College and Research Libraries 262 I College & Research Libraries • May 1982 to incorporate more automated procedures in distribution of their titles. In discussing how books are stored and delivered, Des- sauer believes too many publishers are work- ing independently and sees no effort on their part to consolidate operations. A system of regional, nonprofit distribution centers is suggested. In the final chapter on financing, plan- ning, and managing publishing companies, the author explains how operating state- ments and balance sheets work. He also shows how it is possible for a more expensive book to sell sufficient copies to make it more profitable than a moderately or inexpen- sively priced volume. He concludes: ."More sales and larger printings are obviously not always the answer, nor are lower prices and more aggressive marketing. More important than such conventional techniques may be the accurate definition of market and the choice of the optimal means to reach it." Des- sauer urges more broad based training pro- grams for employees and endorses improving the quality of management in publishing. He supports both short- and long-range forecast- ing, arguing that testing the impact of future titles with alternative scenarios will help publishers become more responsive to the market. The author is optimistic about the survival of the book and forecasts continuing growth of book consumers. Publishers still need to solve distribution problems, improve and in- crease marketing, and be more selective in publishing to avoid current "overproduc- tion," he believes. The revised edition of this book is the most current basic text on the economics of pub- lishing available. It contains a twelve-page glossary of publishing terms and a short "Bib- liographic ·Note" containing twelve citations (eleven in the previous edition) plus mention of three valuable trade publications. Although I would like to see some im- provements in the third edition, e.g., an ex- panded bibliography, some words on paper preservation, more discussion of noted pub- lishers, and provision of examples from Book Publishing: What It Is, What It Does to illus- trate his chapter on the manufacture of books, I strongly recommend that academic librarians, library school students, and stu- dents who wish to know more about publish- ing purchase this title. Practicing librarians should be more familiar than they are with publishing, its practices and terminology. Dessauer's book fills this need.-Fred C. Lynden, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or pa- per copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Educational Information Resources in the United States. The State of the Art. By Fred S. Rosenau. Far West Lab. for Educa- tional Research and Development, San Francisco, Calif. 1979. 20p. ED 206 278 . . MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. This review of educational information re- sources supported by the federal government, state and local taxes, and professional associations, pro- vides a summary of the more active information centers along with the titles of some handbooks that can guide the user to additional resources. It also discusses who uses information and how, tar- geting of information to users, and the complexities of the dissemination process, concluding with some thoughts for future directions in information re- source management for the educational commu- nity. Information for the 1980's. Final Report of the White House Conference on Library and Information Seroices, 1979.National Com- mission on Libraries and Information Sci- ence, Washington, D.C. 1980. 802p. ED 206 280. MF-$1.51; PC-$54.32. These proceedings of the 1979 White House Conference on Library and Information Services contain resolutions which are the basis for the pro- posed National Library and Information Services Program and for new national legislation. The res- olutions reflect; (1) the need to reshape library and -NEW EDITIONS-- ~ Directory of Medical Specialists 1982 ... puts you in touch with top U.S.-certified specialists from around the world. When you need up-to-date information on medical specialists, turn to the directory that has become a standard instrument of referral for the medical profession. This new edition puts you in touch with more than 225,000 specialists certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties ... with biographical data that are difficult to find elsewhere: • Certification(s) • Education • Birth date and place • Career history • Teaching positions • Military history • Memberships • Office address & phone You will find all the specialists ' credentials in one directory without cumber- some coding, and without the need to cross-reference. Bring your collection up-to-date ... order the Directory of Medical Specialists from Marquis today. 