College and Research Libraries brary School, Indiana University, Blooming- ton. Kenney, Brigitte L., and Esteves, Roberto. Video and Cable Communications: Guidelines for Librarians. Based on a Report of the ALA Video/ Cable Study Committee. Chicago: Information Sci- ence and Automation Division, Video and ·Cable Communications Section, American Library Assn., 1975. 84p. $3.50. This publication, a rev1s10n of a formal report submitted to ALA, provides a useful compendium of general information on the present status and future prospects of video and cable technology in libraries. The first two of the six chapters deal with the in- volvement of some 400 libraries. Chapter 3 covers video hardware and software in fairly general terms. Chapter 4 touches on cable regulations and franchising, and Chapter 5 deals with community education, organization, and resources. The last chap- ter is a checklist for librarians. The most useful section is Appendix A, providing per- haps the most complete annolated bibliog- raphy yet assembled in one publication. For the untutored, this publication will provide an excellent generalized overview of what is involved when libraries make use of the new technology. Unfortunately, it is so generalized that it might be misleading to some. For instance, the statement is made that the new low cost of video equip- ment (a portable black-and-white camera- recorder combination available for about $2,000) makes this equipment attractive to many libraries. One looks in vain, how- ever, for any real data on staff time and training that must be expended to make the camera-recorder operational and effective. The items listed in the bibliography prob- ably bring out the needed data; without such data in this publication, the impres- sion is left that the use of video and cable technology in libraries is easy, inexpensive, and effective. We do not believe the editors intended such an impression. The more than a year delay in publica- tion of the guidelines has had a serious im- pact on its usefulness. It is considerably out of date in a very rapidly developing area. Librarians will do well to check the fine Recent Publications I 65 bibliography for those items that will pro- vide updated information in crucial areas, such as equipment specifications and costs, changes in FCC regulations, and technolog- ical developments. This is an admirable first effort in a very new area. We can only hope that the guide- lines will be updated regularly. Such effort would be most helpful to the profession.- Gordon P. Mart in, University Librarian, California State University, Sacramento. Chen, Ching-chih. Applications of Opera- tions Research Models to Libraries: A Case Study of the Use of Monographs in the Francis ·A. Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University. Cam- bridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1976. 212p. $17.50. (LC 75-28210) (ISBN 0- 262-03056-X) This work seems to confirm a widespread belief that excellent doctoral dissertations seldom translate into readable professional literature for the practitioner. Chen's work is admirable, the methodology and conclu- sions are sound, but the narrow scope of the subject and the unavoidable reliance upon jargon to discuss it will severely limit her audience. The first of the book's three sections is basically a restatement and extension of the probabilistic models of circulation proposed by Morse. The theory is that while it is im- possible to predict whether individual ti- tles will or will not circulate, it is possible to predict the circulation behavior of sub- ject classes of books on the basis of his- torical data. The average librarian will probably have to accept this proposition as an article of faith. One who has not read and understood Morse's Library Effective- ness, or who lacks a solid background in quantitative methods, will never make it through p.35. The models rest upon the as- sumption that book circulation is a random process, but this by no means commands universal agreement among the profession. Section two reports in detail the author's successful attempt to apply the models, originally developed from a small data base at the MIT Science Library, to the Count- way Library of Medicine. Sampling tech- niques were used to obtain historical circu- lation data for selected subject classes in