College and Research Libraries EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference Books of 1977-78 THIS ARTICLE continues the semiannual series originally edited by Constance M. Winchell. Although it appears under a byline, the list is a project of the Reference Department of the Columbia University Li- braries, and notes are signed with the ini- tials of the individual staff members. f Since the purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and general works of interest to reference workers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. A brief roundup of new editions of standard works, continuations, and supplements is presented at the end of the article. Code numbers (such as AE213 , DB231) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books . 2 BIBUOGRAPHY Basseches, Bruno. A Bibliography of Brazilian Bibliographies. Uma bibliografia das bib- liografias brasileiras. Detroit, Blaine Eth- ridge Books , [1978] . 185p. $14. LC 78- 2290. ISBN 0-87917-064-6. Prefatory matter in English and Por- tuguese. Nearly 2,500 items-references to books , parts of books, and periodical articles-are included in this bibliography of bibliog- raphies relating to Brazil. It is a main entry listing with an author/subject index and covers all subject fields. Both· Brazilian pub- lications and bibliographies published abroad are included. In view of the range of materials treated, a topical or classified ar- rangement of the entries would have made 1. Paul Cohen, Rita Keckeissen, Anita Lowry, Eileen Mcilvaine, Mary Ann Miller; Lehman Library: Laura Binkowski, Diane Goon. 2. Eugene P. Sheehy, Guide to Reference Books (9th ed.; Chicago: American Library Assn. , 1976) . for greater ease of use, but the work is wel- come in an area where bibliographic cover- age is so limited.-E.S. New York (City). Public Library. Research Libraries. Guide to Festschriften. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1977. 2v. $120. LC 77- 153165. ISBN 0-8161-0069-1. Contents: v .1, Retrospective F estschrifte.n collection of the New York Public Library: materials cataloged through 1971; v.2, Dic- tionary catalog of F estschriften in the New York Public Library (1972-1976) and the Library ofCongress (1968-1976). Volume 1 of this set is a photographic reproduction of the Research Libraries' catalog cards listing, by main entry, the Festschriften collected over the fifty-year period ending 1971. Entry, of course, can be editor, title, or the person honored, so that, while it is convenient for the reference worker to have such a long list of Fest- schriften-more than 6,000 entries-with full bibliographical details (and often with tables of contents), the usual difficulty of es- tablishing the catalog entry in order to find a particular volume remains. Such an ar- rangement requires an index to improve the work's reference value. Volume 2, on the other hand, which lists NYPL's acquisitions of 1972-76 as well as all Festschriften in the MARC tapes data base, 1968-76, conforms to the Research Librar- ies' current Dictionary Catalog (Guide AA112) in format, offering multiple access points. Therein, Festschriften can be found by editor, by person or institution honored, by title , and by subject. Main entries give full bibliographical information and often in- clude complete contents notes.-R.K. PERIODICAL INDEXES Hispanic American Periodicals Index, 1975- . Los Angeles, UCLA Latin American Center Pubis., U niv. of Calif., I 47 48 I College & Research Libraries • January 1979 [1977- ]. Annual. $75. ISSN 0361- 5502. At head of title: HAPI. Barbara G. Cox, ed. Since the demise of the Index to Latin American Periodicals (Guide AE213) in 1971, there has been no ongoing up-to-date index of serial publications from that area. The appearance of HAPI, therefore, is wel- come, not only because it is a useful and well-constructed reference tool, but because it fills a gap. It is a subject-and-author index to articles of interest to Latin Americanists appearing in some 200 journals published in South and Central America, the United States, Europe, and the Caribbean. "The journals were selected with the assistance of the SALALM Committee on Bibliography and an international panel of indexers for their scholarly value and representative coverage of editorial viewpoint, subject mat- ter, and geographical area. Included are leading journals in all major disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities: ar- chaeology and anthropology; art; economics, development, and finance; folklore; film; geography; history; language · and linguistics; literature; music; philosophy; political sci- ence; sociology; and others."-Introd. Jour- nals published in Latin America are indexed in full; those published elsewhere are selec- tively indexed for items relevant to Latin America. Author and subject listings are in separate sections, with full bibliographic ci- tations furnished in both sections. Book re- views are listed in the subject section under the author of the book. -E. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Municipal Government Reference Sources: Publications and Collections. Ed. for the American Library Association Govern- ment Documents Round Table by Peter Hernon [and others]. New York, Bowker, 1978. 431p. $15.95. LC 78-17619. ISBN 0-8352-1003-0. At last a group of librarians has tried to bring some order to the problems of iden- tifying and locating city documents, and they have succeeded admirably, providing this guide to publications and collections re- lating to municipal government. Indicative of the lack of bibliographic control was the difficulty the editors had in finding knowl- edgeable librarians to contact in some cities; yet some 167 cities are represented in this initial effort. Arrangement is alphabetical by state, then by city. Each state section begins with a short list of "compilations published at the state level which cover several cities."