College and Research Libraries "bound-with" books, pictorial books , and biography. The appendix contains tables of general application throughout the Library of Con- gress classification schedules, Cutter num- bers for individual biography , and tables used with individual classes. Finally, the in- dex is very usable. Throughout this work past and present Library of Congress prac- tices are explained in a clear and concise manner , which clarifi e s variations some- times puzzling to the cataloger. The format of the work is a great im- provement over the earlier e ditions. The type is darker and headings and subhead- ings are in heavy type . The effect on the reader, at least this reade r , is very positive. For the refe rence librarian, Immroth 's Guide to the Library of Congress Classifica- tion , third edition, is a very good reference tool and introduction to the classification system. For the practicing cataloger or clas- sifier it is a reference tool and a source of information for new Library of Congress practice. For the library school professor and student it is an excellent teaching tool and textbook-Barbara A. Gates , Brown University, Providence , Rhode Island . ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion , Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche ( MF ) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service , P .0 . Box 190, Arlington , VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired , and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Textbook Classification Scheme. A Report from the Educational Materials Review Center (EDMARC). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Office of Education, 1979. 27p. ED Recent Publications I 81 Special Report: The Library Catalog: COM and Online Options by Richard W. Boss/Deanna B. Marcum Boss and Marcum discuss the advantages to be gained and pitfalls to be avoided when a library chooses a COM or online alternative to the traditional card or book catalog . The emphasis of this special report is on turnkey systems which can be purchased from commercial vendors. The report includes information on six COM catalog vendors and eleven probable vendors of online catalogs. Included also are four excellent appendices : Sample Specifications for a COM Catalog , Sample Specifications for an Integrated System. A Glossary of Terms, and a selected bibliography. In the September/ October issue of Library Technology Reports, Volume 16 No. 5.-$40.00 . Library Technology Reports is a unique bimonthly publication of the American Library Association that provides critical evaluations of products and services used in libraries, media centers and other educational institutions. Its purpose is to enable librarians and educators to make economical purchasing decisions and to alert manufacturers ofthe·needs of libraries and the standards of performance expected by them . Annual subscription (6 issues)-$135 Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street · Chicago, IL 60611 82 I College & Research Libraries • January 1981 Exclusively From Research Publications, Inc. <@) • Financial Times (London or Frankfurt) • Der Spiegel • Far Eastern Economic Review • India Today • Jewish Chronicle The Times Literary Supplement Index (1 902-1 939 Cumulative) rp Research Publications, Inc. 12 Lunar Drive Woodbridge, CT 06525 (203) 397-2600 181 914. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. A textbook classification scheme that allows the expression of curricular relationships is revised to include new curriculum materials for math, sci- ence , special education , career education , foreign languages , and social studies. Designed for teacher training institutions , curriculum labo- ratories , resource centers , and adjunct collections in school libraries , this scheme can be used separately or to supplement standard classification systems , which , while they have provision for textbooks , do not make plain the curricular rela- tionships involved. Underlying usage assumptions for the scheme are: (1) the collection does not circulate but is maintained as a unit ; (2) the books must be so classified as to indicate their use in the curriculum ; and (3) the textbooks must be shelved as classified if the open-shelf method is used. The notation is mixed , combining upper- case letters with decimal numbers, utilizes cutter- ing by publisher rather than by author, and allows the formation of call numbers. An outline schedule for small collections and a full schedule for larger collections are provided, as well as a subject index to the classification scheme. Academic Library and Its External Rela- tions: A Selective Bibliography. By Pal Rao. 1979. 