College and Research Libraries 392 I College & Research Libraries • july 1980 vide students in library schools and practi- tioners in the field with a practical introduc- tion to the mechanics of bibliographic searching, card modification and input to OCLC." The manual has been designed for independent use but could also be used as a text for group instruction. An introductory section includes a list of documents to be used in conjunction with the manual and a very brief description of the OCLC system. The major portion of the text is devoted to eleven exercises designed to develop the skills necessary to search the system and to manipulate and input records. The exercises on card modification and input are quite well done. The instructions for operating the terminal and editing the record are clearly stated, and the practice examples provide a step-by-step introduc- tion to the elements of a machine-readable bibliographic record . The searching exercise is also well presented and covers most of the approaches to accessing the data base; however, I believe that it is not comprehen- sive enough . When technical material is simplified or condensed, there is always the danger that necessary information will be omitted. For example, there is no mention of characters to be included, excluded, or substituted; no special rules are given for searching the United States, United Na- tions, and Great Britain ; nor is the use of the circumflex in constructing a search key mentioned. Use of the ISSN for searching should have appeared in this section rather than in a later exercise , and the list of stop- list terms should have been included. These omissions may have resulted from the fact that the author tried to cover too many topics in a relatively short work , rather than concentrating on the three areas indicated in the title. Exercise 6, for ex- ample , which deals with the verification of information on member input records, re- quires the reader to use classification schedules and Library of Congress Subject Headings and to modify the record accord- ing to ISBD-M. Such activities surely lie outside the scope of an introductory manual on use of the OCLC system. The book would have been strengthened by the addition of a comprehensive glos- sary. Some exercises do begin with a list of terms, but they are often incomplete. Other exercises incorporate the terms in the text, making it difficult to refer back to them . Definitions for some terms are entirely lack- ing and must be inferred from the examples or found in OCLC documents. Despite its flaws, the author has pro- duced a useful little manual. She has clar- ified and illustrated the techniques for using OCLC and succeeded in her stated objec- tive of introducing the beginner to the sys- tem . Students and library personnel both should find it helpfuL-Mary C. Hall , State University of New York, College at Buffalo. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources , School of Educa- tion , Syracuse University . Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche ( M F) or paper copy (PC ) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service , P .O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired , and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Computer Output Microform (COM) Cata- log Requirements for the Virginia Com- monwealth University Libraries. By Robert L . White. Virginia Common- wealth Univ., Richmond. 1979. 78p. ED 175 472. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. Generated as the result of the deliberations of the COM Catalog Advisory Work Group, which depended heavily on a review of the available literature, individual analysis, and group discus- sion, this report is intended as a general planning document for Virginia Commonwealth University libraries concerning their possible implementa- tion of a COM (computer output microform) cata- log. Attention is given to the advantages and dis- advantages of a COM catalog, building a library date base, strategies for conversion, closing the card catalog, COM catalog format and frequency of update , film type and format, and problem areas. Special importance is placed on listing the following types of requirements for a COM cata- log: general, bibliographic records , film format, and microform readers. In addition, recom- mendations for dealing with potential problem areas are presented, as well as a general imple- mentation schedule. Education Reference Department Book Col- lection Policy. By Charles T. Taylor. Cali- fornia State Univ., Long Beach. 1979. 38p. ED 175 476. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. This handbook is intended to provide guidance to librarians in the collection development of book, nonbook, and media materials for education through analysis of collection policies for special- ized, nonprint material, text, juvenile literature, and reference collections. Policies for each area are analyzed with regard to purpose, clientele to be served, budget, scope of subjects and types of materials to be collected, and the level of desired development. Within the basic guidelines pro- vided, analysis is made of the collections of the Education Reference Department, School of Education, California State University, Long Beach, for which the general collection develop- ment policy and budget are outlined. Bibliographic Instruction Objectives. By Mary M. Huston. Univ. of Illinois, Ur- bana. 1978. 15p. ED 176 715. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. The objectives presented define the basic in- formation required of a student operating in the library system of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. These statements of objec- tives are intended to provide a tangible framework for all public service personnel in the Undergraduate Library, and their various compo- nents can be coordinated to achieve three desig- nated goals based on the premises that the aver- age college student is unaware of most available bibliographic sources, that the library is a highly complex information system, and that the library staff should address itself to the coordination of library and classroom instruction. The first goal is to foster the student's comprehension of the total library system, and it involves library instruction in library organization, the card catalog, the shelf- list, the serial record, and the Library Control System. The second goal entails making the stu- dent aware of services offered by the Under- graduate Library, such as reserves, media cen- ters, reference, bibliographic instruction, and cir- culation. The third goal, that of alerting the stu- dent to the wide variety of available informational resources, is concerned with his or her exposure to reference books, monographic literature, periodical literature, government publications, newspapers, reference services, and referrals. The First Soviet-American Library Seminar: A Summary. By Murray L. Howder. Recent Publications I 393 1979. 7p. ED 176 717. MF-$0.83; PC- $1.82. The first Soviet-American library seminar pro- vided general comparisons and contrasts, similar- ities and dissimilarities, between Soviet and American libraries, and stressed the differences in understanding library terms, the need for long- range planning, demographic changes and their effect on library services, and library automation. An introductory session outlined procedures to be observed and presented representatives of the host organizations. Opening presentations de- scribed the library as a "multimedia catalog of many civilizations" and noted the collaboration between the USSR and the United States in the library field. During formal afternoon sessions, presentations from the Soviet representatives dis- cussed development and planning in Soviet li- brary systems, library statistics, the role of the national library, the role of libraries in the satis- faction of the information needs of specialists, the network of children's libraries, and training of librarians. For related documents see ED 176 71&--ED 176 723. New York State Library Data Base Users Manual. New York State Education Dept., Albany. 1979. 31p. ED 176 729. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32 This manual is intended to provide users with a description of the information required by the New York State Library to adequately process a data base search. Sections cover computer search- ing, what it is and what its advantages are; topic suitability; turnaround time for receipt of a data base search; cost of searching, receipt of citations; and Boolean logic. Organizing and Managing a Library In- struction Program. Checklists. By Anne Roberts. Assn. of College and Research Libraries, Chicago, Ill. 1979. 35p. ED 176 731. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. Intended to help academic librarians with prac- tical information useful in the development of their own programs, these twelve checklists cover appropriate segments of the academic library in- struction program; (1) elements of a model library instruction program; (2) assessing student needs; (3) assessing classroom instructor interest in bib- liographic instruction through an interview; (4) assessing the dean's interest in bibliographic in- struction through an interview; (5) administering a program; (6) developing objectives; (7) instruc- tional modes; (8) developing instructional mater- ials; (9) program to teach librarians how to teach; (10) evaluation of a program; (ll) gaining and maintaining collegial support within the library; 394 I College & Research Libraries • july 1980 and (12) gaining and maintaining institutional sup- port. A Plan for Library Support of Off-Campus Continuing Education Courses. By Gerard B. McCabe and Connor D. Tjarks. Virginia State Council of Higher Education, Richmond. 1979. 64p. ED 176 733. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Based on cooperation of public and academic libraries, the basic plan for library support of off- campus continuing education credit courses pre- sented in this report provides for outright dona- tion or long-term deposits of library materials by libraries of teaching institutions to host libraries, usually public libraries located in areas where courses are being taught; it is intended for the libraries in the Richmond area. Included are narratives of site visits that were made to libraries in North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississip- pi, Alabama, New York, Pennsylvania, and Iowa, as well as a summary of telephone conversations with librarians with continuing education respon- sibility in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Subject Index to Collections in the Micro- forms Section. Comp. by Jack E. Pontius. Univ. Libraries, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. 1979. 129p. ED 176 747. MF-$0.83; PC-$9.32. This document is a subject index to the micro- form (microfilm, microfiche, superfiche, COM, micro-opaques) collections of the Pattee Library of Pennsylvania State University. Collections are listed under both general and specific subject headings and are identified by main entry, title, and microform call number. Computerized Literature Searching: An Orientationfo·r the Search Requestor. By Emily Fabiano. Graduate School of Education, Rutgers, The State Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. 