- I ntrod. At the beginning of each city section is a brief survey of the bibliographic control of that city's documents through indexes, collections, and data bases; a general state- ment about local newspaper indexing; any provisions for interlibrary loan; and indica- tion of the degree of participation in the Index to Current Urban Documents (Guide CJ113). Then follows a listing of useful ref- erence sources, with carefully written anno- tations. "Reference sources" has been broadly defined to include any type of ma- terial that reference librarians will need: "checklists and bibliographies listing city publications, manuals and handbooks, direc- tories (business, public school, specialized governmental telephone books, etc.) ... , the municipal code ... , all reference pub- lication activities . . . at any level of gov- ernment, . . . nongovernmental or commer- cial sources." -Introd. Each city section ends with an annotated list of libraries and organizations that hold major collections of the materials of local government. There is a subject index. There is much information here, and it is very well presented. A quick check of col- lections does indicate the omission of the North Carolina State Library, the Institute of Government. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Avery and Health Sciences Libraries at Columbia Uni- versity, and the Local History Collection at the New York Public Library (with its name indexes for local newspapers and vital rec- ords). Mention of these omissions is not meant to detract from the wonders of this guide but to encourage an even wider coverage in future editions._..:__E.M. BIOGRAPHY Author Biographies Master Index. Dennis La Beau, ed. Detroit Gale, [1978]. 2v. (1177p.) $65. LC 76-27212. ISBN 0-8103-1085-6. Third in the Gale Biographical Index Series, which indexes biographical dic- tionaries and other sources of biographical information, this guide has more than 413,000 references to biographies of some 238,000 different authors found in nearly 150 English-language biographical works. Like other compilations of this kind, this one can save a researcher much time and ef- fort by quickly directing one to specific sources of biographical information. And having such an index makes a whole library of biographical reference books more valu- able by providing a comprehensive index to them all. Many of the works indexed relate to au- thors of children's literature, and the cover- age therefore seems to duplicate many of the titles already indexed in another Gale publication, Children's Authors and Illus- trators, also in the Biographical Index Series. But there are certainly enough additional titles indexed here to make this new volume a useful addition to the refer- ence collection. -P. C. Biographical Directory of the Governors of the United States, 1789-1978. Ed. by Robert Sobel and John Raimo. Westport, Conn., Meckler Books, 1978. 4v. $195. LC 77-10435. ISBN 0-930466-00-4. An introduction to the general nature and importance of the governorship written by United States historian James P. Shenton begins this four-volume set. Arrangement of the entries that follow is alphabetical by state, and within each state the biographies appear chronologically. Each entry was writ- ten by a researcher in a state or l<>cal histor- ical society, a librarian, or a professor of his- tory. Although the entries are unsigned, a list of contributors is given. A typical biog- raphy includes birth and death dates, ances- try, family, religion, political affiliations, electoral results, and highlights of the gubernatorial term. There is also a brief bib- liographic guide, and in some cases the lo- cation of the governor's papers is given. The work includes governors who have taken the oath of office from 1789 onwards, and there are plans for a single volume on the gover- nors of the colonial period, 1607-1789. A brief check against other biographical sources indicates some discrepancies in fac- Selected Reference Books I 49 tual information, e.g., dates and electoral results. Glashan's American Governors and Gubernatorial Elections,. 1775-1975 is cited so repetitiously in the bibliographies that it might well have received special mention one time only to allow for more specific variety in the reading guides. To facilitate quick reference, each volume contains a complete · name index to the full set. It would also have been helpful to include the state breakdown on the spine of each vol- ume as an efficient way of indicating arrangement of entries.-L.B. Webster's American Military Biographies. Springfield, Mass., Merriam Co., 1978. 548p. $12.95. LC 77-18688. ISBN 0-87779-063-9. The major portion of this work is an al- phabetical listing of entries on 1,033 per- sons, living and dead, American and foreign born, who have contributed significantly to the military history of the United States. "Military" is interpreted very broadly, and one will find not only information on great commanders and heroes of the battlefield but also biographies of frontier scouts, In- dian leaders, nurses, spies, historians, ship builders, and astronauts, to name a few. The average length of a biography is 450 words; birth date and place, education, and early experience are followed by a concise summary of an individual's entire career. In some cases this can be a drawback, espe- cially for persons who led multifaceted lives: often as much coverage is devoted to the civilian career as to the military exploits, which tends to detract from the major point of the dictionary. Published works, particu- larly autobiographies, as well as honors or awards are noted. Death date or mention of current activities conclude each entry. Un- fortunately, there are no lists of sources consulted nor a general bibliography. Useful information is included in the lists and tables of the addenda: secretaries of war, navy, and defense; joint chiefs of staff; NATO commanders; chief officers of the army, navy, and marine corps, followed by a chronology of wars, battles, and expedi- tions and the commanders associated with them (although coverage of the Korean and Vietnam wars is insignificant); chief officers of the air force; and finally, a listing of 50 I College & Research Libraries • January 1979 names in the main section grouped by "career category." -L. B. PHILOSOPHY Bechtle, Thomas C., and Riley, Mary F. Dissertations in Philosophy Accepted at American Universities, 1861.c..1975. New York, Garland, 1978. 