College and Research Libraries 240 I College & Research Libraries • May 1978 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF ) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Set·vice r- P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington , VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Station Occupancy Study of Seventeen Learning Resource Centers. Office of the Chancellor, California Community Col- leges, Sacramento. 1976. 78p. ED 144 532. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. This study was directed toward station occu- pancy, station use, and hours and days of use in THE SPRINGER SERIES IN HEALTH CARE AND SOCIETY Vo/.1 QUALITY CONTROL OF AMBULATORY CARE A Task for Health Departments Steven Jonas 192 pp. 1977 0 82612240-X LC 77-24502 CIP $12.50 cloth Vo/. ·2 COMMUNITY MEDICINE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Medical Education and an Emerging Specialty within the Reorganized National Health Service WilliamS. Jordan, Jr. 320 pp. 1978 0 8261 2410-0 $17.95 cloth A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT F.J. Keefe, S.A. Kopel, & S.B. Gordon Springer Series in Behavior Modification, Vo/. 4 224 pp. May 1978 0 82612100-4 LC77-27067 $13.95 cloth learning resource centers (LRC) in California community colleges . Other factors measured were day-graded students, number of faculty, off-shelf use of materials, and student attendance at print, nonprint, and related instructional ser- vice areas. The study covered one full week in the spring semester. Conclusions indicate that: (1) oc- cupancy was lower than anticipated; (2) occu- pancy is highest when classroom use is highest; (3) LRC facilities built for day-graded students are adequate to support evening patrons; (4) ex- cept at peak loads, student stations could be used for other LRC activities; (5) station use could be increased without adding more space and seating capacity; and (6) occupancy percentages vary be- tween new colleges, which are expanding, and established colleges with developed collections. Data are summarized in charts and recommen- dations are presented. Computer Search Service Group. Policy Manual. Univ. Libraries, Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. 1977. 29p. ED 144 557. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. This policy manual explains computer search services at the University of Massachusetts/ Amherst, University Library. The service is avail- able to anyone willing to assume the cost of the THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Roberti. Watson, Sr. An informative guide to the literature per- tinent to the work of the behavioral science historian and practitioner. 256 pp. March 1978 0 82612080-6 LC 77-17371 $11.50 cloth DRUGS IN CURRENT USE AND NEW DRUGS 1978 Walter Modell An updated version of this Springer classic. 192 pp. 1978 0 8261 0156-9 LC 72-622911 $7.25 paper 1RANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN NEUROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Volume 102 Edited by Peritz Scheinberg, M.D. Includes papers and discussions from the 1977 annual ANA meeting. 224 pp. April 1978 0 8261 0477-0 LC 61-705 $23.00 cloth N f SPRINGER 200ParkAv~nueSouth eW [Qffi NewYork,NewYork 10003 __ -"!"'_ services and able to schedule time for both the search strategy interview and the search itself. Requests for computer services are not accepted over the phone or by mail, and the actual search is rarely conducted without the requestor pres- ent. The policy manual describes the following: (1) responsibilities of the computer searcher, in- cluding scheduling appointments and interview- ing, charging services to university accounts, conducting the search, attending workshops, and maintaining search aids; (2) responsibilities of the coordinator, who compiles statistics, reports to the head of reference, coordinates publicity, allo- cates funds, and updates data base information; and (3) responsibilities of the public services office, which include computing the cost of the searches, ordering supplies, approving publicity, and formulating new policies. Lawrence University's Library Service En- hancement Program: A Report on the Planning Year. By Richard Hume Werk- ing. Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis. 1977. 