College and Research Libraries EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 THIS ARTICLE CONTINUES the semian- nual series originally edited by Con- stance M. Winchell. Although it appears under a byline, the list is actually a project of the Reference Department of the Columbia University Libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the individual staff members.1 Since the purpose of the list is to pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and general works of interest to reference workers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. A brief roundup of new editions of standard works con- tinuations, and supplements is pre~ented at the end of the column. Code num- bers (such as AA631, BG50) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums (GV); 1911-1965. Hrsg. von Reinhard Oberschelp; bearb. unter der Leitung von Willi Gorzny. Miinchen, Verlag Dokumentation. 1976- . v.1- . (In progress) DM 16500. ISBN 3-7940- 5600-0. Contents: v.1-10, A-Bei. To be in 150 volumes, this new compila- tion represents a cumulation and integra- tion of the main entries from some fifteen series of German-language national bibliog- raphies and dissertation lists for the long period indicated. Entries from the original 1. Dian Goon, Rita Keckeissen Anita Lowry Eileen Mcilvaine, Doris Ar:n Sweet, Bar~ bara Wendell; Lehman Library: Mary Ann Miller. 2. Eugene P. Sheehy, Guide to Reference Boob (9th ed.; Chicago: American Library Assn., 1976). 46/ publications have been interfiled and repro- duced photographically, not re-set. Cita- tions are drawn from the Deutsches Biicherverzeichnis (Guide AA631), Deutsche Bibliographie (Guide AA634), Deutsche Nationalbibliographie (Guide AA627), and from the various German, Austrian, and Swiss dissertation lists. It thus brings to- gether in a single alphabetical sequence a vast number of bibliographical citations, but unfortunately the parent publications will not be fully superseded since all por- tions of some series are not represented in GV and there is no indication of a . plan to provide a subject approach. (New subject indexing would presumably be necessary, since Register volumes are disparate in na- ture and the inclusion of only certain cate- gories of works from some series makes reproduction/ cumulation of existing in- dexes impractical.)-E.S. Gropp, Arthur E. Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies Published in Periodicals. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Pr., 1976. 2v. $37.50. 75-32552. ISBN 0-8108-0838-2. A companion to Gropp's Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies (Guide AA60) and its 1971 supplement, this vol- ume lists periodical articles published through 1965 which are themselves bibli- ographies or which are accompanied by bibliographies. Because the initial search- ing was done using the Index to Latin American P eriodioal Literature (Guide AE215) and the Index to Latin American Periodicals: Humanities and Social Sciences (Guide AE213), most articles are dated be- tween 1929 and 1965; those dated earlier are mainly the periodical publications of Latin American national academies socie- ties, libraries, universities, etc. Although most periodicals cited are of Latin Ameri- can origin, the major relevant international journals in the field also appear to have Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 I 47 been checked, resulting in a total of over 9,700 citations taken from over 1,000 peri- odicals. The basic organization is identical to that of Gropp's bibliography of mono- graphs: by subject, with geographical sub- divisions under which entries are listed al- phabetically by author. The index is by personal, corporate, and geographic names, specific subjects, and titles of series and periodicals. Gropp has announced that, with the completion of these volumes, his biblio- graphic mantle is being passed to the Sub- committee on Reporting Bibliographic Activities of the Seminar on the Acquisi- tion of Latin American Library Materials. The Subcommittee's annual "Report on bib- liographic activities" has appeared as a "Working paper" of the Seminar since 1965, and Scarecrow Press has announced for publication the Subcommittee's supple- ment to Gropp's Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies; edited by Daniel Raposo Cordeiro, it will ·cover publications since 1969.-D.G. Shaaber, Matthias Adam. Check-list of Works of British Authors Printed Abroad, in Languages other than English, to 1641. N.Y., Bibliographical Society of America, 1975. 168p. $15. 75-331109. Convinced "that a list of extraterritorial printings of the works of early British writ- ers should find uses, that it is an appropri- ate complement to the record of the print- ing of their works in England and in English which the Short-title Catalogue [Guide AA647] affords, and that it should facilitate various kinds of study of British culture up to the middle of the seventeenth century" (Pref.), Professor Shaaber has provided this checklist of some. 6,000 non- English-language editions of British authors printed outside Britain to 1641. "British authors" are here defined as "(I) all writ- ers born in the British Isles, including those who spent most of their lives abroad, (2) all writers born elsewhere who spent con- siderable parts of their mature lives in the British Isles." Anonymous works are includ- ed if there is "direct evidence or a con- sensus of opinion that they are of British origin." As a rule the compiler has noted all loca- tions which he found for each edition (some 590 library names appear in the list of symbols), except that reference is made to certain standard incunabula catalogs for items which are exhaustively listed therein. Although it is emphasized that this is "a rough list . . . compiled almost entirely from library catalogs and bibliographies," the volume is sure to prove useful both as a working tool and as the basis for further bibliographic work in this area.-E.S. LmRARIES Williams, Sam P., comp. Guide to the Re- search Collections of the New York Pub- lic Library. Chicago, Amer. Lib. Assoc., 1975. 336p. $35. 