College and Research Libraries Recent Publications 525 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Branch Libraries in ARL Institutions. SPEC Kit 99. Association of Research Li- braries, Washington, D.C. Dec. 1983. 115p. ED 239 617. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. In response to a May 1983 Association of Re- search Libraries (ARL) survey, 94 university li- brary members (90 percent of this category of ARL membership) provided information and documents about current library branches, changes during the last five years, and current and planned automation activities. It was found that 63 respondents (68 percent) consid- ered their library systems centralized, with a main library and/or central processing facilities; that 94 respondents listed 1,008 branches with either centralized systems administering an av- erage of 6.4 branches or decentralized systems administering an average of 12.6 units; and that 58 libraries (65 percent) reported branch library automation, with most projects involving circu- lation systems (40) and online catalogs (14). This document presents survey results; policy statements regarding branch libraries from Iowa State University and University of Ken- tucky; documents on closing or consolidating branches from Ohio State University, Univer- sity of Cincinnati, and Queen's University; documents on establishing new branches from University of Chicago, University of New Mex- ico, and State University of New York, Albany; and documents on automation from Queen's University and University of Texas, Austin. Also provided are a seven-item bibliography on branch libraries, centralization, and decentral- ization; a concise summary of related issues and trends; and an evaluation sheet for this ARL Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) kit. The Archival Appraisal of Moving Images: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. by Sam Kula. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France), .General Information Programme. PGI-83/WS/18. 134p. ED 239 625. MF-$0.83; PC-not available fromEDRS. Produced as part of the United Nations Edu- cational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP), this publication provides government and nongovernment archivists and records managers with a comparative study of past and present policies and practices for selecting moving images for preservation, and with a series of guidelines based upon the most widely accepted of these policies and practices. Sections cover: (1) the history and or- ganization of moving image archives; (2) ap- praisal or selection standards for motion pic- tures and their acceptance in archival theory; (3) categorization of archival moving images by provenance, function, and form; (4) moving image appraisal policies and practices recom- mended by UNESCO and those utilized in the United States, Czechoslovakia, the USSR, Ar- gentina, Malaysia, Canada, and West Ger- many; (5) the relationship of records manage- ment and the appraisal of moving images; and (6) the appraisal of documentation related to the moving images; e.g., production files and critical reviews. Also provided are a series of 14 conclusions related to the appraisal and archi- val retention of moving images and a bibliogra- phy listing publications by more than 250 au- thors. International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Opening Statements and Speeches. Plenary Session. Papers pre- sented at the Annual Conference of the International Federation of Library As- sociations (49th, Munich, West Ger- many, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Netherlands). Aug. 1983. 137p. ED 239 626. MF-$0.83; PC-$9.32. Official opening statements, organizational reports, and papers on libraries in a technologi- cal world, which were presented at the 1983 In- ternational Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference include: (1) welcoming ad- dresses by Franz Georg Kaltwasser and Mathilde Berghofer-Weichner; (2) opening speeches by Else Granheim (IFLA president) and Jacques Tocatlian (UNESCO representa- 526 College & Research Libraries tive); (3) a financial report by M.