College and Research Libraries 512 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or pa- per copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- dude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Electronic Publishing and Its Implications for Libraries. By Donald W. King. 1979. 19p. ED 196 435. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. This paper discusses the future effects of infor- mation technology on libraries and library ser- vices, emphasizing the roles of online retrieval sys- tems and electronic processes involving published literature. The following aspects are examined: line charges and terminal costs, a comprehensive electronic journal system, interlibrary loans, elec- tronic publishing via text editing systems, eco- nomic constraints, and technological constraints. The focus throughout is on scientific and technical information. Eleven references are cited. Library User Education for the International Student: A Feasibility Study. By Dulce Di- Dio McLean. 1978. 24p. ED 197 702. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. Recommendations and special concerns related to the development of a library skills program for international students at the University of Toledo Libraries are discussed in this feasibility study. The paper is organized into four main parts: (1) a de- scription of the study framework (methodology, assumptions, purpose of study, and definition of a library user education program); (2) a summary discussion of the aspects to be considered in the development of a user education program; (3) in- sights on international students' backgrounds, in general and at the University of Toledo; and (4) a description of the suggested user education pro- gram based on the factors analyzed in the preced- ing sections. An annotated list of references used is appended. A Note About China's Scientific and Techno- logical Information System. By Marianne Tell. Royal Institute of Technology, Stock- holm (Sweden). 1980. 49p. ED 197 703. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report (1) describes the development of li- braries in China; (2) examines Chinese library, documentation, and scholarly publications from a historical perspective; and (3) outlines the present state of the art as reflected by the situation before and after the Cultural Revolution. The history of public libraries, university and school libraries, re- search libraries, trade union libraries, factory li- braries, military libraries, information agencies, and a national library association is outlined. The influence of Chinese characters on present-day sci- entific and technical information is explored, as are Chinese classification schemes and the Chinese li- brary tradition. Discussions of the growth of edu- cation, the importance of radio and television, and the training of librarians are also included, fol- lowed by a brief bibliometric study of how Chinese scientists utilize their information sources. Most of the forty-eight sources listed in the bibliography are either in English or a Scandinavian language. The Use of On-Line Technology in Connecti- cut Libraries, 1980-1985. By Hank Ep- stein and Susan Baerg Epstein. Informa- tion Transform Industries, Costa Mesa, California. 1980. 131p. ED 197 709. MF -$0.83; PC-not available. (Avail- able from University of Connecticut Li- brary, Business Services Officer, Univer- sity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268, $5.) This report describing the current and future use of online automation technology in Connecticut libraries provides recommendations designed to as- sist Connecticut libraries in making more effective use of current systems, in selecting the most appro- priate new systems, and by providing a basis for effective statewide planning that will take advan- tage of current and future automation technology. The report is presented in four major parts: (1) the introduction and executive summary, containing an overview, a description of the report audience, and priorities for readers; (2) current systems and the need for a statewide database describing the existing automation environment and defining the key component for future automation activities; (3) current plans and future systems, describing the current commercial and not-for-profit automated services and planned extensions to these services; and (4) 1980-1985: a five-year plan, defining the specific actions, projects, committees, task teams, etc., required to carry out report recommenda- tions. The journal Citation Reports as a Tool in Peri- odical Subscription Decisions: An IUustra- You can save S6,000 this year By converting your subscription to the British House of Commons Parliamentary Papers for 1981/82 from the full size edition (which is costing you over $7,000) to our microfiche edition which costs $1,400. Save time. The microfiche