75-15878. ISBN 0- 8389-0125-5. As a guide to one of the world's largest and richest resources for scholarly research, the collections of the New York Public Li- brary, this volume is of infinitely more than local interest. Designed to supersede Karl Brown's Guide to the Reference Collections ... (1941; Guide AB105), it updates and extends the information in that work ac- cording to a somewhat different plan: "Wil- liams has ... presented his descriptions by broad subject coverage, rather than by fol- lowing a detailed classification system or a scheme based primarily on the adminis- trative organization of the collections."- Pref. Although somewhat less detailed than Brown's survey (the collections have dou- bled in size since that work was published), the new Guide represents an enormous task admirably accomplished. Scholars and li- brarians throughout the world will be grate- ful to Mr. Williams for many years to come.-E.S. PERIODICALS Sader, Marion, ed. Comprehensive Index to English-language Little Magazines, 1890-1970. Series one. Millwood, N.Y., Kraus-Thomson, 1976. 8v. $590. 7 4- 11742. ISBN 0-527-00370-0. One hundred English-language '1ittle magazines" (59 of them "partly or totally American"-Pref.) of the 1890-1970 period are covered in this new work. It aims to in- dex complete files of defunct publications; 48 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 magazines . which are still current are in- dexed through 1970, with some 1971 issues included. Selection of titles for this first series-it is indicated that work has already begun on a . second series-was made by Felix Pollak, formerly of the University of Wisconsin Libraries, with the advice of Charles Allen, well-known authority on the American little magazine. Indexing is by personal name only, with designation of "Works by" and/ or "Works about" under each name. Book reviews are entered under both the author of the book and the name of the reviewer, with an additional subject entry if the book is a biography or a critical work devoted to an individual writer or artist. In addition to the expected details of pagination, date, etc., each contribution has been categorized as to type (e.g., arti- cle, poem, excerpt, illustration). The maga- zines included are, of course, primarily literary in character, and the Index admi- rably answers the need to identify the con- tributions of writers (particularly during their rise to fame), but some subject index- ing beyond the personal name approach would have been welcome, especially at such a substantial price.-E.S. The Waterloo Directory of Victorian Peri- odicals, 1824-1900. Phase I. [Montreal], publ. for the Univ. of Waterloo by Wil- frid Laurier Univ. Pr., [1976]. 1187p. $135. 77-184800. ISBN 0-88920-026-2. "Sponsored by the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals and Waterloo Com- puting in the Humanities."-t.p. Editors: Michael Wolff, John S. North, Dorothy Deering. "To investigate Victorian culture as a whole, we need a correspondingly broad and pervasive fund of primary materials. Such a fund is to be found in the news- papers and periodicals."-Pref. With these tenets in mind, and convinced that concen- tration on the relatively small body of "ma- jor" journals provides an incomplete view of Victorian society, the compilers of this directory have undertaken to make "con- veniently available in one alphabetical list- ing the newspaper and periodical titles published in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales at any time between 1824 and 1900.»»-Pref. It includes some 29,000 en- tries (about 4,400 of · them cross-refer- ences), covering all fields of publication: government, church, trade, the professions, the sciences, and the humanities. Titles were gleaned chiefly from the British Union Catalogue of Periodicals (Guide AE146}, the Union List of Serials (Guide AE133), the British Museum's catalog of newspapers for 1801-1900 (Guide AF40), and the Times's Tercentenary H andlist of English and Welsh Newspapers, Magazines and Reviews (Guide AF42). Information avail- able for many titles is admittedly sketchy, but the following points are covered as far as possible: subtitle, numbering, publica- tion dates, editor, place of publication, pub- lisher, printer, price, size, frequency, illustrations, circulation, sponsoring body, indexing, mergers, alternate titles, and de- scriptive or explanatory notes. Discrepan- cies between earlier listings are also noted. "Phase II" of the project is planned to result in "a comprehensive directory .. . based on the alphabetical listing of Phase I , augmented and corrected by actual shelf- checks" (Pref.) and supplying additional categories of information. A subject guide to the present volume is in preparation.- E.S. DISSERTATIONS Retrospective Index to These s of Great Britain and Ireland, 1716- 1950. Roger R. Bilboul, ed. [Santa Barbara, Calif.], ABC-Clio, 1975- . v.1- . (In progress; to be in 5v.) ISBN 0-903450-02-X. Contents: v.1, Social sciences and hu- manities. 393p. $125. The Retrospective Index is designed to include all dissertations and master's essays accepted by universities of Great Britain and Ireland before the Aslib Index to Theses (Guide AH44) commenced with coverage for 1950/51: Volume 1, the only volume available for examination at this writing, lists some 1,300 dissertations and master's essays in all fields of the social sci- ences and humanities. Theses have been assigned to categories based on the subjec;:t headings developed for the · British H u ... manities Index. One new approach (which can be misleading) has been used: under the broadest heading~ cross-references are Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 I 49 given to the more .specific subject headings used in the. index. Thus, under "Non-con- formity" · see also references are made to "Anabaptists:· "Clapham sect," "Congrega- tionalism," "Beecher, L.," "Cromwell, 0.," "Knox, J.," but unfortunately no cross-ref- erence is made to either of the W esleys, to "Friends, Society of" or to "Puritanism," even though these headings. are used in the Index. Despite this carping, the editors are to be ·commended for compiling a generally fine index and for not succumbing to the treacherous lures of KWIC and KWOC. Further volumes are to cover "Applied sci- ences and technology"; "Life sciences"; "Physical sciences"; and "Chemical sci- ences." Volume 2 is to include a detailed statement regarding the availability of each university's theses through interlibrary loan and reprography.