537p. (Garland Ref- erence Library of the Humanities, v.12) $48. LC 77-83392. ISBN 0-8240-9835-8. Guerry, Herbert. A Bibliography of Philosophical Bibliographies. Westport, Conn., Greenwood, [1977]. 332p. $25. LC 77-71862. ISBN 0-8371-9542-X. Two new philosophy reference works have recently been added to the shelf. The Bechtle/Riley volume is an alphabetical au- thor list of 7,503 dissertations from the uni- versities of the United States and Canada covering the long period indicated in the title. There ·is a good subject index. The compilation will be useful chiefly in libraries that do not own the more expensive Com- prehensive Dissertation Index (Guide AH10), which, with its keyword index in individual subject fields, has greatly sim- plified the search for dissertation informa- tion. The ambitious Guerry work aims to list "philosophical bibliographies published in - all countries [from] about 1450 ... through 1974" in order to "make the vast literature of philosophy more open to philosophers and students of philosophy."-Introd. In- cluded are bibliographies published sepa- rately, those prepared as journal articles, and a small number that are parts of books; some entries are annotated. The work is in two sections, part 1 listing the works of or about an individual philosopher. Since phi- losophy is ,interpreted in a wide sense, some surprising names from history, politics, and literature are included here. Part 2 is ar- ranged alphabetically by subject. There is an index of personal and corporate names, but no list of the subject headings used. While most of the more than 2,000 entries deal with Western philosophy and philosophers, other parts of the world are also included in this bibliography.-R.K. LITERATURE IJsewijn, Jozef. Companion to Neo-Latin Studies. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1977. 370p. 95f. LC 77-565. ISBN 0-7204-0510-6. Students of Renaissance studies especially will appreciate this new guide, which, defin- ing N eo- Latin to be "all writings in Latin since the beginnings of Italian humanism in about 1300 A.D." (Pref), aims to provide not only a manual for beginners in "Renais- sance, Baroque and modern Latin written in both Europe and America" but also a "com- pendium of basic factual and bibliographic information." Introductory chapters treat the classical and medieval heritage of later Latin and list general bibliographical aids. The heart of the work is the historical survey of Neo- Latin literature, arranged country by coun- try for Europe and the Americas; then fol- low sections on texts and editions, language and style, prosody and metrics, literary forms and genres, scholarly and scientific works in N eo- Latin, a short chapter on the history of Neo-Latin scholarship, and an an- thology of texts illustrative of the whole course of the literature. Essays are biblio- graphical in character, covering primary and secondary works, each one concluding with a bibliography of "general works" and of "authors: editions and monographs." The Index Nominum cites all references to Neo-Latin authors but, regrettably, not to the hundreds of critical works mentioned.-R.K. Marean, Peter. Poetry Themes; a Biblio- graphical Index to Subject Anthologies and Related Criticism in the English Lan- guage, 1875-1975. London, Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn., Linnet Books, [1977]. 301p. $22.50. LC 77-22483. ISBN 0-208-01545-0. Reilly, Catherine W. English Poetry of the First World War; a Bibliography. [Lon- don], George Prior, 1978. 402p. £14.95. LC 77-81408. ISBN 0-86043-106-1. It is perhaps unfair to suggest that these two volumes promise rather more than is delivered, for each is seemingly very much what the compiler intended: the Reilly work is a bibliography only, without any attempt at a classified or subject approach beyond the war theme; the Marean volume is a classified bibliography of subject anthologies and related criticism, not an index to spe- cific poems in the manner of Granger's. The Reilly compilation lists "poetry and verse on the theme of the First World War, written by English poets (i.e., poets of Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales), ser- vicemen and civilians, who experienced the war. It is restricted to printed material in the form of book, pamphlet, card or · broadside." -Abstract. Anthologies are listed separately from works of individual authors , and there is a title index. That more than 2,200 writers have been iden- tified is a tribute to the compiler's industry. The classified arrangement of the Marean volume employs topical headings such as re- ligion, myths and legends, the family and home, the emotional world, the arts, his- tory, science and the natural world, with more specific categories thereunder. The classification scheme is set forth on pages x-xvi, but there is no alphabetical index to the topical headings. Anthologies including both poetry and prose have been included, but subject collections by a single author have not. Full bibliographic citations are given, and brief annotations or lists of sec- tion headings indicate the nature and range of many of the collections. Critical studies (a particularly welcome feature of the bibli- ography) are usually listed separately from the anthologies. A preponderance of British imprints may limit the _volume's usefulness in all but the very large libraries.