-L. Bossuat (IFLA treasurer); (4) a report by the Secretary General on 1981-82 trends in IFLA programs, activities, support, and finances; (5) a progress report from the IFLA International Office for UAP (Universal Availability of Publications) by M. B. Line and S. Vickers; (6) a report by Edward Huck Tee Lim on the UNESCO/IFLA pre-session seminar on ''University Libraries in Developing Countries-Structure and Function in Regard to Information Transfer for Science and Technology"; (7) "The Significance of In- formation Science for the Theory and Practice of Librarianship'' by Thomas J. Galvin (United States); (8) Problemes et Questions de l'Usager face aux Bibliotheques dans un Monde 'Techni- cise' " (Problems and Questions in the Usage of Libraries in a Technological World) by W. Knopp (West Germany-paper in French); (9) "From the Well to the Tap," in which Denis Varloot (France) discusses future impacts of technology on libraries, librarians, and the pro- duction, storage, and consumption of informa- tion; (10) "Activities of Libraries in the Devel- oped Socialist Society in the Meeting of Reader's Needs in Conditions of Scientific and Technical Progress" by N. S. Kartashov (USSR); and (11) reports from sections and round tables belonging to the IFLA Division on Libraries Serving the General Public. International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Acquisition and Exchange Sec- tion. Collection and Services Division. Papers presented at the Annual Confer- ence of the International Federation of Library Associations (49th, Munich, West Germany, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Netherlands). Aug. 1983. 99p. ED 239 629. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. Papers on library acquisitions, cooperative collection development, and the international exchange of publications that were presented at the 1983 International Federation of Library As- sociations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "Ac- quisition of South Asian Materials for the Li- braries of North America and Europe: Problems, Prospects, and Perspectives," an outline by Sharad Karkhanis (United States) of difficulties in and recornmendatiQns for the ac- quisition of South Asian materials, which in- cludes lists of relevant bibliographies, book re- view journals, and book suppliers; (2) "Cooperative Collection Development in the U.S.A.: The Example of Colorado" by Geri Schmidt (United States); (3) "The Collection Bibliographic Control and Accessibility of Grey Literature, 11 in which D. N. Wood (United Kingdom) describes national, international, November 1984 and commercial ~ystems developed to improve access to literature not available through nor- mal bookselling channels; (4) "International Exchange of Publications in the Library and In- formation System of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" by Zhai Zongshu (China); (5) "Present Problems in Foreign Literature Acqui- sition for Research Libraries in the Federal Re- public of Germany," a discussion by Dieter Oertel (West Germany) of budget limitations and cancellations of orders in German univer- sity libraries; and (6) "Study on the Problem of the In-Service Training of Acquisitions and Ex- change Staff in Libraries: Professional Require- ments, Training Problems" by Boris P. Kanevsky (USSR). International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Official Publications Section. Collections and Services Division. Pa- pers presented at the Annual Confer- ence of the International Federation of Library Associations (49th, Munich, West Germany, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Netherlands). 68p. ED 239 630. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Papers on official publications (government documents), automation, and electronic pub- lishing, which were presented at the 1983 Inter- national Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "The Automa- tion of Documentation as It Relates to Official Publications and Its Importance in a Develop- ing Country" by Ahmed Fassi-Fihri (Morocco), which describes the planned development of a decentralized computer system at Morocco's National Centre for Documentation; (2) "Elec- tronic Publishing: Impact on Libraries, 11 in which David Russon (United Kingdom) out- lines types of electronic publishing and its im- pact on library equipment purchases, library staff, access to information, archival practices, copyright, and related issues; (3) "The Com- puterization of Administrative Documents in France and Citizen Information,'' in which Pierre Pelou (France) outlines the conceptual framework of the computerization of French government activities, the categories of tele- matically