College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Repro- duction Service, P. 0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify fonnat desired, and include payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Library Service Enhancement Program .. Sec- ond Quarterly Progress Report to the Council on Library Resources for the Pe- riod December 1, 1977-February 28, 1978. By Orion Harrison . Statesboro, Ga.: Geor- gia Southern College, 1978. ED 156 111. MF -$0.83; HC-$1.67. This progress report presents information on a comprehensive program that involved the library in all aspects of the academic program. During the second quarter, meetings with the faculty were completed and weekly meetings were held with the director of libraries and the associate director for operations. Since meaningful contacts with students continued to be difficult to establish, a student- formulated questionnaire was mailed to all students with campus post office boxes (4,748 students). The reference staff taught thirty-nine course-related li- brary instruction sessions, and a library handbook has been completed. Appendixes contain the stu- dent survey questionnaires concerning the orienta- tion program and general library knowledge. Learning to Use LEXIS: Policies and Proce- dures, Training Exercises, Resource Mate- rials. By John E. Christensen. Austin: Tarlton Law Library, Univ. ofTexas, 1977. 43p. ED 156147. MF -$0.83; HC-$2.06. This manual is designed to familiarize law stu- dents with the Legal Research Service (LEXIS), inform them of policies and procedures at the Tarlton Law School, and act as a reference tool by providing information on LEXIS not readily avail- able elsewhere. A self-paced training manual work- book designed to assist students in developing skills needed for effective LEXIS use, it includes (1) in- structions and training exercises for becoming famil- iar with the LEX IS primer, desk book, and other written materials; using the LEXIS simulator and Recent Publications I 193 flip chart to learn the keyboard and simple search strategies; watching videotape lecture demonstra- tion modules of actual LEXIS use; and on-line prac- tice; (2) a list of skills for effective use; (3) rules and policies regarding use at Tarlton; and (4) resource materials-a training checklist, an introductory bib- liography, and current contents of LEXIS libraries. A Report on Libraries in the Pacific Islands: An Impression. By Miles M. Jackson. Wash- ington, D.C.: Council on Library Re- sources, Inc., 1978. 12p. ED 156 185. MF -$0.83; HC-$1.67. A five-week trip to study library and information services in the South Pacific included visits to American Samoa, Fiji , New Zealand, New Guinea, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands , and Guam . This report provides information on each country's or territory's library services, structure and organization, staffing, collections, facilities , and any existing librarianship training programs. In general, the countries are making slow progress toward developiag library services; however , there is noticable progress at the University of South Pacific, University of Papua New Guinea, and the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. The most urgent needs identified by the study are for more trained librarians, greater financial support, and sympathy from government leaders. Library Service to Part-Time Students at Trent University. A Study. By John A. Wiseman. 1976. 24p. ED 157 501. MF- $0.83; HC-$1.67. This study began as a joint venture between Trent University and Queen's University to identify any existing inadequacies in library service to part-time students and to determine what could be done to improve access to library resources. Because of the significantly different organization of part-time studies at the two schools, two questionnaires were developed, and two reports of findings were pre- pared. Only the Trent report is included in this document; however, the exchange of ideas between the universities was reciprocally useful. The meth- odology for compiling data included a five-question survey of public libraries in the area, a two-question survey of nearby university libraries, and a ques- tionnaire that was mailed to part-time students . Comments from the libraries and statistics from the questionnaires are presented. The thirteen recom- mendations proposed at the conclusion of the study call for modification of on-campus services and further development of off-campus facilities. Academic Library Materials: Budgeting and AUocation (A Review of the Literature). By Gary M. Shirk. Minneapolis: University Li- 194 I College & Research Libraries • March 1979 braries, Univ. ofMinnesota, 1976. 