College and Research Libraries EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference Books of 197 6-77 THIS ARTICLE CONTINUES the semi an- nual series originally edited by Con- stance M. Winchell. Although it appears under a byline, the list is a project of the Reference Department of the Co- lumbia University Libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the indi- vidual staff members. 1 The purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and gen- eral works of interest to reference work- ers in university libraries, but it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. A brief roundup of new editions of standard works, con- tinuations, and supplements is presented at the end of the article. Inasmuch as the works under consideration often complement or invite comparison with items cited in the Guide to Reference Books, 2 code numbers (such as AE185, BC16) have been used to refer thereto. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allison, Antony F. and Goldsmith, Valen- tine F. Titles of English Books (and of Foreign Books Printed in England); an Alphabetical Finding-list by Title of Books Published under the Author's Name, Pseudonym or Initials. [Folke- stone, Eng.], Dawson, [1976]- . (In progress) Contents: v.1, 1475-1640. £6. ISBN 0-7129-0689-4. Many a scholar who has spent hours tracking down a title reference to an early English book will appreciate the contribu- tion of this bibliography. Volume I pro- 1. Diane Goon, Rita Keckeissen, Anita Lowry, Eileen Mcilvaine, Barbara Noda, Doris Ann . Sweet. 2. Eugene P. Sheehy, Guide to Reference Books (9th ed.; Chicago: American Library Assn., 1976). vides access by title to publications entered in Pollard and Redgrave' s A Short-title Catalogue of Books Printed in England ... 147 5-1640 (Guide AA64 7) , and a second volume, in preparation, will do the same for Wing's Short-title Catalogue of Books Printed in England ... 1641-1700 (Guide AA660). The new editions of both Pollard and Redgrave and Wing are used as much as possible. The titles, alphabetically ar- ranged, are accompanied by the author's name, initials, or pseudonym which will enable the user to find the full entry in STC. It is well to keep in mind, however, that spelling of English words other than proper names has been modernized. Titles of anonymous books, of official documents, and of publications that fall into certain class categories such as "Almanacs and Calendars" are excluded, since access by title is already available in the STC .- D.A.S. Hannich-Bode, Ingrid. Germanistik in Fest- schriften von den Anfiingen ( 1877) his 1973. V erzeichnis germanistischer Fest- schriften und Bibliographie der darin abgedruckten germanistischen Beitriige. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuch- handlung, [ 197 6]. 441 p. ( Repertorien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, Bd. 7; London. U niv. Inst. of Germanic Studies. Pubis. v.23) DM190. ISBN 3-476-00329- 9. Leistner, Otto. Internationale Bibliographie der Festschriften mit Sachregister. Inter- national Bibliography of F estschriften with Subject-Index. Osnabriick, Biblio Verlag, 1976. 893p. ISBN 3-7648-1200- 1. Although they are both concerned with Festschriften, these two volumes exhibit al- most as many differences as similarities. The Leistner is basically a bibliography of Festschriften in all subject fields; the Hannich- Bode is more likely to be thought of as an index to the contents of commem- I 321 322 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 orative volumes, and it is limited to the field of Germanic philology. Both are inter- national in scope, the Leistner listing some 12,000 volumes, the Hannich-Bode about 800 (of which 307 are analyzed in full and the balance listed without contents since they are not wholly devoted to German language and literature); in both cases the listing is alphabetical by name of the per- son or institution honored. A "Sachregister I Subject Index" in the Leistner compilation offers a broad subject approach to the general contents of the commemorative volumes, but there is no list of the individual contributions. The "Beitdige" section of the Hannich- Bode work, on the other hand, lists the nearly 6,900 individual contributions to the hom- age volumes in a classed subject arrange- ment, and, in addition to the detailed table of contents outlining the classification scheme, there are indexes of contributors, authors as subjects, topical subjects, and titles.-E.S. BooK REVIEWS Guia a las resenas de libros de y sabre Hispanoamerica. 1972-1973. Detroit, Mich., Blaine Ethridge Books, [ 1976]. 2v. $45 per v. 66-96537. ISBN 0-87917- 044-1. Added title page in English: A guide to reviews of books from and about Hispanic America. Antonio Matos, camp. and ed. These two volumes are the latest in a series with an erratic publishing history. A volume bearing the series title was first published in 1965 in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. It was an author listing of reviews of books from and about Latin America which appeared between 1960 and 1964 in peri- odicals in the general library of the U ni- versity of Puerto Rico. A further volume, covering reviews of 1965, added excerpts from the reviews and a title index; it ap- peared in 1973. The volumes covering 1972 and 1973 were issued simultaneously in 1976, with the promise that future edi- tions would appear twelve to eighteen months after the end of the year covered and that the gap between 1966 and 1971 would be filled. The 1973 volume lists 2,942 reviews on 2,235 books from and about Latin America, including the Caribbean area, Hispanic peoples in the United States, and Carib- bean emigrants to Great Britain. Books on the humanities·, social sciences, and applied sciences are covered. About 350 periodicals are searched for reviews, of which roughly two-thirds are Spanish-language and one- third English-language. Excerpts from the reviews run from 100 to 150 words. There is a title index.-D.G. PERIODICALS Bloomfield, Barry Cambray. An Author In- dex to Selected British ·Little Magazines,' 1930-1939. [London], Mansell, 1976. 153p. $25. ISBN 0-7201-0542-0. Less than a dozen of the seventy-three "little magazines" indexed in this volume are also covered in the Comprehensive In- dex to English-Language Little Magazines edited by Marion Sader. Apart from Cara- vel (published in Majorca, but containing "a considerable amount of poetry by young British writers"-Pref.), all the magazines were published in the United Kingdom, and, with a few exceptions noted in the preface, all are fully indexed. Although in- tended as an author index only, the form heading "Films Reviewed" provides ~ross­ references to film reviews (entered under reviewer's name), and cross-references to book reviews are provided under the name of the author of the book reviewed. In time, this volume may serve as a link to the promised retrospective volumes of the In- dex to Commonwealth Little Magazines (Guide AE185).