College and Research Libraries 516 I College & Research Libraries • November 1978 lence: "In the discussion which followed, the audience appeared reluctant to take up the big issues which the speaker had raised, nor did they attempt to rival him in prophecy about future developments." Also, it is unfortunate that three articles of a general nature (p.323-44) were in- cluded in section VI rather than in section II (under "Principles and Techniques"). After the substantial four articles that pre- cede them, it is a decided letdown to switch abruptly back to generalities. Considering that one assumes that the original text was both edited and read through by an indexer and likewise with the reprinted text, it was surprising to come across fourteen typographical errors and two author errors. Eight of the typographical er- rors, unfortunately, occur in illustrations, where they cause more confusion than they would within the text. Of course, there is an index! Using the "Criteria Used as Guidelines by the Wheat- ley Medal Selection Committee" (p.29) and checking the first three pages of the index against the text, as well as spot-checking the text against the index, this reader was sur- prised to discover that three of the fifteen criteria were not met: 2. The index must be accurate (ten page reference errors were found in the first three pages); 3. Sig- nificant items in the text must appear in the index (Boolean logic, 384, and INIS, 386, were omitted, as was the additional refer- ence 329 for Ranganathan); 8. The terms must be chosen consistently (the CRG entry on p.418 is inconsistent with the treatment of the SMRE entry and should have been a one-line cross reference-which would have eliminated the two-line entry entirely, since referral would have been made to Classifica- tion Research Group, where the 306, 308 variation of the correct 306-308 page refer- ence already was entered under the appro- priate subheading). Other index errors were discovered. A cross-referenc~ from Cathedrals (p.l9) to Churches seems warranted. The second subheading under Chapter headings should read "sub-divisions as substitute for index entries" instead of "sub-divisions as useful index entries." The subheading "cumulative index, usefulness, 372" under Indexer, The, was not warranted, since it leads to this bit of non-information: "But consider the value of a ten-year cumulative index to the Li- brary Association Record or The Indexer." Finally, it was most annoying to find no subheading "criteria, 2~29" under both In- dex(es) and Indexing when "criteria, need for" was added to each. The criteria cited above were found only through reference to the Wheatley Medal entry where "criteria" is a subheading. Despite the deficiencies noted above, it seems clear that this very handsomely pro- duced and durably bound volume belongs in library school collections and all other collections attempting comprehensive coverage of library science and publishing materials. Its balanced and representative selection of the more important articles on indexing deserves the widest possible audi- ence. In addition to its being of use to in- dexers and would-be indexers, it is to be hoped that many non-indexers (including publishers!), after being exposed to its con- tents, will appreciate the importance-the necessity, even-of good indexes to make information more accessible.-Eldon W. Tamblyn, Portland State University, Port- land, Oregon. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Analyzing Reference Desk Statistics: A Case Study. By Stuart J. Glogoff. Pennsylvania State Univ. 1978. 22p. ED 150 979. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Reference statistics were collected and analyzed for a three-year period from fall 1974 to spring 1977 at the Pennsylvania State University main undergraduate library. Reference questions were classified and recorded in three categories: (1) search, (2) ready reference, and (3) directional. Hour of question, interlibrary loan, book, and telephone requests were also recorded . During the three-year period an instructional program for students was conducted consisting of a workbook, self-instructional units, and class instruction. There was an increase in the total number of questions asked from fall 1976 to spring 1977. Following introduction of the workbook, the number of directional and search questions in- creased, while ready reference questions de- creased. Peak reference desk use periods were between 10 a.m. and 3 p .m. Appended are the statistics sheet, frequency polygons depicting type and number of questions asked and distribu- tion of questions asked by category and semester, a histogram showing the number of questions asked per semester, and chart listing percentages of questions. The Development of Course Related Library and Literature Use Instruction in Under- graduate Science Programs. Vol. I By Thomas Kirk. Richmond Ind.: Earlham Coil., 1977. 