102p. (parts may be marginally leg- ible due to print quality of the original document). ED 144 576. MF-$0.83; HC-$6.01. In 1976 Lawrence University of Wisconsin was a recipient of a Library Service Enhancement Program grant from the Council on Library Re- sources. This report describes the project librar- ian's activities during the planning year and also provides an outline of the program of biblio- graphic instruction to be implemented at Law- rence. Included are descriptions of interviews with faculty, a questionnaire survey of the student body, work with a long-range planning commit- tee, and student and faculty evaluation of biblio- graphic presentations to classes. Also included are a model library research guide and a copy of the project librarian's final report to the faculty and administration. Guidelines for the Acquisition, Control, and Handling of Microform and Other Non- print Materials in the University of Ok- lahoma Libraries. By Marvin C. Guilfoyle and others. 1977. 12p. ED 144 578. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Guidelines developed for the University of Ok- lahoma libraries with emphasis on the effective use and management of microform materials as well as the status of nonprint materials are pre- sented. Following a statement of position regard- ing nonprint materials, guidelines cover: (1) acquisition-microforms 'and nonprint materials; (2) bibliographic control of nonprint materials- cataloging and classification and serials control; (3) Recent Publications I 241 physical control of nonprint materials and equipment-policy for collections, costs to patron for loss or damage of materials or equipment, and purchase of equipment. Bibliographic Instruction. Comp. by Bar- bara Mertins. West Virginia Library As- sociation. 1977. 52p. ED 144 582. MF- $0.83; HC-$3.50. Current methods for library instruction in academic libraries include audiovisual materials, programmed learning, self-paced workbooks, and course-related instruction. This document consists of reports on instructional programs involving these methods at five college and university li- braries. The Concord College library's program, "A Librarian in the Classroom," develops the curriculum of a course through cooperation be- tween a librarian and the instructor with input by the students as the course progresses. An au- diovisual orientation program at West Liberty State College (designed for students in freshman English) is a 35mm color slide presentation with live narration for large groups or a cassette tape for individual viewing. Bibliographic instruction at Glenville College is handled through the user services department. West Virginia University has developed a workbook for teaching library skills that provides students with hands-on library experience and is used as the basis for a one- credit-hour course, "Bibliographic Citation for Non-print Materials." It was prepared by Fair- mont State College to assist the researcher be- cause current manuals neglect instructions for cit- ing nonprint materials in research papers. Librarians and Academic Status: A Position Paper. Comp. by Eileen Bloch and others. 1977. 12p. ED 144 585. MF- $0.83; HC-$1.67. This paper discusses the rationale for faculty rank, status, and tenure for librarians at the Col- lege of Charleston. A brief historical overview of the profession of librarianship traces the evolution of the function of today' s librarian as a participant in the processes of teaching and research, Standards for academic status are given, as well as criteria for evaluation. Suggested criteria in- clude: (1) professional competence and activity, (2) activities related to inquiry and research, (3) teaching or instructional effectiveness, (4) service to the institution, and (5) public service. It is suggested that only by acceptance of the standards presented can librarians be evaluated by their peers. Survey of Users at the University of Oregon Map Library. By Carol Abbott and 242 I College & Research Libraries • May 1978 others. 1977. 39p. ED 144 593. MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. Ninety-one randomly selected users of the University of Oregon map library were surveyed in a term project to determine user characteris- tics and opinions, and results were compared with a 1972 survey. Data were collected on user status, fields of study, reasons for use, frequency and time of use , type of materials used, and satis- faction with hours, materials, facilities, location of materials, and staff assistance. The results indi- cated: (1) a significant drop in use of the library by faculty and graduate students, (2) increased use by undergraduates , (3) increased use by people in architecture/urban planning fields, (4) decrease in overall frequency of use, and (5) con- tinued satisfaction with staff assistance. The ques- tionnaire, data tabulations , and a bibliography are appended. Ohio Academic Library Innovation: A Di- rectory. Tower Series no. 3. By Dulce Didio McLean and others. Toledo Univ., Ohio. 1977. 