19p. ED 157 502. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. This literature review focuses on methods for de- termining collection development requirements of a university library. Five criteria were used in the selection of titles for review: immediate relevance to university library collections and allocations; degree of emphasis on empirical methodologies; publica- tion dates within the last ten to fifteen years; ease of access; and indexing in Library Literature. Consid- eration of each of the following topics includes a summary of relevant thought and indicates the ap- propriate citation in the bibliography: allocation by formula; selectivity, adequacy and collection evalua- tion; formula factors ; and efficiency/equity. Task Force on the Future of the CorneU Uni- versity Libraries Card Catalogs. Report #1: Recommendations and Future Agenda, Appendices. By Marcia Jebb and others. Ithaca, N.Y.: University Libraries, Cornell Univ., 1977. 67p. ED 157 527. MF-$0.83; HC-Not available from EDRS. A task force was set up in September 1975 to develop short- and long-range planning guidelines for decisions affecting future catalogs at Cornell University Libraries (CUL). This report presents summaries of studies by this group , focusing on You're one of a kind. UNIQUE! So is AASL: the only national media organization serving library media professionals, grades K-12 . Join AASL. Write: American Association of School Librarians, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. 60611. developments at the Library of Congress (LC) and other research libraries; cost analysis, current status relating to size, bibliographic characteristics, de- partment libraries, and automation at CUL; and the future, with the choice of maintaining an open- ended catalog or closing the present catalog in 1980, when LC planned to close its card catalogs and go to an on-line system. The task force recommends clos- ing the present catalog in 1980 and using LC' s MARC records and authority files to provide on-line access to the CUL collection. This would be only one component of an automated system that would manage acquisitions, serials, circulation, and re- serve. The appendixes include a list of goals; an inventory of catalogs at CUL; assessments of equip- ment and manpower needed to maintain the card catalogs ; approximate costs of maintaining card catalogs through 1984; a report of a survey on the use of the card catalog; and a proposed plan for making the transition from the card catalog to the on-line computerized catalog. A Study ofTen SUNY Campuses Offering an Undergraduate Credit Course in Library Instruction. By Anne Roberts. Albany, N.Y.: University Libraries, State Univ. of New York, Albany, 1978. 81p. ED 157 529. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. This study is a comparative analysis of undergrad- uate credit courses in library instruction, taught by university librarians and offered by ten State Uni- versity of New York (SUNY) institutions-Albany, Brockport, Buffalo, Environmental Science and Forestry, New Paltz, Oneonta, Oswego, Plattsburgh, Stony Brook, and Upstate Medical. Topics include a brief outline of each institution· summaries of each of the credit courses, and th~ various teaching techniques being utilized; a pro- totype of a model course; and analysis of responses to interview questions by instruction librarians, public service librarians who do not teach, and technical services librarians; library directors; academic teaching faculty; and vice-presidents. Major conclu- sions indicate that these courses are an integral part of the library and university program with positive support from administrators and faculty, and that the personality of the instruction librarian is an im- portant factor both in the classroom and in gaining the support of other librarians. Data are presented in tables, and appendixes include a bibliography and the questionnaires and interview questions used. An Evaluative Report of the Richmond CoUege Freshman Library Instruction Program. By Edward James DeLong. Richmond, Va.: Univ. ofRichmond, 1978. 