College and Research Libraries A Celebrate •• In this centennial year for the American Library Association, College & Research Libraries contiq.ues its mission of providing a forum for communication of matters of concern and interest to its readers. In this issue we publish the full text of the remarks by Peter Drucker at the annual meeting of the Association of College and Research Li- braries in San Francisco in June 1975 on the management of public service institutions. Through a series of articles, beginning in this issue and continuing during the year, we shall also relive and summarize major themes of academic librarianship in this nation over the past century. In this issue Edward G. Holley provides the foundation upon which develop- ments of the century are based, with his account of academic libraries in 1876. As his article so well demonstrates, concerns of 1876 have remained among persistent issues in academic libraries today. Forthcoming issues will present articles on the literature of academic librarianship, collection development in college and university libraries, cooperative programs among academic libraries, the role of the inde- pendent research library, leaders in academic librarianship, a century of academic library buildings, international relations of American academic libraries, services to readers in academic libraries, organi- zational patterns for college and university libraries, and the role of the academic librarian in the college and university. W. L. Williamson has selected for the covers of our issues illustrations of college, uni- versity, and research library buildings that recall for us a few of the structures that have .housed our collections and services during this century. Academic librarians were among the leaders in the formation of . the American Library Association, and throughout the century they have assumed important roles in this organization. Librarians, working to- gether in one association, can better assure the strengthening of all libraries; and we join now with all librarians in this centennial cele- bration of ALA. R.D.J. I 3