College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. "Filming Narrative" for Library Instruction Film "You Don't Have to be a Hero to Use the U.C. Library." By Charles H. Shain. Library, Univ . of California, Berkeley. 1976. 32p. ED 134 215. MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. This description of the process used and the problems encountered by an amateur super 8 filmmaker in producing a thirteen-minute film on a limited budget for use in formal library instruc- tion at the University of California at Berkeley provides practical advice to prospective filmmak- ers contemplating a similar project. The film uses animation to bring Superman, Wonder ·Woman, and Mr. Spock into conversation with a reference librarian. The script, budget, field testing infor- mation, and evaluation results are appended. Opportunities and Problems of CoUege Li- brarians Involved in Classroom Teaching Roles. By Fred P. Borchuck and Bernice Bergup. 1976. 16p. ED 134 216. MF- $0.83; HC-$1.67. To improve productivity as well as to encour- age personal growth, there has been a limited but determined movement in some higher education institutions to use librarians in nonlibrary-related classroom teaching assignments in addition to their regular duties. The experiences of two col- lege librarians who temporarily assumed additional nonlibrary-related teaching duties are described, including their impressions of their classroom experience and its effect on their status. Their experiences are interpreted using a description by William Goode concerning the problem of professionalization of librarians and other selected discussions of professional status. Recent Publications I 73 Library Loans to the Schools of Engineer- ing. By Miriain A. Drake and Joan Kulm. Libraries and Audio-Visual Center, Pur- due Univ., Lafayette, Indiana. 1977. 92p. ED 135 366 MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. To examine library usage by faculty and stu- dents in the Schools of Engineering at Purdue University, data were analyzed from a sample of 12,000 loans during a three-month period. User level (graduate student, undergraduate, faculty, or staff) and subject of borrowed material as indi- cated by Dewey Decimal Classification were ex- amined for each major engineering discipline. Results indicated highest percentage of loans in technology and pure science literature. Graduate students accounted for the highest percentage of loans among users. Data and tables for each en- gineering discipline are provided. Appended are summary tables and figures, including graphs of user levels for the most-read subjects. COM: Decisions and Applications in a SmaU University Library. By Philip J. Schwarz. Wisconsin Univ.-Stout, Menomonie. 1976. 25p. ED 135 391. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Computer output microfilm (COM) is used at the University of Wisconsin-Stout Library to generate reports from its major machine-readable data bases. Conditions indicating the need to convert to COM include existence of a machine- readable data base and high cost of report pro- duction. Advantages and disadvantages also must be considered before deciding to produce COM internal and external reports . After choosing COM, decisions must be made regarding (1) type of microform, i.e., roll or fiche, (2) type of index- ing technique, (3) positive or negative film, (4) reduction ratio, (5) type of film, i.e. , silver, diazo, or vesicular, and (6) selection of a COM service bureau. The University of Wisconsin-Stout Li- brary uses microfiche, 42 reduction ratio, and silver, negative film. Other departments of the university also use COM reports, providing additional access to microfiche readers. COM has proven to be a powerful tool for producing and distributing library information at a relatively low cost. Standards for Reference Servke at the Uni- versity of Michigan-Dearborn Library. By Sara Galligan. Michigan Univ., Dear- born. 1977. 7p. ED 135 409. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Few standards for reference services have ap- peared in the past, therefore guidelines for ref- erence librarians at the University of Michigan- Dearborn are offered. The guidelines presented 74 I College & Research Libraries • January 1978 are based upon reference standards prepared by the Reference and Adult Services Division (RASD) Standards Committee for the ALA Cen- tennial Conference in Chicago. Included in the guidelines are a library reference policy state- ment, priorities, and general guidelines for refer- ence desk duty. Regional Interlibrary Loan in New York State: A Comparative Study. By Harry Carr and others. Checchi and Co., Wash- ington, D.C. 1976. 