edition is sent monthly by airmail direct from the UK and arrives earlier than the printed edition. Save space. The mcrofiche edition saves expensive shelf space. Many large libraries have released substantial funds for other purchases by converting to the microfiche edition. So can you - to make the maximum saving this year please send us your order or request for more information as soon as possible. Catalogue of British Official Publications Not published by HMSO 1980 Annual Volume $190 1981 Six Bi-monthly Issues and Annual Cumulation $260 This important new reference book catalogs and indexes for the first time the thousands of official publications published by over 300 Government departments, nationalised industries, research institutes and 'quangos' that are not published by HMSO, and are not listed in the British National Bibliography or any other bibliography. You will now have access to publications of institutions such as the Foreign Office, the Home Office, and the Bank of England. The publi9ations themselves are available from us on inexpensive diazo or silver microfiche; individually, by publishing body, or in subject sets. Send orders and requests for information to: Somerset House, 417 Maitland Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666 Telephone: 201 833-1795 514 I College & Research Libraries· September 1981 tion and an Evaluation. By Marvin D. Leavy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Kansas Library Associa- tion, Hutchinson, Kansas, October 10, 1980. 1980. 18p. ED 197 732. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. This discussion of the use of citation frequency data in judging a cluster or an entire collection of journals in academic libraries discusses the ration- ale for this methodology and illustrates its applica- tion by examining citation counts in lSI's Journal Citation Reports GCR) for periodicals in the area of communication research. The comparative merits of citation data and use/demand data are discussed, and it is concluded that citation fre- quency data are of more potential value to smaller academic libraries in evaluating their entire collec- tion, and to larger libraries in evaluating sectors of journals and in storage decisions. Footnotes, three tables of data, and a list of twenty-five references are attached. Personnel Management and Academic Li- braries. By Melvin E. Westerman. 1980. 30p. ED 197746. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This paper explores the background and struc- ture of library personnel systems and the character- istics of library personnel resources, including li- MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You correspond direct; any title needs, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by letter or phone. This makes your job easier and keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. With over 45 years exper!Mce, McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and international titles. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed in our new brochure. Write today for your free copy. OUR 48th YEAR Mount Morris, Illinois 81054 brarians' rights and status as concerns of library personnel management; the credentials of aca- demic librarians; library job design and recruit- ment; the training of academic librarians; motiva- tional incentives; supervision; resources for librarians; and personnel performance. A bibliog- raphy lists twenty-five sources. The Shelving Unit: Practice and Administra- tion in the Academic Library. By Holbrook W. Yorke. 1979. 17p. ED 197 747. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This report examines the various functions and operations of the shelving unit in the academic li- brary, including staff organization, personnel se- lection, staff supervision, staff morale, staff train- ing, administrative tools, and equipment utilized. The practical experiences of the shelving unit of the M.D. Anderson Library of the University of Hous- ton are used to illustrate various points made in the text. Nine references are listed. ARL Statistics, 1979-80. A Compilation of Statistics from the One Hundred and Eleven Members of the Association of Re- search Libraries. Comp. by Carol A. Man- del and Mary P. Johnson. ARL, Washing- ton, D.C. 1980. 71p. ED 197 749. MF -$0.83; PC-$4.82. A comparison of the statistical data presented for 1979-80 and the data for the seventy-five libraries that were members in 1969-70 reveals a 91 percent increase in expenditures for library materials over the decade, while the gross number of volumes added yearly decreased by 22.5 percent. Library staff size has risen slightly over the decade, while salaries have more than doubled. The median number of volumes has increased by 44 percent since 1969-70, and microform units increased by 216 percent. Operations expenses have more than doubled over the past ten years. These and other conclusions are supported by seven chapters of tab- ular data and include the ARL statistics question- naire, footnotes to the statistics, and a listing of ARL statistical compilations. Career Patterns of Women Librarians with Doctorates. Occasional Paper Number 147. By Doris C. Dale. Graduate School of Li- brary Science, University of Illinois at Ur- bana.1980. 