telephone, and supplies. It is concluded that although computeriza- tion may reduce real labor costs, the price ' trends indicate that further cost increases can be expected. Citation Manual for United States Govern- ment Publications. By George D. Bright- bill and Wayne C. Maxson. Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple Univ., YOU WILL HAVE- "CONFIDENCE" In Our Complete Periodicals Service- All American and Foreign Titles Promptness is a Traclitional part of McGre1er S.rvico • • • 01 woll as: • EX PERl ENCE • TRAINED PERSONNEL • FINANCIAL STABILITY • AMPLE FACILITIES • RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT An attractive IJrHIIure i• availaltle for tile atiinf. OUR 43rd YEAR MOUNT MORRIS, ILLINOIS 61054 Philadelphia, Pa. 1974. 61p. (ED 103 027, MF-$0.76). A manual was developed to give "some rational guidance in citing procedures for U.S. government publications." The manual calls for full citations, rather than abbrevia- tions in order to ease the task of identifying and locating a document. Directions are given for bibliographic citations of: general publications; congressional publications; presidential publications; laws, regulations, treaties, Supreme Court decisions, and the Constitution; as well as periodicals. Ap- · pendixes contain a selected list of style manuals and sample bibliographic citations. For out-of-print issues of College & Research Libraries, write to Uni- versity Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Issues are available one year after date of publication. NEW CATALOGUE (NO. 45) 660 ITEMS Livres anciens Livres documentaires nombreux ouvrages d'histoire economique ou politique, d'histoire du droit philosophes D' ALEMBERT, NICOLAS BARNAUII,CONDILLAC, D'HOLBACH, P. BAYLE, TH. DE BEZE, J. BOUCHER, VAUBAN, MORERI, NECKER, SPINOZA, MIRABEAU, ( LE COURRIER DE PROVENCE), COUTUMIERS, BOUTEILLER, LOYSEL quelques ouvrages de divers sujets ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, CH. HUYGHENS, A.-L. LAVOISIER Lil,rai rit· .I t·an-.J at·tpws \lagis I~. nw Cw~nt~gaud~ ';.)006 Pari~