College and Research Libraries 272 I College & Research Libraries • May 1977 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford U niver- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Docu- ment Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should in- clude ED number, specify format desired, and include payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Analysis of Errors in the University of Cali- fornia Union Catalog Supplement. By Charles P. Bourne and others. Inst. of Library Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1976. 81p. ED 127 922. MF- $0.83; HC-$4.67. A study examined the error rate of the Uni- versity of California Union Catalog Supple- ment, a forty-seven-volume, computer produced book catalog of the materials cataloged by the nine University of California campuses during the years 1963-67. The study attempted not only to determine the rate and nature of errors, but also to develop a methodology for studying large bibliographic files. A stratified sample of ninety-four pages was examined, types and rates of errors were identified, and errors were categorized according to degree of seriousness. This report describes the methodology and pro- vides tabular summaries and explanations of the results. Library Resources, StaB and Operating Ex- penditures at Pennsylvania Institutions of Higher Education, 1974-75. By Roger G. Hummel. Bureau of Information Systems, Pennsylvania State Dept. of Education, Harrisburg. 1976. 56p. ED 127 981. MF -$0.83; HC-$3.50. Data are tabulated for Pennsylvania academ- ic libraries in three main categories: collections (1974-75), staff salaries (1975-76), and oper- ating expenditures (1974-75). Data on library collections cover number of volumes, micro- forms, and audiovisual titles. Information on library staff includes number of professional and support staff and staff status and salaries. Expenditures are tabulated by institutional category and by type of expenditure and insti- tution. A Report on the Moffitt Undergraduate Li- brary Book Theft Study. By Neal K. Kaske and Donald D. Thompson. U niv. Libraries, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1975. 20p. ED 129 234. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. A study was conducted at the Moffitt Under- graduate Library of the University of California at Berkeley to determine the extent and the cost of book losses due to theft and to deter- mine the cost-effectiveness of book security sys- tems. A sample inventory was taken, and the theft rate ( 13.7 percent) was statistically de- rived. The rate of loss was translated into a cost figure, projected over time, and compared with the cost of book security systems. It was shown that the cost of installing and operating a se- curity system was far less than the projected cost of book thefts. [Report of Staffing Recommendations for Virginia Institutions of Higher Educa- tion.] By C. Edward Huber and others. Virginia State Council of Higher Educa- tion, Richmond. 1976. 31p. ED 129 248. MC-$0.83; HC-$2.06. The current formula for staffing libraries and resource centers in Virginia public institutions of higher learning was examined by a subcom- mittee of library directors. Questionnaires were mailed to relevant institutions to collect infor- mation regarding: ( 1 ) input variables, ( 2) staffing needs as perceived by the directors of the institutions, and ( 3) current staffing data. Pearson product moment correlations were used to aggregate the data. A modified version of a staff formula previously used by the State Uni- versity of New York was recommended to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Feasibility of Indicating the Location of Reference Materials in the Card Catalog in the Wayne State University Library System. By Louise .Bugg. Technical Pa- per No. 9. Univ. Libraries, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Michigan. 1976. 13p. ED 129 286. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Six university libraries were visited and ob- servations were made on their procedures for indicating locations of reference books in card catalogs. Comparisons were made between oth- er libraries and Wayne State University li- braries in the following areas : ( 1 ) the decision to classify books as reference, ( 2 ) the labeling of reference books, ( 3) the reference catalog, and ( 4) ways of indicating reference locations on catalog cards. Recommendations for the Wayne State system were made. Emergency Manual, Cornell University Li- braries. By Margaret Carey and others. Cornell Univ. Libraries, Ithaca, New York. 1976. 