College and Research Libraries 70 I College & Research Libraries • january 1981 would do well to peruse this compilation born of discriminating experience. S( jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait! Two publications of Library Journal also treat of library buildings. The first, # 15, con- stitutes a review article. Boll provides sixty- nine references largely from the 1970s and adds a useful index. Boll's product is quite comprehensive and competently presented. The LJ Special Report # 16 superficially treats sixteen academic libraries of the early 1970s-a couple of paragraphs by the librar- ian , a few from the architect , a trivia of building statistics , and half of the publica- tion pictures of no particular distinction. It is hoped the planned second issue of "new academic library buildings" will produce something more than totally inadequate floor plans with a bit of froth .-David C. Weber , Stanford Univ ersity , Stanford , Cali- fornia. Networks for Networkers: Critical Issues in Cooperative Library Development. · Edited by Barbara Evans Markuson and Blanche Woolls. New York: Neal- Schuman , 1980. 444p . $17.95. LC 79- 24054. ISBN 0-918212-22-7. This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference on Networks for N etworkers held in Indianapolis , Indiana, from May 30 through June 1, 1979. The conference in- cluded " 136 official delegates , observers , guests and speakers from the U.S . and the Virgin Islands ... their purpose was to lis- ten , ponder, discuss , argue, and make sug- gestions concerning the critical issues in li- brary network development" (Introduction , p.xiii). These proceedings include eight major theme papers that were delivered at the conference, twelve background papers , two keynote speeches , supplementary reading material, and appendixes that include con- ference participants' viewpoints, resolutions of Pre-White House Conferences on Li- braries and Information Services, a glossary , and a list of acronyms. The conference topics were selected to address public-policy issues and were geared almost exclusively to computer- based library networking. Part I is entitled "The Network Revolution" and presents a history and overview of networking. Part II, "National Policy and Network Develop- ment," deals with national information poli- cy development (or nondevelopment, in the view of several conference participants). Part III, entitled " Network Technology and Standards ," describes in considerable detail the state of existing technology and tele- communications relevant to library network- ing, and looks at some trends and innova- tions. Part IV, " Network Governance and Funding," includes discussion of the legal apsects as well as the economics of network- ing. Part V, "Network Users and Services," concentrates on the interaction of networks and their clients, with presentations on the role of several types of libraries in network- ing. This conference was held almost ten years after one sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education with the American Library Asso- ciation , which concentrated on the estab- lishment of library networks . Networks for Networkers is at once a ten-year review of the development and progress of networks in this country and a presentation of some clear-sighted assessments of the impact net- · works have had on libraries and librarians. There is necessarily some repetition in these chapters ; from different points of view several of the papers refer to the same groups, projects, agencies , and technologies and discuss common problems in network progress. Although some libraries have re- sisted the movement , many academic and research libraries are in some way con- nected to a network , and the issues dis- cussed in this volume are of critical impor- tance to academic librarians. Of particular interest are the areas of national library and information policies , network governance, network economics , technology , and the crucial questions of user access to network services. The planners of the conference did not pretend to provide answers to all the networking question-s and dilemmas , but all the presentations are lucid and well pre- pared. They range from theoretical (Don Swanson on trial-and-error evolution in li- brary network development) to technically specific Games Barrentine on future compu- ter technology) to pragmatic (debate be- tween Swartz and Evans on whether state- level networking should evolve from the state library agency or a member-governed For the dissemination of new information in electrotechnology , this is the most am- bitious and prestigious program of its kind. Under the sponsorship of its 32 techni- cal Societies and Councils , the IEEE pub- lishes periodicals covering every aspect of electrical/electronics science and en- gineering. In printed and microfiche editions . These are the highly cited , high-impact periodicals in their disciplines , featuring original research, design and applications papers that are allowed to be published only after stringent review. All are avail- able in both printed and space-saving microfiche editions. As a material example of the informa- tion explosion in electrotechnology, our IEEE periodicals contained a total of 37,000 pages last year , an increase of 7.000 pages over the previous year. New needs: new publicatio ns. Electrical and electronics applications are now so pervasive that there are IEEE periodicals specializing in fields of inter- est that might surprise you: biomedicine .. geoscience ... nuclear and plasma science For essential new data in electrotechnology, look to the source. 