-E.S. Madden, Lionel and Dixon, Diana. The Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press in Britain; a Bibliography of Modern Stud- ies, 1901-1971. N.Y., Garland, 1976. 280p. $26. 76-21872. ISBN 0-8240-9945- 1. (Garland reference library of the humanities, 53) Part . of a wider bibliographical project of the Research Society for Victorian Peri- odicals and a welcome addition to the growing collection of reference materials in Victorian studies, this bibliography lists some 2,500 entries covering seventy years' publication on the press, journalists, and regular contributors. Books, theses, and the articles from more than 100 journals are in- cluded. Four sections are devoted to: (A) bibliographies, finding lists, and bibliograph- ical projects-arranged chronologically; (B) general history of periodicals and news- papers, also in chronological order; (C) individual periodicals and newspapers, listed alphabetically by earliest title; and (D) studies on and memoirs of proprietors, editors, journalists, and regular contribu- tors, alphabetical by name. For books, en- tries give author, title, date, and place if other than London; for articles, author, ti- tle, journal title, volume, date, and paging; for theses, author, title, degree, university, and date. Some ·entries carry annotations, and a useful feature in Pt.D is the refer- ence to biographies in the D.N.B. and in Frederic Boase's Modern English Biography (Guide AJ168).-R.K. Marconi, Joseph V. Indexed Periodicals; a Guide to 170 Years of Coverage in 33 Indexing Services. Ann Arbor, Mich., Pierian Pr., 1976. 416p. $65. 76-12242. ISBN 0-87650-005-X. This list is an alphabetical arrangement of the journal titles covered by thirty-three widely used periodical indexes (sixteen of them Wilson publications) from 1802 to mid-1973. Entries number about 11,000, with details of indexing coverage, the total being so high because each change of title rates a separate entry. Indexing media are counted in the same fashion and would be reduced to about twenty if changes of title were consolidated. For each journal, information includes: title, volumes, publication dates, notes on title changes, suspensions, mergers, absorp- tions. Then there follows indexing coverage, identifying the index by abbreviation, its volume numbers, and dates the periodical was covered. Introductory material makes plain the details of listing ("University of Minnesota" filed under "University" instead of place name, for example); there are the necessary lists of abbreviations and sym- bols, as well as of index services by title and by abbreviation. Marconi's compilation ,should facilitate retrospective searching by making readily available information on dates of coverage, changes in indexing ser- vices, and any gaps in coverage during the life of a particular journal.-R.K. Selected Reference Books I 323 GOVERNMENT .PUBLICATIONS Ct. Brit. Stationery Office. Cumulative In- dex to the Annual Catalogues of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Publications, 1922-1972, camp. by Ruth Matteson Blackmore; with an introd. by James Gor- don Olle. Wash., Carrollton Pr., 1976. 2v. $165. 76-26730. ISBN 0-8408-0140-8. This cumulative index to British govern- ment publications, 1922-1972, is designed to be used in conjunction with the micro- film edition of the documents published by United States Historical Documents Insti- tute. The indexes were "produced by merg- ing existing indexes (in this case, 23 separate annual and quinquennial indexes) into a single alphabetical sequence."- Foreword. Each entry, which looks just as it did in the original index, refers to the year and page of the Annual Catalogue where its full description appears. Since the documents were microfilmed in the same order as they were cited in the Annual Catalogue, the cumulative index serves as a convenient locating device for the H.D.I. set. The editors have added a number of see also references to enable users to get from earlier to later forms of subject en- tries and have resurrected cross-references which had been dropped. Unfortunately they have dropped several useful see also references themselves. While any attempt to make government documents easier to identify and locate should be encouraged, this reviewer feels rather ambivalent about this index. Experi- ence at at least one reference desk indicates that researchers most often begin with a fairly definite date or short time span, so that searching the Cumulative Index is real- ly an unnecessary step. Moreover, the Cumulative Index has all the deficiencies of the original indexes, but compounded. To cite one example: the headings "Ab- breviations of place names" and "Place- names, abbreviations" are used with no cross-references, although different but re- lated reports are filed under each. (Each term was used in a different quinquennial index; in the cumulation the user might ex- pect that, having reached one of these headings, he has found all the relevant re- ports.) The "User's Guide" urges "all seri- ous researchers to seek out additional terms 324 1 College & Research Libraries • July 1977 for which cross-references may not be given"-a message which probably should have been repeated elsewhere. Olle's introduction is a good, concise dis- cussion of the types of HMSO publications, their catalogs and indexes, and aids to using these British government documents.- E.M. BIOGRAPHY Camp, Roderic Ai. Mexican Political Biog- raphies, 1935-1975. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Pr., [1976]. 468p. $27.50; $8.95 pa. 74-29361. ISBN 0-8165-0582-0 (cloth). Who runs Mexico? Since 1945, when Ronald Hilton edited the last volume of Who's Who in Mexico (see Guide AJ221), there has been no comprehensive, English- language biographical reference work on Mexico. This volume is an attempt to sup- ply such a work for the student of the Mexican political system. It "contains the biographies of public men, living or de- ceased, who have been prominent in Mexi- can political life from 1935 to early 197 4." -p.ix. Each biographical entry covers the fol- lowing points: birth date, place of birth, education, elective positions, party posi- tions, governmental appointive positions, interest-group activities, lesser governmen- tal of' private positions, parents and friends, military experience, miscellaneous informa- tion, and references to additional sources of biographical information. The biogra- phies are followed by ten appendixes (most of them covering the period 1935-197 4) giving lists of Supreme Court justices, fed- eral senators, federal deputies, directors of federal departments, governors, party ex- ecutives, union executives, etc. A section on "How Persons Were Selected for Inclu- sion" makes clear why this work includes so few biographies of the "also-rans." Since each potential biographee must have reached one of the six levels of political prestige outlined in Frank Braden berg's Making of Modern Mexico (1964) and also be included in at least two reference sources, even some of the major members of the "official" opposition party, the Parti- do Acci6n Nacional, have not been includ- ed. However, the biographies, list of sources consulted, and the selective biblio- graphical essay make this a most useful vol- ume for the student of the Mexican politi- cal elite.