-E.M. LITERATURE Batts, John Stuart. British Manuscript Dia- ries of the Nineteenth Century; an An- notated Listing. Totowa, N.J., Rowman and Littlefield, 1976. 345p. $25. 75- 1437. ISBN 0-08-017039-0. This bibliography briefly describes and locates approximately 2,400 British manu- script diaries begun between 1800 and 1899 (excluding those by indisputably twentieth-century figures who happened to start diaries before 1900). Though its cov- erage overlaps with William Matthews' 1950 British Diaries, 1442-1942 (Guide BD508), most of the entries are new. Matthews' nineteenth-century manuscript diaries are, for the most part, repeated here, but usually with corrected, updated or additional information. Batts has fol- lowed Matthews' format of year-by-year listings, in which the first entry date of a diary determines the year in which it is listed. While an index of diarists' names fol- lows the chronological listings, Batts has not provided (as Matthews did) a list of diaries that span a period longer than ten years. Hence a researcher may need to wade through many years of listings to find all diaries that continued through a partic- ular date. On the other hand, an added feature of great value in this compilation is a rudjmentary subject index which "con- centrates on places, people, professions: and events" (p.331).-D.A.S. Medieval Studies; an Introduction. James M. Powell, ed. [Syracuse], Syracuse Univ. Pr., 1976. 389p. $25; $9.95 pa. 76- 8870. ISBN 0-8156-2176-2. Addressed to the beginning student of medieval studies and intended both as "a convenient orientation to the field" and as a "ready reference companion to . . . re- search" (Pref.), this guide will be wel- comed in the reference department as a companion and supplement to John H. Fisher's Medieval Literature of Western Europe (Guide BD6). Like the latter it is a compilation of bibliographical essays by scholar specialists. Coverage is for the tra- ditional fields of Latin paleography, diplo- matics, numismatics, prosopography and medieval chronology, and for a new area, computer-assisted analysis of statistical doc- uments of medieval society. Each chapter normally treats the structure of the field, indicates trends in research, and provides guidance for further reading both by the general critical character of the essay and by the basic bibliography appended. The last four sections are general bibliographical introductions to medieval English literature, and the philosophy, art, and music of the Middle Ages, each dealing with problems and present state of research, and each add- ing a bibliography. There is an index and a list of the authors with their credentials. The editor hopes that coverage of the vol- ume can be expanded in the future.-R.K. Porras Collantes, Emesto. Bibliografia de la novela en Colombia, con notas de contenida y critica de las obras y guia de comentarios sabre los autores. Bogota, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1976. 888p. (Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Publicaciones. Serie bibliografica, 11) This work supplements and updates the bibliography in Antonio Curcio Altamar' s Evoluci6n de la novela en Colombia (Bo- gota, Instituto, 1957) by giving bibliograph- ic information on Colombian novelists and novels published through. 1974. Under each author, ·titles are listed alphabetically, with descriptions of the different editions, a sum- mary of plot or theme (plus excerpts from 50 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 critical reviews), a list of translations and their editions, and a critical bibliography on the author; in many cases a library loca- tion for the novel is also given. The volume concludes with a list of pseudonyms (re- ferring from the real name to the pseudo- nym., and vice versa) and indexes by title and year of publication. The critical bibliographies on the authors are very impressive, listing books, pam- phlets, periodical articles, and newspaper items; the bibliography on Gabriel Garda Marquez, for example, includes over 300 items. The reader should be aware, how- ever, that most citations are from Colom- bian sources and are limited to titles that have not been listed in the earlier bibliog- raphies cited by the compiler in his "Intro- ducci6n."-D.G. THEATER Wearing, J. P. The London Stage, 1890- 1899: a Calendar of :Plays and Players. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow, 1976. 2v. $42.50. 76-1825. ISBN 0-8108-0910-9. Contents: v.1, 1890-1896; v.2, 1897- 1899, Index. With the aim of furnishing "a daily list- ing of the plays and players on the London stage from 1890-1899" (Introd.), these vol- umes offer a series of playbills arranged chronologically by date of opening per- formance (then by theater when there was more than one production opening on the same day). Information (presented in somewhat abbreviated form) was derived from a variety of sources and includes: full title of play, author (with details of adapta- tion or translation as applicable), genre of play, theater at which performed, length of run and number of performances, cast (including changes), production staff, ref- erences to reviews of first-night perfor- mances. There is an index of titles, authors, theaters, performers, managers, etc. Evidently patterned on The London Stage, 1660-1800 (Guide BG50), these volumes invite comparison with that great compilation. While lacking anything com- parable to the extensive and valuable intro- ductory essays as well as certain categories of information (e.g., box office receipts, notes on benefit performances) found in the earlier series, Wearing's work, as a solo ef- fort, represents an impressive gathering of information. Similar volumes for later peri- ods are planned.