77p. ED 144 607. MF- $0.83; HC-$4.67. The purpose of the directory is to publicize in- novative library activities in postsecondary educa- tional institutions . To compile the directory, a report form and cover letter were sent to 119 col- lege libraries and 12 library schools. A total of 101 reports of individual programs was received with 75 libraries and 5 library schools responding to the letter. Programs are listed in alphabetical order by name of library; each entry gives the name of the institution, the name of the person or department responsible, the source of funding, the name of the innovative activity, its objectives, and a brief description. Subjects represented by seven or more program reports include biblio- graphic instruction, library cooperation, library orientation, computers, and OCLC . The survey letter and a sample report form are included, and an index provides subject access . Collective Bargaining and Academic Librar- ies: Staff Assistants at Michigan. By Daniel C. Tsang. 1976. 14p. ED 145 809. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. In March 1975, the University of Michigan re- gents and the Graduate Employees Organization signed a contract that included coverage for grad- uate student staff assistants employed by the li- brary system there. This document relates the development of major issues that have surfaced in the debate regarding collective bargaining in the academic library world. Included are descriptions of compensation received, job security involved, the participation of the graduate assi~tants in de- cision making, and the possibility of faculty status for graduate assistants. Library Service Enhancement Program, DePauw University. Grant Proposal and Quarterly Reports. By James Martindale and ·Larry Hardesty. DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. 1977. 195p. ED 145 839. MF-$0.83; HC-$10.03. The purpose of this grant, funded by the Council on Library Resources, was to allow a li- brarian to put aside normal duties for an academic year to explore with faculty, students, and administrators ways of improving library ser- vices and to design methods of increasing library use by college students. A program was de- veloped for orienting and instructing freshmen and upper level students in the use of the academic library. For instructional purposes, two forty-five - minute slide presentations, accom- panied by instructional booklets and worksheets, were given to freshmen students. They are also expected to learn a basic search strategy to aid in completing course assignments. Upper level stu- dents received discipline-related library instruc- tion; a number of bibliographic guides were de- veloped to support this instruction . Appendixes include : (1) results of student evaluation of the li- brary orientation/instruction program ; (2) student comments on the program; (3) results of the pre/ post test questionnaire designed to measure freshmen students' attitudes and skills in regard to the library; (4) faculty questionnaire designed to measure the attitudes and expectations of classroom instruction in regard to the academic library; (5) selected bibliographic guides; and (6) final reports made by the project librarian, direc- tor of libraries, and vice-president of the institu- tion. Cooperative Activities of the University of California Libraries. By Linda Beaupre. Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1976. ED 145 851. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. The report documents current cooperation ac- tivities between University of California (UC) li- braries and others. Information about programs, procedures, and agreements was gathered in the fall of 1976 from staff members at the nine UC campuses and from librarians at other California institutions. Information sharing between on- campus and off-campus users is accomplished through systemwide lists of library holdings, machine-readable data bases (currently being built), and availability of materials through direct borrowing or interlibrary loan . An intercampus bus system transports both students and materials between the many libraries daily. The library col- lection building program is a cooperative effort to avoid