College and Research Libraries HELEN A. HOWARD Organizational Structure and Innovation in Academic Libraries A study was conducted in jour university libraries to assess Hage and Aikens theory that the relationship between the structural variable complexity and rate of innovation is positive and that it is negative for centralization, formali- zation, and stratification. On the whole, the findings support the theory. The methodology, with some modifications, was shown to be transferable. INTRODUCriON We live in an organizational society that is becoming increasingly complex. 1 Most of our activities are carried out in the context of one ·or more organizations. These organizations exist for a purpose and can be viewed as vehi- cles for accomplishing goals and objectives. Although the study of organizations dates back to the nineteenth century and the litera- ture is voluminous, as yet there is no cohesive body of organizational theory in the sense of a set of empirically verified propositions that are logically linked. Rather there are anum- ber of conceptualizations or perspectives that are becoming increasingly crystallized, based on empirical research. 2 The field of organizational theory has var- ious constructs that can be used in studying organizations. One of the most enduring is the ideal-type bureaucratic model described by Max Weber. 3 Characteristics of this model include a hierarchy of authority, division of labor, rules and regulations, hiring and pro- motion on the basis of technical competence, impersonality of interpersonal relations, and a system of discipline and control. The litera- ture on bureaucracy is extensive and includes many criticisms of the model, including its deleterious effect on the ability to innovate. 4 This paper reports on a study of the rela- tionship between the organizational struc- tural variables of complexity, centralization, formalization, and stratification and the rate Helen A. H award is associate professor, F acuity of Library Science, University of Toronto, On- tario, Canada. of innovation in four university libraries. 5 The framework for the study is derived from the work of Jerald Hage and Michael Aiken. 6 The purpose of the study is twofold: (1) to assess in a selection of university libraries the transferability of portions of the theory and methodology dealing with structural vari- ables developed by Hage and Aiken; and (2) to determine whether the theory and meth- odology are viable research tools that can provide library administrators with in- creased insights into the organizational dy- namics of their institutions. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Between 1968 and 1974 Hage and Aiken and their students in sociology at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin published a series of studies exploring a number of organizational rela- tionships in sixteen health and social welfare agencies in the midwestern United States. The book, Social Change in Complex Orga- nizations, brings together th~ results of a great deal of their research and of others working in related areas. 7 They present hy- potheses relating seven variables to the rate of program change in organizations. Four of the independent variables are of the struc- tural type-complexity, centralization, for- malization, and stratification; three are of the performance type-production, effi- ciency, and job satisfaction. A review of their work shows that the label for the dependent variable has been evolving: at first they called it adaptability, then rate of program ~hange, and finally rate of innovation. This I 425 426 I College & Research Libraries· September 1981 last terminology is used in this paper. The four hypotheses involving structural variables postulated by Hage and Aiken are: 1. The greater the complexity, the greater the rate of innovation. 2. The higher the centralization, the lower the rate of innovation. 3. The greater the formalization, the lower the rate of innovation. 4. The greater the stratification, the lower the rate of innovation. One of the major theoretical underpin- nings is Rage's structural-functional theory, "An Axiomatic Theory of Organizations."8 However, in developing their research design they incorporated many of the conceptuali- zations and research of others including Rich- ard Hall, 9 Peter Blau, 10 Tannenbaum and Backman, 11 D. S. Pugh and his associates, 12 and Burns and Stalker. 