35p. ED 129 290. MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. The Committee on Safety· and Emergencies of Cornell University Libraries compiled this loose-leaf guide to handling emergency situa- tions within the libraries. The first section lists emergency situations in alphabetical order and provides step-by-step procedures intended to minimize danger to life and property. The re- maining sections deal with organization of the committee, emergency planning coordinators in each building, methods of prevention and prep- aration for emergencies, and organizations out- side the libraries that may become involved when emergency situations occur. Blank spaces are provided for names and phone numbers of persons trained in emergency procedures. A safety inspection checklist also is included. Automation of Technical Services in Booth Library: A Feasibility Study. By Pala- dugu V. Rao. Booth Library, Eastern Il- linois Univ., Charleston, Illinois. 1976. 15p. ED 129 309. MF-$0.83; HC- $1.67. A study was conducted to determine: ( 1 ) whether technical processes at the Booth Li- brary, Eastern Illinois University, should be automated; and ( 2) if automation were re- quired, which system would be economically and technically feasible. Data from 323 techni- cal service transactions were selected on a ran- dom basis between July 1971 and June 1973, and the data analysis revealed sluggish move- ment of books through technical processing. Automation of specific processes was recom- mended, and appropriate technology was iden- tified. The proposed system called for use of Library of Congress MARC tapes to generate new book notices, book orders, and catalog cards. It was estimated that the new system would save more than $30,000 within five years of the implementation. Methods of Library Use: Handbook for Bibliography I. By Bruce L. Johnson and others. School of Librarianship, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1976. 153p. ED 129 340. MF -$0.83; HC-$8.69. Written for an undergraduate course at the Recent Publications I 213 University of California at Berkeley, this hand- book also serves as a general text on library use. Detailed instruction is given on the use of card catalogs, reference materials, periodicals, news- papers, microforms, government documents, and other library collections. Major general ref- erence works are described, and representative specialized works are listed. A model search strategy for researching a subject is outlined, and suggestions are given for bibliographic cita- tion formats, note taking, and using unfamiliar libraries. A guide to twenty-seven libraries on the Berkeley campus and a glossary of library terminology are included. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Akers, Susan Grey. Akers' Simple Library Cata- loging. 6th ed. Completely revised and ·re- written by Arthur Curley and Jane Varlejs. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1~77. 338p. $8.50. LC 76-26897. ISBN 0-8108-0978-8. The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 197 4. Editor: David H. Kraus. Associate editor: Anita R. Navon. Prepared at the Library of Congress for the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. Columbus, Ohio: American Associatio11 for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1976. 225p. $12.00 ( $10.00 for AAASS members). Ash, Brian. Who's Who in Science Fiction. New York: Taplinger, 1976. 219p. $8.95. LC 76-11667. ISBN 0-8008-8274-1. Includes entries for more than 400 SF writ- ers, editors, and artists. Baade, Patricia. Directory of International En- ergy Statistics. Washington: IES Publishing Co., 1976. 96p. $12.50. LC 76-47083. Based on the author's International Energy Statistics ( 197 5 ) . Bloomberg, Marty. Introduction to Public Ser- vices for Library Technicians. 2d ed. Little- ton, Golo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 278p. $11.50 U.S. and Canada; $13.50 elsewhere. LC 76-45779. ISBN 0-87287-126-6. Books in Series in the United States 1966-1975; Original, Reprinted, In-Print, and Out-of- Print Books, Published or Distributed in the U.S. in Popular, Scholarly, and Professional Series. New York: Bowker, 1977. 2,504p. $50.00. LC 76-41665. ISBN 0-8352-0902-4. Caplan, H. H. The Classified Directory of Art- ists Signatures, Symbols & Monograms. De- troit: Gale, 1976. 738p. $75.00 ISBN 0- 8103-0985-8. Contains more than 6,000 entries so arranged that correct name of artist may be located 274 I College & Research Libraries • May 1977 from an example of the signature, monogram, or symbol. Cohen, Jacob. Special Bibliography in Mone- tary Economics and Finance. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1976. 200p. $40.00. LC 75-16833. ISBN 0-677 -00690-X. A subject classified bibliography of 1,163 English-language titles issued through June 1972, with an addendum listing Works through September 19~3. An outgrowth of bibliographies in the journal Economics Se- lections: An International Bibliography. Copyright Revision Act of 1976. (P.L. 94-553 as Signed by the President, October 19, 1976.) Law, Explanation, Committee Re- ports. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, 1976. 279p. $12.50. Cordasco, Francesco. A Bibliography of Voca- tional Education: An Annotated Guide. New York: AMS, 1977. 245p. $25.00. ISBN 0- 404-10125-9. Directory of Research Grants, 1976-77. Comp. by William K. Wilson; ed. by Betty L. Wil- son. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1976. 235p. LC 76-4707 4. ISBN 0-912700-41-6. Dupuy, R. Ernest, and Dupuy, Trevor N. En- cyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B.C. to the Present. Rev. ed. New York: Harper, 1977. 1,464p. $25.00. LC 74-81871. ISBN: 0-06-011139-9. EDV -Einsatz im Bibliotheks- und Informa- tionswesen in der Bundesrepublik; Planung, Vorbereitung, Durchfiihrung. ABT-Informa- tion, 20. Berlin: Arbeitsstelle fiir Biblioen- thekstechnik bei der Staatsbibliothek Preus- sischer Kulturbesitz, 1976. 102p. free of charge. A general survey of current library automa- tion projects in West Germany. Ehresmann, Donald L. Applied and Decorative Arts. A Bibliographic Guide to Basic Refer- ence Works, Histories, and Handbooks. Lit- tleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 232p. $15.00 U.S. and Canada; $18.00 else- where. LC 76-55416. ISBN 0-87287-136-3. Includes books in Western European lan- guages between 1875 and 1975 in such arts as ceramics, enamels, furniture, glass, ivory, leatherwork, and textiles and the more ap- plied mixed media of arms and armor, clocks and watches, costume, jewelry, lacquer, medals and seals, musical instruments, and toys. Eichman, Barbara. A Selective Bibliography of Audio-Visual Materials Reflecting a Civil Liberties Theme. New York: American Civil Liberties Union, 1976. 76p. The Far East and Australasia 1976-77; A Sur- vey and Directory of Asia and the Pacific. 8th ed. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 1,331p. $66.00. LC 74-417170. Federal Information Sources and Systems: A Directory for the Congress. Compiled and published by the Office of Program Analysis, U.S. General Accounting Office ( OPA-76- 23). 1976 Congressional Sourcebook Series. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976. 459p. LC 76-10018. Describes 1,000 federal information sources and systems maintained by 63 executive agencies. Microfiche copies available free to certain categories of users (including college libraries) from U.S. General Accounting Of- fice, Distribution Section, Room 4522, 441 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20548. Federal Program Evaluations: A Directory for the Congress. Compiled and published by the Office of Program Analysis, U.S. General Accounting Office ( P AD-77 -5). 1976 Con- gressional Sourcebook Series. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976. 876p. $9.45. LC 76-10017. Describes nearly 1,700 evaluation reports produced by and for 18 selected federal agencies. For availability of microfiche copies see entry for Federal Information Sources and Systems. Gates, Norman Timmins. A Checklist of the Letters of Richard Aldington. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1977. 171p. $9.85. LC 76-21638. ISBN 0-8093-0781-2. Georgi, Charlotte. The Arts and the World of Business; A Selected Bibliography. Supple- ment II. Research Paper, no. 33. Los Ange- les: Graduate School of Management, Univ. of California, 1976. 98p. $5.00. Supplements the author's bibliography, same title (Scarecrow Press, 1973) and a first sup- plement issued as Research Paper no. 23 (1974). Georgi, Charlotte. Foundations, Grants & Fund- Raising; A Selected Bibliography. Los Ange- les: Graduate School of Management, Univ. of California, 1976. 67p. $5.00. Includes approximately 300 entries of recent English-language, primarily American, publi- cations. The Health Sciences Video Directory, 1977. Edited by Lawrence Eidelberg. New York: Shelter Books, 1977. 270p. $27.50. LC 76- 29480. ISBN 0-917226-00-3. A new annual reference work providing an- notated listings of more than 4,400 individ- ual video programs and series and including a directory of the 120 producers and dis- tributors whose materials are listed. Interlibrary Users Association. journal Holdings in the Washington-Baltimore Area, 1977. 2d ed. Rockville, Md.: Sigma Data Computing Corp., 1977. 