-E.S. CINEMA STUDIES Mehr, Linda Harris. Motion Pictures, Tele- vision and Radio: a Union Catalogue of Manuscript and Special Collections in the Western United States . Boston, G. K. Hall, 1977. 20lp. $27. LC 77-13117. ISBN 0-8161-8089-X. " Sponsored by The Film and Television Study Center, Inc. "-t .p . This catalog is a testament to the efforts of archivists , librarians, and all others who have worked to preserve the primary mate- rials so essential for the study of film, tele- vision, and radio history. It is also a testa- ment to the efforts of those who have at- tempted to organize these sources, to make them accessible, and to inform students and scholars of their existence and their impor- tance. The work provides invaluable aid to Selected Reference Books I 51 the scholar looking for collections of such resources as scripts, stills, oral histories, personal papers, production records, and advertising materials-many of which are omitted or incompletely covered in other union catalogs. For purposes of this list, eleven western states were surveyed for relevant collec- tions; those collections devoted exclusively to nonprint materials (i.e., films, television tapes, or radio transmissions) were exclud- ed. Then, seventy-two institutions in eight states were carefully examined for archival holdings relating to motion pictures, televi- sion, or radio. For each institution-ranging from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to the Utah Historical Society-the catalog provides a short gen- eral description , and a 1listing of each indi- vidual collection, described as to size, dates of coverage, and type of material. The en- tries are well indexed in a " General Index" (names and subjects) and an "Index by Oc- cupation." One hopes that the Film and Television Study Center will be able to sponsor further volumes covering similar collections in other parts of the United States.-A.L. SOCIOLOGY Hughes, Marija Matich. The Sexual Barrier: Legal, Medical , Economic and Social As- pects of Sex Discrimination. Washington , D.C., Hughes Pr., [1977]. 843p. $40. LC 77-83214. ISBN 0-912560-04-5. Hughes, chief librarian at the U.S. Com- mission on Civil Rights, is author of The Sexual Barrier: Legal and Economic Aspects of Employment (San Francisco, 1970; Suppl. 1-2, 1971-72), a bibliography that focused on employment and the Equal Rights Amendment. The emergence of new mate- rial in these areas and of new legal issues of special interest to women led to her compi- lation of this enlarged and revised edition. More than 8,000 English-language books, articles , pamphlets, and documents pub- lished between 1960 and 1975 are grouped into 17 alphabetically arranged subject chap- ters covering: aging, bibliographies, child care, condition of women, economic status , education, employment, family relations, fertility, health, international, legal status, 52 I College & Research Libraries • January 1979 lesbianism/homosexuality, minority women, occupations, religion, and sex role. Most chapters are further subdivided by specific topic and/or geographic area; many entries are briefly annotated. Users will find that the principal strength of the work is its comprehensive treatment of legal issues af- fecting women: child care tax deductions, credit, social security, admission to profes- sional schools, affirmative action, family law, abortion, rape, the Equal Rights Amend- ment, etc. The detailed listing of materials on women in specific occupations is another distinctive and useful feature. Overall, this is a worthwhile addition to a reference collection. -D. G. POLffiCAL SCIENCE Hufner, Klau~, and Naumann, Jens. The United Nations System, International Bib- liography. Miinchen, Verlag Dokumenta- tion, 1976-77. v.1-2. (In progress) LC 77-566745. ISBN 3-7940-2250-5 [etc.] Title also in German; prefatory matter and section headings in English and Ger- man. A publication of the Research Unit of the German United Nations Association, Bonn/Berlin. Contents: Bd.1, The United Nations sys- tem; an international bibliography on the United Nations and the. specialized agen- cies, their internal structures and activities, 1945-1965 (1976. 519p. DM98); Bd.2A, The United Nations system; international bibli- ography: learned journals, 1965-1970 (1977. 286p. DM78); Bd.2B, The United Nations system; international bibliography: learned journals, 1971-1975 (1977. 436p.). This is a bibliography of secondary litera- ture published in English, German, and French on the United Nations and its spe- cialized agencies. Volume 1 is a reprint of the authors' Zwanzig Jahre Vereinte Nationen (Guide CK235). Volume 2 covers articles published between 1965 and 1975 in about 360 scholarly journals (only 60 of which were considered for the entire time period). Parts A and B of volume 2 follow identical formats: therein citations to some 8,342 articles are organized according to a classified scheme in four main sections (with subdivisions): (1) the United Nations as part of the empirical solutions for the four main problems of world society (polity, adapta- tion, normative integration, cultural prob- lems); (2) the United Nations system and its internal structures and processes; (3) the United Nations system-institutional and organizational arrangements; (4) the United Nations system-actual and potential areas of activity. There is a detailed contents table and an author index for each part. Volume 3 is to list books and collected works pub- lished between 1965 and 1975. There is a great deal of valuable material here (including a succinct guide to the bib- liographies and catalogs of primary United Nations material). However, the user must devote a good deal of study to the "Explana- tion and rationale for the classification scheme" (which is based on Talcott Parsons' theories of sociological systems) in order to derive much from the first section on the U.N. in world society; the other sections can be adequately investigated by careful perusal of the table of contents. For those of us who would rather not study Talcott Par- sons before using a l5ibliography, a subject index would have been most helpful.