120p. ED 152 230. MF- $0.83; HC-Not available from EDRS. This project was funded by the National Sci- ence Foundation to help institutions of higher education develop course-related library instruc- tion programs for students in undergraduate sci- ence programs. The first volume of the annual report for 1976-77 describes the project, which involved bringing together teams of librarians and teaching faculty from selected institutions who attended and subsequently evaluated two workshop/conferences ·on library instruction. It includes a summary of the project proposal; de- scriptions of participant selection, project director activity, the October 1976 workshop, and interim period activity ; and the May 1977 outline of second-year plans. Announcements , a program list of materials , and the first section of the Oc- tober 1976 workshop transcript are included in appendixes one through four . Volume two (ED 152 231) continues with ap- pendix four of the first volume . The third volume (ED 152 232) of the annual report for 1976-77 also continues with appendix four and includes appendixes five through nine. The fourth volume (ED 152 233) contains appendixes ten through twelve. Investigation of the Use of the External Col- lection, T. L. Robertson Library. By John Greenwood and Peter Maskell. Perth : Western Australian Inst. of Tech., 1975. Recent Publications I 517 19p. ED 152 266. MF-$0 . 83; HC- $1.67. A study conducted at the Western Australian Institute of Technology (W.A.I. T.) investigated the declining use of an external library collection consisting of 12,000 volumes and 1, 600 photo- copies of articles from journals and monographs. The problem was approached along several av- enues: (1) a survey was made of study guides to ascertain what emphasis was placed on the library collection and how much use students were sup- posed to make of it; (2) interviews were held with staff members; (3) 1974 and 1975 usage statistics were analyzed and compared to establish usage and borrowing patterns in different subject areas and reveal any variations that could account for changes in loan figures; and (4) questionnaires were sent to all external students eligible to use the library. Findings indicate that most students relied only on the reading material suggested by their lecturers; external students did not have enough exposure to the mechanics of information selec- tion and retrieval; 64 percent of the students who responded to the questionnaire had access to ma- terials at other libraries; and, while the number of students eligible to use the library collection had increased by 49 percent, the number of reg- istered borrowers had increased by only 25 per- cent. Media Selection Policy. Media Retrieval Services-Pierce Library Learning Re- sources. Menomonie: Media Retrieval Services , ·Wisconsin Univ.-Stout. 1978. 46p. ED 152 298. MF-$0.83; HC- $2.06. This selection policy statement for media mate- rials incorporates guidelines contributed by academic departments in the University of Wisconsin-Stout, as well as by professional staff of the media retrieval services at Pierce Library. The overall special mission of the university and the special missions of learning resources and media retrieval services are outlined. Objectives, policies , and procedures for the selection process are presented, including the philosophy, ground rules for selection , preview policy for materials , collection review, periodicals , newspapers , films , other media, integrated shelving of re sources , gifts, standing order monographs , pamphlets , re- prints , theses and dissertations, paperbacks , the special collection, selection responsibilities , and annual review of the media selection policy . Four selection guides are defined-graduate level, instructional or teaching level , basic level , and minimum level. A level is assigned to each de- partment subject area. Guidelines for selecting r--------------- ---·- - - ------- 518 I College & Research Libraries • November 1978 government documents and for collection review are attached. Collection Development Analysis Using OCLC Archival Tapes. Final Report. By Glyn T. Evans and others. Albany: Univ. Libraries, State Univ. of New York, Al- bany. 1977. 69p. ED 152 299. MF- $0.83; HC-Not available from EDRS. The purpose of this project is to develop a set of computer programs to perform a variety of col- lection development analyses on the machine- readable cataloging (MARC) records that are pro- duced as a by-product of use of the on-line cataloging subsystem of the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) and made available through the OCLC Distribution Tape Service . To test the programs, a tape of 32,138 OCLC/MARC records representing the combined on-line cataloging of four academic institutions over a twelve-week pe- riod beginning January 10, 1977, are analyzed. The results are evaluated by the project advisory group composed of representatives from the four institutions, and the programs are evaluated by a program design consultant. The project demon- strates that valuable and important management information about a library collection develop- ment program can be derived from OCLC/MARC records. Personnel Evaluation: A Bibliography of Ar- ticles, Audiovisual Materials and Books Prepared for Use at the 2nd Library Per- sonnel Evaluation Institute, Normal, IUi- nois, March/April 1978. By Richard E. Wallace. 