20th Ed iti on • Pub. Nov. 1981 • 3 hardbound volumes • 4631 pages ISBN 0-8379-0520-6 • LC 40-9671 • #030256 • ($6 shpg) • $180.00 Annual Register of Grant Support 1981-82 ... your guide to billions of dollars in grant support. This is the first step to winning the grant support you need in the coming year. In this single source you will find funds for the arts , sciences, social studies and more. Support can cover research , training, construction, travel and volunteer services. More than 2,400 programs include private sources (especially important today) as well as government funding. Each listing supplies everything you need to know before you submit a pro- posal. The whos. The whats. The how much and how long. Your proposal will stand out from the others because it will be tailored to the organization. And a 7-step proposal writing guide will help you through the application process. Reference Book Review says the Register " ... belongs in the reference depart- ment of all libraries." Its users have called it their " Bible" of grant support. We call it the " edge" against tough grant competition. Find out why .. . order your copy from Marquis today. 15th Edit ion • Pub _ Sept 1981 • 808 pages; hardbound ISBN 0-8379-1908-8 • LC 69-1 8307 • #031105 • ($3 shpg) • $67.50 Save time ... order your copies directly from Marquis. Please add postage and handling shown (also add state sales tax where applicable). MARQUIS Wads Who 200 East Ohio Street, Room 146 Chicago, Illinois 60611 • (312) 787-2008 264 I College & Research Libraries • May 1982 information services in order to make them more responsive to the people served, (2) the call for lo- cal control of services, and (3) the demand for economy and accountability in public agencies. Transcripts of speeches, open hearings, and the joint congressional hearing include the following: "Personal Needs" by Clara S. Jones; "Lifelong Learning'' by Francis Keppel; "Organizations and the Professions" by Herbert D. Benington; "Gov- erning Society" by Major R. Owens; and "Interna- tional Cooperation and Understanding'' by Bernard Ostry. Also presented are conference highlights, an outline of the proposed national pro- gram, an outline of proposed national legislation, an overview of the conference, and a list of partici- pants. Appendixes include the conference rules, resolutions not passed, the conference agenda, sta- tistics, "Conference via Computer" by Elaine B. Kerr, and a list of conference publications and me- dia. Videotape as an Aid to Bibliographic Instruc- tion. By Janet Key and Thomas A. Toll- man. Paper presented at the Spring Meet- ing of the Nebraska Library Association, Wayne, Nebraska, April 23, 1981. lOp. ED 206 319. MF -$0.83. PC-$1.82. This report describes the use of videotaped lec- tures in the undergraduate library instruction pro- gram at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Li- brary, outlines the structure of the program, and reviews the process of producing library-specific videotapes. The results of an informal survey to compare the videotape method of presentation with a slide/lecture method are reported. Legal Ramifications of Computerized Library Networks and Their Implications for the Li- brary Director. By Johnny J. Wheelbarger and R. Wilburn Clouse. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Associa- tion for Educational Communications and Technology, Philadelphia, Pa., April 6-10, 1981. 20p. ED 206 325. MF -$0.83. PC-$1.82. Legal questions, raised by recent developments in computerized networks and relating to censor- ship, liability, responsibility and other topics, were explored by means of a questionnaire sent to a se- lected group of librarians, network personnel, and others. Designed to collect information about exist- ing laws and current problems, the questionnaire elicited opinions that suggest that (1) networks cannot refuse questionable titles, (2) authors or publishers cannot demand the exclusion of titles from the database, (3) the networks probably can- not refuse "insignificant" titles, (4) networks prob- ably cannot refuse membership without legitimate reasons, and (5) all parties have due process rights in dealing with parent networks. Limited amount of experience and the complete lack of litigation in this area, however, leave the specific questions un- answered. A thirty-item bibliography and the questionnaire are appended. Organization and Management of a Curricu- lum Library: A Description of Procedures and Practices. By Ray Gerke. 1981. 12p. ED206291. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. Intended for librarians concerned with the structure and administration of a collection of cur- riculum materials within the framework of an aca- demic library, this report describes the cataloging procedures of the curriculum laboratory at Tufts University. It discusses the use of Dewey decimal classification, treatment of nonbook materials, re- trieval of library materials, exceptions to standard cataloging practice, the value of a reorganization to a conventional card catalog and classification scheme, the organization of the children's litera- ture collection, and the role of the curriculum lab- oratory within the academic library framework. Overview of Computerized Library Network- ing in Canada. Canadian Computerized Bibliographic Centre Study Background Paper. 1979-05-10. By R. M. Duchesne and others. National Library of Canada, Ottawa (Ontario). 1979. 96p. ED 206 292. MF -$0.83. PC-$6.32. Conducted to review the present status of com- puterized bibliographic centers in Canada and to report on the most effective means of promoting computerized library network development in that country, this study summary of the findings of seven subsidies (1) describes the salient features of twenty Canadian and United States centers; (2) re- views major options relating to the development of a computerized national location service system, as well as technological and cost trends bearing on li- brary and information services networking in Can- ada; (3) summarizes the principal findings and conclusions of three studies dealing with more gen- eral aspects of network management and with the funding of network related research and develop- ment in Canada; and (4) summarizes the report compiled from externally submitted briefs con- cerning the role of the National Library of Can- ada. Ownership and Distribution of Bibliographic Data: Highlights of a Meeting Held by the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee (March 4-5, 1980). Working Document. By Duane E. Webster and Lenore S. Maruyama. Library of Con- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Grolier Educational Corporation is pleased to announce that effective immediately, the Academic American Encyclopedia will be exclusively published and marketed by Grolier, Inc. We are proud to welcome this all-new, superbly-reviewed encyclopedia to our prestigious line of reference and reading materials. The revised and updnted 1982 edition of the Academic American Encyclopedia is now available from your local Grolier Educational Corporation/ Academic American Representative. All correspondence, inquiries or information requests should be given to your local Grolier Educational Corporation/Academic American En- cyclopedia representative or sent directly to: Grolier Educational Corporation Dept. 1150 Sherman Turnpike Danbury, CT 06816 If you have any immediate questions, please call toll free: 800-243-7256, ext. #3968 (in CT call: 797-3500). Highly Acclaimed, Superbly Reviewed RECOMMENDED Booklist says . . . " Academic American Encyclopedia presents a broad spectrum of up-to-date iriforma- tion that adults and high school students need-and presents it accurately, objectively and concisely. " Booklisr, July 1, 198 1 Choice says. . Am~rican Library Association, R eference and Subscription Books R eview Committee: "The Academic American Encyclopedia succeeds bn'lliantly at brief biographies and topics of current interest-better than any other encyclopedia. " Choice, March 1981 Kister says. ''/was especially impressed by the set 's unusually high degree of currency, the easy and rjficient manner in which the contents are accessed, the plentiful and intelligently prepared bibliographies, and the many colorful and informative visuals. " Kenneth F. Kister, Encyclopedia Buying Guide Library Journal says . . . " It is up-to-date, concise, authon'tative, and well documented, with excellent visual resources. " Library Journal, September 1, 1981 266 I College & Resea1'ch Libraries· May 1982 gress, Washington, D.C. Network Devel- opment Office. 1980. 19p. ED 206 293. MF -$0.83. PC-$1.82. Discussions summarized in this report focused on the relationships between individual libraries and the bibliographic utilities, as well as the op- tions available to the library and information com- munities for preparing, sharing, and gaining ac- cess to machine-readable records. Issues discussed fall into three categories: (1) ownership and distri- bution of bibliographic data, (2) relationships among members of the total information commu- nity, and (3) flow of bibliographic data at the in- ternational level. Highlights of group discussions and pertinent recommendations are presented. Towards More Effective Nationwide Library and Information Networking in Canada. Fi- nal Report of the Canadian Computerized Bibliographic Centre Study. By R. M. Duchnesne and others. National Library of Canada, Ottawa (Ontario).1980. 