College and Research Libraries being applied. As Hicks and Tillin state in the section on accountability: "The person- nel of libraries is realizing that a different kind of management is required if library service is to react positively to the modifica- tions that are dictated both by practical limitations currently imposed within the li- brary and by rapidly occurring external changes." The chapters on budget, selection of re- sources, processing, circulation, and refer- ence will be eagerly read by librarians working in those areas. Each section of Managing Multimedia Libraries could well serve as · a discussion basis for in-service workshops and staff meetings. There is a wealth of practical and realis- tic information in Managing Multimedia Li- braries which should have appeal and ap- plication for all types of libraries and li- brarians. It should also serve as an excel- lent text for library school courses. On a scale of one to five, this deserves a five- star rating.-Gloria Terwilliger, Director, Learning Resources, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus. Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: Its Implications for Governance and Fac- ulty Status for Librarians. Proceedings of a Preconference Institute Sponsored by Academic Status Committee, Associa- tion of College and Research Libraries, at San Francisco, June 27 and 28, 1975. Edited by Millicent D. Abell. ACRL Publications in Librarianship, no. 38. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1976. 161p. $7.50. LC 76-51403. ISBN 0- 8389-3189-8. This is a compilation of the papers pre- sented at the San Francisco ACRL precon- ference in 1975, including edited audience questions and responses. There is also a useful appendix of "Background Papers" which, as the title indicates, might be a good place to start your reading of this vol- ume. The appendix contains several re- prints, including a glossary of labor terms, legal aspects, and descriptions of terms in a collective bargaining contract. The final part of the appendix gives a bibliography of sources for further information. In all, the volume is concise and well put together, which says something for the con- Recent Publications I 361 ference itself. Unfortunately, there is al- ways such a lag in publishing proceedings that by the time most people read this, the material will already be two years old. Some of the concerns may have changed, but still this is a worthwhile compilation of information and ideas that are basic to any understanding of collective bargaining and its effects on academic governance in gen- eral and, to a slightly less degree, on the status of librarians. Governance turned out to be a major issue in this volume. In his "Conference Summary" Kenneth Mortimer states: "I am sure you will get much more from this conference as you read the proceedings than from sitting here and listening to all of us talk at you." From one who was there I agree in part that some of the papers, particularly Jean R. Kennelly's, which contains many statistics, were more meaningful and easier to grasp in the written form. Obviously, the com- bination of listening, reacting, and then reading brings it all together. The issues covered in the papers are governance as it is (well described by Don- ald Wollett, director of employee relations for the State of New York); then jurisdic- tion, or the legal right of unions to . or- ganize; definition of who is in the bargain- ing unit; the choice of an agent; and, finally, the consequences of that choice. The papers from the panel of people representing NEA, AAUP, AFT, and al- ternative approaches through faculty asso- ciations or no union were interesting, but very evidently, each author has his or her own axe to grind. Both Gwendolyn Cruzat and Kenneth Mortimer reminded the read- ers of this by stating that a look must be taken at the leadership on their own cam- pus or campuses-that this leadership will determine what any union or alternative group will be like. Cruzat in "Issues and Strategies for Academic Librarians" also warned that ". . . ·collective bargaining has been regarded by some librarians as a ve- hicle for achieving parity in the academic community." The whole concept of why li- brarians in particular, and also faculty, have chosen this route and its results is very in- teresting and was alluded to by several of the participants. Jean Kennelly's paper, "The Current Status of Academic Librari- 362 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 ans' Involvement in Collective Bargaining: A Survey," which was based on a survey she conducted in May and June 1975, ad- dresses librarians' participation in collective bargaining and the results of that involve- ment. I recommend this as a very handy vol- ume for those who wish an overview of the collective bargaining issues, but who don't want to go into the whole process in de- tail. It's ah excellent starting place, and, for those who don't wish to go further, it will give a well-rounded perspective.