22p. ED 181 925. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Selected to aid academic library administrators in developing a basic understanding of how a li- brary maintains numerous relationships with var- ious campus departments , governmental agen- cies , and funding authorities , citations for nine- teen books and articles, produced between July 1967 and June 1979, are provided , together with abstracts . Conclusions reached by the author on the basis of reading these sources follow the annotated list , and a fifty-six-item bibliography without annotations is attached : items from the first list are repeated. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Acronyms, lnitialisms , and Abbreviations Dic- tionary: A Guide to Alphabetic Designations , Contractions, Acronyms, lnitialisms, Abbrevia- tions, and Similar Condensed Appellations. 7th ed. Ed. by Ellen T. Crowley. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 1,330p. $70. ISSN 0270-4404. ISBN 0- 8103-0504-6. Africa South of the Sahara 1980-81 . lOth ed. London : Europa Publications , 1980. 1,372p. $90. LC 78 - 112271. ISBN 0-905118-49-9. (Available in North America from Gale Re- search Co .) Am I Eligible? The Easy Way to Calculate the BEOG Eligibility Index, 198011981. Alexandria, Va . : Octameron , 1980. 15p . $1.50 . ISBN 0- 917760-20-4. (Available from : Octameron Associa te s , P . O. Box 3437, Alexandria , VA 22302. ) American Decorative Arts and Old World Influ- ences: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed . by David M. Sokol. Art and Architecture Informa- tion Guide Series , V.14. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 294p. $30. LC 80-18249. ISBN 0-8103-1465-7. American Poets Since World War II . Ed. by Donald J. Greiner . Dictionary of Literary Biography, V.5 . Detroit : Gale , 1980. 866p. in 2v . $108/set. LC 80-16058 . ISBN 0-8103-0924- 6. The Arbuthnot Lectures 1970-1979. Association for Library Service to Children , American Li- brary Association . Chicago: American Library Assn. , 1980. 214p. $12.50. LC 79-26095. ISBN 0-8389-3240-1. Author Biographies Master Index- Supplement to the First Edition . Ed. by Barbara McN eil and Miranda C . Herbert. Detroit : Gale , 1980. 587p. $65 . ISBN 0-8103-1088-0. Behind the Scenes: A Directory of Tours and Visits of Factories , Min es , Business Firms , Recent Publications I 83 Government Agencies, Cultural and Education- al Institutions , and Other Facilities. 1st ed. Issue no. 1, August 1980. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 121p . Three-issue subscription , $45 . ISSN 0270-3416. ISBN 0-8103-0935-1. Bell , Lorna J. The Large Print Book and Its User . London: The Library Association , 1980. 326p. $33 . ISBN 0-85365-632-0. (Available in America from : Oryx Press , 2214 N. Central at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004.) Bibliography of Bioethics : Volume 6. Ed . by LeRoy Walters. Detroit : Gale , 1980 . 336p. $44 . LC 75-4140. ISBN 0-8103-0987-4. Biographical Books 1950-1980. Vocation Index. Name/Subject Index. Author Index. Title In- dex. Biographical Books in Print Index. New York and London : Bowker, 1980. 1,557p. $75. ISBN 0-8352-1315-3. Black's Veterinary Dictionary. 13th ed. Ed. by Geoffrey West. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1980. 906p. $27.50. (Available in Amer- ica from Barnes & Noble. ) Blum , Eleanor . Basic Books in the Mass Media : An Annotated , Selected Booklist Covering General Communications , Book Publishing, Broadcasting, Editorial journalism , Film , Magazines , and Advertising. 2d ed . Urbana : Univ . of Illinois Pr., 1980. 