College and Research Libraries : ,. EUGE'NE P. SHEEHY · Selecte·d Reference Boo·ks of ·1974-75 T ~· AR'IlCLE CONTINUES the semi- a~Qal series originally edited by Con- staru;e:.M. Winchell. Although it appears u.nder. a byline, the list is actually a project of the Reference Department o.f the Columbia University Libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the individual staff members. 1 . Since the purpose of the list is to-pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference wo.rkers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or c,omprehensive. A brief roundup of new .editions of standard works, con- tinuations, and supplements is presented at the end of the column. Code numbers (such as .:AA71, 2BD89) have been used to refer to ti~les in the Guide to Refer- ence · Books and its supplements. 2 . BIBLIOGRAPHY African· Books in Print; An Index by Au- thor, Title and Subject. 1975- . London, Mansell, [1975]- . (Distr. in U.S. and Canada by International Scholarly Book Services, P.O. Box 4347, Portland, OR 97208) 74-9951. Ed. by Hans M. Zell. Contents: Pt.1, English language and Af- rican languages. (1975: 441p. £ 15.50) Compiled "to provide a systematic, reli- able and functional reference tool and buy- ing guide to African published materials currently in print" (Introd.), this welcome 1. Patricia Ann Clark, Diane Goon, Rita Keckeissen, Anita Lowry, Eileen Mcilvaine, Doris Ann Sweet,· Barbara Wendell. 2. Constance M. Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (8th eel.; Chicago: ALA, 1967); Supplement. I ·(.Chicago: ALA, 1968); Sup- plement II (Chicago: ALA, 1970); Supple- ment-III (Chicago: ALA, 1972) : 60/ new series is to be in two parts~ published in alternate years: Part 1 for English and African language books, ·and Part II for Fr.ench language publications. The volume in . hand lists more than 12,000 books, pamphlets, and yearbookS, but not journals, from nineteen African countries. About 1,200 of these titles are in various African languages. Government documents were re- luctantly excluded, but it is hoped that they will be added in future editions. Full infor- mation for each entry is given in the three alphabetical lists, author, title, and subject. For the . majority of . books- information is very . full, listing author, title, translation of title if . a vernacular entry, paging, price, place, date, and country; British and Amer- ican currency equivalents of price some- times appear. There are useful lists of Afri- can publishers, government printers, and publications agencies. Updating infonilation is to be published in the· African Book Pub- lishing Record, a quartei-ly . which began publication in January 1975. Conscious of the shortcomings (e.g., certain publishers omitted, bibliographic · .. information some- times incomplete) of this first effort, the editor regards it as a pilot edition and promises improvements in those to come. Acquisitions and reference librarians will appreciate the work wherever African col- lections are maintained.-R.K. Molnar, John Edgar, comp. Author-Title In- dex to Joseph Sabin·s Dictionary of Books Relating to America. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow, 1974. 3v. $115. 74-6291. The enormous store of information con- tained in Joseph Sabin's Dictionary (Guide AA334) will be made more readily acces- sible to users by this new index. All of Sa- bin's entries, including bibliographical notes appended to primary entries, have been in- dexed and are ·arranged here ·in a single alphabet of authors and titles. In addition to personal and corporate authors, editors, IL, Selected Reference Books of 1974-75 I 61 compilers, illustrators, engravers, cartogra- phers, and, in some circumstances, publish- ers are indexed. Title listings are broadly conceived to include "main, series, and run- ning titles, selected alternate titles and sub- titles."-Introd. This index meets a long- felt need for standardization of access points to material in the Dictionary. Besides compensating for Sabin's inconsistent bib- liographic practices, however, the compiler has brought together multiple references to a particular item, has identified some anonymous and pseudonymous authors, and has isolated within the index a number of generic categories such as almanacs and election sermons. Although the price is un- fortunately high, libraries that own the Sa- bin bibliography will find this Author-Title Index to be a valuable key to its contents. -D.A.S. ENCYCLOPEDIAS The New Columbia Encyclopedia. Ed. by William H. Harris and Judith S. Levey. New York, Columbia Univ. Pr., 1975. 3052p. il. $79.50. 7 4-26686. Although it is actually a fourth edition, The New Columbia Encyclopedia is indeed new in a number of ways-most immedi- ately apparent of which is probably the in- tegration of maps and line drawings with the text itself. Another innovation-com- puter typesetting-has permitted presenta- tion of more information per page, so that the 50,000 articles are still accommodated in a single volume of only slightly greater bulk than the 1963 edition (Guide AD5). Greater use has been made of charts and tables, and metric equivalents are supplied for most measurements given in English standard units. The work remains strong in place-names and biography (with liberal inclusion of ·contemporary figures); pronun- ciation is shown for difficult or unusual names; and bibliographic references to many recent works in English are provided. While some articles from the third edition required no change, this is a thorough revi- sion, with material meant to be up to date as of January 1975. It is sure to retain favor as a useful home encyclopedia and as a source for quick reference in libraries of all sizes.