1978. 79p. ED 152 306. MF- $0.83; HC-$4.67. This bibliography is meant to provide coverage of all aspects of management related to personnel evaluation, including affirmative action, manage- ment by objectives, communication, interpersonal relationships, interviewing, and organizational environment. Most items were published be- tween 1967 and 1977 and are listed in two sec- tions : (1) audiovisual materials-cassettes, films, video cartridges, videotapes, audiocassettes, film- strips, and transparencies; and (2) printed mate- rials. All materials are arranged alphabetically by title, and a subject index is included. The Duplicate-Replacement System: An Al- ternative Method of Handling Book Du- plicates. By Russell T. Clement. Brigham Young Univ., Utah. 1977. 26p. ED 152 308. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. This report studied the alternative method of using book duplicates as replacement copies for worn or missing stack items. The simple opera- American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers ANNOUNCING .... F-Ilii\ L!l!>!li The Appraisal of Real Estate- SEVENTH EDITION Prepared by the A/REA Textbook Committee The seventh edition of The Appraisal of Real Estate is the product of more than 40 years of experience. Readers who are familiar with earlier editions will note the many additions and helpful clarifications of traditional sub- jects. The neighborhood analysis chapter has been extensively revised and the income approach to value chapters are expanded and reorganized. An appendix on "math for appraisers," added at the request of teachers and students, should also prove to be an excellent reference for established appraisers. 688 Pages 0-88410-594-6 Cloth-$18.00 APPRAISING THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE George F. Bloom, MAl, and HenryS. Harrison, MAl A comprehensive introduction to the theory and techniques of real estate appraising as applied to the single family home ... essential reading for any- one involved in the residential market .... 510 Pages 0-88410-586-5 Cloth-$17.50 TENNIS CLUBS AND RACQUET SPORT PROJECTS A Guide to Appraisal, Market Analysis, Development, and Financing Arthur E. Gimmy, MAl A timely survey of tennis club facilities from the standpoint of feasibility and investment potential. The monograph pulls together meaningful data use- ful to an appraiser, manager, developer or financier involved in tennis club development and operation. 100 Pages 0-88410-5 93-8 Cloth-$15 .00 THE VALUATION OF HOTELS AND MOTELS Stephen Rushmore, MAl A new authoritative presentation of the procedures for estimating the value of hotel and motel proper- ties, with emphasis on market studies. Procedures illustrated with complete case study. 120 Pages 0-8841 0-592-X Cloth-$18.00 I!J!!nger 17 Ount~er StrHI . Harv•rd SQuare. Cambn • . MA 02138 ·tional procedure that is proposed and evaluated could be adapted to virtually any library setting. When tested in Brigham Young University's Lee Library, it was found that such a procedure cost an estimated $110 and saved more than $4 ,000 for the replacement of 1,000 books . Planning Space for the Government Docu- ments Collection in Research Libraries. By Catherine J. Reynolds. Washington, D. C.: Council on Library Resources, 1977. 63p . ED 152 310. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. This report summarizes views of government documents librarians interviewed during visits to seventeen large research libraries throughout the United States in 1977. Information was gathered to alert the prospective planner of new or re- modeled libraries to the special characteristics and problems of government documents collec- tions and some alternative ways of handling them. The report focuses on the location, spatial arrangements , and facilities of the separate documents division within a research library, par- ticularly as its needs may differ from those of other library operations. Some of the specific top- ics covered include space for processing, recep- tion and reference areas, user amenities , staff work space , records to be maintained, storage and stack areas, and the need for separate mi- croform facilities . The most crucial needs for a separate documents collection identified during the study were an easy-to-find location; a concen- tration of staff resources; compact reference and user facilities; microform facilities and storage within the documents area; large stack areas near public and work areas ; and facilities and amenities equal to those in other public areas of the library. A Preliminary Analysis of Some Factors Af- fecting Administration in 352 Academic Libraries during the Period of 1971-1975. By Anne Marie Allison. Chicago: Library Administration Div., American Library Association, 1977. 