426p. $22.50. LC 80-11289 . ISBN 0-252-00814-6. Book Publishers Directory: A Guide to New and Problems come in all sizes and pamphlet files straighten them out. Here's how Gaylord makes a good idea even better. Ava il a bl e in t hree s izes in - Dese r t Sa nd , Red , Blue, Green , Clear , QQid , a nd new "Putty." Pamphlet files can keep even the most difficult paper items upright , organized, and accessible. And Gaylord Plastic Pamphlet and open- backed Syracuse Files enable you to brighten your shelves and color-code your materials economically in distinctive decorator colors. And, they're smooth, durable, lightweight, and easy to label. Match this selection with your "problems," and see how Gaylord's pamphlet files can straighten them out. For more information, call toll-free 1-800-448-6160 (in N.Y. call collect 315-457-5070) or write to "Better Files," Gaylord, Box 4901, Syracuse , N.Y . 13221. G. A \JitQRD The trusted source '/\ J ~ for library innovation. 84 I College & Research Libraries • January 1981 Established , Private and Sp eci al Interest , Avant-Garde and Alternative, Organization and Association , Government and Institution Presses . Supplement to the 2d ed. Ed . by Annie M . Brewer and Elizabeth A. Geiser . Detroit: Gale, 1980. 240p. $45. ISBN 0-8103- 0190-3. Boswell , Fred, and Boswell , Jeanetta. What Men or Gods Are These? A Genealogical Approach to Classical Mytholo g y. Metuchen , N . J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 324p. $19.50. LC 80-13780. ISBN 0-8108-1314-9. Burns , Morris U. The Dramatic Criticism of Al- exander Woollcott . Metuchen , N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 292p. $15. LC 80-12935. ISBN 0-8108- 1299-1. Chambers , Frances. France. World Biblio- graphical Series , no.13. Oxford : Clio Pr. ; Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Bibliographical Cen- ter- Clio Pr ., 1980. 175p . $31.50 . ISBN 0- 903450-25-9. Champion , Sara. A Dictionary of Terms and Techniques in Archaeology. New York: Facts On File , 1980. 144p . $15.95. LC 80-66774. ISBN 0-87196-445-7 . Church and Synagogue Libraries. Ed. by John F . Harv ey. Me tuch e n , N.J.: Scarec row , 1980 . 299p. $15. LC 80-11736. ISBN 0-8108-1304-1. Cochran , Alice Cowan . Miners , Merchants, and EQUAl OPPORTUNITIES AND EQUAl TREATMENT FOR MEN AND WOMEN WORKERS: WORKERS WITH FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES Report V Part I, International Labor Conference . 67th Session , 1981 . 1980, 84 pp. $10 .00 WOMEN WORKERS AND SOCIETY foreword by Helvi Sipila The author sif1s the evidence that indicates the persistence of inequalities not only in remuneration and employment , but also in poli tical life . trade union representation and social security protec- tion . in an attempt to get at their ca uses and to suggest how social policy might be used to eliminate them . 1977, 211 pp. $12.85 WORK AND FAMILY liFE: The role of the Social Infrastructure in Eastern European Countries Th is is a survey of the position of working women (both married and young mothers) in Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Re- publ ic. Hungary, Poland and USSR where both eco nomic and ideological factors have highlighted the importance of the right sort of social infrastructure in bringing about equality of opport u- nity and rreatment in employment. 1980, 77 pp. $8.55 Subscription WOMEN AT WORK A newsbulletin exc lu sively devoted to questions conce rning the economic and social con tributions of women to society. 1981, Subscription $11 .50,2 issues per year SPEC IAL - World Conference of the Vnited Nations Decade for Women : Equality, development and peace . 1980, 65 pp. $5.15 ("'iro~"\ INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE : ~~.JW_J,y SUite 330 C 1750 New York Ave .. NW ~~~ Wa shmgton . D.C. 20006 (202) 376 -2315 ---- Missionari es: The Roles of Missionari es and Pioneer Churches in the Colorado Gold Rush and Its Aftermath , 1858- 1870 . ATLA Mono- graph Series , no . 15 . Metuchen , N.J .: Scarecrow , 1980. 298p. $15 . LC 80-16895. ISBN 0-8108-1325-4 . Cook, Chris , and Stevenson , John. British His - torical Facts 1760-1830. Hamden , Conn: Archon Books , 1980. 197p. $32.50 . LC 79- 57639. ISBN 0-208-01868-9. Cordasco , Francesco. Italian ·Mass Emigration: The Exodus of a Latin People. A Bibliographi- cal Guide to the Bollettino Dell'Emigrazione , 1902- 1927 . Totowa , N . J.: Rowman & Lit- tlefield , 1980 . 307p . $47 .50 . LC 80-14529. ISBN 0-8476-6283-7 . Countries of the World and Their Leaders Year- book 1980-Supplement: A Compilation of U.S. Department of State Repo rts on Contemporary Political and Economic Conditions , Gov- ernmental Personnel and Policies, Political Par- ties , Reli gions, History , Education, Press, Radio and TV, Climate , and Other Character- istics of Select ed Countri es of the World ; Together with the Central Intellige nce Agency's Comprehensive Directory of the Leaders and Public Officials of All Countries , Issued to Up- date and Augment Similar Material on All Na- tions in the Main Volume. Detroit : Gale , 1980. 