1979. 39p. ED 176 777. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. Developed to orient the information seeker to the computerized literature search process, this guide provides background information to help the user facilitate the search interview and the formation of a search topic, enabling him or her to focus on personal search needs and not on the fundamentals of on-line searching. Major pur- poses for which researchers have made requests to retrieve on-line information are described, as ate types of search objectives and instances in which a manual search may be effective. To aid the searcher in choosing the proper data base, the differences between kinds of data bases, their locations, and methods of determining their appropriateness are outlined. It is suggested that the searcher define the research problem by rec- ognizing concepts and using a thesaurus. This guide also explains the principles of Boolean logic, presents a sample search, and considers such details as deciding the format of the output or citations requested from the system, estimat- ing the cost of the search, and judging whether the turnaround time from search to receipt of in- formation is affordable. Development of a Responsive Library Ac- quisitons Formula. Final Report. By Glyn T. Evans and others-. Central Administra- tion, State Univ. of New York, Albany .. 1978. 107p. ED 176 779. MF-$0.83; PC-$7.82. The major accomplishments in the develop- ment of a management system for academic li- brary collection development were (1) the de- velopment of translation tables that express HEGIS (Higher Education General Information Survey) taxonomy terms as sets of LC (Library of Congress) class numbers; (2) the use of these tables to compare library acquisition, institutional administrative data, and book publishing data and to treat them as components of a library manage- ment system; (3) the development of computer programs to build and maintain the tables, isolate and analyze the data, and prepare a series of re- ports that together comprise the library manage- ment information system ; and (4) the establish- ment of a process by which libraries and institu- tions can analyze their data. The attempt to de- velop quantitative components that would be in- cluded in a proposed acquisition formula failed , although the structure of the formula appears to be validated. Helping Students Make the Transition from High School to Academic Library: A Re- port on a Study of Selected Library In- struction Programs in Massachusetts. By Joyce Merriam. 1979. 20p. ED 176 783. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Findings, observations, and recommendations resulting from a study of existing library instruc- tion programs in secondary schools throughout Massachusetts are presented . Thirty-one school systems identified as feeder schools for the Uni- versity of Massachusetts at Amherst and eight smaller schools were visited to collect information that would assist in finding ways to help students make the transition from high school to academic library. Data gathered from each school library included school enrollments, library resources, library instruction materials, descriptions of in- structional programs, and a wide variety of re- lated materials. The findings assess the nature and effectiveness of the typical high school and university library instruction program. General observations deal with problems affecting the suc- cess of skills programs, such as teacher apathy, fragmented instruction, lack of continuing instruc- tion, and student confusion. Recommendations suggesting program changes are provided. Better Information Management Policies Needed: A Study of Scientific and Tech- nical Bibliographical Services. Comptrol- ler General of the U.S., Washington, D.C. 1979. 74p. ED 179 191. MF- $0.83; PC-$4.82. This report discusses the management of scien- tific and technical bibliographic data bases by .the federal government, the existence of overlapping and duplicative bibliographic information ser- vices, the application of cost recovery principles to bibliographic information services , and the need to manage information as a resource. Ques- tionnaires were sent to thirty-eight information centers in various federal departments and agen- cies . Data analyzed in this report are based on responses received from 415 of the 650 users of these information centers who were sent the guestionnaire querying their information require- ments, the level of satisfaction with center ser- vices, and value to them of the information ac- quired. It is recommended that the director of the Office of Management and Budget establish policies on cost recovery and require agencies to .implement those policies, require agency heads to certify that funds requested to develop or operate bibliographic data bases will not be used to duplicate services available elsewhere, direct each agency to designate a senior official re- .sponsible for information management, and estab- lish an interagency coordinating committee for in- formation management. COLUG: Chicago Online User.s Introduc- tory Guide. Edited by Alexandra L. Moore and Sharon R. Pyrce, Chicago Online Users Group, Chicago, Ill. 1978. 