-B. Anne Commerton, Director of Libraries, State University of New York, College at Oswe- go. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Alexander, Gerard L. Guide to Atlases Supple- ment: World, Regional, National, Thematic. An International Listing of Atlases Published 1971 through 1975 with Comprehensive In- dexes. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 362p. $14.00. LC 70-157728. ISBN 0-8108- 1011-5. American Library Association. Bookdealer-Li- brary Relations Committee. Guidelines for Handling Library Orders for Microforms. Ac- quisitions Guidelines, no. 3. Chicago: Amer- ican Library Assn., 1977. 16p. $1.95 LC 76- 58322. ISBN 0-8389-3193-6. American Library Association. Young Adult Services Division. Research Committee. Me- dia and the Young Adult: A Selective Bibli- ography, 1950-1972. Edited by W. Bernard Lukenbill. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 138p. $5.00. LC 77-699. ISBN 0-8389- 3188-X. ". . . a selected, annotated bibliography of research studies related to young adults and library and information services" ( p.viii). Anderson, Ralph J. H. Anglo-Scandinavian Law Dictionary of Legal Terms Used in Profes- sional and Commercial Practice. Prepared under the auspices of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice. Oslo: Universitetsfor- laget, 1977. 137p. $12.00. ISBN 82-00- 02365-6. (Distributed in U.S. and Canada by Columbia Univ. Pr.) Atherton, Alexine L. International Organiza- tions: A Guide to Information Sources. Inter- national Relations Information Guide Series, v. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 350p. $18.00. LC 73-17502. ISBN 0-8103-1324-3. Approximately 1,500 annotated entries de- scribing books and articles devoted to all aspects of international organizations. Basler, Beatrice K., and Basler, Thomas G. Health Sciences Librarianship: A Guide to Information Sources. Books, Publishing, and Libraries Information Guide Series, v. 1. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 186p. $18.00. LC 74- 11552. ISBN 0-8103-1284-0. Covers recent publications on the practice and theory of health sciences librarianship. Beall, Karen F., ed: Cries and Itinerant Trades: A Bibliography. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 564p. $195.00. Bibliography of books and prints depicting street traders. Arranged by nationality and includes numerous illustrations. Berra, Tim M. William Beebe: An Annotated Bibliography. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 157p. $15.00. LC 76-30857. ISBN 0-208-01608-2. Bookdealers in North America: A Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in Canada and the United States of America. 1976-78. 7th ed. London: Shep- pard Press, 1976. 259p. $14.95. ISBN 0- 900661-13-5. (Distributed in U.S. by Stand- ing Orders, Inc., P.O. Box 183, Patterson, NY 12563.) Brown, Maryann Kevin, and McHugh, Anita L. Survey of Costs in Technical Processing and Interlibrary Loan: Summary. Boulder, Colo.: Western Interstate Library Coordinating Or- ganization, 1976. 172p. $4.00. Summarizes the results of cost data collected in seventy-six western libraries-public, aca- demic, and state. Budd, Louis J., ed. A Listing of and Selection from Newspapers and Magazine Interviews with Samuel L. Clemens, 1874-1910. Arling- ton: American Literary Realism, Dept. of English, Univ. of Texas, 1977. lOOp. $6.00. Cassara, Ernest. History of the United States of America: A Guide to Information Sources. American Studies Information Guide Series, .v. 3. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 459p. $18.00. LC 73-17551. ISBN 0-8103-1266-2. Approximately 2,000 annotated entries for books on U.S. history. First two sections are on aids to research and comprehensive works, with remaining chapters chronolog- ically arranged. Chen, Ching-chih. Sourcebook on Health Sci- ences Librarianship. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1977. 318p. $12.50. LC 76-30263. ISBN 0-8108-1005-0. About 3,000 pertinent sources on health sci- ences librarianship, most of which have been cited in articles appearing in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association since 1966. The Combined Retrospective Index Set to Jour- nals in History, 1838-197 4. With an intro-