College and Research Libraries 82 t ·College & Research Libraries • January 1976 sembled here in one volume. It is not an es- sential reference work-Louis A.· ·Kenney; Director of Library Services, San Diego State University. Sherrod, John, ed. Information Systems and Networks. Eleventh Annual Symposium, March 27-29, 1974. Produced by lnfor- . matics, Inc., Westport, Conn.: Green- . wood, 1975. 200p. $11.00. (LC 74- ·11941) (ISBN 0-8371-7717-0) If you like Irish stew this book is for you. Hidden behind a vague title is a symposium on on-line intera.ctive data base services. The Data: Base · Industry, or rriore accurately. the Data Base Complex, embraces activities ranging from creating data bases to provid- ing data base ·services to end-users. It faces is~ues of design, economics, organization, and us~r requirements, and hardware-soft- ware-telecommunication arrangements. The actors in the data base drama are: organizations that create and often publish data bases; · organizations that produce machine-readable versions of data bases; organizations that provide software access to data baseS; organizations that supply te;lecommunication connections; organiza- ti<;>ns that offer services directly to us~rs or to intermediaries such as librarians, re- s~arch organizations, and their funders; the· acJ,ministrators .and staffs of these organiza- · tions; and the end-users themselves. Most of the actors . are represented iri the sym- posium. : · . · . . The is~ues facing these actors include the OP,timal ·design of data bases, of hardware, of: software, and of service interfaces. They inc1ude issues of financing development and operation, of subsidizing and recovering costs, and . of marketing and pricing ser- vices. Issues relating to ·users include the characteristics of various 'user groups, their work requirements, and the system and service functions that best meet these re- quirements. Most .of these issues are covered in vary- ing depth in the symposium. Some of the m·ore substantive presentations are Roy Kid- man's statement of the harsh constraints on aqademic libraries in offering on-line ser- vices; Thomas Martin's review of alterna- tives in designing interactive retrieval soft- ware; ·Donald King and :Raymond ·Brown's eronomic model for deeiSions · on · using interactive services; Bennet· Lientz' s quanti- fication of factors in deciding to :secure computer services through a network; Ken- neth Siler's ;description of criteria for evalu- ating data base management systems; and Paul Zurkowski's discussion of the role of the marketplace in access to in- formation. In addition, there. are lucid dis-:- cussio.ns of .. data bases and services in areas such as toxicology, medi~ine, .aerospace, bi- ology> .and chemistry. Historical and sum- . mary papers offer background information for the nontechnical reader . . · The virtue of this symposium is -that the main actors and issues in the Data Base Complex are represented. ·Its .defect is a lack of..a unifying plot that highlights the parties at issue and the. -alterna.tives each face. · The papers appear 01,1e · after the oth- er; .· covering an astonishingly wide range, more like. a drama festival ' than .an evening with Ibsen. The symposium ·advances our ability to reach an integrated understand- ing of what commercial, · academic, . profes- sional, and governmental groups must do to make interactive services better and sup- portable. Librarians, systems personnel, ad- ministrators, and business people will each find several valuable papers in this sym- posium. The . organizers deserve credit for making the proceedings available rapidly. -Douglas Ferguson, · Stanford University Libr{lnes, Stanford, California. · OTHER. PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Alloman, Katherine A. A . Reference Guide to Postsecondary Education · Data Sour- ces; A Dire(Jtory to Data Sources Corre- sponding to Items in the NCHEMS StateWide Measilres Inventory. Boulder, Colo.:. National Center for Higher Edu- cation Management Systems at Western Interstate Commission for Higher Educa- tion, 1975. 1v. unpaged. $12.00. American Library Association. Office for Library , Service to the Disadvantaged. Multi-Ethic Media; Selected Bibliogra- .phies in : Print.- Chicago: ·American. · Li..: brary Association,. ·1975. 