College and Research Libraries 140 I College & Research Libraries • March 1978 gineering journals, and handbooks, while scientists go first to scientific journals and last to textbooks. Whatever source they use, engineers tend to acquire and use the mate- rial for themselves, with recourse to the library only about half as often. When the library is used, engineers prefer to do the searching themselves, rather than obtain help from the library staff. In the case of unpublished reports, engineers' colleagues are the largest source of supply. 6. Throughout the studies, it was demon- strated that internal communication within the companies was of overwhelming impor- tance for reaching successful conclusions of the assigned projects, with the most suc- cessful projects using more and more di- verse local communicants; however, outside consultants also played an important role. 7. In most organizations there were a small number of key people to whom others turned for information, so-called "technolog- ical gatekeepers." These people read widely in both scientific and technological journals and had a broad range of contacts both within and outside the company. They were thus able to translate information into terms that were meaningful for their engineer col- leagues. Networks of such "gatekeepers" also existed, through which the "gatekeep- ers" themselves maintained communication, thus increasing their effectiveness to their own groups. Once information entered the group, it became diffused through internal subgroupings. All of this developed spon- taneously, with no administrative fiat. 8. Since communication within a technological oi'gariization is so important for succe-ss, organizations should strive to make such communication easy. Propinquity of individuals, good office layouts, or the removal of office walls anCl substitution of open bays, the location of stairs and elevators, and traffic patterns all must be examined for this purpose. From all his study and experimentation, the author comes to the general conclusion that much more attention should be paid to informal, person-to-person communication of technological information within organiza- tional settings than has been done in the past, where the focus has been on the tra- ditional published literature and the framework of supporting bibliographic ap- paratus. The . author would, it is felt, be pleased with the many studies now being undertaken to describe the various facets of organizational communication in differing fields, but it is likely he will be somewhat disappointed in his hope that commercial R & D firms will begin experimentation within their organizations on these topics. The need of such firms to make a profit probably precludes such rearrangements of physical and administrative set-ups.-Estelle Brodman, Librarian and Professor of Medi- cal History, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. Birmingham Libraries Co-operative Mecha- nisation Project (BLCMP). Final Report. Written by D. G. R. Buckle, T. French, A. R. Hall, G. N. Metcalfe and D. J. Wilkins. Compiled by G. N. Metcalfe. Final Report to the British Library Re- search and Development Department on Project Number Sl/G/027, January 1969-March 1975. Birmingham: BLCMP, University Library, 1976 176p. £5.00. ISBN 0-903154-05-6. This is the final report on the activities through March 1975 of the Birmingham Li- braries Co-operative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP). The BLCMP began with three libraries (the universities of Aston and Bir- mingham and the Birmingham Public Li- braries) and added four additional libraries (Birmingham Polytechnic, Bradford Univer- sity, Warwickshire County, and Aalborg University in Denmark) by the end of the grant period. After an initial cost analysis and feasibility study (comparing manual cataloging costs with estimated costs of an automated system), the BLCMP elected to proceed with an automated shared catalog- ing system. The proJect resulted in the design and implementation of the batch computer sys- tem to utilize MARC records and locally generated records in MARC format, the creation of a union data base accessible to participating libraries, and the generation of a variety of outputs required by the partici- pants. In addition, early project work in- cluded feasibility studies on the usefulness of centrally produced bibliographic records; the definition of standards for local record variations, cataloging practices, filing rules, etc.; a common costing approach for before-and-after comparisons; and the appli- cation of the MARC format to serials and · music and sound recordings . The typewritten final report discusses the work of the entire project in eight sections : (1) project background and overview, (2) implementation of the automated cataloging system in the three original libraries, (3) computer system and data b<:ise overview and detailed description of system modules, (4) cost analysis methodology and before- and-after cost comparisons in the three orig- inal libraries, (5) analysis of feasibility of ex- panding system participation to other librar- ies, (6) proposed order system module (and expansion of the cataloging system), (7) project publicity activities, and (8) .conclu- sions . Appendixes include project staff, BLCMP programs and macros, project documents, and a key to symbols used in flowcharts. There is an index . The final report is very much like a case study of a cooperative library automation project. The reader will find an amazing amount of historical detail, presented in a chatty, easy-to-read manner, especially in those sections dealing with the cost studies, the computer system and data base, and the implementation decisions and strategies in each of" the three original libraries . In the brief conclusions section, the reader is given a glimpse of future activities planned for the cooperative venture (deemed a success by the participating libraries), i~cluding direct data input and increased access to the data base. Since the report deals with events and decisions begun almost eight years ago and finished three years ago, it cannot he viewed as a how-to guide for those libraries wishing to begin a shared computer system today, especially in light of networking de- velopments in this country, such as the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC). However, the sections dealing with the im- pact of the computer system on the indi- vidual libraries and the reason decisions were made as they were, plus the detailed description of the cost analysis meth- odology, could be useful for libraries con- templating automation today.-Eleanor Montague, University Librarian, University of California, Riverside. Recent Publications I 141 Bibliotheek en documentatie. Handboek ten dienste van de opleidingen . Onder redac- tie van Th . P. Loosjes and others. Bib- liotheek en documentatie, vol. 1 De- venter: Kluwer/van Loghum Slaterus, 1977. 421p. Hfl. 65. LC 77-481892. ISBN 90-311-0012-9. Despite the fact that this hook is written in Dutch for the use of Dutch librarians, it deserves wider attention. The concept of a comprehensive text and handbook for the field has not been tried in America for quite some time, but various plans for such a ven- ture are being discussed at the present. Written by a team of some forty spe- cialists for use in various library training programs, the book's emphasis is on academic and special libraries. The opening chapter deals, appropriately, with library materials as physical objects. There is a useful glossary of types of mate- rials with French, German, and English equivalents, a brief description of manu- scripts, old and modem, and a section on graphic techniques, including reprographics. After a discussion of types of libraries, li- brary education, physical planning, shelv- ing, and preservation, there is a chapter on collection development. It is, acknowl- edgedly, based on Redenbacher' s excellent (yet untranslated) contribution in Milkau' s Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft (2nd ed., 1961), but this compilation is most in- formative. It underscores the lack of any in- troductory literature in the English lan- guage . The chapter on internal library or- ganization and technical services procedures does not offer any new viewpoints. Of interest should be the European approach in separating bibliographic description from subject treatment in cataloging practice. A good part of the volume is devoted to documentation techniques as applied in European special libraries of which, of course, there are so many. The chapters on public services pay attention to user studies as well as library instruction. The book con- cludes with contributions on national and international library organizations, library legislation, and copyright. There are obviously problems in the dual approach to a text as well as a handbook. There are even greater problems in trying to arrive at a uniform treatment while using