College and Research Libraries 606 I College & Research Libraries • November 1981 writing a history of the Research Libraries Group from the pages of Library journal. The best selections of the book are the ini- tial chapters on publishing during the war years and the brief but compelling summary of censorship activities since the war with a gloomy prediction for the 1980s that "the censor was marching on ... and ... it was impossible to forecast the ultimate results" (p. 717). As a reference work the book is use- ful for finding out who owned what publish- ing company in 1980 after the many convo- luted mergers of the period. The eighty-page index is very good on titles and proper names (except for all those restaurants) but weaker in conceptual matters. The CIA is unindexed despite its appearance on p.331 in an elusive and truncated account of its alleged involve- ment with various publishers. Unfortu- nately, Tebbe! gives the reader no leads with which to find out more of the story. Somehow these omissions are symptomatic of the prob- lems of the book. The work lacks many features which the reader of such a history might reasonably ex- pect, despite the inclusion of much periph- eral information. The most glaring omission is the lack of a statistical summary of book production and financial data for the period covered. In summary, the book is a once-over lightly in 800 pages. We can be glad to have it, but there is still a gap to be filled.-David H. Starn, The Research Libraries, New York Public Library. A Library Science Research Reader and Biblio- graphic Guide. Charles H. Busha, editor. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1981. 201p. $18.50 U.S.; $22 elsewhere. LC 80-22507 ISBN 0-87287-237-8. This collection of original essays is con- cerned with research in library and informa- tion science and the utilization of effective investigative methods. It was designed to fill an information gap in relation to the litera- ture of library science research and will be of interest to library school students, faculty, and other concerned scholars. A few of the editor's goals were to: "1) stimulate more in- terest in pursuit of systematic inquiry; 2) help potential research workers gain a clearer un- derstanding of selected strategies for the con- duct of completed research projects; 3) ... acquaint readers with some important considerations for planning studies and ob- taining funds ... ; and 4) ... provide use- ful lists of additional sources of published in- formation about research in librarianship and its methods." Busha's introductory essay covers the de- velopment of library science research. It is balanced, informative, and, for library sci- ence students, a good introduction to the sub- ject. Notable among his concluding remarks is this statement: "Any major private indus- try that devoted so few resources, so little time, and such meager effort to research and development would surely collapse or experi- ence a lingering depression." Grotzinger's essay on methodology, past and present, looks at research methodologies used in librarianship and states that while traditional descriptive and historical methods predominate, the more sophisti- cated techniques of modeling, bibliometrics, and content analysis are now used. Unfortu- nately, experimental and longitudinal types of studies are not yet in much evidence. One of the profession's problems is the widespread ignorance of statistical procedures, and the author makes another case for including this discipline as a requirement in library school curricula. Katzer's contribution will be interesting to students who are looking for a concise anal- ysis of error in the evaluation of information, but the essay contains nothing new to experi- enced researchers. Busha and McComb's essay on historical research is profitable reading, particularly the section on oral history, which contains many ideas worth considering. The essay be- comes a little unfocused when it discusses new developments in historical research, an area in itself worth a paper. The essay on organizational theory and re- search is the weakest of the six contributions. It is a rehash of the classical school of thought with short shrift given to the many other schools. Walters' chief contribution is his in- clusion of several organization charts illus- trating various means of grouping print and nonprint services in Learning Resource Cen- ters. Carolyn Teal did an outstanding job in de- scribing how to write a grant proposal and where to seek funding. This is recommended reading for any prospective proposal writer. ~!