available data, and foreseeable data processing developments in the field of infor- mation; ( 4) ''Use of International Documents in Developing Countries," a report by Luciana Marulli-Koenig on a survey of libraries and us- ers in Colombia, Malaysia, and Morocco in or- der to determine the impact of literature pro- duced by United Nations organizations and the effectiveness of their dissemination and biblio- graphic control practices; and (5) "Amtliche Veroffentlichugen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Official Publications in the Fed- eral Republic of Germany) by Siegfried Detem- ple (West Germany-paper in German). International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Rare and Precious Books and Documents Section. Collections and Services Division. Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Interna- tional Federation of Library Associa- tions (49th, Munich, West Germany, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Neth- erlands). Aug. 1983. 142p. ED 239 631. MF-$0.83; PC-$9.32. Papers on rare and precious books and docu- ments, which were presented at the 1983 Inter- national Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "Report on the State of Work on the Union Catalogue of Incu- nabula (GW) and Progress in the International Cataloging of Incunabula by Ursula Altmann (East Germany); (2) "Survey of Incunabula in France-Progress So Far'' by Ursula Baurmeis- ter (France); (3) "Census of Italian XVIth Cen- tury Editions: A Progress Report" by Maria Sicco (Italy); (4) "The Central Catalogue of His- torical Libraries in the Castles of Bohemia and Recent Publications 527 Moravia" by Jaroslav Vrchotka (Czechoslova- kia); (5) Buchmuseen: Ihre Probleme und Ihre Beziehungen zu Bibliotheken" (Book Muse- ums: Their Problems and Their Relationships to Libraries) by Jaroslav Vrchotka (Czecho- slovakia-paper in German); (6) "Retro- spektive, Maschinenlesbare Katalogisierung in Munchen and Gottingen" (Retrospective, Machine-Readable Cataloging in Munich and Gottingen) by Klaus Haller (West Germany- paper in German); (7) "Technological Ad- vances in Librarianship and Printing and the Teaching of the History of the· Book" by Rich- . ard G. Landon (Canada); (8) "Computer Tech- nology as Applied to Rare Book Cataloging'' by Stephen Paul Davis (United States); (9) "The Curator's Point of View,'' an outline by Karl Dachs (West Germany) of librarians' and cura- tors' concerns related to rare book preservation and conservation; (10) ''The Incunabula Cata- log of the Bavarian State Library" by Elmar Hertrich (West Germany); (11) "Progress Re- port on the ISTC (Incunabula Short Title Cata- log)" by L. Hellinga (United Kingdom); and (12) "Der Gegenwartige Stand der Handschrif- tenbeschreibung in Osterreich" (The Present Status of Manuscript Description in Australia) by Otto Mazal (Austria-paper in German). Midwest Library Service You won't find more personal attention .. . anywhere College and university librarians: We have what you ' re looking for . While Midwest utilizes state-of-the-art computer systems , we realize machines can 't do it all. So when you want to place an order , ask a question , or discuss a problem , you can call direct on Midwest's toll-free WATS line and conduct business on a name- to-name basis with your personal customer service representative. It's the kind of attention that Midwest has provided to college and university libraries for 24 years . Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton , MO 63044 Call toll-free (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call collect (314) 739-3100 528 College & Research Libraries International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Library Schools and Other Training Aspects Section. Education and Research Division. Papers pre- sented at the Annual Conference of the International Federation of Library As- sociations (49th, Munich, West Ger- many, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Netherlands). Aug. 1983. 68p. ED 239 633. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Papers on the education and training of li- brarians, which were presented at the 1983 In- ternational Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "The Role of New Technology in the Librarianship Sylla- bus/' in which J. A. Large and R. F. Guy (United Kingdom) describe possible problems related to the integration of new technology in library school curricula and the experience of introducing such instruction at the College of Librarianship Wales; (2) "Teaching New Tech- nologies: Whose Role Is It?" in which G. Edward Evans (United States) outlines his view that library schools must teach students about operations, applications, and use of informa- tion/telecommunications technology; (3) "The Codified System of Post-School Training of Li- brarians in the Slovak Socialist Republic," a re- port by Horst Hogh (Czechoslovakia) on that country's permanent cyclical continuing educa- tion system for librarians; (4) "Comparative Trends in Library and Information Science Cur- ricula in the USA, Canada, and the Federal Re- public of Germany-A Study Originating from the IFLA Project 'Equivalency and Reciproc- ity,' "in which Diann D. Rusch focuses on ed- ucational requirements and specializations and on the response of library schools to changes in the job market; and (5) ''The Training of Librari- ans for Technological Society. Polish Experi- ence and Problems" by Stefan Kubow (Po- land). International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Conservation Section. Man- agement and Technology Division. Pa- pers presented at the Annual Conference of the International Federa- tion of Library Associations (49th, Mu- nich, West Germany, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Netherlands). Aug. 1983. 39p. ED 239 643. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. Papers on book and document conservation and restoration, which were presented at the 1983 International Federation of Library Associ- ations (IFLA) conference, include: (1) "The Problems of Conservation of Valuable Library November 1984 Possessions," in which Karl Jackel (West Ger- many) discusses problems in obtaining restora- tion materials, storage facilities, craft tech- niques, and guidelines for preservation and restoration of various types of library materials; (2) "Mass Deacidification of Paper," in which Peter G. Sparks (United States) describes the causes of and known solutions for brittle paper, including the manufacture of alkaline paper and the mass deacidification process as used in the Library of Congress and other United States archives/libraries; (3) "On the Possibilities for Mechanisation in the Restoring Profession," a description by Wolfgang Wachter (East Ger- many) of the development of mechanized work processes in the restoration workshop of the German Library in Leipzig, including wet treat- ment of paper and stabilization of wood-pulp paper by the splitting method; (4) "The Treat- ment of Paper for the Conservation of Rare and Precious Books," in which Anthony G. Cains (Ireland) describes the cleaning, buffering, and strengthening of paper by immersing it in or floating it on a processing solution as well as brush application of methyl magnesium car- bonate, use of a spray gun, fixing, and book re- pair. International Federation of Library Asso- ciations. Art Libraries Section. Special Libraries Division. Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Interna- tional Federation of Library Associa- tions (49th, Munich, West Germany, August 21-27, 1983). The Hague (Neth- erlands), Aug. 1983. 218p. ED 239 651. MF-$0.83; PC-$13.82. Papers on art libraries and information ser- vices for the arts, which were presented at the 1983 International Federation of Library Associ- ations (IFLA) conference, include: (2) " 'I See All': Information Technology and the Universal Availability of Images'' by Philip Pacey (United Kingdom); (2) "Online Databases in the Fine Arts" by Michael Rinehart (United States); (3) "State of Automation in Swiss Art Libraries: The General Situation" by Karl Jost (Switzer- land); (4) "Computerisation in Swiss Art Li- braries: State of the Art" by Jean-Pierre Du- bouloz (Switzerland) (English translation by Morag Morton); (5) "Computer Applications to Slide Collections" by A. Zelda Richardson (United States); (6) "ARLIS/ANZ (Art Libraries Society/Australia New Zealand) and Art Li- braries in the Antipodes" by Valerie Richards (New Zealand); (7) "The Art and Architecture Thesaurus Project" by Pat Molholt (United States); (8) "Information Technology & Visual Images: Some Trends & Developments" by Patrick Purcell and Henry Okun (United States); (9) "The Development, Management, and Preservation of Art and Architecture Mi- croform Collections" by Paula Chiarmonte (United States); (10) "Online Databases for