39p. ED 152 311. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. Three thousand questionnaires w~re distrib- uted by the Committee on Comparative Library Organization to identify and quantify some of the factors affecting the governance of academic li- braries and to measure organizational changes within the libraries between 1971 and 1975. The questionnaire was specifically designed to meas- ure the changes in decision-making bodies above and below the chief academic librarian, faculty status ; unionization, and tenure. Of the approxi- mately 1,000 questionnaires returned, 352 in the Recent Publications I 519 Now Available! The most current, comprehensive data on U.S. health care The 1978 editions of Profile of Medi- cal Practice and Socioeconomic Issues of Health have just been pub- lished by the American Medical As- sociation's Center for Health Services Research and Development. Both edi- tions have been expanded to include studies by prominent outside health researchers, as well as original articles on key health issues by the Center's staff. Profile of Medical Practice- focuses on such characteristics of medical practice as physicians' work patterns, expenses, income, and fees. Socioeconomic Issues of Health -features the latest data on the U.S. health system, such as health charac- teristics, expenditures, financing. r----~------------------~ Order Dept. ~ American Medical Association ~ P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 CAL __ Profile of Medical Practice, OP-52, $5.00. __ Socioeconomic Issues of Health, OP-51, $5.00. __ Set, OP-51 & OP-52, $8.50. Enclosed is my check (payable to the AMA) for$ ____ _ Name----------- Address _________ _ City ---------- State/Zip --------- L•••••••••••••••••••••••-1 520 I College & Research Libraries • November 1978 Heritage on Microfil111 Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 3Smm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. Above ... just one of GENE~L MICROFilM COMP~Y ZZJ Wfl3's to Store Magazines - in the Highsmith CGtGJoe Highsmith offers you an expanded selection of protective and well· organized homes for magazines, pamphlets, photos, reports . Scores of colors and styles in a wide range of sizes, all guar· anteed to last indefinitely. They're. in the new High· smith Library/ AV catalog. Write today for your copy. Highsmith P.O. Box 25, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 category "four year institutions with graduate programs," but not members of the Association of Research Libraries , were selected for analysis. Listings, tabulations, and analysis of the ques- tionnaire data were made using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Computer Program. Major findings include: (1) professional staff of 52 percent of the libraries were organized as a library faculty or in a similar manner; (2) li- brarians had tenure at 54 percent of the respond- ing libraries; (3) 15. 1 percent of the respondents indicated their library staffs were unionized; and (4) 4.5 percent acknowledged a change in the re- porting line above the chief librarian, although only 1. 2 percent reported a change in the final supervisory body or office to which the librarian reported. The questionnaire and tabular data for selected items are appended. Introducing the College Student to Academic Inquiry: An Individualized Course in Library Research Skills. By Mark E. Blum and Stephen Spangehl. 1977. 35p. ED 152 315. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. This paper discusses a course designed to equip students to use library resources while conducting academic research. By employing the methods of individualized instruction, a minimal teaching staff can direct the learning of large groups of students. Identifiable competencies are developed and can be assessed in: (1) the critical thinking which supports research, (2) research methods used to acquire knowledge, and (3) the methods of accessing and utilizing library collec- tions in conducting research. The format of the course includes each week one lecture session and one library practicum. The lecture is both in- formational and motivational; it provides the stu- dent with an overview of (1) the research proce- dure to be used that week in the library, (2) the library resource to be accessed and utilized, and (3) selected critical thinking skill exercises which will support the research procedure and use of the library resource (e .g., making classifications, producing analogies, paraphrasing, summarizing). The practicum, which is designed to allow the student to pursue self-paced learning, begins with modeling by the instructor of the research proce- dure and use of the library resource. Students are then guided by a carefully structured worksheet. An outline of the lecture and practicum compo- nents and examples of the worksheets are in- cluded. LAUC Seminars on Career Development for Academic Librarians. By Archie Klein- gartner and others. Berkeley: Librarians Assoc., Univ. ofCalifomia, Berkeley. 