-E.S. NEWSPAPERS Hagelweide, Gert. Deutsche Zeitungsbe- stiinde in Bibliotheken und Archiven. Dusseldorf, Droste Verlag, [1974]. 372p. ( Bibliographien zur Geschichte des Parla- mentarismus und der politischen Par- teien. Heft 6) DM. 98. 75-551071. Added title page in English: German Newspapers in Libraries and Archives; A Survey. Introductory matter in German and English. "Hrsg. von der Kommission, fiir Geschich- te des Parlementarismus und der politi- schen Parteien und dem Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare e. V."-Title page. In preparation for nearly ten years, this union catalog represents an effort to pro- vide reasonably up-to-date information on files of German newspapers published dur- ing the period 1700 to 1969. Admittedly selective, "it covers a total of 2,018 German newspapers . . . arranged according to 222 German places of publication, within the German frontiers of 1939, which have been and are of special historic interest as far as the press is concerned."-Publishers' Pref. Holdings of 530 German libraries, private collections, archives, museums, institutes, and publishing houses are recorded, as are files in some 49 other European collections. Information on holdings is detailed; changes of title are indicated; and there is a title index. An interesting history of the catalog, with notes on its predecessors, methodology, selection criteria, etc., is set forth in the introduction.-E.S. GovERNMENT DocuMENTS Morehead, Joe. Introduction to United States Public Documents. Littleton, Colo., Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 289p. $10. 7 4-23628. Designed as a basic text for the library school students, this work "attempts to de- lineate the relationship between the pro- duction and distribution of government ma- terials and their control, access, and man- agement in libraries and information cen- ters."-Pref. The first four chapters discuss the Government Printing Office, the Super- intendent of Documents, the depository li- brary system, and the general administra- 62 I College & Research Libraries • January 1976 tion of a documents collection; the remain- ing chapters cover general guides to federal publications, legislative branch materials, presidential publications, documents of in- dependent agencies, reports . of advisory committees and commissions, and judiciary publications. Each chapter concludes with bibliographical footnotes, and contains nu- merous tables and illustrations, generally of sample source pages. There are indexes of names/ subjects and titles/ series. The user will find that Schmeckebier's Government Publications and Their Use (2d rep. ed., 1969; Suppl. 3AH1) is more comprehensive in its coverage of the histori- cal development and inconsistencies of gov- ernment publishing, and in its section on maps and state laws and constitutions pub- lished by federal sources. The administra- tive aspects of a documents collection are more fully discussed in Rebekah M. Hades- ton's Administration of Government Docu- ments Collections (1974). However, the format and text of the Morehead volume are extremely lucid and easy to use. Its summary on tracing legislation is particu- larly good, and the discussion of the com- mercial publications which index, abstract, or reproduce government documents is in- valuable, as many of these are too recent to be included in Schmeckebier. More- head's critical evaluations of sources and general cost-consciousness are refreshing. This volume belongs next to Schmeckebier on the reference shelf and may be the one the librarian reaches for first.-D.G. DISSERTATIONS Reynolds, Michael M. A Guide to Theses and Dissertations; An Annotated, Inter- national Bibliography of Bibliographies. Detroit, Gale, r1975 1• 599p. $35. 74- 11184. This long compilation (about 2,000 en- tries) of both separately published bibliog- raphies and those appearing in larger works or as journal articles, through 1973, will be valuable to the librarian and student in searching theses and dissertations, a form of study the author recognizes as "most difficult to identify."-Introd. It is primarily a subject list, but opens with short sections of universal, national, and special! racial lists; general dissertation lists of a single in- stitution are excluded. The major portion of the work is arranged alphabetically by large subject, from area studies to theology, with subdivisions appropriate to each. En- tries give full bibliographic information and descriptive annotations on coverage, charac- ter, and special features. Since the avail- ability of the Comprehensive Dissertation Index (published 1973) has greatly simpli- fied the search for American dissertations, it will be the special features of this new work-its international coverage, frequent notes on periodic supplements to published bibliographies, and entries for those elusive in-progress lists-that will recommend it specially to the graduate student and li- brarian. There are indexes of (1) institu- tions, ( 2) names and titles, and ( 3) sub- jects, but certain limitations (e.g., omission of specific titles as noted in the introduc- tion) make use of the table of contents as well as the indexes essential to thorough searching.