358p. $20. ISBN 0-8103-1044-9. Th e Di ctionary Catalogu e. Ed . b y Emanuel Molho. New York/Los Angeles : The French & Spanish Book Corporation , 1980. 174p . $4. 95 . LC 80-67876. ISBN 0-8288-0150-9 . " A unique buying guide listing thousands of dictionaries and e ncyclopedias-monolingual , bilingual and multilingual--on every conceiv- able subject, for an yone and everyone who needs to define words." A Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Publications in the English Language , 1475- 1640. 3d (rev. and enl.) ed. Ed. by John Hor- den . London : Longman , 1980 . 271p . $150. ISBN 0-582-55521-3. First volume of a completely revised and much-enlarged edition of the standard biblio- graphical work originally produced by Samuel Halkett and John Laing. Dieter, Melvin Easterday. The Holiness Revival of the Nineteenth Century . Studies in Evan- gelicalism , no. 1. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980 . 366p. $17 . 50. LC 80- 17259 . ISBN 0- 8108-1328-9. Directory of Outreach Services in Public Librar- ies. Office for Library Service to the Disadvan- taged, American Library Association. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980 . 640p. $25 . ISBN 0-8389-3242-8. Dissertations and Theses about Idaho 1900-1978: A Bibliography with a Checklist of Library A Brief Guide to Sources of Scientific and Technical lnfonnation by SAUL HERNER is not as brief as it used to be. But it's still the most concise, selective, and instruc- tive source guide of its kind. The second edition tells you • Where to look for information when you don't know where to start • How to find out about ongoing research and development projects before any formal publica- tions about them have appeared • How to keep on top of truly current research and development results • How to identify and use past publications in areas of interest to you • Which major libraries and information centers in your geographic region of the United States can provide you with copies of useful publications and access to the tools and techniques described in the first four chapters of the Brief Guide • How to set up your own manual or computer- based reference file • How to interact effectively with the available information tools and services, to make them more useful to you It describes • 78 information directories and source compen- dia • The 18 primary sources of information on ongo- ing R&D • The 11 most important guides to current R&D results • 91 keys to past R&D results • 87 major regional libraries and information centers· It shows, in lucid introductions to its chapters, the significance of the tools, techniques, and informa- tion opportunities it describes, and where and how they fit into your information picture. "The first edition of this little volume (1970) was a handy guide designed for scientists, engineers, and other users of scientific information .... This is a good revision, and libraries that regularly serve a scientific or technical community will want to add it. Ubrarians may also want to recommend it for desk copy purchase." Wilson Library Bulletin Order through your book dealer, or mail in this coupon. Information Resources Press, 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 700CR, Arlington, Virginia 22209, (703) 558-8270 -----------------------------------Please send copy(ies) of the second edition of A BRIEF GUIDE TO SOURCES OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION at $15.00 each, plus $2.00 for shipping and handling. NAME (Please print) TITLE COMPANY ADDRESS CITY / STATE /ZIP Check one : 0 Check enclosed 0 VISA/ BankAmericard 0 American Express 0 MasterCard SIGNATURE 0 Bill orgal)ization P.O. II ______ _ Account# __________ Expires: _____ MC Interbank 11---------- 86 I College & Research Libraries • January 1981 Holdings. Ed. by Douglas G. Birdsall. Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State Univ. Pr. , 1980. 84p . $4 . LC 80-20633. ISBN 0-937834-00-9. Earn & Learn. Cooperative Education Opportu- nities Offered by the Federal Government: Sponsors, Occupational Fields, and Participat- ing Colleges . 