College and Research Libraries R. W. MEYER and REBECCA PANETTA Two Shared Cataloging Data Bases: A Comparison The Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) and Blackwell North America (BIN A) have data bases used by many libraries to produce catalog copy. These data bases are compared for availability of cata- loging for English language books. Although OCLC provides cata- loging for a larger p·ercentage of titles, the BIN A data base produces a high enough percentage of hits to be very valuable. The greater number of titles available through OCLC is attributable to the larger group of contributors, not necessarily to quality of the data base. The difference in cost between the two systems and the comparable pe- ripheral services available make utilization of BIN A data base ap- pealing. THE "ANNUAL BUYERs' GuiDE" in the September 1, 1975, issue of Library ] ournal lists twelve vendors which pro- vide cataloging services.1 Not included in the list are three other commercial vendors and all of the various noncom- mercial cataloging centers, such as the Ohio College Library Center ( OCLC). Of this total there are six commercial services with data bases comparable to the OCLC data base. However, five services ( BroDart, Baker & Taylor, Li- brary Processing Systems, T.elemark of Josten's, and CARDSET of Informa- tion Design) have automated data bases containing essentially cataloging records based on the MARC distribution ser- vices. Some of these services (CARD- SET, for example) provide access to more extensive files. This access is usu- ally via some nonautomated technique such as microform editions of NU C R. W. Meyer is director of library tech- nical services, Indiana State University, Terre Haute; and Rebecca Panetta is chief of book processing, The University of Texas at Dallas. with special indexes. Only BIBNET and B/NA Technical Services compare to OCLC in the approach to their develop- ment and utilization. The BIBNET System of 3M Corpora- tion (formerly a product of Informa- tion Dynamics, Inc.) and the Title In- dex of Blackwell North America, Inc. (BIN A), both contain those records distributed by MARC plus other con- tributed records. The BIBNET system, however, primarily adds non-MARC records based on MCRS (Micrographic Catalog Retrieval System) records se- lected by users. BIBNET is an online system like OCLC, but, instead of the user adding records · on line, additions are requested by users and added by BIBNET staff. Because there is no basis of experience with the BIBNET system at the library of the University of Tex- as Dallas (UTD) no further compari- son is made here. Based on direct experi- ence with both B/NA and OCLC, this paper reports a snapshot comparison of these two data bases as sources of cata- loging copy. Since these are two of the largest shared cataloging data bases, this I 19 20 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 seems to be a useful comparison. Simi- lar peripheral aspects of the two systems are also briefly compared here. DATA BASE DESCRIPTIONS From early 1971 through April 1974 the UTD library acquired its catalog copy by searching the Richard Abel Co. (selected assets of Abel were acquired by BINA in January 1975) data base via the BINA Title Index and request- ing cards by LC card number or BINA card number. The library retains a sub- scription to the B INA Title Index for original cataloging of nonprint media not yet available on OCLC and for some preorder search verification. The library joined the OCLC system with the Amigos Bibliographic Council network in April 197 4. Since then, all cataloging of monographs has been pro- duced via OCLC. The Ohio College Library Center ( OCLC) data base contains over 2,100,000 entries as of April 1976 in the MARC format, of which some 65 per- cent are user contributed. As of April 1976 the OCLC data base is accessible by CRT terminal on-line 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern time Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time on Saturday. The terminal user can find a cataloging rec- ord by keying in, on a typewriter-like keyboard, algorithms representing the ti- tle, author I title, or author of a book, or the LC card number. After, occasion- ally, some further dialogue, the termi- nal screen displays a complete cataloging record in an expanded MARC format. The Blackwell North America basic data base contains over 1,164,000 entries as of April 1976, of which approximate- ly 40 percent are user contributed. The BINA data base is accessible via a Com- puter Output Microfiche (COM) Title Index. The Title Index is completely re- generated quarterly and is updated bi- weekly with a cumulative supplement. Each entry in the index displays title, author, imprint, LC card number, Bl NA card number, the source of the cataloging copy, and source of the MARC record. A new format which be- gan May 1, 1975, also shows collation, ISBN, and LC and Dewey class num- bers. Both data bases contain virtually all the MARC records for monographs and for serials. Both are routinely updated as MARC tapes are received. Entries contributed to OCLC by member li- braries are input directly on-line. This input costs the user nothing except staff time and $0.037 per card produced. Con- tributed copy to B INA costs $2.00 to be input into the system, and this includes the cost of the card set. Cost of catalog- ing copy retrieved from BIN A will vary depending on the source of the MARC copy and the method of access.2 The BINA data base contains a lower percentage of duplicate entries because all contributed entries are pre-edited by a central staff. The OCLC data base has a larger group of contributors, so it is growing at a faster rate, but little central con- trol over contributed entries is main- tained, i.e., duplicates are deleted by central staff only after detection by users. Before a library can effectively participate in OCLC, it has been sug- gested that it should have an annual acquisition rate of at least 2,500 titles. BINA requires no minimum acquisi- tion rate. The practical minimum an- nual cost of tying into OCLC is approx- imately $4,000.00. A subscription to the Title Index is currently $680.00 per year plus the cost of card sets purchased. These figures for tying into OCLC of 2,500 titles and $4,000.00 .are not abso- lute, but they have been suggested as guidelines to potential participants. They will vary depending on contract terms and the approach to utilization by the individual library. BINA reports that only 10 percent of its users sub- scribe to the Title Index, and 90 percent Two Shared Cataloging Data Bases I 21 order cataloging by LC card number, ISBN, or author I title, thus eliminating need for a subscription. CATALOGING OPERATIONS The amount of time needed to train personnel to search on either system is about the same. The use of OCLC seems more complicated than a micro- fiche search at first glance. But because the COM programs employed to pro- duce the BINA Title Index result in a different sort sequence than most li- braries use in card filing, some staff training is necessary. Computers have been improved in their ability to pro- duce sophisticated filing sequences, but some familiarity with computer sorting is required before effective searching is possible. The reader is referred to the preface of Books in Print or to Library of Congress Catalogs: Films, 197 4 for some interesting reading on computer filing. 3 Using a microfiche reader does not offer the same initial excitement as using an on-line terminal, and eagerness to learn about computerized cataloging usually facilitates training on OCLC. The use of the Title Index for cata- loging required a routine which, at UTD, included an area of shelving des- ignated for books for which cataloging had been ordered. Each title was indi- vidually searched against the BINA Ti- tle Index, and when located the LC card number and BINA card number were listed. For new titles with late LC card numbers (prefix of 69 or higher), the Title Index search was skipped, and the LC card number was listed. The books were then set aside in LC card number order. (Since LC and Dewey class num- bers now appear in Title Index entries, it would be possible to process titles im- mediately and merely retain a P-slip for control.) Books without late LC card numbers and not located were set aside for future searching or original catalog- ing. The list of BINA card numbers and LC card numbers was then submit- ted to BINA with a request for card sets. Catalog card sets from BINA usual- ly arrived at UTD from one to three weeks after being ordered. These sets included all the necessary entry headings but had to be sorted into author, title, shelflist, and subject groups before fil- ing. (BIN A has offered a presorting ser- vice since mid-1975.) Any needed addi- tions and changes to the catalog copy had to be made after receipt of cards. However, users can now modify any record supplied by sending modified unit cards, or worksheets, or field-up- dates with card orders. With this field- update service for each library, BINA is thus able to preserve local practices and ensure that master MARC records remain true to LC practice as a mini- mum standard of bibliographic control. Cataloging monographs on OCLC is accomplished via the following routine at UTD. Books are searched on the ter- minal. If found, the call number is marked in the book, and the book is processed. Any editing of the record, e.g., change of call number, is made be- fore producing cards. Books not found are set aside to be searched again or for original cataloging. A daily record of cards produced is kept by filing, in shelf- list order, P-slips for all titles processed. Cards arrive in about ten days, and all cards produced on the same day arrive together. Cards come presorted and pre- filed into shelflist, author, title, and subject packs. A brief check of the shelflist cards against the P-slips is made before filing in order to double check for errors and possible losses in the mail. It should be noted here that UTD also receives from OCLC the same bib- liographic information that the cards contain in the form of MARC records on magnetic tape. These are utilized to produce a computer output microform (COM) catalog. This is explained in detail elsewhere.4 Actual time of receipt of cataloging 22 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 copy varies from both sources. OCLC hypothetically