13 A major theme in Hage and Aiken's re- search is that it is important to study organi- zations from a sociological rather than a psy- chological viewpoint. The essence of this view is that "sociological properties are more than a summation of psychological proper- ties."14 Their research design centered around a three-wave longitudinal panel study in which data were collected in 1964, 1967, and 1970 from sixteen health and social welfare agencies in the midwestern United States. They interviewed 520 persons, in- cluding all directors and department heads and a stratified random sample of other staff. Separate interview schedules using predomi- nately forced-choice questions were used for executive directors, department heads, and LEVEL IN ORGANIZATION Director (Ievell) Associate Director (level2) Department Head (level3) X X X X X XX staff, respectively. Standard regression tech- niques were used to analyze the data. The unit of analysis was the organization. The concept of "social position" is a key concept in the Hage and Aiken method for taking a sample and aggregating scores for the variables being studied. A social position can be described as the job at the intersection of a particular level in a hierarchy and a par- ticular occupational specialty. Social posi- tions can be thought of as a matrix as shown in figure 1. In this example there are sixteen positions involving twenty-eight individuals. Using the social position method_, data were aggregated to obtain an organizational score in two steps: (1) by calculating the , mean of each index for each variable for each social position; and (2) calculating an aver- age of the means obtained in step one. The ( intent of computing a mean for social posi- tions is to minimize distortions due to differ- ences in individual perceptions. The objec- tive is to determine what is inherent in the position rather than the individual(s) filling· it. The aggregated figure represents the orga- nizational score. LIBRARY STUDY BACKGROUND University libraries are a type of profes- sional work organization. At the same time they are service organizations, that is, ones "whose prime beneficiary is the part of the public in direct contact with the organiza- tion, with whom and on whom members work-in short an organization to serve cli- ents. "15 The litany of their problems con- tinues in the literature of librarianship. "The X X X X XX Total Social Positions 5 4 Senior Librarian (level4) Librarians xx:xx xx:xxx XX X XXX 5 (levelS) 16 Govt. Adminis- Docu- Catalog- tration Selection Reference Media ments ing OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY Fig. I Example of Library Social Positions Changing Role of Directors of University Li- braries" by McAnally and Downs 16 and Milli- cent Abell's recent article17 cover the major areas of difficulty. There is widespread agreement among or- ganizational theorists and researchers that, for organizations to survive and be viable with a distinct role to play, they need to be flexible and able to meet the challenges of a changing environment. DrucKer has stated that: Modern organizations must be capable of change. Indeed it [sic] must be capable of initiating change, that is, innovation. It must be able to move scarce and expensive resources of knowledge from areas of low productivity and non-results to opportunities for achievement and contribution. 18 More recently he has added: And in turbulent times, the first task of manage- ment is to make sure of the institution's capacity for survival, to make sure of its structural strength and soundness, of its capacity to survive a blow, to adapt to sudden change, and to avail itself of new opportunities. 19 However, innovation itself may not al- ways be a "good" thing. Decision makers must weigh the potential benefits of imple- menting an innovation at any given point in time against such considerations as possible disruptions in service, the dropping of some programs in order to implement others, the effect on staff morale, and the adjustment needed by users and staff to accept an innova- tion. University libraries, like others, are faced with the need to be flexible and to be able to meet the challenges of a turbulent environ- ment. However, little research has been done on libraries as organizations. Library admin- istrators need theory supported by empirical Organizational Structure I 427 data to assist them in developing effective or- ganizational structures. Prior to the study re- ported in this paper, Hage and Aiken's theory and methodology had not been evaluated in any type of library. They observed that their variables are general ones and therefore can be applied to any organization. 20 It seems useful to apply them to libraries. REsEARCH DESIGN The population of this exploratory study consisted of the university library members of the Association of Research Libraries. Fou libraries in the northeastern United Stat were selected as a purposive sample. The in- tent was to select two pairs of libraries so that within each pair there would be (1) an appar- ent difference in the rate of innovation, and (2) a similarity in the size of the full-time equivalent staff and operating expenditures. Judgment of the first characteristic was, of necessity, very subjective. It was based on observation, press reports, and/ or personal accounts. The staffing and expenditures for the four libraries are shown in table 1. 