-E.S. Music Who's Who in Opera: an International Biographical Directory of Singers, Con- ductors, Directors, Designers, and Admin- istrators. Also including profiles of 101 opera companies. Maria F. Rich, ed. N.Y., Arno Pr., 1976. $65. 75-7963. ISBN 0-405-06652-X. Some 2,350 biographical sketches of opera personalities active at the time of compilation are included in this new direc- tory. Selection was according to the follow- ing criteria: "Since the beginning of the 1971-72 season: singers must have sung at least five major roles with one or more of the designated companies [i.e., some 140 opera companies and festivals in 33 coun- tries]; conductors must have conducted at least five operas with one or more of the designated companies; stage directors/ pro- ducers must have staged at least two new opera productions . . . ; designers must have designed sets, costumes or lighting for at least two new opera productions. . . . Administrators must have been in key ad- ministrative positions with any of the des- ignated companies."-Pref. Information, in· tended to be current as of the 197 4-75 season, was gathered by questionnaire (with a few sketches supplied by the edi- tor). Use of abbreviations and symbols (e.g., for roles singers have recorded in full and for roles currently in repertory) has permitted presentation of considerable de- tail within relatively little space. The "Opera Company Profiles," pp.611-78, offer information on founding, administration, house capacity, dates of season and number of performances, repertory of two most re- cent seasons, budget figures, etc. The vol- ume promises to be both a useful reference work and, for the opera enthusiast, a source for endless browsing.-E.S. ETHNOGRAPHY Murdock, George Peter, and O'Leary, Tim· othy J. Ethnographic Bibliography of Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 I 51 North America. 4th ed. New Haven, HRAF Pr., 1975. 5v. $175. 75-17091. ISBN 0-87536-213-3. Contents: v.1, General North America; v.2, Arctic and Sub-Arctic; v.3, Far West and Pacific Coast; v.4, Eastern United States; v.5, Plains and Southwest. In consequence of the information explo- sion in "Native American studies" over the last twenty years and of corresponding bib- liographic enrichment, this new edition, in order to cover selectively the published lit- erature through 1972, has been expanded from the 17,300 entries of the 3d edition (1961; Guide CD28) to 40,000 entries. The description of ways of life of native American peoples has been the central pur- pose of the bibliography since its first edi- tion in 1941, and it remains so in this one, but there are some enhancing changes and additions: the inclusion of references on all subjects relevant or supplementary to basic ethnographic description (i.e., linguistics, archaeology, history, relations of the ethnic groups with federal governments, educa- tion, medicine, human geography, urban- ism, and Pan-Indianism); an increase in the number of ethnic groups covered, especial- ly in the North Mexican area; individual bibliographies on Pan-Indianism, urban In- dians, United States government relations with native peoples, Canadian Indians in general, and Canadian government rela- tions with native peoples; accession num- bers for all items available through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, along with complete instructions for acquir- ing copies; and a format that separates the bibliographies from the main listings and marks with an asterisk the basic cultural descriptions rather than segregating them as in previous editions. With consideration for the researcher, general reader, and smaller library alike, the editor has placed in v.1 (which can be purchased separately) the general sections or "expanded area bibliographies" from each of the fifteen major areas covered in the regional volumes which contain the "ethnic bibliographies." Students of Native American studies have cause to rejoice.- M.A.M. PoLITICAL SciENCE Anderson, Martin. Conscription: a Select and Annotated Bibliography. Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Pr., 1976. 453p. $15. (Hoover bibliographical ser., 57) 75-41906. ISBN 0-8179-2571-6. Reflecting a well-considered, well-orga- nized approach to the goal of creating "a guide to the literature that focuses on the major issues of conscription, [this bibliogra- phy] is reasonably comprehensive, has ex- tensive, useful annotations, is clearly cate- gorized by subject area, and is up-to-date." -Pref. In addition to the major contempo- rary issues-both practical and philosophi- cal-involved in "raising an armed force in a free society" (with emphasis on the United States), the historical backgrounds of con- scription in the U.S.A. and elsewhere are covered. Though limited to substantial works of value for scholarly study or public policy decision-making, the bibliography in- cludes approximately 1,385 entries for books, unpublished manuscripts (mostly doctoral dissertations), articles, pamphlets, reprints, speeches, and government docu- ments. Entries have detailed annotations and are arranged in 17 chapters, each cov- ering a well-defined topic-e.g., "Universal Military Training," "Conscientious Objec- tion," c'Economics," "Law and the Constitu- tion.', The access provided by this broad subject arrangement is supplemented by an author index and a title index, the latter ar- ranged by type of material (i.e., books, ar- ticles, etc.), as are the individual chapters. -A.L. Herman, Valentine. Parliaments of the World; a Reference Compendium. Prep. . . . with the collaboration of Fran~oise Mendel. Berlin, DeGruyter, [1976]. 985p. $70. 76-17574. ISBN 3-11-006975- X. At head of title: Inter-Parliamentary Union. Questionnaires developed by the Inter- national Centre for Parliamentary Docu- mentation were sent to all national parliaments of the world in order to acquire comparative data for this compilation, and the assembled information was then sub- mitted to each respective parliament for a check of completeness, accuracy, and cur- 52 I College·&· Research Libraries • January 1977 rency. As a result, "fifty-six Parliaments are described in the study as they existed at September I, 197 4." -1 ntrod. (The major exception seems to be Thailand, which re- organized its Parliament early in 1975.) Data are presented in some seventy tables surveying all aspects of parliamentary ac- tivity from elections, qualifications for membership, and organization .