College and Research Libraries 330 I College & Research Libraries • July 1978 and indicate that the team orientation is more positively associated with success, productivity, and profitability for the or- ganization. Blake and Mouton also indicate that the manager utilizing the team ap- proach appears to be able to handle all managerial situations with balance, open- ness, and humor. A chapter is devoted to a discussion of each of these management styles with spe- cific analysis of the effect of each style on areas such as boss behavior, conflict resolu- tion, and implications for the health of the manager and for the organization. The New Managerial Grid is largely based on generalized and untested assump- tions. The authors provide no evidence to support their view that organizations will be most effective when all managers manage with exactly the same approach, that all situations offer the same opportunity for success with one managerial approach, and that all people will, in fact, respond in a positive manner to one style of manage- ment. An extensive and detailed summary in one convenient volume ... THE FOUNDATION GRANTS INDEX,1977 Lee Noe, General Editor The Foundation Center The best source of information on foundations which made grants of over $5,000, The Foundation Grants Index, 19 77 offers- • a listing of over 14,000 grants, totalling $770,000,000 • a key-word index, index of recipi- ents, and subject category index • a thorough and e~sy way to save hours of research time 400 pages, $20.00 To order send check or money order to Dept. JN. Individuals must enclose pay- ment. Institutions may request billing. Published by the Foundation Center Distributed by Columbia University Press 136 South Broadway Irvington, New York 10533 In addition, none of the material on health is directly related to research on management styles and specific managers' health problems. Instead, the authors drew on relationships reported in technical studies and clinical descriptions and then fit the various reports into one or another grid style. Despite the warning that their in- terpretations are tentative, the material is not presented in a tentative manner but in a matter-of-fact tone. In their analysis of the childhood origins of managerial styles, the authors again do not draw on specific re- search that has been conducted in this area but rely on existing child psychology mate- rials to support their theories. Even though this book contains some in- teresting information on management, the authors' support of a singular managerial style to achieve effective management and the lack of empirical evidence to support their theories weaken the value of this book to library managers.-Sheila Greth, Univer- sity of Connecticut, Storrs. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Syracuse University Libraries Technical Procedures Manual. By Nancy Putnam and others. Syracuse Univ., N.Y. Univ. Libraries, N.Y. 1977. 278p. ED 146 917. MF-$0.83; HC-$15.39. Technical procedures of Syracuse University Libraries are described in this manual, which is divided in two parts: (1) description of the gen- eral organization of Syracuse University Libraries collections and the various ways to obtain access to them and (2) detailed technical procedures to be followed when adding or removing material from the collections. Topics considered in the first part include administrative organization and department descriptions, and access to the collec- tions through four basic tools-card catalogs, kar- dexes, periodical printouts, and the automated system, SULIRS. Part two, describing the tech- nical procedures, provides information on collec- tion acquisition, including pre-order searching and bibliographic tools, ordering, collection main- tenance, circulation, and inventory. The manual will be revised as necessary. A glossary and com- plete subject index to both parts are included. Vermont Interlibrary Loan Policies Direc- tory. Vermont Library Association, Bur- lington, 1977. 58p. ED 146 934. MF- $0.83; HC-$3.50. This directory is designed primarily as a practi- cal reference tool to disseminate the interlibrary loan (ILL) policies of college and special librarie~ in Vermont. Directory information was based on a questionnaire that was sent to eighty-six college and special libraries. Replies were received from forty-nine of these institutions, and these indi- vidual policy statements were used in the compi- lation of this directory. Information recorded on the policy form includes: name and address of the library, telephone number, name of ILL person- nel, form of ILL request accepted, types of mate- rial available for loan, charge for photocopy ser- vice, and microform capabilities. A Study of the Administra~ion, Utilization and Collection Development Policies of Government Document Collections in Community College Libraries Which Have Been Designated as Depositories. By Shirley Edsall. Council on Library Re- sources, Washington. 