-D.G. Kujath, Karl. Bibliographie zur europais- chen Integration, mit Anmerkungen. Bonn, Europa Union Verlag, [1977]. 777p. DM150. ISBN 3-7713-0009-6. Title also in French and English (Bibli- ography on European Integration, with An- notations). Kujath, former head of the central library at the Commission of European Com- munities, has here made a major contribu- tion to the organization of primary and sec- ondary materials on all aspects of European integration. The amount of literature on the topic is immense, so the material listed has been limited mainly to monographs, peri- odical titles that focus on European affairs, and published bibliographies and catalogs of international European organizations; there are references to important essays, Fest- schriften and annuals, and to periodical arti- cles "whenever a subject is poorly covered by books."-Introd. Cutoff date for publica- tions is the end of 1976. As befits the international approach, in- troduction, explanatory notes, and detailed classification table for the bibliography are given in German, French, and English. The classification scheme works "downward" from generalities to specific groups and sub- groups, with cross-references to related groups; within each subdivision (bibliog- raphies, reference books and handbooks, collections of documents, general surveys, etc.) the items are listed chronologically , with the most recent appearing last. Anno- tations are usually in the language of the work. There is an index of personal names. This is a fine bibliography for the study of the progress and activities of the many or- ganizations dedicated to European unity and cooperation. -D. G. ANTHROPOLOGY Handbook of North American Indians. William C. Sturtevant, gen. ed. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1978. v.8 . (In progress) LC 77-17162. Contents: v.8, California . Robert F. Heizer, vol. ed. 800p. $13.50. This is the first installment of a set on the Indians north of Mesoamerica; when com- pleted, the set will num her twenty volumes and cover Indian tribes from northern Mexico to Greenlandic Eskimos. The work is intended to supersede Frederick Hodge's standard, but now dated , Handbook of American Indians (1907-10; Guide CD63), and the project is being carried out by a team of experts under the direction of the Center for the Study of Man , a division of the Smithsonian Institution. In this first published volume of the se- ries, the various tribes of California have been identified, and the researchers have gathered ethnographic, linguistic, historical, and archaeological information on every conceivable topic relevant to Californian In- dians. An expert has contributed a detailed essay on each tribe, describing its environ- ment, culture, language, and history; the essays are supplemented by numerous maps, drawings, · and photographs. The Handbook is really an encyclopedia of in- formation, designed and organized for the specialist and amateur alike. It contains the latest scientific findings, an extensive bibli- ography, and a detailed index. The essays themselves are well written , thoroughly documented 1 and abundantly illustrated, _ Selected Reference Books I 53 making the work useful to the casual reader but indispensable for the serious re- searcher.-P. C. Muslim Peoples; a World Ethnographic Survey. Editor-in-chief, Richard V. Weekes. Westport, Conn. , Greenwood, 1978. 546p. $35. LC 77-84759. ISBN 0-8371-9880-1. Two reasons are stated for compiling this encyclopedic survey: first is the Westerner's general ignorance of who the Muslims are and what they are like; second is the lack of bibliography for all but a few frequently studied groups-Arabs, Persians, Turks, Kurds , and Hausa-when in fact there are more than 720 million Muslims in the world and at least 300 identified ethnic groups that are wholly or partly Muslim. The editor's introduction is a fascinating account of the unity and diversity of these numer- ous, poor, mostly rural, far-flung peoples: Muslims speak dozens of languages, live in nine "'culture areas" of the world , and prac- tice the religion largest after Christianity and Buddhism in numbers of adherents, Is- lam. The body of the work consists of signed descriptions of each ethnic group contrib- uted by seventy-five scholars. Each entry includes information on dietary practices, economy, family life, heritage, life-cycle ob- servances, geographic location , language, population, and religious affiliations, and each has a bibliography that concentrates on current patterns of living. For some little- studied groups there are only two or three bibliographic citations; all cited items are in English, most were published since 1945, and they include books, articles , and unpub- lished manuscripts. Tables are appended showing the synthesized statistical results of diverse population studies. In all, this vol- ume does a service for the specialist and nonspecialist, the anthropologist and jour- nalist. It should help to inspire field re- search 'in Mus lim ethnology and a general determination in any reader to learn more of fellow humans._:_M.A.M. MONEY McCusker, John J. Money and Exchange in Europe and America, 1600-1775; a 54 I College & Research Libraries • january 1979 Handbook. Chapel Hill, N.C., Publ. for the Institute of Early American History and Culture by the Univ. of North Carolina Pr., [1978]. 