Ar- chitects and Designers'' by Valerie J. Bradfield (United Kingdom); (11) "CeCILE: A Biblio~ graphic Database for Design at the Pompidou Centre" by C. Mihailovic (France) (English translation by Ian Sheridan); (12) "Systeme Recent Publications 529 Descriptif des Representations (A System for Describing Representational Art)" by Francois Garnier (France-paper in French); (13) "Uni- versal Accessibility of Art Images and Informa- tion Technology" by Sven Sandstrom (Swe- den); (14) "Art Libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany" by Thomas Lersch (West Ger- many); and (15) "Videodiscs and Art Docu- mentation" by Janice Sorkow (United States). OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Adjustment, Conditionality, and International Fi- nancing. Ed. by Joaquin Muns. Papers pre- sented at the seminar on "The Role of the In- ternational Monetary Fund in the Adjustment Process" held in Vina del Mar, Chile,_April5-8, 1983. Washington, D.C. In- ternational Monetary Fund, 1984. 214p. $10 paper. ISBN 0-939934-28-0. ALA Yearbook of Library and Information Services. V.9. Ed. by Robert Wedgeworth. Chicago, Ill. American Library Assn., 1984. 382p. $65 cloth. ISBN 0-8389-0413-0. America: History and Life. Part D, Annual Index. V.20. Santa Barbara, Calif. ABC-Clio, 1984. 539p. LC 64-25630. ISSN 0362-0883. Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Au- thors. V.5. Ed. by Robert Lecker and Jack David. Downsview, Ontario: ECW Pr., 1984. 480p. $45 cloth. ISBN 0-920802-68-0. Approaches to Teaching Cervantes' Don Quixote. Ed. by Richard Bjornson. Approaches to Teaching Masterpieces of World Literature. New York: Modem Language Assn., 1984. 188p. $14.50 paper. LC 83-23797. ISBN 0- 87352-479-9. Balthasar, Hans Urs von. Origen, Spirit and Fire: A Thematic Anthology of His Writings. Trans. by Robert J. Daley. Washington, D. C. Cath- olic Univ. of America Pr., 1984. 416p. $34.95 cloth. LC 83-14368. ISBN 0-8132-0591-3. Bamford, Lawrence Von. Design Resources: A Guide to Architecture and Industrial Design In- formation. Jefferson, N.C. McFarland, 1984. 336p. $39.95 cloth. LC 83-22251. ISBN 0- 89950-102-8. Bookman's Price Index: A Guide to the Values of Rare and Other Out-of-Print Books. V.26. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 882p. $145 cloth. LC 64- 8723. ISBN 0-8103-0639-5. Cary, Meredith. Different Drummers: A Study of Cultural Alternatives in Fiction. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 300p. $20cloth. LC84- 1346. ISBN 0-8108-1689-X. Casey, Wilson W. TV Trivia Teasers. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1984. 260p. $9.50 paper. LC 84-81219. ISBN 0-87650-164-1. Christianson, Gale E. In the Pr~sence of the Crea- tor: Isaac Newton and His Times. New York: Free Pr., 1984. 623p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83- 49211. ISBN 0-02-905190-8. Clarie, Thomas C. Occult/Paranormal Bibliogra- phy: An Annotated List of Books Published in En- glish, 1976 through 1981. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 561p. $35 cloth. LC 83- 20319. ISBN 0-8108-1674-1. Commire, Anne. Something About the Author. V.35. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 314p. $58 cloth. LC 72-27107. ISBN 0-8103-0065-6. Commonwealth Universities Yearbook, 1984. 60th ed. 4v. London: Association of Common- wealth Universities, 1984. 2,670p. $170 paper LC 59-24175. ISBN 0-85143-088-0. Dist. by Gale. Community Resources Directory. 2d ed. Ed. by Harriet Clyde Kipps. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 943p. $85 cloth. LC 83-25349. ISBN 0-8103- 1794-X. Conquest, Robert; Dalrymple, Dana; Mace, James; Novak, Michael. Man-Made Famine in Ukraine. American Enterprise Institute Stud- ies no.404. Washington, D.C. American En- terprise Institute, 1984. 39p. $3.95 paper. LC 84-2951. ISBN 0-8447-3552-3. Contemporary Authors. V.12. Ed. by Linda Metzger. New Revision series. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 527p. $80 cloth. LC 81-640179. ISBN 0- 8103-1941-1. Cost, Bruce. Ginger East to West. Berkeley, Calif.: Aris Books, 1984. 192p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-2842. ISBN 0-943186-06-4. Dabney, Virginius. The Last Review: The Confed- erate Reunion, Richmona, 1932. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books, 1984. 165p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-337. ISBN 0-912697-06-7. Dictionary of American Medical Biography. 