(even to shape of chamber), to the functions · and powers (including stages in legislative pro- cess, budgetary preparation and control, etc.) . One table particularly useful to li- brarians details the publication of debates. In presenting the information, the com- pilers have been very careful to be fair, stressing no particular system, and giving only factual data. This even-handedness, while it encourages responses, can be some- what misleading when one notices the dif- ferences between the law and the practice (e.g., grounds for dismissal used against Adam Clayton Powell, or the fragility of parliamentary forms of government in East- ern Europe and, more recently, in India). All the same, it is very useful to have this kind of presentation, and the student will be able to tum to other sources for interpre- tation. One regrets that a reference work with so much valuable information pre- sented so clearly has to be so expensive.- E.M. Hoover, Dwight W. Cities. N.Y., Bowker, 1976. 231p. $14.95. 76-2601. ISBN 0-8352-0790-0. Cities-their history, their present trou- bled existence, their prospects for the fu- ture-are the subject of this annotated, multi-media bibliography. Aimed at a di- verse public of "librarians, students, teach- ers, and laypersons" (Pref.), it combines scholarly studies with popular works, jour- nalistic accounts, fiction, films, filmstrips and other non-book materials. Although many of the chapters are problem-oriented ("Crime and the Police" or "Urban Reform and the Provision of Services," for exam- ple), many are also concerned with more theoretical and more general approaches to understanding the city, whether it be New York, Chicago, or Leadville, Colorado (as in "Urban Images" or "Urban History"). While . the bibliography includes a chapter on "Cities. of the World," the emphasis is definitely on United· States cities. The ar- rangement by broad topics, the brief essays that introduce each topic, and the evalua- tive annotations serve as guides to the li- brarian acquiring books (most of the ma- terials are in print) and to the student seek- ing an introduction to the basic concepts and areas of concern as well as to the lit- erature of the urban experience. A list of "Journals on Urban Themes," a "Producer I Distributor Directory" (for non-print me- dia), an author index, and a title index complete the volume.-A.L. GEOGRAPHY Harris, Chauncy D. Bibliography of Geog- raphy. Chicago, 1976- . Pt.1- . (Chi- cago. Univ. Dept. of Geography. Research paper no.179- ) 76-1910. ISBN 0- 89065-086-1. Contents: Pt.1, Introduction to general aids. 276p. $6 pa. We have long owed Professor Harris a debt of gratitude for his useful bibliogra- phies of geographical serials. His latest con- tribution to geographical research is an an- notated listing of general bibliographical aids for the field. It does not intend to fully supersede the time-honored work of Wright and Platt (Guide CL5) for, although many items therein "are out of date or superseded by later or better works, yet the essential core of older works of enduring value pub- lished up to 1946, carefully selected and expertly annotated, remains recorded there and does not need to be repeated."-Pref. Chapters on bibliographies of bibliogra- phies (guides, comprehensive retrospective and current bibliographies of geography, specialized bibliographies) are followed by sections for bibliographies of books, se- rials, government documents, dissertations, photographs, maps and atlases, gazetteers, place name dictionaries, dictionaries, en- cyclopedias, statistics, and methodology. Within each chapter, introductory remarks are followed by carefully annotated lists of bibliographies; notes on the comprehensive current and retrospective bibliographies are particularly precise and detailed. Appendix 1 lists ··Gazetteers of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names"; Appendix 2 is an an~ Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 I 53 notated list of works recommended for a SJVall geographical reference collection. "Bibliographical sources for the systematic fields of geography, both physical and hu- man, and for regional geography are planned for later treatment" (Pref.) but no publication date is suggested.-E.S. HISTORY AND AREA STUDIES Baldwin, David E. and Baldwin, Char- lene M. The Y aruba of Southwestern Nigeria; an Indexed Bibliography. Bos- ton, G. K. Hall, [1976]. 269p. $25.50. 76-1935. ISBN 0-8161-7857-7. With the purpose of listing "all articles, books and other references to Southwestern Nigeria-geographical, geological, agricul- tural, zoological, biological, sociological, and anthropological" (Introd.), as well as the literary works of Yoruba authorship, the compilers have produced an alphabetic- by-author bibliography, with subject index, of almost 3,500 items. The large majority of entries are for articles; emphasis is on history, linguistics, and social science sub- jects, chiefly within the framework -of tra- ditional Yoruba culture. Journal articles carry full bibliographic information; sep- arate publication listings show author, title, and imprint, but not paging. Closing date for coverage was August 197 4. The subject index is a list of general topics subdivided by narrower subject, by geographic area, or by genre. In addition, letter symbols in each entry indicate broad subject, form, and language if other than English. There is a list of bibliographies consulted, and one of periodicals analyzed.-R.K. Index to Book Reviews in Historical Peri- odicals, 1972- . Metuchen, N.J., Scare- crow Pr., 1975- . Annual? (1974 pub. 1975) Price varies: 1972, $12.50; 1973, $15; 1974, $17.50. 