-D.G. Obituaries from The Times, 1961-1970, Including an Index to all Obituaries and Tributes Appearing in The Times During the Years 1961-1970. Reading, Eng., Newspaper Archive Developments Ltd., [ 1976]. 952p. 76-362909. ISBN 0- 903713-98-5. Frank C. Roberts, comp. Both an index to obituaries in The Times of London and a biographical dictionary in its own right, this volume reprints in full a selection of about 1,500 of the "most in- teresting" obituaries from the 1961-70 peri- od and, in a second section, provides index references to all obituaries appearing in The Times during those ten years. Selec- tion of the notices to be reprinted was made "with regard to the public importance of the subject of the obituary, the intrinsic merit of what was written about him, and the need to reflect the wide range of na- tionalities and walks of life which The Times obituary columns encompass."- Pref. Minor changes of style (e.g., to clarify date of death) and a few corrections have been made, but no major revisions were undertaken. While this volume alone will prove useful to researchers (as well as a joy to the browser), the utility of the title will be greatly enhanced when further, promised volumes appear offering coverage of other years.-E.S. Who's Who in Labor. 1st ed. N.Y., Arno Pr., 1976. 807p. $65. 75-7962. ISBN 0-405-06651-1. In his preface, the editor of this work declares that although labor has kept pace with business and government in helping to shape American industrial society, Amer- ican labor leaders have not been accorded equal recognition for their achievements. Bearing witness to this statement is the fact that not since 1946 has a major biographi- cal directory of U.S. labor leaders been published. The thirty years between the publication of the older work bearing the same title and the present volume have, of course, seen many changes and develop- ments in the labor movement. With the advice and assistance of the leadership of the AFL-CIO and others prominent in labor and labor relations, the publishers have sought to identify those persons who are currently active in the la- bor movement. The biographees are offi- cials of national unions and employee asso- ciations, directors and executives of federal labor offices, state commissioners of labor, members of the National Panel of Arbitra- tors of the American Arbitration Associa- tion, lawyers and journalists specializing in labor relations, and directors of labor studies centers. The biographical sketches follow an established pattern and list information of both a professional and per- sonal nature. There is an index by organiza- tions. Appended to the volume are a num- ber of valuable reference aids such as listings of national unions and employee associations, government offices serving la- bor, and labor studies centers. A glossary of labor terms is also included.-B.N. RELIGION Richmond, Mary L. Shaker Literature: a Bibliography. Hancock, Mass., Shaker Community, Inc. (distr. by University Pr. of New England, Hanover, N.H.), 1977. 2v. $45. 75-41908. ISBN 0-87451- 117-8. Richmond prepared this work to "make accessible those materials which might at- tract an American historian to undertake a history of the Shakers written in the per- spective of American history"-Introd.; any historian who accepts the task will have been well served by her labors. An extraordinarily well-done and useful bibli- ography, it lists printed primary and sec- ondary materials on Shakers, with cogent and instructive annotations for nearly every item. Volume I, "By the Shakers," is basi- cally an alphabetical, main-entry arrange- ment of printed Shaker works, with some collective categories for items such as almanacs, indentures, and inventories. Li- brary locations and citations to other bibli- ographies such as Charles Evans' American Bibliography are provided for each entry. Volume II, "About the Shakers," is di- vided into two major sections ("Books, parts of books, pamphlets" and "Periodical articles") and is arranged alphabetically by Selected Reference Books I 325 author within each section. The annotations in many instances indicate only a brief dis- cussion of the Shakers, noting pages. For works focused on the Shakers, more de- scription (sometimes resembling a table of contents) is provided, often accompanied by bibliographical and explanatory notes. A supplement of 1973-7 4 and forthcoming works, and a title and joint author index complete the volume. Unfortunately, there is no subject index. Aside from this lack, Richmond's bibliography reflects a scholarly and bibliographical excellence that is sel- dom apparent today. Of no little impor- tance is her introduction which surveys the history of collecting Shaker materials, lists previous Shaker bibliographies, and dis- cusses the problem of locating Shaker man- uscripts.-D.A.S. LINGUISTICS Bibliographie unselbstiindiger Literatur.- Linguistik (BUL-L). Bearb. von Elke Suchan. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klos- termann, [1976]- Bd.1- , 1971/ 75- . Bd.1: DM198. ISBN 3-465-01198- 8. "Fiir das Sondersammelgebiet Linguistik der Stadt- und Universitatsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main, hrsg. von C. Kottel- wesch." Articles appearing in some 123 frequent- ly-cited periodicals, the proceedings of ten congresses on linguistics, and forty-four collections of essays and studies are listed in the 1971-75 volume of this new linguis- tics bibliography. A detailed classified ar- rangement is employed within ten main sections: Allgemeine Linguistik, Germanis- tik, Anglistik, Romanistik, Franzosisch, ltalienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Ru- manisch, Ratoromanisch. Citations are re- peated if relevant to more than one cate- gory. Author and subject indexes are pro- vided to the more than 13,000 entries. Plans for continuing the series call for a single volume covering 1976 publications, and from 1977 on, the bibliography is to appear quarterly with a cumulated annual index. If, as anticipated, this new series achieves relatively current coverage, BUL-L should prove a worthwhile addition for the large research library even though it largely 326 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 duplicates portions of the Bibliographie Linguistique (Guide BC16) which, with its broader scope, tends to show a lag of about three years between date of coverage and date of publication of the annual vol- umes.