College and Research Libraries for those in acquisitions or collection de- velopment. Out-of-print items are included also. Arrangement is by twenty-six broad categories such as "Autobiography, Biog- raphy, Diaries, Memoirs, Letters"; "Medicine, Health, Sexuality, Biology"; and "Women's Movement and Feminist Theory." Each section is alphabetic by au- thor. There are author and title indexes that include items cited withi'n the annotations; and the subject index has excellent see and see also references. The introduction mentions nontraditional materials, but the listings are limited to the traditional print medium. The usefulness of Women's Studies would have been ex- panded significantly if other media were in- cluded. While no bibliography can be all- inclusive, there are some omissions that one wonders about. Three journals and three novels by May Sarton are listed, but neither her Collected Poems (1930-1973) (Norton, 1974) nor Selected Poems of May Sarton (Norton, 1978) is listed. Other missing cita- tions are Ira B. Bryant, Barbara Charlene Jordan: From the Ghetto to the Capitol (D. Armstrong, 1977); Marie Bowes, Female Artists, Past and Present (Women's History Research Center, 1972); and all the Herstory microfilm collections, to mention only a few. Women's Studies is a most wel- come tool, and the omissions do not detract greatly from its usefulness. Williamson's New Feminist Scholarship presents almost 400 entries for English- language bibliographies, both separately published works and articles, and includes out-of-print items. Excluded are brief read- ing lists, nonsexist books for children and young adults, literary bibliographies of indi- vidual women writers, and bibliographies that are parts of monographs or anthologies. Arrangement is by broad subjects: crimi- nal justice, life. cycles, sex roles and sex dif- ferences, women's movement. Introductory paragraphs outline the scope of each sec- tion, and there are cross-references to re- lated sections. However, if one has gone first to the "Women and Development" sec- tion, one finds no reference to "see also Economics," whereas under "Economics" is a reference to "see also Women and De- velopment." Within each of the thirty categories entries are alphabetized by au- Recent Publications I 91 thor. Slightly more than half of the citations are descriptively annotated. There are author and title indexes, and a list of publishers' addresses is given. Williamson might have included several works that Stineman lists: Carol Hollens- head, Past Sixty: The Older Woman in Print and Film (Institute of Gerontology, U niver- sity of Michigan-Wayne State University, 1977); Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thac- kersey Women's University, Bombay. Re- search Unit on Women's Studies, A Select Bibliography on Women in India (Allied Publishers; dist. by South Asia Books, 1976); and Joann Skowronski, Women in American Music: A Bibliography. New Feminist Scholarship offers the re- searcher or instructor in women's studies a fairly comprehensive accounting of the standard bibliographies. Librarians involved in collection development or acquisitions would have been better served with the addition of prices and bibliographic iden- tification by ISBN and/or LC card number. Together these two bibliographies provide excellent guidance for research and collec- tion development in the increasingly popu- lar area of- women's studies.-] eanette Mosey, OCLC Western, San Francisco, California. Proceedings of the American Studies Li- brary Conference. Held at the U . S. Em- bassy, London, 16 and 17 February 1978. Edited by Peter Snow. Oxford, England: American Studies Library Group, 1979. 131p. £2.50. ISBN 0-9506448-0-3. Avail- able from: lain Wallace, John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Oxford Rd., Manchester, England. In an age when most librarians must cope with budgets shrinking from the pressures of inflation and/or legislative shortsighted- ness, it is refreshing to read of problems caused by an unsatiated appetite for mate- rials on a specific subject. Such was the general tenor of the American Studies Li- brary Conference held at the U.S. Embassy in London on February 16--17, 1978. At the conclusion of the conference par- ticipants moved to organize an American Studies Library Group in order to aid in the solution of problems connected with acquir- ing American studies materials from across the Atlantic. The motion was the culmina- 92 I College & Research Libraries • january 1980 tion of two days of discussion that included general papers by Dennis Weiland of the Department of American Studies at the University of Manchester, Alison Cowden of the Institute ofUnited States Studies Library, D. T. Richnell and Alex Allardyce of the Brit- ish Library Reference Division, and John G. Lorenz of the U.S.-based Association of Re- search Libraries. This was followed by a se- ries of speakers who identified by type of li- brary the specific obstacles encountered in the acquisition of American studies mate- rials. I. W. Wallace highlighted problems at the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, David Hom addressed difficul- ties in special collections at the University of Exeter Library, Christopher Brookeman explored the experiences of the American Studies Resources Centre at Polytechnic of Central London, Alice Prochaska noted the policies at the Public Record Office, and Brian Baumfield discussed difficulties at the Birmingham City Libraries. The volume provides interesting reading.~Wayne A. Wiegand, University of Kentucky, Lexington. PaperllaeJa RaeJas ForAn~ Bud1et Highsmith has files and racks to hold virtually any size paperback and most children's books. An unequalled selection of colors, sizes and capacities in adult and children's heights. In wood, wire, steel, even economical fiberboard . All yours to shop for in the newest Highsmith Llbrary/AV catalog. Write today for your free copy. Bltlunllth P.O. 25CR9 Ft. Atkinson, WI 53538 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Ackennan, Robert W., and Ackerman, Gretchen, P. Sir Frederic Madden: A Biographical Sketch and Bibliography. New York: Garland Publish- ing Co., 1979. 97p. $18. LC 78-68237. ISBN 0-8240-9819-6. Alexander, Herbert E. Financing the 1976 Elec- tion. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quar- teily Pr., 1979. 87lp. $35. LC 79-9099. ISBN 0-87187-180-7. American Culture Series, 1493-1875. A Cumula- tive Guide to the Microfilm Collection Ameri- can Culture Series I & II, Years 1-20, with Au- thor, Title, Subject, and Reel Number Indexes. Ed. by Ophelia Y. Lo. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms International, 1979. 254p. $78.50. LC 79-63163. ISBN 0-8357 -0372-X. Arneson, Arne Jon, and 'Milligan, Stuart. Index to Audio Equipment Reviews, 1978. MLA Techni- cal Reports, no.6. Philadelphia, Pa.: Music Li- brary Assn., 1979. 23p. LC 79-17651. ISBN 0-914954-15-6. (Available from: Music Library Association, 2017 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.) Australian Dictionary of Biography. V.7.: 1891- 1939. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Univ. Pr., 1979. 647p. $37.50. (Dist. by ISBS, Inc., P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116.) First volume covering A-Chu for the period 1891-1939. Other volumes are in preparation. V.1 and 2 cover the period 1788-1850 and V.3, 4, 5, and 6 cover A-Z for the period 1851- 1890. Beers, Henry Putney. Spanish & Mexican Rec- ords of the American Southwest: A Biblio- graphical Guide to Archive and Manuscript Sources. Tucson, Ariz.: Univ. of Arizona Pr., 1979. 493p. $18.50 cloth; $8.95 paper. LC 79- 4313. ISBN 0-8165-0673-6 cloth; ISBN 0-8165-0532-2. Provides a historical account of the records created by Spanish and Mexican officials in the Southwest from the early 1600s to the mid- nineteenth century. Benitez, Mario A., and Villarreal, Lupita G. The Education of the Mexican American: A Selected Bibliography. Austin, Texas: Dissemination and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education; Rosslyn, Va.: National Clearinghouse for Bilin- gual Education, 1979. 270p. (Available from: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Educa- tion, 1500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 802, Rosslyn, VA 22209.) Contains citations to books, monographs, jour- nals, government documents, doctoral disserta- tions, and master's theses from 1896 to 1976 on