College and Research Libraries 572 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 no copy of the official GPO version, which seems unlikely. A list of U.S. presidents with their terms offers no utility. Nakata includes several reproductions of check-in forms for holdings. A congressional example explaining the recording of mono- graphic documents with a Su Doc's Cutter number is inadequate for beginners. Nakata notes that Harleston and Stoffie' s Adminis- tration of Government Document Collec- tions (Libraries Unlimited Inc., 1974) offers further alternatives for record keeping. Also, Jackson's Manual for the Administra- tion of the Federal Documents Collection (ALA, 1955) is still useful for this purpose. Some timely advice is offered for manag- ing microfiche in the rapidly changing de- pository program. Food for thought includes weighing the economic advantages of mi- crofiche against other considerations such as quality of. available equipment, floor space for cabinets, and multiple readers. A helpful addition might have been a list of current and future GPO microfiche offerings. Be- ginners will need further background found in Public Document Highlights and GODORT'S Documents to the People (DttP). Nakata's manual is extremely readable with the content providing a neat package of necessary information. Much of the informa- tion is covered more fully by Harleston and Stoffie and by Joe Morehead's Introduction to United States Public Documents (Librar- ies Unlimited, 2d. ed., 1978). Because be- ginners must be fast learners, the latter ti- tles are suggested as priorities with Nakata's work as a "handy backup." Organizing a Local Government Docu- ments Collection discusses the differences of local history materials as opposed to local documents. Suggestions for acquisition, cataloging, and establishing authority files are valuable for even small public and school libraries. There is an excellent dis- cussion of search strategies, explaining par- ticular insights needed in making the most of municipal documents. Sample reference questions help to stimulate these insights. A thirty-one-item selected bibliography of cur- rent local document articles also contributes toward a wholehearted recommendation. This inexpensive handbook serves as a reminder that a well-managed local docu- ment collection may plug the informational dike when federal and state publications fail for small areas.-David W. Parish, State University of New York, C allege at Geneseo. International Books in Print, 1979. English-Language Titles Published Out- side the U.S.A. and the United Kingdom. Munchen, New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 2v. $168. ISBN 0-89664-050-7 US; 3-598-07070-5 Germany. ISSN 0170-9348. Bibliographers and acquisitions librarians should send a vote of thanks to K. G. Saur for publishing International Books in Print, 1979, though it is not quite what that title suggests. The subtitle is needed to pinpoint its scope: "English Language Titles Pub- lished outside the U.S .A. and the United Kingdom. One can ruminate on a better title during many commuting trips without great success. The important thing is that those who are looking for titles of books published in the English language finally have a single source for books from Canada, Africa, India, and Australia and, above all, a source for many countries never available before. This first edition lists 80,000 titles from eighty-nine countries. It is an attractive, well-bound two-volume work with three- column pages that are clear and legible. The excellent "Suggestions for Use" sec- tion found at the front of both volumes explains the general set-up and filing technicalities with pertinent examples. The main entry, usually the author, in boldface type, gives complete information. Cross- references are made from the title, coauthors, editors, translators, conferences, symposia, etc. The "complete" information is more than we are accustomed to in other books-in- print compilations: as many as three authors and/or editors, titles of individual volumes, place or places of publication, publisher and often even distributor, paging including pre- liminary pages, series, prices in as many as three currencies, ISBN, and country code. Upon discovering three columns enumerating all the groups and volumes of Numerical Data and Functional Relation- ships in Science and Technology, one might think this completeness was carried to an RELEASED in '79 & '80 NEW EDmONS IN PREP. PAGES PRICE Banerji ENERGY ECONOMY IN DESIGN In Prep. Binder THE IEDOLOGICAL REVOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST :m pp. In Prep. Graupe TIME SERIES ANALYSIS AND ADAPTIVE FILTERING Jn Prep Holland /Sahney GENERAL PROBLEM APPROXIMATION AND SPLINE FUNCTIONS Approx. 