329p. ED 136 740. MF-$0.83; HC-$18.07. The goal of this study was to develop a means for better assessing the potential success of a re- gional interlibrary loan program. Descriptive in- formation and qualitative data on funding, policies, and procedures were gathered for five regional interlibrary loan programs in New York State from three sources--questionnaires sent to each member library, on-site visits, and a weighted sample of loan requests. A profile of population, socioeconomic characteristics, and available library resources was created for each region. Quantitative data were analyzed by rank Out of Stock? Back Orders? If your wholesaler has long de- lays in completing "out of stock" end "beck orders", why not try .the firm that specializes in this area. Current imprints ere eesy to deliver but it takes 1 personalized, special- ized attention to give you reliable service on beck list or other herd-to- get items. At Book House we cell it ''Con- cerned Service" end it works every dey for 1 growing clientele includ- ing ecedemic libraries just like yours. · Call 517-849-9361 Collect A The HoustJ of Superior Jk Library Service BOOK' HOUSE 208 West Cb,icago Jonesville, Mich. 49250 order correlation or a confidence test of sig- nificant similarities and differences. Conclusions were made concerning the impact on interlibrary loan effectiveness of three factors: (1) regional characteristics, (2) the extent and nature of re- gional interlibrary loan, and (3) loan processing and funding. Fourteen general recommendations were made for funding and loan processing, spe- cific suggestions and proposals were outlined for each regional interlibrary program, and a data collection _p1ethod was suggested for future per- formance measurement. The appendixes include the regional profile. United Nations Documents: A State of the Art Survey. By Diane Choguette and Elizabeth McBride. Emory Univ., At- lanta, Ga. 1976. 32p. ED 136 752 MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. This survey was conducted in the winter of 1974-75 to determine the procedures used at li- braries for dealing with United Nations publica- tions. Libraries were categorized on the basis of whether United Nations materials were inte- grated into the main collection or maintained separately. Analysis of the eighty-eight responses to the survey questionnaire indicates that, while there are no preferred methods for handling these materials, many libraries are dissatisfied with present procedures . Appended are: (1) the survey instrument, (2) a list of responding libraries, and (3) samples of cards utilized by various libraries for cataloging United Nations documents. Bibliography on Public Service in Academic Libraries. By Joanna Lopez-Munoz. Maine Univ., Orono. 1977. 87p. ED 136 756. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. Approximately 1,120 journal articles published between 1968 and 1975 are listed in this bibliog- raphy on public services in academic libraries. The major portion of the bibliography is devoted to articles concerning college and university li- braries in the areas of (1) audiovisual materials, (2) circulation, (3) interlibrary loan, (4) mi- croforms, (5) reference services, (6) relations with faculty and curriculum, (7) reserve collections, (8) serial publications, and (9) services to business and industry, minorities, special groups, the community, and undergraduates. Other topics include (1) automation, (2) current awareness in- formation, (3) junior and community college li- braries, ( 4) periodicals, (5) selective dissemination of information, and (6) use studies. An abbrevia- tions list for periodicals indexed is provided. ERIC Data Base Search Services in Canada. By Stephen B. Lawton and Ethel Auster. Educational Resources In- formation Center, 1976. 23p. ED 138 294. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) indexes and microfiche have earned a po- sition as major source& of information for educa- tional researchers and practitioners in Canada. ~ Their widespread use has been facilitated by the development of computerized search services, first using batch systems and more recently on- line interactive retrieval methods. While it is too soon to assess the long-term implications of the greatly increased accessibility of ERIC, it may be that Canadian educators will become dependent on ERIC and neglect Canadian sources of infor- mation if automated access to these remains un- available. Measures of Adequacy for Library Colkc- tions in Australian Colkges of Advanced Education. Report of a research project conducted in behalf of the Commission on Advanced Education. V .1. By E. J. Wainwright and J. D. Dean. Western Australian Inst. of Tech., Perth. 