1977. 52p. ED 146 954. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. Results of a survey of fifty-one community col- lege depository libraries are reported. The objec- tives of the study were to (1) collect basic data on depositories in community college libraries; (2) ascertain the "state of the art" in this type of depository, with reference to administration, col- lection development, and utilization of these ma- terials; (3) determine whether definite patterns have evolved that are characteristic of community colleges in these functions; (4) attempt to account for the differences that exist among colleges; and (5) collect information that would be useful for community college depositories for self-study Recent Publications I 331 purposes. Recommendations include encouraging more community colleges to become depository libraries. It is also suggested that a program be implemented by the Government Printing Office to promote more communication and greater cooperation among neighboring depositories, with the regional depository taking a more active role in promoting this communication. ARL Annual Salary Survey. 1976-1977. Comp. by Suzanne Frankie. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. 1977. 35p. ED 148 348. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. This survey reports full-time salaries (exclusive of fringe benefits) of the 5, 714 professional staff members in ninety of ARL' s ninety-four academic libraries. Information is provided on salaries by position; sex; minority group membership; and the geographical location, size, and type of in- stitution . There are tables for median and begin- ning professional salaries in ARL (Association of Research Libraries) libraries listing the institu- tions both alphabetically and in rank order by median salary, and a table of personnel distribu- tion by salary level. Explanatory footnotes to the reported figures are provided when necessary. Summary of the Cost and Funding Studies Being Conducted for the Development and Implementation of a Western In- terstate Bibliographic Network. Western Interstate Library Coordinating Organiza- tion, Boulder, Colo. 1976. 19p. ED 148 356. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. The four primary goals of these cost-and- funding studies are described: (1) to determine representative costs of present library services without network support, (2) to estimate future costs of library services at various levels of pro- posed network support, (3) to evaluate and com- pare the impact of a network upon costs of library services, and (4) to examine and recommend equitable programs of financial support for an in- terstate bibliographic network in the West. Data collection procedures, activity sheets, and interli- brary loan transaction logs for both borrowers and lenders are explained. For a related document, including the questionnaire employed, see ED 148 388. Survey of Costs in Technical Processing and Interlibrary Loan. Summary. By Maryann Kevin Brown and Anita L. McHugh. Western Interstate Library Coordinating Organization, Boulder, Colo. 1976. 181p. ED 148 358. MF- $0.83; HC-$10.03. This report, a part of the cost-and-funding - - 1 I 332 I College & Research Libraries • july 1978 studies supportive of the development and im- plementation of western interstate bibliographic network capabilities, summarizes the results of cost data collected in seventy-six western libraries-public, academic, and state. The focus of these studies was upon technical seryices and interlibrary loan. Analysis included results of a cost survey, a survey of interlibrary loan traffic, twelve in-depth case studies, and an examination of three western bibliographic -centers. Based upon a stratified sample of 100 libraries, these studies document present cost incurred for cataloging, acquisitions, serials processing, and interlibrary loan across a wide range of libraries. A related publications list, sample characteristics, libraries included in the surveys, activities sheets and task definitions, and a glossary of terms are appended. For survey tables, results of case studies, and guide to computer programs de- veloped for the survey, see related documents, ED 148 357 and ED 148 359. Librarian's Handbook for Costing Network Services. Western Interstate Library Coordinating Organization, Boulder, Colo. 1976. 