310 pp. In Prep Ishii MASER AND LASER ENGINEERING $19.50 Key/Keys SELECTED READINGS IN MEDICAL LIBRARIANSHIP 559 pp. In ~ep Malloy/Turner HANDBOOK OF THERMAL INSULATION DESIGN ECONOMI CS App rox . 420 pp S49 5G Malloy/Turner THERMAL INSULATION Approx. 420 pp In Prep. Mappen WITCHES & HISTORIANS Approx. 128 pp Ppb S4 95 Miller HYPOTHESIS TESTING WITH COMPLEX DISTRIBUTIONS Approx 250 pp In Prep Miller AN INTRODUCTION TO VECTOR STOCHASTIC PROCESSES In Prep Roback. et al PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH: COMMENTARIES AND READINGS 256 PP S14 50 Snead WORLD ATLAS OF GEOMORPHIC FEATURES Approx 300 pp SJ950 Turner / Malloy HANDBOOK OF THERMAL INSULATION DESIGN ECONOMICS Approx 420 pp 54950 Weber FROM THE FOREIGN PRESS. Vol I 11n6-18761 In Prep Vol 2 11876-Present) In Prep Welcher / Bosc hmann ORGANIC REAGENTS FOR COPPER 632 pp 534 50 REVISED EDITIONS ORIG. EO. PAGES PRICE Do de s FINITE MATHEMATICS WITH BASIC A LIBERAL ARTS APPROACH 1970 Approx 416 pp In prep Enrick MARKET ANO SALES FORECASTING 1969 208 pp SIO 50 Firmage FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF STRUCTURES 1963 350 pp $14 50 Fox INTERMEDIATE ECONOMIC STATISTICS. Vol 1 1968 580 pp In Pre p Vol. 2 1979 160 pp In Prep Hecht THE WOMEN . YES' 1973 236 pp In Prep Layton COLLEGE ARITHMETIC . 2nd Edition 1959 246 pp In Prep McCausland INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMAL CONTROL 1969 258 pp $1650 Miller SWITCHING THEORY (Vols. 1 & 2 Combmed) 1965 627 pp. S24 50 Piddington COSMIC ELECTRODYNAMICS 1969 318 pp In Prep Rychlak A PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE FOR PERSONALITY THEORY 1968 528 pp In Prep Sayles MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOR 1964 312 pp. In Prep REPRINTS RELEASED Adams ORGANIC REACTIONS Vol . 4 1948 428 pp $20.50 Vol. 13 1962 382 pp. $20.50 Avram INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY : App licat ions in Organic Chemistry 1972 SJ2 pp 528 50 Barnes WORK SAMPLING 1957 298 pp 515.50 Berry THIN FILM TECHNOLOGY 1968 730 pp. 53450 Billingsley ERGODIC THEORY AND INFORMATION 1965 218 pp. $15.00 Bray FORMATIVE YEARS IN BUSINESS: A Long Term AT&T Stu~y of Managenal Lives 1974 260 pp. $1 7 50 Bnggs WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS PLANNING AND MANAGEMEN T 1960 320 pp $1 9 50 Brody MINORITY GROUP ADOLESCENTS IN THE UNITED STATES 1968 256 pp. $11 .50 Butler / lson CORROSION AND ITS PREVENTION IN WATERS 1966 310 pp. $16.00 Christian ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY 1970 51 2 pp $2850 Constant THEORETICAL PHYSICS: MECHANICS OF PARTICLES. RIGID AND ELASTIC BODIES. FLUIDS. AND HEAT FLOW 1954 281 pp. S14 00 Ettre/ McFadden ARCILLARY TECHNIQUES OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 1969 408 pp $24 50 Etzkorn MUSIC ANO SOCIETY: The Later Writings of Paul Honigsheim 1973 350 pp. $21 .50 Fiore PROMOTABLE NOW! 1972 256 pp. $16.00 Graupe THE RISE OF MODERN JUDAISM : AN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF GERMAN JEWRY 1650-1942 1969 364 pp. $19.50 Hess INTRODUCTION TO THEORETICAL METEROROLOGY 1959 378 pp. $18.50 Jourard SELF-DISCLOSURE: AN EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSPARENT SELF 1971 248 pp. S14 50 Kline ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY & GEOMETRICAL OPTICS 1965 527 pp. $24.00 Koneman. et al PRACTICAL LA BORA TORY PARASITOLOGY 1974 133 pp. Ppb. $9.95 Kuo LINEAR NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS 1967 426 pp . $21 .50 Lacey INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING WITH MEMBRANES 1972 360 pp. $25.00 Leavell PREVENTIVE MEDICINE FOR THE DOCTOR IN HIS COMMUNITY 1958 698 pp . 