21 The method followed as closely as possible that used by Hage and Aiken. The four hy- potheses relating complexity positively and centralization, formalization, and stratifica- tion negatively to the rate of innovation pro- vided the vehicle for assessing the theory and method. In some instances circumstances dictated a modification in the method. For example, the library study is cross-sectional rather than longitudinal and thus examines characteris- tics of the libraries at one point. AnN of four was dictated by the level of resources avail- able and the amount of data one researcher can handle. Random sampling was used to TABLE 1 STAFF AND EXPENDITURES OF THE LIBRARIES STUDIED* Characteristic Library A Library B LibraryC Library D Staff (FTE 1974-75) Professional 94 92 35.5 54.6 Technical and clerical 246 177 37.5 85.3 Student assistants 40 43 41.0 66.1 Total 380 312 114.0 206.0 Expenditures $4,921,530 $5,610,976 $1,919,043 $2,223,442 1974-75 1973-74 4,312,593 4,935,083 1,618,347 1,991,457 1972-73 3,777,626 4,274,606 1,862,578 1,980,419 •Data were taken initially from ARL's statistics for 1973-74 but were updated during data collection. 428 I College & Research Libraries· September 1981 draw the sample but did not include support staff since they display little commonality from one library to another. Three strata of staff were delineated: directors, senior staff including department heads, and other pro- fessional staff. Data collection instruments were designed to be used as questionnaires or as interview schedules. All directors were interviewed as were approximately 20 percent of the total sample. Site visits were scheduled so that in- terviewing and the completion of question- naires were carried out simultaneously. From the 147 subjects selected, 139 usable responses were obtained. Details of the distri- bution of respondents and usable responses are shown in table 2. . The variables, indicators, and measures are shown in table 3. Theoretical and operational definitions are provided in the following section. DEF1NITIONS Definitions for "organization" abound and tend to reflect the originator's particular per- spective. The one selected for use in this study was presented by Hall: An organization is a collectivity with a relatively identifiable boundary, a normative order, author- ity ranks, communications systems and member- ship coordinating systems; this collectivity exists on a relatively continuous basis in an environment and engages in activities that are usually related to a goal or a set of goals. 22 The term "professional" includes librar- ians and specialists who meet the require- ments set forth in the American Library Asso- ciation's 1976 statement, Library Education TABLE2 DETAILS OF RESPONDENTS AND USABLE RESPONSES A B Library c D Total % Distribution Director 1 1 1 1 4 2.73 Director's staff 7 7 4 4 22 15.07 Department heads 22 26 6 7 61 41.80 Professionals 22 17 8 12 59 40.40 Total 52 51 19 24 146 100.00 Unusable Responses 0 3 2.05 Department heads 1 1 1 Professionals 2 1 1 0 4 2.74 Total 3 2 2 0 7 4.79 Total usable resEonses 49 49 17 24 139 95 .21 TABLE3 VARIABLES , INDICATORS , MEASURES Variable Complexity Centralization Formalization Stratification Innovation Indicator Number of occupational specialties Level of training Proportion of jobs that participate in de- cision making Number of areas in which decisions are made Proportion of jobs that are codified Range of variation allowed within jobs Difference in income among jobs Proportion of lower participants Annual rate of innovation Measure Number of occupational specialties Index of professional training Index of professional activity Index of participation in decision mak- ing (strategic) Index of hierarchy of authority, i.e. , job autonomy Index of job codification Index of rule observation Rule manual Job descriptions Index of job specificity Ratio of average department head in- come to average professional income Percentage of total respondents who are professionals Mean annual rate of implementation of significant new ideas , services, prod- ucts, processes , changes in organiza- tional structure, and/or staffing and Personnel Utilization. 23 "Complexity" refers to the level of knowl- edge and expertise in an organization. There are two complementary aspects of complex- ity: the number of occupational specialties and the degree of professionalism of each. 24 Three measures of complexity were used: (1) the number of distinct occupational special- ties; (2) an index of professional training; and (3) an index of professional activity. In order to determine occupational specialties, re- spondents were asked if there was any special kind of talent or knowledge that they used frequently in their work. If the answer was yes, they were then asked to describe the spe- cialty or specialties. In addition, all respon- dents were asked to provide their job title and their main duties. The professional training index was ob- tained by aggregating weighted values as- signed for different levels of