30p. ED 197755. MF-$0.83; PC-not available. Approximately 50 percent of the four-page ques- tionnaires sent to a sample of 320 women librarians with doctorates were returned with usable re- sponses for this 1977 survey requesting factual in- formation on their education, experience, present position and salary, professional contributions, (TI£. BUSINESS INJEXJ The most comprehensive index to recent and current information of interest to the decision makers in business The BUSINESS INDEX database includes more than five times the coverage of any other reference work. We provide: • Cover to cover indexing of more than 325 business periodicals, with abstracts, plus • The Wall Street Journal • Barrons • The New York Times Financial Section and selected relevant articles • Business articles from more than 1,000 general and legal periodicals • Business books and reports from LCMARC Every month you receive a new cumulation for the ROM COM Terminal that we include with your subscription. o To see the BUSINESS INDEX in action, or o To arrange a demonstration, or o To attend a seminar, or o For more information. . . CALL TOLL FREE (800) 227-8431 In California call COLLECT (415) 367-7171 ~ Information Access is the publisher of The National Newspaper Index, -~~~· The Magazine Index, The Business Index, NEWSEARCH: The Daily Online Index, The Legal Resource Index and The Current Law Index. lAC is a Ziff-Davis Company 516 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 and personal characteristics. These women also re- sponded to ten open-ended questions designed to elicit their opinions relating to: ( 1) choice of career, (2) opportunities for advancement to positions of leadership, (3) evidence of discrimination, and (4) guidance for women leaders in the future. Hard work, the proper educational credentials, mobil- ity, assertiveness, and management skills were fac- tors deemed essential for leadership roles in the decades ahead. Guidelines for the National Bibliographic Agency and the National Bibliography. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris, France. 1979. 76p. ED 197757. MF-$0.83; PC- not available. Developed to assist individual countries in estab- lishing a national bibliography and to further uni- versal bibliographic control, these guidelines pro- vide practical guidance on the national bibliography and the administrative machinery to accomplish these tasks. Appendixes include exam- ples of administrative materials, recommendations of the International Congress on National Bibliog- raphies, the international framework of the Na- tional Bibliographic Agency, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations. SCORPIO: A Study of Public Users of the Li- brary of Congress Information System. By Sarah M. Pritchard. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1981. 38p. ED 198 801. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report describes a survey conducted in 1979 to determine user response to SCORPIO, part of the Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) consisting of online catalogs that are used directly by the public and are integrated with regu- lar reference services. A questionnaire distributed to 123 users of this system asked about types of users, frequency of use, waiting time, instructional methods, information desired, access points used, and the computer versus the card catalog. The results showed an overall positive reaction to the system. Only 6 percent of the users felt it was hard to learn, although 85 percent wanted more train- ing and documentation. Most users learned from librarians or printed flip charts: for future im- provements, online or computer-assisted instruc- tion was preferred over audiovisual or group in- struction. Three-quarters of all users performed subject searches, a finding that contrasts with other catalog use studies. A list of nine references and a copy of the questionnaire including the raw data are provided. Directory of Computer Applications in Florida Libraries. Comp. by Stephen P. Harter and Fred C. Pfister. Florida State Library, Tallahassee.1979. 