521 .00 Loeb COLOR AND SYMMETRY 1971 196 pp 526 50 Maher CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY AND PERSONALITY: The Selected Papers of George Kelly 1969 371 pp. S14 50 Mansfield INTERMEDIATE REAL ANALYSIS 1969 222 pp. $1450 Margenau ETHICS AND SCIENCE 1964 314 pp. 520.50 McCausland INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMAL CONTROL - Revised Edition 1974 260 pp. $1650 Mowbray INSURANCE 1969 665 pp. 526 50 Null PHASE EQUILIBRIUM IN PROCESS DESIGN 1970 287 pp. $1950 Phelps INTRODUCTION TO LABOR ECONOMICS 1967 572 pp. $1950 Ringbom COMPLEXATION IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1963 406 pp. 52750 Schwartz SURFACE ACTIVE AGENTS: THEIR CHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGY. Vol. t 1949 592 pp. 524.00 Skilling ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES 1951 460 pp. $20.50 Slavin EMISSION SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS 1971 266 pp. $26.50 Tang MECHANICS OF SUPERPLASTICITY 1979 192 pp Ppb. $9.50 Zadeh LINEAR SYSTEM THEORY 1963 646 pp. 52400 Zaltman PROCESSES AND PHENOMENA OF SOCIAL CHANGE 1973 478 pp. $2050 Zlot ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY (Fundamental Math Series) 197.1 166 pp. Ppb. $6.50 Foster ECONOMICS: An Introductory Program 1973 396 PP Pp b. 58.50 K R I E G E R Publishing Co .• Inc. (516) 271-5252 ,., P.O. Box 542. Huntington. N.Y. 11743 U.S.A. 57 4 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 extreme, but to an acquisitions librarian try- ing to figure out how a particular title fits into that set, it is pure gold. However, I think one reference from Hellwege, A. M. and Hellwege, K. H. to Numerical Data ... would suffice instead of a column and a half of references to specific volumes. Filing, except for initials and acronyms, follows normal library usage. It is interest- ing to note, in regard to names with pre- fixes, that, if an author's country of origin is known, the rule of that country is followed. If it is unknown or English, it follows the English system of filing under the prefix: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, but Von Clasen, Helmuth. I found the series notation very helpful, and it would be great if future volumes could have a series listing or references for all volumes when the series was not the m9in entry. To explain: Contributions to Primatology is a main entry so all volumes are listed together giving individual titles, editors, and the usual main entry informa- tion, but Lund Studies in English has its main entry under author, so you can find that a known volume such. as B. Selten' s Anglo-Saxon Heritage in Middle English Personal Names is number 43, but what are the previous forty-two? What a boon to find, for any publishers given in the entries, the complete address listed by country at the end of volume two of the IBIP. When you find Pier De Cicco's From the Wrong Side of the Bed is pub- lished by the Missing Link Press, don't de- spair. Just turn to the Canadian publishers and find the Missing Link Press, 78 Chel- wood Rd., Scarborough, ON MlK 2K8. So also with the Belgian National Tourist Office, the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office or the Gambia Methodist Bookshop. There is no question of what the country is, for each entry has a country code. Lists of country codes and currency symbols are found at the front of both volumes. The country codes are not necessarily what one would expect (Sierra Leone is W AL and Gambia is WAG), but they are the interna- tionally accepted abbreviations for countries used in registering autos. When one recovers from the exhilaration RESOURCE GUIDE FOR MENTAL HEALTH • 4,930 extensive references on mental health: Needs Assessment Program Design Evaluation • Clearly and intelligently organized for fast and easy use. • Saves hours of valuable research time trying to locate the information you need. • Absolutely essential for: . Students Researchers Planners Managers Evaluators -------------Mallto: PYRAMID SYSTEMS 1401 21st St. Sacramento,CA.958141 Please send me copy (les) of THE RESOURCE GOlDE FOR MENTAL HEALTH @ $39.95 (plus $2.05 J postage & handling) each. (Calif. res. add 6% tax). 