660p. $135.00. LC 76-52599. Represents periodical collections of the 65 members of the association, including 10,500 titles, principally in the sci/tech area. International Bibliography of the Book Trade Par only a fraction of the cost of acquiring basic librar~ research material with IHS@ Books in Microfiche Programs " .. . there is a body of knowledge-the classics . the important scholarly titles, and the definitive works on ... subjects of interest to an undergraduate community-which should be in any college library." Books for College Libraries, 1967. Information Handling Services (IHS) has published and continues to publish in micro- fiche many of the titles listed in the bibliography, Books for College Libraries, published by the American Library Association . The microfiche materials are organized by Library of Congress (BCL) subject into 19 groups. with BCL groups 1 through 15 immediately available. Groups may be purchased separately. Softbound title lists, alphabetized by author, are available for BCL groups 1-15. The titles are cross-referenced to the fiche by means of an identifying (access) number. As a further retrieval aid , Library of Congress catalog cards are available for each title . BCL Groups 1-15 include 2452 titles with an equivalent volume count of approximately 31 00. Another important collection of essential research materials is the IHS Learning Resource System. This ultrafiche program consists of five separate areas, available individually; each area contains 500 titles (a total of 2500 titles on some one thousand ultrafiche, representing some 3 million pages of original material) . Each LRS title is cited in at least two or more standard bibliographies or reference sources . Purchase of the complete collection includes a full set of LC catalog cards for each title , and an ultra- fiche reader/printer. Many of the major works in both the BCL and LRS collections are out-of-print or avail- able only as expensive facsimile reprints. which can cost as much as five times more than the microfiche editions . With this important economy and the saving of valuable shelf space, it is possible for your library to increase its collection of important and useful research material. For many libraries. IHS books in microfiche make it much easier to meet accreditation standards . For more information on Books for College Libraries and the Learning Resource System, mail the coupon below. For faster service. call IHS directly (303) 779-0600. -----formation Handling Services P.O. Box 1276, Englewood, CO 80150 I Telephone (303) 779-0600 TWX 910/935-0715 I I 0 Please send detailed information on Books for College Libraries. 0 Please send detailed information on the Learning Resource System . 0 Please have your representative call for an appointment . 0 Please send your current catalog . L Please add my name to your mailing list. ----- ------ -, I I I Name Title _________ _ Institution __________ _ Address ___________ ___ City/State/Zip _________ _ Telephone __________ _ ---- CRL 5/:..17 'c 1977. Ind ian Head. Inc -- The Nation's Business Experts Peer Into the Future THEUIALLSTREETJOURNAL VIEUIS AMERICA TilE W,\LL ~TH£ET .JOUlNAL \lt"\\'0 41~ ·~~·· 1,~~:~~.-:.~;r " +~~. . -~~ t\111crica t<)lll()ff()'l" '":.':*::, y J~h"'''" L>"""' ~Jol~l:,kA $9.95 TOMORROW EDITED BY DONALD MOFFITT What will life be like in the year 2000? Will today's crises- over-population, unemployment, the energy shortage, the decline of major cities, the rise of cancer and heart disease- be re- solved? Or compounded? The Wall Street Journal looks ahead and dis- cusses these and other provocative topics in this multi-faceted survey. Published by AMACOM, a division of American Management Associations 135West50Street. NY, NY 10020 Ne'\V From ABC-Clio _______ ......._ The History of Ideas A Bibliographic Introduction Volume II: Medieval and Early Modern Europe Jeremy L. Tobey Each volume in this four-volume series covers the reference works, books, and articles that focus on a particular period, problem, or development in the history of ideas. Volumes in the series cover the history of ideas from classical antiquity to the death of Issac Newton in 1727. Auth- or/title index. vii, ca. 256 pages. LC 76- 8017. CIP. February 1977. $19.75 case- bound only. (IBSN 0-87436-239-3). The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Historical, Political, Social, and Military Bibliogra- phy. Ronald M. DeVore. Chronology. Author/title index. xxiiv, 273 pages. CIP 1976. $17.50 casebound only. (IBSN 0- 87436-229-6). Citizen Groups in Local Politics A Bibliographic Review John D. Hutcheson, Jr., and Jann Shevin Covers books, monographs, guides, hand- books, articles, reviews, and dissertations published since 1960. Annotations sum- marize the content of each work and, when applicable, the methods, objectives, and results of the research involved. Author index. xi, 275 pages. LC 76-23441. CIP. 1976. $19.75 casebound only. (ISBN 0-87436-231-8). The Study of International Politics: A Guide to the Sources for the Student, Teacher, and Researcher. Dorothy F. LaBarr and J. David Singer. Author index. ix, 211 pages. LC-76-12545. CIP. 1976. $17.95 casebound only. (IBSN 0-87436-233-4). American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press .: Riviera Campus, 2040 A.P.S. Box 4397, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 I A I B I C 1-~~ J and Librarianship. 11th ed. 1973-1975. New York: Bowker, 1976. 