College and Research Libraries 92 I College & Research Libraries • january 1980 tion of two days of discussion that included general papers by Dennis Weiland of the Department of American Studies at the University of Manchester, Alison Cowden of the Institute ofUnited States Studies Library, D. T. Richnell and Alex Allardyce of the Brit- ish Library Reference Division, and John G. Lorenz of the U.S.-based Association of Re- search Libraries. This was followed by a se- ries of speakers who identified by type of li- brary the specific obstacles encountered in the acquisition of American studies mate- rials. I. W. Wallace highlighted problems at the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, David Hom addressed difficul- ties in special collections at the University of Exeter Library, Christopher Brookeman explored the experiences of the American Studies Resources Centre at Polytechnic of Central London, Alice Prochaska noted the policies at the Public Record Office, and Brian Baumfield discussed difficulties at the Birmingham City Libraries. The volume provides interesting reading.~Wayne A. Wiegand, University of Kentucky, Lexington. PaperllaeJa RaeJas ForAn~ Bud1et Highsmith has files and racks to hold virtually any size paperback and most children's books. An unequalled selection of colors, sizes and capacities in adult and children's heights. In wood, wire, steel, even economical fiberboard . All yours to shop for in the newest Highsmith Llbrary/AV catalog. Write today for your free copy. Bltlunllth P.O. 25CR9 Ft. Atkinson, WI 53538 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Ackennan, Robert W., and Ackerman, Gretchen, P. Sir Frederic Madden: A Biographical Sketch and Bibliography. New York: Garland Publish- ing Co., 1979. 97p. $18. LC 78-68237. ISBN 0-8240-9819-6. Alexander, Herbert E. Financing the 1976 Elec- tion. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quar- teily Pr., 1979. 87lp. $35. LC 79-9099. ISBN 0-87187-180-7. American Culture Series, 1493-1875. A Cumula- tive Guide to the Microfilm Collection Ameri- can Culture Series I & II, Years 1-20, with Au- thor, Title, Subject, and Reel Number Indexes. Ed. by Ophelia Y. Lo. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms International, 1979. 254p. $78.50. LC 79-63163. ISBN 0-8357 -0372-X. Arneson, Arne Jon, and 'Milligan, Stuart. Index to Audio Equipment Reviews, 1978. MLA Techni- cal Reports, no.6. Philadelphia, Pa.: Music Li- brary Assn., 1979. 23p. LC 79-17651. ISBN 0-914954-15-6. (Available from: Music Library Association, 2017 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.) Australian Dictionary of Biography. V.7.: 1891- 1939. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Univ. Pr., 1979. 647p. $37.50. (Dist. by ISBS, Inc., P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116.) First volume covering A-Chu for the period 1891-1939. Other volumes are in preparation. V.1 and 2 cover the period 1788-1850 and V.3, 4, 5, and 6 cover A-Z for the period 1851- 1890. Beers, Henry Putney. Spanish & Mexican Rec- ords of the American Southwest: A Biblio- graphical Guide to Archive and Manuscript Sources. Tucson, Ariz.: Univ. of Arizona Pr., 1979. 493p. $18.50 cloth; $8.95 paper. LC 79- 4313. ISBN 0-8165-0673-6 cloth; ISBN 0-8165-0532-2. Provides a historical account of the records created by Spanish and Mexican officials in the Southwest from the early 1600s to the mid- nineteenth century. Benitez, Mario A., and Villarreal, Lupita G. The Education of the Mexican American: A Selected Bibliography. Austin, Texas: Dissemination and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education; Rosslyn, Va.: National Clearinghouse for Bilin- gual Education, 1979. 270p. (Available from: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Educa- tion, 1500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 802, Rosslyn, VA 22209.) Contains citations to books, monographs, jour- nals, government documents, doctoral disserta- tions, and master's theses from 1896 to 1976 on the education of the Mexican American. ERIC entries are also included. Bowles, Garrett H., comp. Directory of Music Library Automation Projects. 2d ed. MLS Technical Reports, no.2. Philadelphia, Pa. : Music Library Assn., 1979. 23p. LC 79-10768. ISBN 0-914954-14-8. (Available from: Music Library Association, 2017 Walnut St., Philadel- phia, PA 19103.) Bragdon, Clifford R. Noise PoUution: A Guide to Information Sources. Man and the Environ- ment Information Guide Series, V.S. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 524p. $24. LC 73-17535. ISBN 0-8103-1345-6. British Periodicals in the Creative Arts: An Index to the Microfilm Collection. Ed . by Jean Hoornstra and Trudy Heath. Ann Arbor, Mich.: U niv. Microfilms International, 1979. 