-E.S. LITERATURE Beccaro, Felice del. Guida allo studio della letteratura italiana. [Milano], M ursia, [1975]. 347p_. (Strumenti per una nuova cultura. Guide e manuali, 19) L7500. 75-401916. Designed to be "un strumento pratico," this guide is a series of bibliographical es- says citing primary and secondary materi- als and is arranged chronologically, with chapters for the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries. An introductory essay covers gen- eral bibliography, editions of standard au- thors, literary history, encyclopedias, lan- guage, etc. Chapters include genres, schools, themes, and the most important authors, with trends in scholarship traced in each case. The twentieth century section commands more space than any other, with subdivisions such as culture and literature, poetry, prose, literature of the war and the Resistance, film, and theater. An appendix is devoted to dialect literature. Citations throughout carry full bibliographical infor- mation and there is a name index of au- thors and author-subjects, but topical subjects must be identified from the table of contents.-R.K. Kirkham, Edwin Bruce and Fink, John W. Indices to American Literary Annuals and Gift Books, 1825-1865. New Haven, Conn., Research Pubis., Inc., 1975. 628p. $49.50. 75-35636. ISBN 0-89235-001-6. Although the impetus for this compila- tion was most likely a need to facilitate ac- cess to the contents (and thereby increase the usefulness) of the publisher's microfilm collection of the works listed in Ralph Thompson's American Literary Annuals and Gift Books ( BD279), it has great value independent of the microform publication. Some 469 volumes are sep- m·ately listed by title, with as full informa- tion as possible for each volume: editor, publisher, place and date of publication, copyright date, printer, stereotyper, and complete list of contents (including titles, authors, and illustrations with indication of painters and engravers). Part II of the work indexes the above in- formation, offering separate indexes by editor, publisher, city of publication, stereo- typers, printers, titles of literary contribu- tions, authors, titles of engravings, painters, and engravers. It should be noted that the volume is intended as a complement to Thompson's bibliography and does not supersede that work with its valuable his- torical, bibliographical, and descriptive notes.-E.S. Musrc Marco, Guy A. Information on Music: a Handbook of Reference Sources in Euro- pean Languages. Littleton, Colo., Li- braries Unlimited, 1975- . v.1- . (In progress) 74-32132. ISBN 0-87287- 096-0. Contents: v.1, Basic and universal sources. 164p. $11.50. Inasmuch as this handbook series is de- signed to complement rather than supplant V. H. Duckles' Music Reference and Re- search Materials (Guide BH2), the . editor has sought to avoid "unneeded duplication of content in several areas" (Introd.) and to point out certain features of works cited by Duckles which seem to merit special emphasis. Excellence, convenience, and uniqueness were the basic criteria for in- clusion: a single source is cited if it covers a field adequately, but in a related area several items may be necessary to achieve complete coverage. Although limited to citations in European languages, the work does not exclude treatment of non-Euro- pean topics. The chapter headings in v.1 are: (1) The language of music; (2) Direct infor- mation sources; (3) Universal biographical sources; ( 4) Guides to other sources of in- formation in general categories; (5) Lists of music; and (6) General discographies. There are helpful introductory nqtes for each chapter and subsection in addition to the useful annotations. The volume has its own index of authors, titles, and selected Slibjects.-E.S. CONGRESSES Gesamtverzeichnis der Kongress-Schriften in Bibliotheken der Bundesrepub- lik Deutschland einschliesslich Berlin (West). Schriften von und zu Kongres- sen, Konferenzen, Kolloquien, Symposi- en, Tagungen, Versammlungen und der- gleichen vor 1971 mit Besitznachweisen Stand: 1976. Miinchen, Verlag Dokumen- tation, 1976. 2v. DM220. ISBN 3-7940- 3000-1. Added title page in English: Union list of conference proceedings in libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany including Berlin (West). The Gesamtverzeichnis ausliindischer Zeitschriften und Serien (GAZS) and its supplements (Guide AE145) constitute a German union list of foreign serials of the period 1939-70. This new work is intended as a companion publication, covering the same period and listing "the proceedings of foreign and international conferences, congresses, meetings, symposia, etc."- J ntrod. Conference proceedings already registered in GAZS are not repeated here, and this means, in effect, that few publica- tions prior to 1959 appear herein, as do few international congress proceedings before 1967 (i.e., the 1939/58 GAZS volumes included foreign conference proceedings as a matter of policy; international conference proceedings were listed in special issues 11-13 of the 1969 supplement). Entry is ac- cording to standardized name of the con- ference or sponsoring body; numerous cross-references are provided. Library loca- tions are indicated by symbols as they ap- pear in the Sigelverzeichnis fiir die Biblio- theken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland enschl. Berlin (West) (2. Aufl. Weisbaden, 197 4), and no key is provided in this com- pilation. Volume 2, the index, is a comput- er printout of all key words appearing in the names of conferences and corporate bodies.-E.S. WoMEN's STUDIES Knaster, Meri. Women in Spanish America: an Annotated Bibliography from Pre- Conquest to Contemporary Times. Bos- Selected Reference Books I 327 ton, G. K. Hall, [ 1977]. 696p. $38. 