College and Research Libraries Place: A Prototype?" While forty pages are too few to give a detailed understand- ing of the Pikes Peak Library District sys- tem, it does offer a paragraph or two about each of the various applications sup- ported. The twenty-nine figures in chap- ter ten are very useful for understanding the complex mix of tasks Maggie's Place performs. As Dow lin suggests, the system probably ''better approximates the model of the electronic library than any other . . . institution in the country" today. Dow lin's book is an excellent starting point for someone new to electronic li- brary concepts . It is a useful crib sheet for Recent Publications 323 public librarians trying to develop their own plans for the future. While not aimed primarily at academic librarians, they will nonetheless find it a source of quotable quotes and challenging ideas. Those plan- ning for online catalogs will find it very useful in listing the varieties of informa- tion resources with which future library catalogs must cope. The format is attractive, illustrations well chosen and well reproduced, typos infrequent, index good, and price quite reasonable.-Brian Aveney, Blackwell North America. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P. 0 . Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Working Pa- per. Battelle Memorial Institute, Colum- bus, Ohio. Columbus Labs; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., National Library Service for the Blind and Physi- cally Handicapped. 1983. 60p. ED 232 646 . MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Based on observations made at the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Han~icapped (NLS /BPH) on September 8, 9, and 10, 1982, and on documents supplied by NLS /BPH, this report compares standards pub- lished in the 1979 document entitled " Stan- dards of Service for the Library of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind. and Physi- cally Handicapped" with five areas of NLS /BPH operations : (1) organization, admin- istration, budget, and planning; (2) personnel and facilities; (3) resource development; (4) ser- vice to users; and (5) public education and in- brmation services . It is noted that NLS/BPH provides braille materials, cassettes, hard- and flexible-disk books, playback equipment and accessories, musical scores, books about music, and music instructional materials to eligible Americans living in the United States and abroad, by means of a cooperative network of libraries. The report states that NLS/BPH meets .all the major standards for resource develop- ment and user service and that it meets or ex- ceeds most of the other required standards. An NLS/BPH organizational chart and a list of nine recommendations for improving the internal operation of NLS/BPH and its service to the net- work are provided. Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruc- tion and the Theory of Information Sources. Ed. by Ross Atkinson. Associa- tion of College and Research Libraries, Bibliographic Instruction Section, Chi- cago. 1983. 79p. ED 232 655 MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. This collection of four papers on the applica- bility of bibliographic theory to bibliographic in- struction is introduced by Ross Atkinson, who sees a shift away from political and pedagogical concerns in bibliographic instruction. In "Prag- matic Bibliography," Patrick Wilson contrasts wholesale or comprehensive bibliography (the compilation of national and trade bibliogra- phies, library catalogs, and abstracting and in- dexing journals) ·with pragmatic bibliography (the activity of one person engaged in a specific limited inquiry) . Frances L. Hopkins, in "Bib- )iographic Instruction as a Liberal Art: An Ap- 324 College & Research Libraries plication of Patrick Wilson's Theory of Prag- matic Bibliography," presents a rationale for teaching bibliographic instruction as a liberal art and provides an outline of a proposed pro- gram of instruction in bibliographic inquiry. In his paper entitled "On the Nature of Litera- tures: A Synergetic Attempt," Conrad H . Rawski describes scientific and research litera- tures as a complex system of interconnected parts. A 123-item bibliography is included. In "Shaping a Bibliographic Instruction Program for Undergraduate Science Students: Applica- tions of a Model of the Structure of the Scientific Literature," Thomas Kirk applies Rawski's the- ory to the design of an ideal program and presents an outline of such a program. A sum- mary by Ross Atkinson of the four papers and background information on the speakers con- clude the document. Budget Allocation Systems for Research Libraries. By John Vasi. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. 1983. 