-R.K. BIOGRAPHY Marquis Who's Who Publications: Index to All Books. 197 4- . Chicago, Marquis, [1975- ]. Annual? (1974: 488p. $24.95) 74-17540. In its never-ending attempt to provide easy access to biographical information, Marquis Publications has created yet an- other reference tool. Although the title of this new series implies that all of the Mar- quis directories are included, the ones cov- ering the pure and applied sciences have been omitted. This, then, is an index to the latest editions of Who's Who in America, Who Was Who in America, Who's Who in the East, Who's Who in the Midwest, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Finance and Indus- try, Who's Who in Government, and Who's Who of American Women. Arrangement is alphabetical by surname, giving a symbol for each of the directories in which infor- mation about the person can be found. With coverage of ten directories containing sketches on over 200,000 names, this index should soon prove to be indispensable and a great time-saver.-P.A.C. 1 [-r Selected Reference Books of 1974-75 j 63 Who's Who in the United Nations and Re- lated Agencies. [Ed.1] New York, Arno Pr., 1975. 785p. $65. 75-4105. Almost twenty-five years have passed since Who's Who in the United Nations was published in 1951. During the inter- vening years, the United Nations organiza- tion has grown in membership, and its re- lated agencies have grown in number size and importance. For the latter reaso~ thi~ long-awaited new biographical directory has expanded coverage to include not . only U.N. delegates, but, as its title indicates senior agency personnel. All categories of persons to be included were selected by an advisory panel chaired by the late Dr. An- drew W. Cordier. An alphabetical listing of the biographi- cal entries comprises the main body of the work. Entries contain standard biographical data which was obtained from the bio- graphees by questionnaire and is current to mid-1974 when the data was collected. The overwhelmingly high response rate in- dicated in the Preface would seem to insure a fair measure of accuracy. At the very least, the spelling and form of proper names is according to the biographee's preference. Several lists which are appended enhance the ready-reference value of this volume: an "Organizational roster"·; "Installations of the U.N. system"; "Member states of the U.N., 1946-1974"; "Permanent Missions to the U.N. (both in New York and Ge- neva)"; "Presidents of the General Assem- bly"; "Principal officers of the U.N. and re- lated agencies, 1946-1974"; "U.N. Deposi- tory Libraries"; "World Federation of U.N. Associations"; "U.N. budget, 1974-75." Al- though all of this material is in English, the table of contents and the "How to use" por- tions of the work are printed in all six offi- cial languages of the United Nations (En- glish, French, Spanish, Russian Chinese and Arabic). An index to the biographicai section by nationality gives the work added dimension and will be helpful when one does not know the names of a particular country's representatives. All in all, the vol- ume will be well received by those interest- ed in international organizations. However in a field where current information is vital' one would hope for new editions at fre: quent intervals.-B.W. LITERATURE Foster, David William and Foster, Virginia Ramos. Modern Latin American Litera- ture. New York, Ungar, [1975]. 2v. $38. 72-81713. Like other volumes in Ungar's Library of Literary Criticism series (e.g., Suppl. 1BD42), this work presents excerpts from critical reviews and evaluations of selected authors, the excerpts having been chosen to present a balanced view of each writer's development and achievement. Commen- tary is drawn from both books and periodi- cals, with about half of the material here newly translated from Spanish and Portu- guese sources. The 137 authors treated in- clude both living writers and those who died after 1900 whose major work belongs to the twentieth century. Writers of belles lettres are in the majority, but essayists and oth~rs who have contributed significantly to hterary tradition in a given Latin Ameri- can country are included. The extent to which a writer has been translated was a major factor in selection, and preference was given to authors who have attracted sufficient critical attention to permit a rep- resentative selection of commentary; avail- ability of the critical writings in the United States was a further point of consideration. A single alp~abetical sequence is employed; each authors dates and nationality are giv- en; and there is a list of authors by country. An index of critics appears in v.2.-E.S. McManaway, James Gilmer and Roberts . Jeanne Addison. A Selective Bibliogra: phy of ShakeS-peare: Editions, Textual Studies, Commentary. Charlottesville Univ. Pr. of Virginia for the Folge; Shakespeare Library, [1975]. 309p. $8.75. 