2d ed. 1980-1982. Alexandria, Va .: Octameron, 1980 . 20p. $1. ISBN 0- 917760-19-0. (Available from: Octameron Associates, P. 0. Box 3437, Alexandria, VA 22302.) Educational Media Yearbook 1980. Ed. by James W. Brown. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimit- ed , 1980. 445p . $20 U.S. ; $24 elsewhere. LC 73-4891. ISSN 0000-037X. ISBN 0-87287-223- 8. Field, John . Place-Names of Great Britain and Ireland. London: David & Charles ; Totowa, N.J . : Barnes & Noble , 1980. 208p. $15. LC 79- 91477 . ISBN 0-7153-7439-7. Garfield, Eugene. Essays of an Information Sci- entist. Volume 3, 1977-1978. Philadelphia: lSI Pr., 1980, 892p. $15. LC 77-602 . ISBN 0- 89495-009-6. V.1 (ISBN 0-89495-001-0) and V.2 (0-89495-002-9) $25. 3v. set (ISBN 0-89495-000- 2) $35 . Garner, Philippe. Contemporary Decorative Arts from 1940 to the Present. New York: Facts On File, 1980. 224p . $27.50. LC 80-68782. ISBN 0-87196-472-4. Gianakos, Larry James . Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle, 1947-1959. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 581p. $29.50. LC 80-17023. ISBN 0-8108-1330- 0. Gillie, Christopher. A Companion to British Literature. 2d ed . Detroit: Grand River Books, 1980. 889p. $25. ISBN 0-8103-2022-3. Originally published as Longman Companion to English Literature, 1978. A Guide to the Culture of Science , Technology, and Medicine . Ed. by Paul T. Durbin. New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmil- lan, 1980. 723p. $45. LC 79-7582. ISBN 0-02- 907820-2. Hemmer, Joseph J., Jr. Communication under Law. Volume II : Journalistic Freedom. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 421p. $20. LC 80-7960. ISBN 0-8108-1315-7. The Historical Encyclopedia of World War II . Ed. by Marcel Baudot and others. Tr. from the French by Jesse Dilson. New York: Facts On File, 1980. 548p. $24 .95. LC 80-20339. ISBN 0-87196-401-5. Originally published as Encyclopedie de la Guerre 1939-1945 by Editions Casterman, Paris and Tournai. Hodgins, Gordon W. The Broadway Musical: A Complete LP Discography . Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 188p. $10. LC 80-18911. ISBN 0-8108-1343-2. In Black and White: A Guide to Magazine Arti- cles, Newspaper Articles, and Books concern- ing More Than 15,000 Black Individuals and Groups. 3d ed. Ed . by Mary Mace Spradling. V.1: Aaku through Mann; V.2: Mannan through Zoungrana. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 1,282p. in 2v. $65/set. LC 80-15270. ISBN 0-8103-0438-4. Indigenous Architecture Worldwide: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Lawrence Wode- house . Art and Architecture Information Guide Series, V. 12. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 392p. $30. LC 79-26580. ISBN 0-8103-1450-9. Janda , Kenneth. Political Parties: A Cross- National Survey. New York: The Free Press ; London : Collier Macmillan, 1980 . 1,019p . $100. LC 80-15430. ISBN 0-02-916120-7. " Empirically-based study of political parties around the world." Kraus , Michelle P. Allen Ginsberg: An Annotated Bibliography, 1969-1977. Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.46. Metuchen , N.J.: Scare- crow, 1980. 362p. $17.50. LC 79-27132. ISBN 0-8108-1284-3. Law and Legal Information Directory: A Guide to National and International Organizations, Bar Associations, Federal Court System , Federal Regulatory Agencies , Law Schools, Continuing Legal Education , Paralegal Educa- tion, Scholarships and Grants, Awards and Prizes, Special Libraries, Information Systems and Services, Research Centers , Legal Periodical Publications , and Book and Media Publishers. Ed. by Paul Wasserman and Marek Kaszubski. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 527p. $94. LC 80-20178. ISBN 0-8103-0169-5. Leavitt, Dinah Luise. Feminist Theatre Groups . Jefferson, N.C .: McFarland & Company, 1980. 153p. $10.95 . LC 80-10602. ISBN 0-89950-005- 6. Leider, Robert. The As & Bs of Academic Schol- arships: A Guide to Current Programs. 3d ed. 1980-1982. Alexandria, Va.: Octameron, 1980. 51p. $2. LC 78-52571. ISBN 0-917760-18-2. (Available from: Octameron Associates, P.O. Box 3437, Alexandria, VA 22302.) Leider, Robert. Don't Miss Out: The Ambitious Student's-Guilf,e to Scholarships and Loans. 5th ed. 1980/82. Alexandria, Va.: Octameron, 1980. 