367p. $25.45. LC 76-54774. ISBN 0-8078-1284-6. Librarians might well be added to McCusker's list of people who cannot "mQs- ter much enthusiasm" for money and ex- change rates, but he has tried to make it much easier for us. He has collected ex- change rate quotations for the territory of the "Atlantic world" during the colonial period (thus, most of the colonies of the European powers are represented) and pre- sented the information in tables arranged by area, then chronologically, and with refer- ences to sources. He has also given us an extensive introduction to the subject in general, as well as to the currencies of each colony . There is an index of subjects, places, and sources, and a list of manuscript materials consulted concludes this attractive volume.-E . M. HISTORY & AREA STUDIES Caenegem, Raoul C. van Guide to the Sources of Medieval History. Amsterdam , North-Holland , 1978. 428p. (Europe in the Middle Ages. Selected studies , v.2) llOf. LC 77-7455. ISBN 0-7204-0743-5. Updated to 1975 , this is an English- language version of the same author's earlier guides in Dutch (1962) and German (1964) covering five important areas in medieval studies: (1) types of surviving medieval texts available to the historian; (2) the location of medieval manuscripts in libraries and ar- chives; (3) the great published collections of critically edited sources; (4) important refer- ence works for the study of medieval texts (e. g. , in linguistic studies, chronology, his- torical geography); and (5) the auxiliary sci- ences , ranging from paleography to com- puter technology . Each of these sections is divided by form, chronology, or country, as appropriate , and a detailed table of contents facilitates finding one' s way to a particular subject. Some chapters take the form of ex- planatory essays , varying in length as the material demands , and are bibliographical in character with full citations provided in footnotes, Others , in which bibliographies are the principal content, carry short intro- ductions followed by lists of citations. An index of names, anonymous works , editors , and authors adds reference value. The wealth of information-the critical descriptions of individual titles , of series of medieval texts, of archives and libraries- and the completeness of the bibliographical citations contribute greatly to the book's usefulness for librarians and students.-R.K. Comitas , Lambros . The Complete Carib- beana , 1900-1975; a Bibliographic Guide to the Scholarly Literature. Millwood, N.Y., KTO Pr., [1978]. 4v. $170. LC 76- 56709. ISBN 0-527-18820-4. Prepared under the auspices of the Re- search Institute for the Study of Man. Contents: v.1, People; v.2, Institutions; v.3 , Resources; v.4, Indexes. Based on the same author's single-volume Caribbeana 1900-1965 (Guide DB231) , this new edition represents a thorough revision and expansion of the 1968 work: Bermuda and the Bahamas have been added to the geographical coverage (although Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Re- public are still excluded as adequately cov- ered elsewhere), and the closing date has been extended through 1975. The bibli- ography now lists "over seventeen thousand complete references to authored publica- tions such as monographs, readers, confer- ence proceedings , doctoral dissertations , master's theses, journal articles, reports, pamphlets, and other miscellaneous works. " -Pref. Volumes 1-3 are each di- vided into three main sections (with numer- ous subdivisions) as follows: volume 1, "In- troduction to the Caribbean; the Past; the People"; volume 2, " Elements of Culture ; Health , Education and Welfare ; Political Is- sues"; volume 3, "Socio-economic Activities and Institutions ; The Environment and Human Geography; Soils, Crops and Live- stock. " There are separate author and geo- graphical indexes in volume 4. Indication of a library location for most items adds to the usefulness of this important compilation.- E.S. Harrison , John Fletcher Crews , and Thompson , Dorothy. Bibliography of the Chartist Movement , 1837-1976. [Has- socks, Sussex, Eng.], Harvester Pr.; [At- lantic Highlands, N.J.], Humanities Pr., ··· [1978]. 214p. $30. ISBN 0-85527-334-8. The compilers, authors of works on nine- teenth-century England and its political movements, have provided a bibliography of the Chartist Movement in England (1837- 54), listing major manuscript collections; pamphlets, serials, and other printed mate- rials by Chartists and their contemporaries; relevant parliamentary papers; and secon- dary books and articles on the movement. The aim has been to "include all known Chartist items in local and national libraries and archives, and the holdings of libraries abroad have also been checked." -Introd. The compilers have ranged far afield, and manuscripts in the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and in the Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli in Mi- lan, to mention just two examples, are cited. Locations are given, of course, for all manuscript materials listed, and in some cases an English library location is indicated for a printed item. The index is principally of names and titles, but some topical entries are included. This is an important bibli- ography for social and historical research in the period.-E.M. ENVIRONMENT The New York Times. Environment 1965- 1975. [Glen Rock, N.J.], Microfilming Corp. of America, 1978. 