College and Research Libraries


To the .Editor: 
We find it disturbing that more and more European, particularly British, publishers tend 

to charge special subscription prices to North American libraries. These prices often greatly 
exceed those charged to subscribers in all other parts of the world. 

The publishers are in fact setting a dollar exchange rate for their products that is divorced 
from monetary reality. 

There seems to have been little reaction from librarians to this practice and possibly not 
even much awareness of it. We are amazed by this apparent lack of concern. 

Librarian for Collection Development 
Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Missouri 



C3' Reference Sources for Small and Medium-
sized Libraries, fourth edition, edited by Jovian Lang and 
Deborah Masters. New to this edition is coverage of refer-
ence materials for use with children, significant out-of-print 
titles, and nonprint resources. 0-8389-3293-2 Approx. 
432p. $20.00 paper May 1984 

C' On Account of Sex: An Annotated Bibliography 
on Women in Librarianship, 1977-1981, compiled by 
Kathleen M. Heim and Katharine Phenix. Continues bibli-
ography in Weibel, Heim, and Ellsworth's Role of Women 
in Librarianship, 1876-1976, including items omitted 
from it and materials issued 1977-81 on women's evolving 
status in the library and information science professions. 
0-8389-3287-8iv, 184p. $25.00paperMarch 1984 

C' Research on Adolescence for Youth Services: 
An Annotated Bibliography on Adolescent Develop-
ment, Educational Needs, and Media, 1978-1980, edited 
by Gerald Hodges and Frances Bryant Bradburn. Identifies 
and annotates studies of interest to professionals concerned 
with factors forming and changing adolescents' attitudes 
toward information, their information seeking and proces-
sing methods, and improving the quality of information 
service for adolescents. Continues Media and the Young 
Adult (ALA; 1977 & 1981). 0-8389-3297-5 xii, 148p. 
$15.00 paper February 1984 

Libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany, second fully revised 
and enlarged edition, by Horst Ernestus and Engelbert Plassman 
(translated by John S. Andrews) . This concise and informative over-
view of library service in the Federal Republic describes types of 
libraries, library functions and administrative procedures, cooperative 
activities, and central institutions. Published by Otto Harrassowitz 
Verlag, Wiesbaden. Distributed by the ALA. 
3-447-02341-4 xiv, 288p. $25.00 paper 1983 

Address orders 
and inquiries to 

American Library Association 
Publishing Services 
50 East Huron Street 
Chicago, Illinois 60611 
(312) 944-6780 
(Represented in the UK., Europe, and Israel by 
Eurospan, 3 Henrietta St., London WC2E 8LU)