prints cards the night of the day they are requested, but experi- ence has shown their scheduling to slip on occasion. Cards are usually received within ten days. For cards ordered from B/NA, time of receipt varies from one to three weeks depending on the mail both ways and on batch queuing of re- quests. COMPARISON To compare the availability of cata- log copy on the two data bases, the fol- lowing study was made. Three sample sets selected from current imprints were gathered from approval books received from B/NA in July, August, and Oc- tober of 197 4. The samples were limited to English language imprints, because MARC records at that time included English language only. Sample sizes were based only on the size of approval ship- ments received. Each sample was searched twice at an interval of about two months. Search time of each data base averaged thirty titles per hour. This included time to alphabetize P-slips or books by title when searching the Title Index. The Title Index is ac- tually faster to search because there is no dependence on response time or com- puter down time. Searches on OCLC were made by LC card number when available and title or author I title when necessary. Ability to search OCLC by more than just title may have resulted in a bit better hit rate except that this was obviated because all items were monographs with reasonably straight- forward titles. Search time on OCLC varied depending on time of day and the status of the system during the search period. The increase in subscrib- ers to OCLC affected the response time of the system negatively, but the addi- tion of more computing equipment has improved the situation. There were a total of 344 titles in the three samples searched. Table 1 gives a summary view of these samples, show- ing that most of the titles were pub- lished in the U.S. in 1974 and included LC card numbers. Presumably, MARC records were available for many of the titles. Since the books were supplied by BIN A, it would seem the study might be slanted toward B/NA. Interestingly, however, OCLC demonstrated a higher percentage of hits in each of the three samples. Altogether, 27 4 titles ( 72 per- cent) were located in the B/NA Title Index; 315 (92 percent) in OCLC; and 232 ( 67 percent) were listed in both. Only fourteen titles were located in neither data base. TABLE 1 DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE OF TITLES AND LOCATION IN B/NA AND OCLC DATA BASES BY PLAcE OF PUBLICATION, IMPRINT DATE, AND PREsENCE OF LC CARD NuMBER Total Sample Located in B/NA Located in OCLC Number Number Percent Number Percent Place of Publication u.s. 267 204 76 258 97 U.K. 56 33 59 45 80 Other 21 10 48 12 57 Totals 344 247 72 315 92 Date of Publication 1972 2 2 100 2 100 1973 45 27 60 37 82 1974 297 218 73 276 93 Totals 344 247 72 315 92 LC Card Number Present in book 274 210 77 264 96 Absent 70 37 53 51 73 Totals 344 247 72 315 92 Two Shared Cataloging Data Bases I 23 Six months after the original searches were completed, a new search was con- ducted for these fourteen titles. Thir- teen were then available in OCLC and seven in BINA. From this it seems that both data bases will eventually contain cataloging records for even obscure English language titles; but OCLC with its many contributors is able to produce them sooner. The basic advantage, then, of the OCLC system is the availability of cata- loging for more publications, particu- larly non-MARC titles. Table 1 shows a listing of the titles located in each of the data bases by place of publication, date of publication, and presence or ab- sence of LC card number. For example, there were seventy titles that did not in- clude LC card numbers. Of this total, thirty-seven (53 percent) were located in BIN A, and fifty -one ( 73 percent) were located in OCLC. In the original searches of the sam- ples, OCLC was able to provide catalog- ing for more of the titles initially, but most of these were found in the Title Index in later searches. Those found originally in the Title Index, but not on OCLC, were all available on OCLC by the time of the second search. Searching for MARC records produced equal re- sults, for as MARC tapes were added to OCLC, supplements to the Title In- dex arrived, usually at about the same time. On occasion, because of technical problems, OCLC has held MARC tapes and added two or three in one week. This delays cataloging operations some- what, but no major problems are appar- ent. Having once searched the Title Master for a title, one need check only the supplement in future searches dur- ing that quarter of the year. Search time on OCLC varies with the time of day during which the system is being used. For example, early in the morning, late in the afternoon, during the evening, and on Saturdays response time is faster because there are fewer users. PERIPHERAL AsPECTS Neither BINA nor the OCLC System is designed to be used exclusively for the generation of catalog cards. Part of the underlying philosophy of OCLC is to reduce the rate of increase in per-unit processing costs for libraries by sharing the work load. This same philosophy works with B INA also, though less well since there are fewer users sharing the burdep. Both systems also attempt to provide