33p. . $2.00. (ISBN 0-8389-3170-7) . American Library Laws, 4th ed., 1st Sup- plement, 1973-1974. Ed. by Alex Laden- son. Chicago: American Library Associa- tion, 1975. 2f?2p. $10.00 . . (LC .73-14863) . (ISBN 0:-8382-0158-1) Awards; Honors, and Prizes: An If);terna- . tional Directory of . Awards and Their Donors.. . . . 3d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1~75. 2v. $38.00. (LC 75-.46.32) (ISBN 0- 8103-0376-Q) . - ' . . ' Bailey,. Stephen· . K. Education Interest Groups fn .the Nation's Capital. WashiJ:~g­ ton, D.8.: .American . Council on Educa- . tion, 19,75 . . 87p. $7.50. (LC 75-22279) (ISBN 0-8.268-1265:-1) . . The Reinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library; A Guide to its CoUections. New Haven: Yale Univet:sity Library, 1974. 111p. Berry, Dorothea M .. A . Bibliographic Guide to Educational Research. Metuchen, N.T.: Scarecrow. 1975. 158p. $6.00. (LC 75-20134) (ISBN 0-8108-0825-0) Bibliography of Bioethics. Ed. by Leroy Walters. Detroit: Gale, 1975- . . Vol. 1- . ·$24.00 . . (LC 75-4140) (ISBN 0- 8103-0978-5) . ' . . Blair, · Edward P. Abingdon Bible Hand- book. Nashville: Abingdon Pr., · 1975. 511p. $15.95. (LC 75-6774) (ISBN 0- 687-00169-2) Bonville, Jean de. Introduction aux ouv- rages g~neraux de reterence sur la com- munication et . les mass media. (Guide bibliographiques, 1.0) Quebec: Publica- tions de la Biblioth.e.que de l'U niversjte Laval. 1975.- 148p.. . Book Publishers ·in Canada . . Directory. 1975. Toronto: A~persand Publishing Services. Inc .. 1975. 155n. Brit·ish Music Yearbook 1975. Comp. by Arthur Jacobs; New Yqrk: Bowker, 1975. 801p. $22.50 . . (ISBN 0-85935-024-X) Bruntjen, Scott, and Bruntjen, Carol, comps. A Checklist of American Imprints , for 1831; Items 5610- 10775. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 433p. $15.00. (LC 64-11784) (ISBN 0-8108-0828-5) Building a Children· s Literature Collection. ("A Suggested'. Basic ·Reference Collec- tion ' for Academic Libraries," by Harriet Recent Publications I 83 B. Quimby and Clara · 0. Jackson; .. and, "A Suggested · Basic ·Collection . of ·Chil- dren's Books~.. by Rosemacy Weber) Middleton, Conn.: Choice, 1975. 34p. · $3;95. (LC . 75-4363) (ISBN · 0,.914492- 02-0) . Camp, William L., . and Schwark, Bryan L . Guide to Per·iodicals in Education' and its Academic Disciplines. Metuchen, .N.J.: Scarecrow~ · 1975.. 568p. $19.50. (LC 75-6784) (ISBN 0;.8108-0814-5) Casale, Joan T . . The Diet Food .Finder. New York: Bowker, 1975. 304p. $19.95. (LC 75-15533) (ISBN 0-8352-0783-.8) Chau, Phan Thien. Vietnam,ese Commu- nism: A Re~earch Bibliography. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1975: 359p. $19.95. (LC . 75-16961). (ISBN 0-8371- 7950-S) . . The Cooks' Catalogue. Ed. · by James Beard and others. New York: Harper, 1975. 565p. $.15.95. (LC 75-6329) (ISBN 0- 06-011563-7) David, Nina. Reference Guide for Consum- ers. New York: Bowker, 197S. 327p. . $14.95. (LC. 75-12912) (ISBN 0-8352- 0768-4) . . . Davis, Lloyd, and Irwin, Robert. Contem- porary American Poetry: A Checklist. Metuchen,. N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 183p. $7.00. (LC 75-19028) (ISBN 0-8108- 0832-3) . Directory of Research Grants 1975. Comp. by William K. Wilson and Betty L. \Yil- . son. Scottsdale, Ariz.: . Oryx Pr., 1975. 390p. (LC 75-17995) (ISBN 0-912700- 19-X) . Downs, Robert B . . Famous Books; Great Writings in the . History of Civilization. Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams, 1975. 278p. $2.95. (LC 75:-6581) (ISBN 0- 8226-0297 -0) . . . Edgar, NealL. A History and. Bibliography of American Magazines 1810--1820. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 384p. $15.00. (LC 75-11882) (ISBN 0-8108- .. 0821-8) . Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisor.y Or- ganizations. Ed. by Linda E. Sullivan and ,Anthony T~ . Kru~as. 2d ed. Detroit: Gale, 197S. 688p. $75.00 (LC 75- 15619) (ISBN 0-8103-0251-9) . Energy Information Resources; An Inven- tory of Energy Research and Develop- 84 I CoUege & Research Libraries • January 1976 · ment I nf01'11U1tion Resources in .the Con- tinental United States, Hawaii and Alas- ka. Comp. by . . . Battelle Columbus Laboratories. Washington, D.C.: Ameri- can .Society for Information Science, 1975. 250p. $14.80, members; $18.50, nonmembers. (LC 75-13917) (ISBN 0- 87715-111-3) Essays on Bibliography. Comp. and ed. by Vito J. Brenni. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, ·1975. 560p. $15.00. (LC 75- 14082) (ISBN 0-8108-0826-9) Film Literature Index. Albany, N.Y.: Film- dex, Inc., 1973- . $125.00, quarterly. Fleischer, Eugene B. Bibliographic Cita- tions for Nonprint Materials; A Manual for Writers of Term Papers and Theses. Upper MontClair, N.J.: New Jersey Asso- ciation for Educational Communications and Technology, 1975. 42p. $2.00. (Or- der from Dr. Alpha Myers, 26 Chadwick Dr., Nutley, NJ 07110) Future-Abstracts. Washington, D.C.: Fu- turemics, 1975-· . $15.00 per subscrip- tion. Monthly. Goodman, Candase, comp. Waste: A New Resource. An Information Sheet with Options-for the Productive Use of Waste. Sarita Barbara, Calif.: Alternative Energy Search Group, 1975. 39p. $2.00. (Order c/o Community Union, 119 East De La Guerra, Santa Barbara, CA 93101) Graziano, Eugene E. Language-Operation- al-Gestalt Awareness; A Radically Em- pirical and Pragmatical Phenomenology of the Processes and Systems of Library Experience~ Tempe, Ariz.: Association for Library Automation Research Com- munications, 1975. 457p. $37.00. (LC 75-6564) (ISBN 0-88257-102-8) Guide to Play Selection. 3d ed. New York: Bowker, 1975. 292p. $13.95. (LC 74- 33724) (ISBN 0-8352-0862-1) G4ide to U.S. Government Maps. Geologi- cal and Hydrological Maps. McLean, Va.: Documents Index, 1975. 432p. $50.00. (Bonus for subscribers: Guide to U.S. Government Maps. Location In- dex.) H arulhook of Pseudonyms and Personal Nicknames. Comp. by Harold S. Sharp. 1st supplement. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1975. 2v. $35.00. (LC 71-189886) (ISBN 0-8108-0807~2) . Hands-on Museums: Partners in Learning. A Report from Educational Facilities Lab- oratories. New York: Educationai ·Facili- ties Laboratories, 1975. 44p. $3.00. (LC 75-15249) Harrah, Barbara, and Harrah, David. Alter- native Sources of Energy: A Bibliogra- phy of Solar, Geothernwl, Wind, and Tidal Energy, and Environmental Archi- tecture. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 216p. $8.00. (LC 75-17853) (ISBN 0-8108-0839-0) Heinzkill, Richard. Film Criticism: An In- '· dex to Critics' Anthologies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 151p. $6.50. (LC 75-20159) (ISBN 0-8108-0840-4) Hill, Donna. The Picture File; A Manual and a Curriculum-Related Subject Head- ing List. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1975. 140p. $8.50. (LC 74-30360) . (ISBN 0-208-01472-1) Hunt, C. J. The Book Trade in Northum- . berland and Durham to 1860: A Bio- graphical Dictionary. Newcastle upon Tyne: Thornes's Students' Bookshop for the History of the Book Trade in the North, 1975. $27.00. Katzen, May. Mass Communication: Teach- ing and Studies at Universities; A World- wide Survey on the Role of Universities ' in the Study of the Mass Media and Mass Communication. Paris: UNESCO Press, 1975. 278p. $14.85. (ISBN 92-3- 101158-8) Kehler, Dorothea. Problems in Literary Re- search: A Guide to Selected Reference ·Works. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 169p. $6.00. (LC 75-16427) (ISBN 0-8108-0841-2) Kumar, Girja, and Kumar, Krishan. Theo1·y of Cataloguing. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1975. 235p. Rs 25. (ISBN 0- 7069-0361-7) Lehnus, Donald J. Enchiridion of Fbrm and Procedure for Typewritten Catalog Cards According to the International Standards for Bibliographic Description of Sep- arately Published Monographs (ISBD- M) (Serie Bibliotecologica, no .. 2) Rio Piedras: University of Puerto Rico, 1975. 28p. (ISBN 0..8477-0902-7) LIST: Library and Information· Services Today. An Intematioflal. Registry of Re- search and Innovation. Vol. 5/1975. t Paul · Wasserman, ed. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 633p. $45.00~ (LC 7 4-7634) (ISBN 0-8103.:0387-6) Look, Listen, Explain: Developing Com- munity Library Seroices for Young Adults. Chicago: American Library As- sociation, Young Adult Services Division, 1975. 24p. $2.00. (ISBN 0-8389-3171- 5) Lueker, Erwin L., ed. Lutheran Cyclope- dia. Rev. ed. St. Louis: Concordia Pub- lishing House, 1975. 845p. (LC 75- 2096) (ISBN 0-570-03255-5) Mackay, James. An Encyclopedia of Small Antiques. New York: Harper, 1975. 320p. $22.50. (LC 75-4145) (ISBN 0- 06-012795-3) Maidment, William R. Librariamhip. (The Professions) Newton Abbot, Devon, and North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1975. 