College and Research Libraries 608 I College & Research Libraries • November 1981 Each essay is well written and concludes with several pages of carefully selected cita- tions. It is unfortunate that no annotations were included, for they would have made the bibliographies much more useful. A Library Science Research and Bibliographic Guide is highly recommended for inclusion in the col- lections of all library schools. Students will profit from Busha's, Grotzinger's, and Teal's contributions; Ph.D. students in particular will find them well worth reading.-] ohn N. DePew, School of Library Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Repro- duction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED num- ber, specify format desired, and include pay- ment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of ResourceS in Education. A Planning Process for Automated Shared Cir- culation Systems. By Anthony G. Yankus. Ohio State Library, Columbus, 1980. 8p. ED 200 233. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. An outline for librarians who want to coopera- tively plan to implement a shared circulation sys- tem, this guide employs a method of planning based on policy analysis. The stages of problem formulation, identification of objectives, percep- tual activity, system design, information gather- ing, and evaluation are outlined. Although this guide contains some examples of the types of infor- mation decision makers should consider, it does not provide detailed information about every aspect of the planning process. Planning and Development of a Conservation Facility. By Betty A. Coley. 1980. 3lp. Photographs removed prior to filming. ED 200 239. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This paper reviews the current literature on the preservation of library materials and develops an overview of the state of the art for conservation programs. The thirteen references provided are concerned with the preservation of book materials, the design of processes and facilities to prevent or retard deterioration, development of disaster plan- ning, salvaging of damaged materials, and prepa- ration of conservation policy statements. A pam- phlet and two leaflets from the Library of Congress are attached. British Columbia Library Network: A Study of Feasibility. Revised. By Ralph M. Shoffner and Mary A. Madden. British Columbia Union Catalogue, Richmond. 1980. 473p. ED 200 203. MF -$0.83; PC-$27 .32. This feasibility study was conducted to collect financial, operational, and other data concerning the alternatives of continuing with the University of Toronto Library Automation System (UTLAS), the present supplier of catalog support to the Brit- ish Columbia Union Catalogue (BCUC) partici- pating libraries, or of replicating the Washington Library Network (WLN) system. Specifically, the study examined the economic feasibility of repli- cating the WLN system; produced a comparative feature analysis of WLN and UTLAS; produced cost projections for both systems; provided com~ prehensive data on the best systems for meeting anticipated needs for support of other functions including acquisitions, serials, circulation, and public access; provided recommendations on the alternatives; and provided recommendations on the next steps to be considered. Tables display the data gathered. An additional paper, "BCUC Governance and Management: A Background Pa- per for the BCUC Replication Study," by Paul E. Baldwin, is included. The DOBIS and Washington Library Network Systems: A Comparison for the British Co- lumbia Library Network. Revised. By Ralph M. Shoffner and Mary A. Madden. British Columbia Union Catalogue, Rich- mond. 1980. 436p. ED 200 204. MF- $0.83; PC-$25.82. This study compares the three versions of DOBIS (Dortmunder Bibliothekssystem) that are currently running in Canada and the Washington Library Network (WLN) systems in order to determine which one is the most appropriate to replicate in support of the British Columbia Library Network (BCLN). Comparisions of systems cost and operat- ing features, the availability of desired cataloging information, time required to use the systems, and the relative impact of the two systems upon cata- loging operations are presented. Figures display the data in detail. An additional report, "A Sum- mary Analysis of the Impact on Cataloguing of DOBIS and WLN," by Ann Turner, Carolyn A. Hoffman, and Shirley Ward, is included. Conservation and Preservation Programs for the University of California Libraries: Prob- lems, Programs, and Costs. By Richard G. King, Jr. Systemwide Administration, Li- brary Studies and Research Division, Univ. of California at Berkeley. 1979. 26p. ED 200 221. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. Designed to provide background for the plan- ning of collection preservation programs in the li- braries of the University of California, this paper presents an overview of the preservation problem, makes specific recommendations for further pro- grams within the University of California library system, and accesses the needs of the system with regard to: (1) environmental control within build- ings housing collections, (2) training of conserva- tion administrators and preservation specialists, (3) restoration of deteriorating conditions, and (4) re- search into the causes and cures of paper deteriora- tion. Estimated costs of a program addressing these four areas are given. A bibliography lists thirty- seven references. Environmental Control for Regional Library Facilities. By Richard G. King, Jr. Sys- Recent Publications I 609 temwide Administration, Library Studies and Research Division, Univ. of California atBerkeley.1980.14p. ED200222. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This report presents an overview of the damage to library materials caused by uncont~ollable envi- ronmental variables. The control of atmospheric pollutants, temperature, and humidity are dis- cussed with regard to damage, standards, and the costs of deterioration due to these factors. Twelve references are listed. Issues in Field Experience as an Element in the Library School Curriculum. A Background Paper. By Margaret E. Monroe. Paper pre- sented at the Association of American Li- brary Schools (Washington, DC, January 29-February 1, 1981). 