103p. ED 206299. MF-$0.83. PC-$7.82. The two purposes of this report are to present concrete proposals related to the need for the Na- tional Library of Canada to facilitate the develop- ment of nationwide bibliographic and associated communications networks, and to outline the rele- vant network concepts assumed in framing the nine recommendations and the related implemen- tation proposals that are presented. These pro- posals are intended to serve as an early practical step towards a wider and more complete nation- wide library and information network in the longer term. Notes and references are provided for the three major chapters, as well as an implemen- tation chart with timelines and a network flow- chart. Discussion of long-term trends and needs for Canadian library and information networking and notes on European and U.S. arrangements to pro- mote nationwide and community-wide network- ing are appended. Channel 2000. Description and Findings of a Viewdata Test. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., Dublin, Ohio. 1981. 23p. ED 206 312. MF -$0.83. PC- $1.82. A controlled user test of an experimental view- data system, Channel 2000, was conducted by OCLC in Columbus, Ohio, to investigate techni- cal, business, market, library and social science is- sues involved in electronic delivery of information using videotext technology. The three part report includes a review of various facets of new con- sumer electronic information services, details of the Channel 2000 project, and the findings and conclusions derived from this study of a system that transmits textual and graphic data from a host New from Kluwer • Nijhoff Publishing MANAGEMENT FOR THE XXI CENTURY: Education and Development American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business and European Foundation for Management Development This important book explores the changes society will face in the next thirty years, and assesses the implications for management and management education The book was developed out of the first international effort by deans of business schools and corporate leaders to assess the challenges of the future in order to decide today how to prepare competent and effective managers for the twenty-first century. Selected Table of Contents: I. Societal Expectations and Trends, 198G-2010 The Changing Expectations of Society in the Next Twenty Years, fames Robertson The Challenge of Development: A Prospective View, lgna cy Sachs Management in the Next Thirty Years, William R Dill II. Management in the Twenty•First Century For the Manager the Future is Now, Fletcher Byrom Management Motivation in the Twenty- First Century, Frans van de Hoven Management and Holistic, Lifetime Learning, Boris Yavitz III. Management Education and Development Executives of the Future, William P. Tavoulareas The Manager of the Future, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Challenging Issues for Management Education and Development, Max E.B. Clarkson ISBN 0-89838 -097-9 April 1982 224 pp. Cloth $17.00 Kluwer · Nijhoff ."~"~~:~.~- tt PUBLISHING POPULATION POLICY AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Larry D. Barnett This volume presents the first in-depth treat- ment of the legal aspects of population dynamics in the United States. With an emphasis on constitutional law, the book focuses on the interrelationship between population processes and the constitutional issues involved in domestic population growth and control The author develops the premise, with supporting materials, that the United States is facing serious economic, social, resource, and environ- mental problems because of its current population numbers and increments. He discusses how incentives to curtail these numbers are lacking at the present time and how our legal system might ultimately be used to supply them. Selected Table of Contents: Foreword by Knut W Back Preface I. Legal Dimensions of the Population Issue 1. Introduction 2. Population and Law 3. Population Growth and the Right of Privacy II. Some Facters Affecting Childbearing 4. Constitutional Law and " the Tragedy of the Commons 5. Legal Protection and Female Employment 6. Housing Policies Prohibiting Children III. Fertility Control Policies: Some Possibilities 7. Government Regulation of Sexual Relationships 8. Taxation and the Control of Fertility 9. Tuition in the Public Schools IV. Two Contemporary Controversial Issues 10. Abortion 11. Immigration Afterword Ind~x