1977. 43p. ED 152316. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. During 197~77, the Berkeley Division of the Librarians Association of the University of California sponsored four seminars on career de- velopment for academic librarians. The speakers and their topics were: Archie Kleingartner (vice president for academic and staff personnel rela- tions, University of California), "The Professional in the Institutional Setting"; William F. McCoy (assistant university librarian for personnel, Uni- versity of California, Davis), "Career Expectations for Librarians in the University of California"; Page Ackerman (then university librarian, UCLA), "The Responsibility of the Individual and the Obligation of the Institution in Developing a Professional Library Career;" and Gail Ann Schlachter (assistant university librarian for public services, University of California, Davis), "Re- search and the Inquiring Librarian." The remarks of the four speakers, along with questions and an- swers which followed their presentations, have been brought together and edited with an intro- duction by Richard S. Cooper, 1977 chair of the Berkeley Division. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS American Library Association. Business Refer- ence Services Committee. Business Serials of the U.S. Government: A Selective, Annotated Checklist of Reference Titles. Ed. by Richard L. King. Chicago: American Library Assn. , 1978. 38p. $2.50. LC 77-22078. ISBN 0-8389- 3200-2. American Men and Women of Science: Social and Behavioral Sciences . 13th ed. Ed. by the Jaques Cattell Press . N.Y. : Bowker, 1978. 1, 545p. $69.95. LC 6-7326. ISBN 0-8352- 1018-9. Author Biographies Master Index: A Consolidated Guide to Biographical Information Concerning Authors Living and Dead as It Appears in a Selection of the Principal Biographical Dic- tionaries Devoted to Authors, Poets, Jour- nalists, and Other Literary Figures. Ed. by Dennis La Beau. Gale Biographical Index Se- ries, no.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 2v. LC 76- 27212. ISBN 0-8103-1085-6. Aylesworth, Thomas G., and Klein, Stanley, eds. Science Update-78. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Professional Publications, 1978. 212p. $45. ISBN 0-915794-36-5. Azevedo, Ross E. Labor Economics: A Guide to Information Sources . Economics Information Recent Publications I 521 Guide Series, v.8. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 26lp. $22. LC 73-17568. ISBN 0-8103-1297-2. Bajkai, Louis A., comp. and ed. Teacher's Guide to Overseas Teaching: A Complete and Com- prehensive Directory of English-Language Schools and Colleges Overseas. Associate editor, JosephS. Corrao. La Jolla, Calif.: Teach Overseas, 1977. 140p. $10. LC 77-81788 . ISBN 0-960-1550-1-5. (Available from: Teach Over- seas, P.O. Box 2748, La Jolla, CA 92038.) Basseches, Bruno. A Bibliography of Brazilian Bibliographies/Uma bibliografia das bibliog- rafias Brasileiras. Detroit: Blaine Ethridge- Books, 1978. 185p. $14 . LC 78-2290. ISBN 0-87917-064-6. The Bibliography of Museum and Art Gallery Publications and Audio-Visual Aids in Great Britain and Ireland 1977. Ed. by Jean Lam- bert. Cambridge, Eng.: Chadwyck-Healey; Teaneck, N.J.: Somerset House, 1978. lv. un- paged. £28/$56. ISBN 0-85964-053-1 (Chadwyck-Healey); ISBN 0-914146-61-0 (Somerset House). Biographical Dictionary of American Educators. Ed. by John F . Ohles. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 3v. $95. LC 77-84750. ISBN 0-8371-9893-3. Covers educators from colonial times to 1976. Bohem, Hilda. Disaster Prevention and Disaster Preparedness. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif., Berke- ley, 1978. 23p. Contains a comprehensive list of factors and options to consider in formulating disaster plans to meet individual library needs . Boydston, JoAnn, and Poulos, Kathleen. Checklist of Writings About john Dewey, 1887-1977. 2d ed., enl. Carbondale, Ill. : Southern Illinois Univ.; London : Feffer & Si- mons, Inc., 1978. 476p. $15. LC 77-17136. ISBN 0-8093-0842-8. Brown, Clifton F., comp. Ethiopian Perspectives: A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Ethiopia . African Bibliographic Center, Special Bibliographic Series, New Series, no.5. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 264p. $19.50. LC 77-89111. ISBN 0-8371-9850-X. Brown, Marshall G., and Stein, Gordon. Freethought in the United States: A Descriptive Bibliography. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr., 1978. 146p. $15. LC 77-91103. ISBN 0-313-20036-X. Bruntjen, Scott. Source Docume~ts for American Bibliography: Three "McMurtrie Manuals." Dalhousie University Libraries and Dalhousie University School of Library Service Occasional Paper 18. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Dalhousie Univ., 1978. lv. · various paging. $3. ISBN 0-7703-0156-8. (Available from: Director, School of qbrary Service, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4H8.) 