2v. Ed. by Martin Kaufman, Stuart Galishoff, 530 College & Research Libraries Todd L. Savitt. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1984. 1,027p. $95 cloth. LC 82-21110 ISBN 0-313-21378-X. DirectoryofEuropeanAssociations. Pt. 2. National Learned, Scientific and Technical Societies. 3d ed. Ed. by R. W. Adams. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 334p. $135 cloth. LC 81-80387. ISBN 0- 900246-42-1. Dority, G. Kim. A Guide to Reference Books for Small and Medium-sized Libraries, 1970-1982. Littleton, Colo. Libraries Unlimited, 1984. 430p. $28.50cloth. LC84-7849. ISBN0-87287- 403-6 . Douglas, Nancy E. and Baum, Nathan. Library Research Guide to Psychology. Library Research Guides, no.7. Ann Arbor, Mich. PierianPr., 1984. 65p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-60640. ISBN 0- 87650-175-7. Effects of Nuclear War. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 283p. $45 cloth. LC 84-10161. ISBN 0-8103-0999-8. Repr.: Washington, D. C. Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1979. Encyclopedia of Associations. National Organiza- tions of the United States. 19th ed. v.1, 2 pts. Ed. by Denise S. Akey. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 2,023p. $185 cloth. LC 76-46129. ISBN 0-8103- 01691-9 . Encyclopedia of Associations. Geographic and Exec- utive Indexes. 19th ed. v.2. Ed. by Denise S. Akey. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,090p. $165 cloth. LC 76-46129. ISBN 0-8103-01691-9. Energy Data Base: Serials Titles with ISSN Listing. DOE/TIC-4579 (Pts. 1 and 2). Oak Ridge, . Tenn.: Department of Energy Technical In- formation Center, 1984. 876p. Pt. 1; 329p. Pt. 2. $42.25 paper. English, J. Morley. Project Evaluation: A Unified Approach for the Analysis of Capital Investments . New York: Macmillan, 1984. 401p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-11204. ISBN 0-02-949240-8. Frank, FrederickS. Guide to the Gothic: An Anno- tated Bibliography of Criticism. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 421p. $30 cloth. LC 83- 24507. ISBN 0-8108-1669-5. Franks, Kenny A. Citizen Soldiers: Oklahoma's National Guard. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 234p. $24.95. LC 83-40326. ISBN 0- 8061-1862-8. Glock, Waldo Sumner. Eighteenth-Century En- glish Literary Studies: A Bibliography. Metu- chen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 847p. $52.50 cloth. LC 83-20057. ISBN 0-8108-1658-X. Gordon·, Michael; Singleton, Alan; and Rick- ards, Clarence. Dictionary of New Information Technology Acronyms. London: Kogan Paul, 1984. 217p . $56 cloth. ISBN 0-85038-572-5. Dist. by Gale. A Grin on the Interface: Word Processing for the Ac- ademic Humanist. Ed. by Alan T. McKenzie. Technology and the Humanities. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1984. 82p. $7 pa- November 1984 · per. LC 84-2032. ISBN 0-87352-551-5. Harris, Michael H. History of Libraries in the Western World . Rev. ed. of Elmer D. Johnson's 1976 work by the same title. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 289p. $15 cloth. LC 83- 20133 . ISBN 0-8108-1666-0. Haykin, Simon. Introduction to Adaptive Filters. New York: Macmillan, 1984. 217p. $32.95. LC 84-11234. ISBN 0-02-949460-5. Heck-Rabi, Louise. Women Filmmakers: A Criti- . cal Reception. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow, 1984. 392p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83-20070. ISBN 0-8108-1660-1. Heller, Louis G.; Humez, Alexander; and Dror, Malcah. The Private Lives of English Words. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 334p. $44 cloth. LC 84-8095. ISBN 0-8103-1012-0. Hispanic First Names: A Comprehensive Dictionary of250 Years of Mexican-American Usage. Comp. by Richard D. Woods. Bibliographies and In- dexes in Anthropology, no.l. Westport, Conn. Greenwood, 1984. 224p. $35 cloth. LC 84-6633. ISBN 0-313-24193-7. Horwich, George and Weimer, David Leo. Oil Price Shocks, Market Response, and Contingency Planning. American Enterprise Institute Studies, no.405. Washington, D.C. Ameri- can Enterprise Institute, 1984. 220p. $8.95 pa- per. LC 84-2997. ISBN 0-8447-3554-X. Huddle, Norie. Surviving: The Best Game on Earth. New York: Schocken, 1984. 281p. $16.95 cloth. LC 83-42722. ISBN 0-8052-3871- 9. . Human Services in Postrevolutionary Cuba: An An- notated International Bibliography. Comp. by Larry R. Oberg. Westport, Conn. Green- wood, 1984. 