35p. ED 148 360. MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. This handbook, using an input-process-output model, provides library managers with a method to evaluate network service offerings and decide which would be cost-beneficial to procure. The scope of services addressed encompasses those network services based on an automated biblio- graphic data base intended primarily for catalog- ing support. Sections cover (1) cost-benefit ques- tions; (2) identifying objectives, constraints, and alternatives; (3) comparing alternatives; (4) intro- ducing network services into the library; and (5) evaluating the decision. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Best Buys in Print. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian Pr., 1978- . no.1- . $25/yr. Issued quarterly. "Complements Books in Print providing author, title and series access to quality books at discount prices." Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis. Miinchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 1977- . v.1, no.1- Aim is to publish research results in library science that are of value to academic and re- MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures -e < .... , ,. :< 19"'' ~~-l - -- ~ -- - -;:::: ;:::: ;:::: ;:: ;:: :,.. :,.. :,.. :::; ...:. ...-. ::;: BlBLIOC;R.\I'liY I··~\ 19:4 ~I..\ :-.!!. .~ "" ~ - ..... ;:: ;:::: .. ;::: ;;: --- ;.... --: !'J ;~ \fl .. \ - - -:::: ;:::; --: Published annually within one year of coverage, the MLA International Bibliography is the most comprehen- sive, up-to-date, and widely used reference tool for literature, lan- guage, and linguistics. With over 40,000 entries from more than 3,000 journals, series, and books, it is organized for easy use with a cross- reference system and author indexes. For details, please write: Publications Center, Dept. 2, Modern Language Association 62 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011 search libraries as well as for public libraries. Books in Series Supplement. N.Y. : Bowker, 1978. l,OOOp. $34.50. LC 76-41665. ISBN 0-8352- 1031-6. A supplement of Books in Series in the United States 1966-1975. Burkett, J.; Ritchie, S.; and Standley, A. Library Practice: A Manual & Textbook. Cambridge- shire, Eng.: ELM Publications, 1977. 293p. .£t90. Buttenvorths Medical Dictionary. 2d ed. Mac- donald Critchley, editor-in-chief. London; Bos- ton: Butterworths, 1978. 1,942p. $79.95. LC 77-30154. ISBN 0-407-00061-5. (Available from Butterworths, 19 Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801.) Canadian Business Periodicals Index. Toronto, Canada: Information Access, 1975-- . 12 is- sues plus annual cumulation $175 U.S. and Foreign; $350 Canada; annual cumulation $125 U.S. and Foreign; $250 Canada. Issued monthly with annual cumulation. Pro- vides access to over 150 Canadian trade and business publications. The Canadian Newspaper Index . Toronto, Canada: Information Access, 1977- . 12 is" sues plus annual cumulation $175 U.S. and Foreign; $325 Canada; 12 issues only $100. U.S. and Foreign; $195 Canada; Annual cumu- lation only $100 U . S. and Foreign; $150 Canada. Provides access to five major Canadian daily newspapers. The Classical World Bibliography of Roman Drama and Poetry and Ancient Fiction . With a new introduction by Walter Donlan. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, v.97. N.Y.: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1978. 387p. $31. LC 76-52516. ISBN 0-8240-9876-5. Contains reprints of bibliographical surveys originally published in the periodical, The Classical World. The Classical World Bibliography of Vergil. With a new introduction by Walter Donlan. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, v .96. N.Y.: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1978. 176p. $26. LC 76-52514. ISBN 0-8240-9877-3. Contains reprints of bibliographical surveys originally published in the periodical, The Classical World. Conolly, L. W., and Wearing, J. P. English Drama and Theatre, 1800-1900: A Guide to In- formation Sources. American Literature, Eng- lish Literature, and World Literatures in Eng- lish Information Guide Series, v .12. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 508p. $18. LC 73-16975. ISBN 0-8103-1225-5. Conrad, James H. An Annotated Bibliography of the History of Old Age in America. Denton, Texas: Center for Studies in Aging Resources, Recent Publications I 333 1978. 