49 IEEE periodicals . .. pattern analysis ... oceanic engineering . .. cybernetics . As information expands, new publica- tions come into being . Thus , in the past two years we introduced Transactions on Pattern Analy sis and Machine Intelligence , Circuits and Systems Magazine , Electron Device Letters and Technical Activities Guide. And in 1981 -Computer Graphics and Applications, MICRO, Control Systems Magazine, andPower Engineering Review. Over 14,000 libraries throughout the world subscribe to one or more of these 49 periodicals , including our broad-scope magazines, Proceedings of the IEEE and IEEE Spectrum . Over I ,000 corporate, university and government libraries- in 58 countries -subscribe to every one of the 47 IEEE Society/Council Transactions , Journals , and Magazines . Send fo r free catalog. Electronics applications today impact vir- tually every industry- chemicals . . . tex- tiles ... plastics .. . transportation ... banking . . . medicine . If your library serves en- gineers or scientists involved in adapting electrical/electronics engineering knowl- edge to problem-solving , then you should become familiar with the full extent of IEEE's resources . They are immense . To obtain a copy of our IEEE 1981 Periodicals Catalog , call J.D . Broderick at IEEE ("1-Triple-E") headquarters: (212) 644-7876 . Or mail the coupon below . IEEE Technical Activities , Attn : J.D . Broderick , 345 East 47th Street , New York , N.Y. 10017 P,lease send me ___ copy(ies) of your IEEE 1981 Periodicals Catalog F20-1 0/80 . K Name Organizat ion Address C1ty St ate +.[ I NSTITUTE Of E LECTRICAL AND E LECTRONICS E NGINEE RS. INC Serving 200 ,000. members and 14 ,000 libraries worldwide . Zip IEEE. The world 's leading source of new information in electrical and electronics science and eng ineering. 72 I College & Research Libraries • January 1981 cooperative). Being at the conference might have been more exciting, but the editors of these proceedings have provided a smooth, almost seamless volume that gives us the opportunity to read selectively and ponder present and future networking. The book's format and production are admirable and its appearance timely. Finally, rereading this volume in 1990, when no doubt a confer- ence on networking will again be held, will be very instructive.-Fay Zipkowitz , Rhode Island Department of State Library Ser- vices, Providence . Patrick, Ruth J.; Casey , Joseph ; and Noval- is, Carol M. A Study of Library Coopera- tives, Networks, and Demonstration Proj- ects. New York: K. G. Saur, 1980. 2v. $39. LC 79-20231. ISBN 0-89664-313-l. Contents: V. l: Findings and Recommen- dations. V.2: Case Study Reports. This study is a systematic evaluation of two federal programs to improve library and information services. The first , HEA 11-B Library Research and Demonstration Pro- gram, provides grants to support research demonstration projects in library and in- Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~~~~ ~COv\P?NY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown , MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 formation services. Title III, Inter-library Cooperation, of the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA III) was enacted in 1966 to provide categorical grants to state li- brary agencies to plan, develop, and oper- ate cooperative library networks. Taken together, these programs are major chan- nels of federal support to libraries. It is an ambitious and difficult undertak- ing indeed to evaluate the general effective- ness and impact of programs supporting the diversity of projects funded under HEA II-B and LSCA III. Patrick , Casey, and Novalis have made an impressive attempt at this task. They have amassed a large amount of data and analyzed it in terms of a change model that "describes the stages and processes necessary for new , improved , and/or expanded library and information services and illustrates an optimal rela- tionship among the tasks , agencies, and sources of funds currently used in the changing of library and information ser- vices." Due to the use of this model, the study is interesting from the point of view of evaluation methodology as well as for the data it presents on the HEA 11-B and LSCA III programs. Volume I reports the findings and recom- mendations related to th e two programs. The findings are summarized and inter- preted in a manner that is somewhat repeti- tive but that is suitable for the general read- er. Volume II presents twe nty-two selected case studies of projects funded under the two programs. The titles of two case stud- ies , " Development of a Computerized Re- gional Library System" (OCLC) and "Li- brary School and Education Program with- out Wall," serve to illustrate the diversity of data from which the authors had to develop coherent generalizations. Obviously, a study of this scope demands the use of evaluation models , and the success of the study owes much to the model used. The detailed findings contained in the two volumes are difficult to encapsulate. In general, however, the HEA 11-B and LSCA III were found to have had a favorable im- pact on library services, although one that is muted considerably by a number of de- ficiencies. These deficiencies are addressed by recommendations in four areas: 1) the need to define and focus the role of the two