College and Research Libraries Letters Bibliography of Africana To the Editor: Hans Panofsky' s Bibliography of Africana may be every bit as bad as Peter Duignan says it is (C&RL, November 1975), but at that it is no worse than the judgment of whoever selects the C&RL reviewers (and Mr. Duignan's judgment in accepting the assignment). Surely someone less personal- ly involved could have been found. If "this bibliography cannot stand on its own; it must be used in conjunction with another reference book-Guide to Research and Reference W arks on Sub-Saharan Africa, edited by Peter Duignan," the same Peter Duignan seems hardly the one to tell us.- Thelma Freides, Swarthmore College Li- brary, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. Response To the Editor: I do not understand the Freides objec- tion. Is she saying that reviewers should not review books in fields in which they have written? That's a preposterous view! The normal scholarly view is that the person who has written on the subject of the book to be reviewed is the best one to review that book. All book review editors that I know and have reviewed for operate on that premise. I clearly am qualified to pass judgment on Panofsky' s book. Others seem to agree-three journals asked me to review the book. A most unusual consensus of book review editors! The C&RL editor is to be congratulated, not condemned. The major defect of Panofsky's work is that it is not a Bibliography of Africana; it is a truncated survey which mostly covers COllEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES material published between 1970 and 1973. To label the book a Bibliography of Afri- cana is inaccurate and misleading to buyer and user. And this I said; not, howe~er, to exalt my own work or to remove the threat of a competitor but simply because it was true. Panofsky himself continually refers the reader to "Duignan's Guide"! Why would not I as a reviewer do the same things since it is relevant. Likewise, there was no personal malice involved; Panofsky and I have been friends for over 15 years and have worked on national committees for as long a time. The book is simply a badly conceived and executed bibliography. It would have been unprofessional of me not to have reviewed it. Finally, my comments about the bibliog- raphy not being able to stand on its own only take up two paragraphs; eight para- graphs deal with other concrete defects of the work-Peter Duignan, Director of Africa Program, Hoover Institution, Stan- ford, California. Interlibrary Loan To the Editor: The review of Thomson's Interlibrary Loan Policies Directory (C&RL, Sept. 1975), states that there is only other work of similar nature: A.L.A.'s Directory of Reprographic Services. Both are valuable; however, any librarian in Canada or one who deals with Canadian libraries should be aware of the Canadian Library Associa- tion's Directory of Interlibrary Loan Poli- cies and ,Photocopy Services in Canadian Libraries, Ottawa, 1913.-]udy Kelly, Ref- erence Department, Library, University of Saskatchewan. I 167 MARQUIS \\bds \\bo INC. 200 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Research Grants are Available! Will You Receive One? If you are seeking sources of support for your research, one book can make all the difference The Annual Register of Grant Support 197;/1976 . . . your key to thousands of funding opportunities. Now you can have information on the sources of billions of dollars in grants, fellowships, scholarships, awards, and prizes ... all in one convenient compendium. No other single reference resource gives you such a complete and compre- hensive listing. 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