522 I College & Research Libraries • November 1978 F=====================~ Includes the three rule books used in the de- scription of items covered in the Checklist of American Imprints from the U.S. Historical Records Survey. Buckeye, Nancy Melin, comp. International Sub- scription Agents: An Annotated Directory. 4th ed. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1978. 112p. $4. LC 77-26267. ISBN 0-8389-0259-6. Directory of 240 agents who handle orders for foreign periodicals and serials. Cook, Chris, and Stevenson, John . Longman Atlas of Modern British History: A Visual Guide to British Society and Politics 1700- 1970. N.Y.: Longman, 1978. 208p. $16.50 cloth; $9 paper. ISBN 0-582-36485-X cloth; ISBN 0-582-36486-8 paper. Uses maps, graphs, and diagrams to show trends and developments in British history. Crump, Ian A., ed. Australian Scientific Societies and Professional Associations. 2d ed. Mel- bourne, Aust.: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 1978. 226p. $A7.50. ISBN 0-643-00282-0. (Available from CSIRD Editorial and Publications Service, P.O. Box 89, East Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- tralia, 3002.) Directory of Continuing Education Opportunities for Library-Information-Media Personnel. 1978. Compiled by CLENE, Inc. The Continu- ing Library Education Network and Exchange. N.Y.: Saur; Munich: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 1978. 285p. $25. ISBN 0-89664-015-9. Directory of North and South American Universi- ties: A Guide to Academic Institutions and Faculty Members. Ed. by Michael Zils. N.Y.: Saur, 1978. 1,084p. LC 78-36. ISBN 0-89664- 001-9. Educators Guide to Free Films. 38th ed. Comp. and ed. by Mary Foley Horkheimer and John C. Diffor. Randolph, Wis. : Educators Progress Service, 1978. 749p. $14.75. LC 45-412. ISBN 0-87708-081-X. Gallup, George H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opin- ion 1972-1977. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, Inc. , 1978. 2v. $95. LC 77-25755. ISBN 0-8420-2129-9. Good Reading: A Guide for Serious Readers. 21st ed. Ed. by J. Sherwood Weber. N.Y.: Bowker, 1978. 3llp. $12.95. LC 78-2424 . ISBN 0-8352-1063-4. Goodman, Leonard H. Current Career and Oc- cupational Literature: 1973-1977. N.Y.: Wil- son, 1978. 275p. $10 U.S. and Canada; $12 other countries. ISBN 0-8242-0616-9. Grants Magazine: The journal of Sponsored Re- search and Other Programs. N.Y. : Plenum Pr., 1978- . v.1, no.1- . $45/4 issues In- stitutional Rate; $20/4 issues Personal Rate. Published quarterly. Provides articles, informa- tion about grant programs, guides to effective One-Stop Shopping for Bargain Books You'll save time and money by using Best Buys In Print because it provides access to thousands of sale-priced titles available at an average savings of 65% or more from re- mainder houses and publishing companies. Bookthrift, Kramerbooks and Quality Books are just a few of the more than 30 companies who have listed and/or adver- tised in Best Buys In Print during 1978. This selection and acquisitions tool be- longs on the shelf next to Books In Print be- cause it complements BIP. For example, use BBIP when you can't find a publication in Books In Print. The title might be a special reprint, import or pre-publication offer not yet listed in Books In Print. One-stop shopping is possible with a sub- scription to Best Buys In Print. Published quarterly. $25.00/year. (four consecu- tive issues). For:eign postage is extra. Sample copies. PIERIAN PRESS 5000Wahtenew, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Back Order Problems? We are tenacious at Book House. In our concern about your order, we continue to birddog it until we deliver the book or find it out-of- print. Only upon your instructions do we cancel. We call our program "Concerned Service" and it pays off for academic libraries through· out the U.S.A. Let us show you! For any bodk in print (U.S . . and Canada), send your order to the Book House. Call 517-849-2117 Collect - the BOOK HOUSE SINCE 1962 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN 49250 grantsmanship, and listings of seminars, con- ferences, and workshops in the grants and de- velopment fields. Harzfeld, Lois A. Periodical Indexes in the Social Sciences and Humanities : A Subject Guide . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1978. 174p. $7.50. LC 78-5230. ISBN 0-8108-1133-2. Lists and describes publications in serial form that provide access to periodical literature in the social sciences and humanities. Annotations give an indication of the scope, arrangement, and indexing of each source. Horak, Stephan M., comp. Russia, the USSR, and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English Language Publications, 1964-1974. Ed. by Rosemary Neiswender. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, Inc., 1978 . 