22p. $10. LC 79-4226. ISBN 0-8357-0371-1. Central Intelligence Agency. National Assessment Center. Directory of Soviet Research Organi- zation. Seattle, Wash.: Univ. Press of the Pacific, Inc., 1979. 290p. $45. ISBN 0-89875- 006-7. (Dist. by ISBS, Inc., P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116.) Children's Book Council, New York. Children's Boq}cs: Awards & Prizes. New York: Children's Bob'K Council, Inc., 1979. 202p. $8.95. Congrat-Butlar, Stefan, comp. and ed. Transla- tion & Translators: An International Directory and Guide. New York: Bowker, 1979. 241p. $35. LC 79-6965. ISBN 0-8352-1158-4. Provides information concerning the translating and interpreting profession . Some of the sec- tions included are: "Register of Translators & Interpreters," giving such information as ad- dresses and telephone numbers,· source and target languages, subject fields; "Translators' & Interpreters' Market Place," containing infor- mation on agencies and organizations that em- ploy transl~tors or interpreters regularly; and "Journals/Books," which includes sixty .transla- tion periodicals-published throughout the world and . a basic international bibliography of 236 works. Cordasco, Francesco, with Bernstein, George. Bilingual Education in American Schools: A Guide to Information Sources . Education In- formation Guide Series, V.3. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 307p. $24. LC 79-15787. ISBN 0-8103- 1447-9. Corpus Almanac of Canada, 1979. Ed. by Mar- got J. Fa'Ycett and Gail L: Malmo. Toronto, Ontario: Corpus, 1979. 1 v. various paging. $29.95. ISBN 0-919217-09-5 . (Dist. by ISBS, Inc., P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116.) Crowley, Ellen T., ed. Trade Names Dictionary: A Guide to Consumer-Oriented Trade Names, Brand Names, Product Names, Coined Names, Model Names, and Design Names, with Ad- Recent Publications I 93 dresses of Their Manufacturers, Import~rs. Marketers, or Distributors. 2d ed. Detroit: Ga~e , 1979. 2v. $85. LC 79-12685. ISBN 0-8103-0694-8. Doezema, Linda Pegman. Dutch Americans: A Guide to Information Sources. Ethnic Studies Information Guide Series, V .3. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 314p. $24. LC 79-13030. ISBN 0-8103- 1407-X. Doumato, Lamia. American Drawing: A Guide to Information Sources. Art and Architecture In:.. formation Guide Series, V.11. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 246p. $24. LC 79-63743. ISBN 0-8103- 1441-X. EDUCOM. The Reality of National Computer Networking for Higher Education: Proceedings of the 1978 EDUCOM Fall Conference. Ed. by James C. Emery. EDUCOM Series in Compu- ting and Telecommunications in Higher Educa- tion, 3. Boulder, Colo. : Westview Pr., 1979. 91p. $16. LC 79-1~. ISBN 0-89158-553-2. Provides "a comprehensive view of the current status, prospects, and problems of computer networking in higher education, examining networking from the perspectives of both com- puter users and network suppli~rs." Ebershoff-Coles, Susan, and Leibenguth, Charla Ann. Motorsports: A Guide to Information Sources. Sports, Games, and Pastimes Informa- tion Guide Series, V.S. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 193p. $24. LC 79-13736. ISBN 0-8103-1446-0. Educators Guide to Free Films . 39th ed. Comp·; and ed. by Mary Foley Horkheimer and John C . Diffor. Randolph, Wis. : Educators Progress Service, 1979. 754. LC 45-412. ISBN 0-87708- 091-7. European Consortium for Political Research. Di· rectory of European Political Scientists . 3d ed., Comp. and ed. by Jean Blonde} and Carol Walker. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1979. 461p. $75. LC 79-10686. ISBN 0-8419-0498-7. France. Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes. Repertoire international des medievistes-International Directory of Medievalists. V.l. 5th ed. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 426p. $49.50. LC 79-34. ISBN 0-89664-046-9. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Index to Volumes 1-20. New York: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1979. 699p. LC 73- 10680. "Incorporates previous index to volumes 1-15." A Guide to Manuscript Collections. Comp. by Ellen Arguimbau. Ed. by John A. Brennan. Boulder, Colo.: Western Historical Collections, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, 1977. 112p. $5. (Available from : John A. Brennan, Curator, Western Historical Collections, Norlin Library Campus Box 184, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, co 80309.) 94 I College & Research Libraries • January 1980 Describes 480 manuscript collections pertaining to Colorado, the West, and the nation . Guide to the William Carey Brown Papers , 1854-1939. Comp. by Doris Mitterling. Ed. by John A. Brennan. Boulder, Colo.: Western Historical Collections, Univ . of Colorado at Boulder, 1978. 