56p. $2. LC 79-9300. ISBN 0-917760-17-4. (Available from: Octameron Associates, P.O. Box 3437, Alexandria, VA 22302.) LePage, Jane Weiner. Women Composers, Con- ductors and Musicians of the Twentieth Cen tury: Selected Biographies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 302p. $16. LC 80-12162. ISBN 0-8108-1298-3. Levine, Robert M. Race and Ethnic Relations in Latin America and the Caribbean . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 260p. $13.50. LC 80- 15179. ISBN 0-8108-1324-6. Lopez, Manuel D. New York : A Guide to In- formation and Reference Sources. Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 317p. $17 .50. LC 80- 18634. ISBN 0-8108-1326-2. Malley , Ian. A Catalogue of UK Audiovisual Media Suitable for Use in Library Instruction Courses. Leicestershire, England: Library , Loughborough University of Technology, 1980. 43p. £2. ISBN 0-904641-14-7. (Available from : Ian Malley, Library, Loughborough University of Technology , Loughborough LEU 3TU Leicestershire , United Kingdom .) Mansfield, Alan. Ceremonial Costume : Court , Civil and Civic Costume from 1660 to the Pres- ent Day. Totowa, N.J . : Barnes & Noble, 1980. 304p. $36. ISBN 0-389-20124-3. Marken, Jack W., and Hoover, Herbert T. Bib- liography of the Sioux. Native American Bib- liography Series , no.l. Metuchen , N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 388p. $17.50. LC 80-20106. ISBN 0-8108-1356-4. Martin , Phyllis M. Historical Dictionary of Ango- la . African Historical Dictionaries , no.26 . Metuchen , N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 196p. $11 . LC 80-15662. ISBN 0-8108-1322-X. Master Index to the ] .F .K . Assassination I nves- tigations: The Reports and Supporting Volumes of the House Select Committee on Assassina- tions and the Warren Commission. By Sylvia Meagher in collaboration with Gary Owens. Metuchen , N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 447p. $20. LC 80-17494. ISBN 0-8108-1331-9 . The Middle East and North Africa 1980--81. 27th ed . London: Europa Publications , 1980. 985p . $80. LC 48-3250. ISBN 0-905118-50-2. (Avail- able in America from Gale Research Co.) Modern Australian Prose, 1901-1975: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by A. Grove Day. American Literature , English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series , V.29. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 476p. $30. LC 74-11536. ISBN 0-8103-1243-3. The National Faculty Directory-1981 : An Alphabetical List , with Addresses , of about 496 ,400 Members of Teaching Faculties at junior Colleges , Colleges , and Universities in the United States and at Selected Canadian Institutions. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 2,830p. in 2v. $175/set. LC 76-47916 . ISBN 0-8103-0491-0. New Zealand Literature to 1977: A Guide to In- formation Sources . Ed . b y John Thomson . American Literature, English Literature , and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series , V.30. Detroit : Gale, 1980. 272p. $30. LC 74-11537. ISBN 0-8103-1246-8. Recent Publications I 81 Njoku , John E . Eberegbulam. The World of the African Woman. Metuchen , N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 132p. $8. LC 80-23832. ISBN 0-8108- 1350-5. Nordquist , Joan . Audiovisuals for Women. Jef- ferson ; N.C. : McFarland & Co ., 1980. 145p. $10.95 . LC 80-14691. ISBN 0-89950-011-0. Olshen , Barry N ., and Olshen , Toni A. john Fowles: A Reference Guide . Reference Guides to Literature Series. Boston: G . K. Hall , 1980. 88p. $12. LC 80-10379. ISBN 0-8161-8187-X. Oppe nheimer, Evelyn . Oral Book Reviewing to Stimulate Reading: A Practical Guide in Tech- nique for Lecture and Broadcast . Metuchen , N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 168p. $9. LC 80-20006. ISBN 0-8108-1352-1. Parish , David W . Changes in American Society, . 1960-1978: An Annotated Bibliography of Of- ficial Go v ernment Publications. Metuchen , N.J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 478p. $22.50. LC 80- 12561. ISBN 0-8108-1309-2. The Professional and Scientific Literature on Pa- tient Education : A Guide to Information Sources . Ed . by Lawrence W . Green and Con- nie Cavanaugh Kansler. Health Affairs Informa- tion Guide Series , V.5 . Detroit : Gale , 1980. 