1976. 341p. ED 139 398. MF-$0.83; HC- $18.07. This study investigates the bases for construct- ing quantitative and qualitative measures of Aus- tralian Colleges of Advanced Education (CAE) li- brary collection adequacy and the feasibility of producing specialized and appropriate measures to guide future collection planning. Adequacy is based on the libraries' policies for providing ma- terials to students and faculty. The report pre- sents in detail procedures and results of six studies conducted as part of the research design: (1) survey of statistics relating to size of holdings and additions to and loans from CAE collections; (2) study of present adequacy of library collec- tions in five CAE libraries assessed by perfor- mance on a documents delivery test; (3) study of requirements for monographs based on subject assessment by teachers and librarians; ( 4) study of serials titles required for adequate support of courses and research; (5) study of alternative sources of course reading materials used by stu- dents; and (6) subject examination of methods suggested in published literature for improving quality and availability of collections. The study makes thirty-eight recommendations for improv- ing ·comparative statistical reporting, quantitative provision for collections, improving budgeting for collections, increasing availability and use of li- brary materials, improving quality of collections, and further study. An extensive literature review, bibliography, and appendixes are published in volume 2 (ED 139 399). Recent Publications I 75 Measures of Adequacy for Library Colkc- tions in Australian Colkges of Advanced Education. Report of a research project eonducted on behalf of the Commission on Advanced Education. V.2. By E. J. Wainwright and J. E. Dean. Western Australian Inst. of Tech., Perth. 1976. 233p. ED 139 399. MF-$0.83; HC- $12.71. This volume presents an extensive review of the literature relating to collection development in tertiary institution libraries, a bibliography, and appendixes for the main report of "Measures . of Adequacy for Library Collections in Australian Colleges of Advanced Education" (ED 139 398). The literature review includes sections on princi- ples of collection development, quality and quan- tity of provision of materials, provision and availability of materials, cost, and methodology. The bibliography lists 26 bibliographic sources, 88 Australian studies, and 560 other studies relat- ing to collection development. Statistical data, survey and test instruments, definitions, biblio- graphical aids in collection development, and an outline of quantitative standards suggested for college library collections are included iu the ap- pendixes. Brighten up your reference shelf with Reference Sources. Reference Sources is the most .comprehen- sive current guide to reference materials ever published. Re- views from over 100 publications are in- dexed including all reference publiCation reviews from Booklist ·and Choice to name a few. Information for each publi- cation includes : • verified main entry • full bibliographic information and price • LC.. headings and Dewey numbers ·• annotations and review quotations from selected sources. Indexes are by LC headings, Dewey numbers and general subject headings. All this comes to ·you annually and is supplemented with columns in RSR. PIERIAN PRESS P.O . Box 1808 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 76 I CoUege & Research Libraries • January 1978 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS ABC Pol Sci: Advance Bibliography of Contents: PolitiCal Science & Government. Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliographical Center-Clio, 1977- v.9- . Sold to institutions on a service rate basis. LC 76-14584. Scope has been extended to include nine more journals from the domestic and international political scene. Some of the new titles include Asian Affairs, An American Review, Futures, and Journal of Political Science. The Access Index to Little Magazines. 1976. Ed. by John Gordon Burke, Len Fulton, and Ned Kehde. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Professional Publications, 1977- . $50/yr. Provides author, title, and subject indexing for seventy-five literary magazines not indexed elsewhere. The African Book World & Press-A Directory. Comp. by the African Book Publishing Record. Ed. by Hans M. Zell. Oxford, Eng.: Hans Zell Publishers Ltd., 1977 . 