education. The index for professjonal activity consisted of counting up the number of memberships in professional organizations, the number of meetings attended, papers presented, and of- fices held in the previous three and one-half years. J "Centralization" refers to the degree to which library professional staff participate in decision making. It has two indicators: (1) an index of participation, which measures input to decisions that affect the organization as a whole; and (2) an index of hierarchy of au- thority, which measures respondents' degree of control over their immediate work envi- ronment; that is, how much action can be taken regarding work without referring the matter to a supervisor. · "Formalization" indicates the degree of work standardization and the amount of de- viation that is allowed from standards. This definition is operationalized in five ways. There are two aspects of the use of rules as a control mechanism. One is the number of regulations specifying who is to do what, where, and when. Another is the diligency in enforcing these rules. The former is called the index of codification and the latter the index of rule observation. The score is obtained from six forced-choice questions. The three other indexes, which complete the measures for formalization, are based on questions that indicate: ( 1) the presence or absence of a rules manual; (2) the existence of a written job de- Organizational Structure I 429 scription for the respondent's job; and (3) an index of job specificity that is derived from answers to six statements, such as "Everyone has a specific job to do." "Stratification" refers to the way in which rewards are distributed to the jobs in an orga- nization. Two measures are used: (1) income ratio, which is the ratio between professional and department head income; and (2) pro- portion of lower participants, which is the ratio of nonsupervisors interviewed to the to- tal number of people interviewed. Many definitions of "innovation" exist. The definition used in this study is "the gener- ation, acceptance, and implementation of new ideas, processes, products or services" for the first time within an organizational set- ting. 25 This definition that was first used by Victor Thompson, 26 denotes a concern only for innovations that have been successfully incorporated into an organization's struc- ture, although they might conceivably be dis- continued at some later point. Pierce and Delbecq, when presenting their support for this definition, point out that it recognizes the fact that the process of incorporating some- thing new within an organization can repre- sent a strategic effort for the organization, regardless of whether other organizations have already proceeded through the process. 27 To obtain information on innovations, the directors and senior staff were asked, "Has your library system [or whatever unit was appropriate] made any changes which have made a noticeable difference to users and/or staff since January 1972?" [a span of three and one-half years]. The question avoids such value-laden terms as "major," "significant," or even "innovation." A battery of follow-·up questions probed the nature of the reported changes. Seven criteria were used to deter- mine whether the reported changes were in- novations or an expansion or modification of something already in existence: new products and services; amount of change in task con- tent; effect on working relationships and staffing; the number of staff and clients af- fected; effect on ongoing budget allocations; new performance capacity; expected longev- ity. The rate of innovation was obtained by taking the mean of the number of innovations in each library for the period January 1972 through June 1975. The innovations were 430 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 TABLE4 ToTAL INNOVATIONS AND ANNUAL RATE Library 1972 1973 A 4 7 B 6 5 c 3 8 D 2 3 15 23 Mean Annual Rate then classified by Knight's four categories: service or product; production process; orga- nizational structure; people innovation. 28 AssuMPTIONS It is assumed that Hage and Aiken's exten- sive work to develop internal consistency, re- liability, and content validity for the core in- dicators and measures warrants acceptance for use in this study. It is also assumed that, although not all of the conceivable structural variables are being studied, the four that are evaluated are important to an organization's rate of innovation. Furthermore, it is as- sumed that an organization is a system and that a change in one variable in the system leads to change in other variables. This as- sumption implies that certain organizational configurations are most likely to be associ- ated with a high rate of innovation. LIMITATIONS The major limitations of this study are: (1) the fact it is a cross-sectional study and thus limited to a specific time in the life of the selected libraries; (2) theN is limited to four; (3) only descriptive statistics can be used in analyzing the findings; (4) only one type of library was studied; (5) the interpretation of the findings must be done with caution since there is no factual basis for generalizing be- yond the four libraries studied. FINDINGS This study has shown that with some modi- fications Hage and Aiken's methodology for studying the association of complexity, cen- tralization, formalization, and stratification with the rate of innovation can be applied to a selection of university libraries. Library directors and senior staff reported ninety changes that they deemed to have re- sulted in a noticeable difference to users and/ or staff. Of this total, seventy-eight were 1975 Annual 1974 (6mo .) Total Rate 3 4 18 5 . 