74-6285. Addressed to the general reader and stu- dent rather than the scholar, this well-or- ganized bibliography lists the "best and most important" Shakespeare editions and studies, both books and articles, published from 1930 through 1970. Older works of importance also appear; foreign-language materials are almost totally excluded. A classified arrangement is followed, with general introductory sections on reference works, bibliographies, general textual stud- ies, biography, etc.; a long section on the 64 I College & Research Libraries • January 1976 individual works, with subdivisions under each work for editions, textual criticism and commentary; a commentary section, comprising a list of essay collections and works on groups of plays; and finally a section of special topics, as audience, allu- sions, music, authorship, etc. Entries, num- bering about 4,500, are listed alphabetically by ·author or editor within each category and give full bibliographical information. Cross-references are used to keep duplicate listings to a minimum. The detailed table of contents and author-editor-translator in- dex make for ready-reference use.-R.K. New, William H., comp. Critical Writings on Commonwealth Literatures: A Selec- tive Bibliography to 1970, with a List of Theses and Dissertations. University Park, Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr., [1975]. 333p. 74-15195. Reference librarians disappointed by NCBEL's neglect of overseas literature will welcome this work intended as a guide and aid to research for those areas that share the "endeavor in the twentieth century ... to devise ... [an] English-language liter- ary culture."-Foreword. Covering the English-language literatures of Mrica, Aus- tralia, Canada, New Zealand, South Mrica, and Rhodesia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the West Indies, the book lists journal articles, books and parts of books, theses, and dissertations. Arrangement is geograph- ical, with the bibliography for each area subdivided into research aids (guides, bib- liographies, indexes, chronologies); a gen- eral section (language, genres, publishing, etc.); and individual author lists. Theses and dissertations, numbering more than 500, are similarly ranged in geographic scheme in a separate section. There is a li~t of periodical abbreviations, and an index of critics, editors, and translators, but not of authors as subjects. The work should be useful particularly for the less well-known authors and literatures.-R.K. Orjuela, Hector H. Bibliografia del teatro Colombiano. Bogota, [Instituto Caro y Cuervo], 1974. 312p. (Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Publ. Ser. bibliografica, X) Having previously provided us with bib- liographies of Colombian poetry and Co- lombian literature in general, Dr. Orjuela here focuses on Colombian theater. The main section of the bibliography is an au- thor listing of dramatic literature by Co- lombian authors. This is followed by three "Secciones complementarias" which offer lists of sources for the study of the Co- lombian theater, for the study of Latin American theater, and for the study of theater in general. There are many biblio- graphical and descriptive notes, and library locations (including various United States libraries) are frequently given. There is an index of the titles in the first section.-E.S. Rush, Theressa Gunnels, Myers, Carol Fair- banks and Arata, Esther Spring. Black American Writers, Past and Present: A Biographical and Bibliographical Dic- tionary. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow, 1975. 2v. il. $30. 74-28400. As a source of information and as a guide to other biographical sources, this work covers a considerable segment of the crea- tive writing done by black American writ- ers. Over 2,000 writers whose work repre- sents approximately two and a half cen- turies of literary activity appear in the dic- tionary; in addition to black American novelists, poets, etc., · selected important writers of nonfiction, and "those writers from Africa and the West Indies who live and-or publish in the United States, and who also identify with Black American writers" ( p.x) are included. The biographi- cal inforq1ation on living authors has been supplied by the writers themselves (though in some cases it has been supplemented by reference to other sources), and it resem- bles the compact "who's who" type of entry in nature and organization. In contrast, the biographies of persons no longer living are often rather more detailed in information (and evaluation) and are narrative in style; they are carefully footnoted. For a number of authors, both living and dead, little or no biographical information has been lo- cated. Although the bibliographies do not pre- tend to be complete, they are extensive and attempt to include for each author: (1) all known published books, (2) lists of major anthologies and periodicals in which the author's short stories, plays, etc., appear, I I .... . I f- Selected Reference Books of 1974-75 I 65 (3) citations to critical articles by the au- thor, and ( 4) citations to biographical and critical writings about the author. In some cases the existence of nonbook items such as recordings, taped interviews, and manu- scripts is noted. An "interjection"-a quote from the author or from a "family member, peer or critic"--expressing the author's "ideas, theories, impressions, and philoso- phies" ( p.xii) is included at the end of many of the entries.