296p. $40. LC 76- 56994. ISBN 0-905450-00-0. (Published in the U.S. and Canada by Gale.) Provides information on libraries, publishers, booksellers, and other institutions and aspects of the African book world and press. American Theological Library Association. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Thirtieth Annual Confer- ence, June 21-25, 1976. Philadelphia: Ameri- can Theological Library Assn., 1977. 160p. $6. (Available from: Office of the Executive Secre- tary, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 7301 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119.) Andrews, Theodora. A Bibliography of Drug Abuse, Including Alcohol and Tobacco. Little- ton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 306p. $15 U.S. and Canada; $18 elsewhere. LC 77- 22606. ISBN 0-87287-149-5. Seven hundred twenty-five titles listed. "The purpose of this bibliography is to help in- terested individuals, particularly librarians, select the materials they need from the large number of titles offered." Book . Numbers Guide. Comp. by the Technical Services Division. Library Publication no.13. Bundoora, Victoria, Australia: La Trobe Univ. Library, 1977. 13p. $1.25; postage: surface $0.30, air $1.40. ISBN 0-85816-138-9. Describes the book numbering system the La Trobe University Library developed for use in its library. The Cutter-Sanborn three-figure au- thor table was used as a basis . Campbell, Malcolm . The Use of Chemical Abstracts: A Descriptive Guide to the Organi- sation, Development and Use of Chemical Abstracts and Its Associated Indexes. Nathan, Australia: Griffith Univ. Library, 1977. 37p. $3.50. ISBN 0-86857-023-0. (Available from: The Library, Griffith University, Nathan~ Aus- trailia 4111.) 'Chicago. University. Library. Far Eastern Li- brary. Daisaku Ikeda Collection of Japanese Religion and Culture. Reference List no.3. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Library, 1977. 52p. -chicago. University. Library. Far Eastern Li- braty. Far Eastern Serials. Reference List no. 2. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Library, 1977. 370p. . Listing of serial publications in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and in Western languages on the Far East. Congressional Quarterly Service. Congress and the Nation: A Review of Government and Poli- tics. V.4, 1973-1976. Washington, D.C.: Con- gressional Quarterly, 1977. 1,217p. $49.50. LC .65-22351. ISBN 0-87187-112-2. Copyright: New Law, New Directions. Washing- ton, D.C.: Association for Educational Com- munications and Technology; Fairfax, Va.: National Audio-Visual Association, 1977. Filmstrip, cassette, and guide. $22.95. Explores the implications of the new law for educators through interviews with recognized leaders in the copyright field. Educators Guide to Free Guidance Materials: A Multimedia Guide. 16th ed. Comp. and ed. by Mary H. Saterstrom. Randolph, Wis.: Educators Progress Service, 1977. 457p. LC 62-18761. ISBN 0-87708-077-1. Ekdahl, Janis. American Sculpture: A Guide to Information Sources. Art and Architecture In- formation Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 260p. $18. LC 74-11544. ISBN 0-8103-1271-9. Essential Elements of a Copyright Clearinghouse. Proceedings of a Conference, February 11-12, 1976. Sponsored by: The Association of Ameri- can Publishers and the Information Industry Association. Bethesda, Md.: Information Indus- try Association, 1977. 136p. $15. Foundation Directory. 6th ed. Comp. by The Foundation Center. Marianna 0. Lewis, ed. New York: The Foundation Center, 1977 . 661p. LC 60-13807. ISBN 0-87954-011-7. (Dis- tributed by Columbia Univ. Pr.) Foundation Grants Index, 1976: A Cumulative Listing of Foundation Grants. Comp. by The Foundation Center. Lee Noe, grants editor. New York: The Foundation Center, 1977. 36lp. $15. LC 72-76018. ISBN 0-87954-010-9. (Distributed by Columbia Univ. Pr.) Guerry, Herbert, ed. and comp. A Bibliography of Philosophical Bibliographies , Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr., 1977. 332p. $25. LC 77-071862. ISBN 0-8371-9542-X. Housing for New Types of Students. New York: Educational Facilities Laboratories, 1977. 76p. $4. (Available from : EFL, 850 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022.) "Illustrates how the new constituencies living on campus require different arrangements of accommodations than traditional students." Information Industry As.sociation. Information Sources: The Membership Directory. 1977. With fifty-three-page supplement. Bethesda, Md. : Information Industry Association, 1977, 204p. $10. Consists of descriptive material on the 103 member companies of the Information Industry Association. A products and services index is included. International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses. 13th ed. 1977-78. Ed. by Len Fulton and Ellen Ferber. Paradise, Calif.: . Dustbooks, 1977. 