433p. $45 cloth. LC 83-26527. ISBN 0-313-23125-7. Ingarden, Roman. Man and Value. Trans. by Ar- thur Szylewicz. Washington, D.C. Catholic Univ. of America Pr., 1983. 184p. $54.95 cloth. LC 83-15245. ISBN 0-8132-0592-1. Issues in Library Management: A Reader for the Pro- fessional Librarian. Professional Librarian Se- ries. White Plains, N.Y. Knowledge Indus- try, 1984. 184p. $27.50 paper. LC 84-7861. ISBN 0-86729-094-3. Kavass, Igor I. and Sprudzs, ·Adolf. A Guide to the United States Treaties in Force. Part I. Buf- falo, N.Y. WilliamS. Hein Company, 1983. 418p. $39.50 paper. ISBN 0-89941-319-X. Kavass, Igor I. and Sprudzs, Adolf. A Guide to the United States Treaties in Force. Part II. Buf- falo, N.Y. WilliamS. Hein Company, 1984. 346p. $39.50 paper. ISBN 0-89941-345-5. Labor, Worklife, and Industrial Relations: Sources of Information. Ed. by Peter B. Allison. New York: Haworth, 1984. 128p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-4539. ISBN 0-86656-317-2. Also published as Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 3:3 (Spring 1984). Lancaster, F. Wilfred and Smith, Linda C. Com- patibility Issues Affecting Information Systems and Services. Paris: General Information Pro- gramme and UNISIST, Unesco, 1983. 209p. Leary, Lewis. The Book-Peddling Parson: An Ac- count of the Life and Works of Mason Locke Weems. Chapel Hill, N.C. Algonquin Books, 1984. 158p. $15.95 cloth. LC 84-341. ISBN 0- 912697-09-1. Levin, Alan S. and Zellerbach, Merla. The Type 1/Type 2 Allergy Relief Program. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1983. 228p. $6.95 paper. LC 83-4744. ISBN 0-87477-328-8. Library of Congress Acquisitions, Manuscript Divi- sion, 1981. Washington, D.C. Library of Congress, 1983. 48p. Free. ISSN 0275-9616. Lynch, Richard Chigley. Musicals!: A Directory of Musical Properties Available for Production. Chic_ago: American Library Assn., 1984. 197p. $19.50 cloth. LC 84-468. ISBN 0-8389- 0404-1. Manheim, Jarol B. and Ondrasik, Allison. Data Map: Index of Published Tables of Statistical Data, 1984. New York: Longman, 1984. 1069p. $200 cloth. ISBN 0-582-28509-7. Marching Band Handbook. Comp. by Kim R. Hol- ston. Jefferson, N.C. McFarland, 1984. 201p . $18.95 paper. LC 84-25575. ISBN 0-89950- 105-2. Marriage and the Family in the Year 2020. Ed. by Lester A. Kirkendall and Arthur E. Gravatt. Buffalo, N.Y. Prometheus Books, 1984. 320p. $19.95 cloth. LC 83-63555. ISBN 0- 87975-243-2. Mirabehn (Madeleine Slade). The Spirit's Pil- grimage. Arlington, Va. Great Ocean Publ., 1984. 319p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-6071. ISBN 0- 915556-13-8. Repr. London: Longmans, Green, 1960. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science: Report of the Task Force on Library and Information Services to Cultural Minorities. Washington, D.C. NCLIS, 1983. 106p. LC 83-17407. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. V .6. Ed. by Laurie Lanzen Harris and Sheila Fitzgerald. Literary Criticism series. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 604p. $80 cloth. LC 81-6943. ISBN 0-8103-5806-9. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of about 500,000 Pas- sengers Who Came to the United States and Can- ada. in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nine- teenth Centuries. 1983 Supplement Containing 200,000 Additional Records. Ed. by William Filby with Mary K. Meyer. Det!oit: Gale, 1984. 982p. $110 cloth. LC 80-15404. ISBN 0- 8103-1790-7. Pattern Formation: A Primer in Developmental Biol- ogy. Ed. by George M. Malacinski and Susan V. Bryant. New York: Macmillan, 1984. 626p. $58 cloth. LC 83-25553. ISBN 0-02-949480-X. Pelli, Moshe. Getting by in Hebrew. Woodbury, Recent Publications 531 N.Y. Barron's, 1984. 111p. $2.95 paper. LC 83-22435. ISBN 0-8120-2662-4. Pflieger, Pat. A Reference Guide to Modern Fantasy for Children. Westport, Conn. Greenwood, .. 1984. 690p. $65 cloth. LC 83-10692. ISBN 0- 313-22886-8. Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, 1945-1960. Ed. by Vincent B. Sherry, Jr. Dictionary of Liter- ary Biography, V.27. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 393p. $80 c:;loth. LC 84-5994. ISBN 0-8103- 1705-2. Proposals to Establish a Department of Trade. 1984. 98th Congress, 2d Session. Legislative Anal- ysis no.43, 98th Congress. Washington, D.C. American Enterprise Institute, 1984. 49p. ISBN 0-8447-0258-7. Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-sized Libraries and Media Centers. Ed. by Bohdan S . Wynar. Littleton, Colo. Li- braries Unlimited, 1984. 