duplication of costly and/or seldom used items. Automation projects and programs are coordinated through U niversitywide Library Au- tomation Program (ULAP). Several projects de- veloped by UC campuses have been shared by non-UC campuses and medical center libraries in the state. Library planning and coordination are under the direction of the Library Council and its nine task forces with support by regional, in- terinstitutional , and professional groups such as the American Library Association , Medical Li- brary Association, and Special Libraries Associa- tion. A Computer-Based Interlibrary Loan Com- munications Subsystem. Final Report. By James K. Barrentine. Ohio College Li- brary Center, Columbus. 1977. 56p. ED 145 861. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. The OCLC Interlibrary Loan (ILL) subsystem was designed to facilitate resource sharing among OCLC participating libraries, thereby enabling libraries to expand the range of library resources available to patrons. The final report describes design and functional uses of the ILL subsystem . A functional overview explains the file, searching, record creation, and ILL response. Descriptions of design and methodology in developing the Recent Publications I 243 subsystem, results of testing the subsystem, and prospective field testing are presented. A bibli- ography, list of system error messages, and re- print of an article on the subsystem are ap- pended. (See also ERIC document ED 145 859 for a users manual and ED 145 860 for functional specifications for the system.) Directory of Library Instruction Programs in Ohio Academic Libraries. By Linda L. Lester and Lorraine M. Novak. 1977. 14p. ED 145 862. MF-$0.83; HC- $1.67. Eighteen two-year junior and technical col- leges, thirty-five four-year institutions, and twenty-seven undergraduate/graduate institutions in Ohio were surveyed on the extent of biblio- graphic instruction in their libraries. Libraries are listed in this directory alphabetically by name of institution. Entries include address and informa- tion on enrollment, type of institution, and per- son to contact. ·Responses to each survey question for each library are indicated through the use of a number code assigned to each library. It is hoped that the directory will facilitate communication among libraries with instructional programs, assist other libraries in developing such programs, and aid librarians in their research for such projects. r---- NEW • CATALOGING THEORY AND PRACTICE---. On Equal Terms A Thesaurus for Nonsexist Indexing and Cataloging Compiled by Joan K. Marshall Combats the exclusior) of women and other groups generally ignored in Library of Congress subject descriptors . More than 7,500 alternative models for indexing and cataloging provide access to expanded subdivisions under such headings as divorce, education , employment, feminism , homosexuality, marriage, sexism, and women . Developed under a grant from the Council on Library Resources. A Neai-Schuman publication, distributed exclusively by ABC-Clio. 1977. viii, 152 pages. CIP. LC 77-9897 . Hardcover $14.95 Paperbound $9.50 "A practical, truly authoritative, long-needed tool (and) an excellent model for unbiased indexing, providing comprehensive, multilevel cross-references .. . . A major contribution to subject cataloging theory and practice alike .. .. I'm delighted to commend it." Sanford Berman , Editor HCL cataloging bulletin American Bibliographical Center- Clio Press Riviera Campus, 2040 A.P.S., Box 4397 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 244 I College & Research Libraries • May 1978 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Abbott, Craig S. Marianne Moore: A Descriptive Bibliography . Pittsburgh Series in Bibliogra- phy. Pittsburgh, Pa. : U niv. of Pittsburgh Pr., 1977. 265p. $20. LC 76-5922. ISBN 0-8229- 3319-5. America: History and Life. Five Year Index. V.6-10, 1969-1973. Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliographical Center-Clio Pr.; Ox- ford, Eng.: European Bibliographical Center- Clio Pr., 1977. 473p. $135. LC 64-25630. ISBN 0-87 436-176-1 . American Psychiatric Association. Biographical Directory of the Fellows & Members, American Psychiatric Association. Comp. by the Jaques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker, 1977. 1,573p. $45. LC 63-12595. ISBN 0-8352-0977- 6. Appelbaum, Judith, and Evans, Nancy. How to Get Happily Published. New York: Harper & Row, 1978. 