College and Research Libraries methodology, an extensive list of notes and references, as well as a good index. Although this book will undoubtedly stand as a significant contribution to the sociological literature, the volume clearly has even greater value for academic librar- ians whose world of books is so closely re- lated to the publishing industry. -Hendrik Edelman, Rutgers University. Cave, Roderick. Rare Book Librarianship. 2d, rev. ed . Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1982. 162p. $20 cloth. ISBN 0- 85157-328-2. Roderick Cave has successfully summa- rized the most significant concerns and precepts of rare book librarianship in a de- ceptively slim volume that will stand as a major resource in the field for a long time to come. There is much more content than the size of the volume might suggest. For librarians already in the field, Cave's book is a welcome review of major concerns and practices of rare book libraries. For admin- istrators of large institutions, of which rare books and special collections operations constitute a part, Rare Book Librarianship should be required reading and should also stand alongside other reference tools used by administrators in their work. For students contemplating a career in the field of rare-book librarianship, Cave's text will serve as an excellent description of what such a career is likely to entail and how the students should plan to prepare themselves for entering the profession. Although Rare Book Librarianship reflects Roderick Cave's British background and many of the references are to British li- braries and institutions, libraries of North America are not ignored. Cave clearly de- lineates how differing historical traditions in Britain and the United States have pro- duced somewhat different types of rare book libraries. He also identifies some of the major distinctions in service and orien- tation in rare book libraries that are pri- vately or publicly funded. Perhaps most significant to North American readers is Cave's treatment of the growth of major rare book operations within state- supported universities and colleges. Cave has organized Rare Book Librarian- Recent Publications 265 ship along the lines of an administrative analysis . He moves from a general intro- duction to the field, through an admirably succinct definition of what rare books and special collections are, and why they are important, to the actual operation of rare book libraries, treating the special acquisi- tion activities required of a rare book li- brary, the processing of rare books, the care, restoration, and housing of rare books, the organization of special collec- tions for use, and the common methods that rare book libraries use to publicize their collections both to potential users and to potential benefactors. Finally, he discusses the training of rare book librari- ans. Of particular value is Cave's discussion of the antiquarian book trade and its rela- tionship to the operation of rare book libraries. He recognizes the cross- fertilization that booksellers and rare book libraries experience if they have a healthy working relationship. Because the mar- ketplace for antiquarian books is far more influenced by scarcity and unpredictable availability of goods than is the new-book marketplace, rare book librarians must work out significantly different strategies for collection development than is true for general libraries. Cave's treatment of this subject should make clear to all concerned library administrators just why their spe- cial collections operations do not follow the same well-established procedures that are used in acquiring current publications. Those interested in the development of rare books training programs in North America will need to look somewhat be- yond Rare Book Librarianship for informa- tion about current trends. Although this is the second edition, revised, develop- ments in the field are moving quickly, and there has been considerable activity of note. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries had greatly strength- ened its programs and activities since the late 1970s, and while Cave identifies the section's work, he did not have the oppor- tunity of bringing his text up-to-date with the latest activities. Librarians interested in the field will want to consider member- ---------- --- --------------------, PUT THE WHOLE WORLD OF COLLEGES IN YOUR LIBRARY 3600 UP-TO-DATE COLLEGE CATALOGS IN A CONVENIENT DESK TOP SYSTEM WHEN YOU HAVE TOUGH COLLEGE QUESTIONS, GO TO THE SOURCE DOCUMENT- THE COLLEGE CATALOG . 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