58p. ED 232 657. MF-$0.83;PC- not available from EDRS. In July 1982, ten member libraries of the Asso- ciation of Research Libraries (ARL) were sur- veyed to obtain information on their existing July 1984 budget practices. Libraries participating in the study were the University of California-Santa Barbara; University of Chicago; University of Colorado; University of Florida; Iowa State University; Notre Dame University; Oklahoma State University; Stanford University; Univer- sity of Wisconsin; and York University. This re- port examines how library budget allocations are determined at the ten institutions, particu- larly in the areas of personnel, acquisitions and binding, and operations expenditures. The budget process for base budgets as well as an- nual increases is. described, and details of budget administration and flexibility are re- ported . In a review of issues underlying the budget practices in use, a compromise between the development of absolute standards and the present system of adherence to historical alloca- tion levels is suggested. It is proposed that ra- tios of library support related to library use be utilized to calculate an index of relative library support. Report appendixes comprise: (1) a sample survey form; (2) a list of eleven sug- gested readings and resources; and (3) a copy of the March 1975 report of the ARL-ACRL (Asso- ciation of College and Research Libraries) Joint Committee on University Library Standards (Revised), which provides additional perspec- tives on budget allocation systems. BUT DO ANALYZE, STUDY, PONDER, AND RESEARCH THEM! THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD THE ESSENTIAL INDEX FOR COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF THE WORLD'S ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE SINCE 1864. For further Information, contact BloSclences Information Service, (Jser Services Department. 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.-1399 Telex 831739. Recent Publications 325 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Advances in Librarianship. V.12. Ed. by Wesley Simonton. New York: Academic Pr., 1982. 300p. $32 cloth. LC 79-88675. ISBN 0-12-02- 4612-0. Akers' Simple Library Cataloging. 7th ed. Com- pletely revised and rewritten by Arthur Cur- ley and Jana Varlejs. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow Pr.-, 1984. 375p. $16.50 cloth. LC 83-14423. ISBN 0-8108-1649-0. Appropriate Technology Organizations: A World Wide Directory. Comp. by Center for Business Information. Jefferson, N .C.: McFarland, 1984. $29.95 paper. LC 83-43053. ISBN 0- 89950-098-6. Authority Control: The Key to Tomorrow's Catalog. Ed. by Mary W. Ghikas. Proceedings of the 1979 Library and Information Technology Association Institutes. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1982. 224p. $24.50 cloth. LC 82-2088. ISBN 0-912700-85-8. Beyond "1984": The Future of Library Technical Services. Ed. by Peter Gellatly. New York: Haworth, 1984. 265p. $24.95 cloth. LC 83- 17166. ISBN 0-86656-275-3. Also published as Technical Services Quarterly, nos .1/2 (Fall/Winter 1983). Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies. Comp. by Lionel V. Lorona. Madison, Wis.: SALALM, 1984. 33p . $8(ppd.) paper. Re- places the Annual Report on Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographic Activities. Birnbaum, Robert. Maintaining Diversity in Higher Education . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1983. 209p. $15.95 cloth. LC 83-48156. ISBN 0-87589-57 4-3. Bommer, Michael R. W., and Chorba, Ronald W. Decision Making for Library Management. White Plains, N .Y.: Knowledge Industry, 1982. 178p. $27.50 paper. LC 81-17160. ISBN 0-86729-000-5 . Boss, Richard W. The Library Manager's Guide to Automation. 2d. ed. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry, 1983. 169p. $36.50 cloth. LC 83-19886. ISBN 0-86729-052-8 . Bottomore, Tom. Sociology and Socialism. New York: St. Martin's Pr., 1984. 212p. $25 cloth. LC 83-22930. ISBN 0-312-74004-2. Business Archives: Studies on International Prac- tices . Prepared by Committee on Business Archives of the International Council on Ar- chives . New York: K.G. Saur, 1983. 167p. $38 paper. ISBN 3-598-10516-9. Distributed by Gale Research. Christ, Karl. The Handbook of Medieval Library History . Tr. and ed. by Theophil M. Otto. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Pr., 1984. 492p. $35 cloth. LC 83-15226. ISBN 0-8108-1654-7 . Originally published in Wiesbaden as Band II (Geschichte der Bibliotheken), Chapter 5, (Das Mittelalter) of Handbuch der Bib- liothekswissenschaft, 2d ed. Clark, Philip M. New Approaches to the Measure- ment of Public Library Use by Individual Patrons. Occasional Paper no.162. Urbana: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Universityoflllinois, 1983. 45p. $3paper. LC 81-4199. ISSN 0276-1769 . Collection Development in Sci-Tech Libraries. Ed . by Ellis Mount. New York: Haworth, 1984. 