College and Research Libraries 372 I College & Research Libraries • july 1980 cated machinery and expensive information devices, the availability of new techniques, new media and new theories . . . at a time when budgets are decreasing, the purchas- ing power is suffering from inflation, and wages are going up" (p. 7). Unfortunately, library practitioners and library school faculty are likely to find few new solutions to these problems in the pa- pers that follow. In fact, most of the issues addressed here have been repeatedly dis- cussed over the past several years in rel- evant journal articles and professional meet- ings. Since the volume is a transcript of a 1977 conference, this should not be surpris- ing. Yet, this volume does not even summa- rize in any coherent fashion the current issues related to library effectiveness. Half of the book is devoted to the nine invited papers, which span the areas of planning, automation, cost-benefit analysis, user studies, instruction in library use, per- sonnel, networking, and the library's place in higher education. Neither these papers nor the shorter essays following are unified by any conceptual underpinnings; rather they represent a "shotgun" approach to the topic of effectiveness, in which the overall conceptual issue of what library effective- ness means is never addressed. This conference reflects the continuing gap between theory and practice in the li- brary field. The practitioners represented here seem quite willing to deal with the pragmatic issues they define as related to "library effectiveness," but they obviously do not see the necessity of working out the theoretical basis on which such issues are based. The result is that effectiveness is dealt with unidimensionally in each article ; out of the nine major papers, three define effec- tiveness as efficiency (Evans, Mittler, De- clercq); two define effectiveness as user satisfaction (Meister, Fjallbrant); two define effectiveness as achieving library objectives (Schofield, Webster); and two define effec- tiveness as cost-effectiveness (Bonus, Hill and Ross). The multidimensionality of the effectiveness construct is not examined, leaving the reader · with the fragmented view offered by this collection of papers. · Aside - from these conceptual problems, readability of these proceedings is hindered by poor editing. One paper (Meister) appears to be a translation, but it is so gar- bled as to be useless. Another paper (Mitt- ler) is written in good English, but its illus- trations are written in German, making them less than useful. All in all, although individual authors make some good points concerning aspects of library effectiveness (particularly Webster and Bonus), the overall treatment of effec- tiveness is rudimentary. At best this confer- ence may encourage more definitive re- search on effectiveness in the future.- Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont, University of Kentucky, Lexington . Boss , Richard W. The Library Manager's Guide to Automation. Professional Librar- ian Series . White Plains, N.Y.: Knowl- edge Industry Publications, 1979. 106p. $24.50 softcover; $29.50 hardcover. LC 79-3057. ISBN 0-914236-38-5 softcover; 0- 914236-33-4 hardcover. On the premise that the decision to auto- mate is one of the most significant decisions in a library manager's career, the guide's stated purpose is "to describe the present state of automation, its value to libraries, fu- ture trends, and the role of the library man- ager in the conversion process." In doing this, no expertise is assumed and the stated emphasis is on the context in which tech- nical decisions are made. The chapter on fundamentals of automa- tion includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of turnkey versus in-house development; minicomputer capabilities; and a general, very brief discussion of hard- ware and software basics. The discussion of automation today is largely a discussion of current vend.ors , products, and services , such as BATAB , LIBRIS, OCLC , WLN, etc. In a brief glimpse into the future, the au- thor predicts that more library functions , in- cluding office procedures, will be auto- mated ; files will be built as by-products of other functions and through use of shared facilities like OCLC; and patrons will be using terminals that are "user cordial." He further states that libraries will have an in- creasing array of commercial competitors Having easy access to review articles is very import- ant to librarians and researchers since these articles are among the most useful published. They are a key starting point for a thorough literature search. They also enable students to get an overview of an un- familiar field and specialists to stay informed about advances at the periphery of their desciplines. But it's not always easy to find a review article in a specific field. At least, it wasn't until the Index to Scientific Reviews•• -the index which brings review articles in science together in one easy-to-use ref- erence. ISR •• covers over 30,000 reviews from more than 2,900 of the world's most important journals every year. These journals range from