272p. $9.95. LC 77-3737. ISBN 0-06-010141-5. Provides information on how publishing works-from the time work is begun on the SERIALS REVIEW OUTSIDE ... Serials Review is a paper covered quarterly publication with a bulk rate postate stamp. INSIDE ... Serials Review is chock full of cL,trrent reviews, articles and other features on serials. All this adds up to a service-orient- ed, money-saving serial -- a must for all involved in serial selec- tion and collection build in g. For the inside scoop on Serials Review contact: Pierian Press, po box 1808 ann arbor, michigan 48106 (sample issues are available) manuscript through the time it reaches the reader. Artists in Canada, Files in the National Gallery Library/Artistes au Canada, dossiers a la Bib- liotheque de la Galerie nationale. Ottawa: Na- tional Gallery of Canada, 1977. 114p. ISBN 0-88884-354-2. Ashton, Rick J., and others. The Genealogy Be- ginner's Manual . New ed. Chicago: The New- berry Library, 1977. 28p. $1.50 (at the library); $1.75 (by mail). (Available from The Bookshop, The Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton, Chicago, IL 60610.) Bakewell, K. G. B. Management Principles and Practice: A Guide to Information Sources . Management Information Guide, no.32. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 519p. $18. LC 76-16127. ISBN 0-8103-0832-0. Blackstock, Paul W., and Schaf, Frank L., Jr. Intelligence, Espionage, Counterespionage, and Covert Operations : A Guide to Information Sources . International Relations Information Guide Series, v.2. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 255p. $18. LC 74-11567. ISBN 0-8103-1323-5. Bunch, Clarence. Art Education: A Guide to In- formation Sources. Art and Architecture In- formation Guide Series, v.6. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 331p. $18. LC 73-17518. ISBN 0-8103- 1272-7. Bums, Richard Dean. Arms Control and Disar- mament: A Bibliography. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, Inc., 1977. 430p . $39.75 LC 77- 24931. ISBN 0-87436-245-8. Campbell, Malcolm. The Use of Biological Abstracts and Bioresearch Index: A Descriptive Guide to the Organisation, Development and Use of Biological Abstracts and Bioresearch Index and Their Associated Indexes. Nathan, Australia: Griffith Univ. Library, 1977. 24p. $3. ISBN 0-86857-024-9. (Available from The Li- brary, Griffith University, Nathan, Australia 4111.) Carroll, Frances Laverne, and Meacham, Mary. The Library at Mount Vernon. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Beta Phi Mu, 1977. 184p. $10. LC 77-22482. ISBN 0-910230-12-9. (Available from Beta Phi M u, 1-13-J2 Firestone Library, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 08540.) Number twelve in Beta Phi Mu's series of chapbooks. Describes the personal library col- lected by George Washington. Also includes a discussion of the content and ownership of co- lonial libraries in general and the place of books in the culture of the time. Christian, Portia. Agricultural Enterprises Man- agement in an Urban-Industrial Society: A Guide to Information Sources. Management In- formation Guide, no.34. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 314p. $18. LC 76-27856. ISBN 0-8103-0834-7. Comtois, M. E., and Miller, Lynn F., comps. l r Contemporary American Theater Critics: A Di- rectory and Anthology of Their Works. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 979p. $35. LC 77-23063. ISBN 0-8108-1057-3. Coppell, W. G. World Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations about the Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. Sydney, Australia: Sydney Univ. Pr., 1977. 113p. $12.50. ISBN 0-424-00039-3. (Available from International Scholarly Book Services, Inc., Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116.) Davis, Lenwood G., with Sims, Janet. The Black Family in the United States: A Selected Bibli- ography of Annotated Books, Articles, and Dis- sertations on Black Families in America. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 132p. $11.95. LC 77-89109. ISBN 0-8371-9851-8. Dick, Trevor J. 0 . Economic History of Canada : A Guide to Information Sources . Economics Information Guide Series, v.9. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 174p. $18. LC 73-17571. ISBN 0-8103- 1292-1. Diffendal, Anne P., comp. A Guide to the News- t paper Collection of the State Archives, Nebras- ka State Historical Society. Lincoln, Neb.: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1977. 84p. $4. Recent Publications I 245 The Far East and Australasia: A Survey and Di- rectory of Asia and the Pacific, 1977-78 . 