College and Research Libraries 282 I College & Research _Libraries • May 1976 to provide a checklist with commentary on all the essentials of managing. How to con- struct a department manual, work with ·a consultant, analyze systems, and face a computer are included along with all the other tools, techniques, and activities which determine accountability. This is an invaluable contribution cer- tainly for the new administrator, but per- haps even more for the seasoned depart- ment head who has lived through, but not always well, the changes in personal atti- tudes and must continue to exert every tal- ent and skill to do what must be done for goal fulfillment under present economic re- strictions. No longer is there the excuse that books on management are provided only by the business field. Library department heads now have one of their own.-Dorothy P. Ladd, Associate Director for Technical Services, Boston University Libraries. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS American Dissertations on Foreign Educa- tion, a Bibliography with Abstracts. vol. 7, Korea. Comp. by Franklin Parker and Betty June Parker. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 250p. $12.00. (LC 73- 155724) (ISBN 0-87875-082-7) American-Southern African Relations: Bib- liographic Essays. Comp. by Mohamed A. El-Khawas and Francis A. Kornegay. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 188p. $11.95. (LC 75-25331) (ISBN 0- 8371-8398-7) Annual Index to Popular Music Record Re- views 1974. By Andrew D. Armitage and Dean Tudor. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 597p. $20.00. (LC 73-8908) · (ISBN 0-8108-0865-X) Arts and the Handicapped; An Issue of Ac- cess. A Report from Educational Facili- ties Laboratories and the National En- dowment for the Arts. New York: Edu- cational Endowment for the Arts, 1975. 79p. $4.00, prepaid. (LC 75-27022) Audiovisual Market Place 1976. New York: Bowker, 1976. 394p. $19.95. (LC 69- 18201) (ISBN 0-8352-0838-9) Bauml, Betty J., and Bauml, Franz H. A Dictionary of Gestures. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 284p. $11.00. (LC 75- 3144) (ISBN 0-8108-0863-3) Blackey, Robert. Modern Revolutions and Revolutionists; A Bibliography. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1976. 257p. $15.75. (LC 75-45301) (ISBN 0-87436- 223-7) Brewster, John W., and McLeod, Joseph A. Index to Book Reviews in Historical Pe- riodicals, 1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1975. 527p. $17.50. (LC 75- 18992) (ISBN 0-8108-0818-8) Burk, Janet L., and Hayes, Stephen. En- vironment Concerns: A Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications, 1971-73. Kalamazoo, Mich.: New Issues Press, 1971. 208p. Castagno, Margaret. Historical Dictionary of Somalia. (African Historical Diction- aries, no. 6) Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 243p. $9.50. (LC 75-25681) (ISBN 0-8108-0830-7) Consumers Index to Product Evaluations and Information Sources. 1974. Ann Ar- bor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1974. 202p. (LC 74-25361) (ISBN 0-87650-057-2) (With quarterly index, $25.00 a year) Davis, Melinda D. Winslow Homer: An Annotated Bibliography of Periodical Literature. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 138p. $6.00. (LC 75-29243) (ISBN 0-8108-0876-5) De Sola, Ralph. Worldwide What and Where; Geographic Glossary and Travel- lers Guide. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC- Clio, 1975. 720p. $27.25. (LC 7 4- 82038) (ISBN 0-87436-147-8) A Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Comp. by Ivan G. Sparkes. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 191p. $15.00. (LC 75-4117) (ISBN 0-8103- 2016-9) Directory of Franchising Organizations, 1976. New York: Pilot Books, 1976. 64p. $2.50, postpaid. (LC 62-39831) La dpcumentation et ses langages; Rapport des travaux du premier congres tenu a Quebec, du 2 au 5 Octobre 1974. Mon- treal: ASTED, 1975. 