College and Research Libraries Until 1920 , Squire processed materials, campaigned to have some staff assigned to him, and urged the printing of a music catalog (which finally appeared in 1912). He gained the support of the administration and built the framework that his distinguished followers , W. C. Smith and King , would use in shaping the world's finest music li- brary. We may hope that Alec Hyatt King will complement the present volume with one that describes the work of Smith, as well as the major events and achievements of his own tenure.-Guy A. Marco , Library De- velopment Consultants, Washington, D.C. Lushington , Nolan, and Mills , Willis N., Jr . Libraries Designed for Users: A Planning Handbook. Syracuse , N.Y.: Gaylord Pro- fessional Publications , 1979. 289p. $22.50 plus postage and handling . LC 78-27114. ISBN 0-915794-29-2. This book is a definite contribution to the literature on library buildings. It is a book for all library plann e rs , for academic and public librarians , and for special librarians , as well as for architects, engineers, and de- signers. The authors state early in the book that it is primarily for the design and plan- ning of small to medium-size public libraries serving from 200 to 2,000 people per day. However, the information in the book is prepared in such an enlightening manner that it is beneficial to those planning large urban central library buildings , academic li- brary buildings, or even school and special library rooms . The authors declare what th ey believe to be the performance objectives for the readers of their book, which are that the reader should be able to "prepare a library improvement program /' "recognize library functional relationships ," "critique an exist- ing library building," " interview and select an architect and consultant," "evaluate the work of a library design team ," "evaluate propose d library sites," "critique schematic designs for libraries, " and "improve energy conservation, graphics, seating, and lighting in existing libraries as well as in library plans. " From there the authors proceed in a sim- ple , straightforward, factual arrangement of their information. For example, lists are Recent Publications I 261 often used, such as , where to purchase ma- terials, information on suppliers and man- ufacturers , and twenty-five energy conserva- tion tips. Further, the whole work is liber- ally supplied with photographs and line drawings to express design features. Th e book ends with a selection of case studies of actual library space programs . The book is clearly not an intellectual ef- fort on the theory of library construction or space planning. On the other hand, it is a straightforward handbook on how to plan for library space utilization and how to design for functional use of space. While generally the work consists of prac- tical information , it is noted , however , that if not directly in the te xt , then generally through illustration and photographs , un- usually high priced or expensive furniture is specified. On the other hand , general prac- titioners using this book should be able to discern this for themselves. The book could have been more efficiently produced. Unusually wide mar- gins are used (%-inch inner margin and 2V2-inch outer margin). Also as an example of waste space, page 264 contains a simple two-line caption for a drawing on the facing page 265. Thus , through some economy of space in the layout of the book , the informa- tion could have been presented in about 25 percent less space than was used. On the other hand , the format that was employed does add to the attractiveness of the book and its simple use. On the whole this book is valuable to all library planners and should be added to the collection of any practicing librarian or li- brary collecting information on librar y buildings.-Hal B . Sch ell , University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , Ohio. Woods , L. B. A Decade of Censorship in America: The Threat to Classrooms and Libraries, 1966-1975. Metuchen , N .J.: Scarecrow , 1979. 183p . $10. LC 79- 20960. ISBN 0-8108-1260-6. In this book , which covers censorship at- tempts in the United States over a ten-year period , the author, L . B. Woods , presents evidence showing that censorship is on the increase. Woods gives the following reasons for having done the study. The principal reason , he says, was that empirical knowl- 262 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 edge relating to censorship is sketchy and often is based on opinion, not fact. More data are needed by persons who have to be involved, especially in subject areas likely to come under attack in schools and libraries. A second reason for the study was due to the U.S. Supreme Court decision of June 21, 1973, that changed interpretations of the First Amendment relating to obscenity reg- ulations. The third reason was based on the author's conviction that censorship is much more prevalent than many librarians and educators believe and that specific facts might help them if they should ever be faced with censorship issues. A great deal of quantitative data about censorship in the United States are pres- ented by Woods in an effort to answer nine specific questions. These questions, in brief form, are: (1) When did the censorship at- tempts occur? (2) Where did they occur? (3) How many items were censored? (4) What formats of materials were censored? (5) What types of educational institutions were affected by the censorship attempts? (6) What were the titles of the censored mate- · The Economics of Online Bi-bliographic Searching: Costs and Cost Justifications by William Saffady Describes the services currently available and what it takes in terms of equipment, personnel , and training for a library search service to become operational. Saffady's unique contribution is an economic analysis of the various options, including cost comparisons between manual and machine-assisted searching. In Library Technology Reports September/October 1979 issue Volume 15 Number 5 Single issue price $40.00 Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611 rials? (7) What were the sources of the cen- sorship attempts? (8) What were the reasons for the censorship attempts? (9) What were the final dispositions of the censorship at- tempts? Several interesting facts emerged in the study. One was that schools accounted for 62 percent of all educational censorship, with more than two-thirds of this on the high school level. The author noted that "public libraries were less censored than colleges and universities, but more censored than other school levels or junior colleges." The most often censored title was Catcher in the Rye, and the second most often cen- sored was Soul on Ice. Many other interest- ing facts are given on the various topics,_ and tables are included to document the findings. This is a well-written, carefully prepared study of censorship in America between the years 1966 and 1975. It should be of invalu- able assistance to anyone who has to deal with censorship problems.-Martha Boaz, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Hernon, Peter. Use of Government Publica- tions by Social Scientists. Libraries and Librarianship: An International Series. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corp., 1979. 173p. $16.95. LC 79-16144. ISBN 0-89391-024-4. The first book-length use study of gov- ernment publications, Use , of Government Publications by Social Scientists, examines the use and nonuse of federal, state, local, foreign, and international documents by his- torians, sociologists, political scientists, and economists. In addition, Hernon investi- gates the effect of library characteristics, such as organization, collection arrange- ment, etc., on the use of documents. The study is based on questionnaires and inter- views administered to faculty and librarians at seventeen public and private institutions offering bachelor's through doctoral pro- grams. Hernon's findings are both enlightening and of tremendous practical value. Social scientists, excluding historians, rely primar- ily on current publications. All social scien- tists use only a relatively few types of documents , such as statistical publications,