151p. $11.95. (LC 75-17) (ISBN 0-7153-6897-4) Makkar, G. C. Three Number Author Ta- ble. New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, 197 4. 168p. $6.00. Maleady, Antoinette 0., comp. Record and Tape Reviews Index 1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 580p. $18.50. (LC 72-3355) (ISBN 0-8108-0817-X) Mariani, Paul L. William Carlos Williams: The Poet and His Critics. Chicago: American Library Association, 1975. 286p. $14.95. (LC 75-8645) (ISBN 0- 8389-0199-9) Mason, Philip P., ed. Directory of Jewish Archival Institutions. Detroit: Wayne State University Pr., 1975. 76p. $3.75. (LC 75-15504) (ISBN 0-8143-1547-X) Metcalf, E. W. Paul Laurence Dunbar: A Bibliography. (The Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.23) Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 202p. $7.50. (LC 75- 14466) (ISBN 0-8108-0849-8) Michael, Mary Ellen. Continuing Profes- sional Education in Librarianship and Other Fields; A Classified and Annotat- ed Bibliography, 1965-1974. New York: Garland, 1975. 211p. $20.00. (LC 75- 8998) (ISBN 0-8240-1085-X) Morris, Will-iam, and Morris, Mary. Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage. New York: Harper~ 1975. 650p. $15.00. (LC 73-4112) (ISBN 0-06-013062-8) Recent Publications I 85 New Serial Titles 1950-1970, Subject Guide. Ed. by Bowker Serials Bibliogra- phy Department. New York: Bowker, 1975. 2v. $138.50. (LC 75-15145) (ISBN 0-8352-0820-6) Oey, Giok Po, comp. A Bibliography on Teaching English to Vietnamese Stu- dents. (Comp. for the American Library Association.) Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Uni- versity Libraries, 1975. 5p. (Write to Giok Po Oey, Curator, Southeast Asia Librarian, John M. Olin Library, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY 14853.) Perkins, David, and Tanis, Norman, comps. Native Americam of North America; A Bibliography Based on Collections in the Libraries of California State University, Northridge. (Bibliography Series of the University Libraries, vol. 2) Northridge: California State University, 1975. 558p. Perlin, John, comp. Solar Energy Fact Sheet. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Alternative Energy Search Group, 1975. 16p. $1.50. (Order c/o Community Union, 119 East De La Guerra, Santa Barbara, CA 93101) Plotnik, Arthur. Library Life: American Style; A Journalist's Field Report. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 226p. $8.00. (LC 75-16280) (ISBN 0-8108- 0852-8) Rechcigl, Miloslav, ed. World Food Prob- lem: A Selective Bibliography of Re- views. Cleveland: CRC Press, 1975. 235p. $31.95. (LC 74-30748) (ISBN 0- 87819-066-X) Regazzi, John J., and Hines, Theodore C. A Guide to Indexed Periodicals- in Re- ligion. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 328p. $10.00. (LC 75-22277) (ISBN 0- 8108-0868-4) Research Centers Directory. 5th ed. Ed. by Archie M. Palmer. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 1039p. $68.00. (LC 60-14807) (ISBN 0-8103-0453-8) --. New Research Centers: A Periodic Supplement to Research Centers Direc- tory. Ed. by Archie M. Palmer. Detroit: Gale, 1975- . $64.00. (LC 60-14807) (ISBN 0-8103-0451-1) Research in Parapsychology 1974; Ab- stracts and Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Parapsycho- logical Association, 1974. Ed. by J. D. . . 86 I College & Research Libraries • January 1976 Morris,. W. G~ Roll and R. L. Morris. Me- tuchen, 'N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. · 272p. $9.00. (LC 66-28580). (ISBN 0-8108- 0850-1) Sackton, Alexander, comp. T. S. Eliot Col- lection . of' the University of ' Texas at Austin. Austin: The Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, 1975. 407p. $18.95. (LC 70 .. 169270) Scharff, Robert,' ed. Ski ·Magazine's En- cyclopedia of Skiing. Updated. New York: .Harper, 1974. 427p. $15.95. (LC 78 .. 123963) (ISBN .0-06-013918-8, cloth) Schlesinger, Arthur, and Bruns; Roger, eds. · Congress Investigates: A Documented · History, 1792-1974. New York: Bowker, · 1975. ' 5v . . $150.00. (LC 74-34005) (ISBN 0-8352-0795-1) Scholberg, Henry, and . Divien, Emanuel. Bibliographie des Fran9ais dans l'Inde. Pondicherry: Historical Society of Pondi- cherry,: 1973. 216p. · Rs 55.00. (LC 74- 900842) (Distributed by India Book Exports, 14, Sunkurama ·Chetty St., Madras 600001, India.) Schreiner-Yantis, Netti. Genealogical Books in Print. Springfield, Va.: · Genealogical ·Books· . in Print, · 1975. 