(eft ill &i :i i~li; G ;a;; (e)~i :S :i fl-t~ Publishers of The United States in the 1980s, described by the Los Angeles Times as " ... a strong reflection of the Reagan view of the future." Afghanistan The Soviet Invaaion in Perapective by Anthony Arnold Arnold , an Intelligence officer In Afghan- Istan before the Invasion . reveals a consis- tent pattern of Soviet aggression through three post-WWII phases and examines the failure of the West to Identify and resist Soviet ambitions. Paper $9.95 (7512-8) First Line of Defense The U-S. Navy Since 1945 by Paul B. Ryan " ... this book Is the best of the many available." LIBRARY JOURNAL Cloth $14 .95 (7371-0) Bound To Be Free by Richard B. McKenzie " This Is a thoughtful and Informed book [which explains] why a government 'of the people' tends to become a government by special Interests for special Interests- and [explores[ what we the people must do to preserve our freedom. " Milton Friedman, author of FREE TO CHOOSE Cloth $15.95 (7551 -9) War Through Children's Eyes The Soviet Occupation of Poland and tbe Deportation&, 1939-1941 edited by Irena Gross and Jan Gross " A child who has been deprived of any hope for the future ts a child living In hell. " from the Foreword by Bruno Bettelhelm These stories written by Polish children shortly after being released by the Soviets portray a grtm picture of life during the occupation . Cloth $21.95 (7471-7) The End of the Tito Era Yugoalaria'• Dilemma• by Slobodan Stankovtc ·· ... a good overview of the many changes that have taken place tn Yugoslavia since the late 1970s and of the various prob- lems that confront tts leadership." LIBRARY JOURNAL Paper $9.95 (7362-1) Unconditional Democracy Education and Politics in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952 by Toshlo Nishi Nishi documents the American occupa- tion forces ' deliberate use of education to change the baste values and behavior of the Japanese. Cloth 819 .95 (7441 -5) The American Road to Nuremberg The Documentary Record, 1944-1945 by Bradley F. Smith · " An Indispensable contribution to the full Nuremberg story ... Thls fascinating collec- tion of documents discloses the various alternatives to Nuremberg contemplated by the victorious powers ... " Richard Fallt Princeton University Cloth $24.95 (7481 -4) Historiography of the Chinese Labor Movement by Mlng Chan This book provides a critical survey of over 700 titles of major Chinese works In the East Asian Collection of the Hoover In- stitution that are useful for serious study of the Chinese labor movement during the 1895-1949 period . Cloth $35 .00 (2601-1) Gramsci An Alternative Com.munlam7 by Luciano Pelltcant Pelllcant critically analyzes Gramscl's political ideologies. portraying htm not so much as an Innovative thinker but more as a camouflaged totalitarian . Paper $8.95 (7432-6) Africa South of the Sahara The Challenge to Weatern Security by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan In this new book. the authors analyze the progress of Afro-Marxism. Soviet Im- perialism and examine Africa' s mineral and military potentials region by region. Paper $9.95 (7382-6) The Middle East and North Africa The Challenge to Weatern Security by Peter Duignan and L. H. Gann This new publication describes the diplomatic . mtlttary . and economic assistance required of the United States to rebuild a Western alliance tn the Middle East and gtves special attention to Middle Eastern oil. Paper $9.95 (7392-3) Yearbook on International Communist Affairs: 1981 edited by Richard F. Staar " ... an Invaluable publlcatlon ... the Year- book has no rival. As a work of reference It should be available tn every university and public library." JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES Cloth $35.00 (7501-2) ISBN prefix: 0-8179 Pink and Brown People and Otber Controveraial Eaaaya by Thomas Sowell For the first time the controversial opi - nions of America's most Influential black economist are available tn one book. Originally appearing as articles tn the New York Times, the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner. the Los Angeles Times. and the Washington Star, these sixty-four essays deal with politics. economic policy. race. and mllltary defense. Paper $8.95 (7532-2) The Forces of Freedom in Spain, 197 4-1979 by Samuel D. Eaton As a U.S . diplomat serving In Spain from 197 4 - 1978, Eaton came to know Intimate- ly the leaders of the principal political groups. their motives. and their actions. This lively account of the process of political transition tn Spain Is embellished with anecdotes and personal Insight. Paper $11.95 (7452-0) The Wayward Welfare State by Roger A. Freeman "Now and then a truly topnotch book comes along In the field of public affalrs ... Such a book just came over the transom .. . thls book packs a wallop. " Jamea J. Kilpatrick Washington Star This updated version of the book The Growth of American Gouernment de- scribed above ls now available . Freeman queries how far the state can go In redistributing huge amounts of Income from productive to nonproductive seg- ments of the population without Inflicting serious damage on the economy and society. Cloth $35 .00 (7491-1) A Preview and Summary of "The Wayward Welfare State" by Roger A. Freeman