14 13 1 25 7.14 3 5 19 5.43 4 7 16 4.57 23 17 78 22.28 6 .3 judged to be innovations. Libraries B and C show the highest annual rates of innovation with means of 7.14 and 5.43, respectively. Table 4 shows the rate of innovation for all four libraries. Table 5 lists the innovations most frequently cited. These data indicate that a great variety of innovations were re- ported since six reported innovations account for only 27 percent of the total. Table 6, which records the distribution of innovations according to Knight's classification, shows that thirty out of seventy-eight, or 38 per- cent, of the innovations fall into the service/ product category. This investigator took a neutral stand on whether any particular innovation had posi- tive or negative value since there is no reliable evidence of what constitutes a good innova- tion or when an organization is damaging the society around it by its resistance to imple- menting an innovation. Overall the empirical data support the hy- potheses more than not. In an attempt to ob- tain some sense of the relative strengths of the scores for each index, ratios were calculated by dividing the actual score for a measure by the total possible score. These data for each indicator are presented in table 7. In summary, for libraries A and B the data support hypotheses two, three, and four, but not the first. Findings for libraries C and D are mixed: data for the index of professional TABLES INNOVATIONS MosT FREQUENTLY CITED Innovation Frequency Percent Online shared cataloging 4 5.0 Online database searching 4 5.0 Additional staff officers 4 5.0 Reorganization of library system 3 4.0 Electronic security system 3 4.0 Library instruction Erogram 3 4 .0 Library A B c D Variables Complexity Centralization Formalization Stratification Innovations TABLE6 CLASSIFICATION OF INNOVATIONS Service or Production Or~~;~~~~~~nal Product Process Frequency % Frequency % Frcq_uency % 5 27.8 4 22.2 8 44.4 12 48.0 5 20.0 4 16.0 10 52.6 4 21.1 4 21.1 3 18.8 4 25.0 5 31.3 30 17 21 TABLE7 ScoRES FOR VARIABLE INDEXES Measures Score Library A Ratio Score Library B Number occupational Jeecialties 32.0 .44 28 .0 In ex of professional training Index of professional 8.4 .60 7.2 activity 9.0 .26 7.7 Index of participation in decision makinf 49.2 .56 49.4 Index of hierarchy o authoritb 10.4 .17 8.6 Index of jo codification 11.3 .56 10.6 Index of rule observation 3.3 .41 2.9 Rule manual 5.2 .44 4.7 Job descriptions 6.8 .68 5.4 Job specificity 15.7 .65 16.2 Income ratio 1.4 .93 1.1 Proportion of lower participants Annual rate of 45.0 .83 33.3 innovations 5.1 .72 7.1 People Innovation Total Frequency % Frequency % 1 4.6 18 23.1 4 16.0 25 32.1 1 5.3 19 24.4 4 25.0 16 20.5 10 78 100.0 Ratio Score LibraryC Ratio Score LibraryD Ratio .39 13.0 .18 19.0 .26 .51 6.9 .49 6.3 .45 .23 7.9 .23 4.6 .14 0 ~ .57 45.7 .52 37.7 .43 ~ ;:s N. .14 10.7 .18 9.6 .16 ~ ~ .50 9.6 .48 10.1 .50 c .36 2.7 .34 3.2 .40 ;:s .40 4.0 .33 3.5 .29 ~ CZl .54 5.4 .54 4.2 .42 ...;. .68 14.4 .60 15.9 .66 2 .75 1.3 .87 1.5 1.00 ~ E" "'i .62 42.1 .78 54.2 1.00 ('\) 1.00 5.4 .76 4.6 .64 ~ w .......... 432 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 activity support hypothesis one, but the index of occupational specialties does not. Hypoth- esis two is supported by the data for the index of participation in decision making, but not by the index of hierarchy of authority. The hypothesis regarding formalization is sup- ported by the index of job .codification, rule observation, and job specificity, but not for the rule manual and job descriptions. The fourth hypothesis is supported by both indi- cators used. Details of the findings follow. Hypothesis 1: The greater the complexity, the greater the rate of innovation. The three indexes for complexity, i.e., number of occupational specialties, profes- sional training, and professional activity, all have higher values in library A than in li- brary B. Thus the data do not support the hypothesis. Library C has fewer occupa- tional SPecialties than library D, but its scores for professional training and activity are higher as is its rate of innovation. The data support the hypotheses for two out of three indicators. Hypothesis 2: The higher the centraliza- tion, the