82p. $4.00 + Documentation Newsletter. Ithaca, N.Y.: ~ Cornell University Libraries, 1975- . Biannual Drug Abuse Bibliography for 1974. Comp. by Charles W. Triche, III, and Diane S. Triche. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 450p. $18.00. (LC 79-1165588) (ISBN 0-87875-077-0) --{ Encyclopedia of German-American Genea- logical Research. By Clifford N. Smith and Anna P-C. Smith. New York: Bow- ker, 1976. 273p. $35.00. (LC 75-28205) (ISBN 0-8352-0831-1) :_. Foreign Affairs Bibliography, 1962-1972. + New York: Bowker, 1976. 921p. $42.50. (LC 75-29085) (ISBN 0-8352-0784-6) Forget, Louis J. S., and Roy, Alain J. G. Le format MARC Cana.dien. Montreal: ASTED, 1975. 48p. $4.00 Foundation Center Source Book, 19751 1976. Ed. by Terry-Diane Beck, and Alexis Teitz Gersumky. New York: Foun- dation Center, dist. by Columbia Univ. Press, 1975-76. 2v. $130.00. (LC 75- 33481) (ISBN 0-87954-007-9, v.1; ISBN 0-87954-008-7, v.2) Goode, Stephen H. Venereal Disease Bib- liography for 1973. Troy, N.Y.: Whit- stan, 1975. 276p. $15.00. (LC 71- 189843) (ISBN 0-87875-058-4) Goodman, Steven E., ed. Handbook on ., Contemporary Education. New York: Bowker, 1976. 636p. $35.00. (LC 75- 267 44) (ISBN 0-8352-0640-8) Goodwater, Leanna. Women in Antiquity: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 175p. $7.00. (LC 75-23229) (ISBN 0-8108-0837-4) • Guide to the Orin G. Libby Manuscript Collection and Related Research Collec- tions. Comp. by John B. Davenport. Grand Forks, North Dakota: Orin G. Libby Manuscript Collection, Chester Fritz Library, Univ. of North Dakota, 1975. 143p. "t Hanifi, M. Jamil. Historical and Cultural Dictionary of Afghanistan. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 149p. $6.00. (LC 75-40249) (ISBN 0-8108-0892-7) Hanson, Carl A. Dissertations on Iberian and Latin American History; An Inter- disciplinary Bibliography of Dissertations Completed in the Unite.d States, Great Britain, Canada, and Ireland, 1889-1969. Recent Publications I 283 Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 400p. $20.00. (LC 7 4-97 478) (ISBN 0-87875- 073-8) Historiography; A Bibliography. Comp. and ed. by Lester D. Stephens. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 277p. $9.00. (LC 75-17578) (ISBN 0-8108-0856-0) Hoffman, Herbert H. What Happens in Li- brary Filing. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1976. 176p. $7.50. (LC 75- 28187) (ISBN 0-208-01557-4) Hug, William E. Instructional Design and the Media Program. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1975. 148p. $6.50. (LC 75-40425) (ISBN 0-8389-0207-3) An Illustrated Guide to the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographs. Comp. by John L. Sayre and Roberta Hamburger. Enid, Okla.: Seminary Press, 1975. 85p. Index to Commonwealth Little Magazines 1970-1973. Comp. by Stephen H. Goode. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1975. 551p. $25.00. (LC 66-28796) (ISBN 0-87875- 027-4) Institutional Library Services; A Plan for the State of Illinois. By Social, Educa- tional Research and Development, Inc. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1970. 110p. (LC 77-93276) (ISBN 0-8389- 0080-1) International Academic and Specialist Pub- lishers' Directory. New York: Bowker, 1976. 555p. $25.00. (LC 75-7800) (ISBN 0-85935-002-9) Kim, Ung Chon. Policies of Publishers; A Handbook for Or.der Librarians. Metuch- en, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 132p. $7.50. (L.C 75-33629) (ISBN 0-8108-0882-X) Kissinger, Warren S. The Sermon on the M aunt: A History of Interpretation and Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1975. 309p. $12.50. (LC 75- 29031) (ISBN 0-8108-0843-9) Kronick, David A. A History of Scientific and Technical !Periodicals; the Origins and Developments of the Scientific and Technical Press 1665-1790. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 352p. $13.50. (LC 75-41487) (ISBN 0-8108-0844-7) Literary Research Guide. ed. by Margaret C. Patterson. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 385p. $18.50. (LC 75-13925) (ISBN 0-8103- 1102-X) 284 I College & Research Libraries • May 1976 Methodist Union Catalog: Pre-1976 Im- prints. ed. by Kenneth E. Rowe. V. 1: A-Bj. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 438p. $22.50. (LC 75-33190) (ISBN 0- 8108-0880-3) Morris, Richard B., ed. Encyclopedia of American History. Bicentennial ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1976. 1245p. $22.76. (LC 74-15839) (ISBN 0-06- 013081-4) Nitecki, Joseph Z. Directory of Library Reprographic Services: A World Guide. 6th ed. Weston, Conn.: Microform Re- view Inc., 1976. 178p. $9.95. (LC 75- 20413) (ISBN 0-913672-04-1) Obituaries from the Times 1961-1970. Comp. by Frank C. Roberts. Reading, . Eng.: Newspaper Archive Development Ltd., 1975. 952p. (ISBN 0-903713-98- 5) Oettinger, Anthony G. Elements of Infor- mation Resources Policy: Library and Other Information Services. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ., Pro- gram on Information Technologies and Public Policy, 1975. 217p. $8.00, pa.; $2.25, microfiche. (Available through National Technical Information Service, no. PB248309/ AS) Ohlers, Carol Ann, comp. Index des regles de catalogage Anglo-Americaines, Chapi- tre 6 (Revise). Montreal: ASTED, 1975. 20p. $1.75. Popular Music Periodicals Index 1974. Comp. by Dean Tudor and Andrew D. Armitage. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 413p. $15.00. (LC 7 4-11578) (ISBN 0-8108-0867-6) Rolland-Thomas, Paule, and Deslauriers, Pierre. Regles de catalogage Anglo-Ameri- caines, Chapitre 6 (Revise). Montreal: ASTED, 1975. 101p. $3.25. Segregation and the Fourteenth Amend- ment in the States. Ed. by Bernard D. Reams and Paul E. Wilson. Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Rein, 1975. $27.50. (LC 72-92824) Serials in Psychology and Allied Fields. Comp. by Margaret Tompkins and Nor- ma Shirley. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. "'j' 472p. $22.50. (LC 75-38213) (ISBN 0- 87875-083-5) Sippi, Charles J., and Kidd, David A. Mi- ~ crocomputer Dictionary and Guide. f.. l Champaign, Ill.: Matrix, 1975. 704p. $17.95. (LC 75-39503) (ISBN 0- 916460-01-0) >-- 1 Names Dictionary. Detroit: Gale, 1974. 2v. (LC 75-33346) (ISBN 0-8103- 0692-1) Triche, Charles W., and Triche, Diane S. The Euthanasia Controversy 1812-1974; A Bibliography with Select Annotations. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1975. 242p. $18.00. (LC 75-8379) (ISBN 0-87875- 071-1) U.S. Government Scientific and Technical Periodicals. Comp. by Philip A. Yanna- rella and Rao Aluri. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 271p. $10.00. (LC 75- 387 40) (ISBN 0-8108-0888-9) Whitfield, Danny J. Historical and Cultural Dictionary of Vietnam. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 377p. $13.50. (LC 75- 38729) (ISBN 0-8108-0887-0) Wilgus, A. Curtis. The Historiography of Latin America: A Guide to Historical Writing, 1500- 1800. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 348p. $15.00. (LC 75- 23275) (ISBN 0-8108-0859-5) Wypyski, Eugene M. Legal Periodicals in English. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Glanville Publishers, 1976. V. 1- $60.00, with binder. (LC 75-42308) . (ISBN 0-87802- 054-3), set) Young, Ian. The Male Homosexual in Liter- ature: A Bibliography. Metuchen, J'J.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 251p. $9.00. (LC 75- 2561JY (ISBN 0-.8108-086-7) Zingman, Barbara. The Dial; An Author Index. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1975. 266p. (LC 75-8380) (ISBN 0-87875-072-X) Zulauf, Sander W., and Weiser, Irwin H. Index of American Periodical Verse: 1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 561p. $17.50. (LC 73-3060) (ISBN 0- 8108-0872-2)