141p. $5. Heath, Trudy, ed. Slavery and Anti-Slavery Pamphlets: An Index to the Microfilm Collec- tion. Ann Arbor , Mich . : Univ. Microfilms International , 1979. 30p. $10. LC 79-14685 . ISBN 0-8357-0373-8 . The Internal Revenue Acts of the United States, 1909-1950: Legislative Histories , Laws and Administrative Documents. Ed. by Bernard D. Reams. Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co. , 1979. 144v. $5,975. A separate Guide and Index is designed "to as- sist the researcher in identifying and retrieving the relevant documents that make up the legis- lative histories. " Ireland, Norma Olin, comp . Index to Fairy Tales , 1973-1977, Including Folklore, Legends and M.yths in Collections. 4th supplement . Westwood, Mass . : Faxon, 1979. 259p. $20. LC 79-16150. ISBN 0-87305-111-4 . Leider, Robert. Your Own Financial Aid Factory: The Modular Approach to Locating College Money. Alexandria, Va. : Octameron Associates, 1979. 6 pamphlets. $7.25. Consists of six modules: (1) Don't Miss Out. 32p. LC 79-3000. ISBN 0-917760-08-5. (2) The As & Bs of Academic Scholarships. 38p. LC 78-52571. ISBN 0-917760-09-3. (3) The Federal Government & Cooperative Education . 15p . ISBN 0-917760-10-7. (4) Calculating the BEOG Index. 8p. ISBN 0-917760-15-8. (5) Quick Help from the Governor: A Directory of State Fi- nancial Aid Agencies. 4p. (6) Locating Lenders: State by State. 4p. The Library of Congress Shelflist: A User's Guide to the Microfiche Edition. Ed. by Linda K. Hamilton. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Univ. Microfilms International, 1979. 2v . $10/per volume . LC 78-27249 . ISBN 0-8357-0210-3 V.l ; ISBN 0-8357-0211-1 V.2. "Contains detailed information on how to use the Library of Congress shelflist on microfiche plus an explanation from the Library of Con- gress on the history and arrangement of the shelflist at the Library." Volume 2 will contain an abbreviated classification outline and index. Lindfors, Bernth . Black African Literature in English : A Guide to Information Sources. American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 482p. $24. LC 73-16983. ISBN 0-8103-1206-9. MLA Directory of Periodicals: A Gui de to jour- nals and Series in Languages and Literatures . 1978-79. A Companion to the MLA Interna- tional Bibliography. Comp. by Eileen M. Mackesy, Karen Mateyak, and Diane Siegel. New York: The Modem Language Association of America, 1979. 541p. ISBN 0-87352-414-4. Will be issued biennially. Media Personnel Directory : An Alphabetical Guide to Names, Addresses, and Telephone Numbers of Key Editorial and Business Per- sonnel at over 700 United States and Interna- tional Periodicals. Ed. by Alan E. Abrams. De- troit: Gale, 1979. 262p. $28. LC 79-12885. ISBN 0-8103-0421-X. Miller, Margaret. A Guide to Selected Files of the Professional Papers of Simon Flexner at the American Philosophical Society Library . Li- brary Publication, no.8 . Philadelphia, Pa.: American Philosophical Society Library, 1979. 76p. $3. (Available from: Librarian, American Philosophical Society Library, 105 S. Fifth St., Philadelphia, PA 19106.) Nicely, Tom . Adam and His Work: A Bibliogra- phy of Sources by and about Paul Goodman (1911-1972) . Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.42. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1979. 336p. $17.50. LC 79-11662. ISBN 0-8108-1219-3. Obituaries from The Times, 1951-1960, Includ- ing an Index to All Obituaries and Tributes Appearing in The Times during the Years, 1951-1960. Comp . by Frank C. Roberts. Read- ing, England: Newspaper Archive Develop- ments Limited ; Westport, Conn .: Meckler Books, 1979. 896p. $85. ISBN 0-903713-96-9 Newspaper Archive; ISBN 0-930466-16-0 Meckler. Peck, Theodore P. Employee Counseling in In- dustry and Government: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources. Management Information Guide, no.37. 121p. $24. LC 79-16028 . ISBN 0-8103- 0837-1. Rice , Thomas Jackson. English Fiction , 1900- 1950: A Guide to Information Sources . General Bibliography and Individual Authors: Aldington to Huxley. American Literature, English Liter- ature, and World Literatures in English Infor- mation Guide Series , V.20. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 593p. $24. LC 73-16989. ISBN 0-8103- 1217-4. Volume one of a two-volume set. Provides a general bibliography and individual author bib- liographies covering Richard Aldington through Aldous Huxley. Volume two will provide indi- vidual author bibliographies for James Joyce through Virginia Woolf. Stratton, J. M., and Brown, Jack Houghton. Ag- ricultural Records in Britain, A.D. 220-1977. 2d ed. Ed. by Ralph Whitlock. Hamden, Conn. : Archon Books, 1979. 