778p. Price var- ies according to library budget. At head of title: The New York Times Cumulative Subject & Personal Name In- dex. This is the first in a new series of subject and personal name indexes ("Women" and "Energy" volumes are announced as forth- coming), which cumulate the citations and abstracts from the annual indexes to the New York Times, thus providing a compre- hensive overview of developments by bring- ing together the entries scattered thr.ough- out the eleven annual index volumes. In- stead of the A-Z dictionary arrangement familiar to users of the Index, the Environ- ment cumulation groups articles chronologi- cally within a topical subject arrangement. A general section on "The Condition of the Environment" is followed by sections (each appropriately subdivided) for "Renewable Selected Reference Books I 55 Resources" (nature, wildlife, plants, etc.), "Natural Forces" (e.g., wetlands, oceans, rivers and dams, climate, specific weather conditions), "The Price of Industrialization" (air pollution, biological and chemical con- tamination, noise, radioactivity, water pollu- tion, recycling, etc.), "Economic and Human Problems" (e.g., energy crisis, utilities, land use, urban problems), and "Organized Environmental Efforts." The topical arrangement is complemented by a detailed subject index, a geographic index, an organization index, and a names index. The three latter indexes would be much more effective if reference were to column (or, better, to quarter of the page desig- nated) as well as to page. -E. S. NEW EDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTS, ETC. Books in Series Supplement (New York, Bowker, 1978. 1,000p. $34.50) adds some 10,700 titles of books published in series to the initial listing in the 1976 volume Books in Series in the United States 1966-1975. In addition to 197~ 77 imprints, it lists numer- ous pre-1976 publications not included in the main volume, together with updated in- formation on about 23,700 titles that have changed price or publisher since the basic work was compiled. A. ( ' Walford and J. E. 0. Screen's A Guide · to Foreign Language Courses and Dictionaries (London, Library Assn., 1977. 343p. £10) represents a third, revised and enlarged edition of Walford's Guide to Foreign Language Grammars and Dic- tionaries (2d ed. 1967; Guide AD135). The number of languages covered has been in- creased, and the work now "provides a run- ning commentary on selected courses, audio-visual aids and dictionaries in most of the main European languages, . plus Arabic, Chinese and Japanese."-Introd. One of the most welcome developments in a very long time is the decision by pub- lishers of the New York Times Index to issue quarterly cumulations beginning with January/March 1978. These new cumula- tions will be issued for the first three quar- ters of the year, with the annual volume "serving, in effect, as the fourth quarterly cumulation covering the entire year." With a view to getting the quarterlies into the 56 I College & Research Libraries • January 1979 users' hands as quickly as possible, "certain editorial infelicities, which are regularly edited out of the annual cumulation, have been left as is." Best of all , the quarterly cumulations are being furnished to Index subscribers without additional charge. Obituaries from the Times 1971-1975 (Reading, Eng. , Newspaper Archives De- velopment ; Westport , Conn. , Meckler Books, 1978. 647p. $60) is the first of the promised five-year supplements for the series established with publication of the 1961-70 volume of obituaries in 1975. Like the earlier volume, it reprints a selection of obituaries published in the Times of London during the period of coverage, plus an "In- dex to all obituaries and tributes apearing in The Times" during those same years. Al- though British entries account for just under 60 percent of the approximately one thousand entries in this volume, obituaries of "almost all the major international figures who died in the first half of the 1970's'" (Pref. ) are included. The "Social and Behavioral Sciences" sec- tion of the thirteenth edition of American Men and Women of Science (New York , Bowker, 1978. 1,545p. $69.95) "covers the twelve areas of the social and behavioral sciences not included in the major compen- dium [i.e . , the 7v. set published 1976]; namely administration and management, area studies, business, communications and information science, community and urban studies, economics, environmental studies, futuristics, international studies, political science, psychology and sociology." -Pref. About 24,000 biographical sketches are in- cluded, and there are discipline and geo- graphic indexes. Approximately 13 , 500 biographical sketches are included in the second edition of Who's Who among Black Americans (Northbrook, Ill. , Who's Who among Black Americans, Inc., 1978. 1,096p. $49.95), an increase of about 3,500 over the first edi- tion. Geographic and occupational indexes are again included. Religion Index One: Periodicals Guly/Dec. 1977- . Chicago, American Theological Library Assn., 1978- . Semiannual. $72) represents a change of title for the Index to Religious Periodical Literature (Guide BB15). It follows the policies of the earlier title and employs the three-part arrange- ment introduced with the 1975 index: (1) subject index; (2) author index with abstracts; and (3) book review index. The final issue published under the old title (January/June 1977) will be cumulated along with the July/December 1977 and January/ June 1978 semiannuals, plus new materials for July/December 1978, to form volume 13 (1977-78) and bearing the new title. A com- panion publication , Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works, 1976- (Chicago, American Theological Library Assn., 1978- . Annual. $60), is issued as a hardbound volume and indexes collective works of more than one author (including numerous Festschriften) . It offers a subject approach, plus an author and editor index to the volumes indexed. The 1976 volume index- es 3,065 separate author entries in 241 books. The Philosopher's Index; a Retrospective Index to U.S. Publications from 1940 (Bowl- ing Green, Ohio, Philosophy Documenta- tion Center, Bowling Green State Univ., 1978. 