31p. $1.50 plus 20~ handling and post- age . (Available from Center for Aging Re- sources, P.O. Box 13438, NT Station, North Texas State Univ., Denton, TX 76203.) Contemporary Authors. Cumulative Index, Vol- umes 1-72. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 153p. Free. Includes references to entries in Contemporary Authors Permanent Series, v.1-2; Contempor- ary Literary Criticism, v.1-7; Something about the Author, v.l-12 . Conversations with Writers II. Conversations, v.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 316p. $18. LC 77- 27992. ISBN 0-8103-0945-9. Day, Alan Edwin. Archaeology: A Reference Handbook. London : Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1978. 319p . . $15. LC 77-21938. ISBN 0-85157-242-1 Bingley; ISBN 0-208-01672-4 Linnet. Directory of Computer Based Services. Washing- ton, D.C.: Telenet Communications Corp., 1978. 69p. $2. (Available from Publications Department, Telenet Communications Corp ., 1050 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.) Dunn, Richard J., ed. The English Novel: Twen- tieth Century Criticism. Volume I. Chicago: Swallow Pr., 1976. 202p. $20. LC 76-17741. ISBN 0-8040-0742-X. Elrod, J. McRee. Choice of Main and Added En- tries. 2d ed. Modem Library Practices Series, no.4. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1978. 82p. $3.50. LC 77-16788. ISBN 0-8108-1095-6. Elrod, J. McRee. Choice of Subject Headings . 2d ed. Modem Library Practices Series, no.5. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1978. 49p. $3.50. LC 77-13479. ISBN 0-8108-1087-5. Elrod, J. McRee. Classification. 2d ed. Modem Library Practices Series, no.3. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1978. 79p. $3.50. LC 77-17282. ISBN 0-8108-1094-8. Elrod, J. McRee. Construction and Adaptation of the Unit Card. 2d ed. Modem Library Prac- tices Series, no.l. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1978. 72p. $3.50. LC 77-17087. ISBN 0-8108- 1090-5. Elrod, J. McRee. Filing in the Public Catalog and Shelf List. 2d ed. Modem Library Prac- tices Series, no.2. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1978. 8lp. $10. (Includes deck of 165 practice filing cards.) LC 77-13507. ISBN 0-8108-1086- 7. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology . A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sci- ences, Magic, Demonology, Superstitions, Spiritism, Mysticism, Metaphysics, Psychical Science, and Parapsychology, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes and Comprehensive Indexes. Ed. by Leslie Shepard. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 2v. $48/set. LC 77-92. ISBN 0-8103- 0185-7. "Compiled from Encyclopedia of the Occult, by 334 I College & Researeh Libraries • July 1978 Lewis Spence, London, 1920, and Encyclope- dia of Psychic Science by Nandor Fodor, Lon- don, 1934, with additional material edited by Leslie Shepard." Gilder, Eric, and Port, June G. The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music : Every Lis- tener's Companion. N.Y. : Paddington Press Ltd. , 1978. 406p. $12.95 . LC 77-15998. ISBN 0-448-22364-3 . Grant, Mildred Bricker, comp. Indexes to "The Competitor ." Westport, Conn .: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 86p. $18.95. LC 77-15303. ISBN 0-313-20032-7 0 Indexes the three volumes of The Competitor magazine. Harris, Ernest E. Music Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Education Information Guide Series, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 566p. $18. LC 74-11560. ISBN 0-8103-1309-X. Horton, John J . Yugoslavia . World Biblio- graphical Series. Oxford: Clio Pr., 1977. 194p. $25.25. ISBN 0-903450-09-7 . (Also available from American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, Riviera Campus, 2040 A.P.S., Box 4397, Santa Barbara, CA 93103.) Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings. Philadelphia; Institute for Scientific Informa- tion, 1978- . no.1- . $500/yr. Monthly publication that serves as an index to the conference literature of the natural and physical sciences . Information Industry Association. Information Sources: The Membership Directory. 1978-79. Bethesda, Md.: Information Industry Associa- tion, 1978. 245p. $10. Kim, Ung Chon. Policies of Publishers: A Hand- book for Order Librarians. 1978 ed. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1978. 146p. $8.50. LC 77-25063. ISBN 0-8108-1098..0. King Research, Inc. Library Photocopying in the United States: With Implications for the De- velopment of a Copyright Royalty Payment Mechanism. Washington, D.C.: National Commission on Libraries and Information Sci- ence, 1977. 