30p. ED 157 547. MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. Pretests and posttests, which measure the knowl- edge of students before and after instruction, are used to evaluate the effectiveness of a self- instructional "Library Survival Kit" that teaches basic library skills to freshmen at Richmond. Findings of this study indicate a significant im- provement and a passing average for the freshman English classes (466 students). Although the kit ap- parently is successful, there are still some areas of instruction that need improvement. Library Service Enchanc.,.ent Program, F. W. Crumb Memorial Library, State Uni- versity CoUege, Potsdam, New York. Final Report. By Jeanne Dittmar. Potsdam, N.Y.: F. W. Crumb Memorial Library, State Univ. of New York, Potsdam, 1977. 34p. ED 157 554. MF -$0.83; HC-$2.06. The integration oflibrary instruction within estab- lished courses offered by academic departments at the State University College at Potsdam is dis- cussed. A report of the year's activities, which are funded by a grant from the Council on Library Re- sources, is followed by the library director's assess- ment of staff skills required for program participa- tion and remarks regarding the program's impact on services, and faculty and student attitudes. The project librarian reports on her activities and in- cludes guidelines used in developing self- instructional materials; a strategy for introducing the program to the teaching faculty; sample outlines for pilot programs in chemistry, English, and history; and an analysis of the student questionnaire used to evaluate the program. Also included are a brief de- scription of the institution and its libraries, a copy of the student evaluative questionnaire, and a financial report. Deciphering Reference Questions through the Reference Interview: Report and Annotated Bibliography. By 0. Gene Norman. 1978. 20p. ED 157 558. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. The reference interview is one of the most deli- cate operations of the reference librarian. This re- port, which provides a review of the literature, touches on several major topics: (1) conflicts in communication initiated by the client's inadequate knowledge of the depth of the collection and refer- ence tools available, lack of ease in formulating and asking reference questions, and confidence in the reference staff; (2) question negotiation; (3) sensitiv- ity to the patron's needs through sensitivity training, counseling techniques, and transactional analysis, and the awareness of body language; (4) skills and techniques necessary for effective performance in today' s library; and (5) a basic understanding of the patron's communication needs through courses in sensitivity, communication science and counseling, and awareness of current developments on the sub- ject. The selected, annotated bibliography cites rel- ~vant periodical articles and books. Recent Publications I 195 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Agricultural Terms. 2d ed. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1978. 122p. $13.95 plus $0.95 postage and handling. LC 78-61381. ISBN 0-912700-45-9. A revised and expanded edition of the Thesaurus of Agricultural Terms published in 1976. The vocabulary included in this work is the source for the headings appearing in the subject index of the Bibliography of Agriculture. Campbell, James Edward. Pottery and Ceramics: A Guide to Information Sources. Art and Archi- tecture Information Guide Series, v. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 241p. $22. LC 74-11545. ISBN 0-8103-127 4-3. Catalogue des microeditions, 1978. Ed. by Richard Thouin. Montreal: Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec, 1978. 159p. Chen, Virginia, comp . The Economic Conditions of East and Southeast Asia: ·A Bibliography of English-Language Materials, 1965-1977. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 788p . $39.95. LC 78-57762. ISBN 0-313-20565-5. Chirgwin, F. John, and Oldfield, Phyllis. The Li- brary Assistant's Manual. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1978. 118p. $9. LC 78-18415. ISBN 0-85157-263-4 Bingley; ISBN 0-208-01666-X Linnet. Claremont Graduate School Oral History Program: A Bibliography. Claremont, Calif.: Claremont Univ. Center, 1978. 