3v. $195) is an index to "approxi- mately 15,000 articles from U.S. journals published during the 27 year period, 1940- 1966, and approximately 6,000 books pub- lished during the 37 year period 1940- 1976. "-p. vii. It thus offers retrospective indexing for journal articles published prior to the beginning of the quarterly Philosopher's Index (Guide BA24), and complementary coverage for book publica- tions from the longer period. Subtitled "A Second Guide to Research," George H. Ford's Victorian Fiction (New York, Modern Language Assn. of America, 1978. 40lp. $17.50) is intended as a com- panion rather than a successor to Lionel Stevenson's volume of that title (Guide BD471) . Chapters by scholar specialists up- date the material in Stevenson from 1963 through 1974 (with occasional mention of later publications) and add new sections on Robert Louis Stevenson and Samuel Butler, reviewing the scholarly writi~g on those two figures from the beginning through 1974. Granger's Index to Poetry, 1970-1977, edited by William James Smith (New York, Columbia Univ. Pr., 1978. 635p. $59.50) takes the place of the usual five-year sup- plement to Granger's Index (6th ed., 1973; Guide BD227). It indexes about 25,000 poems in 120 anthologies and, as a new fea- ture, indicates those collections recom- mended for priority acquisition. Southern Literature, 1968-1975, com- piled by the Committee on Bibliography of the Society for the Study of Southern Liter- ature under the editorship of Jerry T. Williams (Boston, G. K. Hall, 1978. 27lp. $40), serves as a continuation of A Biblio- graphical Guide to the Study of Southern Literature by Louis D : Rubin, Jr. (Guide BD277). The supplementary bibliography cumulates the annotated entries from the annual checklists published in the spring is- sues of the Mississippi Quarterly and adds new citations, cross-references, and a name index. Metropolitan Opera Annals, 3d Supple- ment, 1966-1976, compiled by Mary Ellis Peltz and Gerald Fitzgerald (Clifton, N.J., publ. for the Metropolitan Opera Guild by J. T. White Co., 1978. 208p. $17.50), is a continuation of the basic work by William H . Seltsam (Guide BH129) and its two sup- plements. It carries forward the record of performances (with excerpts from critical reviews) as found in the earlier volumes. Selected Reference Books I 51 Six additional years of public opinion poll findings are summarized in The Gallup Poll; Public Opinion 1972-1977 (Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1978. 2v. $95), extending coverage of the original three-volume set published 1972 (Guide CJ119). Reports are again arranged chrono- logically, and there is a subject index in volume 2. Doctoral Dissertations on China, 1972- 1975; a Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages, compiled and edited by Frank Joseph Shulman (Seattle, Univ. of Wash. Pr., 1978. 329p. $17.50; $6.95 pa.), forms a supplement to L. H. D. Gordon and F. J. Shulman's 1972 bibliography of similar title covering the years 1945-70 (Guide DE99). It follows the plan of the preceding volume, listing 1,573 items in a classed arrangement. An appendix lists an additional 228 disserta- tions from the 1945-70 period that were not included in the earlier publication.-E.S. Editor's Note: Gaylord Bros., Inc., Syra- cuse, New York, has brought to our atten- tion that it is the distributor for the Dic- tionnaire de litterature fram;aise contem- poraine, described on page 303 of our July 1978 issue. Price: $22.50 plus postage. Statement of Ownership and Management College&: Research Libraries is published 17 times a year, six bimonthly journal issues with 11 monthly News issues, combin- ing July-August, by the American Library Association, 50 E . Huron St ., Chicago, IL 60611. American Library Association, owner, Richard D. Johnson , editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois . Printed in U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122, Postal Service Manual), the purposes, function , and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and Nature of Circulation ("Average" figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months ; "Actual" figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the July 1978 issue.) Total number of copies printed: Aver- age , 12,045; Actual, 12,046. Paid circulation: not applicable (i.e ., no sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales) . Mail subscriptions: Average, 10,709; Actual, 10,260. Total paid circulation: Average, 10,709; Actual, 10,260. Free distribution by mail, carrier, or other means, samples, complimentary and other free ~: Average, 1,316; Actual, 1,288. Total distribution: Average, 12,025; Actual, 11,548. Copies not distributed: Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average, 20; Actual, 498. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum previous three entries): Aver- age, 12,045; Actual , 12,046. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS form 3526, Mar. 1977) for 1978 filed with the United States Post Office, Postmaster in Fulton. Missouri, September 29, 1978. Six ma}or data bases in the SCIENTIFIC• TECHNICAL• BUSINESS MANAGEMENT• fields Whether print or online No search is complete without them. Send for free, detailed catalog today. Six major data bases serving the world's information specialists from DATA COURIER. INC., the data base companY 620 South Filth St .• Louisville, K'l' 40202 U.S .A. • Phone 502/582-4111 • Tel« 204235 Dept. RC -5 DATA COURIER, INC 0 YES ., 620 South FifthS . and ~~=ed free 1979 Data Co . t., Lomsville, KY 40202 US A . urter Catal f . . . og eaturing all d Name ala base services P . • rmt Organization Address City/State/Zip