440p. $8.95/copy, $2iOO/four yrs. paper; $11.95/copy, $36.00/four yrs. cloth. ISBN 0-913218-04-9 paper; ISBN 0-913218- 05-7 cloth. Jazz Index: Bibliography of Jazz Literature in Pe- riodicals . With supplement 1. Frankfurt, West Germany: Norbert Ruecker, 1977- v. 1 no. 1- $23/yr.; $29/yr. air mail. Includes articles and reviews, activities, and results of jazz research published in jazz peri- odicals and in books and booklets. Jerabek, Esther, Czechs and Slovaks in North America: A Bibliography . New York: Czecho- slovak Society of Arts & Sciences in America; Chicago : Czechoslovak National Council of America, 1976. 448p. Kaufman, Judith. Recordings of Non-Western Music: Subject and Added Entry Access. MLA Technical Reports no.5 . Ann Arbor, Mich.: Music Library Association, 1977. 36p. LC 77- 21836. ISBN 0-914954-11-3. Kutzner, Patricia L ., and Sullivan, Timothy X. , eds. Who's Involved with Hunger: An Organi- zation Guide. Washington , D.C . : World Hunger Education Service; American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, 1976. 32p. $1.50. Laurence, Dan H . Shaw: An Exhibit . For an ex- hibit selected and prepared with Lois B. Gar- cia. Austin, Texas : Humanities Research Cen- ter, The Univ. of Texas , 1977. 141p. $16.50 hardcover ; $9.75 paper . (Available from: Humanities Research Center, the Univ. of Texas at Austin, Postal Box 7219, Austin, TX 78712.) Lewis, Walter H. Ecology Field Glossary: A Nat- uralist's Vocabulary . Westport, Conn . : Green- wood Pr. , 1977. 152p. $15. LC 77-71856. ISBN 0-8371-9547-0. Terms selected from all of the environmental sciences are included, arranged in two parts . The first section lists the terms under the sub- Recent Publications I 77 ject headings of a comprehensive outline. In the second section, the terms are arranged al- phabetically and defined. The Library Connection: Essays Written in Praise of Public Libraries. Comp. by the Public Li- brary Assn. Chicago: American Library Assn., '1977. 86p. $5. LC 77-24687. ISBN 0-8389- 0245-6. "Collection of articles by well-known people who experienced satisfaction with the libraries of America." Little, Jeffrey B. , and Rhodes, Lucien . The Wall Street Library. Coc.keysville, Md .: Liberty Publishing Co. , 1977. 9v. $20/set. The volumes are titled as follows: Wall Street-How It Works (LC 77-79812) ; Under- standing Your Company (LC 77-79813); Read- ing the Financial Pages (LC 77-79815); Growth Stocks (LC 77-79816); Bonds, Preferred Stocks and the Money Market (LC 77-79817) ; The Principles of Technical Analysis (LC 77-79818); Investing and Trading (LC 77-79819) ; Stock Options (LC 77-79820) ; What is a Share of Stock? (LC 77-79866) . Marco, Guy A.; Garfield, Ann M.; and Ferris, Sharon Paugh. Information on Music: A Hand- book of Reference Sources in European Lan- guages . Volume II. The Americas. Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 296p. $18.50 U.S. and Canada; $22 elsewhere. LC 74-32132. ISBN 0-87287-141-X. This second volume in a projected eight- volume work lists and annotates 800 sources concerning the Western hemisphere. Complete bibliographic information is given for each en- try. National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services. Science Literature Indicators Study , 1975. Philadelphia, Penn. : National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services , 1977. 72p. $10. (Available from : National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services , 3401 Market St. , Philadelphia, PA 19104.) Examines publishing patterns of U.S. authors in U.S. primary journals for 1975 as one method of measuring scientific activity and re- search. The Neglected Majority: Facilities for Commuting Students. New York : Educational Facilities Laboratories , 1977. 76p. $4. LC 77-79050. (Available from: EFL, 850 Third Ave ., New York, NY 10022.) Discusses needs of nonresident students who work full or part-time as well as attend college. Some of these needs include a quiet place to study, a place to sleep on campus after a late- night class, and places to enjoy themselves or enrich themselves culturally. Nihon Sugakkai. Encyclop edic Dictionary of Mathematics. Ed. by Shokichi lyanaga and 78 I College & Research Libraries • january 1978 Yukiyosi Kawada. Translation reviewed by Kenneth 0. May. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1977. 