67p. ED 198803. MF- $0.83; PC-$4.82. This directory contains information about cur- rent applications and proposed uses of computer systems in Florida's libraries for the purposes of (1) providing the base for a communication network among librarians now using computers and those who are interested in using them; (2) identifying information sources for librarians who are consid- ering the use of computers; (3) suggesting possible applications of computers to library functions; and ( 4) computers for those persons responsible for pre- service and in-service education of librarians. Ta- bles display the number of libraries of various kinds that are applying or planning to apply computer technology to major functions; that are using or planning computer applications developed in- house; and that are using externally developed sys- tems. The directory lists the address and telephone numbers for the providers of those systems. De- scriptions of computer applications and the names of contact persons_ are given for individual institu- tions in four sections focusing on academic li- braries, public libraries, school media centers, and special libraries. Second Annual Progress Report on the Course- Related Library Instruction Program, Sep- tember 1, 1979 through August 31, 1980. Dept. of Library Science, Ball State Uni- versity, Muncie, Indiana. 1980. 31p. ED 198 828. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report describes Ball State University's course-integrated library instruction program for the multisection English 104, Composition 2 course, which is intended to provide instruction in fundamental library use skills to the majority of the university's undergraduate students and to create a . base of library use knowledge that can be expanded by a proposed second level of more specialized in- struction within selected courses offered by several academic departments. Program activities for 1979-1980, the role of Ball State's General Instruc- tion Service, and the evaluation of library instruc- tion are detailed. Projected activities for 1980-81 are summarized. Appendixes provide course statis- tics, copies of student and faculty course- evaluation questionnaires, and evaluation statis- tics. Directory of Library Instruction Programs in New jersey. Comp. by Lynn F. Miller and Vivian Wood. 1979. 18p. ED 198 832. MF-$0.83; PC-not available. This directory of academic, public, and special libraries offering library instruction programs pro- vides the address, name, and phone number of a contact person and a brief description of the pro- gram. The annotated bibliography includes thirty- nine recent articles on library instruction divided into these categories: general, guides and signage, audiovisual instruction, elementary and high school libraries, college and university libraries, and special libraries. Information on the use of the Clearinghouse for Library User Education/New Jersey (CLUE/NJ) depository and collection of li- brary and instructional materials is included. The Implementation of Data Base Searching at Three Campuses of the State University of New York. Ed. by David Y. Allen. 1980. 29p. ED 198 834. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. These three essays describe the practical and ad- ministrative aspects of the implementation of com- puterized database searching at the Albany, Buf- falo, and Stony Brook SUNY campuses. Originally prepared as papers for a conference of SUNY li- brarians, each essay focuses on one campus to ad- dress such questions as the number of patrons who use the service; the proportion of faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and off-campus users who make up the user group; which databases are most heavily used; how the searching is financed; whether patrons are screened in advance; and, if so, by whom; whether patrons are present at the search; whether online databases are used for an- swering quick reference questions as well as for extended literature searches; and the training and deployment of searchers. Responses to these ques- tions indicate that there is a considerable diversity in practice in the way database searching is carried out on the three campuses, and some of the reasons for this diversity are indicated in the introduction, as well as some underlying problems faced by all campuses in their efforts to provide online search services. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Aerospace Research Index: A Guide to World Re- search in Aeronautics, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Space Science. First Edition. Ed. by A. P. Willmore and S. R. Willmore. Essex: Longman Group Ltd., 1981. 597p. $145. ISBN 0-582- 90009-3. Distributed in the U.S. by Gale Re- search Co. Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. 2d ed. Ed. by Neil Barron. New York: Bowker, 1981. 720p. $32.95; $22.95 paper. LC 81-4391. ISBN 0-8352-1339-0; 0-8352-1404-4 paper. Anderson, A. J. Problems in Library Management. Recent Publications I 517 Library Science Text Series. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1981. 282p. $22.50 cloth U.S., $27.00 elsewhere; $13.50 paper U.S., $16.00 elsewhere. LC 81-8153. ISBN 0-87287- 261-2. Baker, Leigh R. Development of University Li- braries in Papua New Guinea. Metuchen: Scare- crow, 1981. 