311p. $4.00. (LC ·. 75-4225) (ISBN 0-89157-015-2) :. (Write: Netti Schreiner-Yantis, 6818 Lois Dr., Springfield, VA 22150). Skalka~ Lois · Martin. Tracing, Charting and ·Writing Your. Family History. New York: · Pilot B9oks, . 1975. 48p. $2.50. (LC 75- 159$4) (ISBN 0-87576-052-X) Stafford, William T., ed. A Name, Title and Place . Index tQ the Critical Writings of Henry James. Englewood, Colo.: Micro- card Editions Books, 1975. 270p. $19.95. (LC 75-8093) (ISBN 0-910972-47-8) Stevens, Richard P. Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Botswana. (African Historical Dictionaries, . no. 5) Metuchen, -N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 189p.· $7.50. (LC 75-16489) (ISBN 0-8108-0857-9) Stewart, June M. Bibliographical Essay on Art Historical Studies in Australia since 1958 . . Sydney: Sydney . Univ. Pr.,- 1974. .36p. $2.60. (ISBN 0-424-07000-6) · Strohlein, Alfred. The' ·Management of ·35mm Medical Slit;les. New York: l,Jnited B.usiness · Publications; ·. 1975. · · 128p. $11.00. (LC 75-10487) (ISBN . 0- 915616-01-7) Training. for Mass Communications. (Re- : ' ports and Papers on: Mass Comrtmnica- tion, no. 73) Paris: UNESCO; 1975. · 44p. $2.00. (ISBN ·92-3-101234-7) Vexler, Robert I. The Vice-Presidents and · Cabinet Members; · Biographies Arranged ChronologicaUy by· Administration. Dobbs · Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1975. · 2v. $25.00 per vol. (LC 75-28085) (ISBN 0-379- 12089-5, v.1; 0-379-12090-9, v.2) Waldhart, Thomas J., and Waldhart, Enid S. Communication· Research in ' Li- brary and Information Science; A Bib- liography on Communication in the Sci- ences, Social Sciences, and Technology. Littleton, · Colo.: Libraries ·· unlimited, 1975. 168p. $10.00. (LC 75-5551) · (ISBN 0-87287-111-8) Weiner, Richard. Professional'·s Guide to .·Public ·. Relations Services . . New .York: .R. Weiner, 1975. 300p .. $~0.00. (LC 74- 30735) (Write: R. Weiner, 888· 7th Ave., New York, NY 10019.) · Wellisch, Hans, ·ed. Nonbook Materials; A Bibliography of · Recent Publications. Col- lege Park, Md.: University of Maryland, 1975. 131p. $5.00. ·(Available from the Student Supply Store.) (LC 75-620058) .·(ISBN 0-911808-10-8) Willis~ Donald C. The Films . ·ot Howard lfawks. ·Metuchen, · N.J.: Scarecrow, )975. 243p. $8.50 . . (LC 75-17724) · · (lSBN-0-8108-0860-9) The Writings of Marshall McLuhan and What Has Been Written ·about · Him; Listed in. Chronological Order from 193.4- 1975. Fort Lauderdale: · Wake-Brook House, 1975. 101p. · $5.00. , (ISBN 0- 87 482-078-2) Wynar, Lubomyr .R. Encyclopedic Direq- tory of Ethnic Organizatiof1S it:~- the Unit- ed States. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, . -1975. 414p. , $19.50. (LC 75- 28150) (ISBN 0-87287-120-7) Wynar, Lubomyr R. Ethnic Groups in Ohio . with Special Emphasis on Cleveland; An · ... ..A,nnotated Bibliographical Guide. Cleve- . land: .Cleveland Ethnic Heritage. Studies Development Program, Cleveland State University, 1975. 254p·. $.6.50. Y.oung, William C. Famous Actors and Ac- Jre~ses on· the . American Stage. New 'York: Bowker,-· 1975; 2v; ·$55·,oo. (ISBN 0-8352-0821-4) ' ABSTRACTS The following · abstracts. (ire · based on those prepared 'by the' ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford · Center for Research ... and Dev,elopment in Teach- ing, School .. of .E4_ucation, Stanford Univer- sity. . Documents -with a.n ED number :here -may be ordered iTJ- either microfiche (MF) ~or ·pa- per copy (HC)_ from the ERIC ,Document Reproduc;tion Service, P.O. Box .190, Arling- ton, VA 222.l 0, Orders should include ED number,. specify form(Lt desired, · and include payment for document and postage. ·Postage charges are $.18 for · up to 60 microfiche or for the first 60 . pages , of paper . copy; $.08 for each· additional 80 fiche or each addi- tional 60 pages of paper copy. Further information on ordering docu- ments may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in . Education (formerly · Re- search in Edu~atiori') ·,. · · A Comparison :· of a Manual Library Re- classification ·Project with a Computer Automated L,jbrary Reclassification Proi· ect. By Johnny . J. Wheelbarger and R. Wilburn .Clouse. 1975. 