9th ed. London : Europa Publications Limited, 1977. 1,251p. $66 . LC 74-417170. ISBN 0-905118-12. (Distributed by Gale Research Company.) Goudy, Frederic W. Typologia: Studies in Type Design & Type Making with Comments on the Invention of Typography, the First Types, Legibility and Fine Printing. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ . of California Pr., 1977. 170p. $3.95. ISBN 0-520-03308-6 clothbound; ISBN 0-520- 03278-8 paperback. Reprint of 1940 edition. Harrod, Leonard Montague. The Librarians' Glossary of Terms Used in Librarianship, Documentation, and the Book Crafts, and Ref erence Book. 4th rev. ed . Boulder, Colo .: Westview Press, 1977. 903p. $30. LC 76- 52489. ISBN 0-89158-727-6. Havlice, Patricia Pate. World Painting Index. V. l: Bibliography; Paintings by Unknown Art- ists; Painters and Their Works. V.2: Titles of Works and Their Painters. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 2v. $65. LC 76-52407. ISBN 0-8108-1016-6. Hughes, Marija Matich. The Sexual Barrier: Le- A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE INTERNATIONAL Handbook of Universities 7th edition. 1978. 1024 pp, cloth, $59.751SBN : 3 11 007543 1 This established reference work contains the most comprehensive listing of university administrations, faculties and departments outside the USA and the British Common· wealth; it is on indispensible companion to the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook and American Universities and Colleges. Organized country by country the in-depth entries supply extensive notes on school histories, academic structures, admission requirements and international exchange programs, with further guides to fees , nee· essory languages, types of degrees and di · plomos awarded ond statistics on academic staff and student enrollment . An enormous omount of hord·to·find data consolidated into one convenient compendium . de Gruyter In 1950 UNIICO formalized Its commitment to fotterlng communication among educa· tlonal institutioM around the world with the founding of the...._......_. a.odetloll of Unlvenl ..... a unique forum of foc:tt, flouret and focultlet In the contemporary educational world. Today. Its .. , of hand- books ore the authoritative iource for defln· 1t1ve lnformotlon about lntemotional college~. ond unl""ltles. Imitated In form, bu:.:; Xlled In scope or detoll. the IAU provide stu· dents and adminiltraforl olike with a wealth of knowledge *ut whom to contact. how to ...ach them throughout the worfd. TM .. new editions preMnt thorough, accurate. up·to· dote ~ about more tflon 6,000 schools In 152 countriet, virtually ~ .-t·tecot1dary school In the entire world. I WORLD LIST of Universities 13th edition. 1978. 655 pp, cloth, $27.951SBN: 3 11 007542 3 The now standard World Llat includes brief outlines of the academic structures of uni· varsities and other centers of higher educo· tion throughout the world , supplemented by o compilation of the main international and regional organizations concerned with higher ~tducotion and student affairs, including UNESCO commissions and program~. prin· cipol notional ocodemic ·ogencies and bur· eous, the IAU and its eight Associate members . The only concise world-wide directory avail· able covering all universities and other insti· tutes of higher leor.ning , this handy digest of useful facts and addresses has become the respected authority in its field, locating names and addresses in every notion on the globe. WALTER DE GRUYTER, INC. SCHOLARLY AND SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS 3 Westchester Plaza Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 246 I College & Research Libraries • May 1978 gal , Medical, Economic and Social Aspects of Sex Discrimination. Washington, D .C .: Hughes Press, 1977. 843p. $40 prepaid. LC 77-83214. ISBN 0-912560-04-5 . (Available from Hughes Press, 500 23d St., N. W., Box B203, Washing- ton, DC 20037.) Revised and enlarged edition of a bibliography originally published in 1970 with two supple- ments in 1971 and 1972. Includes more than 8,000 entries. International Who's Who in Poetry. 1977-1978 . 5th ed. Ed. by Ernest Kay. Cambridge, Eng. : International Biographical Centre, 1977. 712p. $42.50. LC 59-16302. ISBN 0-900332-42-5. (Available from Rowman and Littlefield, 81 Adams Dr. , Totowa, NJ 07512.) Jackson, Kenneth T., ed. Atlas of American His- tory . Rev. ed. James Truslow Adams, editor- in-chief, original edition. New York: Scribner, 1978. 