2v. LC 77-1129. ISBN 0-262-09016-3. Translation of the Japa~ese publication Iwanami Sugaku Ziten. This encyclopedia con- tains information about all fields of advanced mathematical research. O'Dwyer's Directory of Corporate Communica- tions. 1977 ed. Ed. by Jack O'Dwyer. Associate eds., Tedd A. Cohen and Terence J. Poltrack. New York: J. R. O'Dwyer Co., 1976. 226p. $60. LC 75-23562. Two thousand companies listed alphabetically and indexed by thirty-seven types of industry, with information about their public relations or communication· departments. Payne, John R. W. H. Hudson: A Bibliography. Kent, England: Dawson; Hamden, Conn.: Ar- chon Books, 1977. 248p. $17.50. LC 76- 030003. ISBN 0-7129-0750-5 Dawson; ISBN 0-208-01647-3 Archon. Probert, Thomas. Lost Mines and Burled Trea- sures of the West: Bibliography and Place Names-from Kansas West to California, Ore- gon, Washington, and Mexico. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of Calif. Pr., 1977. 593p. $27.50. LC 76-24596. ISBN 0-520-03327-2. "Lists the works of eleven hundred different authors, covering thousands of stories of lost Volumes 1 through 6 now available! People, People, People; Millions of them, all from the pages of history. References neatly arranged and instantly available to solve your most perplexing inquiries. PERSONAL NAME INDEX to 'The New York Times Index' 1851- 1974 'Its potential fot saving time will be obvious to experienced reference librarians ... ' Wilson Library Bulletin in 22 volumes - $690 the set • 'CJI Roxbury Data Interface 110 S IDllside Avenue Succasunna, NJ 07876 201-584-4448 mines· and buried treasures supposedly located in fifteen Western and Southwestern states and in Mexico." Quick, John. Artists' and Illustrators' Encyclope- dia. 2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. 327p. $16.95. LC 77-6700. ISBN 0-07-051063- 6. Contains descriptions of the methods and ma- terials used by professionals in the fields of photography, typography, painting, and other visual arts. Ricks, Melvin. Alaska Bibliography: An Introduc- tory Guide to Alaskan Historical Literature. Ed. by Stephen W. and Betty J. Haycox. Port- land, Ore.: Binford & Mort, 1977. 270p. $20. LC 77-80570. ISBN 0-8323-0292-9. Lists introductory sources on most personalities and aspects of Alaska history and literature. Some entries are annotated. Rock, James M. Money, Banking, and Mac- roeconomics: A Guide to Information Sources. Economics Information Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 281p. $18. LC 73-17585. ISBN 0-8103-1300-6. Rudd, Robert L. Environmental Toxicology: A Guide to Information Sources . Man and the Environment Information Guide Series, v. 7. · Detroit: Gale, 1977. 266p. $18. LC 73-17540. ISBN 0-8103-1342-1. Settel, Barbara, ed. Subject Description of Books: A Manual of Procedures for Augmenting Sub- ject Descriptions in Library Catalogs. Subject Access Project. Research Study no.3. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse Univ., School of Information Studies, 1977. 1v. $5. Short-Title Catalogue of Early Printed Books in South African Libraries, 1470-1550. Grey Bib- liographies no. 9. Cape Town: South African Library, 1977. 42p. R2,60 (R1,95 to Friends of the South African Library). ISBN 0-86968- 013-7. Sivan, Reuven, and Levenston, Edward A. The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dic- tionary. New York: Schocken Books, 1977. 736p. $18.95. LC 77-75289. Contains 46,000 entries. Many new words in Hebrew and English have been added. An ex- planation of the essentials of grammar in both languages has been included. Thompson, John W., comp. Index to Illustrations of the Natural World: Where to Find Pictures of the Living Things of North America. Ed. by Nedra Slauson. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Bros., 1977. 265p. $29.95. LC 77-4143. ISBN 0-915794-12-8 . Alphabetical listing of 6,200 plants, birds, and animals, with citations to where illustrations of them can be located. The Used Book Price Guide. 1977 supplement to the five-year edition. Comp. by Mildred S. Mandeville. Kenmore, Wash.: Price Guide Publishers, 1977. 479p. $39. LC 63-24123. ISBN 0-911182-76-17. Weik, Martin H. Standard Dictionary of Com- puters and Information Processing. 2d ed. rev. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Co., 1977. 390p. $16.95. LC 77-22664. ISBN 0-8104- 5099-2. Includes explanations, practical examples, and illustrations for more than 12·, 500 terms in the computer field. Wennrich, Peter, comp. Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Science and Technol- ogy: Part 2, F-o. New York: Bowker, 1977. 