488p . $25 U .S. & Canada; $30 elsewhere. LC 77-20696. ISBN 0-87287-178-9. Houdek, Frank G., comp. The Freedom of In- formation Act: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Law Related Materials . Tarlton Law Library Legal Bibliography, no . 15. Austin, Texas: Tarlton Law Library, 1978 . 46p . (Available from: Tarlton Law Library, Univ: of Texas at Austin, 2500 Red River St., Austin, TX 78705.) International Bibliography of Directories/ International Bibliographie der Fachad- ressbucher. 6th ed., rev. Handbook of Interna- tional Documentation and Information, v. 5. Recent Publications I 523 N.Y.: K.G. Saur; Munich : Verlag Dokumenta- tion Saur, 1978. 473p. $60. LC 73-645657. ISBN 0-89664-002-7 Saur; ISBN 3-7940-1296-9 Verlag Dokumentation Saur. International Directory of Booksellers . Ed. by Michael Zils. Handbook of International Documentation and Information, v . 15. N.Y.: K.G. Saur; Munich: Verlag, Dokumentation Saur, 1978. 948p . $68. ISBN 0-89664-014-0 Saur; ISBN 3-7940-1115-5 Verlag Dokumenta- tion Saur. Kirkpatrick, D . L., ed. Twentieth-Century Chil- dren's Writers . N.Y.: St. Martin's Pr., 1978 . 1507p. $40. ISBN 0-312-82413-0. Provides information on 600 English-language authors. Each entry includes a biography, a bibliography, and a signed critical essay. Leider, Robert. The A & B's of Merit Scholar- ships: A Guide to Current Programs . 1978/ 1979. Alexandria, Va.: Octameron Associates, 1978 . 32p. $1.50. LC 78-52571. ISBN 0-917769-07-7. (Available from : Octameron As- sociates, P.O . Box 3437, Alexandria, VA 22302.) Leider, Robert. Don't Miss Out: The Ambitious Student's Guide to Scholarships and Loans . 1978/79. 3d ed. Alexandria, Va.: Octameron Associates , 1978. 32p. $1.50. LC 78-50102. ISBN 0-917760-06-9. . Lewytzkyj, Borys, and Stroynowski, Juliusz, eds . You Need Only One. When selecting an acquisitioDS agent or changing from your current agent, what are your needs and who should you be looking for? Does your library need ... ? D 1. Economical programs specially designed to aid library budgets. D 2. Complete U.S. and European sales/service staffs and fulfillment centers. 0 3. Periodicals, continuations, and monographs, domestic and foreign. 0 4. Frequent bibliographic and service publications. 0 S. Coordinated programs for conversion from "direct ordering" or other agents. 0 6. Worldwide resources. H these are your needs, then Stechert Macmillan, Inc. is your one source- one service acquisitions agency! With over 100 years of acquisitions experience, Stechert's tradition of excellence (started way back in 1872 by Stecher! -Hafner) offers you a total, comprehensive service, whether your library is large or small; academic, public or special; domestic or foreign. Coupling these six Stecher! Macmillan services with our annual "Holdings Renewal List" and quarterly claims report for periodicals; "Standing Order" program for continuations; Publisher Relations Program; and BOPFA (Blanket Order Program for French Acquisitions) and PONTA (Popular New Titles From Abroad) plans-it's easy to see why; when you select Stechert Macmillan, "You Need Only Oue!" Why uot write our Sales Promotion Manager today for information about the complete Uue of Stecltert MacmillaD services! stechert t:tEd Macmlllan.lnc. W Servmg Libraries Since J 872 866Third Avenue / NewYork, N.Y. 10022 USA 524 I College & Research Libraries • November 1978 Who 's Who in the Socialist Countries: A Bio- graphical Encyclopedia of 10,000 Leading Per- sonalities in 16 Communist Countries. N.Y.: K.G. Saur; Munich: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 1978. 736p . $99. LC 78-4068. ISBN 0-89664-011-6 Saur; ISBN 3-7940-3193-8 Verlag Dokumentation Saur. Library Service to Children: An International Survey. Ed. by Colin Ray for the Section of Children's Libraries . IFLA Publications 12. Munich: Verlag Dokumentation Saur; N .Y.: K.G. Saur, 1978. 158p. $18. LC 78-8705 . ISBN 0-89664-004-3 Saur; ISBN 3-7940-4432-0 Verlag Dokumentation Saur. Mcintosh, Melinda, comp. and ed . Major Five College Microforms. Amherst, Mass . : Univ. of Massachusetts, 1978. 297p. $4 . (Available from : Melinda Mcintosh, Reference Department, Univ. of Massachusetts Library, Amherst, MA 01003.) Describes the microform collections at Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, and at the Univ . of Massachu- setts at Amherst . The Middle East: Abstracts and Index. Ed. by Amy C . Lowenstein. Associate editor, Roxine M. Weinthal. Pittsburgh, Penp.: Library In- formation and Research Service, 1978- v.1,no .1- . $60/yr.; $20/individual issues. Quarterly index to English-language materials on the Middle East . Municipal Government Reference Sources: Publi- cations and Collections. Ed. by Peter Hernon, John V. Richardson , Nancy P. Sanders , and Marjorie Shepley for the ALA Government Documents Round Table . N.Y.: Bowker, 1978. 341p . $19.95. LC 78-17619. ISBN 0-8352- 1003-0. Murphy, Thomas P. Urban Politics: A Guide to Information Sources . Urban Studies Informa- tion Guide Series, v .1. Detroit: Gale , 1978. 