1981. 19p. ED 200 231. MF -$0.83; PC not available from EDRS. This paper presents some definitions and makes distinctions among the forms of field experience drawn from the literature, and surveys the goals of librarianship and library education in using field experience as an element in the library school cur- riculum at the master's level. Further, it explores learning theory for insights on the contributions 610 I College & Research Libraries· November 1981 field experience can make to professional educa- tion, identifies typical weaknesses and administra- tive problems in its implementation, and examines alternatives to a full-fledged field experience pro- gram. A bibliography listing more than sixty sources is provided. Technical Processing Librarians in the 1980's: Current Trends and Future Forecasts. By Gail Kennedy. University Libraries. Ken- tucky Univ. Lexington. 1980. 13p. ED 200 235. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This review of recent and anticipated advances in library automation technology and methodol- ogy includes a review of the effects of OCLC, MARC formatting, AACR2, and increasing costs, as well as predictions of the impact of library tech- nical processing of networking, expansion of auto- mation, minicomputers, specialized reference ser- vices, and inflationary trends. Forecasts include an increase in technical qualifications for and a de- crease in the number of technical processing librar- ians. Three references are listed. Introducing the College-Bound Student to the Academic Library: A Case Study. By Lor- raine A. Jean. Northern Illinois Univ. De Kalb Libraries. 1981. 31p. ED 200 226. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. The academic library orientation workshops de- scribed are conducted by the University of Ver- mont to acquaint college-bound high school seniors with the resources available in an academic li- brary. Sessions consist of a location exercise in which students use the card catalog to locate spe- cific materials, a guided tour of the library, and a written exercise using periodical indexes, the com- puter listing of periodicals, and the card catalog. Participating students and their teachers complete written evaluations which the library reference staff then uses to monitor the program's effective- ness. This study examines the evaluations from six sessions and offers suggestions for improvement. A sample reference exercise, sample titles for the lo- cation exercise, a reference exercise worksheet and evaluation forms are appended. CSUC Standard for the CLSI Expanded Title Record. By Barbara Case and others. Li- brary Systems Project, California State University and Colleges, Los Angeles. 1981. 14p. ED 200 248. MF -$0.83; PC- $1.82. - The system specifications described have been adopted by the nineteen California state university and colleges libraries for use with the CL Systems "Expanded Title Record" format. It is anticipated that these specifications will be tested at California State University, Chico, beginning midyear 1981. Should this pilot demonstration prove successful, it is further expected that implementation of the CLSI public access system at all nineteen CSUC campus libraries will follow. The specifications, which assume machine-readable bibliographic in- put through OCLC archival tapes and/or any other machine-readable bibliographic captured in OCLC or LC-MARC compatible format are de- signed to accept and process all OCLC formats and their revisions, including those necessary for com- patibility with the second edition of the Anglo- American Cataloguing Rules. National Union Catalog Experience: Implica- tions for Network Planning. Network Plan- ning Paper no.6. By Raymond F. Von- dran. Network Development Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1980. 64p. ED 200 219. MF -$0.83; PC- $4.82. This study, conducted to provide background data for the systematic development of the library bibliographic component of a national network, analyzes the procedures used in producing the Na- tional Union Catalog (NUC), the nationwide union catalog in card form maintained at the Li- brary of Congress (LC), and examines the varia- tions found in records as they are integrated into the file. The report discusses NUC operations and work-flow, characteristics of reporting libraries, differences in headings between outside reports to the NUC and LC records, and differences in biblio- graphic description between outside reports to the NUC and LC records. Conclusions for a nation- wide database derived from the analysis of pro- cesses in the catalog publication division are pre- sented along with recommendations for future investigation. Table and figures are provided. A Directory of Library Instruction Programs in Pennsylvania Academic Libraries. By J o- seph J. Costa. Pennsylvania Library Asso- ciation, Pittsburgh. 1980. · 42p. ED 200 225. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. This directory of library instruction programs in 102 libraries adds information on in-house devel- oped library instruction materials to the basic in- formation on programs, program content, and in- structional personnel listed in the previous edition. Survey information gathered for the directory pro- vides statistical data on the form of library instruc- tion, the use of print and nonprint materials, sub- ject areas specifically addressed at each institution, and responses to questions regarding the adminis- tration and organization of -library instruction. The responses are summarized in an alphabetical listing of institutions. Following the alphabetical listing is an index by questionnaire topics. New from U.S. News Books! Introduction by Wil li am C. Westmoreland. The Senior Com· mander of the U.S. and All ied Forces 1n Vietnam from 1964 through 1968. General We st - moreland comments : " The new Vietnam Order of Battle is a work of rare commemorative and h