410p. $20. LC 80-26936. ISBN 0- 8108-1393-9. Bartke, Wolfgang. Who's Who in the People's Re- public of China. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1981. 729p. $100. LC 80-27599. ISBN 0- 87332-183-9. Bayley, Linda; Greenfield, Leni; and Nogueira, Flynn. ]ail Library Service: A Guide for Librar- ians and ]ail Administrators. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn., 1981. 114p. $14. LC 81-2023. ISBN 0-8389-3258-4. Best Reference Books 1970-1980: Titles of Lasting Value Selected from American Reference Books Annual. Ed. by Susan Holte and Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1981. 480p. $30.00; $36 elsewhere. LC 81-5788. ISBN 0-87287-255-6. Bhatt, Purnima Mehta. Scholars' Guide to Wash- ington, D.C. For African Studies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1980. 348p. $25; $8.95 paper. LC 79-607774. ISBN 0-87474-238-2; 0-87474-239-0 paper. Bloomberg, Marty. Introduction to Public Services for Library Technicians. 3d ed. Library Science Text Series. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1981. 323p. $23.50 cloth U.S., $28 else- where; $16.50 paper U.S., $20 elsewhere. LC 81-8210. ISBN 0-87287-257-2; 0-87287-263-7 papE:r. The Card Catalog: Current Issues. Readings and Selected Bibliography. Ed. by Cynthia C. Ryans. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 336p. $16. LC 81-720. ISBN 0-8108-1417-X. Catholic Subject Headings. A modification of the fifth edition of Catholic Subject Headings, edited by Oliver L. Kapsner, updated with cur- rent usage reflecting the changes in terminology since Vatican II and supplemented by the Cath- olic Periodical and Literature Index and the ninth edition of the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Ed. by Catherine M. Pilley and Mat- thew R. Wilt. Haverford, Pa.: Catholic Library Assn., 1981. 240p. $25. ISBN 0-87507-009-4. Corporate 500: The Directory of Corporate Phi- lanthropy.1sted. Comp. anded. by the research staff of the Public Management Institute. San Francisco: Public Management Institute, 1980. 886p. $125 softbound. ISSN 0197-937X. Avail- able from Gale Research Co. Cumulative Index (1976-1980) to the Bulletin of Bibliography. Comp. by Sandra Conrad. Westwood, Mass.: Faxon, 1981. lOp. $6 paper. ISSN 0190-745X. 518 I College & Research Libraries • September 1981 Dahlin, Therrin C.; Gillum, Gary P.; and Grover, Mark L. The Catholic Left in Latin America: A Comprehensive Bibliography. A Reference Pub- lication in Latin American Studies. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. 410p. $35. LC 81-778. ISBN 0- 8161-8396-1. Dees, Jerome Steele. Sir Thomas Elyot and Roger Ascham: A Reference Guide. A Reference Guide to Literature. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. 186p. $25. LC 80-26951. ISBN 0-8161-8353-8. Dillon, Kenneth J. Scholars ' Guide to Washington, D.C. For Central and East European Studies: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Germany (FRG & CDR), Greece (Ancient & Modern), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Switzer- land, Yugoslavia. Washington, D.C.: Smithso- nian Institution Press, 1980. 329p. $25; $8.95 paper. LC 80-607019. ISBN 0-87474-368-0; 0- 87474-367-2 paper. Directory of European Associations. Part One: Na- tional Industrial, Trade, and Professional Asso- ciations. 3d ed. Ed. by I. G . Anderson. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 540p. $175. LC 81-80387. Edmonds, Michael. Lytton Strachey: A Bibliogra- phy. New York: Garland, 1981. 250p. $30. LC 80-8493. ISBN 0-8240-9494-8. German Language Press of the Americas. Ed. by Karl}. R. Arndt and May E. Olson. Munich: K. G. Saur. Distributed by Gale Research Co. V .1: History and Bibliography, 1732-1968: United States of America. 3d ed. 1976. 845p. $88. V.2: History and Bibliography, 1732-1968: Ar- gentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colom- bia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Para- guay, Peru, U.S.A. (addenda), Uruguay, Vene- zuela. 1st ed. 1973. 709p. $83. V .3: German-American Press Research from the American Revolution to the Bicentennial. 1st ed. 1980.838p. $145. Greenberg, Alan M. An Author Index to Library of Congress Classification: Class P, Subclasses PN, PR, PZ-General Literature, English and American Literature, Fiction in English, and Ju- venile Belles Lettres. Books in Library and Infor- mation Science, V.34. New York: Marcel Dek- ker, 1981. 96p. $14.75. LC 81-1698. ISBN 0-8247-1516-0. Hamilton, Michael S., and Townsend, Ruth J. Power Plant Siting in the American Southwest: An Annotated Bibliography. CPL Bibliography no.52. Chicago: CPL Bibliographies, 1981. 58p. $11. LC 80-70680. ISBN 0-86602-052-7. Harmon, Robert B. Elements of Bibliography: A Simplified Approach. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 262p. $12.50. LC 81-4687. ISBN 0-8108- 1429-3. Haro, Robert P. Developing Library and Informa- tion Services for Americans of Hispanic Origin. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 302p. $17.50. LC 80-29168. ISBN 0-8108-1394-7. Harris, Styron. Charles Kingsley: A Reference Guide. A Reference Guide to Literature. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. 163p. $26. LC 80-39701. ISBN 0-8161-8166-7. Harrison, Colin, and Oates, Rosemary. The Basics of Librarianship. London: The Library Associa- tion, 1980. 218p. $12.50. ISBN 0-85365-523-5. Available from Oryx Press. Hoehn, Matthew. Catholic Authors: Contempo- rary Biographical Sketches, 1930-1947. New York: Little & Ives Co., 1948/Detroit: Gale, 1981. 812p . $53. ISBN 0-8103-4314-2. Horror Literature: A Core Collection and Refer- ence Guide. Ed. by Marshall B. Tymn. New York: Bowker, 1981. 576p. $29.95; $19.95 pa- per. LC 81-6176. ISBN 0-8352-1341-2; 0-8352- 1405-2 paper. Kim, Hong N. Scholars' Guide to Washington, D.C. For East Asian Studies (China, Japan, Ko- rea, and Mongolia). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979. 413p. $19.95; $8.95 paper. LC 79-17344. ISBN 0- 87474-582-9; 0-87474-581-0 paper. Kister, Kenneth F. Encyclopedia Buying Guide: A Consumer Guide to General Encyclopedias in Print. 3d ed. New York: Bowker, 1981. 520p. $26.95; $16.95 paper. LC 76-645701. ISBN 0- 8352-1353-6; 0-8352-1409-5 paper. Kovtun, George]. Tomas G. Masaryk 1850-1937: A Selective List of Reading Materials in English. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1981. $26. LC 80-600139. Krummel, D. W. and others. Resources of Ameri- can Music History: A Directory of Source Mate- rials from Colonial Times to World War II. Ur- bana: Univ. of Illinois Pr., 1981. 463p. $70. LC 80-14873. ISBN 0-252-00828-6. Kuroki, Tsutomu. An Introduction to Japanese Government Publications. Guides to Official Publications, V.10. Oxford and New York: Pergamon, 1981. 204p. $45. LC 80-41735. ISBN 0-08-024679-6. (First published in Japan by Gyosei Ltd. in 1972.) Lesser, M. X. Jonathan Edwards: A Reference Guide. A Reference Guide to Literature. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. 421p. $35. LC 80-28540. ISBN 0-8161-7837-2. Library Lit. 11-The Best of 1980. Ed. by Bill Katz. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 335p. $13. LC 78-154842. ISBN 0-8108-1431-5. Library Service for Genealogists. Ed. by J. Carlyle Parker. Gale Genealogy and Local History Se- ries, V.15. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 362p. $36. LC 80-26032. ISBN 0-8103-1489-4. Lyle, Guy R. Beyond. My Expectation: A Personal Chronicle. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 244p. $12.50. LC 81-5071. ISBN 0-8108-1426-9. THE SOLID FOUNDATION OF YOUR APPRAISAL KNOWLEDGE If you need references in the appraisal of real estate ... here are the classics published by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. They should form the cornerstone of your real estate library. 0 THE APPRAISAL OF REAL ESTATE 7th Edition $22.50 The standard introduction to real estate appraisal principles. Covered in-depth is the appraisal process, including the three approaches to value, analysis of site and neigh- borhood, building cost estimates, capitalization rates, and the reconciliation of value indications to arrive· at an estimation of value. 688 pp . 0 APPRAISING THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE $20.00 Authors George F. Bloom, MAl, and HenryS. Harrison, MAl, discuss the theory and techniques of real estate appraisal as applied to the single family home: community and site analyses, description of the structure, application of the three approaches to value, and the final value estimate. Special kinds of residences are included, as well as model narrative and form reports . 510 pp. Other useful reference tools published by the Appraisal Institute 0 READINGS IN HIGHEST AND BEST USE $10.50 0 READINGS IN THE APPRAISAL OF SPECIAL USE PROPERTIES $10.50 0 READINGS IN REAL PROPERTY VALUATION PRINCIPLES $10.50 0 READINGS IN THE INCOME APPROACH TO REAL PROPERTY VALUATION $10.50 0 READINGS IN REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT ANALYSIS $10.50 ----------------·"------------------ Mail to: AMERICAN INSTITUTE 0 Send me a free copy of the OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Appraisal Institute's Publication Dept. CAL ~§ Catalog 430 N. Michigan Ave. ""' = 0 I enclose payment of$ Chicago, IL 60611 Miliij 0 Please bill me ® ® Name Firm Address City, State, Zip 520. I College & Research Libraries· September 1981 Medical Books and Serials in Print 1981: An Index to Literature in the Health Sciences. New York: Bowker, 1981. 1,717p. $55. LC 77-94389. ISSN . 0000-0574. ISBN 0-8352-1356-0. Miller, L. D.; Walthall, C. L.; and Mathews, M. L. Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Systems as Related to the Regional Planning of Health Services: A Bibliography. CPL Bibliography No. 51. Chicago: CPLBibliographies, 1981.$10. LC 81-7646. ISBN 0-86602-051-9. Montana's Genealogical and Local History Rec- ords: A Selected List of Books, Manuscripts, and Periodicals. Ed. by Dennis Lee Richards. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, V .11. De- troit: Gale, 1981. 363p. $36. LC 81-2896. ISBN 0-8103-1487-8. National Directory of Newsletters and Reporting Services: A Reference Guide to National and In- ternational Services, Financial Services, Associa- tion Bulletins, and Training and Educational Services. 2d ed. Ed. by Robert C. Thomas. De- troit: Gale, 1978 (Part 4, 1981). 669p. in four softbound issues. $78/set. LC 77-99180. ISBN 0- 8103-0676-X. The New Religions: An Annotated Introductory Bibliography. 3ded. Rev. and expanded. Comp. by David G. Hackett. Berkeley, Calif.: Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, 1981. 38p. $3. (Centerfor the Study of New Reli- gious Movements, The Graduate Theological Union, 2465 LeConte Ave.; Berkeley, CA 94709.) Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of About 500,000 Pas- sengers Who Came to the United States and Can- ada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nine- teenth Centuries. 1st ed. Ed. by P. William Filby and Mary K. Meyer. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 2,340p. in 3 vols. $225/set. LC 80-15404. ISBN 0-8103-1099-6. Perlgut, Donald. Crime Prevention and the Design and Management of Public Developments: Se- lected and Annotated References from Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. CPL Bibliography no.53. Chicago: CPL Bibli- ographies, 1981. $6 prepaid plus $1.50 handling fee. LC 81-7829. ISBN 0-86602-053-5. Progress in Documentation: Some Themes and Topics: A Selection from the Progress in Docu- mentation Articles Published in Journal of Docu- mentation, 1969-1979. London: Aslib, 1981. 245p. U.S. £12.50 (£10.50 Aslib members); U.K. £10.00 (£8.50 Aslib members). ISBN 0-85142- 140-7. Public Policy: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by William J. Murin. American Government and History Information Guide Series, V.13. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 283p. $36. LC 80-25872. ISBN 0-8103-1490-8. Rowan, Bonnie G. Scholars' Guide to Washington, D.C. Film and Video Collections. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1980. 282p. $25; $8.95 paper. LC 80-607014. ISBN 0-87474-818-6; 0-87474-819-4 paper. The Science Fiction Reference Book: A Compre- hensive Handbook and Guide to the History, Literature, Scholarship, and Related Activities of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Fields. Ed. by Marshall B. Tymn. Mercer Island, Wash.: Star- mont House, 1981. 536p. $20.00; $14.95 paper. LC 80-28888. ISBN 0-916732-49-5; 0-916732- 24-Xpaper. Spec Kit #75: Staff Development. Washington, D.C.: Office of Management Studies, Associa- tion of Research Libraries, 1981. 99p. $15 (plus $2 handling charge). Contains nine descriptions of policies, plans, and needs assessments, two program descriptions, eight examples of specific activities and evalua- tion tools, and four examples of program sched- ules and calendars. It is an update of kit # 18, originally published in 1975. Strong, William. The Copyright Book: A Practical Guide. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 1981. 2llp. $12.50. LC 81-742. ISBN 0-262- 19194-6. Swanson, Kathryn. Affirmative Action and Prefer- ential Admissions in Higher Education: An An- notated Bibliography. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 344p. $17.50. LC 81-45. ISBN 0-8108- 1411-0. Taylor, Margaret T., and Powell, Ronald R. Basic Reference Sources: A Self-Study Manual. 2d ed. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1981. 315p. $13.50. LC 81-2226. ISBN 0-8108-1410-2. Teague, Edward H. Henry Moore: Bibliography and Reproductions Index. Jefferson, N.C.: Mc- Farland & Co., 1981. 165p. $21. LC 80-28048. ISBN 0-89950-016-1. Thompson, Marilyn Taylor. Management Infor- mation: Where to Find It. Metuchen: Scare- crow, 1981. 280p. $15. LC 81-2027. ISBN 0- 8108-1424-2. Travel in the United States: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources. Ed. by Joyce A. Post. Geography and Travel Information Guide Series, V .3. De- troit: Gale, 1981. 578p. $36. LC 81-4375. ISBN 0-8103-1423-1. Wolff, Ernst. Chinese Studies: A Bibliographic Manual. Bibliographic Series 1. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, Inc., 1981. 152 + p. $15. ISBN 0-89644-627-1. Women and Feminism in American History: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Elizabeth Tingley and Donald F. Tingley. American Gov- ernment and History Information Guide Series, V .12. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 289p. $36. LC 80- 19793. ISBN 0-8103-1477-0.