College and Research Libraries

fault that they do not share, for a sense of 
pride in the accomplishments of the Austra-
lian library field is evident, more so perhaps 
than in the first edition.-]udith Cannan, 
Associate Librarian, Serials Department, 
Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New 


AAAS Science Film Catalog. New York: 

Bowker, 1975. 398p. $16.95. (LC 75-
11536) (ISBN 0-8352-0860-5) 

American Library Philosophy; An Antholo-
gy. Selected by Barbara McCrimmon. 
Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1975. 
248p. $10.00. (LC 75-9544) (ISBN 
0-208-0 1503-5) 

American Society for Information Science. 
Information Utilities. Proceedings of the 
37th Annual Meeting. Ed. by Pranas 
Zunde. Washington, D.C.: American So-
ciety for Information Science, 197 4. 
278p. (LC 64-8303) (ISBN 0-87715-

Andrews, Theodora. A Bibliography of the 
Socioeconomic Aspects of Medicine. Lit-
leton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 
224p. $10.00. (LC 74-34054) (ISBN 

Automated Activities in Health Sciences Li-
braries. (Vol. 1, issue 1, Library Auto-
mation at the Mayo Clinic Library.) 
Tempe, Ariz.: LARC Association, 
1975- . Quarterly. $40.00, member; 
$50.00, nonmember. 

Axford, H. William, ed. Proceedings of the 
LARC Institute on Cooperative Library 
Automation, Held February 14-15, 1974, 
at the University of Wisconsin. Tempe, 
Ariz.: LARC Association, n.d. 81p. 
(ISBN 0-88257-106-0, pap.) 

Biographical Dictionaries Master Index 
1975-1976: A Guide to More Than 800,-
000 Listings in Over Fifty Current Who's 
Who and Other Works of Collective Bi-
ography. 1st ed. Detroit: Gale, 1975- . 
3v. $65.00 set. (75-19059) (ISBN 0-

Canadian Essay and Literature Index 1973. 
Ed. by Andrew D. Armitage and Nancy 
Tudor. Buffalo, N.Y.: University of To-
ronto Pr., 1975. 445p. $27.50. (LC 75-
7703) (ISBN 0-8020-4518-9) 

Recent Publications I 525 

Cooper, David E. International Bibliogra-
phy of Discographies: Classical Music 
and jazz and Blues, 1962-1972; A Ref-
erence Book for Record Collectors, Deal-
ers, and Libraries. Littleton, Colo.: Li-
braries Unlimited, 1975. 272p. $13.50. 
(LC 75-4516) (ISBN 0-87287-108-8) 

Europe's 5000 Largest Companies. New 
York: Bowker, 1975. 299p. $35.00 
(ISBN 0-01161-0231-4) 

Foundation Grants Index 1974; A Cumula-
tive Listing of Foundation Grants. Lee 
Noe, grants ed. New York: Foundation 
Center; dist. by Columbia U niv. Pr., 
1975. 315p. (LC 72-76018) (ISBN 0-

Fuller, Sara. ed. The Ohio Black History 
Guide. Columbus: The Ohio Historical 
Society, 1975. 221p. $10.00. (LC 75-
15426) (ISBN 0-87758-005-7) 

Grele, Ronald J., ed. Envelopes of Sound; 
Six Practitioners Discuss the Method, 
Theory and Practice of Oral History and 
Oral Testimony. Chicago: Precedent 
Publications, 1975. 154p. $7.50. (LC 
74-18910) (ISBN 0-913750-87-7) 

Guide to Football Literature. Ed. by Anton 
Grobani. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 319p. (LC 
75-1478) (ISBN 0-8103-0964-5) 

Hall, N. John. Salmagundi: Byron, Allegra, 
and the Trollope Family. (Beta Phi Mu 
Chapbook, no.11). Princeton, N.J.: Beta 
Phi Mu, Princeton University, 1975. 
105p. $7.00. (LC 75-1156) (ISBN 0-

Holler, Frederick L. Information Sources 
of Political Science. Santa Barbara, 
Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1975. 5v. $24.50. 