22p . . (ED 104 379, MF~$0.76, HC-$1.58) An · automated project for converting a library collection ·from Dewey Decimal to Library of Congress classification was com- pared with a- manual reclassification project. The Joint ·University Libraries (JUL) served as an example· of manual redassifi- catfon. The JUL -project processed 260,703 volumes, less than half of the total collec- tion, in six ·years. Automated · reclassification wa's . studied· at Western Kentucky- Universi- ty. In that project, a computer ·was used to maintain a master file and to ·print working list, author-title hook catalogs, labels, pock- ets, and circulation ~ards. An automated circulation systein' was developed as' a . by- product of · the reclassification project . . The proJ·ect was finished in tWo years, ·having processed 390,QOO volumes. '.Comparative cost data were notavailable fqr study. Sug- gestions from ·JUL for m~nuat · reclassifica- tion projects are included. · ' Feasibility ·of Cooperative Collecting of Exotic Foreign Language · Serial --Titles Recent Publications I -81 among Health Sciences Libraries in . Cali- fornia. By Dorothy Gregor. Inst. of Li- brary Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley.· 1974. 50p. (ED 104 407, MF -$0.76, HC-$1.95) The feasibility Qf developing cooperative arrangements for sharing exotic foreign- language serial titles among the health sci- ences libraries of California was investigat- ed. Preliminary circulation counts indicated that 7 4 percent of the seventy-seven titles counted had circulated twice · a year or less and that the health sciences libraries do maintain multiple subscriptions · to those ·ti- tles. Because the National Library of Medi- cine is encouraging cooperative programs among health sciences libraries and because the libraries represented in this study -now have access to an on-line serials data base to aid in the implementation of such ar- rangements, there exist the incentive and the'. means· to initiate some .:cooperative:· ar- rangements. The study results indicate that exotic foreign-language serials might be a useful category with which tQ qegirr. Some particular titles are suggested ·for considera- tion. · Methodology and Background Information to Assist the Planning of Serials Cancella- 'tions and Cooperative Serials Collection in the Health Sciences. By Charles P. Bourne and Dorothy Gregor. Inst. of Li- brary Research; U niv. of California, Berkeley. 1975. 69p. (ED 104 409, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32) To aid in controlling the cost of acquisi~ tions in a research library, techniques were developed for the rational selection of serial titles for cancellation. The context for the proposed methodology was a network or multicamptis environment rather than an individual library, and it was tested with a specific body of health sciences serial titles in the University of California library system and in Region XI of the National Li- brary of Medicine's Biomedical Communi- cations Network. Background -data were collected on about 600 current foreign- language serial titles. Employing several different decision rules, estimates were made of · the subscription cost savings that might be realized in ·the netWork. n· ap- peared feasible to extend the same· method- 88 I College & Research Libraries • January 1976 ology to other groups of serial titles. The Use Status of Books Requested from the University of California, Berkeley, Inter-Library Loan. By Barbara N ozik. Inst. of Library Research, Univ. of Cali- fornia , Berkeley. 1974. 18p. (ED 104 411, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) The validity of the assumption that those documents which are requested from a Uni- versity of California (UC) library by the California State University and Colleges (CSUC ) campuses through interlibrary loan are the "low use., items, according to the in-house circulation statistics of the lending institution, was tested. This was one of the assumptions from the California State Audits Division analysis of the oppor- tunities for increasing UC-CSUC library co- operation. In this study, however, approxi- mately 57 percent of the CSUC requested material had "high use" status on the UCB home campus. Interlibrary Loan Turnaround Time: A Study of Performance Characteristics of the University of California, Berkeley, Interlibrary Loan Lending Operation. By Charles R. Martell, Jr. Inst. of Library Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1975. 