College and Research Libraries The remammg papers-with the excep- tion of the one by Rowena Weiss Swanson dealing with questionnaire design-provide summaries of specific instructional program studies. These papers were presented at the conference by a group of panelists which included Patricia Culkin, Betty Hacker, Richard Stevens, John Lubans, and Marvin Wiggins. Their findings will be helpful to those who are planning programs of library instruction or instruction evaluation. For ex- ample, one item worthy of note is the stu- dents' apparent preference for mediated in- struction to asking librarians for help (Kirk, p.7; Culkin, p.43; Lubans, p.76). The reader will also find helpful the oc- casional citations to selected readings, sam- ple questionnaires, and tabulated study re- sults that accompany the papers in this anthology.-Peter P. Olevnik, Head of Ref- erence, Drake Merrwrial Library, SUNY College at Brockport, New York. Foster, Donald L. Managing the Catalog Department. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 209p. $6.50. (LC 75-19081) (ISBN 0-8108-0836-6) The reader of this "how-to-manage" vol- ume may feel that there is more here than he or she wanted to know, but there is scarcely a word that the manager does not need to know. The book is packed with in- formation on modern management, theory and practice, appropriate to the large or small library department. While the catalog department is oft~n considered the most structured department in the library, and the author does consider the traditional department, the elements in its administration differ very little from those in other areas of technical and read- ers' services. The title could well have been Managing a Library Department with Spe- cial Reference to the Cataloging Operation. In the past, many believed that an effi- ciently operating How of work from receipt to shelf-readiness of materials, with appro- priate bibliographic records prepared and distributed, constituted good management. Of course, there was concern for the peo- ple performing the work, but it involved some mixture of biddable staff members with an innate or somehow-learned ability Recent Publications I 281 in human relations on the part of the man- ager. With revision in attitudes toward work, life-style, and commitment resulting from the realization of the individual's legal and moral rights and psychological needs, the organization of the work-How has become relatively simple in comparison to the com- plications of the human elements to be reckoned with in its accomplishment. The department head, responsible to the library administration, the staff, the work, the patrons, the profession, and to himself, must "delegate authority, motivate others, maximize skills, and upgrade performance standards," while making it clear to every- one in and outside the department who is in charge. Mr. Foster, in terse phraseology and a near-absence of jargon considers all the elements of leadership, from staff re- cruitment through adjustment to change, in seven of the ten chapters. Along with the first three chapters on the modem depart- ment, the department head, and current is- sues in cataloging, Mr. Foster has managed YOU WILL HAVE- ' "CONFIDENCE" In Our Complete Periodicals Service- All American and Foreign Titles Prornptne•• i1 a Traditional part of McGretor Service . , . •• well as: • EXPERIENCE • TRAINED PERSONNEL • FINANCIAL STABILITY • AMPLE FACILITIES • RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT An atfrocfivo ltroclturo i• ayailaWe for rite ali;,,. OUR 43rd YEAR MOUNT MOIIIS, IlLINOIS 61054 282 I College & Research _Libraries • May 1976 to provide a checklist with commentary on all the essentials of managing. How to con- struct a department manual, work with ·a consultant, analyze systems, and face a computer are included along with all the other tools, techniques, and activities which determine accountability. This is an invaluable contribution cer- tainly for the new administrator, but per- haps even more for the seasoned depart- ment head who has lived through, but not always well, the changes in personal atti- tudes and must continue to exert every tal- ent and skill to do what must be done for goal fulfillment under present economic re- strictions. No longer is there the excuse that books on management are provided only by the business field. Library department heads now have one of their own.-Dorothy P. Ladd, Associate Director for Technical Services, Boston University Libraries. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS American Dissertations on Foreign Educa- tion, a Bibliography with Abstracts. vol. 7, Korea. Comp. by Franklin Parker and Betty June Parker. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 250p. $12.00. (LC 73- 155724) (ISBN 0-87875-082-7) American-Southern African Relations: Bib- liographic Essays. Comp. by Mohamed A. El-Khawas and Francis A. Kornegay. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 188p. $11.95. (LC 75-25331) (ISBN 0- 8371-8398-7) Annual Index to Popular Music Record Re- views 1974. By Andrew D. Armitage and Dean Tudor. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 597p. $20.00. (LC 73-8908) · (ISBN 0-8108-0865-X) Arts and the Handicapped; An Issue of Ac- cess. A Report from Educational Facili- ties Laboratories and the National En- dowment for the Arts. New York: Edu- cational Endowment for the Arts, 1975. 79p. $4.00, prepaid. (LC 75-27022) Audiovisual Market Place 1976. New York: Bowker, 1976. 394p. $19.95. (LC 69- 18201) (ISBN 0-8352-0838-9) Bauml, Betty J., and Bauml, Franz H. A Dictionary of Gestures. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 284p. $11.00. (LC 75- 3144) (ISBN 0-8108-0863-3) Blackey, Robert. Modern Revolutions and Revolutionists; A Bibliography. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1976. 257p. $15.75. (LC 75-45301) (ISBN 0-87436- 223-7) Brewster, John W., and McLeod, Joseph A. Index to Book Reviews in Historical Pe- riodicals, 1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1975. 527p. $17.50. (LC 75- 18992) (ISBN 0-8108-0818-8) Burk, Janet L., and Hayes, Stephen. En- vironment Concerns: A Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications, 1971-73. Kalamazoo, Mich.: New Issues Press, 1971. 208p. Castagno, Margaret. Historical Dictionary of Somalia. (African Historical Diction- aries, no. 6) Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 243p. $9.50. (LC 75-25681) (ISBN 0-8108-0830-7) Consumers Index to Product Evaluations and Information Sources. 1974. Ann Ar- bor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1974. 202p. (LC 74-25361) (ISBN 0-87650-057-2) (With quarterly index, $25.00 a year) Davis, Melinda D. Winslow Homer: An Annotated Bibliography of Periodical Literature. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 138p. $6.00. (LC 75-29243) (ISBN 0-8108-0876-5) De Sola, Ralph. Worldwide What and Where; Geographic Glossary and Travel- lers Guide. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC- Clio, 1975. 720p. $27.25. (LC 7 4- 82038) (ISBN 0-87436-147-8) A Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Comp. by Ivan G. Sparkes. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 191p. $15.00. (LC 75-4117) (ISBN 0-8103- 2016-9) Directory of Franchising Organizations, 1976. New York: Pilot Books, 1976. 64p. $2.50, postpaid. (LC 62-39831) La dpcumentation et ses langages; Rapport des travaux du premier congres tenu a Quebec, du 2 au 5 Octobre 1974. Mon- treal: ASTED, 1975. 82p. $4.00 +