75-18992. ISBN 0-8108-0894-3. John W. Brewster and Joseph A. Mc- Leod, comps. Almost a hundred historical journals, many of them the publications of state and local history societies not indexed in exist- ing book review reference works, serve as the source of the citations listed in this new tool, originally compiled to answer the need of students of a state university for reviews of assigned readings. Emphasis is on United States history, and only English-language reviews are cited, although a small number of the books listed are in foreign languages. Date of the volume is for publication of the reviews, with imprints of the books re- viewed in a given year varying, depending on how long after publication the review appeared. Arrangement is alphabetic by author of the book reviewed. Each entry includes author, title, and imprint of book reviewed, reviewer, abbreviated journal title plus volume, paging, and date.-R.K. Okinshevich, Leo. United States History & Historiography in Postwar Soviet Writ- ings, 1945-1970. Santa Barbara, Calif., [Clio Pr., 1976]. 431p. $27.50. 76-3756. ISBN 0-87 436-208-3. As noted in Robert V. Allen's introduc- tion, "Mr. Okinshevich has ... performed a real service in compiling this record, and those who seek to understand something of the Soviet view of America are greatly in his debt." The work is a bibliography of nearly 3, 700 items by Soviet writers on various aspects of United States history and historiography published during the 1945- 70 period. Included are books, periodical articles, abstracts of dissertations, and a great many reviews of American books and of articles appearing in American periodi- cals. Arrangement is mainly by historical period (with topical subdivisions), but there are additional sections for United States cultural history; church and religion; history of particular regions and dependen- cies; and Soviet evaluations and criticism of American studies. Titles are given in transliteration with an English translation supplied, and there are occasional explana- tory notes. Separate indexes for Soviet au- thors, non-Soviet authors, and subjects are provided.-E.S. Snyder, Louis Leo. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. N.Y., McGraw-Hill, [1976]. 410p. il. $19.95. 75-25740. ISBN 0-07- 059525-9. Having Written many works on German and European history, the noted historian Louis Snyder has elected to shoulder the entire burden of authorship for the En- 54 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 cyclopedia of the Third Reich. His special interest in the period began in 1928 when, as an exchange student in Germany, he wit- nessed the rise of National Socialism. Be- cause of his deep personal interest and a belief that editorial fact-checking consumes as much time as original research, Mr. Snyder has chosen to provide the user with what he has determined are the essential facts. Covering the variety of subject matter associated with Hitler and the Nazi regime, the Encyclopedia is composed generally of short articles, with the more important topics receiving more extensive coverage. Since few of the entries include biblio- graphical references, a lengthy general bib- liography is given at the end of the volume; however, as this is not arranged even by broad subjects, it offers the user little as- sistance in finding additional sources on a particular topic. A useful feature is the "Calendar of Significant Dates'' beginning in 1899 with the birth of Hitler and ending in 1946 with the execution of Nazi war criminals. The use of charts in various en- tries enhances the ready reference value of the work. Freely cross-referenced and inter- estingly illustrated, this work should be use- ful in any general library collection.-B.W. SmPs The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. Peter Kemp, ed. London, Oxford U niver- sity Pr., 1976. 971p. il. $35. ISBN 0-19- 211553-7. "It is the purpose of this Companion to bring together in readily accessible form a range of marine information which can oth- erwise be gleaned only with the help of an extensive library."-Pref. A wide variety of topics are included: sea terms, places, events, names, kinds of ships (one of the few categories of entries to include bibliog- raphy), authors, and artists of the sea. Ex- cluded are oceanographic terms (except for a few very important ones such as whale, seal, plankton) and "the world of the dinghy sailor, both cruising and racing." Perhaps a short list of selected entries would best indicate the range of informa- tion: Statens Sjohistoriska Museum; subma- rine; sup~rstitions of sailors; surveys at sea; Svolde or Swold, Battle of; swing a cat, no room to; Swiftsure, H.M.S.; tabernacle; Talbot, Mary Anne. Although cross-references are employed, the volume would have benefited from some type of indexing, possibly a simple listing of entries by categories; thus one could more easily unravel some of the quirks of alphabetizing and also identify names and headings. The volume is ex- tremely attractive, with good use made of line drawings and diagrams as well as photographs to make the terminology more understandable. Of course the strengths of the volume will become more apparent with prolonged use, but one wishes that the volume had been available when the "Tall Ships" came to town.-E .. M. NEw EDITIONS AND SuPPLEMENTS An Author/Title Index, 1905-1974 (N.Y., Wilson, 1976. 4v. $275) provides a single alphabetical listing of the nearly 300,000 books covered by the Book Review Digest (Guide AA411) for the long period indicated. Variant forms of an author's name used over the years have been recon- ciled and appropriate cross-references pro- vided. Volume 2, covering I-Z, is the first pub- lished part of the second revised and en- larged edition of Pollard and Redgrave' s Short-title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland . . . 1475- 1640 (Guide AA647). Begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, this volume (London, Bibliographical Society, 1976. 