43p. (ED 104 413, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95) Data from the interlibrary loan lending office files at the University of California, Berkeley, for 1971- 72 were examined in or- der to determine the pattern of interlibrary loan traffic with other University of Cali- fornia campuses and California State Uni- versities and Colleges (CSUC) in northern California. Turnaround time for the average California State University, Sacramento, re- quest to Berkeley was more than twenty days. Other CSUC campuses had _, similar delays for comparable processing intervals. These results indicate a need for significant changes in current interlibrary loan proce- dures before the implementation of a dedi- cated interlibrary loan delivery system based on a twenty-four-hour turnaround time. A Classification System and Procedure Manual for Cataloging Textbooks in a University Library Curriculum Labora- tory Collection. By Pauline Marcus Roth- stein. Herbert H. Lehman College, City Univ. of New York, . Bronx, N.Y. 1975. 14p. (ED 105 820, MF-$0.76, HC- $1.58) The textbook cataloging and classification scheme described was developed to assist students in gaining easy access to the text- book collection of the Herbert H. Lehman College Library. Textbooks are cataloged in three basic divisions: texts for grades one through six, texts for grades seven through twelve, and texts which overlap or can be used at both the elementary and secondary level. Each text is further cataloged by sub- ject area, and a specially developed taxono- my has been created for that purpose. Ex- amples of the cataloging procedures are provided as they were applied to selected books. Rationalizing the Collections Policy: A Computerized Approach. By W. R. M. Converse and 0. R. Standers. Univ. Li- brary, Calgary Univ., Alberta. 1975. 8p. (ED 105 861, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) The University of Calgary Library has developed an automated information system to aid decision making in the area of collec- tions development. The traditional format for collections policies is a written descrip- tion of the areas and levels where a particu- lar institution is collecting actively. Using a computer-based management information system permits frequent and rapid updating by entering new data as required. The de- partmental library coordinators and the subject specialists work together to ensure that the system reflects present priorities. The system enables the library administra- tion and the various advisory committees to obtain up-to-date information by having a sort done of the pertinent data fields~ Classification and Budgeta..,.y Control of Serial Publications in M edimn-Sized and Large Academic Libraries and Large Public Libraries. By Frederick S. Jones. Univ. Library, Tufts Univ. ,. Medford, Mass. 1975. 12p. (ED 105 862, MF- $0.76, HC-$1.58) Budgeting and accounting control of se- rials are examined based on a survey of 100 academic and public libraries. The ques- tionnaire used in the survey stressed classi- fication and encumbering of serials but was open-ended to encourage commentary. The lack of consensus among respondents re- garding budgetary control of serials pre- cluded the development of a formal proce- dural model, but the methods used by a few of the libraries are presented as guide- posts. Guidelines of Employment and Working Conditions for Registered Professional Librarians Employed in Libraries in On- tario. lnst. of Professional Librarians of Ontario, Toronto. 1975. 8p. (ED 105 870, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) The Institute of Professional Librarians of Ontario suggests that these guidelines be the minimum requirements for the employ- ment of a registered professional librarian. Under conditions of employment, the guidelines provide for an employment con- tract, a probation period, job security, and promotion opportunities, Methods are sug- gested for making appointments and termi- nating employment. Under conditions of work, a thirty-five-hour work week and a twenty-day paid vacation are recommend- ed. Other types of leave, fringe benefits, evaluation and grievance procedures, and opportunities for continuing education and professional development are also sug- gested. Inside Stanford University Libraries: Im- plications for the Frederick Douglass Li- Recent Publications I 89 brary. Part One. By Jessie C. Smith. ACRL, Chicago, Ill. 1975. 