1,448p. $29.95. ISBN 3-7940-1034-5. This second volume of a three-volume set cov- ers the letters F-o and defines 50,000 abbrevi- ations gathered from more than 800 scientific and technical periodicals. Who's Who in Saudi Arabia 1976-77. Jeddah: Tihama; London: Europa Publications, 1977. 272p. $45. ISBN 0-905118-02-2. (Distributed by Gale Research Co.) "Gives biographical details of the most promi- nent persons in present-day Saudi Arabia." A section entitled "Survey of Saudi Arabia" gives essays on the economy and history of the coun- try. Williams, Ethel L., and Brown, Clifton F., comps. The Howard University Bibliography of African and Afro-American Religious Studies. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1977. 525p. LC 76-504. ISBN 0-8420-2080-2. Bibliographical guide to primary and secondary sources in the areas of African, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-American religious studies. Entries are listed under five major headings. At least one location for source has been provided for each entry. Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies. Energy Supply-Demand Integrations to the Year 2000: Global and National Studies. Ed. Recent Publications I 19 by PaulS. Basile. ~ambridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1977. 706p. $30. LC 77-5717. ISBN 0-262- 23083-6. Third technical report of the Workshop extends the projection of energy demand from 1985 to the end of the century for each of the countries under study. Information is basically presented in tabular form. Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies. Energy Supply to the Year 2000: Global and National Studies. Ed. by William F. Martin. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1977. 406p. $30. LC 77-5549. ISBN 0-262-23082-8. Second technical report of the Workshop "takes a worldwide inventory of available energy as- sets, including oil, natural gas, coal, and nu- clear fuel." Information is basically presented in tabular form. Ziskind, Sylvia, and Hede, Agnes Ann. Reference Readiness: A Manual for Librarians and Stu- dents. 2d ed. rev. and enl. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1977. 341p. $12.50. LC 77-23358. ISBN 0-208- 01607-4 Linnet; ISBN 0-85157-246-4 Bingley. Discusses basic reference sources by type, such as dictionaries; encyclopedias; annuals; hand- books and manuals; indexes, serials, and direc- tories; bibliographies; historical documents; atlases; guidebooks; and audiovisual sources. Search questions are given at the end of each chapter. CORRECfiON The following entry corrects the citation given in the September 1977 issue: Index to Mormonism in Periodical Literature. Salt Lake City, Utah: Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1976. $5 microfiche only. (Available from: His- torical Department-Public Services, 50 E. North Temple St., East Wing, Salt Lake City, UT 84150.) Statement of Ownership and Management College A: Research Libraries is published 17 times a year, six bimonthly journal issues with 11 monthly News issues, combin- ing July-August, by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 . American Library Association, owner; Richard D . Johnson, editor. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri. Printed in U. S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122, Postal Service Manual), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and Nature of Circulation ("Average" figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; "Actual" figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the July 1977 issue.) Total number of copies printed: Aver- age, 11,611; Actual, 11,550. Paid circulation: not applicable (i.e., no sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales). Mail subscriptions: Average, 10,530; Actual, 10,291. Total paid circulation: Average, 10,530; A~al. 10,291. Free distribution by mail, carrier, or other means, samples, complimentary and other free copies: Average, 1,030; Actual, 1,220. Total distribution: Average, 11,560; Actual, 11,511. Copies not distributed: Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average, 51; Actual, 39. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum previous three entries): Average, 11,611; Actual, 11,550. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS fOrm 3526, Apr. 1976) for 1977 filed with the United States Post Office, Postmaster in Fulton, Missouri, September 29, 1977. ELSEVIER'S SCIENCE DIVISION Announces the establishment of the, JOURNAL INFORMATION CENTER As one of the largest, most diverse scientific journal publishing groups in the world, we know the importance of giving you accurate, up-to-date information about our publications. 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