704p. $49.50. LC 73- 700. ISBN 3-7940-1247 -X. Includes relevant publications from 1973-75 as well as material from 1969-73 which formed the basis for the lOth edition. Jones,- Cornelia, and Way, Olivia R. British Children's Authors: Interviews at Home. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1976. 192p. $10.00. LC 76-44494. ISBN 0-8389-0224-3. Includes texts of interviews with twenty British authors and illustrators and bibliog- raphies of each author's works published in the U.S. Kahane, Libby. The United States of America: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications in. Hebrew. Jerusalem: Center for Public Li- braries in Israel; American Studies Depart- ment, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1976. 12lp. $12.50, incl. postage. (Available from Center for Public Libraries, P.O.B. 242, Jerusalem.) Knox, Alan B. Helping Adults to Learn. CLENE Concept Paper # 1. Washington, D.C.: Continuing Library Education Net- work and Exchange, 1976. 64p. $4.25 CLENE members; $5.00 nonmembers. Krepel, Wayne L., and DuVall, Charles R. Education and Education-Related Serials: A Directory. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1977. 255p. $15.00 U.S. and Canada; $18.00 elsewhere. LC 76-47040. ISBN 0- 87287-131-2. Includes descriptions of 501 journals and newsletters, all related in some way to field of education. Kunkle, Hannah Josephine. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in California. Journal of Library History Bibliography no. 13. Talla- hassee, Fla.: School of Library Science, Florida State Univ., 1976. 182p. $10.00. Lathem, Edward Connery, ed. 76 United Statesiana: Seventy-Six W arks of American Scholarship Relating to America as Published During Two Centuries from the Revolutionary Era of the United States Through the Na- tion's Bicentennial Year. Washington: Asso- ciation of Research Libraries, 1976. Un- paged. $7.50 cloth; $5.75 paper. A catalog recording the Bicentennial exhibi- tion prepared for the October 1976 ARL meeting and including facsimiles of title pages of the seventy-six works displayed. Catalog prepared in effort to encourage li- braries to reproduce the exhibition; books chosen are primarily standard titles. Laurence, Dan H. Shaw, Books, and Libraries. Bibliographical Monograph Series, no. 9. Austin: Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1976. 28p. $5.95. LC 76-620048. ISBN 0-87959-022-X. Recent Publications I 277 Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. Union List of Legal Periodicals Subcommit- tee. Union List of Legal Periodicals. 3d ed. Rockville, Md.: Sigma Data Computing Corp., 1977. 242p. $87.50. LC 76-57864. Lee, Joel M., ed. Libraries and Information Centers in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Hillis L. Griffin, production editor. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Chicago: Illinois Regional Li- brary Council, 1976. 592p. $15.00. LC 76- 8351. ISBN 0-917060-01-6. Link, Frederick M. English Drama, .1666-1800: A Guide to Information Sources. American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Se- ries, v.9. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 374p. $18.00. LC 73-16984. ISBN 0-8103-1224-7. Littlefield, David W. The Islamic Near East and North Africa: An Annotated Guide to Books in English for Non-Specialists. Little- ton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 375p. $19.50 U.S. and Canada; $23.00 elsewhere. LC 76.:.218. ISBN 0-87287-159-2. Selective bibliography to introduce the non- expert reader to various aspects of the region (including Cyprus, Afghanistan, and Mauri- tania) from ca. 600 A.D. to the present. Mass, Jeffrey P. The Kamakura Bakufu; A Study in Documents. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr., 1976. 364p. $17.50. LC 75-39335. ISBN 0-8047-0907-6. Includes 177 Kamakura-period land records in translation and an annotated bibliography of published official documents issued prior to 1600. Microlist: An International Record of New Micropublications. Westport, Conn.: Micro- form Review, 1977- . V.l, no.l- . $25.00 current subscribers of Microform Re- view; $50.00 nonsubscribers. Beginning January 1977, to appear ten times a year, listing new microform titles from publishers throughout the world by author- title and subject. Includes books, mono- graphs, serials, newspapers, government documents, and collections. Murdock, Mary-Elizabeth. Catalog of the So- phia Smith Collection, Women's History Archive, Smith College, Northampton, Mas- sachusetts. 2d ed. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College, 1976. 78p. $3.00. Murphy, Marcy. Networking Practices and Pri- orities of Special and Academic Librarians: A Comparison. University of Illinois Gradu- ate School of Library Science Occasional Paper, no. 126. Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1976. 23p. $2.00. Proceedings of the Personnel Evaluation Insti- tute. Held at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, October 24-26, 1975. 