330p. $28. LC 80-19649. ISBN 0-8103-1422-3. Research about Nineteenth-Century Children and Books : Portrait Studies. Ed. by Selma K . Richardson. Urbana-Champaign , Ill. : Graduate School of Library Science , Univ. of Illinois , 1980. 142p. $8. LC 80-19165. ISBN 0-87845- 055-6. (Available from : Publications Office , Graduate School of Library Science , 249 Armory Bldg., Champaign , IL 61820. ) Riordan , Mary Marguerite . Lillian Hellman . A Bibliography : 1926-1978 . Scarecrow Author Bibliographies , no .50 . Metuchen , N . J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 244p . $12.50. LC 80-16147. ISBN 0-8108-1320-3. Robinson , Barbara J. , and Robinson , J. Cordell . The Me xican American: A Critical Guide to Research Aids . Foundations in Library and Information Science , V. l. Greenwich , Conn: JAI Pr. , 1980. 287p. $37.50. LC 76-5643. ISBN 0-89232-006-0. The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for 1979 . Comp . by David V. Erdman, with the assistance of Brian J. Den- die , James S. Patty, and Leonard Schulze. Gar- land Reference Library of the Humanities , V.211. New York/London : Garland Publishing, 1980. 350p . $35 . LC 80-8494. ISBN 0-8240- 9512-X. Rossi , Ernest E. , and Plano, Jack C . The Latin American Political Dictionary . Oxford , En- gland; Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1980. 261p. $24 .25. LC 79-27128. ISBN 0-87436-302- 0 . 88 I C allege & Research Libraries • ] anuary 1981 Sampson , Henry T . Blacks in Blackface: A Source Book on Early Black Musical Shows . Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow , 1980. 562p. $27.50. LC 80-15048. ISBN 0-8108-1318-1. Schwartz, Ronald. Nomads , Exiles, & Emigres . The Rebirth of the Latin American Narrative , 1960-80. Metuchen, N .J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 168p. $9.50. LC 80-20669. ISBN 0-8108-1359- 9. Short , Douglas D. Beowulf Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland Reference Li- brary of the Humanities, V. 193 . New York/ London: Garland Publishing, 1980. 225p. $38 . LC 79-7924. ISBN 0-8240-9530-8. Spencer , William. Historical Dictionary of Morocco. African Historical Dictionaries, no.24. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 195p. $11. LC 80-21328. ISBN 0-8108-1362-9. Steinbeck and Hemingway : Dissertation Abstracts and Research Opportunities. Ed. and camp. by Tetsumaro Hayashi. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 242p. $12 .50. LC 80-15540. ISBN 0-8108-1321-1. Steinberg, Cobbett S. Film Facts. New York: Facts On File, 1980 . 350p . $17 .95 . LC 79- 27427. ISBN 0-87196-313-2. Steinberg, Cobbett S. TV Facts. New York: Facts On File, 1980. 450p . $17.95. LC 79-26912. ISBN 0-87196-312-4. Suelflow, August R. Religious Archives: An Intro- duction . Chicago: Society of American Archiv- ists, 1980. 56p. $5 SAA members; $7 nonmem- bers. LC 80-17159. ISBN 0-913828-20-1. Twentieth-Century Short Story Explication: Sup- plement I to 3rd Edition. With Checklists of Books and Journals Used. Camp. by Warren S. Walker. Hamden, Conn. : Shoe String, 1980. 257p. $27.50. LC 80-16175. ISBN 0-208-01813- 1. Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Nineteenth Edition 1980 . A Classified Guide to Current Periodicals , Foreign and Domestic . New York: Bowker, 1980. 2,212p. $69.50. LC 32-16320. ISSN 0000-0715 . ISBN 0-8352-1297-1. Water Pollution: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Allen W. Knight and Mary Ann Sim- mons. Man and the Environment Information Guide Series , V.9. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 278p. $30. LC 73-17537. ISBN 0-8103-1346-4. Westfall, Gloria. French Official Publications. Guides to Official Publications , V.6. Elmsford, N.Y. : Pergamon Pr. , 1980. 209p . $30. LC 80- 40418 . ISBN 0-08-021838-5. Whitehouse, Jack E . A Police Bibliography: Pub- lished and Unpublished Sources through 1976, with an Addendum. AMS Studies in Criminal Justice, no.3. New York : AMS Pr., 1980. 525p . $75. LC 77-15909 . ISBN 0-404-16040-9 . Wills , J . Robert. Directing in the Theatre : A Casebook. Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 149p. $9. LC 80-19432. ISBN 0-8108-1348-3 . Women in Local Politics . Ed. by Debra W. Stew- art. Metuchen, N .J. : Scarecrow, 1980. 238p. $12.50. LC 80-14526. ISBN 0-8108-1312-2. Woods, Richard D. Reference Materials on Latin America in English: The Humanities. 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