This condensed version of The Wayward Welfare State offers highlights from Freeman's major work deleting graphic presentations of data. Paper $8 .95 (7572- 1) President Edvard Benes Between East and West, 1938-1948 by Edward Thborsky Thborsky. Czech leader Benes' personal aide and legal advisor . examines the per- sonality. activities. views. and mistakes of this witness of and participant In the ma- jor events surrounding World War II. Cloth $19.95 (7461-X) HOOVER INSTITUTION PRESS Stanford University•Stanford, California 94305 In California call (415) 497-3373 New Toll-Free Number for Orders: 1-800-227-1991 608 I College & Research Libraries • November 1981 Each essay is well written and concludes with several pages of carefully selected cita- tions. It is unfortunate that no annotations were included, for they would have made the bibliographies much more useful. A Library Science Research and Bibliographic Guide is highly recommended for inclusion in the col- lections of all library schools. Students will profit from Busha's, Grotzinger's, and Teal's contributions; Ph.D. students in particular will find them well worth reading.-] ohn N. DePew, School of Library Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Repro- duction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED num- ber, specify format desired, and include pay- ment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of ResourceS in Education. A Planning Process for Automated Shared Cir- culation Systems. By Anthony G. Yankus. Ohio State Library, Columbus, 1980. 8p. ED 200 233. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. An outline for librarians who want to coopera- tively plan to implement a shared circulation sys- tem, this guide employs a method of planning based on policy analysis. The stages of problem formulation, identification of objectives, percep- tual activity, system design, information gather- ing, and evaluation are outlined. Although this guide contains some examples of the types of infor- mation decision makers should consider, it does not provide detailed information about every aspect of the planning process. Planning and Development of a Conservation Facility. By Betty A. Coley. 1980. 3lp. Photographs removed prior to filming. ED 200 239. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This paper reviews the current literature on the preservation of library materials and develops an overview of the state of the art for conservation programs. The thirteen references provided are concerned with the preservation of book materials, the design of processes and facilities to prevent or retard deterioration, development of disaster plan- ning, salvaging of damaged materials, and prepa- ration of conservation policy statements. A pam- phlet and two leaflets from the Library of Congress are attached. British Columbia Library Network: A Study of Feasibility. Revised. By Ralph M. Shoffner and Mary A. Madden. British Columbia Union Catalogue, Richmond. 1980. 473p. ED 200 203. MF -$0.83; PC-$27 .32. This feasibility study was conducted to collect financial, operational, and other data concerning the alternatives of continuing with the University of Toronto Library Automation System (UTLAS), the present supplier of catalog support to the Brit- ish Columbia Union Catalogue (BCUC) partici- pating libraries, or of replicating the Washington Library Network (WLN) system. Specifically, the study examined the economic feasibility of repli- cating the WLN system; produced a comparative feature analysis of WLN and UTLAS; produced cost projections for both systems; provided com~ prehensive data on the best systems for meeting anticipated needs for support of other functions including acquisitions, serials, circulation, and public access; provided recommendations on the alternatives; and provided recommendations on the next steps to be considered. Tables display the data gathered. An additional paper, "BCUC Governance and Management: A Background Pa- per for the BCUC Replication Study," by Paul E. Baldwin, is included. The DOBIS and Washington Library Network Systems: A Comparison for the British Co- lumbia Library Network. Revised. By Ralph M. Shoffner and Mary A. Madden. British Columbia Union Catalogue, Rich- mond. 1980. 436p. ED 200 204. MF- $0.83; PC-$25.82. This study compares the three versions of DOBIS (Dortmunder Bibliothekssystem) that are currently running in Canada and the Washington Library Network (WLN) systems in order to determine which one is the most appropriate to replicate in support of the British Columbia Library Network (BCLN). Comparisions of systems cost and operat- ing features, the availability of desired cataloging information, time required to use the systems, and the relative impact of the two systems upon cata- loging operations are presented. Figures display the data in detail. An additional report, "A Sum- mary Analysis of the Impact on Cataloguing of