278 I College & Research Libraries •· May 1977 Edited by Frances M. Pollard. Charleston, Ill.: Dept. of Library Science, Eastern Illi- nois Univ., 1976. 16lp. Conference on the evaluation of the perform- ance of library personnel and designed to serve libraries of all sizes and types. Pugh, Eric. Third Dictionary of Acronyms & Abbreviations; More Abbreviations in Man- agement, Technology and Information Sci- ence. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 208p. $12.00. ISBN 0-85157-224-3 Bingley; ISBN 0-208- 01535-3 Archon. Contains more than 5,000 entries, most new but the remainder updating those from the first two editions. The Readers Advisor: A Layman's Guide to Literature. 12th ed. New York: Bowker, 1974-77. 3v. $69.95. LC 57-13277. ISBN 0-8352-0982-2. Vol. 1 (American and British fiction, poetry, essays, literary biography, bibliography, and reference ) was issued in 197 4, and the guide is now complete with vol. 2 (American and British drama and world literature in trans- lation) and vol. 3 (reference works). Recurring Reports to the Congress: A Direc- tory. Compiled and published by the Office of Program Analysis, U.S. General Account- ing Office (OPA-76-21). 1976 Congression- al Sourcebook Series. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976. 520p. LC 76-10011. Describes nearly 800 recurring reports re- quired of 89 executive branch agencies by the Congress. For availability of microfiche copies see entry f.or Federal Information Sources and Systems. Richmond, Mary L. Shaker Literature: A Bib- liography. Hancock, Mass.: Shaker Commu- nity, 1977. 2v. $45.00. LC 75-41908. ISBN 0-87 451-117-8. Distributed by the University Press of New England, Box 979, Hanover, NH . 03755. Contains more than 4,000 entries. Vol. 1 in- cludes publications written or published by the Shakers. Vol. 2 includes entries for books, parts of books, pamphlets, and periodical articles about the Shakers, written by non- Shakers. A supplement in vol. 2 lists works from 1973-74. A Role for Marketing in College Admissions; Papers Presented at the Colloquium on Col- lege Admissions, May 16-18, 1976, at the Abbey on Lake Geneva, Fontana, Wisconsin. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1976. 113p. $5.00. Ruokonen, Kyllikki. Directory of Economic Li- braries in Scandinat.~ia. Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics, Kirjasto Library, 1976. 105p. $7.00. A directory of forty-two libraries with hold- ings in economics and business (excluding university libraries and those serving only employees of their own organizations), based on returns from a questionnaire in winter 1975-76. Schorr, Alan Edward, comp. Government Ref- erence Books 74175: A Biennial Guide to U.S. Government Publications. 4th biennial vol. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 263p. $11.50 U.S. and Canada; $13.50 elsewhere. LC 76-146307. ISBN 0-87287- 168-1. Shulman, Frank J ., comp. Doctoral Disserta- tions on Japan and Korea, 1969-1974; A Classified Bibliographical Listing of Interna- tional Research. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univer- sity Microfilms International, 1976. 78p. LC 76-43554. ISBN 0-8357-0128-X. Published as a supplement to the compiler's Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Lan- guages, 1877-1969 ( 1970). Thompson, Lawrence S., comp. A Bibliography of Dissertations in Classical Studies; Ameri- can, 1964-1972; British, 1950-1972; With a Cumulative Index, 1861-1971. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1976. 296p. $22.50. LC 76-41178. ISBN 0-208-10457-8. Supplements the compiler's American Doc- toral Dissertations in Classical Studies and Related Fields ( 1968). Toward a New World Outlook: A Documen- tary History of Education in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1976. Edited by Shi Ming Hu and Eli Seifman. New York: AMS, 1976. 335p. $21.50 cloth; $9.95 paper. LC 76-23977. ISBN 0-404-15401-8. Weiner, Richard, ed. News Bureaus in the U.S. 4th ed. New York: Richard Weiner, 1977. 145p. $20.00. LC 76-48021. ISBN 0-913046- 01-9. Wennrich, Peter, comp. Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Science and Tech- nology. New York: Bowker, 1977- . v. 1, $24.00. ISBN ·3-7940-1024-8. This first vol~me of a three-volume set ( v.2 and 3 to appear later in 1977) covers letters A-E and defines approximately 50,000 ab- breviations culled from more than 800 scien- tific and technical periodicals. Whalon, Marion K. Performing Arts Research: A Guide to Information Sources. Performing Arts Information Guide Series, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 280p. $18.00. LC 75-13828. ISBN 0-8103-1364-2. Winch, Kenneth L. International Maps and Atlases in Print. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1976. 866p. $55.00. LC 73-13336. ISBN 0- 85935-036-3.