76- 46413. ISBN 0-8161-7865-8. "Inspired thoroughness" appears to have been the motto of this bibliographic effort -from the detailed introductory explana- tions of scope and organization, through the excellent descriptive annotations, to the precise subject index. Although Knaster disclaims pretensions to completeness, her searches in U.S. and South American li- braries, in numerous bibliographies and in- dexes, and through long runs of scholarly journals have yielded approximately 2,500 entries for books, chapters in books, arti- cles, and pamphlets in Spanish and English (not to mention United States doctoral dis- sertations and masters' essays). With the aim of providing a "comprehensive rather than specialized survey" (p.xiv) of Spanish- American women and their activities in the private and public spheres, this bibliogra- phy includes publications in the many dis- ciplines of the social sciences and the humanities, and in medicine and related fields. It seeks "to include factual and sci- entific accounts, as well as reportage which has fostered stereotypes; to serve the inter- ested reader as well as the academician; and to illustrate the possibilities of good source rna terial as well as the difficulties in locating adequate or substantive refer- ences." Organization and execution of the prefatory sections, the bibliography itself (full citations arranged by broad subject categories with geographic subarrange- ment), the indexes, and the cross-referenc- ing all reflect a laudable care and concern for the user. Some unfortunate (and slight- ly confusing) typographical errors are the major criticism. Women in Spanish Ameri- ca fills a gap in the reference literature on women and provides a solid foundation for future work.-A.L. Women and World J)evelopment: an An- notated Bibliography. Mayra Buvini6 [and others], eds. Prep. under the aus- pices of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. [Wash.], Over- seas Development Council, [ 1976]. 162p. $2.50 pa. 76-14601. Also published in Women and World De- velopment, ed. by Irene Tinker and Michele Bo Bramsen (Wash., 1976), a publication 328 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 resulting from an international Seminar on Women in Development (Mexico City, 1975) sponsored by the Office of Interna- tional Science of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Mayra Buvinic' s introductory essay sur- veys the problems involved in defining women's "status" and "roles" and discusses research findings on the status of women and fertility , historical explanations of women's status and of sexual inequality, socio-economic and sexual inequality, male dominance in political participation, impact of sex stereotypes, and education and wom- en. The bibliographic material which fol- lows is presented in nine subject categories, with geographic subdivisions: general stud- ies on women and development; the impact of society on women's roles and status; the individual in society-women's behavior patterns and customs; socio-economic par- ticipation of rural women; education and women; women's work and economic devel- opment; women and health, nutrition, and fertility I family planning; women's formal and informal associations; and women, law, and politics. While traditional sources- books, essays , periodical articles, and re- ports of public and private agencies-are included, many unpublished dissertations, conference papers or mimeographed docu- ments, and in-press works are also listed. Annotations are substantive and critical. Two "annexes" cover special issues of peri- odicals on women and development and bibliographies related to the topic. There is an author index but no detailed subject or geographic index. The editors indicate that recent research suggests that development often worsens the condition of women in a society; per- haps this publication will help to clarify and remedy that situation.-D.G. FoLKLORE Dundes, Alan. Folklore Theses and Disser- tations in the United States. Austin, Tex., publ. for the American Folklore Society by the Univ. of Texas Pr., [ 1976]. 610p. (Pubis. of the Amer. Folklore Soc., bibliographical and special ser., 27) $15. 75-29244. ISBN 0-292- 72413-6. "A scholar's research should begin where past research has ended." So Prof. Dundes states in his introduction, and, to this end, he has identified more than 7,000 disser- tations and masters' essays accepted by uni- versities in this country before 1969. The compiler, however, makes no claim to com- pleteness after 1964 and urges researchers to use other guides such as those of Dock- stader (Guide CC 144) or Gillis and Merriam (Guide p.415) for additional references. Pan and Baal, Don Juan and Paul Bun- yan, the Brownings, folk medicine, place names, Greek embroideries, jazz-this sam- pling of thesis topics indicates the breadth of the term "folklore," and Dundes has flung his net wide to bring together theses from every possible discipline. The arrange- ment is chronological (with alphabetical author listing within a year) in order to point up trends. Of special note is the ex- tensive subject index which seems carefully planned and meticulously executed. An au- thor index and an index of institutions are also included. All in all this is a very useful, well-executed bibliography; now if we could only have a supplement very soon ... . -E .M. HISTORY Dougherty, James J. Writings on American History, 1962-73; a Subject Bibliography of Articles. Millwood, N.Y., KTO Pr., 1976. 4v. $275. 74-18954. ISBN 0-527- 00373-5. These volumes have been produced to fill the twelve-year gap between the old series of Writings on American History sponsored by the National Historical Publi- cations Commission and the new series un- der the same name which Kraus-Thomson began publishing with the 1973-7 4 volume (see Guide DB31). The format and content of these volumes are similar to the latter series in that only citations to articles are included and the listings are arranged al- phabetically by author under large subject headings. Volume 1 contains ten "chrono- logical" sections as well as a general section and one on "bibliography, historiography, methodology, and source guides." Volume 2 consists of seven geographical sections (e.g., "New England," "Southwest"). The two remaining volumes are divided into about forty major subject areas such as "agriculture," "labor history," "popular cul- ture," "religion," and "women's history." The historian's initial reaction may be joy at having a bibliographical gap filled. Then, as one sits down to do a literature search, the faults of the compilation become instantly apparent. The arrangement in large subject areas simply does not allow an efficient search on any particular re- search topic. A researcher pursuing a proj- ect on Rhode Island colonial church life must plow through thirty pages on colonial history in v.1, thirty pages of New England history in v.2, and fifty-five pages on re- ligion in v.3, plus any additional topics that seem appropriate. Since America, History and Life does have a considerably more detailed subject index, why not use it in- stead, even if it is not fully cumulated? One problem, of course, is that coverage in the two works is not identical, and a compari- son is difficult to make since neither bibli- ography is precise about the dates and completeness of journal coverage. It is very disappointing to realize, especially consid- ering the high price of this new compila- tion, that so little of value has been added to the patchwork of American history bib- liography.