48p. ED 179 204. MF-$0.83 ; PC- $3.32. Intended to serve as an introduction to on-line searching in the Chicago area, the guide .answers these questions for those considering going on- line for ·the first time: what is on-line searching starting out on-line , local training for on-line searching, how to choose a terminal, 1,200 baud equipment selection, how to prepare for and evaluate a search, patent searching, and how to choose data base guides and thesauri. Included are a guide to the literature; the results of a sur- vey of Chicago on-line users, detailing their ex- periences and recommendations on training, equipment, and search aids; and a directory of experienced searchers to contact locally for help. Recent Publications I 395 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Allard, Dean C.; Crawley, Martha L.; and Edmi- son, Mary W. U.S. Naval History Sources in the United States. Washington, D.C.: Naval History .Division, Department of the Navy, 1979. 235p . LC 79-600070. (Available from: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 008-046-00099-9.) Alternatives in Print: An International Catalog of Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals and Audiovisual Materials. 6th ed. Compiled by the Task Force on Alternatives in Print, Social Responsibilities Round Table, American Library Assn . New York: Neal-Schuman, 1980. 668p. $39.95. LC 76-54384. ISBN 0-918212-20-0. American Library Laws. 4th ed. Third Supple- ment, 1977-1978. Alex Landenson , editor. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1979. 240p. $15. LC 73-14863. American Writers in Paris , 192~1939. Edited by Karen Lane Rood. Dictionary of Literary Biography . V.4. A Bruccoli Clark Book. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 426p. $48. LC 79-26101. ISBN 0-8103-0916-5. " Bio-bibliographical essays on 99 American writers, journalists, editors, and publishers. " Appel, Marsha C. Illustration Index. 4th ed . Metuchen , N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 458p. $22.50. LC 79-26091. ISBN 0-8108-1273-8. With more than 13,000 entries and more than 25 ,000 citations, the volume is a guide to photographs, paintings, drawings, and diagrams appearing in major periodicals from 1972 to 1976. Association of Research Libraries . ABL Annual Salary Survey, 1978-1979. Compiled by Gor- don Fretwell. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1980. 32p. $3 ARL members; $5 nonmembers. LC 76-640547. Association of Specialized and Cooperative Li- brary Agencies. Standards for Library Service to the Blind and Physically Handicapped Sub- committee. Standards of Service for the Li- brary of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1979. 72p. $4.50. LC 79-22963. ISBN 0-8389-0298-7. Biological Abstracts/RRM . V.1S- . Jan . 198~ . Philadelphia: Biosciences Information Ser- vice, 19~ . Annual rate for U.S .A. $725 list, $650 educational. ISSN 0192-6985. Successor to BioResearch Index, continuing its volume numbering. RRM = Rep<)rts, Reviews, Meetings . "The Content Summary format" of the new publication "provides increased in- formation carrying capacity over the citation 396 I College & Research Libraries • ] uly 1980 form of its predecessor , BioResearch Index (Bioi). As a result of the new format , the pub- lication will increase in size by nearly 50% , giv- ing users over 12,000 pages of information in 1980." Brown , Barbara W., and Rose , James M. Black Roots in Southeastern Connecticut, 1650-1900 . Gale Genealogy and Local History Series. V.8. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 722p. $26. LC 80-10963. ISBN 0-8103-1411-8. Canadian Books in Print: Author and Title Index , 1979. Edited b y Martha Pluscauskas and Marian Butler. Toronto: Univ . of Toronto Pr. , 1979. 728p. $40. LC 70-418272. ISBN 0-8020- 4577-7. ISSN 0068-8389. Publisher announces that "a completely revised and updated edition will appear in microfiche in April , June , and October 1980," and pur- chasers of the annual hardcover edition can subscribe to the three microfiche editions for $35. Carlsen , G. Robert. Books and the Teenage Reader: A Guide for Teachers , Librarians and Parents . 2d rev. ed. New York: Harper, 1980. 290p. $11.95. LC 78-2117. ISBN 0-06-010626-3. A Checklist of Newspapers in Microform in the New York State Library. Albany: New York State Library , 1979 . 35p . $1.50 . (Available from : Gift and Exchange Section , New York State Library, Cultural Education Center , Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230. ) Cohen , Morris L. ; Ronen , Naomi ; and Stepan , Jan . Law & Science: A Selected Bibliography. Edited by Vivien B. Shelanski and Marcel C. La Follette. Cambridge , Mass. : MIT Pr., 1980. 155p. $15 . LC 79-26107. ISBN 0-262-03073-X. A revision and updating of two previous bib- liographies which focuses on how "advances and changes in science and technology have in- creased the· interaction between science and the law." Coleman , William E. Grants in the Humanities: A Scholar's Guide to Funding Sources . New York: Neal-Schuman, 1980. 152p. $12.95. LC 79-25697. ISBN 0-918212-21-9 . Commission of the European Communities. Agri- cultural Economics and Rural Sociology: Multi- lingual Thesaurus . Miinchen , New York: K. G . Saur, 1979. 5v. $111. ISBN 3-598-10097-3. Title also in German , French, and Italian . Con- tents: V.l: Deutsche Ausgabe . V. 2: English Edition . V.3. Version fran~aise . V.4: Edizione italiana. V.5: Quadrilingual Index and Micro- fiches. English language volume available separately for $44. Commission of the European Communities . Food: Multilingual Thesaurus . Miinchen, New York : K. G. Saur, 1979. 