294p. $40. LC 77-76851. ISBN 0-684- 15052-2. Revision of a work first published in 1943. In- cludes fifty-one new maps. Kister, Kenneth F. Dictionary Buying Guide: A Consumer Guide to General English-Language Wordbooks in Print. New York: Bowker, 1977. 358p. $15 .95. LC 77-15010 . ISBN 0-8352- 1038-3. Krichmar, Albert, assisted by Smith, Virginia Carlson, and Wiederrecht, Ann E. The Wo- men's Movement in the Seventies: An Interna- tional English-Language Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 875p. $30. LC 77-21416. ISBN 0-8108-1063-8. Legum, Colin, ed. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents. 197~77. New York: Africana Publishing Co., 1977. 1v. vari- ous paging. $55. LC 70-7957. ISBN 0-8419- 0158-9. Leif, Irving P. An International Sourcebook of Paper History. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books; Kent, Eng . : Dawson, 1978. 160p. LC 77- 20485 . ISBN 0-208-01691-0 Archon; ISBN 0-7129-0827-7 Dawson. Provides a comprehensive bibliography on the history of handmade paper, from its earliest appearance to the manufacture of paper by machine. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Theses , and Dissertations. New York: Modem Language Association, 1977 . 163p. LC 77- 76954. ISBN 0-87352-000-9. McDonald, David R. Masters' Theses in An- thropology: A Bibliography of Theses from United States Colleges and Universities. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Pr., 1977. 453p . $18. LC 77-007867. ISBN 0-87536-217-6. Mistichelli, Judith, and Roysdon, Christine. Be- yond Technics: Humanistic Interactions with Technology ; A Basic Collection Guide. L[]r:lPUTEA-Bfl~EIJ L~ALULFJT~[]r.-i ~Y~TEr:l~ Library Technology Reports has published an update of its July/Sep- tember, 1975 report on automated circulation control systems. The new report by William Scholz describes and evaluates the following systems: LIBS 100 (CL Systems Inc.) I SCION (Systems Control, Inc.) (UI.JSYS Universal Library Systems, Ltd.) Gaylord's Circulation Control System 3M's Inventory Control System. The 92 page report is contained in the May, 1977 issue of LTR now available to non-subscribers as a single issue for $40. Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Humanities Perspectives on Technology Pro- gram. Bethlehem, Pa.: Lehigh Univ., 1978. 58p. $2. (Available from Humanities Perspec- tives on Technology, Maginnes Hall no.9, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA 18015.) Moghdam , Dineh . Computers in Newspaper Pub- lishing: User-Oriented Systems . Books in Li- brary and Information Science, v.22. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978. 207p. $24.50. LC 77-17887. ISBN 0-8247-6620-2. Provides information on the major types of on- line or real time newspaper equipment on the market or in the prototype stage. The flow of information through the newspaper plant is discussed. National Health Directory, 1978. 2d ed. Wash- ington, D. C. : Science and Health Publications, Inc., 1978. 500p. $22.50 (plus $1.50 postage and handling if not prepaid). Available from Science and Health Publications, Inc., Suite no.511, 1129 20th St. , N.W., Washington, DC 20036.) Negley, Glenn. Utopian Literature: A Bibliogra- phy with a Supplementary Listing ofWorks In- fluential in Utopian Thought. Lawrence, Kans.: Regents Press of Kansas, 1977. 228p. $15. LC 77-8265. ISBN 0-7006-0164-3. Nixon, Richard Milhous. The Nixon Presidential Press Conferences . Introd. by Helen Thomas. New York: Earl M. Coleman Enterprises, Inc., 1978 . 419p. $35 . LC 77-15612. ISBN 0-930576-00-4. Originally appeared as documents in the Public Papers of the President . Three indexes- subject, issue, and public figure-have been added. Norman, Geraldine. Nineteenth-Century Painters and Painting: A Dictionary. Berkeley, Calif. : Univ. of California Pr., 1977. 240p . $38.50. LC 76-24594. ISBN 0-520-03328-0. Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Educa- tion, 38th, Idaho State University, 1976, The Non-traditional Student in Higher Education. Ed. by Larry L. Gilbert and Ronald Lantaff. Corvallis, Ore. : Oregon State Univ. Pr., 1977. 70p. $3. LC 77-25903. ISBN 0-87071-276-4. Discusses problems and concerns of the non- traditional student in higher education . Schwartz, Narda Lacey. Articles on Women Writers : A Bibliography. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio, Inc. , 1977. 236p. $24.95 . LC 77- 9071. ISBN 0-87436-252-0. Covers women writers of all literary forms from the Middle Ages to 1975. Cites works pub- lished between 1960 and 1975 in popular and scholarly periodicals. Seal, Robert A. A Guide to the Literature of As- tronomy. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Recent Publications I 24 7 1977. 306p. $25. LC 77-12907. ISBN 0-87287- 142-8. Smith, Lyn Wall, and Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall. Index to Reproductions of American Paintings Appearing in More Than 400 Books, Mostly Published Since 1960. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1977. 931p . $45 . LC 77-14498. ISBN 0-8108-1084-0. Indexes 400 books on American art not indexed elsewhere. Sources included contain repro- duced works by little-known artists and bio- graphical material. Society for Research into Higher Education . Reg- ister of Research into Higher Education in Western Europe 1974-7 (excluding the U.K.). Guildford, Surrey, Eng.: Society for Research into Higher Education, 1977. 302p. £4 .80 plus 25p postage (SRHE members £3.60) . Tennyson , G. B., and Tennyson, Elizabeth J., comps. An Index to Nineteenth-Century Fic- tion. Volumes 1-30, Summer 1945-March 1976. Berkeley, Calif. : Univ. of California Pr., 1977. 196p.· $10. LC 77-71900. ISBN 0-520- 03334-5. United States. Congress. House . Commission on Information and Facilities. Inventory of Infor- mation Resources and Services Available to the U.S. House of Representatives . Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr., 1977. 1v. various pag- ing. $27.50. LC 77-12581. ISBN 0-8371-9830-5. Reprint of 1976 edition with a new preface. van Leunen, Mary-Claire. A Handbook for Scholars . New York: Knopf, 1978. 354p. $12 .95. LC 77-24436. ISBN 0-394-40904-3 . A "guide to the mechanics of scholarly writing, designed for use by anyone preparing a paper, a thesis, a dissertation, a scholarly book or arti- cle." Wilson, Betty L ., and Wilson , William K. , comps. Directory of Research Grants, 1978 . Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr. , 1977. 293p. $37.50 (plus $1.25 postage and handling). LC 76- 47074. ISBN 0-912700-44-0. Women in Medicine: A Bibliography of the Liter- ature on Women Physicians. Comp. and ed. by Sandra L. Chaff, Ruth Haimbach , Carol Fenichel, and Nina B. Woodside. Metuchen, . N.J. : Scarecrow, 1977 . 1,124p. $35. LC 77- 24914. ISBN 0-8108-1056-5. Annotated bibliography of the published liter- ature about women physicians. International in scope. World Guide to Scientific Associations and Learned Societies. 2d ed. New York: Bowker; Miinchen : Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers, 1978. 510p. $49.50 . LC 74-3676. ISBN 3-7940-1213-5. THE COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO BOOK REVIEWS Current . Book Review Citations The H.W. Wilson Comp~ny 950 University Av_enue Bronx, New York 10452 OneofC&RL's "Selected Reference Books Of JY75-J976" More than 70,000 reviews from over 1 ,200 periodicals Current Book Review Citations provides us~rs with a guide to the latest reviews published in book re- viewing periodicals and subject periodicals. An effective reference and research tool Current Book Review Citations aids professors, re- searchers, authors, and librarians in keeping up with the critical evaluation of books. It is a necessary ref- erence tool in public and university libraries, re- search libraries and special libraries. Book reviews from all disciplines The periodicals indexed in Current Book Review Ci- tations encompass all the major fields of intellectual and scientific pursuits. Fiction, nonfiction, foreign language books, and new editions of older works are included. A wide range of evaluative material Current Book Review Citations is a guide to critical appraisals of monographs by leading academicians in every field of interest. It is an up-to-date means of evaluating the works of leading scholars, and in the future, it will be useful as a retrospective tool to the contemporary evaluation of monographs. Author and title access Two avenues of approach facilitate fast and efficient use of Current Book Review Citations giving the re- searcher a listing of the re.cent reviews of a work. Full bibliographic data and t .he name of the reviewer, if known, is supplied in the Author Index. The Title Index leads .the user to the main entry. Subscription includes l1 monthly issues and an annual cumulation Current Book Review Citations is published monthly except August. An annual subscription, including the eleven monthly issues and the permanent hardbound annual cumulation, is $75 in the U.S. and Canada; $85 in other countries.