-A.L. Wakeman, John, ed. World Authors, 1950- 1970; A Companion Volume to Twen- tieth Century Authors. New York, Wil- son, 1975. 1594p. il. $60. 75-172140. As the subtitle indicates, this is a "com- panion" rather than a second supplement to Twentieth Century Authors (Guide BD 68): it neither duplicates nor updates the biographical articles in the earlier work and its first supplement. It deals with 959 au- thors, "most of whom came to prominence between 1950 and 1970," yet includes "a number of writers whose reputations were made earlier, but who were absent from the previous volumes because of a lack of bio- graphical information, or because their work was not then 'familiar to readers of English.' "-Pref. Selection of authors seems careful and judicious, and includes not only writers of unquestioned literary importance (not to mention historian~, critics, etc., of stature), but some who en- joyed great popularity for a relatively brief period. (If, occasionally, there is a whiff of the "whatever became of" compilation, there is little doubt that these once-so- familiar names have a place here.) As in the companion volumes, many of the au- thors provided autobiographical sketches; critical comment is generally fuller than in those earlier works. Bibliographies again liSt principal works and a selection of writ- ings about the author. Articles are un- signed, but a list of contributors is supplied. Now if Mr. Wakeman could just be per- suaded to set to work on a second supple- ment to Twentieth Century Authors . ... E.S . . CINEMA Batty, Linda. Retrospective Index to Film Periodicals, 1930-1971. New York, Bow- ker, 1975. 425p. $24.50. 7 4-34246. The Retrospective Index to Film Peri- odicals takes a relatively selective approach to the literature of film, indexing only four- teen major English-language film periodi- cals and the Village Voice (a welcome ad- dition). All of the journals are still publish- ing (most of them since the 1960s), while only one, Sight and Sound ( 1932- ) , be- gan before 1945. The index is divided into two main sections: "Individual Films" which lists reviews, articles, etc., under the titles of the films; and "Film Subjects" which lists articles, interviews, etc., under "(1) applicable descriptors for film study, such as Aesthetics, Auteur Theory, Festi- vals; [and] (2) persons who are the ob- jects of biographical and critical interest." -p.ix. In addition, many of the entries in the "Film Subjects" section have brief de- scriptive annotations. Citations to book re- views have been collected separately at the end of the volume. The lack of an author index is a serious detriment to the overall reference usefulness of this book.-A.L. STATISTICS Mitchell, Brian Redman. European H istori- cal Statistics, 1750-1970. New York, Co- lumbia Univ. Pr., [1975]. 827p. $50. 74-28439. At last someone has tried to organize in- to a unified, workable form the mass of statistical information available from the statistical annuals and series published by European governments. Besides providing easier access to the data (for many libraries may not hold the older compilations or an- nuals from some of the smaller countries), the compiler has tried to identify and stan- dardize the figures and also supply missing data. Professor Mitchell is well qualified to deal with this material as he has edited sev- eral collections of British official statistics. In a concise and interesting introduction he indicates the problems one can expect to encounter in working with these varied sta- tistical sources: definition and availability of statistics; changes in details of coverage; changes in boundaries of countries; the un- known degree of efficiency of past compil- ers and printers; the earlier statistics as by- 66 1 College & Research Libraries • January 1976 products of censuses for purposes of taxa- tion or military preparedness. To ease some of the headaches for the user, Mitchell has included lists of boundary changes, tables of currency changes, and conversion ratios for weights and measures. The seventy-five tables are grouped un- der the following topics: climate, popula- tion and vital statistics, labor force, agricul- ture, industry, external trade, transport and communications, finance, prices, education, national accounts. Inevitably, one can sug- gest other tables one wishes the compiler had included, e.g., some indication of rates of exchange for the European countries. However scholars and reference librarians will be g'rateful for this careful compilation and can hope that similar volumes for oth- er l~rge geographical areas-the Middle East, Asia-may follow.-E.M. LAW Hepple, B. A.; Neeson, J. M.; and O'Hig- gins, Paul. A Bibliography of the Litera- ture on British and Irish Labour Law. [London], Mansell, 1975. 331p. £9.75. 