for other library operations. Both systems provide some acquisition help. OCLC is in the process of design- ing a complete acquisition package which would allow users to generate and keep track of orders through the system. Total implementation of the system is probably some years off, but the data base already provides a point for preor- der search verification. The Title Index also provides a source for preorder searching, but this is of a different na- ture since no indication is given in the Index as to which users already have cat- aloged (thus own) specific titles, as does the OCLC system. A glance at the hold- ing library symbols on an OCLC record shows immediately which institutions have cataloged the item. Because of this last capability of OCLC there is the obvious, and well used, spin-off feature of interlibrary loan information. By searching OCLC' s data base, one can tell which institutions have cataloged any specific title; thus in- terlibrary loan requests can be made with prior knowledge that the loaning institution will be capable of supplying the book. OCLC will soon add a com- munications capability to facilitate ILL further. OCLC is in the last phase of imple- menting a serials control system for users which provides for check-in, claiming, and binding as well as catalog- ing. This is due for full implementa- tion during 1976. B/NA provides no help for serials beyond cataloging. B/NA provides along with catalog 24 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 copy, to any user who desires them, cir- culation materials. These can be spine labels, pockets, circulation cards, label sets, IBM cards, or whatever is required. Books ordered from BINA can be pur- chased preprocessed or with complete processing kits. OCLC provides no help with circula- tion or processing, although a complete circulation control system is planned. OCLC is also in the process of develop- ing a subject retrieval component of a public service syst~m which may be test- ed in 1976. BINA does not provide sub- ject retrieval on its full data base but can generate COM or printed subject catalogs for any user. BINA can also provide subject bibliographies from any of its data bases. This subject capability of BINA is part of the overall data base manage- ment available for their users. BINA programs keep track of every record used in or contributed to B INA. The production of complete or partial book catalogs is thus possible at any time for any user by employing programs de- veloped by BINA. These catalogs can be printed or produced on COM in any number of formats and with cumula- tive supplements. Complete subject au- thority control is also part of the sys- tem. The important aspect of the BINA system is the total management control over each user's subset of records within the BINA data base and the production of viable products from this system in addition to traditional catalog cards. OCLC as yet provides in addition to catalog cards only archival tapes of rec- ords used by individual institutions in the sequence used and with no dupli- cates deleted. It is a long step from this tape service to data base management for individual institutions. CONCLUSION Both data bases are very useful. Al- though access differs, both can be used effectively to generate catalog copy. From 62 to 76 percent of the titles searched were found in the BINA Ti- tle Index, and from 76 to 98 percent were found in OCLC. This appears to make ·OCLC significantly more valuable. The higher hit percentage is accounted for by the greater number of contrib- uted records since both contain the same MARC records. The acceptability of the contributed records, of course, de- pends on the degree to whiCh the con- tributors meet the standards. · During the interval between searches the number of records available in the OCLC data base increased more than in the BIN A Title Index. Some sort of logical extrapolation of this increase would imply that it will be an obscure item that doesn't appear in OCLC even- tually. For the cataloging of English lan- guage monographs the OCLC data base is a very valuable tool; so is the Title In- dex. In view of the cost of tying into OCLC versus the cost of subscribing to BIN A service, the microfiche system can appear very appealing where budgets are small or acquisitions rates moderate or where total data base management is required. REFERENCES 1. "Annual Buyers' Guide," Library Journal 100:1500 (Sept. 1, 1975). See also Nancy Hoyt Knight, "Microform Catalog Data Re- trieval Systems: A Survey," Library Tech- nology Reports 11 (May 1975), and How- ard Pasternack, "Microform Catalog Data Retrieval Systems: The B/NA Title Index and MARCFICHE Systems," Library Tech- nology Reports 12:371-405 (July 1976). 2. Blackwell North America, Inc., "1974/75 Pricing for Cataloging and Book Processing Services." Available from B/NA, 10300 S.W. Allen Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005. 3. Books ·in Print (New York: Bowker, 1975), V.1, preface. U.S. Library of Congress, Films and Other Materials for Projection, 1974 (Washington, D.C., 1975), p.vii-viii. 4. R. W. Meyer and John Knapp, "COM Cata- log from OCLC Records," Journal of Li- brary Automation 8:312-21 (Dec. 1975).