138p. $17.95 cloth. LC 83-22478 . ISBN 0- 86656-279-6. Also published as Science and Technology Libraries, V.4, no.2, Winter 1983. Collins, Judith and Finer, Ruth . National Acqui- sition Policies and Systems: A Comparative Study of Existing Systems and Possible Models . Inter- national Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. West Yorkshire, England: DND Business Services, 1982. 221p. paper. ISBN 0-85350-185-8. Conserving and Preserving Library Materials . Ed. by Kathryn L. Henderson and William T. Henderson. Papers presented at the Allerton Park Institute on November 15-18, 1981, sponsored by University of Illinois, Gradu- ate School of Library and Information Sci~ ence, no.27. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1983. 207p. $15 cloth. LC 83-3537. ISBN 0- 87845-067-X. Contemporary Artists. 2d ed. Ed. by Muriel Emanuel and others . Contemporary Arts se- ries. New York: St. Martin's Pr ., 1983. 1,048p. $70 cloth. LC 82-25048. ISBN 0-312- 16643-5. Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. V .11. Ed. by Ann Evory and Linda Metzger . De- troit: Gale, 1984. 547p . $80 cloth. LC 81- 640179. ISBN 0-8103-1940-3. ISSN 0275-7176. Contemporary Literary Criticism. V.27. Ed. by Jean C. Stine. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 650p. $80 cloth. LC 76-38938 . ISBN 0-8103-4401-7. ISSN 0091-3421. Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook, 1984. 2v . Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,524p. $80/set cloth . LC 80-645249. ISBN 0-8103-1641-2 . Covington, Paula H. Indexed Journals: A Guide to Latin American Serials. Bibliography series, no.8 . Madison, Wis.: SALALM, 1984. 485p . $20 (ppd.) paper. Durrance, Joan C. Armed for Action: Library Re- sponse to Citizen Information Needs. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1984. 206p. $29.95 paper. LC 83-15400. ISBN 0-918212-71-5 . Fenichel, Carol H., and Hogan, Thomas H. On- line Searching: A Primer. Marlton, N .J.: 326 College & Research Libraries . fl ·· MCGR,E~GOR jj < . "" Of~~~ "PERSONALIZED" SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE McGregor can simplify complex and time consuming problems of periodi- cal procurement involving research, ordering, payments, renewals and record keeping. Prompt courteous service has been a tradition with McGregor since 1933. Call or write for catalog today 8151734-4183 MCGREGOR MAGAZINE AGENCY Heritage on Microfilm Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~~~[M ~COv\PfNY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 July 1984 Learned Information, 1981. 152p. $12.95 cloth. LC 83-133984. ISBN 0-938734-01-6. Gerrie, Brenda. Online Information Systems: Use and Operating Characteristics, Limitations, and Design Alternatives. Arlington, Va.: Informa- tion Resources, 1983. 189p. $24.50 cloth. LC 83-081515 . ISBN 0-87815-047-1. Guidelines for Handling Library Orders for In-Print l Monographic Publications. 2d ed . Prepared by Bookdealer-Library Relations Committee. Acquisitions Guidelines, no.4. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1984. 21p. $3 paper. LC 83-22307. ISBN 0-8389-3299-1. Hauer, Mary G., and others. Books, Libraries, and Research. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Ken- dall/Hunt, 1983. 215p. $11.95 paper. LC 83- 81526. ISBN 0-8403-3067-7. Hawes, D. F. W., and Botten, D. A. Library Au- tomation at the Polytechnic of the South Bank. Case studies in library and automation. Lon- don: Library Assn., 1983. 132p. $24 paper. ISBN 0-85365-944-3. Hernon, Peter, and Purcell, Gary R. Developing Collections of U.S. Government Publications. Foundations in Library and Information Sci- ence, V.12. Greenwich, Conn. : Jai Pr., 1982. 289p. $45 cloth. LC 82-21226. ISBN 0-89232- 135-0. Hillard, James M. Where To Find What: A Hand- book to Reference Service . Revised and up- dated. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Pr., 1984. 387p . $22.50 cloth . LC 83-14272. ISBN 0- 8108-1645-8. Holley, Edward G ., and Schremser, Robert F. The Library Services and Construction Act: An Historical Overview from the Viewpoint of Major Participants. Foundations in Library and In- formation Science, V .18. Greenwich, Conn.: Jai Pr., 1983. 165p. $42.50 cloth. LC 83-48088. ISBN 0-89232-410-4. Hunter, Eric, and Bakewell, K. G. B. Catalogu- ing. 2d rev. and expanded ed . London: Clive Bingley, 1983. 222p . $18.50 cloth. ISBN 0- 85157-358-4. First published 1979 as an Out- line of Modem Librarianship. Distributed by Shoe String Press. International Directory of Cinematographers, Set- and Costume Designers in Film . V.3. Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia. Ed. by Alfred Krautz. New York: K.G. Saur, 1983. 297p. $50 cloth. ISBN 3-598-21433-2. Distributed by Gale Research. Matthews, Joseph R., and Williams, Joan Frye. Telecommunication Technologies for Libraries : A Basic Guide. Library Technology Reports V.18, no.4. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1983. 466p. $145 yearly subscription, $40 single issue when available ($20 to cur- rent subscribers), paper. ISSN 0024-2586. Metzger, Charles R. The Silent River: A Pastoral Elegy in the Form of a Recollection of Arctic Ad- venture. Los Angeles, Calif.: Omega Books, 1983. 161p. $6.95 paper. LC 83-63228. ISBN 0-9613094-0-7. Miller, Rosalind E., and Terwillegar, Jane C. Commonsense Cataloging. 3d ed. Rev. ed. of Commonsense Cataloging, 2d ed. by Esther J. Piercy, 1974. New York: Wilson, 1983. 166p. $22 cloth. LC 83-1306. ISBN 0-8242-0689-4. Mount, Ellis. Special Libraries and Information Centers: An Introductory Text. New York: Spe- cial Libraries Assn., 1983. 194p. $25 paper. LC 83-571. ISBN 0-87111-282-5. Nathaniel Hawthorne Journal 1978. Ed . by C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 316p. $44 cloth . LC 75-148262. ISBN 0-8103-0929-7. Proceedings of the First Soviet-American Library Seminar. May 5-7, 1979, Washington, D.C. Ed . by Jean E. Lowrie. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn ., 1983. 212p. $27.50paper. LC83- 18769. ISBN 0-8389-3290-8. Rao, I. K. Ravichandra . Quantitative Methods for Library and Information Science. New York: Wiley, 1983. 271p. $24.95 cloth. LC 82-21375. ISBN 0-470-27393-3. Reference Services and Technical Services: Interac- tions in Library Practice . Ed. by Gordon Stevenson and Sally Stevenson. New York: Haworth, 1984. 176p. $24cloth. LC83-22790. ISBN 0-86656-174-9. Also published as The Reference Librarian no .9 (Fall/Winter 1983). Regional Security in the Middle East . Ed. by Charles Tripp. Published for the Interna- tional Institute for Strategic Studies. New York : St. Martin's Pr ., 1984. 182p. $22.50 cloth. LC 83-40155. ISBN 0-312-66940-2. Richardson, Larry L. Introduction to Library Re- search in German Studies: Language, Literature, and Civilization . Boulder, Colo .: Westview Pr., 1984. 227p. $25 cloth. LC 83-50976. ISBN 0-86531-195-1. Right to Information: Legal Questions and Policy Is- sues. Ed. by Jana Varlejs. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1984. 88p. $9.95 paper. LC 83- 26750. ISBN 0-89950-097-8. Rosenburg, Kenyon C., and Feinstein, Paul T. Dictionary of Library and Educational Technol- ogy. 2d ed., rev. and expanded. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 197p . $24.50 cloth. LC 83-19641. ISBN 0-87287-396- X. Sears List of Subject Headings: Canadian Compan- ion. 2d ed. Comp. by Ken Haycock and Recent Publications 327 Lynne lsberg Lighthall. New York: Wilson, 1983. 52p. $10 cloth. LC 83-1343. ISBN 0- 8242-0691-6. Smallwood, Carol. Exceptional Free Library Re- source Materials. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1984. 241p. $18.50 cloth. LC 83- 22166. ISBN 0-87287-406-0 . Something about the Author. V.34. Ed . by Anne Commire. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 286p. $58 cloth. LC 72-27107. ISBN 0-8103-0063-X . ISSN 0267-826X. Sources of Library Statistics 1972-1982. Comp . by Mary Jo Lynch . Chicago : American Library Assn., 1983. 48p. $7.95 paper. LC 83-25835. ISBN 0-8389-3292-4. Spain: Conditional Democracy. Ed. by Chris- topher Abel and Nissa Torrents. New York : St. Martin's Pr., 1984. 198p. $24.50 cloth. LC 83-40172. ISBN 0-312-74959-7. Subject Access. Comp. and ed. by Keith W. Rus- sell. Report of a meeting sponsored by the Council on Library Resources, Dublin, Ohio, June 7-9, 1982. Washington, D.C. : Council on Library Resources, 1982. 80p. $10(ppd.) paper. LC 82-23563. Subject Bibliography of the History of American Higher Education. Comp. by Mark Beach. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 165p. $29.95 cloth . LC 83-22562. ISBN 0-313-23276- 8. This Emphatically British Library: The First Ten Years of the British Library. Ed. by Graham Jones. Glasgow: Holmes McDougall, 1983. 109p. paper. ISBN 0-900173-05-X. The contri- butions in this collection appeared originally in Library Review (Spring 1983). Training Users of Online Public Access Catalogs. Comp. and ed . by Marsha Hamilton McClin- tock . Report of a conference sponsored by Trinity University and Council on Library Resources, San Antonio, Texas, January 12-14, 1983. Washington, D .C.: Council on Library Resources, 1983. 122p. $10(ppd.) pa- per. LC 83-14367. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. V.12. Ed. by Dennis Poupard . Detroit: Gale, 1984. 602p. $80 cloth. LC 76-46132. ISBN 0-8103- 0223-3 . ISSN 0276-8178. U.S . Television Network News: A Guide to Sources in England. Comp . by Myron J. Smith, Jr. Jef- ferson, N .C.: McFarland, 1984. 233p. $29 .95 cloth. LC 82-42885 . 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For diazo edition and other payment options, please inquire. A detailed brochure is now in preparation; ·please con- tact Walter Jaffe at 212 982-1302 for more information. K.G. Saurlnc. 17S FifthAvenue N.Y.,N.Y.lOOlO