College and Research Libraries 552 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 and one-half pages of the index were care- fully checked , and only two somewhat minor omissions came to light: while the text refers with regard to honorifics to " theological" distinctions, this word does not appear in the index, not even as a cross- reference to "clergy, indexing of," the cor- rect entry. Also, "q.v. " is the only one of the five cross-references without a see also reference to "cross-references" (which , it- self, has see also references to these five ). Reading through the index takes con- siderable time, for one runs into such curiosity-piquing entries as " M uggeridge , Malcolm , regrettable lapse by, 20n ." One rushes to the note for page 20 to learn that this refers to M uggeridge , who likened a book without an index to "a railway time- table not giving the names of the stations, " allowing his own collection of random jokes to appear without an index! The book itself is a beautifully wrought example of the publisher's art , complete with a pliable , but exceptionally sturdy binding, a rich royal blue cloth cover, and very attractive layout and typeface--a book for a gentleman's library . Only four typo- graphical errors came to light in the entire volume, and none was of a serious nature. Although more elementary and le ss com- prehensive than its American counterpart, this volume merits addition to any collec- tion that is meant to be well balanced, if only because of the humanistic and reasoned introduction it provides to the art of indexing by a master indexer of the old schooL-Eldon W. Tamblyn , Portland State University , Portland, Oregon. CLIP Notes: College Library Information Packets. #1-SO: Performance Appraisal. Chicago: Continuing Education Commit- tee , College Libraries Section, Associ- ation of College and Research Libraries , American Library Assn. , 1980. 135p. $7.50 ACRL members ; $10 nonmembers. (Available from: ACRL, American Library Assn . , 50 E. Huron St. , Chicago , IL 60611.) Essentially CLIP Notes: College Library Information Packets. #1-80: Performance Appraisal is simply a selection of policy and procedure statements on performance appraisal from various academic libraries in the Midwest. It also contains a selective, annotated bibliography and two LAMA pub- lications on the subject. The policy and pro- cedure statements have been selected not as models but rather to show the range of approaches currently in use. As a result this publication is full of diverse segments that require some kind of unifying essay to make them useful. , No such unifying essay is presented. In- stead the reader is given a too-brief intro- duction (about 500 words) that raises more questions than it answers. The policy and procedure statements and measurement de- vices that make up the bulk of the docu- ment were gathered in a survey of perform- ance appraisal practices of about 300 academic libraries in seven midwestern states . Data concerning staff size, collection size, and size of population served by the responding libraries is offered. Beyond the statement that " slightly less than half of those replying answered that they had or were developing formal appraisal proce- dures ," virtually no data about performance appraisal practices in libraries surveyed are offered. The reader of this curious introduc- tion is forced to wonder if the survey device was poorly designed and netted little data or if it simply wasn't reported. Perhaps stranger still is the inclusion of the evaluation tool used by the Virginia Beach Public Library, which obviously was not part of the survey population of academic libraries in the Midwest. The in- troduction states that the Virginia Beach document was included because it provides a "unique and useful approach" to perform- ance appraisal. The performance appraisal statements and forms do indeed offer a wide range of approaches for the evaluation of librarians, support staff, and student employees. The two LAMA publications , Performance Appraisal Forms and Personnel Perform- ance Appraisal-A Guide for Libraries, will be highly useful to librarians struggling to develop and implement performance appraisal mechanisms. The annotated bib- liography will also be of use. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that this publication suffers from a lack of direc- tion and purpose. The last statement in the introduction notes that the publication is a If your research library buys only one reference work this yeat; this is the work it must have. WORLD DIRECTORY OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES By John Dunning, Ph.D. and John Stepford, Ph.D. This two-volume, 1,500 page directory of the 600 largest multinationals in the world is not just the first of its kind, but the only one in existence. You'll find 250 American, 100 Japanese, plus British, French, German, Italian and others. There are lists of subsidiaries, corporate strategy analyses, and merger history. There are product profit tables, product descriptions, update cycles, and percentages of sales by product line, as well as main offices and other address mformation. WORLD DIRECTORY OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES is an essential sourcebook for the business and finance student, business executives, bankers, brokers and anyone interested in international business. Set Price $195, cloth, 8Yz x 11, 1,500 pages. ISBN: 0-87196-440-6 (Vol. 1) 0-87196-441-4 (Vol. 2). Facts On File 119 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 554 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 pilot project and welcomes suggestions and comments. My suggestion is that the com- pilers define for themselves and for their in- tended audience what CLIP Notes: #1-80 seeks to do.-Thomas M. Gaughan, Uni- versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Strawn, Richard R. Topics, Terms, and Re- search Techniques: Self-Instruction in Us- ing Library Catalogs. Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 98p. $8. LC 80-12569. ISBN 0-8108-1308-4. Instruction librarians, especially academic ones, complain that they have too many stu- dents to teach and not enough time to do it in. Using a programmed, self-instruction guide could be of benefit to both instruction librarians and students . Richard Strawn has added his contribution to the burgeoning literature of self-help books in the field for library users . As his title suggests, this book is written for individual users who are re- searching a topic. The subjects covered in the text are how to read a Library of Congress catalog card, words as possible "subject headings," how to use subject headings, specificity (when a term is too narrow), subdivisions (how sub- jects are divided up), and filing. Each topic includes a pretest, exercise , and summary of the basic information needed to complete the exercise·. The answers are given in the back of the book. The text is based on LC classification and subject headings and, according to the author, "uses actual topics that Wabash College students have had to treat in the last several years." Strawn aims his text at "high school and college stu- dents, library aides and technicians" and gives a completion time of seven hours for the entire book, or four hours following the shortcuts. The reproduction of the LC cards is often poor; they are fuzzy and hard to read . The layout of the exercises could also be im- proved: one exercise overlaps onto another page, making the user turn pages to follow an exercise. The exercises were confusing to rrie in their numbering system: letters and numbers are used to designate · question numbers, card numbers, and example num- bers. The book depends on a good academic PUBLICATIONS FROM THE UNITED NATIONS YEARBOOK OF THE UNITED NATIONS 19n The only annual publication of the United Nations to provide a comprehensive. objective account of the work of the Organization . The year's agenda of conferences, meetings, reports and field activities are cov- ered succinctly, as well as the various programmes of the intergovernmental agencies related to the Unit- ed Nations. It includes bibliograph-ies of primary source materials, texts and voting details of resolutions passed , and a detailed analytical index . 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