Industrial Research Laboratories of the 
United States. 14th ed. New York: Bow-
ker, 1975. 585p. $49.75. (LC 21-26022) 
(ISBN 0-8352-0787 -0) 

Key, Jack D., ed. Library Automation: The 
Orient and South Pacific: A Report on 
the LARC Delegation's Meetings and 
Visitations with Counterparts in japan, 
Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and 
New Zealand in january 1974. Tempe, 
Ariz.: LARC Association, 1975. 96p. 
(ISBN 0-88257 -200-8) 

Library and Reference Facilities in the 
Area of the District of Columbia. 9th ed. 
Ed. by Mildred Benton. Washington, 
D.C.: American Society for Information 
Science, 1975. 250p. $10.44, members. 

526 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 

Automated Circulation Control 
Systems: An Overview of Com-
mercially Vended Systems 
An extensive d iscussion by Barbara 
Evans Markuson of the characteristics 
of five circulation control systems, 
including CLSI , Checkpoint/Piessey, 
and Check-A-Book. In the July & 
September 1975 issues of LTR. $35. 

Microform Catalog Data 
Retrieval Systems 
A comparison of Information Design, 
Information Dynamics , and Library 
Processing Systems . In the May 1975 
issue of L TR . $20~ 

Theft Detection Systems 
for Libraries 
A revealing and valuable 98-page 
survey of manufacturers and users . In 
the May 1974 issue of LTR. $20. 

Library Technology Reports (LTR) 
is a unique bimonthly publication of 
the American Library Association that 
provides critical evaluations of 
products used in libraries , media 
centers , schools , and other educational 
institutions . Its purpose is twofold : 
to enable librarians and educators to 
make economical purchase decisions 
and to alert manufacturers of library 
needs and standards of performance 
expected . 

To order any of the above individual 
issues or for additional information on 
the comple te subscription service, 
write to : 

American Library Association 
50 East Huron Street 
Chicago, Illinois 60611 

of The Joint Venture; $14.50, nonmem-
bers. (LC 75-7976) (ISBN 0-87715 .. 

Library Lit. 5-the Best of 1974. Ed. by 
Bill Katz and .Robert Burgess. Metuchen, 
N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 443p. $11.00. 
(LC 78-154842) (ISBN 0-8108-0808-0) 

Multi-Media Indexes, Lists, and Review 
Sources; A Bibliographic Guide. By 
Thomas L. Hart, Mary Alice Hunt, and 
Blanche Woolls. New York: Dekker, 
1975. 273p. (LC 75-15016) (ISBN 0-
824 7-6340-8) 

Nardone, Thomas R., ed. Organ Music in 
Print. (Music in Print Series, no.3) Phila-
delphia: Musicdata, 1975. 262p. $32.00. 
(LC 75-16504) (ISBN 0-88478-006-6) 

National Commission on Libraries and In-
formation Science. Annual Report to the 
President and the Congress 1973- 1974. 
Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Off., 
1975. 38p. $.70. (Stock No. 052-003-

National Commission on Libraries and In-
formation Science. Toward a National 
Program for Library and Information 
Services: Goals for Action. Washington, 
D.C.: Govt. Print. Off., 1975. 115p. 
$1.45. (Stock no. 052-033-00086-5) (LC 

Orsagh, Thomas and others. Economic His-
tory of the United States Prior to 1860; 
An Annotated Bibliography. Santa Bar-
bara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1975. lOOp. 
$7.95. (LC 75-1162) (ISBN 0-87436-

Petersen, Carl. Each in its Ordered Place: 
A Faulkner Collector's Notebook. Ann 
Arbor, Mich.: ARDIS/RLT, 1975. 31lp. 
$16.95. (ISBN 0-88233-096-9) 

Rosenberg, Kenyon C., and Rosenberg, 
Judith K. Watergate: An Annotated Bib-
liography. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries U n-
limited, 1975. 14lp. $11.50. (LC 75-
6880) (ISBN 0-87287-116-9) 

Shapiro, Lillian L. Serving Youth: Com-
munication and Commitment in the High 
School Library. New York: Bowker, 
1975. 268p. $13.50. (LC 75-4712) 
(ISBN 0-8352-0763-3) 

Woodbridge, Hensley C. Benito Perez 
Galdos: A Selective Annotated Bibliog-
raphy. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 
333p. $12.50. (LC 75-2045) (ISBN 0-