ISBN 0-89838-082-0 April 1982 183 pp. Kluwer • N11hoff books are av£lllable from your bookseller. or from Kluwer Boston, Inc. 190 Old Derby Street Hmgham, MA 02043 Cloth $25.00 r Available for the first time CABINET MEETINGS OF U.S. PRESIDENTS Eisenhower The fact that comprehensive minutes and supporting documents of the Cabinet meetings of American Presidents have been pub - lished and are at last available is long-awaited news for everyone who is interested in U.S. history and government. Included in this collection are the transcripts of actual Cabinet meetings, records of Cabinet actions, memoranda for the President from Cabinet officials , and Cabinet reports . Every major topic of national con - cern during the Eisenhower years is discussed at length: domestic politics, foreign affairs, economic problems, the beginning of the civil rights movement, and many more . This collection lets us examine for the first time the highest level of formal deliberations within the executive branch. Our publ ication contains over 10,000 pages of documents which have recently been opened to the public at the Eisenhower Library. No other publication of any kind contains this material or, indeed, any of the material in the Presidential Documents Series, of which this title is a part. Now that this material is available , no study of the modern Presidency can be made without reference to it. Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Eisenhower (1953-1961). 35mm microfilm (10 reels) with printed guide. Price: $520 . Available now. Johnson This collection contains nearly 20,000 pages of minutes of Cabinet meetings ; official Cabinet reports ; memoranda to the President; information passed to the Cabinet by the President; and special briefings by the Departments of State and Defense , the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and others . It is a documentary record of the Johnson years which is unequaled in breadth and depth . We see all of the leaders of the Johnson era: Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Cabinet-level appointees such as Robert McNamara , Dean Rusk, Robert Kennedy , Ramsey Clark, Adlai Stevenson , Clark Clifford , and Walt Rostow, as well as per- sonal advisers such as Bill Moyers, Abe Fortas, and Averell Harri - man. Most importantly, this collection is the authoritative record of the key events of the Johnson Presidency: from the Civi I Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act , and Medicare, to events which were suddenly out of control-race riots, political violence, and a major war. Edited and microfilmed at the Johnson Library by UP A's staff as part of the ongoing Presidential Documents Series, this valua - ble material is available from no other source. Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Johnson (1963-1969). 35mm microfilm (17 reels) with printed guide. Price : $830 . Available now. UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA 44 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701 • (301) 694-0100 ~------------------------~---------------------------~---------------- ------- ~~~----------------------------------~ computer to modified television receivers in the us- er's households via commercial telephone or cable transmission facilities. Test planning and selection methods, training of users, descriptions of services and specialized features offered, and the equip- ment (including television adapters, computers, and software) are presented in detail, as are there- search procedures concerned with sampling, data collection, and evaluation. Conclusions about viewdata are concerned with its form for the fu- ture, its socioeconomic influence, and its impact on libraries. Community Information Systems. By Andrew Freeman. Paper presented at the National Community Education Conference (1st, Southport, Queensland, Australia, May 16, 1981). 1981. 2lp. ED 206 284. MF- $0.83. PC-$1.82. Information is provided on technological and so- cial trends as background for a workshop designed to heighten the consciousness of workers in com- munity information systems. Initially, the basic terminology is considered in its implications for an integrated perspective of community information systems, with particular attention given to the meaning of isolation within a community context. The dynamics of information processes and their relationships to societal groupings are also dis- cussed. Secondly, new technologies such as View- Standard Albanian Recent Publications I 269 data, BOM (Brainstorming on Microfiche), and computer conferencing are considered as they im- pact on community computer information sys- tems, and questions posed by mainstream media and databases and their alternatives are discussed in respect to the national or international linkages they may provide. In the final section, a number of questions are asked dealing with the implications of community information systems for both indi- viduals and societies as a whole. The Library of Congress Subject Headings Redbooks: Foundation of Reference. By Jeremy W. Sayles. 