287p. $27.50 cloth. LC 81-12394. ISBN 0-87287-435-4. Rocke, Alan · J. Chemical Atomism in the Nine- teenth Century: From Dalton· to Cannizzaro. Co- lumbus: Ohio State Univ. Pr., 1984. 386p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83-25082. ISBN 0-8142-0360- 4. Russo, William. Composing Music. Englewood Oiffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1983. 230p. $12.95 paper LC 83-3034. ISBN 0-13-164756-3. Sager, Donald J. Managing the Public Library. White Plains, N.Y. Knowledge Industry, 1984. 266p. $27.50paper. LC84-9675. ISBN0- 86729-096-X. Scottish Nationalism and Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sourc;es. Comp. by Gordon Bryan. Bibliographies and Indexes in Law and Political Science, no.1. Westport, Conn. Greenwood, 1984. 180p. $35 cloth. LC 84- 4667. ISBN 0-313-23998-3. Shikes, Ralph E. and Heller, Steven. The Art of Satire: Painters as Caricaturists and Cartoonists from Delacroix to Picasso. New York: Horizon, 1984. 125p. $20 cloth. LC 84-650. ISBN 0- 8180-0142-9. Srniraglia, Richard P. Cataloging Music: A Man- ual for Use With AACR2. Lake Crystal, Minn. Soldier Creek Pr, 1983. LC 83-17107. ISBN 0- 936996-16-1. Statistical Services Directory. 2d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 461p. $160 cloth. LC 83-641784. ISBN 0-8103-0668-9. Strategies for Development of Foreign Language & Literature Programs. Ed. by Claire Gaudiani. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1984. 338p. $19.50 paper. LC 83-17370. ISBN 0- 87352-124-2. Sullivan, Sean. Managing Health Care Cost: Pri- vate Sector Innovations. American Enterprise Institute Studies, no.406. Washington, D.C. American Enterprise Institute, 1984. 106p. $7.95 paper. LC 84-6390. ISBN 0-8447-3556-6. ll 532 College & Research Libraries The Transcendentalists: A Review of Research and Criticism. Ed. by Joel Myerson. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1984. 534p. $20 pa- per. LC 83-19442. ISBN 0-87352-261-3 . The Twentieth Century: An Almanac. New York: World Almanac Publ., 1984. 512p. $24.95 cloth. LC 83-051725. ISBN 0-345-31708-4. Twentieth-Century American-Jewish Fiction Writ- ers. Ed. by Daniel Walden. Dictionary ofLit- erary Biography; V.28. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 367p ." $80 cloth. LC 84-4014. ISBN 0-8103- 1706-0. Twentieth-Century Author Biographies Master In- dex. Ed. by Barbara McNeil. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 519p. $90 paper. LC 84-10349. ISBN 0- 8103-2095-9. Viscusi, W . Kip. Regulating Consumer Product Safety. American Enterprise Institute Studies no.400. Washington, D.C. American Enter- prise Institute, 1984. 116p. $5.95 paper. LC 84-2865. ISBN 0-8447-3547-7. Voices from the Oil Fields. Ed. by Paul F. Lambert November 1984 and Kenny A. Franks. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 260p. $15. LC 84-7327. ISBN 0-8061-1799-0. Wampler, Ralph L. and Motes, James E. Pick- Your-Own Farming. Norman: Univ. of Okla- homa Pr., 1984. 194p. $14.95 cloth. LC 83- 40333. ISBN 0-8061-1885-7. Who's Who in Art. 21st ed. Old Woking, En- gland: Unwin Bt:os., 1984. 557p. $31.70 cloth. ISBN 0-900083-10-7. Distr. by Gale. Words in the Blood. Ed. by Jamake Highwater. New York: NAL, 1984. 302p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-4905. ISBN 0-452-00680-5. Wright, Benjamin D. Conversational Statistics in Education & Psychology with IDA. New York: Scientific Press/McGraw-Hill, 1984. LC 84- 4443. ISBN 0-07-072081-9. Yartz, Frank}. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Source- book and Perspective. Jefferson, N.C. Mc- Farland, 1984. 257p. $19.95 cloth. LC 83- 20364. ISBN 0-89950-111-7. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT College & Research Libraries is published six times a year by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription price, $17.50. American Library Association, owner; Charles Martell, editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122 Postal Service Manual), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. · . EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIRCULATION ("Average" figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; "Actual" figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the Jul y 1984 issue.) Total number of copies printed: Average, 12,421; Actual , 13,038. 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