-D.A.S. Hanham, Harold John. Bibliography of British History, 1851-1914. Oxford, Clar- endon Pr., 1976. 1606p. £35. ISBN 0-19- 822389-7. (Bibliography of British His- tory rv.5 1) In his preface, Professor Hanham points out that the "greatest single problem which the bibliographer of the nineteenth century faces is the vast proliferation of printed matter that took place during a ten-year renaissance of nineteenth century studies." Therefore, this bibliography undertakes to list "the major works which a student is likely to wish to consult, a selection of oth- er works which makes clear the scope of contemporary printed materials, and a se- lection of biographies and autobiographies." A wide range of materials is identified- books and government publications, peri- odical articles and major book reviews, printed collections of photographs and car- toons, even novels; omitted are manuscripts and theses. The cutoff date for inclusion is 1970, though the editor was able to add some very important publications issued as Selected Reference Books I 329 late as 1973. The work upholds the high standard set by the previous volumes in this series (Guide DC155). Organization is clear; virtually all possible areas of interest to the nineteenth century historian are cov- ered; the brief annotations are informative enough; and the index is especially good for names, although it could have been ex- panded for topics. In particularly sensitive areas great efforts were made to balance British interpretations with citations to scholarship published in other countries.- E.M. NEW EDITIONS AND SuPPLEMENTS Master microforms reported during the 1965-75 period are listed in a single alpha- betical sequence according to main entry in the new six-volume cumulation of the National Register of Microform Masters (Wash., Library of Congress, 1976. $190). Items listed by L.C. card number in the 1965-69 issues of the Register (Guide AA123) are integrated into the alphabetical sequence, and there is no longer any sep- aration of monographs and serials as in some of the early volumes. Searching for master copies of microforms is hereby enor- mously simplified. Archival finding aids, descriptions of manuscript collections, and related materi- als published through the end of 1973 are listed in Supplement 1 : Bibliographical Addenda (Zug, Switz., InterDocumentation Co., 1976. 203p. $15) to Patricia K. Grim- sted' s Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Moscow and Leningrad (Guide AB 117). It includes numerous pre- 1970 publications not found in the basic volume, plus a few 197 4 items. Material available in the publisher's (i.e., IDC) microfiche series are so noted in the supple- ment, and a "microfiche correlation table" for items in the main volume is provided in an appendix. Now subtitled "A world guide," the 6th edition of the Directory of Library Repro- graphic Services edited by Joseph Z. Nitecki (Weston, Conn., Microform Re- view, Inc., 1976. 178p. $9.95 pa.) includes some 348 en tries as opposed to 242 in the 5th edition (Guide AB201), with substan- tial increase in foreign coverage to justify the subtitle. As an experiment to test its 330 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 usefulness, Section III, "Additional Infor- mation on Reprographic Policies and Ser- vices," is included on microfiche in this edition. Volume 2 of A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1976. 1282p. $60) covers the letters H-N. It contains "about 13,000 main words di- vided into some 22,000 senses .... The il- lustrative quotations number 125,000."- Pref. Four volumes rather than the three announced in v.1 (see Guide AD27) will make up the complete set, with an exten- sive bibliography of works cited planned for inclusion in the final volume. Popular Names of U.S. Government Re- ports, first published 1966 (see Guide AG29), is now available in a third edition (Wash., Library of Congress, 1976. 263p. $6.50). "Entries in this edition have been greatly expanded to include extensive anno- tations and other added information [e.g., citations to the Checklist, the Document Catalog, and the Monthly Catalog; Superin- tendent of Documents classification num- bers] useful to both reference librarians and researchers."-Foreword. A subject in- dex has also been added. Burke's Irish Family Records (London, Burke's Peerage, 1976. 1237p. £ 38) repre- sents a fifth edition (with change of title) of Burke's . . . Landed Gentry of Ireland (Guide AK62). It aims "to achieve an ob- jective representation of the many different categories and types of Irish family. . .. The criteria we applied were that the fam- ilies should have been distinguished in one period in Ireland for more than one genera- tion, either through the Church, politics, the arts and sciences, the professions or through the ownership of land and houses." -Pref. The late P. H. Reaney's Dictionary of British Surnames (Guide AK121) has ap- peared in a "second edition with correc- tions and additions" (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976. 398p. £ 13.50) under the editorship of R. M. Wilson. About 700 names have been added. Much of the ad- ditional material and many of the correc- tions are based on information gathered by Reaney. After nearly fifteen years, a revised and updated edition of Edwin S. Gaustad's Historical Atlas of Religion in America (N.Y., Harper & Row, 1976. 189p. $20) has appeared. The principal changes since the 1962 edition (Guide BB97) are: "The generally unrevealing state maps of the earlier edition have now been replaced with county maps for the mid-twentieth century. ... New maps have been added ... along with several new charts and updated line graphs. A new fold-out map reflects denom- inational distribution in 1970, while an ad- ditional map indicates the Protestant-Catho- lic dominance county-by-county."-Pref. Geraldine E. Coldham's Supplement (1964-1974) to A Bibliography of Scrip- tures in African Languages (London, Brit- ish and Foreign Bible Society, 1975. 198p. £3. pa.) lists African-language editions of the Scriptures published 1964-74 together with earlier editions not listed in the origi- nal work (Guide BB109). An interesting feature is an appendix of "Language name corrections" and "Geographical name cor- rections" which serves to update the basic bibliography in regard to the changing nomenclature of languages and geographi- cal areas. Ian B. Cowan has edited a second edi- tion of the late Rev. Dr. David E. Easson's Medieval Religious Houses: Scotland (Lon- don, Longman, 1976. 