251p. $4.50. LC 77-91033. (Available from National Commission on Li- braries and Information Science, Suite 601, 1717 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, or Superintendent of Documents, U.S . Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) Kurtzman, Denise B. , comp. Community Col- lege, Library, General Education, and ... : An Annotated Bibliography of the Publications of B. Lamar johnson, 1932-1974. UCLA Community College Leadership Program Occa- sional Report, no.21. Los Angeles, Calif.: Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education, 1976. 45p. Larson, Keith A., comp. Public Relations, the Edward L. Bernayses and the American Scene: A Bibliography. Useful Reference Series, no.114. Westwood, Mass: Faxon, 1978. 774p. $25. LC 77-79472. ISBN 0-87305-118-1. Contains 4,079 items listing.. writings by and about Mr. and Mrs. Bernays in books and pe- riodicals. Lathem, Edward Connery, ed. Thirteen Colonial Americana: A Selection of Publications Issued in the British Provinces of North America dur- ing the Final HalfCentury of the Colonial Era. Washington, D .C .: Association of Research Li- braries, 1977. 1v. $7.50. (Available from: Univ. Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) LaTrobe University Library in 1977: Administra- tive Structure and Staffing of a Medium Size Academic Library . Ed. and introduced by D. H. Borchardt. Publications on Library Ad- ministration and Technology, no.l. Bundoora, Vic., Australia: LaTrobe Univ. Library, 1978. •, 14p. ISBN 0-85816-185..0. Leonard, Lawrence E. Inter-Indexer Consistency , Studies, 1954-1975: A Review of the Literature and Summary of the Study Results. Univ. of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Occasional Papers, no.131. Cham- paign, Ill. : Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1977. 51p. $2. Library PR News. Bloomfield, N.J. : Library PR News, 1978- . v.1, no.1&2- . $15/yr. (Available from Library PR news, P .O. Box 687, Bloomfield, NJ 07003.) Bimonthly newsletter "offers practical, how- to-do-it articles on all phases of library promo- tion, graphic arts, exhibits and displays." Library Trustee Newsletter: Serving the Spe- cialized Information Needs of the Public Li- brary Trustee. Glen Ridge, N.J.: Library Trus- tee Newsletter, 1978- . v.1, no.1&2- $24. 95/yr.; introductory discount of $19/yr. (Available from Library Trustee Newsletter, P.O. Box 110, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028.) Published bimonthly. McKirahan, Richard D. Plato and Socrates: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1958-1973. Gar- land Reference Library of the Humanities, v. 78. N.Y. : Garland Publishing, Inc., · 1978. 592p. $26. LC 76-52670. ISBN 0-8240-9895-1. Newsom, Barbara Y., and Silver, Adele Z., eds. The Art Museum as Educator: A Collection of Studies as Guides to Practice and Policy. Council on Museums and Education in the Visual Arts. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of Calif. Pr . , 1978. 830p. $14.95/paperback; $30/ clothbound. LC 76-14301. ISBN 0-520-03248-9 clothbound. Nutrition Planning: An International journal of Abstracts about Food and Nutrition Policy, Planning and Programs. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Nutrition Planning Information Service, Baker & 'Jaylor can help you deal with over 140 University Presses ... easily. & Taylor can help you change confusion to confidence plify university press acquisitions. For example, Press program completely relieves you of publication dates and paperwork result- ute price changes. titles are published annually by over 140 and we can supply all of them through approval programs and standing order plans- ethod best suits your library needs. & Taylor university press buyer, working in with our professional librarians, is in constant with these publishers to keep current about new titles, monitor overall publisher activities. Result? We te your orders and purchase most titles for inventor,Y vance of publication_ And, we let you know what s "University Press Preview", a new feature in llwns--Oilf monthly bibliographic journal for academic tJes:-r•ro•vJaes you with thumbnail descriptions of new ing titles. Look for it every quarter. We've prepared a new brochure describing our complete university press services. Mail the coupon for your copy, or contact the Distribution Center nearest you . r---------------------------------------, Mail coupon to your nearest Distribution Center CRL-7178H Please send information about the following: 0 University Press Service 0 Academic Library Services Name------------------------------------------- Libraryc__ _________________ Tille _________________ _ Address•---------------------------------------- Cil:l'----------------------Siale-------- ZiP'------ Jt~t~~rax!?r ----------------------------------------~ Southwell Realon•l Office Midwest Division Southe•sl Division E•stern Division umwJ~~f' Rd .. Suile 110. Dallas. TX 75230 ~~~1i~j~.