32p. $2. (Available from: Oral History Program, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA 91711.) Climates of the States. National Oceanic and At- mospheric Administration Narrative Summaries, Tables, and Maps for Each State with Current Tables of Normals, 1941-1970, Means and Ex- tremes to 1975, Overview of State Climatologist Programs . New material by James A. Ruffner. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 2v. $38/set. LC 76-11672. ISBN 0-8103-1042-2. Based on Climatology of the United States, no.60, issued in 1959--60 by the U.S . Weather Bureau, and data from the National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration. Current Serials Received April 1978. West York- shire, United Kingdom: British Library, Lending Division, 1978. 440p . £10 surface mail; £14 air- mail. ISBN 0-85350-170-X . (Available from: British Library, Lending Division , Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom LS23 7BQ.) Directory of Library Research & Demonstration Projects-1966-1975. Preliminary edition. Wash- ington, D.C.: Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, 1978. 117p. Avail- able without cost while supply lasts . (Available 196 I College & Research Libraries • March 1979 from : Office of Libraries and Learning Resources, Research and Demonstration Branch , Room 3319-A, 7th & D Sts. , S.W., Washington , DC 20202.) Duic , Walter Z. Africa Administration: Directory of Public Life, Administration and justice for the African States. V.l. New York: K. G. Saur; Munich : Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 1978 . 1,285p . $80. LC 78-17680. ISBN 0-89664-017-5. Volume one of a three-volume set. Other vol- umes will be available in 1979. Ewen , David, comp. and ed. Musicians since 19()(): Performers in Concert and Opera . New York : Wilson , 1978. 974p . $35 U.S./Canada; $42 elsewhere. LC 78-12727. ISBN 0-8242-0565-0. " Replaces Living Musicians (1940) and Living Mu sicians: First Supplement (1975), both long out of print, with a work that is wider in scope than the two earlier volumes combined. "-Introduction. Falco, Nicholas. Manual for th e Organization of Manuscripts in the Long Island Division of the Queens Borough Public Library. Jamaica, N.Y. : Queens Borough Public Library, 1978. 140p . ISBN 0-9601-1864-1-7. Filipovitch , Anthony J. , and Reeves, Earl J. Urban Community: A Guide to Information Sources . Urban Studies Information Guide Series, v.4. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 286p. $22 . LC 78-13171. ISBN 0-8103-1429-0. Gordon , Colin. Th e Atlantic Alliance: A Bibliogra- phy. London : Frances Pinter Ltd .; New York: Nichols Publishing Co., 1978. 216p. $20. LC 78- 15540. ISBN 0-903804-32-8 Frances Pinter; ISBN 0-89397-041-7 Nichols. (Available from : Nichols Publishing Co., P. 0. Box 96, New York , NY 10024.) . Gottlieb, Robin . Publishing Children's Books in Am.erica , 1919-1976: An Annotated Bibliogra- phy. New York: Children's Book ,Council, Inc., 1978. 195p. $15 paper U. S./Canada; $18 paper elsewhere; $17 .50 slipcased U.S./Canada; $18 slipcased elsewhere. (Available from: The Chil- dren's Book Council, Inc. , 67 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003.) Grigg, Carolyn Doub. Music Translation Dictio- nary: An English-C zech-Danish-Dutch-French- German- Hungarian - Italian- Polish- Portuguese- Russian- Spanish- Swedish Vocabulary ofM usical Terms . Westport, Conn .: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 336p. $25 . LC 78-60526. ISBN 0-313-20559-0. A Handbook and Guide for the College and Univer- sity Counseling Center. Ed. by B. Mark Schoen- berg. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 305p. $18.95. LC 77-87975. ISBN 0-313-20050-5. Harvey, Joan M., comp. Statistics-Africa: Sources for Social , Economic, and Market Research. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Beckenham , England: CBD Re - search Ltd. , 1978. 374p. $60. ISBN 0-900246- 26-X. (Distributed by Gale.) Hatch , Jane M., comp. and ed. The American Book of Days. 3d ed. New York: Wilson , 1978. 1,214p. $50 U.S./Canada; $60 elsewhe re . LC 78-16239. ISBN 0-8242-0593-6. Hill, Donna. The Picture File: A Manual and a Curriculum-Related Subject Heading List. 2d ed . rev . and enl. Hamden , Conn. : Linnet Books, 1978. 