1980. 16p. ED 206 288. MF -$0.83. PC-$1.82. The Library of Congress Subject Headings, a tool used almost exclusively by catalogers, cur- rently is assuming equal importance in reference service as an aid for students and a unique tool for reference ·librarians. Most reference inquiries re- quire the use of appropriate subject headings-an especially vital function for computer searches. The subject headings comprise an independent ref- erence source to educate students about alternative subject headings that describe assigned study top- ics, providing a language of access to information. Librarians can use the Redbooks as an aid to the reference interview as they contribute to mutual understanding by student and librarian about the precise subject areas to be investigated. The Red- A Reference Grammar for Students Leonard Newmark, Philip Hubbard & Peter Prifti. Since World War II, a concerted effort has been under way to agree on a single dialect of Albanian to serve as a standard language of the country. This volume is in large part an adaptation and translation of a comprehensive Albanian-language reference grammar published as a result of that effort. Intended for English-speaking students of present-day Albanian, it is not a complete textbook, but rather a book to be consulted for clarification and amplification of grammatical matters en- countered during language study. It provides a detailed description of standard Albanian, with individual chapters on the parts of speech, as well as on such topics as numbers, conjunctions and clauses, particles, interjections, and gra- dation, comparison, and qualification. An introductory chapter offers a sketch of the country and its background, a history and classification of Albanian and its dialects, and a treatment of Albanian phonology. $45.00 Stanford University Press 270 I College & Research Libraries· May 1982 books are also a valuable aid in the creation of li- brary study guides for specific college courses, al- lowing analysis of course syllabi to reveal terminol- ogy, ideas, and instructions that can be converted to Library of Congress subject headings. Finally, they provide an anticipatory reference aid by which terms that describe a subject field can be as- sembled in advance. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Campbell, Malcolm J. Business Information Ser- vices: Some Aspects of Structure, Organization and Problems. 2d ed. London: Clive Bingley, Ltd., 1981. 179p. $20. ISBN 0-85157-321-5. (Distributed in the U.S. by Shoe String Press, Hamden, Conn.) Chernik, Barbara E. Introduction to Library Ser- vices for Library Technicians. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1982. 187p. Cloth: $23.50 U.S., $28 elsewhere; paper: $16 .50 U.S., $20 elsewhere. LC 81-15663. ISBN 0-87287-275-0 cloth; -282-3 paper. Chinese MARC Format for Books. 2d ed . Comp. by Library Automation Planning Committee, "WE WROTE THE BOOK ON SERVICE" - ( .,;,,,,;""'//~,, , li~m~h'!'l ('l,..,kr-r l AMBASSADOR ........_, BOOK ~ SERVICE, INC. .. furnishing boots and leUted setrices to academic & rese•rch libr•ries .. 42 CHASNER STREET HEMPSTEAD. NY 11550 (516) 489-4011 Chinese MARC Working Group. Taipei: Li- brary Association of China and National Central Library, 1981. 240p. $14 paper; $17 cloth. Claassen, Lynda Corey. Finder's Guide to Prints and Drawings in the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press , 1981. 210p. $9.95 paper; $19.95 cloth. LC 81-607070. ISBN 0-87474-317-6 paper; -316- 8 cloth. Cooper, Alan and Hart, Marilyn. Average Prices of British Academic Books. January-June 1981. Loughborough: Centre for Library and Infor- mation Management, 1981. £7 (CLAIM Report, no.ll). (BLR&D Report 5665). ISSN 0261- 0302. ISBN 0-904924-31-9. DAAD/Monatshejte. Directory of German De- partments, Faculties, and Programs in the United States, 1980. Ed. by Valters Nollendorfs with Sara H. Markham. New York: German Ac- ademic Exchange Service, 1981. 4llp. Free. ISBN 3-87192-123-8. Developing Consumer Health Information Ser- vices. Ed. by Alan M. Rees. New York and Lon- don: Bowker , 1982. 296p. $32.50. ISBN 0-8352- 1473-7 . Emergency Medical Services Systems: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Carlos Fernandez- Caballero. V.9 in the Health Mfairs Informa- tion Guide Series, part of the Gale Information Guide Library. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 183p. $38. LC 81-13295 . ISBN 0-8103-1503-3. Esdaile's Manual of Bibliography. Fifth revised ed. Ed. by Roy Stokes. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow, 1981. 397p. $22.50. LC 81-9088. ISBN 0-8108- 1462-5. Finding the Source: A Thesaurus-Index to the Ref- erence Collection. Comp. by Benjamin F . Shearer and Barbara Smith Shearer. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1981. 545p. $35. LC 81- 6800, ISBN 0-313-22563-X. Garfield , Eugene . Essays of an Information Scien- tist , Vol. 4. , 1979- 1980. Philadelphia , Pa . : lSI Press, 1981. 780p. $20 U.S. , $23 elsewhere. LC 77-602 . ISBN 0-89495-001-0 (V.1); 0-002-9 (V .2) ; -009-6 (V.3); -012-6 (V.4). Guide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute. Part I. Comp. by Michael T. Stieber and Anita L. Karg. Pitts- burgh: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documenta- tion, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1981. 89p. $10. ISBN 0-913196-30-4. Handbook of Latin American Studies. No.42. Hu- manities . A Selective and Annotated Guide to Recent Publications in Art , Folklore , History , Language , Literature, Music and Philosophy . Ed. by Dolores Moyano Martin. Prepared by scholars for the Hispanic Division of Library of Congress. Austin: Univ. of Texas , 1980. 91lp. $65 cloth. LC 36-32633. ISBN 0-292-73016-0. Historical Periodicals Directory. Volum e 1: USA and Canada . Ed. by MarieS. Ensign. Santa Bar- I I $ a i i I I ~v~E QUESTIONED LIBRARIANS WORLD-WIDE. ~~~HERE'S WHAT THEY TOLD US: • "This is one of our most helpful bibliographic tools. It makes my job so much easier. ... Our patrons find it easy to use and containing adequate references to articles valuable in their research . I don 't know how we managed without it." We've tried to make your job easier. Now the vast resources of govemment periodicals can readily be used by researchers and students, requiring less of your time helping them locate material. e "Index to U.S. Government Periodicals has significantly increased the use of our gov- ernment periodicals and is our most important reference tool for government oocuments." Without Index to U.S. Govemment Periodicals use of these materials would be expensive and time consuming. Using many separate indexes simply isn't cost effective. Without this tool much of the information in these periodicals would be lost. • "What you choose to index has a direct bearing on which government periodicals our library chooses." Source material is only as valuable as its accessi- bility Add this index to your collection to provide answers to the entire range of reference questions. • "We have found the Index very useful in providing access to many periodicals not indexed elsewhere." Many titles are covered exclusively by Index to U.S. Govemment Periodicals. Plus coverage of titles included in over fifty other indexes. One standard for selection of new titles is lack of indexing by other services. • "Too often, it seems to me, is your Index to U.S. Government Periodicals sequestered away in the Documents Department. As a general periodical index, it merits a disposi- tion next to PAIS, Readers' Guide, etc. We are now locating it next to Monthly Catalog to facilitate greater use." Index to U.S. Govemment Periodicals certainly has value beyond the bounds of the Documents Department. Those in general research will find it a valuable source for material not found in other standard guides. If after reading these remarks from present subscribers you still need further evidence of the Index's usefulness, let us send the latest quarterly on approval. With Index to U.S. Govemment Period- icals in hand we know you'll put it on your order list. Ongoing annual service (3 paperbound quarterlies, plus hardbound annual cumulation): $275 per year. Volumes 1970-1981 : $250 each. •v• INFORDATA INTERNATIONAL INC. 175 East Delaware Place , Suite 4602C • Chicago, Illinois 60611 L-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- 272 I College & Research Libraries· May 1982 bara , Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1981. 180p. $87.50. LC 81-12892. ISBN 0-87436-018-8 (V .1). Imperato, Pascal James and Imperato, Eleanor. Mali: A Handbook of Historical Statistics. Bos- ton: G. K. Hall, 1982. 339p. $75. LC 81-4974. ISBN 0-8161-8147-0. Incunabula, Hebraica & ]udaica. Five centuries of Hebraica and J udaica, Rare Bibles, and Hebrew Incunable from the Jacob M. Lowy Collection. Prepared by Brad Sabin Hill. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1981. 