75-310299. · Relationships between worker and em- ployer (wages, hours, holidays, and other conditions of employment), labor legisla- tion, compensation for accidents and illness, vocational education and training, unem- ployment, collective bargaining, and union- ization of workers are among the topics treated in this bibliography which attempts to cover "all the relevant literature con- cerned with the legal relationships of peo- ple at work" (Introd.) in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Repub- lic of Ireland. Certain international aspects directly related to conditions in Great Britain and Ireland are also included. The more than 4,500 items represent mainly English-language materials (books, pamph- lets, periodical articles) from the eighteenth century through 1972. A classed arrange- ment is employed; author and subject in- dexes are provided; and at least one library location is indicated for most books and pamphlets.-E.S. ATLASES The Times Atlas of China. [London], Times Books, 197 4. xlp., 144p., 27p. col. maps. 38cm. $75. 75-313716. Editors and chief contributors: P. J. M. Geelan, D. C. Twitchett. Cartographic con- sultant: John C. Bartholomew. In view of the difficulty of obtaining up- to-date cartographic information on the People's Republic of China, this new atlas is offered "with some diffidence" by the publisher. An introductory section (p.vii- xl) includes a number of historical maps, plus maps showing population, agriculture, climate, trade, and industry. The main sec- tion of the atlas (p.1-144) presents a group of regional physical maps, followed by a series of maps on the individual provinces, with historical and descriptive notes and an administrative summary for each (includ- ing map references); there is also a section of city plans. The maps of the provinces were originally compiled by the Japanese publisher Kyobunkaku, and have been up- dated and improved for the present work. All maps are in color; most are double-page spreads. The Wade-Giles system of tran- scription of Chinese names is used on the maps; in the index, names are arranged al- phabetically by Wade-Giles transcription with the Pinyin transcription following. Al- though the Introduction clearly states that some of the information is fairly tentative because "detailed geographical and particu- larly statistical information . . . is, by West- ern standards, hard to come by," the atlas represents a very considerable achievement. -E.S. HISTORY AND AREA STUDIES Asamani, J. 0. Index Africanus. Stanford, Calif., Hoover Inst. Pr., Stanford Univ., [ 1975]. 659p. $25. (Hoover Inst. bibli- ographies, 53) 76-187266. Described as "a catalogue of articles in Western languages dealing with Africa and published from 1885 to 1965 in periodicals, Festschriften or memorial volumes, sym- posia, and proceedings of congresses and conferences" (Pref.), this bibliography in- cludes more than 24,600 entries. A classed arrangement is employed, a general section being followed by sections for North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa, each subdivided by ~J ) Selected Reference Books of 1974-75 I 67 country, then by subject. Material relating to Is}amic culture in Africa is omitted since it is covered in the Index Islamicus. There is an author index; addition of a subject in- dex or provision of a more detailed table of contents would have greatly facilitated use of the volume.-E.S. Bell, S. Peter. Dissertations on British His- tory, 1815-1914; An Index to British and American Theses. Metuchen, N.J., Scare- crow, 1974. 232p. $7.50. 74-16104. This is a list of 2,300 theses-British and Irish master's essays and doctoral disserta- tions, and American and Canadian doctoral dissertations-dealing with the history of Great Britain and Ireland during the nine- teenth and early twentieth centuries. Al- though "history" has been broadly inter- preted, theses which treat the history of fine arts or architecture, science or technology, literature, or British foreign, colonial, and commercial policies in specific countries have been excluded. The arrangement is classified by five major sections (political history, economic history, social history, ecclesiastical history, and the history of ed- ucation) with author and subject indexes. Each citation gives author, title, degree, in- stitution, and date, plus order number if available from Xerox University Microfilms. All theses were completed between 1914 and 1972. Although it is regrettable that theses dealing with British foreign policy in particular countries have been omitted, this list is still a useful addition to reference sources in the growing field of Victorian studies.-D.G. Birkos, Alexander S. and Tambs, Lewis A. Historiography, Method, History Teach- ing; A Bibliography of Books and Arti- cles in English, 1965-1973. [Hamden, Conn.], Linnet Books, 1975. 130p. $7.50. 74-19459. "Designed not only to aid university, col- lege and high school historians in their teaching, research and publication, but also to facilitate their awareness of new and often conflicting trends in current historiog- raphy" (Pref.), this list of 1,250 studies is subdivided to cover: research methods in history; the teaching of history (at the uni- versity, college, and secondary school lev- els); historiography and philosophy of his- tory; historiographical studies by area. A few short, topical sections such as economic · history and medical hisfory are included in the areas portion, which is arranged alpha- betically by area and topic. Within each category writings are alphabetic by author, with full bibliographiCal information. There is a list of journals, with annotations on contents and requirements for contributors, and an author index. The heart of the work, covering historiography and philosophy of history and numbering more than 500 en- tries, would have been more useful if a clas- sified order to show the "new and . . . con- flicting trends" mentioned in the preface had been followed. Future publications to update the work are being considered.