494p. £ 40) was completed by Katharine F. Pantzer. "The earlier completion of vol- ume 2 is the result of Miss Pantzer's taking over the work of final revision on the death of William A. Jackson in 1964 at the letter R. The later letters of the alphabet repre- sented a later stage in Jackson's own revi- sion, and Miss Pantzer has felt that this, and the fact that she has personally over- seen all these parts of the work, enable her to lay this volume before the public as hav- ing reached as definitive a stage as is pos- sible in a · work of this nature."-Pref. Volume 1, A-H, is projected for publication in 1980. Following a longer than usual hiatus (the Selected Reference Books of 1975-76 I 55 1964-66 compilation was published in 1969; Guide AA825), the 1967-69 volume of Anuario bibliografico peruano (Lima, Bib- lioteca Nacional, 1975. 1265p.) has now appeared. A second supplement (Paris, Larousse, 1975. unpaged. 208F.) to the Grand La- rousse encyclopedique (Guide AC41) con- tains some 11,540 articles covering events, personalities, and political, technical and cultural developments of the years 1968- 75. Entries which update articles in the main set and its first supplement are marked with ·an asterisk. In 1966 an eight-page Addenda section was added to "Webster's Third," and in 1971 it was increased to sixteen pages. Now the publisher has issued a separate supple- mentary volume entitled 6,000 Words (Springfield, Mass., G. & C. Merriam, 1976. 220p. $8.50) which is "essentially the most recent Addenda section of Webster's Third New International Dictionary [Guide AD10]."-Pref. It includes not only new words and meanings, but some older words which were passed over in the original edit- ing of the dictionary. Volume 1 of the 5th edition of Acronyms, Initialisms, & Abbre- viations Dictionary (Detroit, Gale, 1976. 757p. $38.50) has now appeared. Former- ly entitled Acronyms and I nitialisms Dic- tionary ( AD36) and again edited by Ellen T. Crowley, this edition has entries for more than 130,000 acronyms and ab- breviations in virtually all fields. Volume 2, in preparation, will form an annual sup- plement of new acronyms; v.3 will be a new edition of Reverse Acronyms . . . (De- troit, Gale, 1972). Jesse J. Dossick' s original listing of doc- toral studies on topics relating to Russia and the Soviet Union appeared in 1960 (Guide DC372). Now he has supplement- ed that useful compilation with the publi- cation of his Doctoral Research on Russia and the Soviet Union, 1960-1975 (N.Y., Garland Pr., 1976. 345p. $32). Its subtitle succinctly describes the new work: "A clas- sified list of 3,150 American, Canadian, and British dissertations with some critical and statistical analysis." W. Philip Leidy's Popular Guide to Gov- ernment Publications has appeared in a fourth edition (N.Y., Columbia Univ. Pr., 1976. 440p. $20). The topical arrangement of the previous edition (Guide AG11) is followed, with some 3,000 items (mainly from the period 1967-75) selected for in- clusion. A number of new subject categories have been added; annotations are generous. The "Fourth Quadrennial Supplement" to the Cumulative Index of Committee Hearings (Wash., Govt. Prt. Off., 1976. 823p. $15) indexes printed congressional hearings "not confidential in character" that were held during the 92d and 93d Con- gresses (1971-74) and found in the Senate Library. It follows the basic arrangement of the preceding volumes (Guide AG36), but "the index to committee prints, issued as an appendix in prior editions, is omitted from this volume and a separate publication of this index is planned."-Pref. Peter L. Abernethy, Christian J. W. Kloesel and Jeffrey R. Smitten are the com- pilers of a first supplement (Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Pr., 1976. 305p. $12.50) to H. H. Palmer and A. J. Dyson's English Novel Explication (Guide BD470). Emphasis is on critical studies and interpre- tations published during the 1972-7 4 period (with some earlier and a few 1975 publica- tions). The Preface notes a number of points of difference in scope from -the Pal- · mer-Dyson volume, and the user should become familiar with these. Critical and biographical references pre- sented in the style of the parent series make up the first "Proven~al Supplement" to the French XX Bibliography (Guide BD740). Compiled by Joseph D. Gauthier, S.J., the supplementary volume (N.Y., French In- stitute-Alliance Fran~aise, 1976. 111p. $12) lists publications from 1940 through the early 1970s; the literary period covered goes back to 1850. Bulgarian, Czechoslovak, Polish, Ukrai- nian, and Yugoslav writers are the subject of the second volume of Modern Slavic Lit- eratures (N.Y., Ungar, 1976. 720p. $27.50; for v.1, see Guide BD986) edited by Vasa D. Mihailovich for the "Library of Literary Criticism" series. Excerpts (in English) from critical writings, most of them special- ly translated for this volume, treat 196 au- thors of the twentieth century. A second segment of the American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures (Guide 56 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 BG110) covering "Feature Films 1961- 1970" (N.Y., Bowker, 1976. 2v. $90) has now appeared. Like the first-published vol- umes for 1921-30, one volume is an alpha- betical title listing giving full information on each film; the other volume provides a complete index of credits. The Black American Reference Book edited by Mabel M. Smythe (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1976. 1026p. $29.95) represents a revised and updated version of the 1966 American Negro Ref- erence Book edited by John P. Davis (Guide CC133). Its thirty chapters repre- sent the contributions of 38 authors, and again there is a very detailed index. Now prominently subtitled "A reference work on the Afro American," the third re- vised edition of The Negro Almanac (N.Y., Bellwether, 1976. 1206p. $59.50) exhibits a number of changes from the 1971 edition (Guide CC135). Edited by Harry A. Ploski (this time assisted by Warren Marr II), the updated work has been re-set, and many new illustrations are used. Arrange- ment is much the same, with some section headings changed slightly and several new chapters (Black capitalism, Blacks in colo- nial and revolutionary America, Black classical musicians, Prominent Black Amer- icans) added. The long-awaited "Supplement 1956- 1965" to A Guide to the Study of the Unit~d States of America (Guide DB28) has finally appeared (Wash., Library of Congress, 1976. 