225p. $23.50 Canada, $28.50 elsewhere (dust jacket). ISBN 0-660- 50933-4. Indian Literature in English, 1827-1979: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Amritjit Singh, Rajiva Verma, Irene M. Joshi. V.36 in the Gale American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 631p. $38. LC 74- 11532. ISBN 0-8103-1238-7. jewish Immigrants in the Nazi Period. V .2: Classi- fied and Annotated Bibliography. Ed. by Her- bert A. Strauss. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1981. 286p. $55. ISBN 3-598-08008-5 (Munich); 0- 89664-029-0 (New York, London). (Distributed in the U.S. by Gale Research Co.) Katz, Bill and Clifford, Anne. Reference and In- formation Services: A New Reader. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 421p. $17.50 LC 81- 16680. ISBN 0-8108-1483-8. Levin, Marc A. Rent Control in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to the Literature. Council of Planning Librarians, #67. Chicago: CPL Bibliographies, 1981. 29p. $8. LC81-17507. ISBN0-86602-067-5. Library Resources Market Place. 1981. New York: Bowker, 1981. 294p. $35 paper. ISBN 0-8352- 1346-3. METRO CAP Catalog: A Dictionary Catalog of Materials Purchased through the Cooperative Acquisitions Program 1972-79. New York: METRO (New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency), 1980. 270p. $40, $45 if invoice is required. ISSN 0363-2357. Milner, Anita Cheek. Newspaper Indexes: A Loca- tion and Subject Guide for Researchers. V .3. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 181p. LC 77- 7130. ISBN 0-8108-1066-2 (V.1); -1244-4 (V.2); -1493-5 (V.3). Moore, Milton C. The Edwardsville Library of 1819: Its Founders, Catalog , Subsequent His- tory, and Importance. Edwardsville, Ill.: pub- lished jointly by Friends of Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and Madison County Historical Society, 1981. 114p. $3 paper. · Pugh's Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations. Abbreviations in management, technology and information science. Ed. by Eric Pugh. Phoenix: Oryx Pr., 1981. 348p. $85 cloth. LC 81-14029. ISBN 0-89774-012-2. Quirk, Dantia and Whitestone, Patricia. The Shrinking Library Dollar. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1982. 170p. $24.95. LC 81-12310. ISBN 0-14236-74-1. Rahim, Enayetur .. Scholar's Guide to Washington, D.C. for South Asian Studies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981. 438p. $27.50 cloth, $12.50 paper. ISBN 0- 87 4 7 4-778-3; -777-5 paper. Reference and Subscription Books Revi~ws 1980-81. Comp. by Reference and Subscription Books Review Committee, American Library Assn. A reprint of reviews of current reference books which first appeared in the Booklist be- tween September 1, 1980 and July 15, 1981. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1981. 164p. $20. LC 73-159565. ISBN 0-8389-3269-X. Songe, Alice H. and Mangin, Pauline B. Educa- tor's Source Book on China: A Selected List of Information Resources. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1981. SOp. $16. ISBN 3-598-40020-9. (Distrib- uted in the U.S. by Shoe String Press, Hamden, Conn.) Studies in the International Exchange of Publica- tions. IFLA Publications #18. Ed. by Peter Gen- zel. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1982. 125p. $18 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20379-9. ISSN 0344- 6891. Theatre and Performing Arts Collections. Ed. by Louis A. Rachow. New York: Haworth Pr., 1981. 166p. $19.95. LC 81-6567. ISBN 0- 917724-47 -X. Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors. 9th ed. Comp. by Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), the information system of the National Institute of Education (NIE) of the U.S. Depart- ment of Education. Phoenix: Oryx Pr., 1982. 512p. $25 cloth. ISBN 0-89774-019-X. United States Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS) Thesaurus. List of terms used in index- ing and cataloguing of documents and other ma- terials relevant to United Nations programmes and activities. Dag Hammarskjold Library Bib- liographical Series, no.37. New York: United Nations, 1981. 369p. $25 . U.S. Book Publishing Yearbook and Directory, 1981-82. Ed. by Judith Duke. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1981. 250p. $60 softcover. ISBN 0-914 236-63-6. Vosper, Robert and Koops, William. Libraries for All: A World of Books and Their Readers. IFLA Publications #15. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1980. 163p. $20 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20376-4. ISSN 0344-6891. World Guide to Library Schools & Training Courses in Documentation. 2d ed. Comp. by United Nations ~Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UNESCO). London: Clive Bingley Ltd., Paris: The Unesco Pr., 1981. 549p. $50. ISBN 0-85157-309-6.