183p. $12 . LC 78-3728 . ISBN 0 -208- 01745-3. Huddleston , Eugene L ., and Noverr, Douglas A. Th e Relationship of Painting and Literature: A Guide to Information Sources . Am erican Studies Information Guide Series, v.4 . Detroit: Gale, 1978. 184p. $22 . LC 78-53436. ISBN 0-8103- 1394-4. Kirkpatrick, John 0. Max on View: An Exhibition . Austin , Tex.: Humanitie s Research Cente r, Univ. of Texas, 1978. 80p . A catalog of works by and about the writer Sir Max Beerbohm. Legum , Colin , and Shaked , Haim , eds. Middle East Contemporary Surve y. Vol. I: 1976--77. New York: Holmes & Me ier Publishers , Inc. , 1978. 684p. $65. ISBN 0-8419-0323-9. (Available from : Holmes & Meier Publishe rs , Inc., Africana Pub- lishing Co. , IUB Building, 30 Irving Place, New York , NY 10003. ) Combines an analysis of the year's developments with a country-by-country review of curre nt is- sues. Mcilvaine, B., and Mundkur, Mohini. Aging: A Guide to Ref erence Sources, journals and Gov- ernment Publications. The Univ. of Connecticut Library , Storrs Bibliography Se ri e s , no . ll . Storrs: Univ . ofConnecticut Pr. , 1978. 162p. $5. LC 78-5214 . ISBN 0-917590-04-X . (Available from : Acquisitions Department , Univ. of Con- necticut Library, Storrs, CT 06268.) Mamalakis , Markos J. , comp. Historical Statistics of Chile: National Accounts . W e stport, Conn .: Greenwood Pr. , 1978. 262p. $50. LC 78-66721. ISBN 0-313-20619-8. Newspaper and Gazette Report. Index: 1973-1976. Comp. by Carol K. Lura. Washington, D.C.: Li- brary of Congress , 1978. 34p. (Available from: Central Se rvices Division, Library of Congress , Washington , DC 20540.) Parker, David L. , and Siegel , Esther. Guide to Dance in Film: A Catalog of U.S. Productions including Dance Sequences , with Names of Danc- ers , Choreographers, Directors , and Other De- tails. Performing Arts Information Guide Series , v.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 220p . $22. LC 76-20339. ISBN 0-8103-1377-4 . Parry, Pamela Jeffcott, comp. Contemporary Art and Artists : An Index to Reproductions . Westport, Conn .: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 327p. $25. LC 78-57763 . ISBN 0-313-20544-2. Guide to illustrations of paintings, . sculpture, drawings , prints, happenings, actions , environ- ments , assemblages , conceptual pieces , earth- McGraw-Bitt Texts in Library Science Primary Sources of Knowledge NEWFOR1979 Guide to the Use of Books and Libraries, 4/e Jean Key Gates A complete revision of the leading introduction to the use of libraries and library materials. This edition places a greater emphasis on such non-book sources as data bases, government documents, and microforms and includes new information on interlibrary library loans, the copyright law, and automated reference services. Approx. 288 pp. ALSO AVAILABLE ••• Introduction to Librarianship, 2/e Jean Key Gates An authoritative overview of the profession, including major objectives, services, and trends as well as the attitudes and principles of librarianship as a career. 288 pp. IDtroduction to Reference Work, 3/e WllliamKatz VOLUME I: BASIC INFORMATION SOURCES · A thorough analysis of various information sources and their use in a wide range of reference works found in almost any field of interest. 384 pp. VOLUME II: REFERENCE SERVICES AND REFERENCE PROCESSES A complete examination of how libraries function, this book discusses how to conduct a search and includes information on computerized reference searches and library networks. 288 pp. ~ McGRAW-HILLBOOKCOMPANY ~~ ,~ ~ COLLEGE DIVISION 1tn i 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. I 0020 198 I College & Research Libraries • March 1979 Newspapers On Microfilm Exclusively from Research Publications, Inc. The Washington Post The London Times Le Monde THE DAILY AND SUNDAY TELEGRAPH (London) THE SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh) EVENING STANDARD (London) AL AKHBAR (Cairo) THE AGE (Melbourne) LLOYD'S LIST JOURNAL DE GENEVE THE STRAITS TIMES and SUNDAY TIMES OF SINGAPORE THE BANGKOK POST For complete information on our newspapers on microfilm write: reseamlications, inc. 12 Lunar Drive Woodbridge, CT 06525 works, and video art found in up-to-date English books and exhibition catalogs. Penland, Patrick R., and Mathai, Aleyamma. The Library as a Learning Service Center. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978. 237p. $22.50. LC 78-13491. ISBN 0-8247-6750-0. (Available from: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016.) Designed to assist librarians and other profession- als in developing services that respond to citizens' needs . Raymond , Boris, ed. Libraries and Popular Educa- tion: Proceedings of a One-Day Symposium Held at the School of Library Service, Dalhousie Uni- versity, March 31, 1978. Dalhousie University Libraries and Dalhousie University School of Li- brary Service Occasional Paper 20. Halifax, N. S.: Dalhousie Univ. Pr., 1978. 67p. $3 . ISBN 0-7703-0162-2. (Available from: Director, School of Library Service, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4H8.) Religious Books and Serials in Print, 1978-1979. New York: Bowker, 1978. 1,259p. $39.50. LC 78-63633 . ISBN 0-8352-1067-7. Remington , Robin Alison. The International Rela- tions of Eastern Europe: A Guide to Information Sources. International Relations Information Guide Series , v.8. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 273p. $22. LC 73-17512. ISBN 0-8103-1320-0. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica. Madrid, Spain: Centro Nacional de Informacion y Documentacion Cienti6ca (CENIDOC), 1978- v.1- . l.OOOptas Spain; l.100ptas elsewhere. (Available from: Instituto de Informa- cion y Documentacion en Ciencia y Tecnologia, c/Joaqum Costa, 22, Madrid 6, Spain.) Rinehart, Constance, and Magrill, Rose Mary .... The More It Is the Same: Fifty Years of Library Science Graduates at the University of Michigan . Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan, School of Library Science, 1978. 63p. $5. (Available from : School of Library Science, The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.) Sandeen, Ernest R., and Hale, Frederick. Ameri- can Religion and Philosophy: A Guide to Infonna- tion Sources. American Studies Information Guide Series, v.5. Detroit: Gale , 1978. 377p. $22. LC 73-17562. ISBN 0-8103-1262-X. Sarkissian, Adele, ed. Children's Authors and Illus- trators: An Index to Biographical Dictionaries. 2d ed. Gale Biographical Index Series, no.2. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 251p. $24 . LC 78-16868 . ISBN 0-8103-1079-l. Covers 15,000 authors and ilius- trators whose biographies appear in 150 reference sources . Schroyer, Helen Q. A Guide to a Course in Gov- ernment Documents. Univ. of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Occasional Papers, no. 135. Champaign: Graduate School of Library Sci- ence, Univ. of Illinois, 1978. 51p. $2 . Sell, Kenneth D., and Sell, Betty H. Divorce in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain: A Guide to Inforouztion Sources. Social Issues and Social Problems Information Guide Series, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 298p. $22. LC 78-15894. ISBN 0-8103-1396-0. Spear, George E ., and Mocker, Donald W. Urban Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Urban Studies Information Guide Series, v.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 203p. $22. LC 78-13627. ISBN 0-8103-1431-2. Sperry, Kip. A Survey of American Genealogical Periodicals and Periodical Indexes . Gale Geneal- ogy and Local History Series, v.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 199p. $22. LC 78-55033. ISBN 0-8103- 1401-0. Sprott, S. E. A Short-Title Catalogue of the Dalhousie Bacon Collection. Halifax , N.S.: . Dalhousie Univ. Pr., 1978. 25p. $5. ISBN 0-7703-0078-2. "Records all copies of works by Francis Bacon up to 1900 in the Dalhousie Bacon Collection, along with selected Baconiana up to the same date." Stevenson, Gordon. Andreas Schleiermacher's Bib- liographic Classification and Its Relationship to the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress Classifications . Univ. of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Occasional Papers, no.136. Champaign: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1978. 22p. $2. Surprises and Delights from a Century of Collect- ing . A Catalogue of the Exhibition Mounted by the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Honor of the Centenary of the Opening of the Peabody Library Building at 17 East Mount Vernon Place in Balti- more. Baltimore, Md.: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1978. 