College and Research Libraries Myths and Realities: University Libraries D. Kaye Gapen This theme paper examines the current rate of change and makes projections of future rates of change in order to attempt a separation of myths and realities. The phenomenon of change is so pervasive in our literature and so ever-present in our daily lives that we must learn more effec- tive adjustment techniques. In her "Law of the Situation, " Mary Parker Follett proposes a continual process of reconceptualization of ''what business you are in. '' The times require this of us. They also require that we examine ''models'' of change to use as appropriate. The Stages of Growth model is particularly appealing since it characterizes organizations as progressing through a series of stages along a continuum. As university libraries move along their contin- uum, it seems clear that as organizations they will become evolutionary, nonhierarchical, en- trepreneurial, and horizontal. This growth sequence will require librarians to become more involved in the process of scholarly communication. e are going to talk today about boat came back again and called, ''Get in some myths and realities sur- the boat; we'd like to save you!" And he rounding the present and fu- said, "No, I trust in the Lord, I'm going to ture of academic libraries. We stay with my house." (The Deep South is will be considering technology, the para- in the Bible Belt, you know.) And so they dox of imaging the future, change, models came one more time, not in a rowboat but for dealing with change, and personal and in a helicopter; the water was up to the organizational characteristics that can roof, and the man was on the roof sitting help us decipher and deal with both the there clinging to his chimney. The pilot myths and the realities. said, "Sir, sir, come into the helicopter, To set the stage, let me tell you a little we want to save you!" And he said, "No story. I've been in Alabama now two and a thank you, I trust in the Lord, I'm going to half years, and during the course of this stay here!'' Well, sure enough, he presentation you'll probably hear a few drowned. The )Vater came right up over Alabamaisms; but this story was very the top of the house, carried him away, popular a couple of months ago when we and he drowned. He went up to Heaven, were getting a lot of rain in the South, and and he said to St. Peter, "Look, I want to it may have even gotten some national know just what's going on here. I trusted press. In Louisiana, the rivers were flood- in the Lord and I drowned." And Peter mg. A man was in his house, the water said, "Well, we sent you two rowboats was coming up to the door, and some peo- and a helicopter." I'm sending rowboats pie in a rowboat came up. They said, and a helicopter today. So let's just take ''We'd like to rescue you; get into the some of these comments in that vein, and boat.'' And the man said, ''No, I trust in know that we can trust in the Lord, we can the Lord, I'm going to stay here." As the test the myths and ,the realities, but there water kept rising, the people in the row- are some things that we can do, too, to af- . D. !