248p . $22. LC 78-54117. ISBN 0-8103-1395-2. -Ologies and -Isms: A Thematic Dictionary . Ed. by Howard G . Zettler, under the direction of Laurence Urdang. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 277p. $18 . LC 78-8328. ISBN 0-8103-1014-7 . Enables users to identify and define words end- ing in -ology, -ism, -ity, -ic, and -phobia that . are relevant to a particular field of study. O'Relley, Z. Edward. Soviet-Type Economic Sys- tems: A Guide to Information Sources. Eco- nomics Information Guide Series, v.l2 . De- troit: Gale, 1978 . 228p. $22. LC 73-17583 . ISBN 0-8103-1306-5. Parsons, Stanley B.; Beach , William W. ; and Hermann , Dan. United States Congressional Districts 1788-1841. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood Pr., 1978. 416p. $35. LC 77-83897. ISBN 0-8371-9828-3. Provides maps and statistical information on each congressional district. Data include coun- ties in district, population , population density, and information on each congressman who served during the period. Physical Education Index. Cape Girardeau, Mo. : BenOak Publishing Co. , 1978- v.1- (Available from: BenOak Publishing Company, Box 474, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.) Quarterly subject index to periodicals pub- lished in English or which contain summaries in English. Price, Arnold H . , comp. The Federal Republic of Germany: A Selected Bibliography of English- Language Publications . 2d ed., rev. Washing- ton, D. C.: Library of Congress, 1978. 116p. $3 U.S.; $3.75 elsewhere. LC 77-608128. ISBN 0-8444-0244-3. (Available from: Superintendent of Documents, U . S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) Rajec, Elizabeth M. The Study of Names in Lit- erature: A Bibliography. N.Y.: K.G. Saur Pub- lishing, Inc., 1978. 261p. LC 78-2095. ISBN 0-89664-000-0. Read, Allen Walker . Classic American Graffiti.: Lexical Evidence from Folk Epigraphy in West- ern North America; A Glossarial Study of the Low Element in the English Vocabulary . Waukesha, Wis.: Maledicta Pr., 1977. 83p. $6 . LC 76-5697. ISBN 0-916500-06-3. (Available from : Maledicta Press, 331 South Greenfield Avenue, Waukesha, WI 53186.) Originally printed in 1935 with the title Lexical Evidence from Folk Epigraphy in Western North America: A Glossarial Study of the Low Element in the English Vocabulary . Roberts , Frank C ., comp. Obituaries from The Times, 1971-1975: Including an Index to All Obituaries and Tributes Appearing in The Times During the Years 1971-1975. Reading, Eng.: Newspaper Archive Developments Lim- ited, 1978. 647p. $60. ISBN 0-930466-0S-X. (Distributed by: Meckler Books, P.O . Box 405, Saugatuck Station, Westport, CT 06880.) Sable, Martin H . Exobiology: A Research Guide. Brighton, Mich . : Green Oak Pr., 1978. 324p. $17.95. LC 78-7287. ISBN 0-931600-00-6. Provides · access to citations from a variety of sources (nonprint as well as print) on scientific aspects of life in all forms outside earth, whether biological, chemical, geological, or physical. SHARE : A Directory of Feminist Library Work- ers. 3d ed . Berkeley, Calif.: Women Library Workers, 1978. 58p . $3 prepaid/$3.50 invoiced. (Available from: Women Library Workers, P . O. Box 9052, Berkeley, CA 94709.) First published in 1975 as Sisters Have Re- sources Everywhere, A Directory of Feminist Librarians. Van Zant, Nancy Patton. Selected U.S. Govern- ment Series: A Guide for Public and Academic Libraries. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1978. 172p. $11.50. LC 77-10337 . ISBN 0-8389-0252-9. Wolff, Kathryn and Storey, Jill, comps . and eds . AAAS Science Book List Supplement. Washing- ton , D .C .: American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, 1978. 457p. $16.50. LC 78-6540. ISBN 0-87168-218-4. Supplements 3d ed . of AAAS Science Book List , 1970. Recent Publications I 525 Yelton, Donald C. Brief American Lives: Four Studies in Collective Biography. Metuchen, N . J. : Scarecrow, 1978 . 239p . $10. LC 77- 29102. ISBN 0-8108-1114-6. Provides a critical study of three reference works in American biography. Those works covered are: Dictionary of American Biog-- raphy, Notable American Women, and the Na- tional Cyclopedia of American Biography. CORRECTION In the article by James Michalko and Toby follows : "In 1971 the loss rate of the most re- Heidtmann, " Evaluating the Effectiveness of an cently acquired documents was esUmated at Electronic Security System" (C&RL 39:263--67 .0228 per year while in 1976 the estimated rate (July 1978]), the second last sentence in the sec- had dropped to .0102-a reduction of approxi- tion "Conclusions" on page 264 should read as mately 55 percent." 1. Fully computerized periodicals subscription service for librarians. 2. Aid to fast, accurate, flexible subscription service for over 18,000 libraries worldwide. 3. Key to efficient, profes- sional serials acquisition. 4. Time saver freeing librarians for library management. 5. Source of Librarians' Guide containing listings from the 86,000 titles in Faxon's files. -v. 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