~4':4· Momence . IL 60954 ~{3~s~~A 30529 ~~;7~~-~· Somerville . NJ 08876 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ - ~ -- 336 I College & Research Libraries • july 1978 1978- . v.1, ·no.1- . v.1, 1978/$22.50; v.2, 1979/$45. (Available from Nutrition Plan- ning, P.O. Box 8080, Ann Arbor, MI 48107.) In 1978 the journal will be published three times. Beginning in 1979, it will be issued quarterly. Peterson's Guides, Inc. Annual Guides to ·Gradu- ate and Undergraduate Study . 1978 ed. Prince- ton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, 1977. 6v. $75/set. LC 68-1823. ISBN 0-87866-077-1. Includes Peterson's Annual Guide · to Under- graduate Study and Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Books 1-5. Publishing History: The Social, Economic and Literary History of Book, Newspaper and Magazine Publishing. Cambridge : Chadwyck- Healey; Teaneck, N.J . : Somerset House, 1977- . no.1- . £10/$20 yr. Two issues a year. Will cover such topics as the relationship between author and publisher, the influence of the publisher on literary trends, economic and business history of the trade, and how the trade was organized and how it worked. Reich, Anne Birgitte, and Regner, Filip. Bib- lioteksl,sningen ved K,benhavns Universitets midlertidige udbygning pa Amager. Studier fra Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 29 . Copenhagen : MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer Is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You corraspond direct; any title needs, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by letter or phone. This makes your job easier a'ld keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. With over 45 years experl&nce, McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and International titles. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed In our new brochure. Write today for your free copy. OUR 45th YEAR Mount Morris, Illinois 81054 The Royal School of Librarianship, 1978. 118p. Describes the planning and designing of a new library building in connection with the Univ. of Copenhagen on the island of Amager. Also provides outline of new organizational plans and schemes for Danish research libraries. Rulers and Governments of the World. Volume 3, 1930 to 1975. Comp. by Bertold Spuler, C. G. Allen, and Neil Saunders. N.Y. : Bowker, 1977. 688p. $45. LC 77-72339. ISBN 0-85935- 056-8. Schlachter, Gail Ann. Directory of Financial Aids for Women. Los Angeles, Calif.: Reference Service Pr. , 1978. 200p. $15.95. LC 77-78149. ISBN 0-918276-02-2. Slavens; Thomas P., ed. Informationallnteroiews and Questions. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1978. 154p. $7. LC 77-18502. ISBN 0-8108- 1102-2. Primarily intended to assist library science stu- dents in learning to use general reference ma- terials. Stanley, William T. Broadway in the West End: An Index of Reviews of American Theatre in London, 1950-1975. Westport, Conn: Green- wood Pr., 1978. 206p. $25. LC 77-89108. ISBN 0-8371-9852-6. Westergaard, John; Weyman, Anne; and Wiles, Paul. Modem British Society: A Bibliography. N.Y.: St. Martin's Pr., 1977. 199p. $16.95. LC 76-51508. ISBN 0-312-53775-1. World Guide to Universities. Part II . 2d ed. Ed. by Michael Zils. N.Y. : Bowker; Miinchen: Ver- lag Dokumentation, 1977. 2v. $95/set. ISBN 3-7940-1145-7. Provides information on universities in America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. World Meetings: Medicine. Chestnut Hill, Mass: World Meetings Information Center, Inc., 1978- . v.l, oo.1- . $60/yr. U.S. and Canada; $62/yr. elsewhere. (Available from World Meetings Information Center, Inc., 824 Boylston St., Chestnut Hill, MA 02167.) Published quarterly. Provides advance informa- tion on meetings scheduled for the two-year period starting with the date of each quarterly issue. The World of Learning, 1977-78. 28th ed. Lon- don: Europa Publications Limited, 1977. 2v. $73.50. LC 47-30172. ISBN 0-905118-13-8. (Distributed by Gale.) CORRECfiON The name of Keith M. Cottam was misspelled in reference · 1 on page 122 of the March 1978 issue of this journal. The reference should cor- rectly read: Keith M. Cottam, "Student Em- ployees in Academic Libraries," College & Re- search Libraries 31:246--48 (July 1970).