526p. $12). Following the plan of the basic work, the supplement adds more than 2,900 items; most of them are annotated and, with occasional excep- tions, were published during the 1956-65 period. One hopes that the 1966-75 supple- ment, mentioned as "now being compiled," will appear more expeditiously. Volume 2 of Chris Cook's Sources in British Political History, 1900-1951 is en- titled "A Guide to the Private Papers of Selected Public Servants" (London, Mac- millan, 1975. 297p. £ 15). It "is concerned with the private papers of some 1,500 se- nior public servants who were active and in- fluential in British public life between 1900 and 1951" (Introd.), including diplomats, civil servants, colonial administrators, and armed forces personnel.-E.S. ~ does it ~four are atnOOg the many U.S. and Canadian coUqJes and unhusities that are fiUing their French mlcrot1che mJUirements through CLEARWATER PUBLISHING. EXCLUSIVE DISfRIBUTORS FOR: • Microtditions Hachette • France Expansion (mlcroeditioosl • Microtditions Uoiversitaitts (t'AUDIR) • Publications Orleotalistes de France • Les Presses de Ia Foodatioo Natiooale des Scleoces Polltiques •Inventory In New York • Most orders filled In l4 hours •ntte. author & subject searches • Paris prices ftftiusted to dollars FRENCH HISTORY • FRENCH AFRICA • THE ORIENT LINGUISTICS • BULLETIN SIGNALETIQUE BIBLIOflltQuE DE RECHERCHE We can supply virtually any recent Frmch dissertation or thesis on microfiche. microfilm or paper. lluodreds In stock. • SEND FOR FREE CATALOGS • CLEARWATER PUBUSHING COMmNY, INC. 75 Rockefeller Plaza. Dept. CRL New York. N.Y. 10019 • m 76S-0555 UCLA does it SUNY Stony Brook does it. U. of Akron does it. U. of Wisconsin-Madison does it. U. of British Columbia does it . Johns Hopkins U. does it. U. of New Orleans does it. New Mexico State U. does it. San Diego State U;, U. of Rochester, Acadia U.-and many more-they do it too . Your library can do .it too. Goldman, A. S. 8t Slattery, T. B.: MAINTAINABILITY: A MAJOR ELEMENT OF Orig. td. 1964 282 pp. 16.~. SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS Goodenough, J.P.: MAGNETISM AND TH.E CHEMICAL BOND Orig. td. 1963 408 pp. 23.50 Graupe, H. M.: THE RISE OF MODERN JUDAISM An Intellectual History of German Jewry 1650-1942 Orig. td. 1976 In Prep. Grnn, A. E. S.: THE MIDDLE UlTRAVIOLET, IT'S SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY . Orig. tel. 1968 390 pp • 20.50 Grnnbtrg, at al.: BLACK POLITICS Orig. ad. 1971 383 pp. 7.50 Grnne, N. M.: PHYSIOLOGY OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA- 2nd ad. Orig. ad. 1969 257 pp. In Prep. Gregory, R. T. 8t Karney, D. L.: A COLLECTION OF MATRICES FOR TESTING COMPUTATIONAL ALGORITHMS Orif. ed. 1969 163 pp. In Prep. Griff, A. l.: PLASTICS EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGY Orig. ed. 1968 363 pp. In Prep. Guggenheimer, H. W.: APPLICABLE GEOMETRY Ori .. ad. 1976 224 pp. 13.50 Guillemin, E. A.: SYNTHESIS OF PASSIVE NETWORKS Orig. ad. 1957 759 pp. In Prep. Henrici, P.: ERROR PROPAGATION FOR DIFFERENCE METHODS Orig. ed. 1983 81 pp. In Prep. Hiebert, R. E. 8t Spitzer, C. E.: THE VOICE OF GOVERNMENT Orit. ed. 1968 366 pp. In Prep. Hinch, Jerry: BEHAVIOR-GENETIC ANALYSIS Orig. ed. 1987 539 pp. In Prep. Hoffman, E.J.: AZEOTROPIC 8t EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION Orig. ed. 1964 335 pp. In Prep. Huelsman, L. P; Cl RCUITS, MATRICES, AND LINEAR VECTOR SPACES Orig. tel. 1963 290 pp. In Prep. Hughes, R. V; OIL PROPERTY VALUATION Ntwed. 1978 313 pp. In Prep. Husain, T; THE OPEN MAPPING AND CLOSED GRAPH THEOREMS IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES Irani, R. R. 8t Callis, C. F.: PARTICLE SIZE: MEASUREMENT, INTERPRETATION Drit. tel. 1965 118 pp. 4.95 I. APPLICATION Oril. ed. 1963 172 pp. In Prep. Jacobs, M. B.: JACOBS' DICTIONARY OF MICROBIOLOGY In Prep. Jaffe, H. H. a. Orchin, W. L; SYMMETRY IN CHEMISTRY Orit. Ill. 1965 191..,. 9.50 Kaplan, N. M; YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE: THE MOST DEADLY HIGH Ori" tel. 1974 191 pp. In Prep. K•itl, R. H.: UNDERGRADUATE TOPOLOGY one. ed. 1971 299 pp. lnP~. Kautsky, John H.: POLITICAL CHANGE IN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES Orig. ed. 1982 382 pp. 7. 5 Kinsbruner, J.: THE SPANISH-AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT Orit.ed.1973 155 pp, 3.95 Klemw, R. H.: COUNSELING IN MARITAL. AND SEXUAL PROBLEMS -A Physician's Handbook Klamm, W. R.: RESEARCH-THE GREATEST GAME ON EARTH Orit.ed.1985 320 pp. 12.50 People a. Procell in Bio~ D= Orit.ed.1977 224 pp. In Prep. Knowles, M.S.: THE ADULT EDUCATI N MOVEME TIN THE UNITED STATES Orig. tel. 1962 341~ 9.50 Kyburg, H. E; STUDIES IN SUBJECTIVE PROBABI~ITY Orig. ed. 1964 203 pp. 7.50 Lang,l.: ABSORPTION SPECTRA IN THE ULTRAVIOLET AND VISIBLE REGION- Vol. 21 (Previouavolumesllao available) Orig. tel. 1978 In Prtp. Licht, S.: MASSAGE, MANIPULATION AND TRACTION Orig. ed. 1960 288 pp. 12.50 Lin, Y. K.: PROBABILISTIC THEORY OF STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS Orit. Ill. 1987 377 pp. 15.00 lindmayer, J. I. Wrigley, C. Y; FUNDAMENTALS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Orig. tel. 1965 269 pp. In Prep. longre, K. a. Blaker, G. G.: SANITARY TECHNIQUES IN FOOD SERVICE Orit.ed.1971 137 pp. 9.50 Mann, H. B.: ADDITION THEOREMS Vol. 11: THE ADDITION THEOREMS OF GROUP THEORY AND NUMBER THEORY Orig. ed. 1965 114 pp. In Prep. Margeneau, H. I. Murphy, G. M.: THE MATHEMATICS OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 2nd. ed. 1965 611 pp. In Prep. Marris, A. W. I. Stonekint, C. E.: ADVANCED DYNAMICS Orig. ed. 1967 318 pp. 12.50 Mclean, D.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS Orig. ed. 1962 403 pp. In Prep. Martin, J. K. I. StubtUa. K. R.: AMERICAN REVOLUTION: WHOSE REVOLUTION OriJ, ed. 1978 128 pp. In Prep. Meindl, J. D.: MICROPOWER CIRCUITS Oril. ed. 1969 270 pp. In Prep. Meier, G. H.: ECONOMIC DEVEL0Pfe1ENT, THEORY, HISTORY, POLICY Orig. ed. 1957 588 pp. 14.95 Miller, K. S. & Walsh, J. B.: ADVANCED TRIGONOMETRY Abridged ed. 1976 In Prep.