259p . $15. LC 79-9895. ISBN 0-208-01818-2. The first edition of this work was based on a book published in 1883 by Thomas Baker enti- tled Records of the Seasons, Prices of Agricul- tural Produce, and Phenomena Observed in the British Isles. This edition takes the record up to 1977 and provides a broader assessment of the national pattern of agriculture. University Microfilms International. The Miller- ites and Early Adventists: An Index to the Mi- crofilm Collection of Rare Books and Manu- scripts. Ed. by Jean Hoornstra. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms International, 1978. 64p. $15. LC 78-20434. IS~N 0-8357-0340-1. Viney, Wayne; Wertheimer, Michael; and Wertheimer, Marilyn Lou . History of Psychol- ogy: A Guide to Information Sources. Psychol- ogy Information Guide Series, V .1. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 502p. $24. LC 79-9044. ISBN 0-8103-1442-8. The works in this series will provide selective, annotated bibliographies on a variety of psychological topics such as abnormal behavior, group behavior, human motivation, and per- sonality. Vinson, James, and Kirkpatrick, D. L., eds. Dramatists. Great Writers of the English Lan- guage. New York: St. _Martin's, 1979. 648p. $35. LC 78-78303. ISBN 0-312-34570-4. Guide to 200 major dramatists writing since the Old English period. Third volume in a three- volume series. Vinson , James, and Kirkpatrick, D. L., eds. Novelists and Prose Writers. Great Writers of the English Language. New York: St. Martin's, 1979. 1,367p. $45. LC 78-78302. ISBN 0-312- 34624-7. Guide to 500 major novelists writing since the Old English period. Second volume in a three-volume series. Vinson, James, and Kirkpatrick, D . L . , eds. Poets . Great Writers of the English Language. New York: St. Martin's, 1979. 1,141p. $45. LC 78-78299. ISBN 0-312-34640-9. Guide to 500 major poets writing in the En- glish language . since the Old English period. First volume in a three-volume series. Wasserman, Paul, ed. Consultants and Consult- ing Organizations Directory: A Reference Guide to Concerns and Individuals Engaged in Consultation for Business and Industry. 4th ed. Janice McLean, associate ed. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 1, 120p. $95. LC 79-4573. ISBN 0-8103- 0353-1. Wasserman, Paul, and McLean, Janice, eds. New Consultants: A Periodic Supplement to the Fourth Edition of Consultants and Consulting Organizations Directory. Detroit: Gale, 197~ Issue no.1- . $85/four issues. Recent Publications I 95 Wearing, J. P. American and British Theatrical Biography : A Directory. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1979. 1,007p. $37.50. LC 78-31162. ISBN 0-8108-1201-0. Provides brief biographical data for 50,000 American and British figures with a code to sources containing fuller biographical informa- tion. Wells, Ellen B. Horsemanship: A Guide to In- formation Sources. Sports, Games, and Pas- times Information Guide Series, V.4 . Detroit: Gale, 1979. 138p. $24. LC 79-16046. ISBN 0-8103-1444-4. The Women of England from Anglo..Saxon Times to the Present: Interpretive Bibliographical Es- says. Ed. by Barbara Kanner. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1979. 429p . $25. LC 78-32166. ISBN 0-208-01639-2. Twelve essays offer access to primary and sec- ondary sources on the English woman's role and activities. Woodson, Linda. A Handbook of Modern Rhetor- ical Terms. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1979. 78p. $3.30; $3 NCTE members. LC 79-17400. ISBN 0-8141- 2019-9. Guide to 300 rhetorical terms giving "their definitions, bibliographic information on their primary sources in the works of major rhetori- cians, and examples of how they are used in context." Yannella, Donald, and Roch, John H. American Prose to 1820: A Guide to Information Sources. American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series, V.26. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 653p. $24. LC 79-63741. ISBN 0-8103-1361-8. Young, Margaret L., and Young, Harold C., eds. Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers. A Guide to Special Libraries, Re- search Libraries, Information Centers, Ar- chives, and Data Centers Maintained by Government Agencies, Business, Industry, Newspapers, Educational Institutions, Non- profit Organizations, and Societies in the Fields of Science, Technology, Medicine, Law, Art, Religion, History, Social Sciences, and Humanistic Studies. 5th ed. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 3v. $90 V.1; $70 V.2; $80 V.3. LC 79- 16966. ISBN 0-8103-0297-7. V.1; ISBN 0-8103-0298-5 V.2; ISBN 0-8103-0281-0 V.3. Volume three is entitled New Special Libraries: A Periodic Supplement to the Fifth Edition of Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers and is published periodically between editions.