- R.K. U.S. Library of Congress . . United States Lo- cal Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography. Ed. by Marion J. Kamin- kow. Baltimore, Magna Carta Book Co., 1975. 4v. $250. 74-25444. Contents: v.1-2, Atlantic states; v.3, Mid- dle West, Alaska, Hawaii; v.4, The West. In order to highlight the fact that all of the entries in this bibliography are con- cerned with some geographical area, the Li- brary of Congress classification schedule has been used to provide a basic arrangement by region, state, and locality. Included are books for which cards had been filed in the Library of Congress shelflist by mid-1972. Although those cards were microfilmed, the bibliography does not give a photographic reproduction of each card: only the essen- tial information has been retained. This in- cludes: author's name, brief title, imprint, collation, bibliographical and/ or contents notes, and LC card number and call num- ber. The books are listed alphabetically by author under each heading, with the excep- tion of biographies, which are arranged by subject. Supplemental finding aids are clas- sification schedules at the beginning of each region and an index of places for each state. There are also selected bibliographies for each region and state. This catalog of one of the finest local history collections in the country should prove useful in any large 68 I College & Research Libraries • January 1976 academic library.-P.A.C. U.S. Library of Congress. American Revo- lution Bicentennial Office. Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress for Research on the American Revolution. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1975. 372p. $8.70. 74-5404. Comp. by John R. Sellers, Gerald W. Gawalt, Paul H. Smith, and Patricia Molen van Ee. One of the few real benefits of a Bicen- tennial celebration may be the impetus it gives to libraries to survey their collections for important historical materials. The Li- brary of Congress proves to be a leader during the current Bicentennial observance with this manuscript catalog, and an impor- tant contribution it is. The compilers sur- veyed the Manuscript Division, the Rare Book Di~ision, and the Law Library for any m~nuscnpts and transcripts, photostats, or miCrofilms of manuscripts that the Library of Congress might hold relating to the peri- od 1763-1789 in American history. The cat- alog is divided between "Domestic Collec- tions" and "Foreign Reproductions," with the former subdivided as "Account books " "Journals and diaries," "Miscellaneous ma~­ uscripts," and "Orderly books." Entries are arranged alphabetically within each sec- tion, following the form of NUCMC, with the name of the collection, the number and kinds of items, the period covered and a brief biographical or descriptive ' sketch which also indicates any finding aids, calen- dars, or published portions. There are two indexes: one of repositories from which photocopies have been obtained, and one by name and topic. The American Revolution Bicentennial Commission has endorsed the Library of Congress' recommendation that other insti- tutions such as archives, historical societies and .librari~s be urged to compile compre~ hensive gmdes to manuscript sources "ac- ~ording to scholarly standards for identify- mg and describing such items and to be published in a standard format."-Fore- w?rd. With this excellent example from the Library of Congress and with the commis- sion's encouragement, librarians and schol- ars should be able to look forward to a number of similar aids to research.-E.M. SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES Union Catalogue of Scientific Libraries in the University of Cambridge. Scien- tific Conference Proceedings, 1644-1972. Comp. at the Scientific Periodicals Li- brary, University of Cambridge. London, Mansell, 1975. 2v. £27.50. The proceedings of 6,000 conferences in the forty scientific departmental libraries and collections at Cambridge University are presented in this computer-produced list, the first to be published by the Union Cata- logue Unit of the University which was set up to compile a central record of the hold- ings of these important scientific collections. "Conference" is broadly interpreted, cover- ing "any meeting of scientists for the ex- change of ideas so th~t it includes sym- posia, lecture meetings, summer institutes " p ' etc. - ref. Arrangement is a single alpha- bet of entries for official name of confer- ence, title of the published proceedings, corporate bodies involved, and place where the conference was held. Full bibliographi- cal information and location at Cambridge are given in each entry. Editor's name, though appearing in many entries, is not itself an indexing term. Reference librari- ans will be grateful for the multiple entries for each work and the fullness of informa- tion for a form of publication often difficult to identify.