246p. £ 13). Revised and expanded in the light of recent re- search, this "is more than a reprint with corrections" (Pref.) and incorporates a con- siderable amount of new material and addi- tional information not found in the 1957 edition (Guide BB311a). The sixth edition of Ottemiller' s Index to Plays in Collections (Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow, 1976. 523p. $17.50; 5th ed. 1971, Guide BD175) has been expanded to include 190 additional collections pub- lished "from late 1970 through early 1975." Now under the editorship of John M. and Billie M. Connor, this edition of the Index analyzes 1,237 collections representing 3,686 different plays by 1,937 different authors. A third new and enlarged edition of Franz Anselm Schmitt's bibliography, Stoff- und M otivgeschichte der deutschen Liter- atur (Berlin, DeGruyter, 1976. 437p. DM98) adds citations to periodical articles, monographs, and dissertations published 1964-Aug. 1975 on literary motifs. More than 300 new headings for single motifs have been introduced since the 1965 edi- tion (Guide BD600). Modern French Literature and Lan- guage: a Bibliography of Homage Studies compiled by Lloyd W. Griffin, Jack A. Clarke, and Alexander Y. Kroff (published by Xerox University Microfilms for Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1976. 175p. $12.50) supersedes the 1953 publication of the same title by Golden and Simches (Guide BD710). In addition to extending coverage through 1974 (with a few 1975 items), some earlier publications not in the Golden and Simches volume have been added. Ar- rangement remains basically the same; the index is now a name index with references both to authors of the articles analyzed and to literary authors as subjects. Geography and Cartography: a Refer- ence Handbook by Clara Beatrice Muriel Lock (London, Bingley; Hamden, Conn., Linnet Books, 1976. 762p. $32.50) is a "combined and revised edition" of Lock's Geography: a Reference Handbook, first published 1968 (2d ed. 1972, Guide CL3) and her Modern Maps an.d Atlases, first published 1969 (Guide CL166). It con- stitutes an enlarged edition of the Geography handbook, incorporating a num- ber of "additional extended articles and . . . some of the updated cartographical material" (Foreword) which would other- wise have gone into a revised Modern Maps had a new edition been feasible at this time. In the long run, separate revision would seem to have been the better course. Preparatory to publication of the third edition of The Modern Researcher by Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff (N.Y., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. 378p. $12.95; rev. ed. 1970, Guide DA5) the text was subjected to "a verbal revision amounting for certain sections and chapters to a complete rewriting."-Note. In addi- tion, a general updating of illustrative ex- amples and of the bibliographic checklist (p.329-51) is evident. "Somewhat more than a supplement to A Bibliography of American Doctoral Dis- sertations in Classical Studies ... " (Guide DA87), is the way Lawrence S. Thompson describes his new Bibliography of Disserta- tions in Classical Studies . . . (Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Pr., 1976. 296p. $22.50). It not only lists American doctoral Selected Reference Books I 331 studies of the 1964-72 period (plus some earlier ones omitted from the previous com- pilation), but also British masters' theses and doctoral dissertations of 1950-72. A cumulative index, 1861-1972, serves for this and the earlier volume. Research in Progress in English and His- tory in Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, edited by S. T. Bindoff and James T. Boulton (London, St. James; N.Y., St. Martin's, 1976. 284p. $15) repre- sents a new edition of the same editors' Research in Progress in English and His- torical Studies in the Universities of the British Isles (1971). In addition to extend- ing coverage to those Commonwealth na- tions mentioned in the title, it now includes listings for scholarly work being carried on privately or under other than academic auspices. The revised edition of The Encyclopedia of Military History (N.Y., Harper & Row, 1977. 1464p. $25; 1st ed. 1970, Guide CJ269) incorporates "minor corrections, and a few substantial revisions" (Pref.) in addition to extending the coverage of the final chapter (now retitled "Superpowers in the Nuclear Age") through 1975. The "Personalities" and "Institutions" sections of the Isis Cumulative Bibliography (Guide EA214) have now been joined by a third volume, "Subjects" (London, Man- sell, 1976. 678p. $56). It includes "all those entries [from the "Isis Critical Bibli- ographies," nos.l-90] that deal with the his- tory of science or of individual sciences without reference to a particular period or civilisation, those that refer to more than two centuries during the modern period, and those that deal with two or more civili- sations but are not restricted to a particu- lar period in history."-Introd. It follows a classed arrangement with an alphabetical index to the subject class marks. As in earlier revisions, there has been "particular emphasis on updating the cover- age of probability and statistics" (Pref.) in the fourth edition of the Mathematics Dic- tionary of Glenn James and Robert C. James (N.Y., Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976. 509p. $17.95; 3d ed. 1968, Guide EF20). Numerous biographical entries have been introduced, though these are mainly confined to an identifying phrase plus birth and death dates.-E.S. REPRINTS /dl--~. /. "11 RELEASED(I~A1~~ '18 Abrahamson, I. A. Jr.: KNOW YOUR EYES Orig. ed . 1972 224 pp. ppb . s 4.95 cl. 7.50 Albers: PROGRAMMED ORGANIZATIO~ & MANAGEMENT Orig . ed . 1966 115 pp. In Prep . Anderson, T. W.: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Orig . ed . 1972 653 pp In Prep. Andrews, F. T.: BUILDING MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Orig . ed. 1966 255 pp. 24.50 Ariel: DIAGNOSIS OF TREATMENT OF ABDOMINAL ABSCESSES Orig. ed . 1971 322 pp . 19.50 Atkinson, R. C. : AN INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICS LEARNING THEORY Orig. ed. 1965 420 pp . In Prep. Bajema, C. J. : NATURAL SELECTION IN HUMAN POPULATIONS Orig. ed.1971 416 pp. In Prep. Bakish : HANDBOOK OF ELECTRON BEAM TECHNOLOGY Orig. ed . 1964 269 pp. In Prep. Barondess: DIAGNOSTIC APPROACHES TO PRESENTING SYNDROMES Orig . ed . 1971 557 pp. 27.50 Barre : FARM STRUCTURES Orig . ed . 1950 650 pp. In Prep . Saslow, M. H.: MARINE PHARMACOLOGY Orig . ed . 1969 300 pp . 11.50 Basmajian & MacConaill: MUSCLES AND MOVEMENTS New Revised ed. 1977 335 pp . 14.50 Becker, et al : NEPHROLOGY- CORNELL SEMINARS Orig. ed . 1971 138 pp. 7.50 Behrens, et al : ATOMIC MEDICINE, 5th ed . Orig. ed . 1969 892 pp. 35.50 Bekesy : EXPERIMENTS IN HEARING Orig . ed . 1960 756 pp. In Prep . Bendix : NATION-BUILDING & CITIZENSHIP (Redone by Author) Orig . e~ . 