College and Research Libraries 362 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 ans' Involvement in Collective Bargaining: A Survey," which was based on a survey she conducted in May and June 1975, ad- dresses librarians' participation in collective bargaining and the results of that involve- ment. I recommend this as a very handy vol- ume for those who wish an overview of the collective bargaining issues, but who don't want to go into the whole process in de- tail. It's ah excellent starting place, and, for those who don't wish to go further, it will give a well-rounded perspective.-B. Anne Commerton, Director of Libraries, State University of New York, College at Oswe- go. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Alexander, Gerard L. Guide to Atlases Supple- ment: World, Regional, National, Thematic. An International Listing of Atlases Published 1971 through 1975 with Comprehensive In- dexes. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 362p. $14.00. LC 70-157728. ISBN 0-8108- 1011-5. American Library Association. Bookdealer-Li- brary Relations Committee. Guidelines for Handling Library Orders for Microforms. Ac- quisitions Guidelines, no. 3. Chicago: Amer- ican Library Assn., 1977. 16p. $1.95 LC 76- 58322. ISBN 0-8389-3193-6. American Library Association. Young Adult Services Division. Research Committee. Me- dia and the Young Adult: A Selective Bibli- ography, 1950-1972. Edited by W. Bernard Lukenbill. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 138p. $5.00. LC 77-699. ISBN 0-8389- 3188-X. ". . . a selected, annotated bibliography of research studies related to young adults and library and information services" ( p.viii). Anderson, Ralph J. H. Anglo-Scandinavian Law Dictionary of Legal Terms Used in Profes- sional and Commercial Practice. Prepared under the auspices of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice. Oslo: Universitetsfor- laget, 1977. 137p. $12.00. ISBN 82-00- 02365-6. (Distributed in U.S. and Canada by Columbia Univ. Pr.) Atherton, Alexine L. International Organiza- tions: A Guide to Information Sources. Inter- national Relations Information Guide Series, v. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 350p. $18.00. LC 73-17502. ISBN 0-8103-1324-3. Approximately 1,500 annotated entries de- scribing books and articles devoted to all aspects of international organizations. Basler, Beatrice K., and Basler, Thomas G. Health Sciences Librarianship: A Guide to Information Sources. Books, Publishing, and Libraries Information Guide Series, v. 1. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 186p. $18.00. LC 74- 11552. ISBN 0-8103-1284-0. Covers recent publications on the practice and theory of health sciences librarianship. Beall, Karen F., ed: Cries and Itinerant Trades: A Bibliography. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 564p. $195.00. Bibliography of books and prints depicting street traders. Arranged by nationality and includes numerous illustrations. Berra, Tim M. William Beebe: An Annotated Bibliography. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 157p. $15.00. LC 76-30857. ISBN 0-208-01608-2. Bookdealers in North America: A Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in Canada and the United States of America. 1976-78. 7th ed. London: Shep- pard Press, 1976. 259p. $14.95. ISBN 0- 900661-13-5. (Distributed in U.S. by Stand- ing Orders, Inc., P.O. Box 183, Patterson, NY 12563.) Brown, Maryann Kevin, and McHugh, Anita L. Survey of Costs in Technical Processing and Interlibrary Loan: Summary. Boulder, Colo.: Western Interstate Library Coordinating Or- ganization, 1976. 172p. $4.00. Summarizes the results of cost data collected in seventy-six western libraries-public, aca- demic, and state. Budd, Louis J., ed. A Listing of and Selection from Newspapers and Magazine Interviews with Samuel L. Clemens, 1874-1910. Arling- ton: American Literary Realism, Dept. of English, Univ. of Texas, 1977. lOOp. $6.00. Cassara, Ernest. History of the United States of America: A Guide to Information Sources. American Studies Information Guide Series, .v. 3. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 459p. $18.00. LC 73-17551. ISBN 0-8103-1266-2. Approximately 2,000 annotated entries for books on U.S. history. First two sections are on aids to research and comprehensive works, with remaining chapters chronolog- ically arranged. Chen, Ching-chih. Sourcebook on Health Sci- ences Librarianship. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1977. 318p. $12.50. LC 76-30263. ISBN 0-8108-1005-0. About 3,000 pertinent sources on health sci- ences librarianship, most of which have been cited in articles appearing in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association since 1966. The Combined Retrospective Index Set to Jour- nals in History, 1838-197 4. With an intro- duction and user's guide by Evan I. Farber. Arlington, Va.: Carrollton Press, 1977. 