5v. $167. ISBN 3-598- 10103-1. Title also in German, French, and Italian. Con- tents : V. 1: Deutsche Ausgabe. V.2: English Edition. V.3: Version fran~aise. V.4: Edizione italiana. V. 5: Quadrilingual Index and Microfiches. English language volume available separately for $67. Commission of the European Communities. Veterinary Multilingual Thesaurus. Miinchen , New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 5v. $278 . ISBN 3-598-10109-0. Title also in German , French, and Italian . Con- tents: V.1 : Deutsche Ausgabe. V.2 : English Edition . V.3: Version fran~aise. V.4 : Edizione italiana. V.5 : Quadrilingual Index and Micro- fiches . English language volume available separately for $100. Conference on Women 's History, Washington , D.C ., 1976. Clio Was a Woman : Studies in the History of American Women . National Archives Conferences. V. 16. Edited by Mabel E. Deutrich and Virginia C. Purdy . Washington, D .C .: Howard Univ . Pr., 1980. 352p. $19 .95. LC 79-15336. ISBN 0-88258-077-9. The first section of these 1976 conference proceedings includes papers on " History Re- sources Relating to Women ." Congressional Quarterly, Inc. China: U.S . Policy Since 1945 . Washington , D.C .: Congressional Quarterly , 1980. 387p. $10.95. LC 79-27840. ISBN 0-87187-188-2. Cordasco , Francesco , with Alloway , David N. Medical Education in the United States : A Guide to Information Sources . Education In- formation Guide Series. V.8. Detroit : Gale, 1980. 393p. $28. LC 79-24030. ISBN 0-8103- 1458-4. Crimes against Business: A Practical Guide to the Prevention and Detection of Business Crime , January 1977-]une 1978 . As documented in the New York Times Information Bank. Edited by Jules B. Kroll. New York: Arno Press, 1979. lv. (various paging). $85. ISBN 0-405-12613-1. ISSN 0912-706X. " . .. attempts to provide updated information on a continuing basis relating to the subject of 'crimes against business .' " Crosby , Cynthia A. Historical Dictionary of Malawi . African Historical Dictionaries. No.25. Metuchen , N.J . : Scarecrow, 1980. 169p. $14. LC 80-18. ISBN 0-8108-1287-8. Crowley, Maureen. Energy: Sources of Print and Nonprint Materials. Neal-Schuman Sourcebook Series. No. 1. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1980. 341p. $17.95. LC 79-26574. ISBN 0-918212-16- 2. ". . . describes almost 800 organizations that are sources of information and publications on all aspects of energy." Cutul, Ann-Marie. Twentieth-Century European Painting: A Guide to Information Sources. Art. and Architecture Information Guide Series. V. 9. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 520p. $28. LC 79- 24249. ISBN 0-8103-1438-X. Dolmatovskaya, Galina, and Shilova, Irina. Who's Who in the Soviet Cinema: Seventy Different Portraits. Moscow: Progress, 1978. 684p. $12.50. (Available from: Imported Publications, Inc., 320 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610.) EURIM 3: A European Conference on the Con- tribution of Users to Planning and Policy Mak- ing for Information Systems and Networks . 25- 27 April 1978, Kiinstlerhaus, Munich, Ger- many. Proceedings edited by A. Dewe and J. Deunette. London: Aslib, 1980. lOOp. ISBN 0- 85142-133-4. "Presented by Aslib in association with Associa- tion Nationale de Ia Recherche Technique, Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Deutsche Gesell- schaft fiir Dokumentation, NOBIN, NORD- FORSK." Fisher, William H . The Invisible Empire: A Bib- liography of the Ku Klux Klan . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 202p. $10. LC 80- 10133. ISBN 0-8108-1288-6. Focus on Health: Issues and Events of 1978 from the New York Times Information Bank. Edited by Arthur Levin. New York: Arno Press, 1979. 202p. $21.95. LC 78-31464. ISBN 0-405-12874- 6. Garner, Jane. Archives and Ma•uscripts on Microfilm in the Nettie Lee Benson Latin Amer- ican Collection: A Checklist. Austin: General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, 1980. 48p. $10. (Available from : General Libraries Office, University of Texas at Austin, Perry- Castaiieda Library 3.200, Austin, TX 78712.) Gateway to America: Genealogical Research in the New York State Library. Albany: New York State Libra.ry, 1980. 27p. $1. (Available from: Gift and Exchange Section, New York State Library, Cultural Education Center, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230.) Germaine, Max. Artists and Galleries of Aus- tralia and New Zealand . Sydney, New York: Lansdowne Editions, 1979. 646p. $39.50 plus $1.47 postage and handling; $45 after Sept. 15, 1980. (Available from: Mereweather Press, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017.) Includes biographies of 2,000· living Australian and New Zealand artists, plus art personalities, galleries, institutions, and awards. Gordon, W . Terrence. Semantics: A Bibliogra- phy, 1965-1978. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 307p. $16.50. LC 79-24719. ISBN 0- 8108-1300-9. Grant, Michael. Greek and Latin Authors, 800 B.C.-A.D. 1000 . Wilson Authors Series. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1980. 490p. $25 U.S. and Recent Publications I 397 Canada; $30 other countries. LC 79-27446. ISBN 0-8242-0640-1. Biographical sketches of 376 Greek ·and Latin authors. Herman, John R., and Goldberg, Richard A. Sun, Weather, and Climate. Detroit: Grand River Books, 1980. 360p. $26. LC 79-22363. ISBN 0-8103-1018-X. (Available from: Gale Re- search Co.) Originally. published by Scientific and Technic- al Information Branch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA SP-426), Washington, D.C., 1978. Hilton, Ronald. A Bibliography of Latin America and the Caribbean: The Hilton Library. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 675p. $29.50. LC 79-25777. ISBN 0-81<>8-1275-4. "The Hilton collection of 11,000 titles is be- lieved to be the largest private general library on Latin America." Active collecting stopped in 1964. Hoskins, Janina W. Casimir Pulaski, 1747-1779: A Selective List of Reading Materials in En- glish . Washington, D .C.: Library of Congress, 1979. 24p. International Directory of Alternative Cancer Tests and Therapies. Mashpee, Mass.: Aid for Cancer Victims, Inc., 1980(?) 28p. $10. (Avail- able from: Aid for Cancer Victims, Inc., RFD 1, Box 415, Mashpee, MA 02649.) " . .. a list of non-toxic and non-destructive therapies and diagnostic tests of cancer." The International Foundation Directory. 2d ed. Consultant editor: H. V. Hodson. Detroit : Gale, 1979. 378p. $55. LC 79-23803. ISBN 0- 8103-2018-5. A listing of 686 institutions arranged alphabeti- cally by country. International Journal of Oral History. V.l- , Feb. 1980- . Westport, Conn.: Meckler Publishing, 1980- . $40 per vol. year. ". . . I]OH will publish articles which are of more than local interest, which are comparative in approach, make use of cross-disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches, and concentrate upon methodological and theoretical discus- sions, which for one reason or another cannot find a local audience. "-Ronald ] . Grele, Edi- tor. International Yearbook of Educational and In- structional Technology, 1980/81. London: Kogan Page; New York: Nichols Publishing Co., 1980. 603p. $32.50. LC 78-50802. ISBN 0-85038-269-6 Page; 0-89397-082-4 Nichols. ISSN 0307-9732. Published under the auspices of the Association for Educational and Training Technology. Kells, H. R. Self-Study Process: A Guide for Postsecondary Institutions. Washington, D.C. 398 I College & Research Libr.aries •] uly 1980 American Council on Education, 1980. 131p. $15. LC 79-27457. "A handbook for participants in self-study pro- cesses for all types of postsecondary institutions .at the institution and program level. A basic re- ference for administrators on processes and uses of self-study in institutional and special- ized .accreditation. A reader-manual for work- shops on self-study and accreditation for insti- tutional and agency professionals." Leland, Henry, and Deutsch, Marilyn W. Abnor- mal Behavior: A Guide to Infonnation Sources. Psychology Information Guide Series. V.5. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 261p. $26. LC 80-65. ISBN 0-8103-1416-9. Lester, David; Sell, Betty H.; and Sell, Kenneth D. Suicide: A Guide to Infonnation Sources. Social Issues and Social Problems Information Guide Series. V.3. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 294p. $28. LC 80-71. ISBN 0-8103-1415-0. Long, James W. The Essential Guide to Prescrip- tion Drugs. Rev. ed. New York: Harper, 1980. 863p. $25 hardcover; $8.95 paperback. LC 76- 5141. ISBN 0-06-012674-4 hardcover; 0-06- 090715-0 paperback. Revision includes twenty-seven new profiles of major drugs and expanded categories of in- formation for each drug. Mall~y, Ian; Petts, Judith; and Smith, Roger M. Education in the Use of Libraries and Infonna- tion in Chemistry: An Annotated Bibliography. INFUSE Supplement No.6. Loughborough: NEW • • • The Most Authoritative, Comprehensive Work Available on Serials In The Library . A Major New Book By Clara D. Brown & Lynn S . Smith SERIALS: PAST, PRESENT ARB FUTURE This new book is a heavily revised , much enlarged and more comprehensive edition of Mrs . Brown's first widely renowned .book , SERIALS: ACQUISITION & MAINTENANCE. :.SERIALS: PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE goes far beyond the Jirst edition in both depth and scope . It was written lor use as l. A text lor students in library science 2 . A .9uide lor the beginner in the serials field 3. A manual lor the serials librarian 4 . A book needed by every library . Order today lor $19.50 (plus $.50 U .S . or $1.00 elsewhere lor postage & handling). - No<., O.d"" $1.00 if p.,m••• •••• wHh "''" . E8 EBSCO PRESS I Attn : J. Weed P .O . Box 1943 Birmingham , AL 35201 Library, Loughborough University of Technolo- gy, 1979. 16p. Medical and Health I nfonnation Directory. 2d ed. Compiled and edited by Anthony T. Kruzas. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 835p. $78. ISBN 0-8103-0267-5. Subtitle: "A Guide to State, National, and In- ternational Associations, State and Federal Government Agencies, U.S. and Foreign Medical Schools, Hospitals, Grant-Award Sources, Health Care Delivery Agencies, Jour- nals, Newsletters, Review Serials, Abstracting Services, Publishers, Research Centers, Com- puterized Data Banks, Audiovisual Services, Prizes and Awards, Libraries and Information Centers, Consulting Organizations." Meserve, Walter J. American Drama to 1900: A Guide to I nfonnation Sources. American Liter- ature, English Literature, and World Litera- ture in English Information Guide Series. V.28. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 254p. $26. LC 79- 27056. ISBN 0-8103-1365-0. Metric Manual. By Lawrence D. Pedde, Warren E. Foote, LeRoy F. Scott, Danny L. King, and Dave L. McGalliard. Detroit: Grand River Books, 1980. 278p. $22. LC 79-29660. ISBN 0-8103-1020-1. (Available from: Gale Research Co.) "This volume was originally published in 1978 by the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (GPO SIN 024-003-00129-5)." Mitterling, Philip I. U.S. Cultural History: A Guide to Infonnation Sources. American Gov- ernment and History Information Guide Series. V.5. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 581p. $28. LC 79- 24061. ISBN 0-8103-1369-3. Morris, Jacquelyn M. Bibliographic Instruction in Academic Libraries: A Review of the Litera- ture and Selected Bibliography. Syracuse, N.Y.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Re- sources, School of Education, Syracuse Uni- versity, 1979. 49p. $4 . 75. (Available from: Syracuse University Printing Services, 125 Col- lege Place, Syracuse, NY 13210.) Morse, John D. Old Master Paintings in North America: Over 3000 Masterpieces by 50 Great Artists. New York: Abbeville Press, 1979. 309p. $19.95. LC 79-1056. ISBN 0-89659-050-X. Includes holdings of these paintings by more than 120 museums. Moss, Martha. Photography Books Index: A Sub- ject >Guide to Photo Anthologies . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 286p. $15. LC 79- 26938. ISBN 0-8108-1283-5. Moulds, Michael. FIAF Classification Scheme for Literature on Film and Television. London: Aslib, 1980. 85p. ISBN 0-85142-131-8. Prepared under the sponsorship of the Docu- mentation Commission of the Federation In- ernationale des Archives du Film (FIAF). National Research Council. Committee on Atmos- pheric Sciences. Weather & Climate Modifica- tion: Problems and Progress. Detroit: Grand River Books, 1980. 258p. $24. LC 79-22479. ISBN 0-8103-1017-1. (Available from: Gale Research Co.) Originally published by the National Academy of Sciences, 1973. Oldman, Christine, and Wills, Gordon. A Reap- praisal of Academic Librarians hip. Bradford, West Yorkshire: MCP Publications, 1978. 35p. $27. ISBN 0-86176-038-7. (Available from~ MPC Publications, 198/200 & 210 Keighley Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England BD9 4JQ.) Peace Research: Trend Report and World Direc- tory. Reports and Papers in the Social Scien- ces. No.43. Paris: Unesco, 1979. 250p. $10. ISBN 92-3-101721-7 . (Available from: UN- IPUB, 345 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010.) Third edition of work first published in 1966 and updated in 1973. Phythian, B. A. A Concise Dictionary of Correct English . Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1979. 166p. $10 cloth; $5.50 paper. ISBN 0-84 76-6212-8. Reference Index to V.I. Lenin Collected Works . Part One: Index of Works; Name Index. Mos- cow: Progress Publishers, 1978. 334p. $2. 90. (Available from: Imported Publications, Inc., 320 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610.) "The index of Lenin's works gives the volume and pages of the works included in the 45 volumes of the present edition. . . . The name index contains the names, or aliases if these are better known than the name~. of persons men- tioned by Lenin in his works." Robertson, James 1., Jr. An Index-Guide to the Southern Historical Society Papers, 187~1959. Millwood, N .Y.: Kraus International Publica- tions, 1980. 2v. $95. LC 79-24910. ISBN 0-527-75516-8. "The scope and content of the Southern Histor- ical Society Papers (SHSP) require its use as a fundamental source for the writing and study of Civil War history. That it has not been so used . . . is attributable to ... the lack of a compre- hensive and accurate index." Rose, Michael. French Industrial Studies: A Bibliography and Guide . Westmead, Faro- borough, Hants.: Saxon House, 1977. 142p. $20.50. ISBN 0-566-00207-8. (Available from: Renouf/USA, Inc., Brookfield, Vf 05036.) Bibliography of more than 1,000 items on re- search projects undertaken in France since 1945 in industrial sociology, labor relations, organizational behavior, management, and theoretical contributions in these fields. SRI Microfiche Library. Washington, D.C.: Con- Recent Publications I 399 gressional Information Service, 1980- . "The SRI Microfiche Library provides access to publications identified in the Statistical Reference Index [see below]. . . . The com- plete collection is available on a subscription basis. Microfiche are shipped monthly, shortly after publication of the companion issue of the Statistical Reference Index. Notes on mic- rofiche availability are contained in SRI ab- stract entries." Sharp, Harold S. Handbook of Geographical Nicknames. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 153p. $8. LC 79-26860. ISBN 0-8108-1280~0. Sheehy, Eugene P. Guide to Reference Books . 9th ed. Supplement. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980. 305p. $15. LC 79-20541. ISBN 0-8389-0294-4. Includes contributions by specialist librarians in the pure and applied sciences and a new sec- tion on data bases. Sherman, Steve. ABC's of Library Promotion. 2d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 242p. $12. LC 79-24232. ISBN 0-8108-1274-6. " ... an action-oriented manual of public rela- tions for librarians." Sisson, James E., III, and Martens, Robert W. Jack London First Editions: A Chronological Reference Guide . Oakland, Calif.: Star Rover House, 1979. 140p. $24.50 plus $1.50 han- dling. LC 78-63374. ISBN 0-932-45800-9. (Available from: Star Rover House, 5258 Col- lege Ave., Oakland, CA 94618.) Smith, Myron J., Jr. The Soviet Navy, 1941- 1978: A Guide to Sources in English. War/ Peace Bibliography Series. No.9. Santa Bar- bara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1980. 2llp. $23.75. LC 79-26542. ISBN 0-87436-265-2. Somer, John, and Cooper, Barbara Eck. Amer- ican & British Literature, 1945-1975: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporarg Scholarship. Lawrence: Regents Press of Kan- sas, 1980. 326p. $20. LC 79-19299. ISBN 0- 7006-0195-3. Sportsguide for Individual Sports, 1980. Edited by Richard A. Lipsey. New York: Sportsguide, Inc., 1980. 