agriculture to medi- cine to the physical, chemical and behavioral sciences. In fact, over 100 disciplines in every area of science are covered. You don't have to go through separate references to find reviews for subjects in any of these areas -- they are all in the multidisciplinary /SR. /SR is highly current, keeping you on top of the latest review articles. It comes out as a soft-bound semi-annual issue, which covers January to June, and a hard-bound annual cumulation. ISR makes it easy to find the review articles you need. Search by authors, title words and phrases, or organi- zations. Or use the ISR's Citation Index. It lets you start a search with an older publication relevant to your subject, and find more recent reviews which cited it and thus likely to be on the same topic. Learn more about how you can have better access to the review literature. Send today for a free brochure which describes ISR and how to use it. r-----------------------------------------, ~~ I'd like to know more about the Index to Scientific Reviews ··. Please send full information for my library and me. Name Title Organization Address City State/Province ZIP/Postal code Country ~~~· Institute for U~U Scientific Information• 3501 Market Street , University City Sc i ence Center Philadelph i a. Pa. 1910• U S.A. Tel (2151386.0100. Cable SCINFO . Telex &• ·5305 Europeen Office 132 Hi gh Slreet . Uxbri dge . Middlesex . UK Tel Uxbridge 30085 Telex 933693 Ci1980 lSI 101-2332 L----------------------------------------- 374 I College & Research Libraries • july 1980 providing access to information for a fee and that libraries "may find it difficult to com- pete in ease of use or speed of response un- less they become highly effective managers of technology." In the remaining chapters, filled with ex- amples and quotes from the literature and the author's experiences, the manager is alerted to the steps in the planning process (define, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and iterate); the need to train staff; the political requirements to sell the system of choice; failures and pitfalls of automation; and the manager's role. There is a brief glossary of automation terms, a very selected reading list, and a list of selected sources for auto- mated products and services. The guide is very general, organized like a handy shopping list of topics with a brief description or list of things ta remember under each. There are shortcomings, however, which must be noted. First, the inevitable complexities, alterna- tives, and combinations in automation deci- sion making are lost in the effort to sim- plify, list, and report in a telegraphic style. For example, the possibilities of combining lmprovedf Vlsi·Tape Period leal Lallellne A revolutionary system that allows quick visual review of shelved periodicals. Simply apply this pressure sensitive tape to publications in their order of issue. Fast, inexpensive, efficient. One of hundreds of bright new products in the newest Highsmith Catalog . Send for your free copy. Rlehsmlth P.O. 25 CR9 Ft . Atkinson , WI 53538 minicomputer applications with network use or in-house systems are not addressed in favor of discussing each as discrete options. Second, the discussion of the manage- ment process is so abbreviated as to leave the novice unsure of what to do, especially in the requirements and problem definition phase. Third, the information about current ven- dors and services will become outdated quickly, given the rapid pace of develop- ment. Fourth, the guide frequently advises using consultants because library managers cannot, should not, or do not master some of the complexities involved in automation decisions or implementation. The reviewer appreciates the role of consultants but sug- gests that library managers are appropriate- ly becoming increasingly sophisticated con- sumers and managers of technology and should be encouraged to continue in this direction. The appropriate audience for the guide is the inexperienced librarian/manager or the interested nonlibrarian. Others will find it incomplete and less usefuL-Eleanor Mon- tague, University of California, Riverside. The Nature and Future of the Catalog: Pro- ceedings of the ALA's Information Science and Automation Division's 1975 and 1977 Institutes on the Catalog. Edited by Maurice J. Freedman and S. Michael Malinconico. A Neal-Schuman Profession- al Book. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1979. 317p. $16.50 (plus $. 95 for postage and handling). LC 79-21629. ISBN 0-912700- 08-4. Malinconico, S. Michael, and Fasana, · Paul J. The Future of the Catalog: The Li- brary's Choices. The Professional Librar- ian Series. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowl- edge Industry Publications, 1979. 134p. $24.50. LC 79-16619. ISBN 0-914236- 32-6. Libraries today are faced with two momentous prospects for 1981-the closing of the Library of Congress catalog and the adoption of the Anglo-American Catalogu- ing Rules, second edition. Consequently, librarians must decide whether or not to close their own catalogs in order to adjust to these changes. Such decisions are made on