1964 314 pp. In Prep. Bernstein : RENAL FUNCTION AND RENAL FAILURE - A Review Monograph Orig . ed . 1965 207 pp . 8.50 Binder: IDEOLOGICAL REVOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST Orig . ed . 1964 287 pp. In Prep : Blount, W. P.: FRACTURES IN CHILDREN Orig . ed . 1955 289 pp . 16.50 Bo·schmann & Welcher : ORGANIC REAGENTS FOR COPPER Orig. ed . 1977 In Prep . Boucher, P.: FUNDAMENTALS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Orig . ed . 1963 549 pp . In Prep . Boyarsky & Labay : U RETHERAL DYNAMICS Orig . ed . 1972 500 pp . In Prep . Boyle , C. P., Collagan, R. B.: FACE OF SPACE 2nd Revised ed. 1977 133 pp. 6.50 Branson, E. & Tarr, W.: INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY Orig. ed . 1935 478 pp . In Prep . Brogan, P. & Fox , L. : HELPING CHILDREN READ Orig. ed . 1961 342 pp. In Prep . Broudy, H.: BUILDING A PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Orig. ed . 1961 426 pp. In Prep . Broudy , H., Smith, B., Burnett, J.: DEMOCRACY AND EXCELLENCE IN AMERICAN SECONDARY EDUCATION Orig . ed . 1964 310 pp. In Prep . Brucer, M.: THE LIVER SCANS, CLEARANCES , AND PER FUSIONS Orig . ed . 1976 In Prep. Bruner, J.: A STUDY OF THINKING Orig . ed . 1967 342 pp . In Prep . Bube , R.: PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY OF SOLIDS w/corrections Orig . ed . 1960 461 pp . In Prep . Buerger : INTRODUCTION TO CRYSTAL GEOMETRY Orig . ed . 1971 218 pp . In Prep. Burhop : THE AUGER EFFECT AND OTHER RADIATION LESS TRANSITIONS Orig. ed . 1952 188 pp. In Prep. Burke : CELL BIOLOGY Orig . ed . 1970 343 pp. 11.00 Burton, A.: PSYCHOTHERAPY OF THE PSYCHOSES Orig . ed. 1961 396 pp. 14.50 Butler, G. & lson, H.: CORROSION AND ITS PREVENTION IN WATERS Orig . ed . 1966 312 pp . In Prep . Calderone, M.S. : MANUAL OF FAMILY PLANNING AND CONTRACEPTIVE PRACTICE Orig . ed. 1970 ~92 pp. In Prep . Canfield , E. B.: ELECTROMECHANICAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AND DEVICES Orig . ed . 1965 341 pp . 15.95 Carpenter, S. T.: STRUCTURAL MECHANICS Orig . ed . 1960 538 pp . 16.50 Chalmers, B.: PRINCIPLES OF SOLIDIFICATION Orig. ed . 1964 333 pp . 16.95 Chapin , F.: URBAN GROWTH DYNAMICS Orig. ed . 1962 494 pp . In Prep . Chatfield. M.: HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING THOUGHT Orig. ed . 1974 320 pp . In Prep. Chaykin , S.: BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY TECHNIQUES Orig . ed . 1966 176 pp . In Prep. Chiang, C. L. : INTRODUCTION TO STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND SOME APPLICATIONS Orig. ed . 1968 313 pp. 16.50 Chiang, H. H.: BASIC NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS Orig . ed. 1969 354 pp . 22 .50 Chiappa, J.: THE VD BOOK Reissue Orig. ed. 1976 158 pp . 6.50 Chung, E.: PRINCIPLE§ OF CARDIAC ARRYTHMIAS Orig. ed. 1971 550 pp . In Prep . Clayton, R.: LIGHT AND LIVING MATTER : A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF PHOTO BID LOGY VOL. I- The Physical Part Orig. ed. 1970 148 pp . ppb . 4.95 VOL. II - The Biological Part Orig . ed . 1971 254 pp . ppb . 6.50 Cohen , L. W. & Ehrlich, G.: THE STRUCTURE OF THE REAL NUMBER SYSTEM Orig. ed. 1963 124 pp . 9.95' Coon, C. : A READER IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Orig . ed. 1963 634 pp . 18.50 Cotten : N.Y. HEART ASSN . SYMPOSIUM ON REGULATION OF CATECHOLAMINE METABOLISM IN THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Orig. ed. 1972 290 pp . 16.75 Davis, W. M.: THE CORAL REEF PROBLEM Orig . ed.1928 601 pp . 22.50 Dean : MATHEMATICS FOR MODERN MANAGEMENT Orig . ed . 1963 442 pp. In Prep. Dean : OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Orig . ed . 1963 289 pp . In Prep . DeBaggis, H. F. & Miller. K. S.: FOUNDATIONS OF TH£ CALCULUS Orig . ed. 1966 245 pp . 9.75 Denn: OPTIMIZATION BY VARIATIONAL METHODS Orig . ed . 1969 438 pp . In Prep. Dreyfuss & Janower: RADIOLOGIC EXAMINATION OF THE COLON Orig . ed . 1969 137 pp . 12.25 DuPorte , E. M.: MANUAL OF INSECT MORPHOLOGY Orig. ed . 1959 235 pp. 8.50 Eames, A.: MORPHOLOGY OF THE ANGIOSPERMS Orig . ed . 1961 532 pp . 26 .00 Eames, A. J. : MORPHOLOGY OF VASCULAR PLANTS Orig. ed . 1936 433 pp . 22 .50 Eames, A. & MacDaniels, L. : AN INTRODUCTION TO PLANT ANATOMY Orig. ed . 1949 445 pp . 22.50 Egan : TECHNOLOGISTS GUIDE TO MAMMOGRAPHY 0 rig. ed . 1968 133 pp . 9.75 Fetter, et al : MYCOSES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Orig . ed . 1967 219 pp . 14.25 Filler, L. & Guttmann, A.: THE REMOVAL OF THE CHEROKEE NATION : Manifest nestiny or National Oishonor? Orig . ed . 1962 123 pp . In Prep. Fink : CELLULAR BIOLOGY AND TOXICITY OF ANESTHETICS Orig. ed. 1972 300 pp . 23 .00 Firmage , D. A.: FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF STRUCTURES New Updated ed. 19 77 334 pp . 12.50 Fleischmajer & Billingham : EPITHELIAL MESENCHYMAL INTERACTIONS Orig . ed.1968 340 pp . In Prep. Folts : INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Orig. ed . 1963 688 pp . In Prep . Fox : INTERMEDIATE ECONOMIC STATISTICS Orig . ed. 1968 568 pp. In Prep . Frank : ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS Orig . ed . 1959 443 pp . In Prep . Friedman : DISTRIBUTION PACKAGING New ed ., Orig. ed . 1960 536 pp. 23 .50 Fuhon & Lloyd : AUDIOMETRY FOR THE RETARDED WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR THE OIFFICUL T TO TEST Orig . ed. 1969 280 pp . 15.75 Gale , 0.: SPECIFICATION PRIMER : BUILDING CONSTRUCTION New ed. 1976 223 pp . 6.50 Galenson , W. & Lipset , S. M.: LABOR & TRADE UNIONISM: An Interdisciplinary Reader Orig. ed . 1960 398 pp . In Prep . Gamble , F. 0. & Yale , 1. : CLINICAL FOOT ROENTGENOLOGY Spanish ed. 1977 448 pp . 34 .50 Geiringer, P. L.: HANDBOOK OF HEAT TRANSFER MEDIA Orig . ed . 1962 271 pp. In Prep. Ghausi , M. S. & Kelly , J. J.: INTRODUCTION TO DISTRIBUTED -PARAMETER NETWORKS Orig . ed. 1968 340 pp . 15.00 Gilbert, E.: SULFONATION AND RELATED REACTIONS Orig . ed . 1965 272 pp . In Prep . Glick, D.: QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL TECHNIQUES OF HISTO · AND CYTOCHEMISTRY VOL. 1 Orig. ed . 1961 492 pp. In Prep. VOL . 2 Orig . ed . 1963 536 pp . In Prep. Goldfarb : OFFICEGYNECOLOGY(AN AUDIO VISUAL BOOK , 3 CASSETTES , TABLES & ILLUSTRATIVE MANUAL) Orig . ed . 1971 37 .95 Goldman , A. S. & Slattery, T. B.: MAINTAINABILITY : A MAJOR ELEMENT OF SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS Orig. ed . 1964 282 pp. 16.50 Govier, G. & Aziz, K. : FLOW OF COMPLEX MIXTURES IN PIPES Orig . ed . 1972 842 pp . In Prep . Grabbe, E., Ramo , S. & Wooldridge , D.: HANDBOOK OF AUTOMATION, COMPUTATION AND CONTROL VOL . 1 Orig . ed. 1958 1020 pp. In Prep. VOL. 2 Orig . ed . 1969 1093 pp . In Prep. VOL. 3 Orio . ed . 1961 1164 DO . In Preo . R 0 BE R T E. K R I E G E R Pub I ish in g Co., Inc. 64 5 New York Ave., Hunt mgt on, N.Y. 11 7 4 3