College and Research Libraries on his application of the checklist. Draw- backs to what might. otherwise be a helpful exercise are that the problems are geared almost exclusively to elementary and secon- dary educators and librarians and the an- swers are based on the author's interpreta- tions of the fair-use section of the law, in- terpretations with which some will disagree. Discussed, .also, is limited application of the fair-use criteria in the areas of perfor- mance materials, display materials, repro- duction of display materials, and fair use by nonclassroom educators. Off-air copying of television programs, an unresolved issue of considerable concern to librarians, educators, film producers, and the broadcast industry, is briefly addressed. Soon after submission of the manuscript for publication, a group representing these interests was formed under the aegis of the House Subcommittee on the Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice and the Copyright Office to develop guidelines for off-air taping by nonprofit educational organizations. This group is still at work on its task. The library photocopying chapter is di- vided into two parts: identification of ten basic elements or requirements that can be distilled from section 108, and an applica- tion of section 108 to types of materials and types of services . The author receives plaudits for stepping over the "middle ground" into justifiable liberality in the area of copying for reserves and a recognition that both sections 107 and 108 give photo- copying rights and privileges to libraries. In one of his most memorable quotes, he calls the CONTU guidelines "a model of opaque legal language." Librarians should disagree, however, with his interpretation concerning unsupervised reproducing equipment, that "until the courts provide better guidance, it may be safe to assume that a self-service copier lo- cated near and in sight of a staff work sta- tion is not truly an unsupervised machine." For librarians who may need to seek permission after the limits of the fair-use or photocopying sections of the law have been exhausted, the chapter on obtaining permis- sion will be helpful. Suggested request forms are provided, including those for re- questing permission to duplicate copyrigh- Recent Publications I 81 ted materials and those for copying out-of- print sheet music. Of particular interest is the discussion on purchase conditions set by either the purchaser or the supplier. In general, this paperbound volume pro- vides forms, a checklist, do-it-yourself exer- cises, and some useful explanations for a complex law of the land. It is regrettable, however, that the publisher did not take the opportunity to make clear that the interpre- tations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the American Library Association.-Nancy H. Marshall, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Maizell, Robert E. How to Find Chemical Information: A Guide for Practicing Chemists, Teachers, and Students. New York: Wiley, 1979. 261p. $17.95. LC 78- 23222. ISBN 0-471-56531-8. As chemistry and chemical engineering change, the author says, "so do the sources of information chemists and engineers use. New and improved information tools are constantly being introduced, and, concur- rently, older tools become less valuable, be- come obsolete, or are discontinued." This is the main rationale for the current work, a reference guide in the genre of W oodbum' s Using the Chemical Literature: A Practical Guide (Marcel Dekker, 1974) and Bottle's Use of Chemical Literature (Butterworths, 1971). Maizell, who is manager of information services for a large corporation and has both chemistry and library degrees, has essen- tially resurveyed this familiar field. The more significant newer tools are brought in for inspection with quite a solid chapter on computer-based on-line and off-line retrieval systems. Then the enduring classical chemi- cal information reference tools are trotted out again and their basic features and struc- tures reviewed. To enrich the mixture still further, the author deals at some length with information flow and communication patterns in chemistry, with search strategy, and with keeping up to date with current awareness programs. Above and beyond this standard format, a considerable amount of very practical advice is successfully incorporated into the easy- flowing and readable text. Maizell' s sugges- tions on how quickly and efficiently to get ac- 82 I College & Research Libraries • ] anuary 1980 cess to articles, books, patents and other documents strike very close to what is prob- ably the most frustrating experience of daily librarian-scientist interchange. And his comments on the most likely future outlook of the many chemical publishers' services are valuable to the budget-conscious librar- ian. The work does make a significant and au- thoritative advance over the older refer- ences in this field. While its individual treatment of each chemical information source is not quite so complete as say Bot- tle, for example, it more than makes up for this in recency of coverage and valuable supplemental material. Maizell has succeeded in what is often very difficult for the technical writer: or- ganize it well and make it practical and at- tractive and say just enough to truly inform. This should prove to be a solid item for the science reference shelf.-David Kuhner, Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California. Bibliographic Instruction Handbook. Chicago: Association of College and Re- search Libraries, Bibliographic Instruction Section, Policy and Planning Committee, 1979. 69p. $5 ACRL members; $6 non- members. In 1971 a Bibliographic Instruction Task Force was established within ACRL to facilitate the development of instructional programs in college and university libraries. Six years later this task force was succeeded by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Sec- tion. Its Policy and Planning Committee, which was chaired initially by Thomas G. Kirk and later by Mary W. George, recently issued a Bibliographic Instruction Hand- book to assist libraries in making use of an ACRL policy statement formulated by the Task Force, "Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction in Academic Libraries" (College & Research Libraries News 38:92 [April 1977]). This spiral-bound publication contains the "Guidelines," a needs assessment checklist for gathering data to be used in preparing a profile of information needs in an academic community, and a discussion of administra- . tiv~ matters-such as staffing, budgeting, facilities, and organization structure-to be considered in planning a library instruction program. In addition, it provides a model timetable for the implementation of a pro- gram, an ideal statement of program goals in terms of terminal objectives and enabling (behavioral) objectives, and a chart showing the pros and cons of various instructional methods. Also included are a brief glossary, a "Pathfinder" on bibliographic instruction (in lieu of the usual list of reference sources), and-to improve the next edition of the Handbook-an evaluation sheet to be returned by the reader to the ACRUBIS Policy and Planning Committee. The authors have done a fine job of clarify- ing and illustrating the steps involved in planning for an effective bibliographic in- struction program, although they have not dealt with the question of how to "sell" li- brary instruction to academic administrators and classroom faculty. Nor have they de- voted a section of this booklet to the essen- tial topic of program evaluation, as they readily acknowledge in their introduction. Nevertheless, until a new edition is re- leased, this work deserves to be read and commented upon by all college and univer- sity librarians interested in bibliographic instruction.-Leonard Grundt, Nassau Community College, Garden City, New York. Bollier, John A. The Literature of Theology: A Guide for Students and Pastors. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1979. 208p. $5.95. LC 78-10962. ISBN 0-664-24225-1. "Of making many books there is no end . . " (Ecclesiastes 12: 12). This significant work attempts to give the reader some bib- liographic control of the mass of publications in the g~neral area of theology. John Bollier writes in his preface that the volume is in- tended for "the theological student, the parish pastor, the layperson, or the librar- ian, all of whom must be generalists in this age of increasing specialization" (p.18). John Bollier, acting divinity librarian at Yale Divinity School, is well prepared for compiling this volume, being an experi- enced pastor of eighteen years' service and a reference librarian for the past seven years. This book grew out of research spon- sored by a grant from the Association of Theological Schools and was tested by fire in a course in theological bibliography and