298p. $40. LC 80-80055. ISBN 0-8103-0991-2. (Distributed to libraries by Gale.) " . . . a master reference for sports marketing and covers manufacturers, associations, con- sumer and business media, trade shows, pro- motion companies, and market data services." A companion volume is to cover team sports. Statistical Reference Index. V.1- , Jan. 1980- . Washington, D.C.: Congressional In- formation Service, 1980- . "Price ranging from $290 to $865, depending on type of li- brary or organization and its annual budget for books, periodicals, and microforms." "SRI is a monthly index/abstracts services that 400 I College & Research Libraries • july 1980 provides current access to selected statistical publications issued by a broad range of private and public American organizations other than the U.S. Government. Most of the publications identified in the Index are contained in the SRI Microfiche Library, which is sold separately." Steiger, Ernst. The Annotated and Enlarged Edi- tion of Ernst Steiger's Precentennial Bibliogra- phy. The Periodical Literature of the United States of America. By Karl J. R. Arndt . Mill- wood , N.Y.: Kraus International Publications , 1979. 228p. $55. LC 79-25836. ISBN 0-527- 03668-4. "The present volume , an expanded edition of Steiger's Periodical Literature of the United States , makes widely available for the first time the earliest, complete bibliography of American periodical literature as it existed in the 1870s." Sullivan , Kaye. Films For, By and About Women. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 552p. $25. LC 79-26830. ISBN 0-8108-1279-7. A listing of approximately 2,800 films "(fea- tures, documentaries and shorts) by women since the beginning of filmmaking." Includes a subject index and index of women filmmakers. Terris, Virginia R. Woman in America: A Guide to Information Sources . American Studies In- formation Guide Series . V. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 520p. $26. LC 73-17564. ISBN 0-8103- 1268-9. Threat of Modern Warfare to Man and His En- vironment: An Annotated Bibliography. Pre- pared under the auspices of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA). Paris: Unesco, 1979. 25p. $3 .25. ISBN 92-3-101608-3. (Available from: UNIPUB, 345 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010.) Tucker, John Mark. Articles on Library Instruc- tion in College$ and Universities, 1876-1932 . University of Illinois Graduate School of Li- brary Science. Occasional Papers. No . 143. Champaign, Ill. : Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois, 1980. 45p. $2. ISSN 0073-5310. (Available from: Publications Office , 249 Armory Building, University of Illi- nois , Champaign, IL 61820.) United States Committee for the Global Atmos- pheric Research Program. Understanding Climatic Change: A Program for Action. De- troit: Grand River Books, 1980. 239p. $24. LC 79-22423 . ISBN 0-8103-1019-8. (Available from : Gale Research Co.) Originally published by the National Academy of Sciences, 1975. United States National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works. Fin- al Report of the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works, july 31 , 1978 . Washington, D.C .: Library of Con- gress , 1979. 154p. $4. 75. LC 79-15747. ISBN 0-8444-0312-l. (Available from: U.S. Govt . Print. Off., Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 030-002-00143-8.) Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bucher. Subject Guide to German Books in Print. Schlagwort- Verzeichnis , 1979180 . Frankfurt am Main: Ver- lag der Buchhandler-Vereinigung; Miinchen, New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 2v . $164 . ISBN 3-7657-0862-3. Supplements the 9th ed. of German Books in Print, 1979/80. Contains about 280,000 title en- tries and about 40,000 references. Von Ende , Richard Chaffey. Church Music: An International Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 453p. $22.50. LC 79-23697. ISBN 0-8108-1271-1. Weise, Frieda 0 . Health Statistics: A Guide to Information Sources . Health Affairs Informa- tion Guide Series. V.4. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 137p. $28 . LC 80-12039. ISBN 0-8103-1412-6. Wells , Daniel A. The Literary Index to American Magazines , 1815-1865 . Metuchen, N . J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 218p. $12. LC 79-24022. ISBN 0-8108-1272-X. "Twenty-five magazines have been newly in- dexed under 400 major headings, including writers and artists from Ainsworth to Words- worth, literary journals from the American Quarterly to the Southern Quarterly , and liter- ary issues from copyrights to women's rights." Wells, Dorothy P., in consultation with Carroll, Charles R. Child Abuse: An Annotated Bib- liography. Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 450p. $20. LC 79-21641. ISBN 0-8108-1264-9. A bibliography of 2,484 items, with the bulk of the material published since 1962. Wertsman, Vladimir . The Romanians in America and Canada: A Guide to Information Sources . Ethnic Studies Information Guide Series. V.5. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 164p. $28. LC 80-191. ISBN 0-8103-1417-7. The World of Learning, 1979-80 . 30th ed. Lon- don: Europa, 1979. 2v. $105. LC 47-30172. ISBN 0-905118-40-5. ISSN 0084-2117. (Dis- tributed by Gale .) " ... contains the names, addresses and other details of over 24,000 universities , colleges, libraries, museums, art galleries, learned societies and research institutes and the 150,000 people active in them."