11 v. $985.00. LC 77-70347. ISBN 0-8408-0181-5. A Comprehensive Program of User Education for the General Libraries, the University of Texas ·at Austin. Contributions to Librarian- ship, no. 1. Austin: Univ. of Texas, The General Libraries, 1977. 1 v. (various pag- ings ) $5.00 prepaid. A guide for the development of a more com- prehensive and coordinated program of li- brary instruction in the University of Texas at Austin General Libraries. Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange. Directory of Continuing Educa- tion Opportunities for Library/Information/ Media Peronnnel. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange, 1977. Looseleaf. $15.00, CLENE members; $25.00. nonmembers. Cumulative Subiect Index to the Public Affairs Information Service Bulletins, 1915-1974. Editor: Ruth Matteson Blackmore. Arlington, Va.: Carrollton Press, 1977. 15v. $1,075.00. LC 76-50520. ISBN 0-8408-0200-5. David, Nina, comp. and ed. TV Season 75-76. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1977. 245p. LC 76-52260. ISBN 0-912700-21-1. Information on each national TV program presented by the networks and currently pro- duced syndicated shows with national distri- bution. Day, Alan E. History: A Reference Handbook. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1977. 354p. $15.00. LC 76- 28410. ISBN 0-208-01536-1 Linnet; 0- 85157-225-1 Bingley. Includes 787 entries for important books (listed by title) and authors in the field of English history. Directory of Courses on Indexing in Canada and the United States. Compiled by James D. Anderson. n.p.: American Society of In- dexers, Committee of Indexer Education,. 1976. 37p. $2.00, members; $3.00, nonmem- bers. Payment must accompany order. (Or- der from Library Science Dept., ATTN: James D. Anderson, Queens College, Flush- ing, NY 11367.) Drake, Miriam A: Academic Research Librar- ies: A Study of Growth. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Univ. Libraries and Audio-Vis- ual Center, 1977. 143p. $15.00 plus postage. Presents summary data on the growth -of six- ty-two academic research libraries for the years 1966-1975. Based on the work repre- sented in the nine editions of the study, The Past and Likely Future of 58 Research Li- braries, 1951-1980, which has been discon- tinued. Eaton, Peter, and Warnick, Marilyn. Marie Stapes: A Checklist of her Writings. London: Recent Publications I 363 Croom Helm, 1977. 59p. $5.95. ISBN 0- 85664-397-1. European Bookdealers: A Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books on the Continent of Europe. 1976-78. 3rd ed. Lon- don: Sheppard Press, 1975. 216p. $12.95. ISBN 0-900661-12-7. (Distributed in U.S. by Standing Orders, Inc., P.O. Box 183, Pat- terson, NY 12563.) Feature Films on Bmm and L6mm: A Direc- tory of Feature Films Available for Rental, Sale, and Lease in the United States and Canada with Serials and Directors' Indexes. Compiled and edited by James L. Limbach- er. 5th ed. New York: Bowker, 1977. 422p. $19.95. LC 79-163905. ISBN 0-8352-0919-9. Festivals Sourcebook: A Reference Guide to Fairs, Festivals and Celebrations in Agricul- ture, Antiques, the Arts, Theater and Drama, Arts and Crafts, Community, Dance, Ethnic Events, Film, Folk, Food and Drink, History, Indians, Marine, Music, Seasons, and Wild- life. Paul Wasserman, managing editor; Es- ther Herman, associate editor; Elizabeth A. Root, assistant editor. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 656p. $45.00. LC 76-48852. ISBN 0-8103- 0311-6. Freeman, R. B. The Works of Charles Darwin: An Annotated Bibliographical H andlist. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Folkestone, Kent: W. Daw- son; Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 235p. $17.50. LC 76-030002. ISBN 0-7129- 07 40-8 Dawson; 0-208-01658-9 Archon. French Periodicals Index, 1975. Compiled by Jean-Pierre Ponchie and Janice Spieth. West- wood, Mass.: F. W. Faxon, 1977. 465p. $24.00. LC 75-28987. ISBN 0-87305-115- 7. Indexes contents of nine French-language periodicals. Extends the coverage provided by the index for 1973-1974, with a revised and expanded format. Gaeddert, Barbara K. The Classification and Cataloging of Sound Recordings: An Anno- tated Bibliography. MLA Technical Reports, no. 4. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Music Library Association, 1977. 32p. LC 77-23214. ISBN 0-914954-10-5. Gill, Robert. Magic as a Performing Art: A Bib- liography of Coniuring. New York: Bowker, 1977. 252p. $18.00. ISBN 0-85935-038-X. Annotated bibliography of approximately 1,000 English-language books and pamphlets published in the last forty years. Alphabet- ically arranged by author, with subject, name, and title indexes. Gohdes, Clarence. Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Literature of the U.S.A. 4th ed. rev. and enl. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Pr., 1976. 173p. $8.50. LC 76-28585. ISBN 0- 8223-0375-2. The Guardian Directory of Pressure Groups & 364 I College & Research Libraries • July 1977 Representative Associations. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 265p. ISBN 0-904655-00-8. A guide to more than 350 organizations in- fluencing the political process in Britain. Harter, Ann F., and Harter, Stephen P. Your Rights to Your Records: Procedures and Aids for Gaining Access to and Amending Your Personal Records in Government, School, and Credit Files. Tampa, Fla.: S. Harter, 1977. 25p. $3.00. (Order from author: Box 17222, Tampa, FL 33682. ) Haviland, Virginia, and Coughlan, Margaret N. Samuel Langhorne Clemens: A Centennial for Tom Sawyer: An Annotated, Selected Bibliography. Washington: Library of Con- gress, 1976. 86p. $1.25. LC 76-608129. ISBN 0-844-0192-7. (Available from U.S. Govt. Print. Off.) Hendricks, Donald D., comp. Medical Library Statistics, 1975-1976. Dallas: Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Library, 1977. 33p. Second in a series with responses from 108 medical libraries. Hernes, Helga. The Multinational Corporation: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 197p. $18.00. LC 73-17509. ISBN 0-8103-1327-8. An annotated bibliography of books and ar- ticles about the role of multinational corpo- rations in international politics and relations, including works by specialists in international business administration and by social scien- tists analyzing multinationals from the per- spective of their own discipline. Hy, Ronn J. Using the Computer in the Social Sciences: A Nontechnical Approach. New York: Elsevier, 1977. 155p. $10.95, cloth; $5.95, paper. LC 77-956. ISBN 0-444-00211- 1, cloth; 0-444-00220-0, pbk. International Index to Film Periodicals, 1975: An Annotated Guide. Edited by Frances Thorpe. London: St. James Press; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976. 511p. $30.00. LC 72-1964. ISBN 0-900997-34-6. Jodziewicz, Thomas W. Birth of America: The Year in Review, 1763-1783; A Chronolog- ical Guide and Index to the Contemporary Colonial Press. Glen Rock, N.J.: Microfilming Corp. of America, 1976. 152p. $25.00. LC 76-50542. ISBN 0-667 -00288-X. Designed as a guide to the publisher's micro- film series of the same name. Kazmer, Daniel R., and Kazmer, Vera. Russian Economic History: A Guide to Information Sources. Economic Information Guide Series, v. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 520p. $18.00. LC 73-17588. ISBN 0-8103-1304-9. Bibliography of English-language materials. Leif, Irving P. Children's Literature: A Histor- ical and Contemporary Bibliography. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1977. 338p. $15.00. LC 76- 21465. ISBN 0-87875-090-0. Bibliography of scholarly and critical litera- ture about children's books. The Librarian and the Patient: An Introduction to Library Services for Patients in Health Care Institutions. Edited by Eleanor Phin- ney. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 352p. $20.00. LC 76-45178. ISBN 0-8389- 0227-8. Lyman, Helen Huguenor. Reading and the Adult New Reader. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1976. 259p. $15.00. LC 76- 44431. ISBN 0-8389-0228-6. Maine Union List of Serials. Charles A. Campo, compiler and editor; Elaine M. Uhlar, asso- ciate editor. Orono: Univ. of Maine, Univer- sity Libraries, 1977. 1 v. (unpaged) $15.00. Markotic, Vladimir, comp. Ethnic Directory of Canada. Calgary: Western Publishers, 1976. 118p. LC 75-46378. (Distributed by R and E Research Associates, 4843 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94112.) Lists various aspects of the ethnic groups, such as social and religious groups, educa- tional institutions, restaurants, and other types of stores and businesses. Arranged by province. Mayer, S. L., and Koenig, W. J., comps. The Two World Wars: A Guide to Manuscript Collections in the United Kingdom. New York: Bowker, 1977. 317p. $25.00. LC 74- 9187. ISBN 0-85935-014-2. Mission Handbook: North American Protestant Ministers Overseas. Prepared and edited by Missions Advanced Research and Communi- cation Center. 11th ed. Monrovia, Calif.: MARC, 1976. 589p. $22.50. LC 76-55223. ISBN 0-912552-06-9. National Health Directory, 1977. 1st ed. Wash- ington, D.C.: Science and Health Publica- tions, Inc., 1977. 363p. $19.50. (Available from publisher, 1401 N St., N.W., Washing- ton, DC 20036. ) Includes members of Congress, key congres- sional committees and staffs, federal agencies and regional officials, and state officials. National Library of Canada. Checklists of Law Reports and Statutes in Canadian Law Li- braries. ( 1, Canadian Law Reports.) Ot- tawa: National Library of Canada, Resources Survey Division, 1977. 293p. ISBN 0-662- 00442-6. New York Metropolitan Reference and Re- search Library Agency. Microform Publica- tion Finding Tools Subcommittee. Finding Tools for Microform Publishing Protects: A Preliminary Union List. Edited by William J. Myrick, Jr. METRO Miscellaneous Pub- lication no. 13. New York: Metropolitan Ref- erence and Research Library Agency, 1976. 