16p. (ED 105 872, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) A six-month internship at the Stanford University I.:ibrary allowed the author to observe the processes of setting objectives, planning services and programs, coordinat- ing activities, and motivating personnel to work for common goals both within and outside the library, and to draw conclusions from this experience relevant to her own li- brary. This report outlines the segments of the internship program and the observa- tions made on the structure of library gov- ernance at Stanford. An analysis is made of the value of the internshjp program and its implications for changes in management style. A Comparison of the 1960 Standards and 1972 Guidelines for Community College Libraries. By John Lewis. 1975. lOp. (ED 105 885, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) The history _ of efforts to establish stan- dards for junior college libraries is outlined. The 1960 "Standards for Junior College Li- braries" and the 1972 "Guidelines for Two Year College Learning Resources Programs" are broken down into eight main subject areas and compared item by item. The 1972 guidelines are shown to be more gen- eral, avoiding quantitative measures. Chan- ges are noted in the stated goals of the li- brary and in the head librarian's control of the budget. Statement of Ownership and Management College & Research Libraries is published 17 times a year, bimonthly as a technical journal with II monthly News issues, combining July-August, by The American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. American Library Association, owner; Richard D. Johnson, editor. Second class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri. Printed in U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122, Postal Service Manual). the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for Federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and Nature of Circulation ("Average" figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; "Actual" figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the July 1975 issue.) Total number of copies printed: Average, 16,382; Actual, 12,000. PaJd circulation: not applicable (i.e., no sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales). Mail subscri-ptions: Average, 14,842; Actual, 10,752 . Total paid circulation: Average, 14 ,842; Actual, 10,752. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, complimentary, and other free copies: Average: 1,141; Actual, 1,019. Total distribution: Average, 15,983; Actual, 11,771. Copies not distributed: Office use, leH-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average, 399; Actual, 229; Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum previous three entries): Average, 16,382; Actual, 12,000. Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation ( PS form 3526, Jan. 1975) for 1975 filed with the United States Post Office Postmaster in Chicago, September 29, 1975. Your Order Deserves and Gets the Dedicated Efforts of Our Entire Staff of Professionals/ From President Jack Ansell and General Manager Ed Lockman down through our entire organization is a sincere d~.-sire to serve you quickly, accurately and in the way that meets your special requirements heaL We call it "Concerned Service" because we are concerned that you get the best and most personalized service available ·in the wholesale book trade. Your rush orders are handled by special, separate procedures that assure you there can be no slip-up or delay in getting them completed. 0 ur Concerned Service assures you that the average elapsed time of delivery will be less when you order fram the Book House. Surveys by several major academic libraries have confirmed this. (names on request) B ook House will deoliver any book in print including all university presses, ·professional and non-profit associations, Government publications, Canadian titles and ALL paperbacks from any publisher. Discount schedules are competitive, naturally! Isn't it time yot,~ gave Book House a trial order and found out how well Concerned Service can do the job for you! ANY QUESTIONS? CALL 517-849-9361 COLLECI'! K BOOKHOUSE The House - of Superior Library Service 208 West Chicago I Jonesville, Mich. 49250 ~·