lower the rate of innovation. A high score in participation and a low score in hierarchy of authority indicate low centralization. Library B has a higher score than library A for participation in decision making and a lower score for hierarchy of authority. Therefore, the data support the hypothesis. Library C has a considerably higher score for the index of participation than library D, but its score for the index of hierarchy of authority is also higher. Thus the data for the first indicator support the hypothesis but not for the second. Hypothesis 3: The greater the formaliza- tion, the lower the rate of innovation. The variable formalization is measured by five indexes: index of job codification, index of rule observation, rule manual, job descrip- tions, and job specificity. High scores in all but job codification indicate a high degree of formalization. The data show that library A has higher scores than library B for all the measures except job specificity. 1'he hypoth- esis is therefore supported by three out of five of the indicators, the exceptions being job codification, but not for rule manual and job descriptions. Hypothesis 4: The greater the stratifica- tion, the lower the rate of innovation. In both pairs of libraries the results are consistent. The scores for income ratio and proportion of lower participants are higher in libraries A and D. Thus the data support the hypothesis. DISCUSSION This exploratory study was able, with modifications, to apply in a selection of uni- versity libraries Hage and Aiken's methodol- ogy for investigating the relationship be- tween certain structural variables and the rate of innovation, and produce results that tend more to support the hypotheses than not. It is difficult to compare the findings because of the different kind of statistical analysis possible. Both studies show anoma- lies that raise many questions that can be an- swered only by further research. One of the most obvious questions is, Why does the index of professional training in the agency study always, contrary to the theory, show a negative relationship with the rate of innovation? In the library study it shows a strong positive relationship for libraries B and C but not for libraries A and B. One plausible explanation for the association be- tween professional training and the rate of innovation is that because all the library sub- jects were professionals, there would be higher mean scores. However, this does not account for the differences between the two sets of libraries. The difference in the two studies of strength of association between the number of occupational specialties and the rate of in- novation may be related to a number of fac- tors. These include: (1) more identifiable oc- cupational specialties may exist in health and welfare agencies; (2) the number of special- ties reported by agency directors may be in- flated; (3) the number of specialties reported by the professional library staff may be de- flated. Interviews revealed that many librar- ians are not accustomed to thinking of them- selves as having a specialty. It appears that in the libraries studied the pervasive model for professionals was that of generalists rather than specialists. The effect on the findings of data collected from a selected N of four is difficult to assess. The methodology did permit the identifica- tion of differentiation in the rate of innova- tion among the four libraries. The spread is not great except for library C, which in 1974 records thirteen innovations. This number accounts for over 60 percent of the total of twenty innovations reported in that year. There is no consistent pattern for the annual rate of innovation in any library. The largest total number of innovations-twenty- three-is reported for 1973. The empirical data do not provide an explanation for these .phenomena nor is this investigator aware of any environmental conditions that would ex- plain them. It is legitimate to wonder whether budget constraints were affecting the rate of innova- tion. During the interviews no library direc- tor indicated that it had not been possible to implement a planned change because of lack of financial resources. However, all four di- rectors did anticipate increasing difficulty in introducing new services or staff as budget constraints continued, and recognized the possibility of cutting back in some areas in order to be innovative in others. One of the assumptions made in this study was that the ten years spent by Hage and Aiken in developing and maintaining inter- nal consistency, reliability, and content va- lidity of the core indicators and measures warranted their acceptance. A recent study on the reliability and validity of the indexes used to operationalize centralization and for- malization raises some doubt about the in- dexes of job specificity and job codification. 