15p. $5.00 prepaid. ISSN 0076-7018. Identifies seventy-five microform publications for which the staffs of twenty-four U.S. and Canadian research libraries have produced indexes, analytic cards, or other guides to contents. New York Metropolitan Reference and Re- search Library Agency. Task Force on a List of Jobbers. Jobbers Directory: A Selected List of Vendors Used by Certain METRO Members. METRO Miscellaneous Publica- tion no. 12. New York: Metropolitan Refer- ence and Research Library Agency, 1976. 53p. $10.00 prepaid. ISSN 0076-7018. Pearson, Karl M., Jr. Providing Location Infor- mation for Colorado Library Resources. Boulder, Colo.: Western Interstate Library Coordinating Organization. 1977. 61p. Examines the feasibility of developing a Col- orado statewide union data base to support cataloging, acquisitions, and interlibrary loan functions. Penn State Publications: A Finding Guide, 1855-1975. Edited and compiled by Frances Cable and Miriam D. Pierce. Uni- versity Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Li- braries, 1976. 1 v. (unpaged). List of series and periodicals with annota- tions, published conference proceedings, and a directory of research units. Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr. The Study of Inter- national Relations: A Guide to Information Sources. International Relations Information Guide Series, no. 5. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 155p. $18.00. LC 73-17511. ISBN 0-8103- 1331-6. ". . . reflects the theoretical, methodological, and .substantive diversity of the contempo- rary study of international relations. For the most part, the literature annotated in this volume has been published since the Second World War" (p.ix). Reference Book Review. Dallas: Reference Book Review, 1977- . v.1, no. 1- $11.00 yr. A quarterly journal to contain in each issue reviews of at least 100 new reference books. (Available from Reference Book Review, P.O. Box 19954, Dallas, TX 75219.) Ruffner, James A., ed. Eponyms Dictionaries Index: A Reference Guide ·to Persons, Both Real and Imaginary, and the Terms Derived from their Names. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 730p. $45.00. LC 76-20341. ISBN 0-8103-0688-3. Indexes the contents of some 100 dictionaries of eponyms and more than 500 biographical sources identifying the persons represented. Contains approximately 33,000 entries, cov- ering 20,000 eponyms and the 13,000 per- sonal names on which they are based. Schulz, Ann. International and Regional Pol- itics in the Middle East and North Africa: A Recent Publications I 365 Guide to Information Sources. International Relations Information Guide Series, v.6. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 244p. $18.00. LC 74- 11568. ISBN 0-8103-1326-X. Schwartz, Mortimer D. Environmental Law: A Guide to Information Sources. Man and the Environment Information Guide Series, v.6. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 191p. $18.00. LC 73- 17541. ISBN 0-8103-1339-1. Coverage includes the legal process, pollu- tion control, and conservation of resources. Sources: A Guide to Print and Nonprint Ma- terials Available from Organizations, Indus- try, Government Agencies, and Specialized Publishers. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Profes- sional Publications in association with Neal- Schuman, 1977- , v.l, no. 1- $60.00 per vol. ISBN 0-915794-16-0. ISSN 0145-2355. A subscription service to be published three times a year, including a cumulative subject index. Each issue is to contain "some 650 list- ings of hard to find and valuable sources of material." Arranged alphabetically by issuing agency, with subject and title index. Video Yearbook 1977. Edited by Angus Robert- son. Poole, Dorset: Dolphin Press, 1976. 286p. $14.95. ISBN 0-85642-064-6. (Dis- tributed in U.S. by Standing Orders, Inc., P.O. Box 183, Patterson, NY 12563.) First edition of a directory of English tele- vision systems and services. vVakelyn, Jon L. Biographical Dictionary of the Confederacy. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1977. 601p. $29.95. LC 72-13870. ISBN 0-8371-6124-X. Includes 650 biographical descriptions of the civil and military leaders of the Confederacy. White, Robert B., ed. The English Literary Journal to 1900: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 311p. $18.00. LC 73-16998. ISBN 0-8103-1228-X. A bibliography of more than 2,000 books, articles, dissertations, and other publications written since 1890. Wilson, Pauline. A Community Elite and the Public Library: The Uses of Information in Leadership. Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, no. 18. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1977. 173p. $14.95. LC 76-15336. ISBN 0-8371-9031-2. The study "is focused upon the information sources and needs of the most active mem- bers of groups seeking social change, which are a communications elite" ( p.xiii). W odehouse, Lawrence. American Architects from the First World War to the Present: A Guide to Information Sources. Art and Archi- techue Information Guide Series, v.4. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 305p. $18.00. LC 74- 102.59. ISBN 0-8103-1270-0.