44p. $3.50. (Available from: Publicatiops, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 400 Cathedral St., Bal- timore, MD 21201.) Toll Free Business. Minneapolis: Toll Free Planning Services, Inc., 1978. 232p . $8.95. (Available from: Toll Free Planning Services, Box 102, Minneapolis, MN 55440.) Directory of 10,000 toll-free "800" telephone list- ings. Tomasi, Silvano M., and Stibili, Edward C. Italian-Americans and Religion: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Center for Migration Recent Publications I 199 Studies, 1978. 222p. $14.95. LC 76-44921. ISBN 0-913256-25-0. Tomberg, Alex, ed. Eusidic Database Guide . Ox- ford; New York: Learned Information, 1978. 130p. $25; £12.50. ISBN 0-904933-13-X. (Avail- able from : Learned Information, 200 W. 57th St., Suite 1210, New York, NY 10019.) Successor to Data Bases in Europe . International directory, with a European emphasis, of all re- ported European data bases and all reported op- erations networked to Europe. Travel Guidebooks in Review. 3d ed. rev. Ed. by Jon 0 . Heise, Lynn Gumpert, Jon V. C. Booth, and Susan I. Nisbett. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Professional Publications, 1978. 187p. $9.95. LC 78-16930. ISBN 0-915794-25-X. Trumbull, Peter, and Runser, Robert E., comps . Special Resources in Micro format in the Michigan State University Libraries. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State Univ. Libraries, 1978. 32p. Viswanathan , C. G. An Introduction to Public Li- brary Organization. (With special reference to India.) 3d ed. New Delhi, India: Today & Tomor- row's Printers and Publishers, 1978. 203p . "Workshop on Academic Book Prices," LIBER 9/10:81-137 (1978). (Available from Martinus Nijhoff, 9-11 Lange Voorhout , The Hague , Netherlands. Gld.45.) Proceedings of workshop held at LIBER-meeting in Lei den, April 26-28 , 1977. The World Energy Book: An A-Z, Atlas and Statisti- cal Source Book. Consultant eds. , David Crabbe and Richard McBride. New York: Nichols Pub- lishing Co., 1978. 259p. $25. LC 78-50805. ISBN 0-89397-032-8. Divided into three sections: A-Z, containing 1,000 terms and definitions; energy resources at- las, containing thirty-five world maps; and the statistical appendixes , providing tabular and graphic information. Zell, Hans M. , ed. African Books in Print: An Index by Author, Subject and Title . 2d ed. London: Mansell; Westport, Conn.: Meckler Books, 1978. 2v. $98 .50. LC 78-5618 . ISBN 0-930466-09-8. (Available in U.S. from Meckler Books , 520 Riverside Ave., P. 0 . Box 405, Saugatuck Station , Westport, CT 06880.) Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules SECOND EDITION Michael Gorman and Paul W. Winkler, editors 640 pages Cloth: ISBN 0-8389-3210-X $15.00 Paper: ISBN 0-8389-3211-8 $10.00 On its first publication in 1967, Anglo-American Cata- loguing Rules was greeted as "the best Code we have, or are likely to have," and was soon adopted by libraries around the world. The second edition of AACR con- solidates the achievements of the first and builds on them to meet the chal- lenges of development and change. In an intensive three-year project, two distinguished editors and an inter- national Joint Steering Committee-on which the national library associations and national library services of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom were all represented-have produced a revision that harmonizes the two differing texts of the first edi- tion. AACR 2 incorporates the latest . A joint publication of the American library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Library Association international standards, makes pro- vision for the whole range of new materials and media now in our library collections, and takes notice of the impact of machine- readable cataloguing and bibliographic systems. There are adjustments to the text and presentation that nation-wide reviews by AACR users have shown to be essential. One innovation is of particular im- portance: the rules for Description are presented in an integrated structure that provides a uniform basis for re- cording not only every known category of print and nonprint material, but those still unknown and uninvented. · AACR 2 can be the Code to take cataloguing into the twenty-first century. Order your copies now! • Order Department American Library Association 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611