29 Organizational Structure I 433 It therefore seems desirable to investigate these indexes further. CoNCLUSION This study has reported on the first attempt to assess parts of Hage and Aiken's theory and methodology in a library setting. The four hypotheses relating complexity positively and centralization, formalization, and strati- fication negatively with the rate of innova- tion are largely supported. The transferabil- ity of most of the methodology, but with modifications, is demonstrated. The study provides librarians with empirical data which they have not had before. It is hoped that the findings will alert librarians to possi- ble effects of different structural variables and that structural arrangements are not im- mutable but open to manipulation to help achieve a library's goals and objectives. The results cannot be generalized even though one can speculate they may not be atypical of other ARL libraries. Only addi- tional research can provide answers to some of the questions raised. Especially needed are replications; the use of random, large sam- ples; the use of heterogeneous samples; longi- tudinal studies; the study of relationships in- corporating additional variables; and further testing of the reliability and validity of some of the measures. In addition, the theory needs to be reexamined in the light of new findings. REFERENCES 1. Robert Presthus, The Organizational Society: An Analysis and Theory (New York: Random, 1962). 2. RichardR. Hall, Organizations: Structure and Process (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice- Hall, 1972), p.14. 3. Max Weber, "Bureaucracy," in H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, trans., From Max We- ber: Essays in Sociology (New York: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1962), p.196-244. 4. Victor.Thompson, "Bureaucracy and Innova- tion," Administrative Science Quarterly 10:1-20 Gune 1965). 5. Helen Howard, "The Relationship between Certain Organizational Variables and the Rate of Innovation in Selected University Li- braries" (Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers Univer- sity, 1977). 6. Jerald Hage and Michael Aiken, "Program Change and Organizational Properties: A Comparative Analysis," American Journal of Sociology 72:503-9 (March 1967). 7. Jerald Hage and Michael Aiken, Social Change in Complex Organizations (New York: Random, 1970). This is only one of a series of studies published on their research. 8. Jerald Hage, "An Axiomatic Theory of Orga- nizations," Administrative Science Quarterly 10:289-320 (Dec. 1965). 9. Richard R. Hall, "The Concept of Bureauc- racy: An Emperical Assessment," American Journal of Sociology 49:32-40 Guly 1963). 10. Peter M. Blau, "Formal Organizations: Di- mensions of Analysis," American Journal of Sociology 63:58-69 Guly 1957). 11. ArnoldS. Tannenbaum and Jerald G. Back- man, "Structural vs. Individual Effects," American Journal of Sociology 69:585-94 (May 1964). 12. D. S. Pugh and others, "A Conceptual Scheme 434 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 for Organizational Analysis," Administrative Science Quarterly 8:289-319 (Dec. 1963). 13. Tom Burns and G. M. Stalker, The Manage- ment of Innovation (London: Tavistock Publi- cations, 1961). 14 . Hage and Aiken, "Program Change," p.507. 15. Peter M. Blau and William R. Scott, Formal Organizations (San Francisco: Chandler, 1962), p.51. 16. Arthur M. McAnally and Robert B. Downs, "The Changing Role of Directors of University Libraries," College and Research Libraries 34:103-25 (March 1973). 17. Millicent D. Abell, "The Changing Role of the Academic Librarian: Drift and Mastery," Col- lege and Research Libraries 40: 154-64 (March 1979). 18. Peter Drucker, Age of Discontinuity (New York: Harper, 1969), p.193. 19. Peter Drucker, Managing in Turbulent Times (New York: Harper, 1980), p.l. 20. Michael Aiken and Jerald Hage, The Relation- ship between Organizational Factors and the Acceptance of New Rehabilitation Programs in Mental Retardation (Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1968), p.11. 21. Association of Research Libraries, Academic Library Statistics, 1973-1974 (Washington, D.C.: The Association, 1974). 22. Hall, Organizations, p.9. 23. American Library Association, Library Edu- cation and Personnel Utilization (Chicago: The Association, 1976). 24. Hage and Aiken, "Program Change," p.507. 25. Michael Aiken and Jerald Hage, "The Organic Organization and Innovation," Sociology 5:64 Gan. 1971). 26. Thompson, "Bureaucracy and Innovation," p.2. 27. Jon L. Pierce and Andre L. Delbecq, "Organi- zation, Structure, Individual Attitudes and In- novation," Academy of Management Review 2:27-37 Gan. 1977). 28. Kenneth E. Knight, "A Descriptive Model of the Intra-Firm Innovation Process," journal of Business 40:478-96 (Oct. 1967). 29. Robert D. Dewer, David A. Whetton, and David Boje, "Examination of the Reliability and Validity of the Aiken and Hage Scales of Centralization, Formalization, and Task Rou- tineness," Administrative Science Quarterly 25:120-29 (March 1980).