0 Payment Enclosed 0 Mastercharge OVIS" 8 I Card No. .Exp. Date I Compiled over a 10 year period by Richard M. Varvis, M.D., M.P.H. for Pyramid Systems, a Health Care Manage- ment firm with extensive Name ____________________________________ _ Address __________________________________ __ 1 experience .in Mental Health Programming. f Please allow 2- 4 weeks for delivery. City State Zip of finding all those titles from Africa, Israel, Ireland, etc., what are the drawbacks to the IBIP? I found very few. Considering the number of sources from which the informa- tion must be gathered, it is amazingly com- plete and accurate. There may be variant forms of an author's name (as in BIP) and whether Gangoli, B. N., is a variation of Ganguli, Birendra Nath, who wrote Indian Economic Thought, Nineteenth Century Perspective, or a misprint, I don't know. I looked hard for misprints but didn't have much success! The only other item I ques- tioned was in the list of abbreviations (also found in the front of both volumes): fasc(s) used as the abbreviation for fascile( s), not fascicles? Probably because the information wasn't available, some main entries gave only last names for authors, which made following references more difficult, for example, "Simpson/Kafka: Basic Statistics." Simpson and Kafka are the two authors, but if you had looked under the title you would have found a reference to Simpson. Then you would have looked through half a column of Simpsons including an entry for "Simpson, Ian S. Basic Statistics for Libraries," which was not the title you wanted, before you came to "Simpson/Kafka: Basic Statistics." As for inclusiveness, I have no idea how many English-language books would be published in the eighty-nine countries cov- ered. IBIP has 80,000 titles while BIP has close to 500,000. I found many titles I looked for, but not all. I was disappointed not to find the Directory of American Busi- ness in Germany that was published in 1976 by Seibt-Verlag in Saur's home city of Munich, but maybe it is just out of print! All in all, I think many libraries who can af- ford $168 will find this a very useful tool. Thank you, K. G. Saur.-Ruth P. Bur- nett, State University of New York, College at Oneonta. Quantitative Measurement and Dynamic Li- brary Service. Edited with a preface and introduction by Ching-chih Chen. A N eal-Schuman Professional Book. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1978. 290p. $16.50. LC 78-13066. ISBN 0-912700- 17-3. This work is the result of a two-part insti- Recent Publications I 575 tute on quantitative measurement held at Simmons College in November 1976 and March 1977. In the first unit of the insti- tute, participants were introduced to the concepts of statistical method and operations research and to systems approaches in the evaluation of library services. In the interim between units, participants applied these quantitative techniques to managerial prob- lems in their own libraries. The second unit of the institute consisted of presentation and discussion of the participants' studies. The book follows the same format as the institute. Part I, "Aspects of Quantitative Evaluation of Library Services," consists of papers by Chen, Morris Hamburg, F. F. Leimkuhler, F. W. Lancaster, and Deanne McCutchen, which introduce basic quantita- tive methods and provide a reasonable perspective on their limitations and appro- priate application in decision-oriented re- search. The papers present nothing new, but each displays the competence for which their authors are well known. Taken to- gether, they are a sound and readable over- view of quantitative approaches to library research. Part II consists of fourteen participant studies covering a diverse range of topics from journal use in a V.A. Hospital to an acquisitions profile of the Yale University li- brary system. The studies demonstrate the application of quantitative techniques in studies of space utilization, use of materials, use of reference services, cost-benefits of book detection systems, and user charac- teristics. Most of the techniques used are simple and well within the capability of most library staffs. The contributions are uneven, however, and few are of the quality to be adopted as model research designs. Part II of this volume does serve to dem- onstrate Chen's point that useful quantita- tive studies can be conducted with modest training and unsophisticated techniques. The two-part design of the institute on which the volume is based is shown to be a successful approach to teaching quantitative methods for application in real library set- tings. The publication itself, however, might have been improved by selecting somewhat more exemplary studies from the literature to demonstrate the techniques. Although there are several solid contribu~