-R.K. NEw EDITIONS AND SuPPLEMENTS Volume 2 of the third edition of Albert J. Walford's Guide to Reference Material is now available. Devoted to "Social & His- to~ical Sciences, Philosophy & Religion," this volume (London, Library Assoc., 1975. 647p.) includes "main entries for some 4,500 items, plus several hundred sub- sumed entries"-an increase of about 15 percent over the corresponding volume of the second edition (1968; Suppl. 2AA48). Cutoff date was .April 1974, with a few later additions. The Repertoire international des editeurs et diffuseurs de langue franyaise (Paris, Cercle de la Librairie, 1975. 467p. 142F.) is a revised and expanded edition of a 1971 directory issued under the auspices of the Union des :I;:diteurs de Langue Fran~aise. Addition of the words "et diffuseurs" to the Selected Reference Books of 1974-75 I 69 earlier title signals the greater emphasis on information regarding book dealers and dis- tributors of French-language publications in the present directory. The first of the series of interim indexes to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (the En- glish translation of the third ed. of the Bol' shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia; Suppl. 3AD10) has now appeared (New York, Macmillan, 1975). Originally announced as available only at additional cost, the index is being distributed to all purchasers of the encyclopedia as part of their subscription. The first index covers v.1-5; successive in- dexes issued after publication of each new group of five volumes will be completely cumulative. The next index, covering v.1- 10, is planned for 1976 publication. With the appearance of Supplement Four (New York, Scribner, 1974. 951p.), coverage of the Dictionary of American Biography is extended through the 1946-50 period. John A. Garraty and Edward T. James shared the editorial burden of this volume containing 561 biographies by 437 contributors. An "Index guide" provides a cumulated list of the biographical sketches in the four supplementary volumes. The first volume, covering A-H,' of a new, en- larged edition of the Biographisches W or- terbuch zur deutschen Geschichte (M tin- chen, Francke, 1974) has appeared under the editorship of Karl Bosl, Gunther Franz, and Hanns Hofmann. Many articles from the 1952 edition (Guide AJ139a) have been fully revised and expanded, new articles have been added (the work now covers down to the present), and bibliographies have been updated; it is estimated that about four-fifths of the material in the new three-volume edition will be either new or rewritten. Literary Terms; A Dictionary by Karl Beckson and Arthur Ganz (New York, Far- rar, 1975. 280p. $6.95) is a revised and substantially enlarged edition of A Readers Guide to Literary Terms by the same au- thors (1960; Guide BD17). Available also in paperback at $2.95, the work makes a useful addition to the student's personal collection as well as to the library reference shelf. Petrarch: Catalogue of the Petrarch Collection in Cornell University Library (Millwood, N.Y., Kraus-Tliomson, 1974. 737p. $54) reproduces the catalog cards for works by and about Petrarch in the Cornell collection and reflects the growth of that collection since publication of the 1916 Catalogue, edited by Mary Fowler (Guide BD789). Because many of the analytic notes from the earlier work have not been carried forward and because see references to that volume are provided, li- braries holding the 1916 Catalogue will want to retain it in the reference collection. Joan Aldous and Nancy Dahl are the edi- tors of the second volume of the I nterna- tional Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family (Minneapolis~ Univ. of Minn. Pr., 197 4. 1530p. $35). Covering publications mainly from the 1965-72 peri- od, the computer-produced bibliography lists some 12,870 references. It has been followed by a supplementary Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature for 1973/ 74 (called "v.3" and published 1975); the Inventory is to continue as an annual. An eighth supplement to A London Bibliogra- phy of the Social Sciences has just been published in three volumes (London, Man- sell, 1975. £ 65) . Like the two previous supplements (see Suppl. 3CA6), this one is reproduced from cards added to the sub- ject catalog of the British Library of Po- litical and Economic Science; while it rep- resents cards filed during the 1972-73 peri- od, many of the entries are for earlier works. Cross-references are not provided, but a "List of subject headings used in the Bibliography" is appended to v.3 as an aid to subject searching. Frank G. Menke's Encyclopedia of Sports (Guide CB167) is now available in a fifth revised edition (South Brunswick, N.J., Barnes, 1975. 1125p. $25) with revisions by Suzanne Treat. In general, information has been updated through 1972, with some 1973 data. Elizabeth L. Post, who under- took the revisions for the twelfth edition of "Emily Post" (1969; Suppl. 3CF5), has carried the work of revision a good deal farther in The New Emily Post's Etiquette (New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1975. 978p. $11.95). While much has been carried over from the previous edition, there are many changes, deletions, and additions designed to reflect the "openness, freedom, and in- formality" of life today.-E.S. 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